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Evanescence 25.
Chapter 25.
I look at Sloan and her wounds and I close my eyes and reach out with Essence since she’s fae and I’m not sure using just mana would even work on her. Maeve knows the magic for this she’s worked it healing the fae before from cold wrought weapons and such before and it was lethal back then to the part bloods of her day too.
It’s an amazing little trick, it’s building the idea of a shield spell, the defensive one and not the hiding yourself type of stuff. And I’m learning that all on the fly as she’s doing it sort of and guiding me sort of all at the same time. It’s like about twenty percent of me is actually Raine and the rest is Maeve coming through.
I had no idea that a shield is just expanded magic over an area defined by the metal focus of being a wall or a barrier. Power helps too the amount of energy you pump into it helps. Maeve works on the feeling of the iron in Sloan’s blood to target it and then encase it in shield magic and cut it off from actually interacting with her body.
Harder than it sounds because cold wrought iron want’s to fight the magic. It’s a good thing I made this an essence spell. I call the magic back to me and pull the stuff from her body and I can feel her body start this intense turn around.
Hmm fast healers these fae, or at least Sloan is.
I’m not sure of how to feel about Jill right now.
~Aye it’s going te come out. ~
~Maeve? ~
~Aye, who else? ~
~But you’re dead…you’re part of me. ~
~Ahm know, ah know and let’s jus say thet I’m you and yer meh and this is all acause of the majiks and we can just let it go at thet. ~
~Great I’m talking to myself. ~
~Yes love an I’m the font of wisdom an knowledge now stop runnin from what I’m telling ye.~
~And what’s that? ~
~Ye have to come clean with Jill. ~
~I can’t. ~
~Ye can an ye will. ~
~No dammit1 I can’t I died, I died and I left her and now I’m like this and I’m a whole other person and I’m in love with Shaun.~
~Look Molly, Raine ye have te let her know else she’ll find out another way and that might be harder on ye then telling her the truth but ahm sure as hell certain’ll be a lot harder on Jill.~
~I don’t want to hurt her, besides I’m with her brother. ~
~Well then if you’re wit her brother then maybe ye should stop looking at her like ye’ve been doing. ~
~Fine! ~
I release the healing majik and sort of push the Maeve part of me away and unclench my jaw and sigh. Sloan’s staring at me her eye fully nixie shark like.
“Much…” She says as she nods but she’s still studying me. “You formed freckles and you scent shifted.”
“It’s part of my majik.”
She looks at me very intensely but not aggressively and even then it’s unnerving. She’s fae and even if the act human they aren’t. Not by a long shot, like I said it’s unnerving getting studied by an alien being.
I get up and head over to Shaun who’s getting bandages on some of his cuts and scrapes while he’s leaning on one of the city light posts. I can smell the electricity running into him and coming off of him and I don’t try to get that close remembering last time.
“You okay?” I ask him.
“I was going to ask you the same question.”
“I’m okay, just getting nerved up.”
“I can get that.”
“No it’s not this thing with Raphael, well it’s part of it but it’s stuff with the SDA and Jill and all of that plus the stuff with The Larch and I still haven’t heard exactly the stuff going on with Sloan’s boss. It’s not as if the Morrigan has a clean record either.”
“So you’re worried about our side.”
“Am I crazy to think so?”
“Nope...but I trust Jill maybe nor her handlers and with that I figure I…we better get a look at things to see if we need to get her out from under. Sloan…I’m not too sure of either with her in that enemy of my enemy thing.”
“So still kinda up shit creek.”
“Without a paddle.”
“You have majik use that honey.”
“Really and I’ve just been what sleeping this entire time?”
Shaun raises a questioning eyebrow at me. Yeah I kind of have really…I need to learn and to take things up a notch or fifty we need to get to where I can stop Asmodeus from coming through again only this time everything’s a lot different.
He get off the lamp post and looks at the others picking up the fire axe he got from the club. “So are we going to get this under way or what it’s only a few hours until sunrise and they’ll go to ground then.”
Jill looks at us and nods. She helps Sloan to het escalade and get’s inside talking on her phone. I get into Shaun’s car and we head to the place that we got from the Vamp that Jill had ashed like a samurai.
Jill signals us to part about a block or so away and there’s unmarkeds getting here and undercover vehicles and more people than she had with her since we messed with the demon at the crackhouse.
“What’s this?”
Jill just raises a hand and I feet it…something light us with majik on her back and the light reflecting in her eyes isn’t the same as here, she’s seeing something else. I can feel the contact and it’s from a long ways off.
Then it’s gone though she did turn and look at me and it wasn’t Jill looking at me.
I really…
Jill says. “They sent us another team as back up we’ll cut off a three block radius and try to contain the situation this time.”
