The Sentence - Final Chapter -

Jillain Spears
The Final Chapter

Mom now knows Jack’s big secret & how he really feels about wearing girl’s clothes.
Sarah likes being in control of Jilly and tries to take control every chance she can get.
The contest was still on for Saturday; will Sarah & Holli be able to teach the little girls how to play up to the judges?
Will everything work out ok for our little girl?
Lets find out

As mom & I entered the hallway from her room Sarah was standing there. I’m not really sure but she may have been trying to listen at the door to what mom & I were talking about. Anyhow mom told Sarah about our plans for a slumber party, which she was thrilled to hear about. We all arrived down stairs, where Holli was watching a show on TV called “Saturday Night Armature Hour’. Mom told Holli about our plan to have a slumber party with just us girls. Holli loved the idea. Just then the front door bell went off, and mom answered the door. It was Mrs. Spears with Sarah’s clothes for the next day & tonight. Mom asked her in, and then asked her what plans she had for the night. She told mom not much as Mr. Spears was going over to one of his friends for poker night. Which means he will be out till wee hours of the morning. Mom then asked her if she would like to stay a while, as we all decided to have a girl’s slumber party. She said oh that sounds like fun. When I heard that I ran up to mom and asked her if we could call next door for Lynn to come to the sleep over too. Mom said why Jilly that’s a great idea I bet Lynn would love that, and on her birthday too? Mom then said not only will I ask Lynn, but I’ll ask her mom to come over too. This way you girls can have a party while we adults have a get together in the kitchen. So mom called Mrs. Miller right up. Aunt Judy said that it sounded like a great idea, and that she would bring Lynn over in about a half hour after she gets her out of the tub and in her PJ’s. Mom mentioned to bring Lynn’s sleeping bag too.

The ladies got all of us cokes and some potato chips. Then came in put everything down on the coffee table, and told all of us set down and watch TV for a while. Mom said Mrs. Spears and I would be in the kitchen talking if you need anything. I found my doll and Holli got her doll, as we all at down to watch a show. Sarah said to me oh gees I left my doll at home. I was a little surprised by that statement. For some reason I figured Sarah may have given up on playing with dolls already. Just then Sarah’s mom said. Oh I don’t think so Sarah honey. I figured you like to sleep, with your dolly “JACKIE”. So I brought her along with me. Wait a minute here did I just hear that right? Sarah’s doll is named Jackie? Wow that’s so cool! Sarah named her doll Jackie I wonder? I started to giggle a little. Sarah goes what’s the matter if I still like dolls Jilly? I said no honest Sarah I wasn’t giggling, because you still like dolls. I think that’s great that you do. I was giggling over your dolls name ”JACKIE” that’s all. Then Sarah turned a little red, because her secret was out. She named her doll after me like I did mine. Sarah then said well, I like the name Jackie that’s all. And she stuck out her tongue at me as I gave a smile, followed by little giggle back at her. Then we both started to laugh. We all sat down on the couch holding on to our dolls, and watching the end of the show Holli had on.

The next show coming on was going to be a horror show. Mrs. Spears told Sarah to go change to her nightgown and mom told Holli to get up stairs to her room so mom could get her changed. I got to thinking wow mom never worried about making sure Holli got changed to her PJ’s before. Oh well who knows these day anyhow. Both of the girls headed up stairs and I got back watching the TV. Just then the doorbell rang. So Mrs. Spears went to see who it was. It was Lynn and Mrs. Miller from next door. The party was complete. The girls all came back down in their PJ’s, and we all sat there as the horror show started up. Tonight’s movie was going to be, “Frankenstein”. Wow that sounded a little scary to me. I had never seen this movie; and I was already having goose bumps as the movie opening credits started. That’s when I notice that Holli’s panties were extra puffy. Oh so that’s why helped her get changed. I could tell she was up set when she came down stair, but I didn’t know why? Mom put pampers on her too. Holli spotted me looking over at her and started to get tears in her eyes. Sarah didn’t know what was happening so she ran over to Holli and said what’s the matter, are you ok? That’s when Holli told us that mom was mad for what we did to Jilly at the park. So she is making me wear diapers till Monday night as punishment. That means I have to wear them to school and all. Sarah goes oh sweety I’m sorry I got you into trouble. I came over and told Holli that I was sorry that she had to wear diapers, and that I forgive her for the ex-lax joke. She gave me a big hug and kiss, and said that’s ok JILLY I love having a little sister like you. Mom came in carrying some blankets. She then gave us the covers to help keep us warm. Sarah and I had one cover, while Lynn and Holli had the other one. Mom and the ladies went out to the kitchen to have some wine and crackers, while they talked lady stuff I guess.

As the movie went on I could tell Sarah was scared, heck I was real scared in some spots too. Anyhow Sarah grabbed my arm & hand and was holding on tight as she could, as we both pulled the covers up over our heads. We then looked at each other and put are arms around each other waist, squeezing and holding each other tight as we both screamed, when we got scared, which of cause had Holli & Lynn screaming too. Then we would pull the cover up again and hide. After wards we all laughed. Mom hearing all the screaming came in to make sure we were all ok. We told her it was a scary part so we screamed. She giggled saying Girls will be girls as she left to go back to the kitchen. About 10 minutes later I needed another coke and so did Sarah. So I got up and headed for the kitchen. As I was about to enter the kitchen I heard mom talking. So I stopped just out side the door to listen for a bit.

Mom was telling the ladies about tonight and the nasty trick Sarah did to me. Mrs. Spears was getting very up set, and mad that Sarah would do such a thing. Mom told her not to worry that she took care of the punishment for Sarah and Holli. She explained how Sarah had to clean up the rubber panties, tights, and poppy diaper. That she had her wash them by hand and then put them in a bag so mom could wash them later. Then she had to wash down the tub, toilet & sink that she used to clean the items up in. Sarah mom said I think she may have learned a lesson there and they all giggled. Then mom told them about how for Holli’s punishment she put her in diapers & rubber panties till after school on Monday. This way she can get a taste of how Jilly feels. Sarah’s mom said maybe I should do that to Sarah too. Just so she understands what Jack I mean Jillian is going through? Maybe tomorrow for church when she wears her new outfit I got her tonight. I’ll just make sure she is wearing some diapers & rubber panties under the outfit too. Mom goes oh my, you got her one of Lori’s fancy dresses didn’t you. Mrs. Spears said ssssshhh yes! Not only the dress but I also got the matching rhumba panties & a cutes pinafore with lots of lace & bows. Mom looked at Mrs. Spears saying, but Sarah is staying over here tonight. So how will you be able to dress her in the morning? Then mom said, I tell you what Helen. If you don’t mind sharing a bed I have a Queen size bed if you want to stay over tonight too. I have extra nightgowns, and all. Mrs. Spears said that sounds like a great idea. Let call my husband at the porker game & tell him it’s Girls Night Out, with a Slumber Party, and I’ll see him in the morning for church.

About this time Sarah came up behind me and taped me on the shoulder. She asked what did you hear, anything good? Then she giggled. I said no not really. I wasn’t going to tell her about her new dress, and tomorrow’s punishment that’s for sure. We both went into the kitchen like nothing happen, and asked for more soda. Mom told us she will be right out to fill up everyone’s glass. So we headed back to the movie. After a while we were all getting sleepy. So mom happened to look in on us and saw we were getting tired. So she said ok girls lets head up to bed, so the mom’s and I can talk longer. She then told Mrs. Spears to open another bottle of wine, and I heard her say real low. Helen call for a pizza too ok. We all went up stairs. Seems mom was busy, and we didn’t even see her go up stairs. She had 3 sleeping bags set up in my old room, which Holli was using now. She even had Holli’s old princess sleeping bag out for me on the floor. She put me over near the corner of the room, with Sarah next me on the floor in another one of Holli’s sleeping bags. Lynn was next to Holli’s bed in her sleeping bag. Ok girls talk for a while if you want to. Then its bedtime hear me? We all said yes. Mom said now off the sleep with all of you girls. She then said good night as she put on the night-light and closed the door.

