Down the Rabbit Hole, pt. 3

Down the Rabbit Hole part 3
This is a work of fiction and all characters are used without permission. All prior warnings about needing to know certain information still apply. Reading part one, part 1.5, and part 2 of the story will be very helpful in understanding it. In addition to the warning I used in part 1 I have to add that knowing a little about the Stargate universe will be helpful. This story is only to be posted on Big Closet unless I have given my approval to post it elsewhere. Comments are very much appreciated.

I had the feeling I had just experienced an out-of-body experience like I had happen once before. You know when you gradually regain feeling in your limbs after falling asleep. I decided to keep my eyes closed for a little bit while I regained my senses. I couldn’t tell how but I simply knew someone was sitting to my right and there were 2 others just like this person outside wherever I was. Deciding I should wake up now I decided to open my eyes. Upon looking to my left I saw the Squad 10 lt., Rangiku Matsumoto. So I decided to start up a chat “Morning, Rangiku.” I said in the voice I knew was that I had as a woman.

“My you sure are a late sleeper. It’s almost 10 AM. The nurse had some students come in here to check up on you. I believe she told them to push this button to let her know if you woke up” Rangiku gestured to a button right next to the bed on which my pocket watch was sitting. “You should take a look at yourself in the mirror, you know. I think there’s one in the bathroom next to here”

So heeding her advice I walked into the bathroom to look at my reflection for the first time since landing here at Whateley. Upon seeing the face in the mirror, I could make out my dad’s eyes but I had a lot of my mother’s looks. Pinching myself hard to make sure it’s not a dream I ran out and into Rangiku crying.

“What’s wrong?” She said as I continued crying. “It… all… happened. I gain what I wanted most but at a very high price.” I said in between sobs. “What was the price?” Rangiku asked to which I replied “My home, my friends, and my family. I have no ID in this universe so I’m nobody. Stay a little longer please and ask your friends to come in.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure as to that. If I remember correctly, there was a meeting with the Head Captain yesterday and it was regarding the events before you entered Burnout if that’s the right word. I suggest you take a shower to get used to your new body. I am not surprised you picked up our Spiritual Pressure-you are a Soul Reaper after all.” And so I decided to take a shower.

I wasn’t at all surprised by the jiggling of my chest or change in my center of gravity. I had dealt with them before I burned out. I was surprised at how sensitive my skin was now that I had switched sides. In the end I turned out to be just right in the top area, perfectly proportioned with regards to the rest of my body. Remembering to pat myself dry, like I had read in the many TG stories I read online, I proceeded to come back out.

Surprisingly I still had on the broach so I imagined myself in some jeans and a nice shirt along with an everything bagel with cream cheese and a carton of OJ. “I wish I could do that!” Rangiku stated jealously as she saw the event. After seeing her two colleagues enter I said “Morning Momo. Morning, Isane.”

“I am relieved that you are feeling much better as compared to 24 hours ago but how do you know our names?” Isane said. So proceeding to explain how I knew I said “in the world I come from, the 3 of you are characters in an anime that I happen to watch weekly. It is that simple.”

“I think you should call the nurse in to say that you are all right now but first can you see if Zangetsu and Sodenoshidayuki are still with you?” Isane said. So trying the obvious task of asking my inner consciousness if they were still here I said mentally “Hey is anyone else in here?”

“I’m still here” I heard Sodenoshidayuki say. “I’m here as well.” I heard a female voice say it continued “I’m Zangetsu but like you changed, so did I. You still can use my Bankai but the only thing that changed is my manifested form.” “I’m here too but remember our little chat before you got knocked out” a third voice said.

“Yes the two zanpakto are inside me.” I stated, deciding to leave out the 3rd voice for obvious reasons before Rangiku broke in saying “Amazing! You are the only known Soul Reaper in existence to actually gain the zanpakto of two different Soul Reapers after their death.” Deciding to not want to detain these 3 ladies from their jobs any longer I hit the call nurse button by the side of my bed after making a purse appear out of thin air and putting my pocket watch inside it.

“It’s a miracle you survived a level 5 burnout let alone the fact you are awake 2 days after the episode!” the nurse said before continuing “I believe your presence has been requested by the administration building for a meeting. I would have offered you a change of clothes but it seems you have a manifestor power of some kind. There should be a student coming here to show you off to admin as well as offer you a tour after your meeting is done there.” The nurse said before Beltane came into the room.

“I’m here to pick up the new changeling for her meeting with the admin.” She stated. After the nurse did some obvious things like take a blood sample, measure my heart rate and take my temperature, she let the two of us leave.

After we left but on the way over Beltane said to me “So how old are you really? My take is you are 14 but that can’t be right based on what security uncovered and has for me to hand back to you.” And I got back my Stingray wallet, complete with everything that was inside it, Driver’s license and all.

“It’s complicated.” I said to Beltane after I put the wallet in my purse. “Chronologically I am 18 if you go by my birthdate. Where I came from I would be 23, turning 24 in a month.” Astonished by my answer I said “Like I said. Complicated. I know for sure I can’t date anyone that hasn’t turned 18 for fear of underage sex charges. I can’t do a lot of stuff you can because you are not 18 yet.”

“And here we are.” Beltane said at last after depositing me outside the admin building. “Once you go inside say you are here to see Mrs. Hartford. You are being expected at a meeting once inside. I’ll be back to take you for a tour after your meeting is completed. Good luck! You’re going to need it.” She said to me before running back towards her cottage.”

“I’m here to see Mrs. Hartford.” I told the secretary “I was told there’s some kind of meeting going on regarding me.” “Ah yes, you’re the burnout victim Fey brought to the nurse two days ago. Amazing how they knew when you would wake up. Anyway the meeting is taking place in the first door on your right.” The secretary said, after glancing at me curiously.

After going inside I saw Mr. Delarose, Mrs. Hartford, my parents, the Head Captain, and Byakuya before sitting myself down. “Are you Danielle, the person who went into burnout?” I was asked by the security chief, Mr. Delarose before he continued “We would like your interpretation of events that transpired on July 25th. Leave out as little detail as possible.”

And so I decided to fill in tell them as much about the events as I possibly could. The Head Captain Stated “Most interesting. We will have to do our own testing about what occurred.” Mrs. Hartford said “Those two are EXPELLED for what you have said. I thought that no human life was involved but what you tell me says otherwise. Very much otherwise.”

It was at this point that with a flash Q teleported intro the room “Oh I almost forgot to mention. She handles their punishment beyond whatever you gave them already, Mrs. Hartford.” Q said, pointing at me. “I’ll see you later.” He said in a flash.

“Well that is a surprise” Mrs. Hartford said before proceeding to continue “Now we have already decided on your admission to Whateley Academy. Your cottage has already been decided-your burnout and subsequent form have all but determined it. Poe is definitely the cottage for you. As for the year of high school, we’ll put you in as a freshman but with only the absolute minimum required classes for freshmen, pending an aptitude test. The Soul Society has informed me that they will be providing a special teacher for an extra powers theory class to occur later in the day.”

“All right that sounds fine to me. Can we set it up for tomorrow?” Now I turned to my parents “I expect you want proof I am your daughter.” At their nods, I started to tell them details about our family that no one outside the family would know. “Satisfied? Some events may be different or altogether wrong but to me they happened.”

My father said “I didn’t expect my daughter to know something I taught my uncle over 30 years ago unless I also taught it to her. As for the other stuff, it’s accurate. I didn’t expect to get a daughter on my birthday.”

“That brings me to the reason I am here.” Byakuya said. “The last wish of my dying sister was to adopt your daughter. Seeing as how she is still living, there is probably a sort of compromise we can come up with so that I adopt her and she remains your daughter.” We have this to give you, Danielle. I bet you know how to use them.” The Head Captain said, handing me a sub Soul Reaper badge and Soul Pass.

“I suggest a compromise between the two. While I am inside my body, I have my parent’s last name. While I am outside my body as a Soul Reaper, my last name is Kuchki. It’s a little complicated but it’s like keeping your maiden name in marriage. I hope that is acceptable?”

“I believe it’s acceptable. Gives you and me the best of both worlds.” Byakuya said. “Is Rukia’s zanpakto still here? I would really like to know.” Surprising everyone in the room, she manifested when I had thought for her to tell Byakuya herself.

