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Chapter Eleven
Sheana and Michelle had gotten home on the Saturday night and filled Sara in on how well their plan had worked to let Michelle become Jo, so Jo’s parents wouldn’t find out about Josie and the fact she was now pregnant after being raped by some guy, and the fact Jo was stuck as Josie until the child had been born and possibly breast fed to the point Josie doesn’t need to feed it that way anymore.
“Josie didn’t mean what she said sis.” Sheana said. “She would really like to see you, she told us so.” Sheana added.
“I’m sorry, but I just can’t face her after everything I’ve done to her.” Sara said as she lay in bed unable to sleep. “You never saw the look in her eyes when she told me to go, she doesn’t want to see me, I’m just bad luck to her.” Sara added just before she turned over to face the other way and let Sheana know the conversation was over.
Sheana hoped that a night’s sleep might help Sara see a little more clearly, and they could get her and Josie back together, but even Sheana was having her doubts about that happening with what Prue had told them about Sara going postal on a vampire and then a man that was acting as a woman’s pimp. Prue had to explain what a pimp was and Sheana still looked confused about it in the end. Sleep soon got the better of Sheana though and she would have to see what tomorrow brought.

Sara was up early on the Sunday morning due to bad dreams stopping her from getting any real sleep, so she was sat at the kitchen table with a glass of juice when her mother entered the kitchen.
Do you feel like talking about it?” Karen asked as she put the kettle on to make herself a cup of tea and then joined Sara at the kitchen table.
“Not much to talk about.” Sara shrugged as she looked at her mother through tired eyes.
“Prue was telling me how you lost your temper last night and tried to torture a vampire and then teach some nasty sounding man a lesson.” Karen pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh that. “ Sara said as she thought Prue had a big mouth. “I’m sorry about that, but I was just angry over what happened to Jo...sie.”
“I gathered that sweetie, but you can’t let your anger get in the way of common sense. That is when you’ll make a mistake you may not be able to live with.” Karen warned.
“They were both asking for it last night, so I don’t think I did anything wrong.” Sara argued.
“Prue said you’d have killed that man if she hadn’t stopped you.” Karen reminded her.
“But I didn’t, so what’s the problem?” Sara said sounding like a teenage girl for once as she tried to mask her hurt and pain over Josie getting hurt and then being told to go away by her.
“I’m warning you to stop with the attitude, or I will be taking you across my knee young lady.” Karen said in a calm voice that even now scared Sara into believing she would, even with Sara having her slayer powers.
“I’m sorry mum.” Sara said with a weak smile. “I just want to punish the guy that did all this to Josie so much, but I can’t because Natalie already took care of him.” Sara said in frustration.
“Do you really think you’d feel better if it was you that ripped out his heart and killed him?” Karen asked with a knowing look. “Do you think you’d feel better having killed someone?” She added.
Sara opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped when she saw her mother looking at her like she knew the next words out of Sara’s mouth would be a lie, so she just closed her mouth again and looked to be deep in thought for a couple of seconds before she finally said something.
“No I wouldn’t feel any better, but I have killed people remember?” Sara pointed out as she referred to all the vampires and other demonic things she’d taken care of since becoming the slayer.
“Yes you’ve killed vampires and things that weren’t human, but we’re talking about you taking a human life, someone much weaker than you.” Karen said as she pulled Sara into a hug with her. “That’s not who you are Sara, as you or this slayer you dress up as.” Karen added.
“I just feel like I let Josie down and I should have been able to sense what was about to happen and stop it.” Sara admitted. “I think she was right when she said it was my fault.”
“Josie never meant any of that stuff; she was just scared and ashamed of what happened to her.” Karen said dismissing Sara’s last comment. “You need to remember that it’s really Jo still inside all that cute wrapping you and Sheana designed for him to become, and he’s just found out he’s going to be stuck as a girl and in nine months give birth to a child, and let’s not forget the fact he was raped.” Karen explained. “How would you feel if that was all happening to you?” Karen asked.
“I’d freak out I guess.” Sara shrugged as she realised her mother had a point and she really should cut Jo some slack. “Sheana said that Josie wanted to see me, and she didn’t mean what she said, but I’m scared that she might still hate me and tell me to go away again the minute she sees me.” Sara admitted her fears to her mother.