Once the door was closed we chatted for a while. I did notice that everyone had their dolls with them. I also noticed we were all holding on to them tight. Sarah had hers right up close to her, which I just loved seeing her that way. I found a comfy spot and rolled over close to Sarah. Next thing I know Sarah has her hand on the back of my hand rubbing it. She is saying real low in a whisper. You know Jack I love having Jilly as my new girl friend, and really I won’t tell anyone about how you’re dressed. Honest I was only trying to scare you when I said that. Good night girl friend. I just loved that she called me her girl friend. I knew then that she cared. That’s why she was holding my hand. We both fell a sleep that way holding each other’s hands.

I woke up the next morning and Sarah was still holding my hand. I started to move around a little, which woke up Sarah. She said with a big smile well good morning babykins, did we sleep well and are we all nice and dry today. To my surprise I was not only wet, But my diaper was full of poop again. I guess I was still having a problem from the Ex-Lax and during the night I must have went poop. I felt so ashamed. Here I was an 8 year old having filled a diaper like a little baby. Sarah seen my face realizing something was wrong. So she said ssssshhh sweetie its ok. You probably have some of that stuff I gave you last night in your system still that’s all. We were whispering so Lynn & Holli wouldn’t hear us. Just about then mom came in the room saying ok girls lets get up & going. We all need to wash up, brush teeth and get ready for church so lets get a move on. Sarah & I got up first and both headed for the bathroom. Mom grabbed me saying let Sarah use the bathroom first dear then you can go potty. She then took a sniff, and said oh sorry, but it smells like you already did go potty didn’t you? I looked at mom saying, honest mom I didn’t even know I went. It must be from that stuff Sarah gave me last night. Mom said that most likely was the Ex-Lax dear. That’s how it works so don’t get up set over it. But I do think just to be safe today till we are sure you’re ok. I think we will keep you in diapers & rubber panties all day today. But mom you said? Jilly it’s only to play it safe. Oh mom do we have to Gees? Yes I think it’s for the best today. Tomorrow I promise no more diapers ok. I said ok mom if you say so.

Sarah was just closing the bathroom door at that time, and heard what mom was saying. I looked over at her and she gave this little giggle as she stuck out her tongue at me. I just looked at her and stuck my tongue out back at her, as she closed the door. You see I knew something she didn’t. That in a little bit I was going to have a lot of company in wearing diapers grin. After Sarah came out of the bathroom it was my turn. Mom took me into the bathroom, had me stand in the tub again as she removed my nightie, and frilly panties. Then she took off my diaper & rubber panties, which seem to hold everything this time. To my surprise it was not only filled with poop, but I had also soaked the diaper a lot. I hope the wetting & to poop was all caused by the stuff from last night working on me.

Mom had me stand still so she could get me cleaned up. She cleaned me up with the hose & then some soap. She then let me do my thing on the potty, believe or not I still had to go. Then I washed my hands & brush my teeth. After I was done mom wrapped a towel around me, next stop was mom’s room. She had me lay on a rubber sheet that was on her bed, while she put diaper rash cream on. She was saying with you doing all this pooping, we don’t need you getting a bad rash down there. Next came some baby powder all over from head to toe again like yesterday. Then she took another one of the real baby diapers folded it so it was a pad, and placed it inside the Luvs pamper. Then taped me into it nice & tight. Next came rubber panties. Followed by a pair of bright white tights, and a pair of white Rumba panties, which had tons of lace, with a large pink bow on the rear.

Just then I realized that Sarah had walked over and was standing outside mom’s room watching mom pull the Rhumba panties up in place. She was still not dressed yet as she was just wearing one of Hollis nice bathrobes. So mom asked her in to help get me ready for church. Mom pointed to this pretty white little girls dress with a full slip crinoline hanging in the closet. The dress & crinoline both had these tiny little pink bows all over them. She asked Sarah to go over to the closet and get the crinoline & dress for her, while she had me stand up. She then told Sarah to put the crinoline on me while she got some other stuff ready. Sarah just loved this. I guess to her it was like she was dressing her baby doll. Next she helped me into the fluffy white dress and started to close the tiny little peal buttons up the back. Mom looked over as Sarah was tying the big bow from the sash in the back. She told Sarah what a great job she was doing as my Baby setter.

Then mom had Sarah bring me over to her vanity table so my hair could be combed out. After combing and brushing my hair just right, she placed two nice size pink bow barrettes in my hair one over each ear. Mom followed this with some light pink lipstick and some light blush. She said this will give you a nice little girls glow. Then she had me put on some white anklets that had pink lace around the top. Next mom put a pair of white Mary Jane’s with cute little pink bows on each shoe. The bows had two tiny little bells attached to each one. She gave me some white gloves to put on and a white little girl’s over the shoulder pocketbook. Mom looked at me saying oh wait I almost forgot, as she went to her dresser. On top of the dresser was a fancy bag. She opened it up & took out this gorgeous looking frilly baby’s bonnet with tons of lace, and a big bow right in the center of above the brim of the bonnet. Mom placed the bonnet on my head and tied the ribbons under my chin in a nice big bow. Sarah goes OH-MY, Jilly you look so precious & cute in that outfit. Just like a little baby girl of maybe not yet 3-years-old. I didn’t know what to say, when she said that. So I just said thank you. Sarah said you should learn to curtsy when you thank others for something. I will have to teach how to do that later today. Mom looked at me with a wink in her eye saying oh won’t that be so much fun sweety. Then handed me a little girls white coat trimmed in pink fur around the collar and sleeve ends. I remembered it as one of Holli’s older coats she wore a year or two ago. She said take this with you, and go down stairs, and watch TV till everyone else gets ready. Now Jilly you be good, and don’t get your outfit dirty.

As I was leaving the room, Sarah asked mom if her mother dropped anything off for her to wear? Mom said yes dear she did. But before mom could finish, Sarah’s mom came out of the mom’s private bathroom, which is attached to her room. Sarah seen her and goes MOM what are you doing here? Seems Sarah’s mom had stayed over night. We didn’t even know she was here. Mrs. Spears told Sarah that she stayed over so she could get her ready for church. Sarah said, but Mom I can dress my self? Her mom goes not today dear. I have a special outfit I just bought you last night for today dear. Her mom had a surprise for Sarah, and Sarah was not going to be a happy camper about this. Her mom told her I got you a nice new dress so come in the room, and I’ll help you get ready. My mom said I’m going to leave so you two can be alone, and I can take care of Holli. As we both left I could see Sarah’s mom take out a fancy clothing bag, and inside was one of aunt Lori’s dresses. Sarah seen the dress and said oh mom I’m not going to wear that. Her mom said oh but yes you are. I didn’t pay all this money so you won’t wear this pretty dress. About this time Mrs. Spears closed mom’s door so she could get Sarah ready. My mom told my sister that she would be in to get her ready in a bit, soon as she took Lynn home so Mrs. Miller could dress her for church. At that time I figured I better head down stairs before all the fussing started.

Mom headed next door to Lynn’s house, with Lynn in tow. About 2 minutes later she came back. I was still down stairs watching TV waiting for everyone to get done. Mom said she would check and see how Sarah & her mom were doing. Then she would start to get Holli dressed. We should all be heading out to church in about 45 minutes to an hour so be good. Not even a minute goes by and a heard this racket up stair. I walked over to the bottom of the stairs so I could hear a little better. Now I could hear Sarah saying something like oh no mom I’m not wearing it! You can’t make me wear that! Then I hear her mom say oh but I can, and you are. This is your punishment young lady for what you did to poor Jilly at the park yesterday. Now you will see what Jilly is going through having to wear one of these. I knew Sarah was being put in a diapers & rubber panties for what she did to me with the Ex-lax. Seem the ladies while talking last night had decided that she needed to be bough down a peg also. I could hear Mrs. Spears tell her to get over here or it’s over my knee. I heard some loud screams from Sarah, which to me sounded like someone was being spanked, and then everything got quiet. I figured I better go back to watching the TV.

