The Sentence -5-

Jillian Spears

Well as days go our little Jilly is having what you might call a very interesting one. Seems her major crush now knows of her plight, and as faith would have it. She ends up being the one who is going to take care of Jilly all day at the up coming birthday party. I wonder just how that is going to turn out? So many surprises

We arrived home from shopping, and helped mom unloaded the car. After that mom sent us into the house while she went next door to see just what time aunt Judy needed her. Plus she also wanted to tell her about Sarah coming over to help. Holli and I went in side and turned on the TV to our favorite Saturday shows. Sky King, followed by Roy Rodgers, and then my favorite The Lone Ranger, “Hi-Ho-Silver-Away”. About then mom came on back and told me to get on up stairs. She needs to get me washed up, and my hair set for this afternoon. I go my hair set? You’re going to do my hair? She goes sweety you will see girls take a lot longer to look pretty. So move it Miss Tish. The hairdresser had given me a longer pageboy cut on a slight angle or slant, with lots of curls, which mom just loves on me. I have seen a lot of high school guys starting to wear their hair like I have mine cut. so I wasn’t to up set about the look. It was the curls that mom liked which up set me. I got up stairs complaining that I was missing my shows. She told me oh gee that’s just too bad. We need to make you look gorgeous today missy. See girls don’t set around and play with their dolls all the time. They have to work hard at looking cute & pretty too. Mom poured some lavender smelly stuff into the tub and ran the water .wow the tub was one big thing full of bubbles. While the tub fill she had me set on a stool in front of her as she put theses large tight rollers in my hair. She then sprayed the rollers with some smelly stuff that stinks. After that she placed a pink plastic shower cap on my head to cover all the rollers. Ok Jilly lets get you undressed and in the tub. So off came all my clothes right down to my birthday suit. Then into the tub I went to soak for a while. She left the bathroom for about a minute and came back with two of Holli’s rubber dolls. She handed them to me saying play nice till I come & get you out. So there I sat in a tub of bubbles playing with the two dollies. I must say I did have some fun with the bubbles making breads, bubble hair and funny faces on the dolls. Then placing the bubbles on my head on top of the plastic cap just like the dolls. “Smiles ”. Mom came back about 45 minutes later. She washed me all over making sure I was clean behind the ears, and all that good stuff. By now I had started to look like a prune. I think she was really having fun, because she had a big smile, and was humming a lullaby while washing me. Ok sweet thing she said stand up. She then took the hose she uses to wash our hair with, and sprayed me off. Ok out of the tub she goes. As soon as I was out of the tub she throws a big fluffy pink towel around me, and dries me off.

Lets get you dressed. Now quick as a bunny run over to your room I’m right behind you. So all wrapped up in a towel I dash over to, what is now my room. Mom follows a couple minutes behind. I was picked up and placed on the crib mattress, while she was doing this she was saying. This will have to do as a changing table. She had me lay on my back and then poured a ton of lavender powder all over me. Mom did me in powder from head to toe and rubbed it all in. She then had me roll over as she did the same on my backside from head to toe. There now you smell so cute & cuddly. Roll back over on your back she said. Again more powder this time around my middle. Then mom took out a Luvs pamper. Like she did before mom placed one of the real baby diapers folded again in thirds inside the Luvs pamper. She said this would help just in case. See if I have an accident at the party it should help soak it all up. She then put the pamper, with soaker inside on me. Mom followed this with a pair of plain pastel lavender rubber panties. Ok lets go over to mommies room I have a real big surprise for my little one there

Mom helped me out of the crib and we headed over to her room. I kind of stopped & froze in the doorway. For on her bed was a complete outfit, but what an outfit it was. There was more lace & bows and what ever on this dress. Plus all of the other things she had on the bed were just as beautiful & lacey. I had never seen so much lace on an outfit like I did this one. Mom seen me looking with my mouth wide open, and she started to smile. She said I bet you will look like a puffy cloud of lavender when I’m done dressing you. I just stood there still trying to take it all in. Mom then told me she had gone back to “Little Girls Fantasy Dreamwear” and seen this outfit. So Miss Lori, (that’s Aunt Judy’s aunt) gave me a great price on it. Isn’t it just absolutely the most precious dress you ever saw? Well as mom almost dragged me over to the bed saying oh come on now it won’t bit you. Feel the satin sweetie your love how it feels. So I touched the dress. Oh-my-gosh! It gave me chills to feel the satin and how wonderful it felt. I’m thinking wow! I’m going to be wearing this adorably gorgeous outfit. I started to cry, but not sad tears for some reason I was happy I think. I looked at mom as she looked at me crying. What’s wrong sweetie. I told her I don’t know I feel so weird, but also happy inside and I just started to cry. What’s wrong with me mom? Mom goes well maybe your more girl then we both think sweety. That’s what girls do sometimes when the feel happy inside, we cry. I ran to her and she hugged me. I said in a whisper oh mom I love the dress it’s so pretty. It’s simply gorgeous it really is. Thank you mommy. I don’t think mom expected that, because she stared at me for a second or two. Then she started to cry also. Oh sweetie I’m glade you love it. Maybe we do have a little girl hidden inside after all. The thing was I knew why I was excited about wearing that dress. It was something I needed to tell mom about, but just can’t bring my self to do it. It’s a secret I have been hiding from everyone for over 2 years or more; I just can’t bring my self to tell anyone. Not just yet.

After a long hug mom started to get me dressed. First came the pale lavender tights, which she helped me with. Then came a pair of pastel lavender rhumba panties. The panties had more lace then I had ever seen. Plus the lace seem it was larger then I noticed on any of the other panties. Right in the middle of the rear was this large cute lavender bow. Next mom slid this full slip crinoline over my head. The crinoline was in the same pastel lavender color as the panties. It was covered at the hem with tons of white & lavender lace. I noticed it was a little short, like just about 4 inches over my knees. So if I bent over just a little everything showed. Then came the dress. Oh-my-gosh! That dress, it was gorgeous .mom had me hold up my arm as she slid it down over me. I had chills running all the way through my whole body. It was making me feel electrified. Mom did up the buttons in the back, and tied the sash of the dress in a large cute bow behind me. The dress was pale lavender with those cute little girl puffy net selves. Each sleeve hem had elastic in them. The hems of the sleeves were trimmed with white lace, and had a cute little lavender bow on each. Around the collar and down the front of the dress in a “V” shape was the same white lace and right in the center of this “V”. There was another larger lavender bow. Then the skirt part flared out from the waist in 3 tiers, each tier being trimmed in white lace with tiny little lavender bows every so often. At the bottom of the dress the skirt hem came up & down about 3 inches, like it was scalloped. There was a lavender bow at the top of each of the scallops. This gave the dress a princess look. You could see the crinoline peeking out from under each area that the hemline came up to form the scalloping. At those sections you could see the lace from the crinoline peeking on through, which looked so cute. I felt like I was in ecstasy. The dress was short, or maybe it just felt that way, as it stopped even with the crinoline. If I should bent over just a little you had no problem seeing my cute rhumba panties. After mom tied the sash from the dress in a large bow in back. It seemed to pull in on the dress & crinoline making everything puff out more. Next mommy had me set on a stool so she could put on my anklets, which were white, with two rows of lavender lace around the top. Then came the shoes. Oh my! The cutest pair of white patent leather Mary Jane’s with large lavender bow on each one. It was just like mom had said. I felt like I was a big puffy lavender cloud of lace & bows.