“I think the only danger you need to worry about is being hugged and kissed to death.” Karen giggled.
“Sounds like a good way to go.” Sara giggled back looking more like her old self for the first time since all the trouble started the day before.
“Michelle and Sheana have to go over to Tia’s place and sort out with Josie for Michelle to become Jo again and then fool Jo’s family, so why don’t you get ready and go with them?” Karen asked looking hopeful. “I’m sure Josie would love to know that you still love her, I think the longer you stay away, the more she’ll think she did something wrong.” Karen said as she looked Sara in the eyes.
“I hope you’re right mummy.” Sara said as she hugged her again.
“I’m always right, I’m your mother.” Karen said in a serious tone. “And even when I’m wrong, I’m right.” She added just before she started giggling which soon set Sara off and they were both still giggling when Sheana and Michelle entered the kitchen with Jenna in Michelle’s arms still looking half asleep.
“Do you feel any better today sis?” Sheana asked looking worried.
“Yes, much better.” Sara smiled. “Mum talked some sense into me and I’ll come with you and Michelle when you go over to Tia’s place.” Sara explained.
“That’s wonderful sis.” Sheana grinned as she ran over and threw her arms around Sara and hugged her. “Josie will be so glad to see you.” She added grinning even more.
“I really hope so.” Sara said sounding nervous.
Karen got up and set to work making them all some breakfast while Michelle sorted out Jenna with a bowl of coco pops. They were joined by Prue and Sandy and they all had a normal Sunday breakfast before Sheana, Michelle and Sara all went back upstairs to get dressed and blink over to see Josie. Jo was a late riser when he wasn’t going to school, so Michelle wasn’t worried about needing to rush to become Jo and fool his parents.
Samantha had told the manager at the cafe the day before that the four girls wouldn’t be in today, so they didn’t need to worry about getting ready for work. Samantha had used the ring that made her look like Michelle’s mother and owner of the cafe Maggie Taylor.
The three girls were soon ready and Sheana blinked them all over to Hypatia’s place.

Josie was sat in the study flicking through a magazine when she heard the chime of a bell that let everyone in the house know that someone had just blinked in, so she jumped up and went running to the hallway hoping to see Sara, Sheana and Michelle. She wasn’t left feeling disappointed when she saw Sara stood to the left of Sheana.
“Sara...!” Josie screamed out as she sped up and then took a running jump right into Sara’s arms and then she wrapped her arms around Sara’s neck and her legs around Sara’s waist before she started to kiss her. “I’m so sorry about how I acted yesterday, please forgive me.” Josie pleaded when they finally stopped kissing.
“Does this mean you do want to see me again then?” Sara smirked as the fact Josie was sat in her arms answered that question.
“I never want to be apart from you.” Josie pouted as she tried to bury her head in Sara’s shoulder. “I’m just so scared about being pregnant and stuck as a girl for the next nine months.” Josie admitted as she gripped onto Sara even tighter. “What if I don’t want to become Jo again after spending nine months as a girl?” She asked as she lifted her head and looked Sara in the eyes like she’d have an answer.
“We’ll worry about that when the time comes, but I won’t love you any less if you did stay as Josie.” Sara said as she tried to show Josie she wasn’t going to be alone through any of this.
“I’m so glad you came back.” Josie said as she started to sob again, but she was happy this time. “I was such a fool yesterday when I told you to go away.” Josie admitted.
“I was the fool for believing you and going.” Sara said as she started walking towards the study with Josie still in her arms. “I’m sorry I let this happen to you.” Sara added just before she leaned in and kissed Josie again.
“This wasn’t your fault and I don’t blame you for any of it.” Josie said in a scolding tone.
“I’m sorry to interrupt this moment, but we need to get me to your house so I can fool your family into thinking everything is alright.” Michelle pointed out.
“Okay, but what will we do tomorrow with school?” Josie asked, not sure how they were going to pull off Jo not being at school, or Michelle not being at school.
“We’ve still not come up with an answer to that one.” Michelle admitted. “But I don’t fancy going to school as you or any boy for that matter.” She admitted with a frown. “I like being a school girl these days.” Michelle pouted.