It was maybe 20 minutes later that I heard someone starting down the stairs. So I got up to see who it was. OH-MY-GOSH! It was Sarah she look so pretty coming down the stairs. She had on this gorgeous peach dress with tons of lace, and bows. The dress had a scallop’s effect along the bottom with a peach bow at the top of each scallop. The crinoline under would peek out and show along each scallop. The crinoline its self was in a very light peach color with white lace along the bottom. Wow the dress look gorgeous. It was almost like the one I wore yesterday only in peach, but I noticed it was a little long. Her hair was up in pigtails with matching peach bows in each pigtail. She looked like she was about 6-years-old, but she also looked like an angel floating down the stairs. The dress was bouncing up & down as she walked down the stairs, crinoline just puffing the dress up and out. The dress its self was not as short as mine was it came maybe just even with Sarah’s knees. I could tell Sarah face was red from crying, and she was really mad. She seen me at the bottom of the stairs and said this is entirely your fault JILLY! Real mad like, as she hit the bottom of the stairs she said something I didn’t like. She said you are going to pay for this Missy! My mom liked your dress so much she got me this baby looking thing. She even got the rhumba panties to match. Now I have to wear it to church in front of all my friends. Just wait girl I’m going to make sure you are treated as the baby you look like all day. I said, But Sarah you look beautiful, like a little angel. Honest Sarah you look so beautiful, and I love the outfit. Sarah came back with, that’s the problem I look just like a LITTLE GIRL, and I look like you stupid. I’m 8 years old going on 9 and look at me. I look like a 6-year-old first grader. Well I knew I was in for it today she was really pissed off

Mom came down with Holli about 10 minutes later. Holli had on a really fancy party dress, but not as girlish or babyish as Sarah’s or mine. Mom called over to Mrs. Millers house to see if she was ready to go yet. Next thing I hear is mom saying ok girls get your coats, and Jillian don’t for get your dolly. Mrs. Spears was heading home she said she had to get her husband up, and they would get to church later. Mom gave Sarah my baby bag to carry. I guess she figured I was going to have an accident or something. Then we all met in the front of our house. We said bye to Mrs. Spears as we all got in to moms car. Mom had a lager car so all the girls got in the back with Crinolines and dresses everywhere, while Mom & Mrs. Miller were up front. Then off we went headed to church. As we left I said mommy what if any of the guys or girls from my class are there. They will see me dressed this way. Just then Sarah jumped in saying and me too. I was a nerves reck worrying if any of the guys or girls I know from school would be there, and see me dress as a little girl. But mom I guess was way smarter & ahead of us, because next thing I know we are headed off in the wrong direction of our church. Mom headed off to the church that was over three towns away from us, where no one knew any of us. This made me feel a lot better and it also made Sarah I lot happier too.

As we pulled up to church, and got out of the car, I had a big surprise. Sarah reached into the baby bag and came out with that dang harness with the leash. I had forgotten all about that thing. She looked at mom and said Mrs. Baker if I have to watch the baby I think I will need this. Mom goes well, Sarah you are Jilly’s baby setter and if you think you need to use that, then do so. It was kind of warm out so we had all taken off our coats and placed them back in the car. Sarah came over to me and had me turn around so she could place the harness over my head and buckle it up in the back. Then she hooked on the pink leash turned me around to face her, and adjusted the harness. As she was doing this she whispered to me. Just think babykins today is just starting. Then she went into the bag again and got out my pacifier, which she put in my mouth and pined the bear with the ribbon attached to the front of my dress. We entered the church with mom & Mrs. Miller first; she was holding Lynn’s hand. Then there was me all done up carrying my doll, in a baby’s harness. The little tiny bells on my shoes & the harness ringing away as I took each step, with all the older ladies and some young girls about Sarah’s age watching me. To all that were looking at us I was a cute little girl of maybe 3, walking down the aisle being held on a leash by Sarah, and Holli along side her. There was no problem at church we looked like two moms, with their little girls going to church. After church while standing outside, Mom did get a couple of comments on how pretty the girls outfits were, especially the cute little baby. One or two older girls told mom if she ever needed a baby setter to call, and gave her their numbers. Some of the ladies told Sarah that her baby sister looks so cute. They also had mention to her that she had to watch babies the entire time, so they don’t get in trouble. Sarah told them she knew that, and that’s why she had her baby sister hooked up to that harness. She said you can’t have them running off on you, but oh she is a hand full sometimes. I on the other hand had about 4 or 5 ladies come up to me and squeeze my cheeks and make baby talk with me. I couldn’t wait to get back to the car.

We all headed for the car and got back in Mrs. Miller said let’s go to my house and I’ll make us all some breakfast. So off we went. At home we pulled into our drive just as Rob & Tony were walking by. I seen the guys walking, and I was getting a little worried, what if they came over to the car and seen me. I didn’t want to get out of the car till they passed. I was trying to hide, but Sarah made me get out of the car and stand facing the guys as she hooked up that dang leash to the harness I still had on. Rob & Tony both seen Sarah hooking me up to the leash thingy, and yelled hi to her, and she waved back. Then she looked at me and asked do you want to go say hi to the guys Jilly? I was scared to death that the guys would come over and find out how I was dressed, and she knew that. Oh no Tony & Rob are headed this way. About that time I was almost ready to cry & so I tried to run, but I was already at the end of the leash thingy. Sarah knew I was scared and was eating it up. She then turned to Holli and said Holli sweety, hold on to the baby for me, while I check to see if she’s dry. I’m like your going to do what? No she can’t do this to me. NO! She can’t do this in front of the guys.

As Sarah came closer to me she whispered in my ear. Now just relax & play along. Remember to just suck real hard on your pacifier and try not to look right at the guys. She went on to say, besides with that cute baby bonnet on covering half your face and the pacifier in your mouth. Heck they will have no idea who you are. The guys will never know your not really a baby girl trust me. Rob & Tony came right up on us. So I made sure I was facing away from them. I was sucking away on my pacifier a mile a minute, just as Sarah had told me to do. Sarah said Hi guys; while I made sure all they could see was the back of my outfit. I figured as soon as Holli would loosen up on my leash I would try heading for the door as fast as I could. But no such luck. Sarah had me by the waist already and was lifting my dress up to check my diaper. She was talking to the guys at the same time. I could see in the window of the storm door like a mirror. That the guys were looking at what Sarah was doing with my panties, and not at all at me. With my crinoline, skirts, and rumba panties in full view the guys didn’t care who was wearing them. They were getting a free view and Sarah knew it too. She just took her time lifting my skirts & all to check my diaper, to see if I was dry.

After she was done playing her little game she straighten out my panties & dress, while saying well looks like the baby is a little wet. But that’s all right we can still go to the backyard on the swings for a while, and I can change her later. I’m think what? I don’t want to go on any swing. Sarah then took the leash back from Holli and said to me. Guess what Jilly sweetie you can go on the swings for a while like you wanted to. Then I can talk to the big boys here oh Jillykins. Won’t that be fun? So I just shook my head up & down and made a yea noise like I was really happy about this whole swing idea. I was trying hard to the pacifier in my mouth, and not to say anything or have the guys look at my face. Sarah then said to the guys. Wait to you see how she skips every wherever she goes. The little darling just loves to skip. Don’t Jilly Beanie. I’m think great now she wants me to skip to the backyard. So taking the hint I started to skip along the path to Lynn’s backyard swing set, while Sarah held on to my leash. This is just great I felt like I was a little baby girl for sure now, with my skirts flying in the air and my rhumba panties showing off to the guys behind me. I could hear Sarah behind me saying to the guys. Oh gee look how cute she looks skipping along? See how her skirts fly up as she skips showing off her cute lacey undies? Little baby girls are so cute when they do that aren’t they Tony? Tony had no idea what to say he just said oh yeah she is really cute skipping along that way. I don’t think either one of them cared about my skipping, but if Sarah cared. Then they would pretend to also care. She then said to Rob & Tony. You know little Jillykins here has been waiting to go on the swings set all morning. She just can’t wait

Sarah turned to Tony & Rob saying oh wow I still can’t get over just how cute she looks in that outfit. What do you think Tony? I could hear Tony say aaah! Ah um! Yes she looks simply adorable like a real little baby doll if I ever seen one. He the went on to say you know Sarah you look just as pretty in that dress your wearing today. I heard Sarah tell him. Why thank you Tony. Tony then asked Sarah so what’s up with the baby anyhow? Sarah told him, Oh I’m helping out by baby setting today. I’m taking care of little baby Jillian all day today. You know how babies like to run around. So I need to use this harness to keep her in line. That’s so she doesn’t run off out into the street, because she is a hand full. Rob goes whose little one is she anyhow? That’s when Sarah said something about me being a cousin of Holli’s from Texas, who is staying here for a while. Just then we got around back to Lynn’s backyard, and the swing set. Sarah came over and picked me up. She then put me in the baby swing pushing the safety bar down in place, and buckling up the safety strap around me, which was now making sure I was staying put. I looked at her and she had this big grin on her face, she was enjoying the whole thing. She gave my bonnet a little pull forward to help hide my face more. So after that I tried keeping my head down a little so the guys couldn’t get a good look at me. Sarah then walked behind me, with Tony & Rob following her. So now Tony, Rob, and Sarah were all behind me. Sarah said to Tony, why don’t you give the baby a big push. She just loves to have someone push her, while she in the swing. Just wait to you here her giggling, while she is swinging. I got the hint again of what Sarah was saying. So as Tony pushed me high I would make giggling at a high pitch baby sounds, with my pacifier in my mouth I sounded like a little girl loving how she was being pushed on her swing.

This went on for about 10 minutes, with Tony pushing me on the swing, while talking to Sarah. He was paying no attention to me on the swing or even to Holli. Holli was swinging along side of me on a big girl swing, and she was also going on the slide built on to the swing set. I just kept making happy sounds as Tony pushed me. Then out of nowhere I heard Tony asked Sarah if she had seen me lately. I started to panic now. Would Sarah give up my secret and tell Tony, whom the heck he was really pushing on the baby swing? I relaxed some when I heard Sarah tell him that she thinks Jack got in big trouble over those firecrackers on the school bus. I’m pretty sure he is staying at his aunt’s places in another state for a while. He may be there for the rest of the school year I heard. So the boys go dang we could of used him for baseball today, even if he is real small he can still hit pretty good. The other two guys that did the firecrackers got sent to military school. So now we lost 3 players. That’s not good at all. Sarah then says I don’t think Jack will be playing much baseball for a while. I heard that his aunt is taking care of him, and I hear she is pretty strict, and has him doing all kinds of chores & stuff he hates to do. Rob goes poor guy, and it wasn’t even his fault on the bus. The other guys lit the firecrackers not him. I could tell Sarah was having a great time talking about me, knowing I was setting right there.
That’s when we heard mom yell from the back door ok girls breakfast is ready. Bring the baby in Sarah dear, and don’t forget to check to see if the she’s dry. Mom could see that the guys were there, and I think she may have heard what Sarah was up to. The back kitchen window is only about 4 feet from the swing set, and I knew it was wide open. I could here mom & aunt Judy in side talking a little, and moving things around. So Sarah told Tony sorry we got to go inside now. Hey! Maybe you guys want to come inside and help me baby set? Did you ever change a baby’s diaper? I can teach you how? She knew both guys would bail at the idea of changing a baby’s diaper. As guys would say that’s girls stuff. Just as she figured, both boys jump in and say aaah no that’s ok we both have to go. So Sarah says ok then, bye guys. OH! If you do change your mind you can stop by later and help me with the baby I can use help taking care of her & changing her diaper. Tony goes I don’t think so. I plan on playing ball later. Guess we will see you at school tomorrow Sarah. As Tony & Rob both walked pass me, Tony looked at me saying Bye-Bye Jillykins you sweetie pie. He winked at Sarah like he was really cool for saying bye to the baby, saying to Sarah she is a cute one isn’t she. He had no idea who he was pushing in the swing or saying bye to. After Tony & Rob both left Sarah took me out of the swing giggling her head off. What a time we had Jilly. We really fooled them, and Tony thinks you’re a real cutie pie. Then Sarah laughed some more, as Holli said you even had him pushing Jilly in her swing. And they both started to laugh. Matter of fact I started to giggle about the whole thing too. Then I looked at Sarah saying with my pacifier still in my mouth. I was sacred to death they would figure out it was me. Sarah giggled some more saying I was pretty sure they had no idea who you were, and I sure enjoyed myself fooling them sweet cheeks.

We all headed for the back door. Sarah was still giggling and saying you know Jilly dear, Tony had no idea he was pushing Jack his friend in that swing. He really thought you were a little baby girl. Holli was giggling about the whole thing also. I was sweating like crazy, and I was also very wet now, because I peed my self a couple of times from panic. Mean while Sarah had this big grin on her face, because she had made me go through this whole little baby girl thing with Tony & Rob. Once in side Sarah came over to where I was standing. She then said well babykins lets get you out of the harness and check if you’re still dry, which I wasn’t. As she took the harness off she then replaced my pacifier it in my mouth that I had let fall out on the way in.

Just about that time Mom came out of the kitchen saying ok girls breakfast is ready. So we all headed for the dinning room. Sarah said to me we can Check if you’re dry later after breakfast sweet cheeks. As I walked into the dinning room I had this feeling I was going to be picked on again, because at one side of the table was a highchair. Lynn & Holli were already seated mom told Sarah to set over near the highchair and Jilly lets get you a chair chair. I go mom do I have to set in the highchair? My mom goes no dear unless that’s what you want to do. I said no I prefer a regular chair if that’s ok? So mom got me a chair and I sat down only the chair was a fold out chair so it was really low. Mom says I think we need a booster seat. Mom looks at Sarah giggles and says you’re her baby setter so take care of her. The booster seat is over in the corner. After Sarah placed it on the chair I sat down. I said ah much better now as Sarah helped to push me in closer to the table. Then mom looked at Sarah Saying I heard what you told the boys out side. You told them that you are the little ones baby setter all day today. So she is all yours. Starting now for the rest of the day. Mom then went back to the kitchen and started to help Mrs. Miller bring out the pancakes, eggs & some bacon. Sarah in the mean time gets up and brings in my baby bag. She takes out the bib, and a clean sippy cup. Sarah then asked mom if she could have some juice for the cup and mom goes okay just a minute. After mom filled the cup full of juice she grabbed a dish in her other hand, and headed my way. Here you are sweety drink this. Do you need Sarah to help feed you breakfast? I go no that’s okay mom I’m big enough that I can feed my self. Sarah says oh but Jilly I like feeding you. So she takes the dish from mom. There were some eggs & bacon in on one side & some pancakes on the other. Wow sure looks good.

Mom & Mrs. Miller sat down and we all started eating and talking, while Sarah kept teasing me by try to help fed me my breakfast. Mom looked at me & Sarah saying so girls did you have a good time out on the swing set, letting the big boys push Jilly on the swing? Sarah & I both looked at each other. Mom knew what happen! She must have been listing or looking out from the open window. We figured we were both in trouble now. Mom then looks at Sarah saying you know Sarah that may have been the best thing you did for Jilly. I’m going what was? What! You mean me being pushed by Tony? You have got to be kidding me? Mom went on to say, Sarah did a pretty good thing with the boys. Tony had no idea he was pushing Jack on the swing. He really thought Jack was a little baby girl named Jillian. I also heard & I loved the story you told him when he asked where Jack was. Matter of fact I figured this may have helped us in more ways then you think. Now Tony & Rob will tell all of the guys in school about Jack being sent to another state to live, and you can tell all of the girls the same story, about how Jack was sent to live with his aunt in some another state. Thank you Sarah, because of what you said to the boys I will have no problem now with Jack being seen dressed as the little baby girl for the contest next Saturday. As of now Jack is Jillian, Holli’s little baby girl cousin, who is staying with us for while, and who I entered in the little miss mall contest. I’m thinking you have got to be kidding me? I jumped right in saying but mom how long do I have to stay dress as a little girl? Mom said, we made a deal, but I’m not sure just yet dear. We will have to see just how things develop. As of right now at lease till your school suspension is over with. We will see after that dear? What did she mean by that (We will see after that)? I’m thinking I got it. Mom is saying all this so not to let on about me liking to dress up this way. That was a neat way to go mom.