I stood up and mom took me over to her vanity table, but before we got there she put a towel over the mirror. She then started on my hair taking out all the rollers. Then she started to comb & brush out my hair. She played with my hair for over 15 minutes, till she figured it was just right. She then took from her pocket two lavender colored bows and placed them in my hair, one over each ear. Then to my surprised she started to put some make up on me saying well we really need to look pretty today don’t we. She put just a little powder on me with just a little bit of blush on my cheeks. She said this would give you such a cute little girls look. Mom followed this with a pale shade of pink lipstick. That’s when mom says ok gorgeous lets take you to meet the new you. Mom had me close my eyes as she led me over to her full-length mirror. I was told to stand there with my eyes closed till she said to open them. I heard her walk away and then come back. Next thing I heard was ok sweetie open up. My eyes open as looked in the mirror and seen some one else looking back at me. It was a beautiful looking little girl of maybe 3 years old in the cutest outfit I had ever seen. Only this girl was I. I then heard mom breaking the spell by saying honey here take this. I turned to look at mom, when I saw what she had. OMG! Mom had gotten the same outfit for my doll Sarah. Mom must have dressed her up, because she was dressed exactly like me. Mom said, now stand still so I can take some pictures of this lovely looking little girl & her cute looking dolly.

After she took about 3 pictures, having me pose this way & that. I ran over to her crying just a little and gave her the biggest hug. For some reason that I’m still not sure of I felt so happy inside. I didn’t know why I felt this way, but I did. Mom was starting to cry just a little too, as she held me for a while. Then when all the tears stopped she touched up my make up a little, as she said lets go show Holli. Mom explained to me on the way down stairs that Holli would never let mom dress her up like I was. She said in a whisper thank you sweety for letting mommy have some fun too. I said I don’t know why mom but it feels so right. Mom them said I know dear. We will talk about that later ok. I’m thinking good because I need to tell her something important about me she knows nothing about.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and headed into the living room. Holli was watching the Lone Ranger on TV as we entered. She looked up and then screamed with a girly giggling scream, while running over to me. She grabbed me and gave me a big hug. She was saying you are the prettiest thing I ever saw. All the other girls are going to go gaa-gaa over your outfit. Oh how I love having a little sister. You look so adorable that I wish I could put you on my dolls shelf with all my cute dollies. Oh my Jilly! Look at your dolly Sarah. She’s dressed just like her mommy in the same outfit. Oh you two look so sweet. Now how’s that for a great thing to say to your big “BROTHER” right. Only for some reason it made me feel even better inside. Mom told Holli it was her turn to take a bath & get ready. Holli goes but mom I wanted to stay in jeans and stuff. Oh no you don’t young lady. If your sister Jilly has to dress up pretty for this party so do you young lady. Plus I remember Mrs. Spears saying that Sarah was going to wear her prettiest outfit. So lets go. Get up stairs and into the tub now. We need to make you look as pretty as Jilly.

I had to laugh, because I remembered what mom had told me on the way down stairs, about Holli not liking to dress up. Mom told me to be good and watch TV while she took care of getting Holli & herself ready. I asked mom if I could get something to drink. So she went to the kitchen and came back with my princess sip cup full of soda. She said here you are dear. This way you wouldn’t spill anything on that lovely dress. I said thank you and went back to the TV program. Mom went up stairs to get Holli ready.

It must have been about an hour or so later, when I heard Holli & mom both coming down the stairs. I looked over at the doorway to the living room. Wow there stood Holli. She was a picture of girly lace her self. She had on a dress that almost looked like mine. Only hers was longer down to her knee and didn’t have the scallops on it like mine did, or anywhere near a puffy crinoline as I had. Her dress was styled just like mine was in a really nice shade of pastel Yellow. With white lace and bows just like I had in lavender. Mom said you two girls match except Holli is wearing a longer dress, with matching panties. But hers are trimmed more like big girl panties, around the leg opening in lace. Holli’s hair was done up really pretty with two yellow bows one over each ear, and her shoes were just plain white Mary Jane’s. You could tell we were sisters for sure. I ran over to her gave a big hug and said wow sis you look fabulous. Mom had changed putting on a really nice dress and doing her hair & make up. She looked at us asking are my two girls ready to go party? We both jumped up and said YES! Just then the doorbell rang.

Mom went and answered the door. It was Mrs. Spears, with Sarah. She asked them in. I looked at Sarah my mouth was wide open. She was beautiful! No more like gorgeous. I had never seen Sarah all dress up for a party before. Her outfit was so cute and her hair. Oh my I knew I was in love. I knew then that I would do anything for this girl, just so she would like me as much as I liked her. All of a sudden all I heard was this girlish shriek that a little girl makes, when she is thrilled about something. It was Sarah and she had just seen me in my outfit. She was already running over towards Holli & I. Now I heard Holli give out the same girlish shriek. They both were right there now, giggling and playing with my outfit. Holli saying to Sarah don’t you just think she looks divine. Sarah said OMG Jillian you are absolutely the most gorgeous, and adorable looking little girl I ever seen. I just love you to bits and want to keep you for my very own. She went on and on. Oh my look at your Dolly she looks just like you. Oh My Gosh you two should be in a store window on display. I heard that and my heart started to pound. She really likes me I’m thinking. My mind was now spinning, and my heart was beating so fast. I think I’m truly in love with this girl.

Then I heard someone else talking who broke my cloud nine spell that I was under. it was Mrs. Spears. Seems Mrs. Spears hearing all the girlish screaming came over to see what it was all about. She just stood there and covered her mouth. Oh Donna, she is a living doll. I would never, ever think that she was a boy dressed up. She should have never been born a girl. She is so precious and absolutely gorgeous in that outfit. I could just pick her up and hug her to death, which she did as she was saying that. Well, all that did was fuel up Sarah & Holli they started with more girly type giggles & screeches. Mrs. Spears then asked mom, where ever did you ever find such an adorable outfit? I have to get something like this for Sarah. So mom told her about “Little Girls Fantasy Dreamwear” again. Saying that’s the place I told you about at the coffee shop. That’s the one that Judy’s aunt owns. Then mom told her where it was located in the mall. Mrs. Spears was thrilled, but I could tell Sarah didn’t seem too happy. She goes MOM! I’m too big to wear anything like that. Mrs. Spears said maybe sweetie, but we will talk about that later. Mrs. Spears whispered to mom, I think I will do a little shopping while Sarah is at the party and gave mom a wink. I know Sarah didn’t see or hear any of that. She was way to involve with my outfit & me. Mrs. Spears then told Sarah to be good and listen to my mom, as she said bye and left. I’m pretty sure she was going shopping, giggles. Mom then said ok girls lets clam down its time to go help Mrs. Miller get ready. Jillian don’t forget your pretty dolly. Lets go girls, and off we went headed next door to party.

It’s Party Time!

We arrived next door and Mrs. Miller answered the door. Mom was first in and then Holli. I was next to enter, followed by Sarah. Suddenly Mrs. Miller goes OMG! Is that Jillian? No it can’t be? Oh my Jillain? I just gave aunt Judy a big smile as she picked me up while saying to mom. Donna she is absolutely beautiful! Oh I can’t wait till everyone sees her in the contest next Saturday. Mom had this big smile on her face saying yes I think she will take first prize for sure. She was talking to Mrs. Miller like I was really a girl, and didn’t care. Aunt Judy gave me a big hug then put me back down. Mom told me to go find Lynn and play while the rest of us girls get set up for the party. Aunt Judy told me that Lynn was in the playroom. I started for the playroom, that’s when I heard mom whisper to Sarah. Oh Sarah, can you do me a big favor today dear. Will you look after Jilly today for me. I stopped wanting to hear more. So as I turned into the playroom I stepped just out of sight behind the door to listen.

