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Chapter #4
Jillain Spears
When we last seen our heroine little Jillian, she was in a car, with her new aunt Judy & little Lynn on their way someplace? Ah yes, where else, but back to the MALL? What? Oh no, not pre-school too? Join us as we find out what other surprises await our poor little girl.
Aunt Judy had gotten us all dressed up and now we were strapped in by our seat belts in the back seat of the car. We were on our way someplace, but I had no clue to just where we were all heading. Just then I relized we arrived at our destination. Oh Wow it’s the mall again. The same one we had gone to yesterday. Aunt Judy parked the car. Then got out and again took the stroller out of the trunk. She came over to let us out of the car and you guessed it. She picked me up to place me back in the stroller, just like she did yesterday. I was all strapped in, with Lynn holding on to the stroller, as aunt Judy pushed it along. We entered the mall once again through the main entrance. Aunt Judy pushed the stroller a short way, and then stopped at that little booth that sat in the middle of the wide entrance walk way. This time she handed two pieces of paper to the lady behind the counter, saying to her. These are for the “LITTLE MISS MALL” contest. The lady behind the counter asked how old are the contestants. Aunt Judy told her one would be 4-years-old tomorrow, and the other little one will be 3 in a couple of months. The lady behind the counter said oh wow that’s perfect. We will have just the right amount of contestants now and the right ages. Well here are the entrees tags for 2 to 3 year-old, and for 4 to 6 year-old. The lady told aunt Judy to be at the stage entrance in center court on Saturday, April 11th at 11-am. I kind of knew who the 2 to 3-year-old contestant was going to be. For sure I knew it was going to be me. OH boy mom and Aunt Judy were just full of little surprises.
The next stop was back at that large drug store we stopped at yesterday. Aunt Judy this time decided to push the stroller down the isles. She stopped at the baby department and she started to fill the hand carried basket she had, with all kinds of baby things. First she put in a large baby’s rattle, a couple of #3 pacifiers, and two or three baby bottles. Then she put three or four toddler size rubber panties in the basket. They were in all kinds of colors. She made sure that she also picked out about 3 other style rubber panties that had frilly lace on the rear of them. Next she took two bags of toddler size Luvs off the shelf. After that we headed up front to the cashier. On the way up she stopped at a display and picked up a 3 pair each of white and pink little girls tights. I knew who would be wearing some of them. She looked at me and said your mom wants to make sure you are dry and look real cute at all times. She surprised as she said oh my there it is. Your mom said to look & see if the still sold these. I guess they do, and wow even in a large size too? She took this item off the shelf, as I looked on. It was some kind of belt thingy. I could tell it was made of pink leather with buckles. OMG! I remember mom saying something about it being thigh. It was one of those baby harnesses that you put on a baby to keep them from running away. I’m thinking oh I hope they don’t plan on using that on me, but I knew better. Why else would mom have Aunt Judy buy one? What was I to do I knew that most likely the next time in the mall I would be lead on a leash wearing that silly thing. We went up front and paid for the items. Then we left the store.
Next stop was a kid’s department store. Well more like a little girl’s specialty shop. Wow it was the same place we stopped at the other day. The name about the shop read “LITTLE GIRL’S FANTASY DREAMWEAR”. As we entered the shop I looked in the store windows. OMG all the dresses in the window were frilly & gorgeous looking little girls party dress. Plus all the little girl mannequins seemed to be holding dolls dressed in the same style party dress it had on. The thing was I didn’t know it, but Lynn’s real Aunt Lori owned this store. That was the lady she talked to the other day. I thought I had heard aunt Judy call her Lilly, but I guess I was wrong about that. The shop had everything from 2-month-old outfits to outfits for a girl 8 or 10 years old. There were a lot of little girl dresses and also lots of really fancy party outfits. The type you would wear to a fancy birthday party or CONTEST? We went over to the 3 to 4 year old section, and aunt Judy started to look at some of the cute dress. I figured she was looking at dresses for Lynn to wear to her party. Well some were and some I found out were for me too.
Aunt Judy took us into the fitting room and tried some outfits on Lynn. Then after she had a couple of real nice outfits. Aunt Judy undid the strap on the stroller and it was my turn to try things on. She made sure that all the outfits I tired on were so frilly, lacey, and as babyish as she could find. They all had so much lace, that I felt they made me look even more babyish. In one or two of them I looked like a baby dolly that some little girl would want to play with, and push around in a baby pram. They all seemed to have a frilly lacey bonnet that went with each outfit. One outfit I had on I looked like I should be on some little girls doll shelf, as a fluffy and frilly baby doll. You guessed it that was one of the outfits she took for me. She made sure that I had the matching baby bonnet & rhumba panties for that outfit. By the time we were done aunt Judy had picked out two really frilly outfits for me. She did say one thing that kind of got to me. Oh I can’t wait to see you up on stage in one of these. Wait a minute here “Me” in that, “Up On What Stage”? You got to be kidding? They really planed on me being in that contest, and dressing me I one of these frilly baby outfits, like some little 2 almost 3-year-old baby girl? I now knew I was in big trouble. Aunt Judy also bought a couple of cute little baby doll nightgowns for me & for Lynn. She even had me try on a little girl’s swimsuit, with tons of lace around the rear end, and a cute little skirt that went around the waist, which just about covered the lacey rear.