“I think I might have an answer to that, but we’ll talk more about it when Michelle gets back from Jo’s house.” Hypatia said as she entered the study with Samantha and Natalie following, both of them dressed as maids. “I think the cleaning can wait till tomorrow now, so you’re both free to go and get changed now.” Hypatia added as she turned to look at the two of them.
Samantha and Natalie both curtsied and then clicked off to get changed before any of the others could make fun of them, not that Samantha was bothered, but Natalie looked a little nervous being dressed that way in front of Sara, Sheana and Michelle. Josie had already seen Natalie in her maid’s uniform, so she wasn’t too bothered about Josie seeing her again.
“I’m surprised they didn’t talk you into helping them out?” Sara asked Josie with a grin as she thought Josie would look super cute in a maid’s uniform.
“They tried, but I wasn’t in the mood for playing dress up while we weren’t talking.” Josie pouted just before she wrapped herself even tighter around Sara like she was worried Sara would vanish if she let go.
“Does that mean you’ll try it now that we’re talking again and everything is alright between us?” Sara asked looking hopeful that she might get to see Josie dressed like Natalie just was in a short black maid’s dress with lots of lace and a puffy white petticoat.
“No it doesn’t.” Josie frowned. “It just means I have to think up another reason not to wear something like that.” Josie added with a giggle.
“Not even as a make up present?” Sara pouted as she tried to look hurt by the fact Josie wouldn’t dress up as a sexy French maid.
“I think we better help Michelle get ready to go over to my place and fool my parents.” Josie said trying to change the subject before she caved and let Sara dress her as a maid for the day.
Michelle pulled the ring out her purse and slipped it on and then looked at her hands as they changed into those of a male boy. She then looked at her reflection in a glass door as it changed to look like Jo. Sara gasped as she saw the face of the boy she loved, but at the same time she knew it wasn’t.
“Just remember that’s not really me.” Josie said as she hugged Sara tighter, worried that Sara might try to kiss Michelle/Jo.
“I know that silly.” Sara smiled as she hugged Josie back. “But I will miss you hugging me in those big strong arms.” Sara sighed.
“I don’t mind filling in.” Michelle/Jo said with a grin just before he got slapped by Sheana. “I was joking.” Michelle/Jo said as he tried to defend himself but sounded just like Jo as he said it.
“I’m the only girl that you’ll be hugging, and I don’t mean while you look like that.” Sheana frowned. “Now let me blink you over to Jo’s so you can fool his parents and then leave the house so I can bring you back here.” Sheana said sounding bossy.
“Yes ma’am.” Michelle/Jo said as he snapped a salute. “Do you have the ring from last night Josie?” he asked.
“Yes I have it right here. Josie said as she held up the ring that allowed her to mind link with Michelle/Jo so she could answer any questions that Jo’s sister or parent’s might ask.
“What’s that ring for?” Sara asked, not knowing what it was due to her not being there the night before when Sheana and Michelle explained everything and what the ring did.
“This ring allows us to mind link, so I can tell Michelle what to say if my parents or brat of a sister ask Michelle something she can’t answer.” Josie explained.
“You won’t need that then today, not with me here to help.” Sara smiled as she took the ring off Josie and placed it on the table next to where they were sat.
Sara formed a link between them all and then she and Josie watched as Sheana blinked herself and Michelle/Jo to Jo’s room back at his parent’s house. Sheana blinked back right away and then she sat back down and waited for Michelle to send word that she could go and pick her back up.
Jo’s dad was working a weekend shift at work, so it was just Jo’s mum and sister in the house when Michelle/Jo got down stairs to the kitchen. Jo’s mum was doing some baking and his sister was helping by decorating the cakes for her.
“Morning sleepy head.” Jo’s mum said with a smile when she saw Jo enter the kitchen dressed and ready to leave. “You’re going out already...?” She asked sounding a little sad to see her son all ready to leave as she was hoping to see a little more of him today.
“Yes, I’m going to spend the day with Sara, Sheana and Michelle.” Jo said with a smile as he made his way over to the back door.
“Aren’t you going to have some breakfast before you leave?” Jo’s mum asked.