That’s when I heard mom saying to Sarah. I know Jack really has a big crush on you, and he likes you a lot. So I bet being dressed as Jillian she will do what ever you tell her, and won’t mind you watching over her. Sarah told mom, I like Jack Opps, I mean Jillian a real lot too Mrs. Baker. So sure I would love to watch over the little pixie giggling as she said it. Then she added something I didn’t like, which made me wonder if I should worry just a little. She asked mom if its ok if she got just a little even with me? Mom asked her what do you mean dear. Well you know how boys are sometimes. They tease us girls a lot with lifting our dresses and making fun of us. I know that sometimes they do it, because they really do like us, and don’t know how to say it. It’s just that I think Jillian should learn just how it feels to be exposed, and teased like that. He did kind of pick on me at lot at school, and I just want to get a little even. Mom goes I think you might be right about needing to see how it feels to be on the receiving end. So I can live with a little payback dear. Just don’t be too hard on her, you know how little ones are. It seems our Jilly starts crying easily now days. They both had a little a laugh and giggled at that statement. I won’t Mrs. Baker. I was just thinking that maybe a little extra baby treatment and skirt lifting to check if baby is wet. If you don’t mind I may even have her learn how to curtsy, and how to say yes “MISS SARAH” when she talks to me, if that’s ok too. Mom goes oh I can see she is going to be in good hands today. Ok Sarah dear I can go along with that so you do what you want, and if I think it’s over the top I will tell you ok. Sarah goes great Mrs. Baker thank you. Mom oh Sarah wait a minute here you might need some of these things, as she gave Sarah a bag with some stuff in it. I bought these things along just in case we may need them today.

I wanted to see just what it was that mom was giving Sarah. As I was about to peek around the corner to see what mom gave her. That’s when Lynn, who was watching a TV show finally seen me. She yelled oh Jilly you look so cute and look at your dolly! She all dressed up just like you wow! Let me get my dolly too. So I headed over to where Lynn was standing. She had gone over to her tea party table to get her doll. So I came over and sat down on one of the chairs that were at the table. As I sat down my dress popped up and I was in gulped in a pouf of crinoline, & dress. Lynn giggled & so did I. S came over to help me push everything down under the table edge so I could see her better. We told each other how great we both looked. I the decided to stand up and hugged Lynn, and wished her a big Happy Birthday. Oh thank you Jilly I love you. You are such a nice friend. I’m glad mommy said you could come to my party. Just about this time in walks, Sarah & Holli. They both wish Lynn a big Happy Birthday, and Holli gave her a kiss & hug.

Sarah had this grin on her face, as she started right in with her getting even plan I guess. She said is everyone ok no body had any accidents yet right. No body meaning me I guess. No one has to go potty. Lynn & I both looked at her saying NO we are fine. Well let me check if you are dry Jilly, we don’t want you in a wet diaper all day do we. Well Lynn started to giggle & Holli just had to put her 2 cents in. Oh yes Sarah we should make sure Jilly is dry before anyone else gets here. Then Holli looked at Lynn saying we all know how babies are? She then gave Lynn a little wink. Lynn must of figure they wanted to play “baby”. So she went right a long with Holli & Sarah. Saying oh yes babies need to be checked a lot to make sure they stay dry. Next thing I know Sarah is lifting my dress & crinoline up. Then she pulled down my rumba panties just a little. I could feel her put her finger in the back of the diaper & rubber panties to check if I was dry. She looked at me saying “ALL DRY” what a good girl Jilly is, as she straightens out my outfit. That’s when she told me my mom said she was to be my “Baby-Setter”, for the rest of the day, and that she was in charge of every thing I do.

Sarah then said ok my little pixie there are some new rules so listen carefully. If you need to go potty you will come to me and say so. You will ask my permission to do anything before you do it. So that I know Baby is safe, and not getting into trouble. We don’t want you getting in to trouble like you see some of those nasty big boys do. Now Jilly, I want to hear how you will ask me to go potty. Yeah right I had no intentions of asking her to go potty. If I had to go I would find mom for sure. All of a sudden Sarah said real load Let’s hear you ask me to go potty now. So I said, Sarah can I go potty? Then as an after thought, I said please. Sarah goes that’s not how I want it said little girl. To start with from now on you will call me “MISS SARAH”. I want you to come up to me and say. “Miss Sarah, little Jilly needs go potty pooh please”, and I want you to curtsy as you say my name. Well Holli & Lynn both had the giggles. Sarah then said ok sweetie lets hear you try it again and with a nice curtsy. Please Sarah don’t make me do this. She said what did I just tell you? That’s Miss Sarah from now on and also Miss Holli. Your mom wants you to learn how to be a nice polite proper little young lady, and I told her I would try to teach you. So that said I want you to ask me nicely to use the potty. That’s unless you want to go over my knee for a good old fashion spanking? I knew she could easily grab & spank me, because she had at lease 15 or more lbs on me, and was much taller & stronger then I. So I decide to give in and say it like she wanted me to. Sarah then said ok sweety lets hear it again, and say it like you mean it. So I gave a cute curtsy and said in somewhat of a little girls voice, “Miss Sarah little Jilly needs go potty-pooh please”. Sarah said ok I guess we are going to have to practice that for a little. Do it again sweety! Well, Holli had to get into the act by saying don’t you think she should be holding her cute dolly? Then asking if both of them can go potty? Sarah looked at Holli with a big grin saying that’s a good idea Miss Holli. So for about the next10 minutes I had to ask Sarah to go potty, saying “Miss Sarah, little Jilly & her baby need go potty pooh please”, while giving a cute little curtsy. Well the three girls were giggling and having a great time over my performance. Sarah was really having fun making sure I learned the proper way to curtsy.

Just then we heard the doorbell go off. Thank God! So Lynn went running to the door. Mom was already letting in two of Lynn’s little friends, Crissy & Cindy in. The two girls gave Lynn some gifts and were saying Happy Birthday to her. Mom took the gifts and placed them on a table with the ones we gave Lynn. She told Lynn we would open them up later. Lynn goes ok. Then the girl’s came running over to where we were. Crissy was first to say Jilly oh you look so cute! Where did your mommy find you that dress; it’s so pretty on you. Crissy says, Oh look Cindy, Jilly’s dolly is dressed just like her oh how cute. Cindy goes OH! I wish I had a matching dress for my dolly. So her and I could wear the same things too. Crissy was also excited over the dolls dress. Sarah said ok girls lets settle down and go in the playroom till the others get here. Then we can play some games, like jump rope, London Bridge, and pin the tail on the donkey. Maybe even blind mans bluff. But that’s only if you’re all good. Well Lynn jumped in saying we will be good, Miss Sarah. Well I could tell Sarah thought that this was so cute Lynn calling her Miss Sarah, like she had told me to do. Next thing I heard was Cindy saying “Miss Sarah” can we play ring around the rosey. Sarah’s eyes were just gemming, as she said sure girls lets put our dolls down next to Jillian’s dolly first.

Sarah had all of us stand in a circle, a long side her and Holli. We then started doing ring around a rosey while walking in a circle. Sarah was holding my hand and smiling at me. When it came to we all fall down, Sarah didn’t let go of my hand and made sure I fell so that my panties showed and you could see I was still wearing a diaper. Sarah just giggled and said out loud so all the other girls could hear. Oh Jilly! What cute panties you have on. They match your dress don’t they? Making sure all the girls in the room look at my panties. By then there was about two other girls & one boy that had showed up, and were watching us do the song. Then all heck broke out, as the rest of the kids were starting to arrive. I bet there had to be about 12 to 15 kids now. Sarah & Holli sure had their hands full. They weren’t really worrying about me anymore, which was good. This way I could enjoy the party and not worry what they were thinking about doing to me next. We all played some games, like jump rope, and hopscotch. Lynn had a long plastic hopscotch board. So we didn’t even have to go outside to play.

The only thing was just as all us girls started to play hopscotch; Sarah had to ask if I was dry. She then said tell Miss Sarah if Jilly is dry. So I knew what she wanted, I gave in and said yes Miss Sarah Jilly is a girl good, and she is dry. Well I think Sarah was going burst at the seams over that, she was giggling to her self so hard. She was so happy on how I answered her. Then she said let me check just to make sure sweetie. So right in front of the only 3 boys there, she lifted my skirts and put her finger in again. Then she said yes Jilly you are dry what a good girl. Mean while the boys got a really good look at my panties & my diapered condition. They were laughing and then grinning as they pointed at me. I turned a little red. Sarah leaned in and whispered as she fixed my panties & then my dress. So how does it feel to show off you cute panties in front of some boy’s sweetie? Now you know what its like when you flip up our skirts in the playground or on the bus. I knew while she was fixing my skirts she had lifted it up high so the boys could see more. Thing was what I didn’t know was she made sure my dress got hooked in my rumba panties. So now my whole frilly backside was showing off. There were my cute rumba panties, with the lavender bow on my rear in full view of all the boys, as I walked away from Sarah. I start to walking over to where Lynn & Crissy where standing, when I heard the boys start up again. Only this time they were singing something. I turned to look at them and heard “I see London, I see France, I see Jilly’s under pants. They have bows, and lot of lace, and look at Jilly’s bright red face. Then they started laughing and pointing at me. I turned around and could almost see my dress stuck in the panties my self. So I pulled at the dress, but could get it free.

I knew Sarah did this to me. I started to cry, and ran to hide behind a big chair in the corner. All the other girls started to yell at the boys to stop making fun of me. Telling them that it’s not nice to tease her. Sarah, who now looked a little up set her self, ran over to me. I could tell she was more then just a little up set. She bent down behind the chair, where I had sat down to cry. She then whispered to me, oh Jack please forgive me? I didn’t mean for you to get so up set honest. I did it as a joke sweetie. She went on to say, I only wanted you to see how it feels to have your panties exposed to the boys. All I could say between sobs was, they seen my panties, and then they made fun of me. Then the next thing I said just came out. I don’t even know why I said it, or where the words came from. I do know it brought a big smile & giggle to Sarah’s face. I had said I hate boys they are so mean I just hate then all. Sarah just goes, well little missy join the rest of us girls. As she was giggling about what just came out of my mouth. Then I realized what I had said and I started to giggle myself. Next thing I know we are both laughing & giggling over my last statement. It really was kind of funny when you think about it. Sarah helped me up, while fixing my dress making sure my panties were not exposed any more. Then she gave me a big Kiss on my cheek, while she hugged me tight. I hugged her back and we both said we were sorry. Boy did that feel ever so good to hug her. The rest of the party went pretty good.

Mom & Mrs. Miller took over and had us doing a lot of party games. Like pin the tail on the donkey, a game of bingo, for prizes. As a big surprise Mrs. Miller had hired a professional magician to perform for us. I think his stage name was “MARVIN THE GREAT”. Wow! He was really good. All I wanted to know is where did the milk go when he made it disappear? He really did some great tricks & effects. I think when I grow up I may want to learn how to do magic. After the Magician Mom said it was birthday cake & ice cream time. Sarah now had another little trick planed. She took out my princess bib from the bag mom had given her, and gave it to mom. Making sure all the other kids could hear her as she said. Mrs. Baker don’t you think we my need this for Jilly? Mom looked at Sarah. Then she looked at the bib. Oh yes Jilly dear you better put this on we don’t want anything to get on that gorgeous dress of yours. Well two of the other little girls & Holli jumped in. saying Yes Jilly she’s right that’s such a pretty dress don’t get anything on it. That’s when mom said, thank you Sarah that was such a great idea. Then mom asked the other girls if anyone else thinks they may need some protection? Three other girls said yes and mom got some dishtowels for them to tie around there necks. I was kind of happy about not being the only one with a bib.

After the cake & ice cream Lynn started to open up her gifts. She got some really nice outfits and a pretty doll in a princess gown. She even got a Cinderella princess nightgown in pink with matching panties. You know I have to admit one thing. Girls do seem to have & wear way nicer things then boys do. They have such pretty outfits and colors to pick from. Well, by now everything was slowing down a little, as some kids were leaving. The rest of us went to the playroom. Mrs. Miller put on the TV for us to watch till everyone’s folks came to pick him or her up. After the last girl left Mom & Mrs. Miller went to the kitchen to talk, and have some tea & leftover cake. Sarah, Holli, Lynn, and I were in the playroom. Lynn and I had just got our dolls and were setting down on the floor to watch Howdy Doody.

I guess Sarah decided to have some more fun with me. She reached into the bag that mom had given her, and pulled out a pacifier. Saying here Jilly dear this is for you. This will make you feel better. She went on to say as she attached the ribbon & pin to my dress so if the pacifier fell out it would not hit the floor. I want you to keep it in your mouth till I say you can take it out dear. I looked at her as she put the pacifier in my mouth. She was saying there you go sweetie, what a good girl. Then she sat down next to me. Next thing I know she is like right up alongside me holding my hand like two really close girl friends. Boy did that feel good just setting there holding hands. Sarah then whispered something in my ear so Holli & Lynn couldn’t hear. You know sweet cheeks if I want to I could tell all the girls in our class about you? I was shocked, as the pacifier fell from my mouth I whispered back. But you told mom that you wouldn’t tell any body? Sarah said why don’t we take a little walk out to the back porch so we can talk about this. So Sarah got me up and we told mom that we were going out back to set on the porch for a while. Mom said ok girls don’t get dirty. Once out side and setting down over the porch swing at the far end of the porch we started to talk. First thing Sarah did was put that dang pacifier back in my mouth. I was almost in tears and didn’t sound to convincing, with the pacifier in my mouth. I asked Sarah flat out. You’re not going to tell the other girls are you? You promised my mom you wouldn’t tell anyone. She goes if I understand what baby is trying to say, yes that’s right I did say that. But you better remember girl friend, that if I keep my mouth shout about you. That means you owe me big time. When you get back to school you will be doing a lot of things different sweetie. Like not picking on any of us girls. Matter fact I think whatever I tell you to do. You will most likely want to do it for me. If not well, well let’s just say some how all the girls might find out by accident about your cute little outfits. I knew I was in deep doo-doo now.

As the pacifier fell again from my lips I looked at her my eyes tearing a little saying NO please Sarah lets talk this out. Sarah went on to say you know what’s really funny. I probably would have never figured out who was setting in that shopping cart. You have such a feminine looking baby face anyhow. So when I looked at you I really had no idea it was you. I had figured your mom was baby setting for a friend. Do you know what gave it all away? It was the way you were moving it didn’t seem right. You looked like someone who was really scared about something. You just didn’t move like a little girl would. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong, but I knew that there was something about the little girl in the cart that was not quite right. I wasn’t sure what was wrong till your mom came over to talk to us. Then it hit me. Oh-my-gosh that’s got to be Jack in the shopping cart! What the heck is going on I wondered.