I nod. “That’d be better than the stuff at the crack house.”
“Yeah….” Jill’s looking at me again. Yeah it was me there and it wasn’t. shit Maeve’s likely right about this I’m going to have to tell her sometime but I want to know what she’s hooked up with before I let the cat out of the bad with who and what I am.
“Excuse me I have to go talk to the troops.”
I just nod but then go over and sit in Shaun’s car and close my eyes and meditate…think and stuff about what’s going to go down and how to better use what I know.
I get up after awhile and head over to one of the vans they have there and look at one of the agent guys getting outfitted with some of the others in some SWAT styled stuff. I reach over and take a box of ammo from one of the plastic crates they have. “Silver?”
“Yes and you are?”
“I’m with Jill…can I have some of these?”
“Let me clear it with the colonel.”
He looks at this girl in the front seat and she gets spacey looking then she nods. “Take whatever you need ma’am.”
Ma’am…huh fancy that.
“Thanks.” I take two boxes of shotgun shells and do some thread magic and sewn them into the inside of a black army styled jacket that I take from there and walk back to Shaun’s car and the rest of the time I sit there and ply with some of what I’ve picked up recently magic wise and keep working things doing spells or rather magic figuring out new spells is what I guess the way that’d you call it.
I’m getting looks through from the sensitive types. I frown; they’re feeling it, feeling me.
I pull some of my mana and form it around me in a skin and then I concentrate on the feeling of this skin…of me…of me before any of this stuff happened and before the magic when my life wasn’t like this and mix it with my everyday girl me and once I have that firmly inside my mind the feeling of this normal non magical me I pump more energy into that and try to use it between me and what I’m doing.
Shaun was scarfing down some junk food and a chocolate milk stops and he looks at me. “What’d you do?”
“I think I learned how to block getting felt out.”
“Yeah you did. I can’t sense the usual energies that I feel when I’m around you.”
“I have energies you pick up?”
“Basic stuff just feeling power and stuff but you honey are kind of different you’re pretty contained but at the same time when you leak out like you were its kinda nuclear.”
“Yeah you have a lot of energy considering…y’know.”
“Yeah I guess that I do.”
“I can’t feel that now.”
“And neither can the others?”
“Given the few looks just now and the fact that I’m pretty sure it was reported back to Jill yeah I think they’re drawing a blank.”
“Jill’s pissed.”
“How pissed.”
“She’s not your biggest fan honey I think you just got bumped up in the dangerous supernatural ratings or something.”
“Because I can shield myself now.”
“It makes sense you just made them jumpier.”
“Oh then they’ll really end up getting surprised.”
“Careful…you get too dangerous and they’ll have the urge to bind you or deal with you.”
“Yeah…typical government bullshit.”
“Yep even from a shadow office.”
I see Mom’s truck pulling it and it’s really looking worse for wear and her and Alecia get out and Mom’d favoring her hand and I see two fingers are taped. I walk over and hug her and…sniff… “Oh…that’s why the two of you are the last one’s here.”
She nods looking almost high and glassy eyed. I feel her arm and flash my power through her and get some heavy images… “Whoa…” I move my hand to her fingers and she’s smiling at me in some serious vamp/daywalker sex afterglow. I’m healing her fingers by moving things back together by saturating them with mana and then willing my power to move and then use that power in a mental focus of having her body remember itself hale and whole and then using the energy to feed the cells everything that it needs.
I feel the bones knit and her hand get better. Healing’s pretty easy when it’s this stuff like bones and cuts I’m learning but its energy intense and other stuff since you’re feeding power to cells and affecting a living thing will be really complicated.
My Vietnamese self is in agreement with that and she’s waking/I’m waking a bit with the healing and hint of battle in the air. She was raised in the war and she was learning to be a healer and I can feel some of that resolve settling in and the others moving in to…some of us have all seen some bad things in life in my life and women…like battle nurses often got to see the worst of it.
Mom hugs me and looks at me. “You okay?”
“Yeah just getting ready in my head.”
“You don’t have to go in.”
“Yes, I do…magically if this vampire pulls some green flame magic I’m the only one that really can stop it.”
“Why you though?”
“Mom, it’s happening if it wasn’t me it’d be someone else and honestly I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone.”
“Okay…are you sure?”
“I have to be.”
While we were talking Alecia and Jill were having one of their moments and there was more friction. Jill’s not a bad person it’s just she’s military and she expects things to get done her way. We’re to her civilians when really it’s sort of the other way around.
I have no idea how long I’ve actually been doing this in my lives but I remember roman soldiers so…and Alecia has been around since The Civil War so there’s going to be some attitude clashes.
Alecia is going in first, she’ll be recognized by Raphael and right now we haven’t hit his children so he doesn’t know that anyone else is gunning for him other than Alecia and we’re hoping that he’ll be pissed enough to focus on her as we filter in.
