The Crossroads: A Wyld Universe story- Part 10

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If you came across a fork in the road, which path would you choose?

The Crossroads: A Wyld Universe Story
Part 10- by Aoife M

Cincinnati, Ohio, December 12, 2013:

“What is it you wanted me for, sir?” The young Jackson Wells asked walking side by side with his superior, General Robert McCaig.

“Honestly, I would’ve preferred having handled this myself,” McCaig admitted, obviously disliking having to take a hard working soldier- particularly one who runs his own regiment, away from his active duty. “They insisted on speaking to you, and only you.”

“That seems rather odd,” he said.

“Indeed,” McCaig seconded. “Whatever it is, I don’t know if it’s major or not. But, I can’t stand seeing a family in a panic. If you can calm their worries then I would be happy to oblige.”

“That’s why I respect working for you sir,” Jackson praised. “Do I know who these people are?”

They came to a stop in front of a glass door- the General’s office. “I don’t know,” he replied, “but they seem to know you.” He opened the door and gave way for Jackson to enter. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”

With a salute, Jackson acknowledged his General. “Sir!” With that he left him to his task.

Turning his attention to the couple inside, he became even more confused. Neither of them seemed familiar. They were middle aged, about in their late 40s to early 50s, and yet he could see the concern right on their face.

Even if they were unrecognizable, he felt it was his duty to assuage their worries. “Can I help you?” He began.

“You’re Jackson Wells?” The woman asked.

“I am,” he replied, “You needed me for something?”

“You probably never had met us,” she continued. “We’re the Ryan family. Our son, Scott, used to be your sister’s boyfriend?”

“Oh, yeah,” he realized. He’s been wondering about his whereabouts lately. What he heard was he went to Bowling Green, and He and Miriam grew apart. But even then, he would have assumed they’d in touch. Circumstance can put a damper on a relationship, but you would think he’d at least try to maintain it, knowing how much they did love each other.

Already he was jumping to conclusions, however. Perhaps, he thought, he might be in trouble. It could explain Scott’s lack of communication. Still, it would be wise to get the information from his parent’s mouths themselves.

“So, how is he doing?” He asked, trying not to make false assumptions, and really hoping that he was fine.

“He’s…he’s.” Scott’s mother couldn’t help but break down. She was acting as if her son was dead!

Her husband put his hand on her shoulder, comforting her. “We’ve been good parents,” He explained. “We tried to do what’s best for him. We went to church daily, picked the safest schools. Every day we looked after him. I just can’t believe it happened to him. Where did we go wrong?”

“Go wrong?” He wondered, each statement growing more and more archaic. “What happened to him?”

“He’s…” his mother began, trying to hold back the flood of emotions. “He’s gone Wyld!”

“What?” he asked.

“He turned right in front of our eyes,” his father claimed. “I feared for my wife’s safety so I did my best to fight her back. But now I worry that we let an evil demon out into the world, and that’s why we’re here to see you.”

Did he just say “her?” Jackson wondered, doing a double take. Nah, just my imagination, right?

“We did our best trying, creating a neighborhood watch team, hoping to cleanse my former son’s evil soul before it could spread. But we went throughout Piqua proper, and while some people did mention of seeing her, we have yet to spot her.”

There they go with the “her” again. What was up with that?”

“My wife finally relented and we came to you, hoping that you could assist us.” He concluded. “We just want to make sure no more innocents are harm from our mistakes.”

God, he thought to himself, I forgot how devout some of these folks can get. I’m sure Scott was probably scared sick, all alone as he was. He hated how they relied on them to be some sort of holy police, like the Swiss Guard or something. Even his General, Robert McCaig, believed in Rehabilitation, that with God’s love even Wyld can become normal again. While obviously not as noble, he still never met a Wyld that he actively hated, or wanted dead. He really was trying to make a living.

Either way, it was probably better of he found him before anyone else did. That goes double for his parents. They gave him the creeps.

“Can you describe to me what he looks like now?” he asked of them.

“Looks human, for the most part,” Scott’s dad began. “Except now she has red hair and green eyes. Creamy white skin, lost about an inch and a half in height.”

That’s it! That’s like the third time they used a feminine pronoun to describe their son. He had to know why.

“Why do you keep referring to your son as a ‘she’?” he asked point blank.

“That was what I was about to get to,” he told him crassly. “My son…apparently changed gender. He’s a woman.”

Hold on, he went on within his head. The red hair…the green eyes…creamy white skin…he isn’t saying what I think he is!

Jackson became extremely woozy as he grabbed a hold of his desk to support himself. This was a shot in the face. Saoirse is…

“We came to you because of your sister,” Scott’s dad continued. “Perhaps she may have ran off to Columbus, and might be staying with her. I can’t really think any other place for her to take refuge.”

He heard enough. He had a lot in his mind now and didn’t need to hear any more from these people.

“Thanks for informing me,” he callously replied. “My soldiers will show you the way out.”

Night came before he knew it, and yet he couldn’t sleep. He looked at himself in the mirror, wondering what the hell he had done.

“That woman,” he began, having a one way conversation with his reflection, “she was Scott all along. I had sex with my sister’s…! Oh, God!”

He was sick to his stomach as he vomited at the nearby toilet. Kneeling over, he gasped for breath. The sudden realization was killing him physically as it was emotionally.

“Why?” he asked himself. “Why would she do such a thing? Why would she hurt her?” Then he looked deep within and realized he was just as guilty as she was. “Damnit!” he screamed. “It was my fault! I was pushing her, wanting her to be with me! She was just so…perfect! How could I be so stupid?!”

He paused to think about things for a bit longer. “He probably was having a hard time as it was, confused, not knowing what to do, or how to act. I mean, she’s a woman, at least now! Hell, Mir probably had it just as hard. Maybe Saoirse came to me for comfort…I don’t know.”

You wish it was so simple, don’t you?

“What the?” Jackson wondered, shocked to hear another voice within the room. “Who’s there?”

Poor little Scott Ryan, alone and confused. Lost her love and needed someone for comfort, so she fell for you. She’s just doing what a woman does, huh?

“I don’t know who or what you are,” Jackson shouted, “but you better be leaving.”

If things were so simple, tell me, why didn’t she resist? Why did she jump into your arms, knowing full well the harm she would do?

“She needed someone!” he yelled. “Look at her! Look at her parents! Ever since she changed she’s lost everything!”

Then why not someone else? Why not any other man or woman? She still looks human, for the most part. Why you, when she knew the consequences?

“I…I…” He couldn’t come up with an answer.

Oh, what emotions we breed. Under most circumstances any lonely animal would accept the advances of another. But, unlike most animals, we have something called “logic.” Even if it hurts, a sane person would have shown restraint. But her, no, she WANTED you…she NEEDED you.

“Stop it!” he demanded. Whatever this voice is, he didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to hear his version of the truth.

Do you want to know why she did it, Jackson? Hmmm?

“Leave me alone!” He yelled to no avail.

Because she’s a liar! A temptress! She wants to be with you. She wants to have the things you gave Miriam! She wants to BE Miriam! And the more she sinks her fangs into you the further apart you and your sister become!

“Why?” he asked, “Why would she do that?”

She is Wyld, Jackson! Exactly as her parents believe! She is but a demon…a succubus, entering your perfect little life and like virus, tearing away the very foundations of your happiness! And while you are away, she lies there, laughing as she gets off on your utter ignorance!

“How…how could she?”

The human visage you saw was nothing but! She is less than human; whatever humanity she had is gone! So, for the sake of their family, your family, and yourself, do what is best for the poor soul…

…KILL her!

Present day:

“She’s still alive,” He told himself as he looked himself in the very same mirror he did 10 years prior. The walls were covered in grime, a painful reminder of time’s past. He never cleans it; he never let’s anyone in to do it either. This had become Jackson’s sanctuary over the years. Here he thinks to himself, plotting, going over them in great detail, alone…or so he think he is.


“Miriam,” he said under his breath. “I shall avenge you. Everything I’ve done…I’ve done in your name. How many Wyld I’ve purified…and yet, still I feel remiss not realizing that Scott Ryan still lives!”

He put his fist through the mirror, shattering it as his hand became drenched in blood.

“Aaargh!” he roared, the adrenaline tempering his pain. “For so long, the rumors! And only now do I realize that the very leader, the very being who has been going around taking MY land was the very one I took a shotgun to 10 years ago!”

He looked at his injury and laughed maniacally, as if it didn’t matter. Right now, there was only one thing that mattered.

“I will finish the job. I will kill her, even if I have to chop her up piece by piece by piece!”

And why would you do that?

This voice…was different.

What did she do to you?