“I’m not hungry, so I’ll grab something later.” Michelle/Jo said as she opened the back door to leave.
“I’d feel happier knowing you’ve eaten something before you leave.” She pleaded with her son.
Michelle/Jo saw a bowl of fruit on the side and grabbed an apple before Josie could warn her not to. Michelle should have remembered that Jo never ate fruit. Michelle took a big bite out of the apple and started chewing on it. “Is this better?” Michelle/Jo asked around a mouth full of apple.
“Since when did you start eating fruit?” Jo’s mum asked looking confused.
“Since now.” Michelle/Jo said just before he ran from the house.
“He gets weirder every day.” Michelle/Jo heard Jo’s sister say just before he closed the back door and made his way over to a spot where Sheana could blink them back to Hypatia’s.
Sheana appeared and grabbed hold of Michelle/Jo and then blinked away again. Josie was stood waiting in the hallway when they appeared again and Josie was quick to slap Michelle/Jo across the chest.
“How could you be dumb enough to take a bite out of an apple? I thought you knew me well enough by now to remember that I don’t ever eat fruit like that.” Josie scolded Michelle as she had removed the ring that made her look like Jo and she was her normal female self again now.
“I’m sorry but I just forgot and wanted to get out the house without your mother cooking me a big breakfast.” Michelle explained as she tried to hide behind Sheana for protection as Josie tried to hit her again.
“Don’t worry; your mum didn’t think anything of it really.” Sara said as she wrapped her arms around Josie to stop her trying to hit Michelle again, even if it was only in a playful way.
“Okay, but you need to think more if you’re going to keep playing me so my parents don’t find out about this.” Josie warned as she pointed at her flat belly. Everyone looked down at it as well, like they were all going to see a bump.
“I think I just proved that me pretending to be you isn’t going to work long term. I can barely make it a day without slipping up.” Michelle grumbled. “And I hate being a boy again; it just feels so wrong now.” She added with a whine.
“Let’s go and find Tia and see what her plan is then, she might have an idea that means you don’t have to keep playing him.” Sheana said as she tried to cheer Michelle up.
Hypatia was now out in the garden having some breakfast with Samantha and Natalie. They were both wearing normal clothes again now as they enjoyed something to eat.
“Do you want to join us for some breakfast girls?” Hypatia asked with a smile as she indicated for them all to take a seat at the table.
Josie nodded feeling hungry and she was soon filling up her plate and getting stuck into it while the other three were still full from the breakfast their mother had cooked for them earlier that morning.
“Josie and the rest of us are eager to hear what this plan is that you’ve come up with for Jo and his parents so they don’t find out about Josie and the pregnancy.” Sara said.
“You may not like the sound of it, but short of making it look like you ran away, I can’t see any other way around it.” Hypatia started to explain. “I think we should make it look like you went to a private school far away because you couldn’t cope with being here in town due to your best friend’s death and how everything reminded you of him.”
“I’m not sure my parents will like that Tia.” Josie said sounding worried.
“Do you think they will like seeing you like this and then later pregnant?” Hypatia countered.
“No.” Josie mumbled as her head dropped due to her not having any better ideas at the minute. “I don’t think they will let me be away for the next nine or ten months though.” Josie said as she saw a flaw in the plan.
“I’m sure Michelle will play you every once in a while so your parents can see that you’re alright.” Hypatia pointed out. “Samantha can make you a device to make your voice sound like your male one so you can talk on the phone.” She added.
“How do you plan to get them to believe I want to go to another school far away and what about the cost? My parents aren’t very well off.” Josie warned as she worried about her parents getting into debt over it.
“That’s the easy part for me, and I have a friend that runs a school that will do for a cover, and it will be a scholarship program, so there will be no cost, or that is how it will read in the letter I’ll write.” Hypatia explained.
“It does sound like a good idea Josie.” Sara agreed with Hypatia.
Josie was lost in thought for a couple of minutes as she tried to think of another way to get around this being a girl thing, but she was drawing a blank, so she finally let out a sigh before she agreed to Hypatia’s plan. “Okay, let’s do it.”
“This will work Josie.” Hypatia said in a reassuring tone as she got up from the table and went to make some calls and get things moving.
Josie spent the rest of the day cuddled up with Sara as she tried to deal with what had happened. Hypatia had done something with Josie’s mood and memory, so she wasn’t as depressed or freaked out now about the rape. Josie knew that Hypatia had done something, but she wasn’t bothered by it, actually she was glad, and having Sara to cuddle with made her feel like she could cope with anything that life had to throw her way for the next nine or so months.

Hypatia had invited Karen, Sandy, Prue and Jenna over for dinner that evening because she wanted to talk to them all about something.
“I’d like to thank you all for joining us for dinner this evening, and I’ll get to the point.” Hypatia started to explain. “I know that your family has grown quite a bit in recent months Karen, and I also know that the house is getting a little small for you all, so I want you to all move in here and think of this as your home from now on.” She smiled as she waved her hand around to indicate the mansion.
“That’s a very kind offer Tia, but won’t that have people looking in your direction if we just suddenly up and move in here with you?” Karen asked.
“As far as anyone will know, you will all still live in your house, but I will get Sheana to work with Sammi to make a portal for you to travel through to get here. That way no one will ever need to know you don’t actually live in the house anymore, but it will always be there just in case you ever need it.” Hypatia explained her idea.
“Do you mind if I take a little time to talk it over with the others?” Karen asked still in shock at the offer Hypatia had just made.
“Take all the time you need.” Hypatia smiled as she went back to enjoying her dinner. “And just so you know, I paid up the remaining mortgage on your home, so you won’t have to worry about finding the payments for that each month.”
Karen just sat with her mouth hanging open as she took that piece of news in for a couple of seconds before she was able to speak again. “Thank you Tia, but I’m not sure I can let you do that.”
“It’s done so deal with it.” Hypatia said with a wave of her hand like it wasn’t open for discussion.
“Thank you then for doing that.” Karen smiled with a tear in her eye.
“It was the least I could do for the woman that raised two very gifted children and adopted a couple more when they needed a mother that cared about them.” Hypatia said with pride as she raised her glass of wine to toast Karen.
Karen just blushed as everyone around the dining table raised their glass of wine and juice to also toast Karen just before they all started clapping and cheering.
Everyone finished their dinner and then Karen, Sandy, Sheana and Sara all went to the study to talk about the offer Hypatia just made. It didn’t take long for them all to start grinning and say that it was a wonderful idea and it would be a much safer place for them to live with people still looking to find out the secret of Sara’s slayer powers.
Karen went to find Hypatia and give her the answer, not that she needed to because Hypatia had been listening in on the chat, but she still got up from behind her desk in her office and gave Karen a hug to welcome her to the house.
“When do you want us to start moving in?” Karen asked when they broke the hug.
“I thought you already had.” She smiled. “I’m sure Sheana can work a little magic to help you move your things in.” Hypatia grinned.
“I don’t normally encourage Sheana to use her magic, but in this case I think it could save us a lot of time.” Karen agreed.

With Sheana’s help they got everything they needed moved over to Hypatia’s place and the girls all split up and took their own rooms, well sort of. Sara and Josie shared a room, as did Michelle and Sheana. Jenna had her own room, but she always slept in Sara and Josie’s bed, or she would sleep with Sheana and Michelle, but her favourite place to sleep was with little Natalie when she was around, which proved to be quite a bit.
Sheana worked with Sammi and between them they converted a closet just off the main hallway into a portal to the house for them to just step through and they would come out on the landing back at Sara’s old house. This is where they left the cars and that way Sara and the others travelled from there when going to school and other places to let people think they still lived at the house.
Michelle agreed to pretend to be Jo at school for a couple of days while the paperwork arrived at Jo’s house informing his parents that he’d been excepted in a private school on the other side of the country. Jo’s parents had been upset, but thanks to Hypatia and a little magic, they soon calmed down again and understood Jo’s need to get away from the town and see if he could find his way in life again in a new place.
Jo had been shocked when he found out that his sister was going to miss him, and she thought that he was going away because of her and the way she always tried to get him in trouble. Josie struggled with hearing her baby sister say that, and for the first time ever Jo felt bad over not being able to give her a hug and say it wasn’t anything to do with her. Michelle/Jo did her best to do what Josie wanted for her, but it just didn’t feel right that it wasn’t her as Jo doing it.