Oh yes Jillain dear I know what’s going through your head right now. You figure I bluffing about tell your secret at school. That I really wouldn’t tell anyone, because you know I’m not that kind of person. Only you can’t really be sure about that can you sweet cheeks. So you know you will do whatever I say, just so I wouldn’t get mad at you and tell the world. You know deep down you really can’t take that chance and not do what I say can you? So my little pixie what’s there to talk about? Sarah then went on to say we are now going to be the best of “GIRL” friends. I know you like me a lot. Well, guess what? I also like you a lot, but I must tell you for some reason. I kind of like you even better dressed up like you are now. A cute little girl who looks so adorable dress in her frilly party dress, and I love being your Baby Setter. I could just keep you like this forever you look so cute. Plus I know you love being dressed like a little girl. I can see it in your eyes, and how you have been acting. You love every minute of it and I can tell you want more. So from now on I plan on coming over here a lot. Just so I can baby set my new little girl friend. Just think of all the fun you & I are going to have, with you dressed as a little girl, and me teaching you how to be one.

You see Jilly I didn’t tell you but I already talked to your mom. She wants me to help teach you how to act, like a 3-year old. So you can win that contest next Saturday. That’s right my precious, for the next week we are going to play house, with you as my little dress up doll. We will have so much fun playing tea party, and dress up. As Sarah gave this little giggles she said, of cause you will be the one we will be dressing up. Won’t that be fun, just like I heard that you told your mom? That is what you said right? You told her that’s what all us girl’s just love to do right? Wasn’t it that we love playing tea party with our dollies & dressing up in out pretty outfits? So now guess what? I’m going to have so much fun playing with my very own personal Dress Up Dolly. That’s you my little pixie giggles. You see sweetie Mrs. Miller said that I could come over after school each day to help Holli baby set Lynn and you. I told her that this way Holli could watch and play with little Lynn, while I teach and help you with your training for the contest next Saturday. I’m going to teach you the right way walk on stage, to set like a proper young lady, curtsy nicely for the judges. Plus you will learn to move with a cute little girlish wiggle and best of all you will learn to sing a cute little song for that contest. Yes sing! I picked out the prefect song for such a cutie like you to sing. I even have the music for it and a couple of other songs I will teach you to sing. As Sarah gave this weird giggles she said you are going to look so cute up on stage. Singing the “I’m A Little Tea Pot” or maybe The Playmate song, in a cute frilly outfit like you have on now. We will make sure you do all the cute little moves for the songs. I just know everyone will love you to bits after that.

We are going to have so much fun tomorrow & all next week. I just sat there listing. I was really shocked with what she had said & planed. I said Sarah please. She put her finger to my lips saying ssssshhh Baby doll! Miss Sarah knows best, I’m thinking what the heck am I going to do. If I didn’t go along with this, and listen to her she could tell all the girls. Even though I really didn’t think she would, but if she did tell some of the girls. Then for sure the guys would find out. My life was going down the tubes fast. Sarah then leaned over and gave me a big kiss on my cheek saying. Now don’t fret we are going to have so much fun. So relax and don’t worry your little head about it. Then she gave me another kiss and put her arm around my waist saying just relax girl friend. That did it all my fears melted away. I would do anything for this girl now and I think she knew it.

About 15 minutes later mom called us and said, ok girl’s time to go. As I got up from setting Sarah started to brush me off and fixed my dress plus my panties. Mom goes oh isn’t that’s so cute. I think I made a good choice in asking Sarah to look after you. Now I want you to thank Miss Sarah for doing that for you dear. Mom must have heard the other girls, and I saying Miss Sarah during the party. So she just made sure I had to use that when talking to Sarah. So I turned and said thank you Miss Sarah for fixing my dress. Then I went over and I gave Lynn a nice little girls hug and said Happy Birthday again to her. I said maybe I’d see you tomorrow Lynn. As mom said, oh we will dear. We are all going to church together tomorrow. Miss Sarah would you like to come with us. Sarah said Oh I have to ask my mom Mrs. Baker, but I would love to if she lets me? Mom goes ok I will Check with your mom later when she picks you up. You know Sarah better yet. I think will call your mom right now to bring over some clothes for you to wear tomorrow, and something for you to wear to bed tonight. This way you can stay over night with us. Won’t that be fun Jilly? I can relax and Miss Sarah can look after you tonight and maybe all day tomorrow. I knew I was in for it now. Holli & Sarah were giggling and whispering, then giggling some more. They already had plans for me I could tell.

Sarah decided to start things off already as she reached into that dang bag mom gave her, and came out with OMG! She wouldn’t? It was that pink Harness, and leash thingy Mrs. Miller picked up yesterday. She said to mom. You know Mrs. baker maybe baby needs this. So I can keep her in line, and stop her from running into the street on the way home. Mom goes I can see that someone is still trying to get a little even yet aren’t we? Sarah giggled a little and said well yep just a little Mrs. Baker. Ok then it can’t hurt so why not? I think it’s a great idea Miss Sarah. You know what girls? Seeing it’s a nice day out. I think I’m going to take all of us out for dinner. I know a great place we can all go. It’s over by Johnson Park, which is two towns over. It’s that new restaurant that just opened. Miss Sarah I’m putting you in charge of our little missy here for the rest of the night dear. Sarah jumped up with a big grin on her face saying thank you Mrs. Baker. That’s when Sarah decided to start things off already as she reached into that dang bag mom gave her, and came out with OMG! She wouldn’t? It was that pink Harness, and leash thingy Mrs. Miller picked up yesterday. She said to mom. You know Mrs. baker maybe baby needs this. So I can keep her in line, and stop her from running into the street on the way home.

Mom goes I don’t know? I have a feeling that someone here is still trying to get a little even yet aren’t we? Sarah giggled a little and said well maybe just a little Mrs. Baker. Ok I don’t think it can’t hurt so why not let you have getting even time? Mom looked at Sarah saying let me have the harness so I can put it on her. Oh here’s the leash Sarah you hold on to that ok. Mom had me turn around so she could put that dang thing on me. After connecting all the straps she goes there we are all set, as she attached the leash to the hook up in back. Now baby is all buckled up and safely under your control Sarah. But I want you to promise to be nice to her Sarah. Don’t forget she can’t run away or get hurt with that on, because you are in control. So that makes you completely responsible for her and her safety. Then mom put my pacifier back in my mouth and handed me my doll. She told Holli & Sarah that after we eat we could take Jilly to the park next to the restaurant. Maybe go on the baby swings and rocking horse, and oh yes I know she will just love the baby’s merry-go-round. Everyone was happy about this except me as we all headed for the car. I could see that the night ahead was going to be one to remember. But I knew deep down in my heart Sarah really didn’t mean me any harm. She was just trying to get even again. Matter of fact, as long at it was her doing this to me. I didn’t mind it. I kind of like all the attention I was getting from her & everyone else.

We left Mrs. Millers house and started to walk over to mom’s car. Sarah had me walk in front of her while she held on to my little pink leash. She had this big smirk on her face like now I got you, and your all mine. Holli was walking next to Sarah, and mom was about to follow behind. She was still talking to aunt Judy at the door. I could hear Holli & Sarah talking in whispers and giggling. I knew it had to be about me. I did hear some of what was said by Holli. Something like you do have it in the bag right. I knew they were up to something. I heard Sarah say I grabbed it when no one was looking. I can’t wait till I get even with at the diner. My sister was saying oh this is going to be so much fun. Then they both started to giggle. Great looks like I’m headed for some kind of trouble, but what?