“She used me!” He yelled in defiance. “She made me murder my sister!”

And in what way did she cause you to pull the trigger?

“She…I…” He refused to believe any other explanation.

Wake up, Jackson. It was you who pulled the trigger, and it was you who acted without thinking things through!

It lies, Jackson! She twisted your emotions, she manipulated you to do that very thing! She was the murderer, not you!

You aren't the murderer, Jackson. If there was a murderer, it would be the very thoughts that have nested in your head!

The two voices began fighting between each other, causing immense pain within his head. He began to writhe as he punched his cranium violently with his good hand.

Even now, she still loves you.

Even now, she wants your soul!

She feels as guilty as you do.

She has no guilt! She’s a monster!

Let the pain go, Jackson. The past is gone. Look ahead to the future.

There is no future! Miriam is gone! The only future that should exist is the one where Scott Ryan doesn’t!

“…SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” he screamed as he stood up from the blood stained floor.


“I understand now,” he said as he wrapped a shirt around his hand. Walking over to his chair he sat down. A young soldier overheard the racket and immediately opened up his door, checking on him.

“Sir, I thought I heard-“ He paused when he saw the blood stained shirt around his arm. “You’re injured! Come on, we must get this checked out!”

“I shall have it looked at myself, I don’t need your assistance!” he screamed. The soldier was about to walk out but then Jackson stopped him midstride. “Hold on.”

The man turned around. “Sir?”

“I need you to relay a message to the soldiers down in Gatlinburg. Tell them to be on alert. Have their Lieutenant send me the “keys.” I want them ready at a moment’s notice. I will teach them to mess with me. All who harbors Wyld will be eliminated.”

Understanding what he was saying he nodded and went to carry out his orders.

“So, Scott Ryan,” he said. “This time you will die, even if I have to take everyone else with it!”

Did you think you could best me? I thought you were much better than that, Hister.


I am no fool. You plot something. Why do you persist? You and I, we’re no different, after all. Can't you remember the feeling, the incredible sensation as you rang the life right from a human’s throat?

I did it out of necessity, dear brother. Because of him we became these…things, forever wallowing in our madness. And now, I unfortunately am tasked with doing the same of you.

You really believe you can stop me? I am beyond you! You abandoned the power granted to you! What made you change so?

I saw the error of my ways, brother. I remembered the pain, the violence…the rape. I killed my father because of the pain he caused me…he caused us! I won’t become him! I won’t become you!

You can’t change what you are. You’re as much a freak as me.

I do not get off killing others. What purpose is there to kill so many? Even you, who needs the nourishment from other’s pain, death would be counterproductive.

What other reason would I have but revenge?

They’ve done nothing to harm you.

Ah, but they did! Look at them! Look at the repulsiveness that is human nature! The very same nature that molded our father into the very evil that we feared. It must die! All of it! And with my perfect little soldier I will obtain it. And no one, no human, Wyld, or Untamed, will stop me, particularly you.

Perhaps not…but at least I will part from this mortal coil with a final noble gesture- a pittance to offer for my redemption, but one I shall enable nonetheless.

And what would that be?

…Time. You will be stopped…you will see.

Ha! And what exactly could stop me? Whatever you may plot, it will fail, and you won’t be there to see it! Farewell, brother- or should I say, sister.


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So we now have a name and a personal motive as to why she feels obligated to fight Mabus.

(Spoiler if you haven't read the end of the chapter yet: highlight to read} (And we now know why she's familiar with complications arising from sex transformations. Assuming she took the name after she went Wyld, did it derive from "His to her?")

Unless that "aaaaaaaaahhhhh!" has put her permanently out of commission, she does seem able to access the same people Mabus can, at the same time. I wouldn't have thought he was strong enough to keep her out, until that ending. Now I'm not sure.

And I don't believe we're any further along in figuring out the mechanics as to how McCaig and Miriam got shot. (Unless Miriam dove in front of Saoirse and took the bullet in her place.)

Good chapter as usual. Looking forward to the answers as the story continues.


Yes she can

A little information about "Hister."

-She was the brother of Mabus, who both had an extremely violent father.

-When she went Wyld she technically turned Male (If you can tell that sort of thing from a Mythos). This was a response to her vulnerability growing up.

-She was no different then many other Mythos, but something obviously changed her mindset during some point. Either way she was never thrilled about killing anyone, whether she might have considered them playthings of actual people. Having killed her father, it probably played a role in her restraint in doing so.