Hypatia arranged for Jo and his family to visit the school, and Michelle went along as Jo. Jo’s parents couldn’t find fault with the school and they left Michelle/Jo there at the end of their visit. Jo’s mum had helped him pack his things and made him promise to call home at least three times a week, but Josie would call every night and use the device Samantha made for her, so she could sound like her old male self long enough to check on the family.
Sheana had blinked Michelle back to Hypatia’s right after Jo’s parents had left on the day they dropped him off at the school. Michelle was glad to be able to just go back to school as herself, and not have to worry about pretending to be Jo again for a couple of months or until Jo’s parent’s decided to visit him at his new school.
Sara got a mind call from Karl, and she had to explain the reason for her getting caught on CCTV beating the crap out of a vampire and then doing the same to a man before Prue had stopped her. Sara couldn’t explain it, other than to say she was in a really bad mood and she’d picked up on the man’s thoughts and didn’t like them.
Karl looked at her oddly, but let it go. He did ask if she’d heard anything about a missing young man that hadn’t been seen in some time. Karl showed her a picture and she saw it was the man that raped Josie.
Sorry, but I’ve not heard anything.” Sara had said. In truth she knew that he’d been killed by Natalie and then he’d been taken to a place where he was cut up and then became food for the ghoul community. Hypatia had warned Sara she didn’t want to know what happened to the man, but she’d pushed until Hypatia finally gave in and told her, and Hypatia had been right, Sara wished she hadn’t found out.
Life got back to normal with them all living in Hypatia’s mansion. Josie started to suffer from morning sickness and Sara was there to help her through it, Sara even lived with the mood swings Josie started to have.
Sara knew life was going to be very interesting over the next nine months and Josie was beginning to miss school, which shocked her more than anyone, but she wasn’t going to start school as a girl and then let them all see her become more and more pregnant, so she was left with spending time around the mansion with Jenna and Natalie, or she would go to the secret room under the cafe and keep an eye on things around town and help Sara plan out ways to keep everyone safe around the town. Josie would go there when she wanted some time to herself away from Jenna and Little Natalie because she’d become a big sister to the both in the short time they had all been together in the mansion.
Josie missed Jo’s family, but she was never left feeling lonely as she’d become part of a much bigger family now that Sara and the others were all living at Hypatia’s. Josie also knew that she wouldn’t be short of babysitters once the baby was born either. So with the months ticking away, Josie started to get bigger and bigger, and she became more and more use to being a girl.
“Do you think I’ll ever want to become Jo again when this is all over?” Josie asked Sara one night as they were getting ready for bed and Josie was looking at herself in the mirror and the now prominent bump she had for a belly.
“I’m not sure Josie, but giving birth and being a girl for nine months is going to change you.” Sara said as she led Josie over to the bed and helped her to get in. “Have you given any thought to what you will do with the baby once it’s born?” Sara asked as they lay in bed.
“Part of me wants to just give it up for adoption, but the more I feel the little thing growing inside me, the more I want to keep it and protect it from all the evil in the world.” Josie smiled as she placed her hands on her belly. “I’ve got another seven months to find an answer.” Josie added with a smile.

Sara and the gang will return in the third story in the series where we will find out whether Josie has a boy or a girl, and Sara has to do battle with a witch among others that want her dead or working for them, and Karl gets closer to working out who the Slayer really is.
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
Authors note: Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I hope you enjoyed it? Please take a second or two to click the good story button and let me know I’m still doing a good job and entertaining you all with my daydreaming.
Hugs, Love and happy reading.
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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I am sad to see the story
I am sad to see the story stop, but that it will be back is good news. :-)
Thanks for another great
Thanks for another great story, I've really enjoyed the "To make a wish" stories. I'm glad you started them up again and followed with the second book.
I look forward to the next book with baited breath.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Okay, SaraUK And SamanthaK! you two:)
have cooked up a great story that leads into another! Have fun teasing us with more Slayer action! :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
I still can't work out why Jo
I still can't work out why Jo didn't take a morning after pill or something.
It's quite legal and quite safe.
I think Josie couldn't because of the general *do no harm*
attribute of the magically charmed ring that make him fully female.
BECAUSE Sara waited for Jo to calm down after the rape and the one-hour delay in reverting back after the removal of the ring somehow in that time one of her eggs was fertilized and to the requirements of the spell, that potential baby could not be harmed.
Never mind the strain it will put on Jo/Josie.
Um, there IS only one child on the way for Josie... I assume? Multiples would shatter her mind I fear.
And her all most frantic love for Sara. Is it healthy? Poor Josie is near to breaking point the way she is clinging to Sara now. I worry.
I have often seen this absolute prohibition on abortion or even a morning after pill in magic stories.
Think of magic as a computer program. An immensely powerful but dumb program.
It does not handle shades of grey well. Deals only in absolutes, black and white, ones and zeros.
Thus it could be argued Jo/Josie is the victim of a software *bug*.
The speeded up epilog works for me as the big questions are in the middle and end stages of her forced and i do mean forced pregnancy..
Many TG or even mainstream stories have the unintended mother coming to love and fiercely protect her child. Thus Josie would remain Josie.
BUT think about it. HE NEVER wanted to be a girl. He only did this because of his great love for Sara and I think out of sympathy, even guilt about Mike/Michelle.
It could just as easily be --- as often happens in real life -- the baby is a constant reminder of what she lost, of her lost childhood, her lost opportunities and all at the hand of a RAPIST.
NOT a good basis for a loving parent and child relationship.
And even if she give birth, weans her or him then returns to HIS body... Let's see... WHO will raise the child? Unless Hypatia is willing to do a massive mind erase on Jo and all his friends the rape will go on and on in their memories.
So will SHE fall in love with HER baby and stay Josie? And if so will Sara stay with her out of love or guilt? And if out of guilt that will not end well. Plus unless Sheana helps them how will Josie father Sara's child .AND they are too young so by the time Sara and Jo are of marriageable age Josie's rape baby will be at least preschool age or more.
Giving up the child? A target for those who wish to harm Sara?
Raise the child AS Jo and Sara? A baby and they are barely 16 each? SHOCKING!! The societal pressures, Jo's own family and again the issue of a child of Sara being a targets -- even if it is not hers- all raise their ugly heads.
There are so many ways this can go. So many could be ugly. None will be easy.
AND, how *literal* is this magic that has stuck Jo as Josie, a pregnant girl?
Will it see Jo changing back and giving the child up as harm and prevent it? Or it a spell that sees a child losing it's mother as harm? Trying to bottle feed it vs breast feeding as harm? As the child was conceived in a HUGE part do to magic does that imply the child will have access to magic and/or Jo/Josie will as well as a magic wielding child of a non magic parent might be seen by the magic as harmful to the child?
So many ways Jo might get trapped as Josie indefinitely.
And WHY didn't Sheana build in a backdoor to this magical *program*? A well hidden and protected one but a backdoor never the less. Would have been a godsend. I'm sure Sam or one of the other older women would have accepted a magical embryo swap. Or they could have put it *on magical ice* so to speak to be brought to term when Sara or Jo were ready . But no, they got the old fashioned "magic knows best" variety of transformation spell.
It should prove a good read.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
A very good magical adventure..
I wish Sheana can charm me those male to female rings..
I will die smilling..
Sheana could have charm a protection to prevent pregnancy thought.
I guess she did not think of that.
Where is Merlin when we need him? Sure he can help Jossie.
And Prue need one of those Dragon armour for she is more vulnerable.
This is one hell of a superheros story...
And very addictive..
book 1 & 2
loved them
but what is it with the '' stopping over''
is that just a new trend ?
Sarah and jo
Love this story. Plz can I have some more.
Wow great story.
This is a marvelous story, at the end you said there would be a book 3. since its been 4 years since the end does that mean its not going to come out. :( I "wish" you would write more of it :)
I have found all of your stories I have read to be very captivating. Your such a good author keep up the great works.
Another year
has gone past without any sign of the upcoming Book 3... just finished binge-reading Books 1 and 2 and I'm really curious what would happen in Book 3...