Mom heard the girls giggling and ask ok you two what are you up to. Holli spoke first saying nothing mom. Then Sarah added we were just picturing Jillian in a cute frilly party outfit, standing on stage next Saturday, sing a cute song that’s all Mrs. Baker. Mom said yes I to can’t wait to see what Mrs. Miller aunt has picked out for her to wear. She has the most darling outfits for little girls. So much frills with tons of lace and bows. Our little precious darling is going to look so cute. We reached the car and mom had me get in back, as she undid the leash from the harness. Then she strapped me in with the seat belt and handed me my doll. Sarah jumped right in along side of me, while Holli hopped in the front seat. Sarah said I’d try to make sure our little one back here behaves. Mom told Sarah thank you dear you are so good to her. I wish you could stay around a lot more. Sarah told mom oh I plan on it Mrs. Baker. I just love Jilly too much not to come over and play with her

It was about a 15 to 20 minute drive over to the town where the new restaurant was located. So we were all chatting about how much fun Lynn ‘s party was. Well, most of us were. I had a hard time talking, because Sarah would not let me take my pacifier out of my mouth. So a lot of what I said came out distorted like baby talking. Sarah was giggling and just eating that up. Telling me that I sounded so much like a little baby talking. I really didn’t need to hear that. About half way there I had seen Sarah take out a chocolate candy bar. As she was unwrapping it she asked me. Does baby want some candy too? So I said yes please. Sarah said yes please what dear? So I bit my tongue and said yes please Miss Sarah. She then let me take the pacifier out and gave me about half of the small chocolate bar. She smiled at me saying I’m glade we are girl friends Jilly. I knew she like me, but something didn’t seem right when she called me her girl friend. The candy bar tasted ok. Not one of the best bars I ever had, but I was starving so I ate the candy right up. Sarah even said wow that was good wish I had another, and smiled at me again while giggling. I think she really does like me a lot.

We arrived at the restaurant and mom let Sarah & I out of the back seat. She hooked that darn leash thing up again saying to Sarah she’s all yours. We all headed into the restaurant. The head guy there seated us kind of way in the back, but we had a good view of the lake. Well I should say I had a good view of the lake seeing I was placed in a booster chair in the corner end of the booth. So I could look right out the window. Mom let me off a little easy as she handed me my princess sip cup & not a baby’s bottle. But she did take out that dang princess bib again. She said well after we get home I guess we can let you out of being a baby, with no more pampers dear. I think you learned your lesson about that. So I guess its back to big girl panties for you now. But you may need to wear them next Saturday at the contest just to make sure people think you are really 2 & half. Boy was I glade to here that I didn’t need to wear diapers anymore. Even though I may have to wear them next Saturday. She then adds, but I think we will keep you in the crib a while longer. I just don’t have the time to take it down, and change it back to a bed. Maybe by the end of the week we will have you back in a real bed ok sweety. Seeing you have been really good girl we will forget about using the high chair & playpen too. Boy did that news make me feel a whole lot better. I said thanks mom, and just sat there listening to all the conversation. The three of them were now talking a lot about next Saturday and how I should act on stage

The waitress finally got to our table. She came over saying oh-my don’t you all look so pretty, and who is this gorgeous creature, with such a pretty doll? She was smiling at me, as she leaned over to take a good look at me. I still had my pacifier in my mouth as I said my name is Jilly. Which sounded more like > (my aim tis illy). Well that got this lady going .Oh you look so cute and sound so sweet. I could just take you home with me. Then she starts up with Sarah & Holli. Well look at these two who are just as cute looking. What’s the special occasion that we are all dressed up so pretty ladies? Holli spoke up saying we just came from my friend Lynn’s birthday party. The waitress said I hope you all had a great time. Sarah & Holli both said oh we did. I know the precious little angel over there did. She still has chocolate all over her face. Sarah started to giggle as the waitress took a napkin reached over and wiped my face for me. Saying I just love little cuties like you.

Ok ladies what can I get for you tonight. Mom asked Holli what she wanted. So Holli told the waitress that she wanted a hamburger, fries, and a coke please. Mom asked Sarah dear what about you? She said I think I would like the same please. Then mom goes and for the little one she will have the “donkey”. The waitress goes ok one little burger and fries for her. Mom goes to the waitress can you fill her bottle with apple juice? I’ll put some of my coke in her sip cup later. The waitress said sure no problem what will you have dear. Mom said I guess I’ll go along with the girls too. Make it hamburgers and fries plus cokes all around. Laughing as the girls all joined in.

After we ate, and I finished off the burger and fries, with Sarah’s help in feeding me the fires. Mom wiped me off. Then she asked ok girls how about some ice cream for dessert. We all said yes. So we had our ice cream, which again Sarah had fun feeding me. This time Sarah was the one cleaning me off and putting my pacifier back in just as the waitress gave us the bill. She said bye-bye sweetie to me giving that little wave ladies do to little ones when they say bye. Mom got me out of the booster chair, and hooked the leash back on. She gave the other end to Sarah to hold. The waitress seeing this happening said, oh I see we have a runner here. Mom goes oh yes she is a hand full. So to keep her safe from running in front of cars I had to get this. The waitress goes you got to watch them every minute. We paid the bill and started out of the restaurant. The waitress half the staff wave bye-bye. Mom told me in a whisper wave back sweety. So I waved back and gave a smile and giggle like I had seen a lot of little girls do so often. Mom said ok girls there’s still time lets go to the park and put Jilly on the swings, and you girls can have some fun too OK


We walked over to the park, which was about a 3-minute walk from the restaurant. Mom walked behind Holli & Sarah. I was in the lead hook up to Sarah by that leash thingy still. We got over to where the swings were. Mom told Sarah to unhook me from the leash, and place me in the baby swing. She said she wanted to take some pictures of me in the swing. I go pictures Mom please no? She goes oh I have to have pictures sweetie so when you grow up I can show your wife what a cute baby girl you made. I went MOM! Well Sarah & Holli were just cracking up. Sarah had me in the baby swing and the safety bar down in a flash. As she started pushing me mom started to take pictures. Then she stopped and went to that dang bag. She took some thing out. Oh mom no not that too? But that didn’t do any good because already had plans. Mom came over to place this cute frilly lavender baby bonnet on my head. It had tons of lace on it and matched the lavender outfit I had on. Then back to more pictures. I was taken out of the baby swing and placed on the spring type rocking horse, which just happen to be all painted up in pink, lavender, and white. Well, I made a pretty site lavender trimmed horse, with me in the same color dress riding it.

Next I was taken over to the small baby’s merry-go- round with 6 different things to ride. There was a seal, two horses, two large teddy bears, and a dolphin. Mom put me on one of the horses, and hooked up the safety strap. She said this is so baby won’t fall off. Then she put in three quarters, and it started up. The music it played as it went around was “The Teddy Bears Picnic”. What else would a merry -go-round play in a park? Mom took pictures of me riding on the merry-go-round. I had to wave like a cute little girl waving at her mommy. Finally it stopped and mom came over to unhook the safety strap. We then headed back over to the baby swings. Mom placed me back in one of the baby swing and put the safety bar down. Then gave me a big push. Mean while Holli & Sarah took off to go swing over on the big kids swings and also use the seesaw. All of a sudden I felt my belly start to bubble. I had to go bad and my stomach hurt badly. Mom had gone to take pictures of Sarah & Holli on the other swings, which were about 30 feet or more away. I was trying to get moms attention. Finally I just let the pacifier fall out of my mouth, and started to yell Mom! Mom! My tummy! Mommy hurry! She heard me but by the time she came over saying what’s the matter honey. It was way to late. I could not believe it. It all just came out. I had no time to react; I just sat there pooping & pooping filling the diaper I had on. Then to my surprise I was also peeing which made the poop smear even more. I was crying up a storm as I told mom it just happen. Honest mom I did mean to, all of a sudden my stomach felt funny. Then I had this bad pain. Then it just came out. I couldn’t hold it back. Please don’t get mad at me? All this I was trying to say while I was sobbing, and trying to take deep breaths to talk. Then it happened again. I went oh no mom! It’s! Oh! Oh! That’s all that came out while I held my stomach; all you could hear was. Ohhhh! Not again, as I went once more. I had the runs any there was nothing I could do about it.

Mom looked over toward the girls, saying, lets go girls. We have to take Jilly home. I think she’s really sick. Mom seen the two of them looking at each other kind of giggling. Mom got this idea that something was not right. She goes ok you two what’s up. Why are you two giggling over the fact that Jillian’s not feeling good? I have this feeling you two know something I don’t? The girls stopped giggling as Holli looked scared said nothing mom. Mom goes I don’t think so. I get this feel that the two of you had something to do with why Jillian is so sick. Then mom said, Sarah what’s that in your hand. I was watching from the swing still feeling sick, as I seen Sarah starting to get worried, and was trying to hide what she had. She starts going oh, umm, ah, honest Mrs. Baker we didn’t mean it; honest it was just a joke. Mom goes Sarah! What was just a joke & what didn’t you mean? Sarah started to walk over to were mom was standing, with what she had in her hand. I looked over at what it was. Gees why is she so up set? What’s wrong with that I’m thinking? It’s just the rest of the candy bar Sarah gave me. Wait a minute? I remember Sarah said she ate hers too? What’s going on?

Sarah started to cry I didn’t think it would make Jillian that sick? Honest Mrs. Baker it was just suppose to be a little joke. I didn’t mean it! Is Jilly going to be Ok? She wouldn’t die will she? Please I really didn’t want her get that sick? Calm down mom goes what did you do, and what is that you have there? Sarah spoke up saying it’s EX-LAX Mrs. baker. Mom started to laugh just a little saying oh well that explains a lot. I think you two girls are in some big trouble young lady. Stop crying Sarah, and don’t worry Jillian isn’t going to die. Even though she feels like she will. You may have hurt her pride just a little by having a big accident like that out in public. Plus she may be a little up set that she just did a big load of poop in her diaper, but she is not going to die. Sarah ran over to me saying I’m so sorry Jilly really I am. I was still holding my belly, and I could feel everything in my diapers squishing around. I looked at mom and asked her, what’s Ex-lax mom? Oh its something to help you go dear, and I guess it works pretty well. Sarah said oh boy did it she really sinks. Mom looked at Sarah saying, as I remember Missy she is under your care Sarah, which means you should take care of her till we get home. Sarah who still had tears running down her face goes yes Mrs. Baker I’m sorry.

Sarah got me out of the swing, and hooked me up the leash as she said. You walk a head of us Jilly, because you really do stink. Mom went to the trunk of the car. She got a large blanket & and something else from the trunk. She said ok let me put this on the car seat. That’s just in case you have any leaks dear. After mom put the blanket and a large plastic bag she found in the trunk on the seat. She had me get in and set on them making sure that I had my dress & crinoline pulled up out of the way. She told to try and keep the up so they don’t get all messy from anything that may be leaking. Then she told Sarah to get in the car from the other side. So she could watch over me. Sarah goes, but she stinks real bad Mrs. Baker. Mom said and whose fault is that young lady. I think you can set back there with your charge and maybe try to make her feel better. Mom rolled down her window and Holli’s, but would not let Sarah roll hers or mine down. We got home in about 20 minutes. I had to go one more time it the car, after which Sarah said to me. Oh wow you stink even more did you go again, as she held her nose. I felt so embarrassed and so much like a baby, with a full diaper. When we arrived home mom let me out of the car and I started for the house. Only I wasn’t moving to fast as I waddling like a baby with a full, full, diaper across the front lawn. The girls started to giggle, and even mom had a smile on her face too. Ok my little party pooper up to the bathroom with you and wait for me. Mom looked at the girls saying you two I will deal with later. Right now go watch some TV, while I clean up the mess you both made.

Mom helped me up the stairs by holding my hand. I had a heck of a time climbing the stairs, because as I lifted my leg to go to the next step, everything inside my rubber panties just moved all over. We finally got to the bathroom, and mom told me to stand still. She took off my shoes and then my anklets. Next she had me turn around and started taking off my dress. After that she took off my full slip crinoline and then pulled my rhumba panties down slowly saying well at lease it looks like nothing got damaged. I think the whole outfit is okay and not stained. She then had me climb into the tub, where she slowly removed my tights, which I could see as I got in the tub were starting to catch some of the leak that just happened. I was now down to my rubber panties & pamper, which you could tell was full to the top. She took off the rubber pants real slow down my legs, which had some brown liquid in it from the leaking pamper. She let the rubber panties fall to my feet. Wow did I ever smell bad. Next she undid the tabs on the top of my pamper and let that fall also. She then told me to step out of the two things, I was a mess I had Poop all over me. She picked up the soaked & poopy pamper and pulled out the regular baby diaper she had put in for a soaker, She was saying to her self, I know just what I can do with this. She then put the messy pamper in the plastic lined trashcan near the sink next she pushed everything else over to the side of the tub out of the way. Then mom took the hose she does our hair with, turned on the water and started washing me off.

After she washed me up with soap & water and then dried me off. Mom sent me to my room or I should say my new room. Then I heard her yell for Sarah. She came up stairs saying yes Mrs. Baker. She told her to come into the bathroom I was listening real quiet like from my room door. I could still hear what they were saying. Mom told Sarah to take off her pretty dress and slip, and to hang them up on the back of the door. She told her that she didn’t want her to get the pretty dress stained. Then mom said seeing it was your idea about the Ex-Lax, young lady, and you are responsible for Jillian all night as I remember. For your punishment you will clean & then hand wash all of the items in the tub. And then after that you will wash down the tub, the toilet & bathroom sink with disinfectant. She told Sarah that she wanted the items clean enough to be able to go in the washing machine. Mom then told her that the comet & some rubber gloves were under the sink. She also told her that there were some plastic bags under the sink to put the washed items in. This way later they could be put in the washing machine. Sarah looked at the items in the tub. First thing she seen was the tights, with a little bit of poop on them. She was thinking that’s not to bad. Then she seen the baby’s diaper mom used as a soaker full of thick poop, and the rubber panties swimming in wet poop & pee. Sarah goes oh please to I have to Mrs. Baker? But they really sink & smell so bad. Mom goes well, it was your idea wasn’t it? So I think you should have the fun job of cleaning up the mess you made. Sarah said yes Mrs. Baker I’m sorry. I’ll clean it all up for you. Mom came out and closed the door to the bathroom so Sarah could get undressed and start her work. As the door was closing I heard Sarah say under her breath say oh boy does it sink in here.

Mom then came into my new room, and took some things out of the draw. She took out a Luvs pampers & rubber panties, plus another soaker. I go mom you said when we goy home today I didn’t have to wear them any more. Mom said to me, I know dear, but you are still having pains in your tummy. So just in case it happens again, and you have no time to run we better put you in diapers tonight. After she diapered me & put the plastic panties on me. Mom then went to the closet and came out with one of the prettiest baby dolls I ever seen. It was a hot pink color, with tons of lace and bows going around the whole skirt part. It was really so pretty, but also very babyish. She then places the baby doll over my head. Next she got out the pair of rumba panties that matched the baby doll top. It was in the same hot pink with again tons of lace around the whole panty. After she had me in them she put some real lacey pink ankle socks on me. Next came a pair of white with pink lining bunny slippers. Mom then put my hair up in two cute pigtails with the cutest pink bows holding each one in place. This was the kicker. She handed me Sarah my dolly. And said here sweetie you can dress your dolly up just like you are. As she then handed me the same outfit I had on, except it fit my doll. That’s when I knew where she got both things from, Aunt Lori’s place.

After I finished dressing my doll I saw Sarah coming out of the bathroom. So I came over by the door to tell her I was ok & that I wasn’t mad at her for what happen. She was only wearing her panties, tights & little girl type undershirt. She was holding her dress & slip in her arms in front of her. I looked the other way, trying not to embarrass her. She goes oh Jilly you look so cute in that outfit sweetie. I was still turned away somewhat trying not to look right at her. She must have figured it out, because she then said. Jilly it’s ok if you see me dressed in my undies we are all girls here. I smiled back at her. Then mom said something that was kind of strange. She said you know Sarah I think you may be more right about that then you think? Mom then turned and looked right at me saying. I think our little Jilly here really does love wearing all this pretty lacey stuff. Don’t you dear? Mom told Sarah to go in Holli’s room and get dressed, while she had a little talk with me.

Mom took my hand and we headed over to her room and she closed the door. She looked at me saying I think we need to have a little talk. You don’t need to be scared, because you know you can always tell me anything, and right now I need the truth. I wouldn’t get mad, or get up set at what ever you say. Ok dear? Now sweety my question to you is. Do you like wearing all of these frilly little girl’s clothes. I just looked at mom I knew she had figured something wasn’t right. That’s when I broke down completely. I had to tell someone before I went crazy. I knew that after I told they would most likely put me away in some hospital, but I needed to tell someone. I started to tear up just a little. Then I started crying, while saying I’m sorry! Please don’t be mad at me. I don’t know why, but yes I do. I love all of the frilly dresses & things. What’s wrong with me? I’m a boy not a girl? I like doing boy things. So why do I like dressing up this way? Please don’t hate please? I don’t want to be sent away to some hospital & lock up for being crazy.

Mom look a little shocked at what I was saying. Through all my crying I heard her say. Lock you away in a hospital? Why would I ever want to do that to you sweety? I went on saying with tears pouring down my face. Because I been stealing Holli’s pretty outfits and rhumba panties. Then wearing them when no one is home after school for over two years now, since Holli’s 4th birthday party. I don’t know why I started wearing the stuff? I was home alone playing one day, when you & Holli went food shopping. I ended up in her room and seen her gorgeous party dress just hanging there. Honest mom I don’t know why, but I just felt like I had to try it on. It was like the dress was calling to me “Try Me ON”. So I gave in and did just that, with everything else. I put on the cute rhumba panties, crinoline, and frilly socks, all of it. Once I had it all on I looked in the mirror. Mom I looked so cute, but also I felt so good inside, like I just found something I lost, but I had no idea I lost it? I just fell in love with how cute I looked, and how good it felt to wear the dress. I was thinking why couldn’t boys wear things like this? So I been hiding and wear her dresses & clothes ever since. Then when you started to dress me for getting in trouble. I got scared at first that maybe you knew, but then I realized you didn’t. After the trip to the mall with aunt Judy & everyone thought I was really a little girl. I began to love wearing everything, and having so much fun. I even love having a doll I can hug when I’m scared and to keep me company at night. The only thing I don’t like is being dressed & treated as baby girl for punishment, but I do love the cute frilly baby outfits, I’m sorry honest mom, are you going to send me away because I’m crazy? Honest I will try not to do it again honest don’t send me away please? Are they going to put me away? Is there something really wrong with me?

Mom just sat there for a minute or two I guess this all took her by surprise, and I figured she had to think a little about what was happening. I mean to hear that your son in crazy, and really loves to wear girls clothes is a big deal right. Here she thought she was punishing me, and in reality I was somewhat enjoying every minute of it, and pretending not too. Mom started to talk. She goes okay lets get this straight. First things first, you are not crazy, and nobody is going to put you away in some hospital ok. It seems with out knowing it I may have released your feminine side or the girl in you. I believe by what you just told me. That you may be what is call a “Crossdresser” or the common term is a “Transvestite”. Sweety I want you to listen to me. This is not uncommon. They say 1 out of every 8 men or boys for that matter for some reason like to wear girl’s clothes in one form or another. I want you to understand that it’s not something you tell everyone, but it can’t kill you either. Being a Nurse I have worked in a hospital ER, and seen many guys come in from an accident. They were wearing ladies garter belts, hose, and panties under their regular guys clothes. Some even had their toenails painted with nail polish. I had a felling something was wrong, as I notice that you seemed to like wearing the frilly party outfits way more then Holli ever did. I figured it was just something new and different to you. That maybe you thought is was fun to fool people into thinking you were a little girl.

So now that we both know the truth and you understand it’s not the end of the world, and you are not crazy. I will give you a choice. I am going to leave this completely up to you. #1-Would you like to keep dressing as a little girl till you go back to school? Then we can figure out what to do next? Or #2 - would you want to stop now and go back to wearing your normal boys clothes. No matter which way you decide. After the 3 weeks are up and you are back in school if it makes you that happy to dress up in a frilly dress. I can live with that, as long as we do it now & then, maybe once a week on the weekend depending on you & your needs. I sat there thinking this over real hard. I made all these new great friends. Plus there was the up coming contest? Gees what to do. I think that’s when my heart told me which way to go. I turned to mom saying if it’s okay with you. I really would love to keep dressing for the next week or so. I also said giggling as I said it. Mainly because I really can’t wait till next Saturday just to see how I would do in the contest. Mom giggled a little too. The she said yep that’s your girl side that’s showing up. She just has to see how cute she would look on stage next week? We both laughed as mom hugged me real tight. Saying ok then we will keep our little Jilly around a little longer. Then after the contest we can decide what to do next ok. I then asked what would we do about Sarah. Mom asked what do you mean. Well Sarah knows that I’m being punished & dressed this way. I then told mom all about what Sarah had said to me on the back porch. Mom goes Ahh so we have a little controller on our hands do we. Mom went on saying I knew she liked being in charge of you. I just didn’t know she liked it that much. I then said she also told me that she really likes seeing me all dressed up as a little girl, and wished that I could say that way. Sarah said I look so cute & adorable that way. The thing is mom I have to tell you I really kind of like having her in charge. I feel safe & I didn’t even mind wearing that harness as long as I knew she was at the other end. I feel kind of happy about her knowing about my punishment and her being in charge. Mom goes ok we will leave things as they are for now. I will let Sarah be your baby setter this week and train you for the contest. Then after the contest you & I will have a talk with her & her mom so she doesn’t blackmail you any more ok. I said great mom and gave mom another big kiss & hug. Mom said ok sweety enough of this. What do you say we go down stairs and have us a little girl’s sleep over party? How’s that sound to you? I jump up and said GREAT MOM! Lets go tell Holli & Sarah what we are going to do.

To be continued:

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