We all finished breakfast and even thou Sarah was feeding me some what I still had two helpings, and a second cup of juice. As Sarah let me out of the booster seat & hair she asked mom for some more juice for the little one. So mom filled up yet another bottle again for me, and we all headed for the playroom. While Sarah was letting me out of the hair, She checked with her finger in my panties leg to see if I was dry, which I wasn’t. Then she handed me my bottle to drink, as she went & told my mom about me being wet. Mom came in and said okay Jilly I hear you’re wet. I said yes mom I got scared when Tony started to push me. I figured he would know it was me in the swing. So I ended up peeing I was so scared. That’s ok dear lets get you up stairs my little one. I told mom when we got up stair that while on the swing I was really panicking. I was really worried that Tony or Rob would find out about me, and that’s when I had an accident. She said okay I can understand that, but any more accidents and its definitely baby time, with diapers, pampers, and rubber panties for you the rest of the week do you hear me. I said yes mom I hear you.

As we came out of the bathroom Sarah was standing at the door. She told mom she came up to use the bathroom, and see if she needed any help. I knew she heard everything mom had said. Sarah turns to me and says, OK Jilly time to start learning how to be a good little girl. Mom looks at Sarah and asked what she was talking about. So Sarah told mom, well Mrs. Baker if Jilly is going to be in that contest next Saturday like planned. Then she needs to learn how to act as a 3-year-old little girl. Mom goes I guess your right about that. Sarah then told mom she figured that Holli, Lynn, & her had a plan. They were going to start teaching Lynn & I how to walk, talk curtsy, and maybe even stand like a model. We even plan on teaching her a song or two with cute moves that she can do on stage. This way I would have a better chase to win the contest next Saturday. Sarah said we have a full week to help make Lynn & Jillian the best looking little girls up on stage.

She then told mom that she had asked Mrs. Miller if she could come over after school to teach Jillian & Lynn each day. She told mom, practice makes prefect, and that Mrs. Miller loved the idea and said yes. Mom told Sarah that’s a great idea. She looked at me saying Jillian you will listen & learn everything Sarah is going to teach you. So for the rest of the day I learned how to curtsy by holding the ends of my skits out as I put one leg behind me and gave a little bend with the other. I must have curtsied over a hundred times till Holli & Sarah figured I had it down perfect. Lynn was practicing also, but the girls helped her, and they didn’t have her doing as much as me. They also had me walk with a little wiggle, while swaying my hips side to side so my skirt bounced and swayed as I walk. They said this would help to show off my rumba panties to all the people. Then I had to practice standing, turning, twirling, and bending over so my panties showed to the judges.

I was getting really beat so we stopped for a while. That’s when Sarah goes is baby dry still. I go yes Jilly is dry Miss Sarah. I was thinking of how she wanted me to answer her at the party yesterday. I figured it would make her happy that I answered that way, and she would leave me alone. She goes oh such a good girl to remember how to answer when I ask you a question. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was being set up again for one of her tricks. Seems while I was busy practicing Sarah had left the room for a little bit. She had taken one of the baby bottles with her. I didn’t see that She had filled it with warm water and set it on the end table near us. She also had left the top off for some reason. She then said to me well let Miss Sarah check and make sure you are dry sweety. So she had me turn around with my back to her. As she pulled my rhumba panties tights down a little she then got a hold of my pamper and pulled it back a little. I’m thinking what the heck is she up to? She never checks me that way before? I then had a big shock as I felt her pour the full 8 oz. bottle of water, that was in the baby bottle, down into my pamper. I go Sarah what are you doing I’m soaked now? She goes oh did baby have an accident? Oh! That’s to bad. Well the 8oz. of water just filled up the-pamper. I was sloshing around now as I walked. Then she said well babykins I guess you are a big baby wetting your panties all the time. You better just get use to walking in a wet pamper for a while, because I’m telling your mom that you had another accident. Then I knew Sarah had listened at the bathroom door earlier, and set me up to wear pampers all week.

I was a little ups set so I asked her. Why would you do that to me I was being good? She goes that’s so I can get even, because of what happen in the park I have to wear a diaper& & rubber panties all day today and tomorrow to school. I go what? She then told me that her mom found out what she did to me at the park, and is making her wear the diapers for the next two days, just like Holli has too. I’m thinking to my self. Wow! That’s kind of cool, that her mom is teaching her a lesson for picking on me. I didn’t let her know I was a little happy about it. So I said oh! I’m sorry that you got into trouble about that, but it was your own fault, as you did give me the Ex-lax. Sarah then turned around kind of in a huff and said well babies should be quiet. So here put this back in your mouth and keep it there. She took my pacifier that was hanging on my dress and put it in my mouth.

I then heard Sarah out in the kitchen talking to mom. She told her that I had an accident and was soaked. I headed for the kitchen just as mom came out. Mom goes Jilly did you wet your panties again. I tried to say something but with the pacifier in my mouth it all came out baby talk. Boy mom was mad as she said. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. You seem to be turning into a baby. Well if you want to act like one then you will stay dressed that way. I told you what would happen if you had another accident. It’s was pampers & rubber panties for you till next Sunday after the contest. Plus I think we will use the thicker pampers & two pads inside so when you wet I don’t have to change you as much. Maybe walking around all day in wet pampers like a baby will cure you. Mom grabbed my baby bag then my hand and we headed back to the bathroom. I tried to tell her it was Sarah that poured water down in my panties, but mom said and just why would she do that? I decided to just be quiet and not make a big deal out of it. Heck it’s only a week and if I don’t tell maybe Sarah will like me more. I was change into a dry pamper and two thick pads were added inside to soak up everything. As mom took me back to the play down stairs I found that walking was harder to do. I waddle like a baby and I couldn’t put my legs together. Great now I felt even more like a 2 year old. When I entered the playroom, and Sarah seen how I was walking she started to giggle. Then she said that is perfect, just the kind of walk a little baby should have up on stage

Just about then the doorbell went off. It was Sarah’s mom, who had stopped by to pick her up. Mom called Sarah and told her it was time to go. So Sarah turned to me and said ok Babykins we will do more practicing tomorrow after school. She then got her coat and left with her mom. The rest of the day Lynn, Holli & I played house & tea party with our dolls till about 4 pm, when was time for everyone to go home. Only mom want to go out to eat, seeing she had nothing ready, because we were next door all day. So she had us get in the car and off we went back to that restaurant near the park. Again the same lady waited on us, but I was getting use to being treated as a baby. So all went ok at the restaurant. Back home I was taken out of my dress, but mom left the tights & rumba panties on. She then put me in a baby doll type nightgown top. Handed me Sarah and said go with your sister and watch TV till its time for bed. I mentioned I needed to go pee. Mom just looked at me saying. Now you want to use the toilet/ well it’s to late for that you are a little baby as far I can tell. You went pee in your diaper at Mrs. Millers didn’t you? What’s changed? She then just walked away and left me standing there. So I headed over in to watch TV, and while setting there I peed my diaper at lease 2 maybe even 3 times I was soaked. Mom came in said its bedtime. She then took me up stairs changed me, put me in the crib, handed me my doll and pacifier. Closed the crib rails and said good night sweety, as she left it was only about 6:30, but believe it or not I was really ready for bed. I was out like a light in less then 10 minutes.

The next day I woke up in what I guess you would now call my crib. I was still holding Sarah my doll. The day was Monday and it was starting off just like Friday. Aunt Judy came over got me out of bed. Then she grabbed some clothes that mom left out, and took me to her house. At her house she got me changed, dressed, & feed. Then at 10am Lynn & I were off to day care till 2pm. At 2pm it was back to aunt Judy’s house. After we got back to aunt Judy’s Lynn & I played till Sarah and Holli showed up at about 3:00. Sarah took over about that time, and had both Lynn & I practicing for the contest for the rest of the afternoon till mom came over at about 4:30pm to pick us up. This went on for the whole week. Except for one day, which was Tuesday. Other then that Lynn & I went to daycare Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The other two days we play with our dolls & games at Lynn’s house all day. Aunt Judy even took us to the park two times. We even asked some of the other little girls over for lunch, and to play with us. After school each day Sarah & Holli were there to teach Lynn & I how to be the best & cutest little girls on stage. What Sarah didn’t know was I couldn’t wait for Saturday. For some strange reason I really wanted to win this contest.