After what seemed like forever we went to pay for all the outfits. That’s when I found out who owned the store. As her Aunt Lori came up and asked Mrs. Miller if she had found everything that she & my mom wanted. Aunt Lori then looked at me and said. Well I guess this is our new little girl “Jillian is it”? Aren’t you the cutest little thing I ever seen, and still in diapers I see? Are you all nice and dry sweety? I said yes that I was dry. Did you know that your mommy called me up last night and said you would be here today? With that question I kind of became a little worried. She said that she was going to enter you in THE LITTLE MISS MALL CONTEST. So I told your mom that if you look as good as I hear you do; I would sponsor you and supply you with the cute little frilly outfit for the contest. We want our adorable little girl here to win this contest you know. After seeing you in person. I now plan on calling your mommy up and telling her that I’m going to offer you & your mom a deal. I think I want you to model for me in my new. little girl’s fantasy Dreamwear catalog. Believe it or not sweety you are an adorable precious dreamboat that should be a model in a fancy catalog. No one and I mean no one would ever think that you are really a boy. Plus the good thing is if you should win this contest, which I think you have a really good chance of doing. Your picture will be in the newspaper, and you also win a complete wardrobe supplied from my shop that any little girl would just love to have. Plus you win a $3,000.00 dollar gift certificate. That can be used in any of the stores at this mall that your mom wants. I told your mom that we would make sure you win. That we will make you look so adorable every one will just love you. Oh boy! I knew I was in real big trouble now, and what’s this about a complete wardrobe of outfits? I have no plans on wining this contest at all so there’s nothing to worry about? I HOPE? Aunt Judy’s aunt told the lady at the cash register to put all the items we had on the store account. She said she would for them. Aunt Lori then looked at Lynn and said and that goes for you too sweetie pie. You are going to be the cutest thing even up on that stage on Saturday. Both of you two girls are going to look so adorable next Saturday, just wait & see.
Then aunt Judy’s aunt said ok girls lets all go to lunch, my treat. We all started to head out of the shop with the two ladies carrying tons of bags. Aunty Lori walked us to our car first to get rid of all the packages. Then she picked up Lynn as we walked to the diner that is in the front of the mall parking lot. The place was called the Menlo Park Diner. Aunt Judy took me out of the stroller and packed it out of the way in the front lobby of the diner. Again I was put in a highchair and Lynn sat with her great Aunt Lori. My now soaked diaper & rubber panties were on full display again. Aunt Lori told Lynn & her mom that she would take care of everything and not to worry about the bill for the outfits that she would have ready for us next Saturday. She then looked at me and said something that at first scared me. But after I had time to think about what she said. Well, maybe I would like being a girl model. She said. Sweetie you are the cutest thing I have seen in a while. I sure hope your mommy takes my offer to have you model for me in my catalog. I know we could make you into a fabulous little girl Model.
We all had a great meal. Lynn & I both had the little kids hamburger & fries & aunt Lori & Judy had regular hamburgers & fries. Before we left the diner aunt Judy decided to take Lynn and I to the rest room. She helped Lynn go potty, while aunt Lori came to clean me up over at the baby changing station, and put a new diaper on me. Aunt Lori had gone come along just so she could help Mrs. Miller change me. I could tell she loved every minute of it. She was telling me as she diapered me how cute I was going to look on Saturday. After the bathroom break, and being treated to lunch by aunt Lori. Aunt Judy gave hugs & kissed to her aunt and said good-bye. I also had to give aunt Lori a little girl’s hug and some kisses as she helped aunt Judy by putting me back in the stroller & strapped me in. plus I had to thank her for all my pretty outfits she let me have. Mrs. Miller told her aunt that she would see her about getting ready for the contest. Aunt Judy took Lynn’s hand and started to push the stroller in the direction of the car. Once at the car she let me out of the stroller and put it back in the trunk. She then opens the car up and had us climb in the back seat. She got in and we head home. I may be wrong about that? Well, as always I was wrong again. GRINS
Next thing I know we are stopping at some really large building. Aunt Judy parked the car and let us out of the back seat. Lynn seemed to know where we were, but I was at a lose? As we entered the building I could hear kids yelling and playing. We went into a big room off to the right. Upon entering the room I knew I was in trouble it was a preschool classroom. Lynn started to take off her coat and Aunt Judy took mine off me. She told the teacher that I was her sister’s little girl and that I was visiting from Texas. She said that I would be with Lynn for the next three weeks or so. She told the lady that her sister would pay the difference in the price so that I can stay with Lynn at the school. The teacher said that it was okay with her, and that she had already received a phone call about me earlier today. So aunt Judy said oh good my sister must of called you great. The lady then looked at me and gave a big smile, and in her best talking to a little one voice. She said aren’t we the cutest thing ever, and what a lovely outfit you have on too. Then she bent down to fix my skirt. Seems it had gotten stuck on my panties, and I didn’t even know it. I guess it happen while I was in the car. That’s when the teacher seen my rubber panties and I guess she also seen I had on a diaper. Aunt Judy told her that I was 3 going on 4 years old in a couple of months, and that I had a problem. That I still had accidents. She told the teacher I was being punished, because I was having so many accidents. She said that just yesterday when she had our hair done Jilly had an accident all over the hairdresser’s chair. The teacher said some times it takes a while for them to learn, but I think that’s a good way to help them lean. A couple of days in wet pampers usually dose the job.
Aunt Judy introduced me to the teacher. This is little Jillian Baker. Jilly this is Miss Long she will be your teacher for a couple of weeks, unless your mom likes this school. If she does then you may end up staying here and leaning with Lynn. Wouldn’t that just be great if you two could be classmates? I knew what aunt Judy was up to so I just played along and made a big fuss about the whole idea. OH Aunt Judy, do you really think I could go to school here with Lynn? That would be so great I hope mommy lets me? Can you tell her that I want to go to school with Lynn? Aunt Judy looked at me kind of in shock, as she said we will see dear, but for now make sure you are a good girl for Miss Long. I’ll be back to get both of you two girls at about 2 o’clock okay. Aunt Judy talked to the teacher on the side a little and then she left.
Miss long was about 25 or so and really cute looking. She called us all the other kids together in a circle. She told them that my name is Jillian Baker and that I will be with them in class for a while. I want you to welcome her here, and tell her your names and how old you are. We will do this one by one. Lets start with Lynn because she knows her. I looked around and seen that there was about 10 girls & 3 boys in the class. So Lynn got up and stood in the center of the circle and she started off. My name is Lynn and I’ll be 4 years old on Saturday. I think it’s nice to have my friend Jilly here. Miss long said next and another girl got up. My name is Cindy and I’m 4 years old, and I like your petty dress Jilly. So it went on. My name is Crissy and I’ll be 4 in about 2 months and I’m glade you came here. This went on for about 10 more minutes. Then it was getting to be my turn. But as the last little girl finished she asked if I was wearing a diaper? Miss Long stepped in and told her that it was not nice for her to ask that. That it may embarrass me. I could see that the little girl was hurt, she was just asking because you could see it and she just wanted to know why. So here I was standing in front of all the other kids. I told them that my name is Jillian, but you can call me Jilly, and I’ll be 4 in a couple of months. I have to wear a diaper & rubber panties, because I was bad, and I had a lot of accidents lately. My mommy is making me wear them because of that. The kids all seemed to understand. Heck later after we were done some of the girls came over and hugged me and said they were sorry I had to wear the diaper. Miss Long told them all that in was nice of them to worry about how I felt.
Miss Long then told everybody to go get a chair and to bring it back and make a circle around her. She told us that she was going to read us a story. We did what we were told and we all waited for her to start. I was trying the best I could to act like the rest of the little girls by watching how and what the others did. After the story she asked us what kind of animals she had named in the story and what did their name start with. She started her questions with Crissy then she went to Lynn, now it was my turn. I gave a good answer and she gave me a gold star to put on my dress, just like the ones she had given Crissy and Lynn.
It finally got to be break time and every one had to line up to go to the toilet. I got in line behind Cindy and Crissy. Well Miss Long came over and took my hand. She told me that she would take care of my needs and that Aunt Judy left some pampers for me if I need a change. Just as she said that I got this scared feeling that she would want to change me and all of a sudden started to pee. Miss Long looked at me and asked are you ok dear. I just said really fast yes, Miss long I’m ok. Sorry honey, but I kind of figured by your look you had an accident. Your Aunt Judy said that you might have an accident if you get nerves. Let me just check to make sure ok sweetie. She then lifted my skirt and put a finger down the back of my diaper. It was dry. That’s when I figured out that girls wet more to the back, boys to the front. So she figured I was dry. Wow that was close.
All the other kids where finishing up in the bathroom and heading for the tables. A couple came over to get me. Miss long was just finishing up by pulling my rumba panties back up, and fixing my skirts. The girls that came over said that they were so sorry that I was being punished and made to wear diapers like a baby. One of the little girls held my hand and said it will be OK you will see. She then leaned over and gave me a hug and a little girl’s type kiss on my cheek. Boy I was so confused now. None of my friend’s back in ST. PETERS would ever care how you felt, or even care if you were hurt. It was your problem not theirs. These kids meant it. they really did care. I just looked around and I knew that I really had some nice new friends here. Even the 3 boys there were sad that I had to wear a diaper.
Every body sat down around a couple of tables. I went over to sit at one of the tables, but Crissy, Cindy, & Lynn pulled me over to where they were. We had some chocolate chip cookies, with a small container of milk to drink. The break was now over. So one of the other girls said let’s play with our dollies. Off we all went to the doll area to grab our dollies. I found Sarah she was there and Lynn’s doll was there too. I guess aunt Judy brought them in and placed them with the other little girl’s dolls. I took my doll, and followed what ever the other girls would do. It was kind of fun playing dolls along with them. We all played like we were the mommies. I really must say kind of enjoyed every minute of play. I was having a really fun & good time with the other little girls. They were all really friendly and nice to me. All of a sudden it was time to go home. Aunt Judy had arrived to pick us up. Miss Long helped me on with my coat and said I hope I will see you on Monday Jillian. Now you two girls have a nice weekend. We turned and waved bye to everyone and we left.
Aunt Judy let us in the car and buckled us both in. then she got in and we headed home. She did mention that we must have been in a hurry to go to school today. Seeing both you girls left your dollies on the back seat. She told us even though we forgot them she made sure we had our dollies at school. When we arrived home we all went into Aunt Judy’s house. She told Lynn & I to take off our coats and hang them up by the door. Then you can both go play in the playroom with your dolls. I’ll bring in some juice and cookies for you. I ran up to Aunt Judy and whispered that I had gone pee and that my diaper was really wet. I guess you could say I told her a little white lie. I said it happen on the way home in the car, because I was trying to hold it till we got home. I said that because she had hit some really bad bumps and I lost control. She just looked at me and said well that’s why you’re wearing a diaper Jillian, just in case you have an accident. I then said something that caught aunt Judy by surprise. I said in a very babyish way, but Aunt Judy, Little Jilly has to make poop poops. She just looked at me at first. Then she said oh sweetie then that’s different. What a real big girl you are for telling me you need to use the potty. Lets get our little Jilly up stairs, and on the potty ok. You know it’s ok if babies use their diapers to do pee-pee dear, but if you know you need to do poops. Then it’s so good that you want to be a big girl and not have poops in your panties. She then took me up stairs and put me on the potty chair, which was still on the toilet. After I was finished even though I was uncomfortable about it. I called for her, and she came in to help clean me up. She then put a new diaper & new pink rubber panties on me. The cute frilly rhumba panties followed this. After she was done she sent me back down stairs to play. So off I went to play dolls with Lynn in the playroom.
About an hour or so Holli finally got home from school. She walked in the play-room and asked how our day was. Lynn filled her in on everything from the drug store in the mall, the little girl’s fancy dress shop and aunt Lori. Plus she told her how the two of us were going to be on stage in a contest. Then she told her about all the things we bought to look pretty from aunt Lori’s shop. She went on to tell her all about pre-school classes, and that she hoped Jillian’s mommy might like the school. Then Jilly can come to school with her. She told her how the other kids liked me and how they felt real sorry that I had to wear diapers & rubber panties Holli took all this in then looked at me and I think she was really trying to rub it in about pre-school, because she came over and asked me a question. Do you really like Lynn’s pre-school Jilly? I can talk to your mommy and let her know how much you really want to go to school with Lynn from now on. I knew what she was up to. So I thought I would have a little fun to, as I through her a curve ball. I looked right at her, with this big smile on my face saying in a real cheery voice. OH wow! Could you please do that? Wow Holli! That would be so great if you could. Right Lynn? Lynn hearing me say I wanted to go to her school, jumped right in and said. Oh yes please tell her please Holli. That took the wind out of Holli’s sail, and completely through her off balance for a couple of seconds. She had no idea what to say or do next about what I just said. Giggles & grins.
After that the rest of the afternoon went by about the same as the day before. Mom came over to pick us up about 4:45. We all headed home so she could make dinner. After dinner we all watched some TV. I was told it was ok for me to set on the couch instead of in the playpen. I still had to drink from a baby bottle, but I was getting use to that too. I had to go pee a couple of more times before bedtime, but I knew I was going to be able to use the toilet. So by the time mom changed me for bed that diaper was soaked. I was put to bed about the same time as yesterday. Mom asked me if I wanted another pill like last night. I told her that the pill really did help me relax last night. So she gave me another pill to take, and a cup of water to wash it down. Mom helped me into the crib again, and handed me Sarah. She also put my pacifier in my mouth. She lifted the railing in place and turned off the light, while switching on the nightlight. After about a half hour I started to feel sleepy like I did yesterday, I was staring to dose off. You know in a way it’s not that bad being treated as a little girl. I’m meeting such people, and I don’t need to put up this big tough guy front to try and prove something. Everyone seems to really like me. I think I’m beginning to like being a little girl. Girls seem to be a lot nicer to each other. Ooohhhh-hummm I’m tired good night.
It was Saturday morning, and all was fine. I had a great nights sleep, plus I was dry. Mom was about to let me out of the crib. She asked well, is baby dry today. I said yes, but I really do have to go. Mom told me ok lets get you over to the bathroom, on the toilet, and then dressed. After I finished what I needed to do, both things. Grins. Mom had me brush my teeth and wash up. Then she took me back to what was now becoming my new room. She put me in some new pampers with a soaker pad and rubber panties. Then put a pair of frilly lace rhumba panties on me. Followed by a white frilly blouse that buttoned up the back, with a little peter pan collar, and little girl puff short sleeves. She finished doing the buttons up the back, and followed with a pink skirt type outfit. The skirt had a bib front, with straps that went over my shoulders, and criss crossed in the back. On the front bib part was a picture of Mine Mouse holding two balloons. I remembered outfit? This was the outfit Holli wanted at Disney land two years ago. Next came some pink anklets, with white lace along the top of each anklet, and pair of white sneakers. Only to the sneaker mom had added pink laces with two little bells attached to the laces on each shoe. So as I walked you could hear the bells ringing. Mom then did my hair into two cute pigtails one on each side, and tied some pink bows around each pigtail. There was also a little bell attached to each bow. Now if moved or shook my head you could hear the little bells ringing. She said ok I think Jilly is all set. I said why do I need those dang little bells on my shoes & in my hair? Mom said so I can keep track of you. The bells make it easy for mommy to know just where her little girl is at all times. She giggled a little, and then handed me Sarah, as we both set off for the staircase.
We headed down stairs, and I could hear Holli was down there already watching what was on TV. Oh-my-gosh it’s “ANDY’S GANG” Great! We both loved that program, it has this neat black cat named, “MIDNIGHT” who kept saying Nice, Nice, while it watched a mouse dance. And there was “FROGY”. Andy would go, Punk your magic twanger Frogy, and then there was this big puff of smoke, and Frogy would appear saying “Hi Yea kids, Hi Yea, Hi Yea, Hi Ya. Holli & I would giggle and say Hi yea-Frogy right back. Holli heard me walk in with my bells just ringing away as I entered the doorway. She turned and said OH Jilly you look so cute in that outfit, and oh isn’t that so cute you have little bells on all over. Why don’t you come over here and set with me, bring Sarah with you too. She went on that she had Megan with her, which was her dolly. We can all watch Andy’s Gang together ok “SIS”. I said okay, but the sis part got me. She was never this friendly before. It was always get out of here, or leave me alone, don’t touch me. Now she was asking me to come set with her?
Mom said you girls be good, while I make us some breakfast, and Holli I want you to take care of your baby sister for mommy ok? My sister said ok mommy I will. I just sat there a while watching TV. Then all of a sudden Holli turned toward me and asked me something really strange. She said, Jilly? I said yes. You really love your dolly don’t you? I was speechless for a second, how did she know? Holli went on to say. I been watching you, you’re always hugging her, and you take really good care of her, like I do Megan. So looking right at her with a tear in my eye I said YES. With some tears in my eyes I went on to say Please don’t laugh at me, but I really do love having a doll. Boys don’t have dolls and I not sure just why I love her so much, but I really do, I found that when I’m scared I feel so much better knowing I have Sarah to hug and hold on to. Please Holli don’t tell anyone please. She moved closer and put her arm around my shoulder and while hugging me said something I will always remember. She said you know Jilly I love having a new sister, even if she is my big brother, and I promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone that you love your doll. We hugged each other real tight just as mom walked in the room. Mom was a little taken back at this sign of sisterly affection between us. She just stood there watching all that was going on. Then she said well I guess my two girls are becoming real sisters after all. Come on you sweet things lets eat breakfast. Oh and Jilly you can set in a real chair today sweetie. I say wow great mom thanks. As we ate breakfast mom told Holli & I what was planned for the day.
Ok girls, today is little Lynn’s birthday party. Her daddy is out of town over the road with his truck. So Mrs. Miller needs some help. We are going over there a little early today to help her out. That means I need to you both to help me, by being on your best behavior. Now Jilly, you are going to this party all done up really pretty and you will act just like the rest of the little girls there. I heard that you met most of Lynn’s little girl friends already, and that you get a long great with them. So I expect you to be on your best behavior young lady. Holli will help by watching over the entire group of little girls toady. But first we are going to the market to get things for Mrs. Miller. So lets get ready, dishes in the sink, then hats & coats. I go but mom I don’t like shopping can’t I stay home. Now that’s a dumb question Jilly, you’re a 3-year-old little girl, who needs to be watched at al times remember. I can’t leave a baby like you home alone. So mom got our coats & hats, Holli got our dolls, and off we went. When we got to the market mom took one of the large a carts. Next thing I know she is putting me in the carts little kids seat. She then places the pacifier hanging on my outfit in my mouth telling me ssssshhh babies are quite. Then she handed me Sarah to hold. We entered the store with mom pushing the cart & me setting in it like a little girl holding her doll.
We were in the store for a good while, and mom was busy shopping. I on the other hand was bored out of my mind just looking up & down the isles. Then as the pacifier drops from my mouth, and is caught by the ribbon pined to my dress. I go in a real panicked whisper. Mom! Mom! Oh -my it can’t be her? That’s Sarah MOM! She’s one of the girls from my class. Please I can’t let her see me like this. Mom said, Ok don’t panic stay calm, we will move to another isle. The thing was I think it was already to late. As we were leaving the isle I kept a close watch on Sarah out of the corner of my eye. She looked right down the isle at me then at my sister. She then made a pointing gesture to my sister, like who’s the little baby in the shopping cart. She knew Holli didn’t have a baby sister. Then I seen her eyes go wide and she started to look kind of puzzled then she started to giggle. I just had this bad feeling she knew my secret. My life was now over as I knew it. I started to get so up set, as tears started running from my eyes. Mom noticed the tears right away as we entered another isli near to the one we were just in. She goes what’s wrong. I told mom look down there its Sarah & her mom again, and I think she knows. Oh mom please do something she’s one of the cutest girls in my class, and I’m pretty sure she seen me. Really mom I watched her point at me then started to giggle. I know she knows for sure now. Please this can’t be happening? It will be all over school by Monday. Honest Mom it’s bad enough that I’m picked on by the guys for being so small, but now the guys will really start to make fun of me. Plus I know all the girls will tease me too no end too. My life is over for sure I will be the laughing stock of the whole school now. I was crying so hard by this time. Mom goes okay, okay lets stop the crying, and try to calm down & relax. I ‘ll tell you what I’m going to do. You stay here with Holli, and I will go and have a little talk with Sarah’s mom on the side. I’m sure we can all work this out. I’m pretty sure Sarah is not the type of girl who would want to hurt you, and have everyone make fun of you. Besides her mom has told me that Sarah really likes you at lot. So let me talk to her mom. The last part about Sarah liking me a lot kind of caught me way off guard. Mom then said, Holli watch your baby sister while I go and try to straighten this all out.
Mom started down the isle to talk with Mrs. Spears. I could see them at the other end of the isle. Mom was talking to her off to one side, while Sarah was trying hard to hear what they were saying I know she was trying to figure out what was going on as she kept looking over at us. I tried to pretend I didn’t see her looking, but I just knew she seen right through my disguise. Mom stopped talking. Then I saw mom, Sarah, & her mom start to head our way. I was now in a complete state of panic, plus such a nerves reck that I almost peed in my panties. Sarah Spears is one of the cutest girls in my class, and I have such a major crush on her. She stands about a foot taller then I. When I stand next to her you would think that I was a 3 year old for sure, Which is why I am really scared to even talk to her. I was always afraid she would just put me down for my size. Why of all people did Sarah have to be the one to see me this way? They finally all got to where Holli & I were waiting. Mrs. Spears said HI first to Holli then she looked right at me. She took a hard look, and with this big smile on her face, started saying, oh my, you are simply adorable. It’s Jillian right? Then Sarah looked at me, and piped up saying “JACK” is that really you. I had tears rolling down my face already, and was about to break down completely. Sarah’s mom must have noticed this and said, Sarah be nice to Jillian. This is very hard on her being punished like this, and you know that. That’s when Sarah said yes mom. Then Sarah said. I’m sorry Jack I mean Jillian. Don’t worry I promise I not going to tell a soul about how you’re dressed honest I won’t. Your mom told us how up set you were that I seen you. I really do like you, and be side I would never hurt anyone like that. But Jack, I mean Jillian I must say you do look oh so sweet and adorable dressed up as a little girl. That’s why I wasn’t even sure who you were when I first seen you. I really had no idea who the heck was setting in the cart.
Mom started to explain real quickly to Mrs. Spears just how I ended up this way. How I said that girls never get in trouble coz they are always playing house & dress up That if I was a girl I guess I wouldn’t get in that much trouble either. So mom told her that she figured I needed to see just how the other side lived. That maybe I won’t get into so much trouble after this. Sarah giggled and said see what I big mouth can get you into Jilly? I just hung my head saying yep I sure do now. Then it happens. Sarah then looked and seen I had on a pair of cute rhumba panties on, but that under them I also had on a diaper & rubber panties, which were peeking through the bottom of my pink rhumba panties. She then looked right at me, asking me. Jilly are you wearing a diaper and rubber panties too? I started to cry again. Sarah seen how up set I was as she said that’s ok Jilly I’m sorry honest. I guess there’s a reason you are wearing them. I didn’t meant to get you all up set honest
I think that’s when Sarah saw me starting to hug my doll real tight, and could tell I was really up set. So she tried to change the subject real fast by asking a different question. Jilly is that your dolly? Great this was not going my way at all. Now I have to explain to this cute girl, why I am holding on to a doll really tight. I said through the tears kind of with a defensive voice YES WHY? So Sarah then said oh because I just think she looks so cute like her mommy. Great I didn’t need to hear that statement either. I mean gees being told my doll looked cute, but also told that her mommy looks cute too. That kind of made me feel really weird. I think Sarah realized this so she tried getting out of that statement with an even worse question, which I knew I didn’t want to answer. She asked me, what’s your cute dolly’s name? I think she may of been kind of rubbing it in a little, because she could tell I was really holding on to the doll really tight like a little girl who was scared would do. After I heard the question I started to stutter, as I didn’t want to say that I named my doll after her. But I didn’t need to worry about that, as Holli jumps right in and says her dollies name is “SARAH-JANE”. Well Sarah just gets this really big eyed opening look on her face with this great big smile, and goes oh wow Jilly. That’s my name? Oh Jilly how cute of you to name your dolly after me. I feel so special that you did that. You must really like me a lot I bet? So I looked at her and shook my head up & down that I did, and yes that’s why I name my doll after her. Plus I gave her this really big smile back. Now for sure Sarah knew I had this really big crush on her. Only she seemed really happy about the idea of me having a crush on her, and that I named my doll after her.
The thing I forgot about were the bells in my hair. It seems the shaking of my head up & down did not help at all. For those dang little bells in my hair started to ring. Sarah got such a kick out of hearing the little bells. Saying to me oh-my-gosh isn’t that so little girlish. You have little bells on the bows in your hair? Oh that is so cute & adorable. I just love it. I gave this look at her and that at mom, because it was her idea about the dang bells. Mom didn’t even notice, as she was still busy talking with Mrs. Spears. Great mom didn’t even hear the bells rings. Oh well nothing I could do now. I then heard mom ask Mrs. Spears if Sarah & her would like to go next door for some coffee & soda. She said this way she can explain the whole story to both of them. Mom said I don’t want you to think ill of me for what I’m trying to do here. I just want to make sure he learns a good lesson. With him not having a father around he it starting to run wild on me. I had to figure some way to get him back under control. So I figured this should knock the wind out of his sails for a while. Mrs. Spears told mom that she thought she was doing a great job, as a single mom, and she understand what mom was trying to do. We all started to head up front to pay for the food in the carts, and then go next door to a small coffee shop, but first we would dropped off the food at the cars. Once out side by the car mom took me out of the cart so I could walk. That’s when Sarah realized that I also had bells on my shoes. I never saw a girl so happy to see someone with bell on his or her shoes. I could tell this was not going to be a good thing.
As we entered the coffee shop with mom and Mrs. Spears headed to the back of the place, and Sarah, Holli & I right behind. Holli & Sarah each had one of my hands, with Sarah holding on to my doll for me. Sarah started to giggle as we walked through to the back of the shop pass all the tables. She leaned in a little saying to me. Wow that is so cute. Everyone can hear you coming, with those cute little bells of yours are just ringing away as you walk. That makes you so adorably cute, because everyone turns and looks to see who is the cute little girl wear those bells. OH boy that’s just great mom & her dang little bells. Sarah was definitely having a fun time at my expense. When we got to the table mom was at it again. She asked the waitress for a highchair. I said Mom! Sarah’s here please no. Mom just said there’s not enough room in the booth. So you need to set in the highchair like a good little girl. The waitress came with the chair and mom placed me in it locking the baby tray in place. Mom then ordered coffee for the ladies and some soda for the three of us. Mine she had put in a baby’s bottle that she handed the waitress. I was really so embarrassed, that Sarah was going to see me drink from a baby’s bottle. That’s just great! How to impress a girl that you have a big crush on? Not like this I’m pretty sure. Well, it got worse! When the bottle came back fill with soda. Sarah grabbed the bottle saying she just had to feed the baby her bottle. Holli was just eating this all up. This is just great. Here I am setting in a restaurant, in a highchair, dress like a little 2-year-old baby girl, in diapers & rubber panties. Now being fed a baby’s bottle full of soda, by the one girl in the world I have such a major crush on. How much worse could this day get? Wait & see.
Mom then started to explain how this all started. The firecrackers on the bus, me being kicked out of school for 3 & 1/2 weeks, then me telling her why girls don’t get in trouble and boys do. So that’s how she came upon this punishment. She told Sarah & her mom I guess you could say Jilly here picked her own punishment. She told how she got me to pick out my own doll from all the cute dollies that were in 2-GUY’S, and what I had said when I showed her the doll after I picked it out. Sarah just love that part of the story, saying oh isn’t that so cute that Jilly was able to pick out foe her self. She picked out the best & cutest dolly in the whole world. Then mom went on to tell about the hair salon, and me getting a perm & my nails done. Then she went on to tell how I had an accident when my ears were pierced with really cute earrings. Well, poof right away Sarah jumps up and pulls my pigtail out of the way to see the cute earrings. She goes oh wow they really do look so cute on you Jilly. I really need to hear that. Then mom goes on about how I had teased little Lynn when she had an accident two weeks ago. Mom said that Mrs. Miller felt that seeing I had an accident like little Lynn did. That it was a fitting punishment to put me into diapers & rubber panties like Lynn had to wear. She figured that if I was made to wear diapers & rubber panties for a couple days. Maybe that will teach me about not teasing anyone smaller then me. Mom told all this to Mrs. Spears, with Sarah listening as closely as she could. Mom then went on to tell all about how I was now entered in the “Little Miss Mall” contest and that Mrs. Miller aunt is sponsoring my outfit & me. Plus she seen how cute I looked all dressed up and now wants to use me as a model in her new catalog. Well Sarah was all a glee about this news. Mom finished up with telling them how this afternoon Holli & I will be going to Lynn’s birthday party, with me dressed in one the cutest & frilliest looking party dress she can find. She told then that I would be playing all the games, with the other little girls there. I was now domed, as Sarah had me where she wanted me I could tell, and I knew in my heart that she wasn’t going to let this whole thing drop. That was for sure
That’s when Holli jumps in and really makes my day complete. She drops this bomb right on target for sure, as she asked mom if she thinks Mrs. Miller would mind if Sarah came to help her take care of the large group of little girls. Mom said, well first I think you should ask Sarah if she wants to, and then ask her mom if it would be ok. Sarah jumped right in and said she would love to take care of the all of little girl with Holli, especially my favorite one little girl “Jilly”. Mrs. Spears said if it’s ok with Mrs. Miller. Then I can’t see why not. I bet little Jilly would just love having Sarah take care of her all afternoon? Mom & Mrs. Spears giggled a little over that statement. Mom said I think having Sarah to help is a great idea and I’m sure Mrs. Miller will love to have her. Then its all set Mrs. Spears said, Sarah will be at your house about 2, in her prettiest party dress. And I bet Jillian can’t wait to be all dressed up in her frilly little party dress either.
Sarah asked mom if all the little girls were bringing their dollies to the party. Holli told her oh yes, it going to be like a little girls tea party with all the dolls there. Sarah seemed very happy about this idea. We then said our good-byes as we started to walk out side, with my bells ringing away as a walked pass everyone in the place again. All I kept getting were big smile from all the ladies and a lot of oh isn’t she the cutest thing ever from everyone in the coffee shop. I was getting ready to head for mom’s car & leave, when all of a sudden Sarah leaned down and gave me a this big hug & kiss. Saying, see you later you cute little pixie. I was now in haven, Sarah just hugged & kissed me oh heart be still. While she was hugging me she whispered in my ear. I just love that you are dressed up so cute this way. She was still whispering in my ear saying. You are absolutely adorable, and I can’t wait to see you in that frilly party dress later today. Wow that was weird, but it made my day, and made me feel really good inside. We then all headed home to get ready. I guess you could say that my day was going to get very interesting for sure. I know I was in for some kind of day, because now not only will Holli be there, but now Sarah the one girl I have a major crush on will be there, and she likes me back I can tell. Even dressed as a little girl she likes me? Both of them will be taking care of me. I know I’m in for a fun & interesting afternoon if I know Holli & Sarah?
To be continued:
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I mean no offense, but there is one thing about this serie that bothers me. As I am reading the story, there are few repetitious mistakes as glade instead of glad or lean instead of learn. Are they made on purpose or author forgot to catch out mistakes before submiting? Thank you.
At least Mom does show some common sense when she talks to Sarah and her mom, but then shows stupidity when Holli gets Sarah to help babysit. Jillian is going to become a basket case THANKS TO MOM