-of course, neither are their true names. Whether we find out what they really were called is something I'll consider in the future.

-As you can tell, Mabus is way more powerful than she was. The final part show him successfully taking her out of commission, telekenetically attacking her from a far distance.

It's just funny how negative experiences spread. What someone does to someone else only gets amplified when that someone else targets another individual. It's the sad truth, even in the real world.

Jackson can be redeemed but I doubt saved

Even if it is proven he was mind controlled, he personally killed or had a hand in the deaths of thousands, hundreds of thousands if I recall the tape of the General's death.

How do you atone for THAT?

AND he freely joined the Confederate Army knowing hoe they abused WYLD and that they were traitors to the US. He did it for money and to have a career. Not very laudable, just pragmatic living in this ultra reactionary version of the Bible Belt.

Despite his flaws he appeared a man of honor. IF his original personality breaks free of the mind control and conditioning of the last ten years would honor demand a public confession and suicide?

And what of the other rabid killers in the army? More mind controlled or simply racist yahoos?

Jackson dying or turning himself over to the other side doesn't stop them.

And Scott's parents, the dad in particular, are TRUE asshole*. I sound like the mom though she abhorred Wyld did not want her child dead but dad seem a right trigger-happy jerk. Hum, still alive> Scott should pay them a *visit* someday. BTW can you become Wyld after 19? Would serve mom and dad in particular if they turned.

So sad.

I agree with Eric, likely Miriam must have tried to shield Scoot and Jackson in his confused, enraged mind controlled state still pulled the trigger. Unless he HAD to kill her after he shot and thought he killed Scott as she was a sympathizer of the WYLD and needed to be *cleansed*. Or did she fight for the gun or even kill herself after he shot Scott?

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Don't forget that

Many of those atrocities the Confederacy is known for occurred after Jackson came into power. While yes, Wyld were still persecuted, they weren't the genocidal army they would eventually become.

And no, Jackson wouldn't harm Miriam purposely. She shielded Scott from harm.

So, about 12/12/13

Jackson found out about Scott/Saoirse and was brainwashed(?)/mind-controlled into hating her. Mabus was hateful about Wyld in general, but Jackson was not against Wyld before this. Did this start him in the mental deterioration that had him kill his general, who's of course not Wyld, rather than try to influence him or go behind his back to kill Wyld? Did it start in grief after he killed his sister and sickly blamed Scott, or was he always, since then, under mind-control that caused his Wyld hatred and unthinking rage against almost everyone not a fervent Wyld hater/killer?

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

At the time

I'm sure most of his hatred was devoted directly to Scott in general. After he accidentally killed his sister, it grew to encompass everything. Of course that just made Jackson much more useful to Mabus.


Extravagance's picture

Does Scott's regeneration power extend to her hymen? She could RAKE it in as a hooker, charging premium prices every time simply on the grounds of being a virgin. ;)

This story is really complicated and difficult for me to follow. Such stories tend to shut down certain parts of my brain, and steer me toward thoughts of avarice and intimacy. :D

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Uh, yes...

Her hymen regenerates, but there's no way I could ever do that to Scott. She's like a daughter to me! And I doubt she would ever do that to herself.

You've created a really

You've created a really fucked up world here. The united states and canada turned into genocide capital. Seriously, I don't see how they can solve this conflict without slaughtering all of the nonWyld population of the confederation. There is no good or nice solution. If they let them alive they'll form guerillas and terrorist groups and start murdering wylds from the underground again. I don't know how far the fanatism has spread, but this looks really evil. If they turn over their own children to be killed, these people are irredeamable.

Thank you for writing this captivating story,

Yeah, this place is just brutal

Honestly, Jackson, even though mind controlled, is irredeemable. It's such a difficult thing to process. Even if Saoirse can somehow save him, he still would have to answer for his crimes.

And you can see that had really affected Saoirse as well. Even if she isn't to blame for these atrocities, she still feels responsible.

But even if this is all resolved let's not assume that all Confederate civilians are pure evil. Many are indoctrinated to believe that Wyld are Godless monsters, but don't go out of their way to see their deaths. Perhaps they may look at it all one day and realize just how wrong they were.


Confederate civilians aren't Nazis, they're all good Germans.

(I think there is a quote like this; I hope my paraphrase is at least "in the ballpark". {baseball term})

Hugs and Bright Blessings,