But lets go back to what happened on Tuesday ok. Tuesday for some reason started out a little different for sure. One thing was instead of aunt Judy coming over to get me out of bed. Mom got me up that day, but what was really strange was she said she would get me dressed after Holli left for school. So we all went down stairs and had some breakfast. Then mom got Holli ready for school while I watched. Once Holli was all set & looking good. Mom sent her off to catch the school bus. After closing the front door and saying bye to Holli for the day Mom turned her attention to me. She said okay lets get you up stairs and washed up. Then we can both get dressed and ready to go. GO? Go where I’m thinking? So up stairs I head. Once up there mom says ok lets get you out of the diapers & rubber panties. After she had them off me, she said ok “Jack”, hop in the bathroom use the toilet and then take a quick shower, and make sure you get your hair get wet. WOW I’m thinking that was a strange request? She then said after you’re finished in there call me. Now I am really puzzled? First off she called me Jack, not Jillian or Jilly? Secondly she said take a “Shower” not bath, what the heck is going on here? Then to boot make sure your hair is wet? I got finished taking the quick shower like I was told, which by the way felt great. I dried my hair somewhat & myself off with a big fluffy towel. Then I called for mom. She came in the bathroom and said ok lets get you dress. She grabbed my hand and took me back to my old room, where she told me to get dressed. I’m thinking in what? Mom then hands me my guy underwear, tee shirt, blue jeans, button up shirt and some socks. Saying put these on.’ Next she hands me my “KEDS” sneakers. I looked at mom saying what’s up? How come I’m back in my regular clothes mom? She just said I will let you know in a little bit, but right now get dressed, while I go get changed also. So quick as a bunny I got all dressed in my boy clothes, which I must say felt very strange to be wearing guys undies, jeans & a shirt again.

Mom got finish dressing and came in my room saying are you ready. I go I’m just finishing up tying my sneakers. She says ok finish up, and then meet me down stairs. Once down stairs mom took a brush to my semi-wet hair pulling it back like I seen some high school boys wear it. She then put my baseball cap on my head saying that’s better. Then she reached over and took out both earrings saying we will put them back in after we get home later. I was so confused I said mom what’s going on. She said we have an appointment for you at a doctor’s office for a complete physical by a specialist. We need to be there by 10am. I made this appointment over 3 months ago and forgot all about it till last night. Next thing mom hands me my coat, grabs her coat and out the door we go.

We drove for a while before arriving at the doctor’s office about 9:30. Once inside and signed in the nurse handed mom some papers to fill out. After she was done and gave them back to the nurse. The nurse asked mom & I to follow her to the examining room. The doctor came in about 5 minutes later. The doctor said hi to us and started to check me over. First he asked me lots of questions. Then asked mom some more question about my age, height, and weight. Then he asked mom a strange question. How long has he been this size. Mom said a long time why? Just wondering the doc said. He then had me stand up and strip to my underwear. After a complete physical he had the nurse come in to take some blood. Then she ran some other test on me, like an EKG, breathing test, blood pressure. Then off to another room for some kind of ultrasound, which she did on my heart, neck and legs. The legs she did from my crotch all the way down to my ankles on both legs. That was like so cool listening to your heart pump and all. After about 3 hours at the office with tons of test we were done, and on the way home. Mom stopped off at a local diner near the doctor’s office and we had lunch.

Once we got home mom said ok sweety lets get you back into your girl’s clothes. So we headed up stairs to get changed. Only to my surprise after I had striped down to my birthday suit. Mom hands me a regular pair of panties followed by a pair of white tights. Wow No diaper or rubber pants cool. She saw my face when she did this. So she started saying baby time is now over. You were good last couple of days so now its just little girl outfits that I understand you love to wear. She said this with a grin on her face. I said great mom that’s coo. So quick as a bunny I got my tights on followed by a pair of cute rhumba panties. Next was a nice light blue little girl’s everyday dress (No crinoline needed grins). Some socks & Mary Jane’s I was dressed. Mom brushed my hair back into a little girl’s style and put some bows over each ear. She then put my earring back in. Mom asked me if I wanted to help her take down the crib and turn it back into a little kid’s bed? I said wow boy do I. She giggled and said ok let’s get to it.

After we had the crib apart and moved out the crib parts to the bed. We started to assemble the youth bed, but to my surprise mom put those dang half side rails back on the bed. Saying they were there just in case. We don’t want our little girl falling out of bed do we? I said to her I don’t fall out of bed mom. Mom said we would leave them on anyhow. We then took all the extra crib parts back up to the attic. After we finished that & cleaned up the mess we made in the room. It was down stairs for some cookies & milk. As we entered the dinning room I watched mom head for the highchair, which I figured I was going to be put in any second. But instead she moved it way over to the corner of the room, and placed my regular chair back where the highchair had once sat. She goes we don’t need that for now do we? After that we had our cookies and milk, (mom had tea). While we sat there mom asked me some more question about why I like dressing up as a little girl. We had a great little talk about this subject, which lasted for over an hour or more. Then through the front door comes Holli & Sarah? MOM goes Wow is it that time already? They had seen mom’s car in the drive so they came right over here. We called next-door and told Lynn’s mom that everyone came home and were all over here. So mom asked if they wanted to come over for diner. This way Sarah & Holli could do more training with Lynn & I, and the ladies could talk. Aunt Judy said it sounded like a good idea so they would be right over. Once Lynn & her mom arrived. Lynn & I, and our teachers, Sarah & Holli headed for the living room to practice, while the ladies went to start diner & talk.

Sarah & Holli were trying to teach me how little girl’s move, set & things like that. They also wanted me to learn two cute little songs. One of which I could use to sing on stage next Saturday. One song was “I’m A Little Tea Pot”, with some really cute moves, and the other song was “Playmate” only besides some cute little moves for that song. They showed me how to wiggle & dance, while singing it. They said if I did it right the judges would just love me. Let me tell you they made me practice both songs everyday after that for the whole week. I had both songs & all the moves that went with the songs memorized by the time Saturday morning got here.

Saturday came around I was woke up a little early. Mom came in and checked on me how are we today all excited about your big day on stage. I’m thinking great mom nothing like worrying me about being on stage and I’m not even there yet. Okay sweety let’s get you smelling sweet as a rose bud. So off we went to the tub of waiting bubbles. After a quick bath I was sprayed down with baby powder smelling stuff .wow I really smelled like a 2 or 3 year-old baby. Mom then put me back in pampers, saying sorry, but we need you to look like a 3-year-old in diapers. Only this time she use two pads inside the Luvs pamper followed by a pair of lavender rubber panties. Dang I had that baby waddle back again. Next thing I know I’m being dressed in just a plain cotton dress with plain rumba panties. Mom said lets get Holli up and have breakfast out. We got Holli ready and headed for the mall. This was really strange to me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Mom had my diaper bag with her but I wasn’t dressed for any contest that’s for sure. We had a great breakfast at a restaurant that is in the mall parking lot called “IHOP”. After breakfast we walked over to the mall and right to Aunt Lori’s shop. The shops in the mall were still closed, as it was just going on 9am. The mall opens at 10, but you can walk around window-shopping from 8am on. A lot of older people use the mall as a walking track from 8 to 10 am. Aunt Lori was at her door to the shop waiting for us.

Now I figured out what was going on. Mom was going to get me dressed at aunt Lori’s for the contest. The contest was set to start at 11am. We walked in and aunt Lori took us to the back by the changing rooms. There on the wall was the most gorgeous looking lavender dress I had ever seen. Plus with it was a crinoline that had so much fluff that anyone wearing it would be lost in a pile of lace & satin. Right next to the crinoline hung on a chair was the most fabulous looking pair of rumba panties with so much lace & bows on it. All I could say was Oh My Gosh. Hanging on the wall just to the left of the dress was a pinafore in white with tons of lavender lace & bows all over it. Also on the chair were a pair of white gloves with lavender lace around the hand openings, a pair of bright white tights, lavender socks with tons of white lace going around the top of them in two rows. There was also a baby bonnet in the same lavender as the rest of the outfit with again tons of lace & bows on it. And next to that was a pacifier with a lavender & white lace ribbon attached to a pin, which had Cinderella in a lavender outfit on it. Aunt Lori says to mom so do you think our little princess has a chance to win now. Mom gave a big hug to aunt Lori while saying Oh My Gosh she will look like a cloud of lavender and lace. She will look so adorable. Thank you so much Lori. Aunt Lori said well I just want our little baby princess to look great so she wins and I can have her as my catalog model for the next two years. Mom then said something that ready got me. She said Oh yes I want her to win too. I love having a little girl around to dress up frilly. My other daughter just wasn’t into frilly outfits, but Jilly here is different. So they started to dress me for the contest about 10 minutes later Lynn & her mom got there and aunt Lori show her Lynn’s outfit .all I could say was wow. I just knew we were going to be the cutest girls up on stage, with no problem.