Hopefully we’ll have time if she keeps him talking, he sounds like he’d be a talker.
She’s heading in and a few minutes later Jill and Sloan are waltzing to the door looking like they’re partying and Jill has a bottle of vodka in her hand and she’s actually pretty good at acting tipsy and stuff and the gothy crowd tends to wear some military clothes and stuff bur we’re dressed for clubbing still too.
Sloan does her part shift and that seems to wow the muscle at the door and they get through and I saunter up with Shaun and I feel out to my shield and pale myself out…kill the whole biological stuff and I smile at the beef there and flash him vamp eyes and fangs with some manipulation of my shield.
We slip inside and I can feel the hairs on my arms raising…everything is telling me that this is a really bad place…Jill and Sloan are staring at me and I give them a wink. Sloan’s grinning and she whispers in Jill’s ear.
I see Alecia moving through the crowd and the place is packed…I think I see some people from back in school her and others too. There’s a lot more people here than I though there’s be.
She stops in front of a VIP section of the club and she’s talking to this guy that looks like Raphael…but he’s not at the power spot in the table. There’s a very gangland looking guy there Hispanic with lots of tattoos and another to the other side that is vamp pale and he’s smoking meth from a pipe…blood red meth…his eyes vamp over then there’s a shimmer of that green in there and in the eyes of the Hispanic fellow too. His eyes go slitted.
Alecia reaches for something and she pulls out a baggy?
She pours the stuff inside out from the bad and it falls in an ashy swirl.
The music stops and every vamp there just went fangs out.
Oh shit…
The fop guy I’m pretty sure that’s Raphael get’s up and goes for Alecia and they’re into the crowd on the floor snarling. The other vamp gets up to interfere and Jill’s walking in towards them like the effing Terminator with two guns in her hands and she’s shooting the vamp or was until he starts moving fast and the Hispanic guy get’s uhm…scaly…like a snake and rushes Jill. Sloan’s in his grill after tossing a smoke grenade behind the bar?
And all hell’s breaking loose now.
Shit, shit, shit… “Alecia! We need him alive!”
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what a place to stop
its nice to see her continuing to grow in her abilities also.
great job, thanks
Had to break here, the big fight will be next.
I didn't want it to get muddled with the other story stuff. Raine's actively working on her powers now, something she's really seeing as she's been slacking in.
*Hugs and Howls.*
Bailey Summers
And the first of your stories to catch and hold me gets an update, thank you Bailey for vamping it up and filling in a little more of the story.
Thanks Draflow, it means a lot really:)
The filling in parts are always good to have. There should be some decent action soon.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
At least one more item has been checked off
.. and now she has learned how to shield herself. That is a biggy of course.
Time for Jill and her to have a long talk so they can both move on and also come to an understanding that she will never be a government lapdog.
Hard to imagine so many lives though as it is both good and bad thing. The bad part is if you start thinking about all the bad things in all your present and old lives; oh dear.
Yeah Raine's starting to think more...
that she needs to get very much pro-active in her learning more skills or at least trying to develop them. Maeve was a professional mage type in her life and she will continue to needle her about those things. The multiple lives and souls thing is really hard. You're right if she ever crashed hard into depression it would be really deeply.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Coming clean
Coming clean and clearing the air is a must. They either get their act together or the Big Bad will clear the board and whoever is left will be holding the bar tab.
IE, those who won't and can't adapt to a changing situation will die and take others with them. A learning curve with a very, very sharp edge, keen enough to take your life.
Good stuff!
All of that's true and coming clean will be a big part of things
because the shit's getting worse and they ca't have that coming out in the field. You're right it's getting into the whole do or die times.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Brilliant !
Please tell me there are more chapters comming ??????
something i need to tell you
my grandfather [born in 1911] told me once that his father told him that farmers did not breed black horses becourse the devil was present in them
and by horses i meen the worktype horses that you see on the beer brand palm from belgium
greetings erik je
Yes eventually it's in Writer's blockage for the time being:(
And some issues with comments and readers falling off with the new stuff was also a factor for setting it aside.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Comments and readers
With some authors, if you say something nice and get a snippy comment back you really don't feel like commenting there again. You have never done that and I thank you. Some writers it's best to say nothing at all. If I read it and it does not suck I will always give kudo. Some stories are better than others some writers more skilled. That comes with, time, effort and inspiration. This is a great series of stories and I hope inspiration strikes again soon.
Have a great day
LoneWolf...I should have commented sooner with this:)
I'm deeply sorry for this and I am starting up this series too.
I think it hit a wall there when we lost Wren honestly.
Thank you deeply and humbly for this comment:)
26 is a half-page started already this morning.
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers