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Note: This is a work of fiction and all characters are used without permission. The warnings I posted in part 1 of my prior story still apply. Comments are very much appreciated. I'm going to post these uneditied and the post the editied versions as I get them. I have up to part 4 already written
Well at 11 Am my alarm went off with the song ‘Otherworld’ from Final Fantasy X playing. Deciding that it was time to get up as well as seeing that I was alone in the room, I decided to enjoy a nice, long shower. Since it was Monday, everyone was in classes until lunch time. Since I had time to kill but had to go to security, I decided to take a shower, put on a red tank top and shorts, and head down to security to get my school-issued laptop.
“You’re DIVA, right?” the female security officer said to me. “Well sign this to confirm that you have received your laptop. It has 12 GB RAM, a 120 GB solid-state drive, and a decent graphics card. Battery life is about 4 hours if you’re running some processor-intensive items. You can do whatever you like to the kernel on your laptop but don’t try doing things to other school-issued laptops. There may be some stuff left over from the last user but if you do a low-level format and use the ERD’s you have with your laptop, you’ll be fine.”
After signing that paper and getting the laptop out of the way in my dorm room, I decided to make password-protected backups of a few installs on my desktop to prevent anyone from getting access to the IP contents. I didn’t want to see anything from Vanadiel suddenly show up in GEO. So I had the two folders I wanted archived archiving and then went to the cafeteria.
After reaching the table I heard some interesting conversation, most of it looking like it involved finals “oh Danielle you’re just in time.” I heard Billie say “I need help with my geometry homework and Ayla says you tested all the way into calculus. Can you help me out with my homework? I need to pass the test this Friday.”
I replied “I bet I am going to be full of work with the lab. We JUST got it to the point where we are ready to do a test. If nothing goes wrong, I’ll be available to tutor you hopefully after dinner tonight. That is, if my sponsor doesn’t decide to start my special classes early.”
Ayla butted in “so THAT is why you were a little mixed up about the date and thought today was actually Sunday. You were busy working on whatever it is that you don’t want us to see with this weirdo that showed up on campus the day after your power testing.”
I had now seen that everyone was now done with their plates and was preparing to head to their next class. However, instead of heading to their next class, we all ended up heading back to Poe. I asked about this on our private communication network.
<DIVA: “ummm is there a reason why we are heading back to Poe?”>
<Fey: “Yeah. We actually get the rest of the day as a ‘reading day’. I think it’s to allow us to study for the finals for this bridge semester. Personally I got no problem with passing mine.”>
<Tennyo: “it’s more of a ‘reading day’ because they have Combat Finals from the spring that need to be finished.”>
<Lancer: “Enough chit-chat people. We got an unknown person at 9 o’clock. From how he looks, he’s not from the campus. DIVA do you know him?”>
<DIVA: “yes I know him. Everyone, get Fey as far away from him as possible. We may have an attempted kidnapping on our hands.”>
<Mayuri: “It was relatively simple for someone at the head of Squad 12 and the Center for R&D of the Soul Society to tap into your network. I doubt other humans will be able to tap into it. I had to spend five minutes scanning and decoding the frequency. Anyway time for me to chat for real.”>
“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mayuri Kurotsuchi. You are an interesting potential research subject, Fey. I will extend to you an offer. If you become me research subject, I’ll only experiment on you once a day. I’ll also keep the electroshock sessions to once a week. You will be treated quite well, better than most female research subjects.” Mayuri said.
Knowing what he wanted I pulled out my soul pass, pushed it to my body and drew out Zangetsu. I proceeded tell Mayuri the following. “Captain Kurotsuchi, if you intend to take Fey to be your research subject, you’ll have to get through me and the people you see behind me first. I doubt the head captain will take kindly to you kidnapping someone from campus. Whatever you came here to do, I doubt a kidnapping was at the top of your list.”
Mayuri proceeded to explain his reason for being here “I simply came to deliver your Soul Phone, DIVA. Why I have to call you that here is beyond me. As for the people behind you protecting a research subject, well let’s just say since she’s not human I can bend some rules. Making you people unable to fight would be very easy for me. As for the Head Captain knowing about it, enough chaos to distract him from looking here would be sufficient to make sure he doesn’t notice it.”
I looked through the contact list and was relieved that every captain was in there with a direct line, even the Head Captain. If push-came-to-shove, I could use the phone to get the Soul Society against squad 12. However, we would need to work on a contingency plan. After Mayuri went back to the Soul Society I proceeded to explain what just occurred.
<DIVA: “Guys we just met a threat that can KO us with a single cut of his blade.”>
<Fey: “What does that do regarding the kidnapping threat he made? I think I can defend against whatever threat he may pose.”>
<DIVA: “What if that threat happens to paralyze you before you can react? His zanpakto can do that with a single cut. I doubt PK fields are immune to his zanpakto.”>
<Lancer: “Well if that is the case, we make sure we stay together. You saw how quickly he came in and infiltrated out network. DIVA, can you improve the security of the network in any way?”>
<DIVA: “Well I probably can use higher security protocols stored on the Peacemaker to improve security. However, everyone’s going to have to ditch their current device in favor of mine due to the processing power that may be required to make sure no one can tap into it. As to a kidnapping, if I have the phone # to Fey’s dad, I can then call him to notify him the moment a kidnapping occurs. If I have your bio-data, Fey, I can track you after he kidnaps you. I would imagine you-know-who will be out of his job once we get through to him.”>
<Chaka: “I didn’t see much but I heard him speaking in our private chat. Does that guy have any ethics? It sounded like he wanted to get Fey to be a research subject and will go to several lengths to make it happen.”>
<DIVA: “That only ethics Mayuri has is regarding fellow Soul Reapers. That is the reason I stepped up. Fey, can I have you dad’s phone # and get you into my lab for a bio-data reading later in the week? If you want to do it near Poe I think I can accommodate you- I’ll just be learning how to do it as I take the scan.”>
<Phase: “Shouldn’t we alert security about the threat?”>
<Tennyo: “If this Mayuri character can do what he says, Security can do jack squat about the issue. We should have a contingency plan in place if he does what he says.”>
<Lancer: “I am going to take a chance and say that we should at least notify security or someone about the possibility of a kidnapping. I am also going out on a limb and guessing that he can’t look inside the Kimba Kwarters or observe what we do in there.”>
<DIVA: “I would say that’s a safe assumption. There is a reason Mayuri was in the Maggots Nest before he became squad 12 Captain. After dinner, we meet in the Kimba Kwarters to discuss options and details I know about Mayuri.”>
<Lancer: “That sounds like a good idea. We’ll see you after dinner in the Kimba Kwarters.”>
<Phase: “There was another note for you that I opened. It says that you have to meet up with Dr. Bellows, your advisor, to make up your fall schedule. It seems the meeting time is 1 PM in Schulscher 212 tomorrow.”>
<DIVA: “Sounds like a plan. I got to get back to the lab to perform the test to see if the device will actually work. If it works, the person assisting me will leave campus this evening.”>
With that conversation we ended up back at Poe. Since my new phone said it was 1 PM, I decided to head back down to the lab to finish hooking up wiring. After stopping by the power lab teacher’s office, the two of us went down to the lab where Officer Everheart was also there.
Upon asking her the reason she stated “I heard you were renovating a lab as well as improving a device that brought you here. Reason stands that I should be here to report back to the admin if you close this rip or not.”
Deciding that now was a good a time as any to activate the device; I also added in the IDC program that I had preset to send the name of the academy but in numbers. This program was designed to send it through the device. I double-checked the sensors for the Stargate power supply. Seeing all the sensors at green and the backup power indicator light on standby, I proceeded to state “Well let’s being the dialing sequence.”
And so the dialing sequence began. After the first 3 digits dialed, the gate address for Earth began dialing much to the surprise of everyone on the other side
SGC, July 29th, 2006, 2 PM
“Unscheduled off world activation! General O’ Niel to the gate room at once. After reaching the gate room, the man at the controls said “The gate appears to be dialing from HERE, sir but it’s odd. We know you cannot dial a gate from the same world.”
“That means it is probably an enemy of ours. Get SG6 down into the gate room armed right away.” The general said.
“Hang on; I’m getting an IDC coming through. I’m displaying it on my screen for everyone to see because it does not match any IDC’s on file.”
9428353902223369 the IDC read. Upon seeing it the gate tech said “I’m keeping the iris up but we’re getting an audio feed coming in.
“Hello? Hello? Is this the SGC?” they heard a female voice say and then in the background they heard “these power levels are unprecedented on campus. There’s no way it worked.”
“This is the SGC we hear you but you are breaking up. Can you boost your power level as well as identify how you obtained this gate address.” The gate tech said.
“I’ll see if I can boost power but we’re running at 105% capacity for all the power generators. It may be tricky but I have to ask that you send nothing through till we contact you again in an hour. At that time it might be wise to have a team assembled to come through. Due to circumstances on my side, they’ll be in accommodations like they have back at the SGC, but they’ll be under quarantine for two days. You did clear up a certain plague, didn’t you?”
“This is General O’Neil. Yes we did clear up a plague over here that we had to deal with. I’ll contact Atlantis and have 3 people ready to send through in an hour. I would like to know how you’re dialing earth from earth and I know just the people to send through.”
“All right I’m getting temperature warning lights on most of the generators over here so I can’t keep this open for long. I’ll improve it before next transmission.” With that, the gate shut down and the general set to contacting Atlantis to have them send over Major John Shepard to go through along with Drs. Carter and Jackson.
Whateley Academy, July 29th, 2006, 2PM
“Well that looks like it went well.” The power lab teacher said. Right away I said “Computer, engage time dilation device. Set to 3 hours. We have an iris to assemble, generators to cool, and add in more generators to handle the power load better. We need to make sure that we can keep out unauthorized dialings now that we have proven that it works.”
“Well I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it myself. Why are we being kept here for three hours?” the power lab teacher said. “I guess this is the best time for us to see what other changes DIVA had made to the lab aside from the obvious disconnection from the school’s power grid” I head Officer Everheart say.
I decided to respond to that comment “There isn’t much to comment on. All we got is a couple of either partly done or completed hotel-style rooms, an empty room for armory type weapons that hasn’t even been furnished, a sick bay for on-site treatment of injuries, a holodeck for simulating weapons usage in a safe environment. Finally, we got a large room for large projects. As for being off the campus grid, technically we are off but the lights are powered by the campus grid.”
“I’ll show them the rest of the lab as well as finish the assembly of the three hotel-like rooms. Come on, you two. Let’s allow DIVA to setup that iris she mentioned, improve the power problem, and setup a backup Iris control mechanism because I know she is going to want to have a backup to prevent an invasion occurring on campus as a result of actions she took.” The Doctor said.
“She is treading very close to breaking the rules. By inviting people who may be carrying an unknown disease she is risking exposing the entire campus. But if she is going to ask that vials of the cure come through, she should be fine. The reasons for the 2-day quarantine I assume are because they come from a world where mutants don’t exist?” Officer Everheart said, telling me how close I am to violating the rules of the school.
After checking the ZPM power status displays, I saw that over a third had been used within ten minutes of the gate being active. Consulting the power output screen for the gate, I saw that we underestimated the power usage by about 25%. So I added in the iris, an additional 40 generators, and added a backup shut-off in case something happened and the power went out. I also added in 3 fresh ZPM’s to make sure power supply wasn’t a problem
“Time dilation device shutting down now. It is 2:59 PM outside the lab.” The computer said to me. After seeing everyone else coming back, I began the dialing sequence again. Turning to the Doctor I said “It is a good think I had the ZPM’s as a secondary power supply for the gate. We underestimated the power supply by 25%. I hope we got enough power to send radio signals through and receive people.
The dialing program finished and the gate successfully dialed. As soon as it finished I said into the radio “Attention SGC. I need an IDC before you send anything through. I managed to setup an iris and I don’t want to have an invasion force come through.”
“Understood. We’re transmitting our IDC through. We’ve added the IDC you initially sent as a friendly code although how you are dialing is impossible.” I heard over the radio
Deciding to explain after lowering the iris I said “Put simply, I’m using two devices to dial you from another earth. One is a Stargate. The other is a device that can cause major damage. I don’t have to imagine the consequences of the device being used alone.”
“We’re sending our people through now. We expect to hear from them once they get through.” I heard over the radio. Right as the three people came through the gate shut off.
“I TOLD you I didn’t know what to expect to happen due to the gate being open for so long. It looks like all the generators overheated. At least everyone is through safely” (I hope) I added silently. Turning to the three that came through I said “Computer, engage quarantine procedures. No one walks in or out of the area containing the gate room’s right exit and the door without a quarantine suit. Set the life support to the secondary system for the same amount of time as the quarantine is to last-48 hours in the lab.”
“Welcome to Whateley Academy. I’m DIVA, the person who is the owner of this lab. Currently you are in quarantine because of two reasons: I don’t want to have you enter what we here call ‘burnout’ and I don’t want any disease outbreaks occurring because of me. You’ll find 3 bio-med sensors in the bay on the left. Put them on as I’ll be notified of any changed in your biology.”
“Well we got the cure for the plague right here.” I hear Dr. Carter say. “We included 3 vials of the cure for you to mass-produce.”
After entering the gate room, I took the case, took one of the vials into the sick bay for analysis/mass production, and handed the case containing the other two vials to Officer Everheart making sure to tell her to send 1 vial down to the bio-devisors with instructions to make a version that was useable as an injection for everyone on campus and the other vial to the nurse with notes of the disease symptoms. I led the 3 of them to the main area and by now an hour had passed.
“This is amazing! It looks like the ENTIRE ancient database is here and in English as well.” I heard Dr. Jackson say after he took a look at the computer, which I had rigged with access to the Peacemaker database. “Well I also managed to hookup a TV with the latest game consoles and access to a lot of stuff while you are here.” I was getting a warning beep regarding major Shephards’ bio-med sensor. It seemed like he was in the starting stages of burnout.
I dialed up security telling them I had a burnout in progress over here and that I was moving the victim to the closes possible treatment center. “I feel awful” I heard John say. “You are burning up.” I heard Dr. Carter say.
“Come with me into the sick bay, John. We’ll see if we can’t take care of that problem. Anything you have been experiencing would be very useful in knowing what is occurring.” I said to which he replied “I haven’t feel feeling too much other than a slight headache and being very hot.” I heard John say right before he fell unconscious.
Deciding I was on the verge of being out of my league I said “Computer please being recording all events in the room. Computer, please engage the EMH.”
“Please state the nature of the medical emergency.” I heard the EMH say. “This guy over here is in burnout. I need to make sure he gets cooled down and his body gets adequate nutrients. It’s burning through them at a rapid pace.”
“It seems we are not equipped for a burnout emergency.” I heard the EMH say. Then right away knowledge from the back of my brain, the part regarding human transmutation came to the forefront. “I know how to solve this. Get me multiple scans of his body, one indicating the bone structure, one involving the temperature of the body, and one involving the overall picture. I need to see them as needed.”
After seeing the scans, I proceeded to put John’s body into ice, rolled up my sleeves, clasped my hands, and started to do Alkahestry, in an effort to save his life.
Continued in part 3
Notes: I wrote Mayuri the way he is in Bleach-a character with little to no ethics. I really appreciate comments
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Missing something
So far you have not introduced Blake's Seven, Lazarus Long, Robbie the Robot, Rocky Jones, or Dylan Hunt and Rommie. Better get to work.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
let's see: I don't recognize
let's see: I don't recognize the 1st two, I don't intend on introducing anyone from Lost in Space, and Andromida (the TV series) I don't have the intention of introducing. I see your 'better get to work' and raise you a 'you're asking about the wrong shows (I like anime-there's a hint)'. It is hard trying to write when I have the scenario for the overall story in my head but need to write up to it
Required Reading
Blake's Seven - '60s British TV show. Pitiful effects, but still fun to watch. Aired on PBS on Friday nights
Lazarus Long - The universe's oldest living man. Character developed by Robert A. Heinlein. Best represented in two books: "Methuselah's Children" and "Time Enough For Love". If you don't know Lazarus Long and Robert A. Heinlein, you don't know Science Fiction, you just think you do.
As for Lost in Space, nobody I mentioned has anything to do with LiS, which was a pretty pathetic excuse for sci-fi. If you think any of those characters is from LiS, you need to do your research. EDIT: Just to clarify, Robbie the Robot appeared in several movies long before LiS, so I don't consider him a LiS character.
Anime like the ST:TNG, SG, or SG:A? I enjoy anime, but don't really consider any of it to be decent sci-fi. The Whately stories are more fantasy/spec-fic than sci-fi, but even there anime is just that - anime, not reality.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
if burnout only occurs during extreme mutant powers activation, why would Shepard go into it, coming from a universe without mutants?
enjoying your efforts if only occasionally getting confused.
remember from the series that
remember from the series that everying Ancient for him activates really easy? well imagine that he has another gene that is redundant but is in reality the metagene in this universe. Plus if he was ordered togo through he would have no option
i can see the logic of that.