Let me fill you in on how the contest works. It’s like this, there are about 5 to 6 girls entered in each age group. The age group of 2 to just under 4 is my group. Then ages 4 to under 6 is the group Lynn is in, and ages 6 to 8 years old is for the older girls. Who ever wins their age group gets to move on to be one of the 3 finalists. So that one girl from each age group will be in the finals. One of these three girls will then have a chance to win it all. From the final girls left there would be a 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place winner. The 3rd place winner would get $500 dollars. 2nd place would get $1,500, and the 1st place winner would get $3,000 dollars, a contract to model in Aunt Lori’s catalog for two years, and a tutor for schoolwork. That’s if she is in school. If she is ages 2 to 4 in preschool, she gets free preschool day care for the two years.

Mrs. Miller had Lynn already now and Mom had just finished up with me. Right on time Sarah showed up after mom had me all dressed, and like mom had said I looked like a cloud of puffy lavender, lace, and bows. Sarah went wild over me saying Jillykins you are sure to win. Mom then turned to Sarah saying ok Sarah she is all yours till the contest, make sure she stays clean, and out of trouble. Sarah then went to the diaper bag and got out that dang harness thingy, and put me in it. She then hooked up the leash and said to me this should make sure you stay out of trouble. Mom looked over and told Sarah good idea that should slow her down a little till after the contest. Sarah then handed me my doll, which I had forgotten all about. I thought I left her home, but mom had taken her & dressed her up in a matching outfit to what I was wearing

At about 10:45 we all headed over to the contest area. Sarah was leading me across the mall in my harness while the little bells on it were ringing away. Everyone was turning to see what was making the sound. Then it was ooow’s & aaahhh’s & oh how cute. There was even a couple of “she is a living doll”. Some of the ladies asked Sarah why is the baby all done up so cute? So Sarah would tell them about the contest. They all would say oh we have to go see her. She is so cute. Great I was on show already and couldn’t do a thing about it. We arrived at the contest & signed in. Sarah said she was going to keep me in my harness till it was my turn to go up on stage. So here I stood all doll up like a little girls baby doll that should be up on a shelf. I was so nervous that I was sucking away hard on the pacifier Sarah had put in my mouth earlier. Mainly because I was so scared to death about being up on stage in front of everyone.

Then it happen I seen about 5 of the girls in my class and they all seen Sarah. Dang I’m dead now. They came over to talk to Sarah for a while. I just pretended I was interested in the show and didn’t look at them. I kept my head turned just a little hopping that the baby bonnet & pacifier would hide whom I really was. Sarah told the girls she was helping out watching baby Jillian, before she goes on stage. I have to make sure she doesn’t get all dirty or into any trouble. Well the girls took one look at me all done up & went crazy. They started to check out my whole outfit lifting my dress & crinoline to see the rhumba panties, which Sarah was telling them about. They were more interested in my outfit then looking right at me. They talked about how I was dressed, but it was like I wasn’t there. They said stuff like oh look at her. She is absolutely gorgeous in that outfit, and look she has on matching panties as they lifted my dress to check. Then one of them asked Sarah does she still have accident I see she’s in diapers yet. So Sarah goes oh yes she is still a wetter yet, but she is being potty trained, and is getting better. Then one of the girls says oh just look at that darling little bonnet framing her face. Oh my Sarah she is so cute & adorable. Sarah said oh yes she is a living doll. Then one of the girls asked Sarah what did you say her name is? Sarah told her Jillian Baker. Oh great now they will know for sure whom I really am.

One of the girl’s goes “BAKER”? I didn’t know Jack had another sister? Sarah says oh she’s not Jacks sister. She Jack’s baby cousin up here visiting from Texas, and is staying with the Baker’s. So the girls all go oh, well she is defiantly a doll and we will all vote for her for sure. She should be a model in a catalog that’s for sure. One of the girls then asked Sarah by the way do you know where is Jack? I haven’t seen him for over a week or more. Sarah said oh you didn’t hear? He was sent to live at his aunt’s place in another state, after that firecracker thing on the school bus. Sarah then told then I hear his aunt takes no crap. I bet she is really punishing him up there. The girls go well, I hope he learns his lesson. So Sarah says I’m pretty sure he is learning as we speak and they all laughed. Next thing I hear see ya after the contest Sarah, as the girls all headed off to watch the contest. Thank God that was over with! Sarah then looked a t me and said, see silly they didn’t even know it was you that’s how much you look like a little baby girl. They looked right at your face and didn’t even recognize you.

The contest was about to start as the loud speakers came on. The lady came on saying all girls from 6 to 8 please get ready. The big girls went on first. And wow some of them were really pretty. I figured I didn’t have a chance of winning now. Then Lynn’s group was up on stage. Lynn looked beautiful up on stage. After her group was done it was my turn. There were 6 little girls entered in the 2 to 4 age group, and I was last to walk on stage. Sarah took the harness off me and said have fun babykins. Sarah had me practicing all week on how to stand, walk, turn, and making sure I look at the judges & smiled. She asked if I remember the song I needed to do, and I said yes. Sarah also wanted to make sure the judges did see my panties. So she had me carrying a little lace hankie plus my dolly. The plan was on the way off stage, as I turn to leave. Opps I would drop the hankie and bent over to pick it up. This of cause would show off my lavender bow on my rhumba panties in full sight. Then she had told me to skip off stage, with crinolines, dress, and panties just a showing everything. Well I did as Sarah told me. After singing I’m a little teapot I curtsied then turned to leave, while I dropped the hankie and bent down to pick it up showing everyone my cute frilly rhumba panties. Then I skipped off stage giggling and smiling as I left. Well the crowd when wild everyone started clapping, and I know I heard the 5 girls from my class going she is a doll I’m voting for her. The judging, and adding up the scores started, and all the girls were just beside them selves waiting for the scores to be counted.

The PA speakers came on, and the lady said we have a tie with our 2 to 4 year olds we need Jillain Baker & Penny Adams to report to me back stage thank you. So Sarah helped me find the lady we were told to report to. The lady said that Penny & I both have to go back up on stage, and do our songs or routine one more time. So the judges have one more look at us. Penny went first and kind of wiggled and dances to a song. I figured I needed to do better. I told Sarah that I planned to sing “Playmate”. Seeing Sarah had drummed the song into my head all week. Why not? What was great is Sarah was smart enough to bring her music along. So she gave her record to the lady to play while I sang. The record Sarah had was all music, because it came with a book that had the words. This way you could sing along with the music. It was now time for me to go up and do my thing. So up on stage I went. I walked up to the mike, said my name, and that I was going to sing one of my favorite songs, while saying this I made sure I wiggled back & forth. That way my dress swayed real little girlishly. The judges looked at me saying okay sweety you can start whenever you are ready. So I gave a little curtsy and said thank you. Then I heard the music start up. I started to sing my heart out, and while singing I started wiggling, dancing and moving to the beat. But still keeping the little girl voice I was doing and acting like a cute little girl on stage. My dress & crinoline was bouncing up down and all over. After I finished singing everyone in the place stood up and started clamping and cheering. Wow that felt so cool. So I gave a nice curtsy and skipped off stage one more time.

It was now time for the finalists to be announced. You heard the speaker come and the lady started to announce the winners. Ages 6 to 8 were the first to be announced and a Miss Jessica Marie Berretta took first place in that group. Oh yes I remember her she was gorgeous I would of loved to know her. Next it was the 4 and up to 6 year olds. Oh wow! It was Lynn. She came in first in her group .way to go Lynn. Now it was my group. I was a little worried, as I had seen the judges looking over at me. Then at the other girl a couple of times & talking. Next thing I hear over the speaker system is in the age group of 2 and up to 4 years old we really had a hard time. They all looked so cute & adorable. To bad they all can’t win. We finally came down to one little girl who stood out with how she walked & stood. She has on an adorable outfit, and looked so cute all do up. Plus she did a great job of entertaining us with her song. So for Ages 2 to 4 the winner is little Miss Jillain Baker. I won the first round wow so cool. I gave Sarah a big hug as she gave me a kiss on the lips, saying you won sweety.

I went up on stage with Lynn & Jessica. I was handed a trophy for my age group. So here we were, Lynn was on the left side of Jessica, and I was standing on her right, while cameras were taking our pictures. Next we had to stand there, while the judges when over some notes or something. Then I hear the lady start to talk over the PA system again. Ok ladies & gentlemen we have a winner for our Little Miss Mall. Our Contest, 1st runner up takes home $500 dollars and a trophy. Miss Lynn Miller. That’s so cool Lynn won 3rd place. The speaker lady went on. This next place was a very hard choice; the runner up for Little Miss Mall is Miss Jessica Marie Berretta, who takes home $1,500 dollars & a trophy. Which means little “Miss Jillian Baker” is our new “LITTLE MISS MALL”. Wow! I won I won! Oh My Gosh, I really won! Next thing I know they are placing a really fancy grown on my head and handing me a bunch of roses. I look out in the mall area, and I see Sarah and the other five girls from my class right there in front. Sarah is crying as she looked up at me. I started to cry my self; I can’t believe it I won. I really did win? That’s when a lady came up and told me to walk to the end of the ramp. Then stop and stand there for a couple seconds. So pictures could be taken. Then I was to turn around and come back here. So I did what I was told. Wow! So many cameras are going off.

I guess you could say life, as I knew it changed a lot for me on that day. Not only did I win the contest and get a contract to model in aunt Lori’s catalog, but also that afternoon at home we received another call that helped in changing my life. The doctor I had gone to called mom and asked her to bring me back in. He told her that we needed to talk. So we went back to see this specialist that Monday. It seems they found out that I have a condition that will not let me grow any taller than maybe an 8 year old would be. Which means that I may grow to a great height of 4-foot 6-inches if I’m lucky. So I will be small framed & really short the rest of my life. At home that Monday night mom, Holli & I talked. We explained to Holli that I liked dressing and acting like a little girl and asked her what she thought all that. That if it’s ok with her I would like to be able to dress that way for maybe a weekend once in a while. Holli said that she loved having a little sister and if that’s what I want to do. Then she was ok with it, as she gave me a big hug & kiss. Saying I love my big brother a lot, but if he also likes being my little sister then I’m ok with that too.

We all talked it over and decide that I would stay dressed as “Jillian” till we had a chance to discuses with aunt Lori the contract we would receive for modeling in her catalog. Mom said that she would try to get me into a different school. The thing was that everyone in town now knew that there was another Baker girl. So mom came up with the story that her sister in law & her brother where having troubles, and that little Jilly would be visiting us now & then. At lease till her family figured out what to do marriage wise. Plus seeing she got the modeling contract. She would stay at our house when modeling. Mom figured this way if anyone seen little Jilly with her or around the house. They wouldn’t put two & two together. So we contacted Mrs. Coyle (that’s aunt Lori’s last name) and had a meeting. It was decided that we would use the tutor that came with the contract for the next 2 years; the reason we did that was because we found out that Mrs. Coyle was the one who set up that part of the contest. So she would just tell the people my real age, and what grade I am in. Seeing they don’t care who won the contest. They were just hired & paid to teach who ever did win. This way I wouldn’t lose school time. So for the next two years I will be dressing on & off, as needed for me to be little Jillian Baker. This way I’m able to walk around as Jack Baker most of the time. Mom will let everyone know that I’m going to school in a different town. No one needs to know where or what the name of the school is. I will work as a model and get tutored while dressed as Jillian. Mom & sis get to spend $3,000dollars on a whole new wardrobe, and I get to play dress up all I want, with all of aunt Lori’s great looking outfits. Plus as a bonus, which aunt Lori said I could have & keep any outfit I like at anytime. Wow talk about a transvestite dream.

After working for aunt Lori for the two years as her model & also doing live shows on stage modeling her outfits. She was nice enough to extended the tutoring contract so I could finish my last year in grade school with a tutor. High school on the other hand was going to be a different story. I had decide to go to a Boys Voc / Tech high school to learn a trade. Auto Shop was what I wanted. That said I started to lead a double life. One as Jack the hot shot mechanic. The other was as little Jillian Baker the top child model. By my third year in auto shop I was the top mechanic in town & in the school. My height didn’t affect how good I worked on cars. Everyone knew if you wanted your car to run great see me. Even some of the cops brought there off duty cars to me. I even designed my own seats, break & gas set-up for my cars, as I was kind of small to set behind the wheel. That didn’t stop me because I was also I drag racer at the local old bridge raceway, which was an oval track that had a  ¼ mile straight away. You just had to remember to turn left at the end of the run or go through the wall giggles. I even drove a dragster or two there. Didn’t say I won a lot, while driving in the dragster. I just drove it for a friend grins. You know what’s really cool; is they took down that track in 1960 something, and put up a storage unit place. Then moving the track to its new location. Now it’s a famous track known as “Englishtown Raceway Park” and they do national drag racing there now. But I still remember the fun we had at the old oval track.

During those first 3 years of modeling I became one of the top catalog models for little girls clothes. No one even knew I was leading a double life as a great mechanic & a little girl model. Being I never grew taller then 4-foot 5. After I graduated I still continued to model for aunt Lori as one of her little girls. I did have to go and get a lot of treatments for hair removal, but now hey I don’t need to shave anymore. Push aunt Lori helped mom & I pay for some plastic surgery on my face to give me a more feminine little girls look which made me look way younger then I really am. Right now at age 22 when dress up, because of my height, my frame & weight, plus my face surgery. I can easily pass for an 8-year-old little girl with no problem. The surgeon told me that if I need to later on in life like in 10 to 15 years. I can come back and he can do the same thing again for me. Wow that’s so cool to know.

Sarah and I became great friend and we would go out on dates, with me dressed sometimes as Jillian, or sometimes as Jack depending on the mood. After Sarah & I graduated we moved in together and set up housekeeping. If you compared me to Sarah, while I was dressed up. I looked like her daughter & Sarah loved it. She was about 5 foot 8 or 9, where I was maybe 4-foot 5. We both found great paying jobs at some really good companies. After a year I asked Sarah to marry me. So a two months after that I had on a tux, with a bra to hold up my new size “A-cup” little girl breast that Sarah got me for a wedding present. Sarah was in a beautiful white flowing gown. We were married in a little church at a small family style wedding, with Holli as the Maid of Honor. Best Man was Sarah ‘s brother John, who by this time knew all about me. Mr.& Mrs. Spears were their also, plus my mom, aunt Lori, Lynn & Mr. & Mrs. Miller. (By the way Mr. Miller never knew the truth). So that’s how a boy of 8 ended up an as little 3-year-old girl in diapers. Then goes then goes on to win a beauty contest that change his or her life “Forever”, by becoming a little girl top model for a while, Plus he ended up marring the love of his life. Heck what more could you ask for.

Oh one other thing I should say here. Sarah is the one in charge in our house, and I do whatever she tells me to do. Plus once a month on a weekend, from Friday night to Monday morning I am forced to become her baby girl. I have all the outfits you could think of. All of them reproductions of the outfit I wore back when this all started, and specially made for us by aunt Lori. Aunt Lori also comes over on some baby weekends just to baby set me, while Sarah goes out with Holli & Lynn. Yes I have a crib, playpen, and large adult highchair, and a pink harness with bells on it, all specially made by friends of aunt Lori. I also model in some outfits for a special catalog aunt Lori has for adult babies & little girls. Plus just for fun Sarah sometimes dresses me up as her 6 or 7 year-old daughter, who is going to a birthday party wearing her frilly dress & rhumba panties. Then she takes me out to a fancy restaurant to show me off. ( I love all the attention I get from all the ladies when she does that). We live a different life style then others, but we truly love it & each other. So that’s my life and I love it. Aunty Lori says its time for my diaper change & nap, as I crawl down the hall at the end of a lash. She said I have to say bye now >>Goo-Goo, Gaa-Gaa, BYE, BYE.
The End

Hugs & Little Girls Baby Kisses

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