“She’s beautiful.” Everyone who wasn’t a Soul Reaper said as all of a sudden the temperature in the room dropped. “Yes, Byakuya I am here. It’s lucky that Danielle came along when she did, or I might have joined Rukia in death. Zangetsu is in here as well.” Sodenoshidayuki said. “I have to go now. Manifesting like this while she’s not in spirit form puts a big strain on her body and I can stay manifested for only a brief time.” She said before disappearing back into my mind.

“I would think that we have seen proof she needs to be tested.” the Head Captain said after that spectacle. “I will schedule our testing for tomorrow around 7 PM. That should give you time to do your own testing tomorrow.” Mrs. Hartford cut in to say “I agree with that statement. I will schedule your powers testing for 9 AM tomorrow. That should give enough time for all the required testing. I believe our meeting is done for now. Since I know you two have another child on campus, why not go spend the day with her?”

“I am going to want a security officer to go down to the lab where my stuff came out with a hand truck so we can cart stuff to my dorm room. There are more boxes and heavy objects than you think. I’d also like my dad to go down there with me.” I said in reply.
Mrs. Hartford’s response was quick but efficient. “Very well. I’ll send Officer Davis down with you. You also might want to have this.” I was then given a Visa debit card. “The card has a spending limit of $100,000 and the money is being taken from your trust fund as you use it. Yes you are a trust fund baby. Q gave me net assets worth 4 billion USD, half cash and half in rare metals to put in a trust for you.”

Security chief Delarose stated “Because you are over 18, you can come and go off campus as you wish, without the need of notifying security. However, you will not be supervision for more than 3 people; yourself included and in such a case will need to notify security as to such events. If you bring alcohol onto campus, which with your MID you will be able to do, keep it well hidden. People on campus tend to really want alcohol. Officer Davis and Beltane will escort you down to the lab. To our knowledge, nothing has been touched inside although since you saw Q pop in and out, that can be debated. As to your request that your dad accompany you, all right.”

“Dang it I wanted to give you the tour now.” Beltane said before she continued “I can see why you want to get down to that lab-it must contain some pretty important items as well as to take a cursory look at what’s lost. Obviously, all your old clothes are lost.” After officer Davis showed up, assuring us that a hand truck would meet us at the lab, we headed off in that direction.
Upon traveling down to the lab, I was able to see that it was cordoned off with caution tape. After the hand truck showed up, we went through the lab airlock to find a mess. Not only was everything from my side of the dorm room present, but there were other items that we would sift through here. Luckily I had us stop at the huge campus store for several large containers as well as a backpack for me. After I entered the lab, I saw my computer and monitor in one piece I said “Where is there a plug so I can see if the contents of the machine has been tampered with?” “Over there on the far side of the room.” Davis said.

So I powered up the machine and was surprised to find that not only was everything I had on the drives was present, but the drives had their capacity doubled. Not only that but the graphics cards were the latest models. Deciding to get a start on organizing the stuff, I powered down the machine and said “All right let’s get started on sorting all this stuff out."

And start on the sorting we did. First thing to come up was a large box set of an anime. Upon seeing it tears started streaming down my cheeks. When asked why I was crying I said “This was never released uncut in the US in its entirety. Put it in this box over here. We’ll use this box for stuff that hasn’t been release or items that are development kits.” And thus the sorting started.
“Samurai 7 Blu-ray?” my dad asked “in the box with that anime box set.” I replied “Project Rapture server-20120406 and Project Rapture client-20120406?” officer Davis asked “In the box with the anime box set. A bunch of stuff that looks to be here will end up in that box.” I replied “Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn volume 1 Blu-Ray?” My dad asked. My reply was very quick “in the same box. Future volumes of which there should be a grand total of 6 will all go in that box.”

“Hellsing Ultimate complete set on Blu-ray?” Davis asked although he already knew the answer to the question before I even answered. By now, we had almost filled up the bucket with various shows before getting to two that I hold dear to my heart.

“There’s a set in here that looks to be pretty big. Bigger than that first set, Danielle. Which box does it go in?” my dad said. “What is the title?” I stated. “Bleach” my father replied. “WE MAKE ROOM in the bucket for the complete set. We probably have to start a third box for the game stuff-put the Rapture server and client disks inside it.” I stated. “Now this I like. The 3 Stooges Complete Knucklehead collection (volumes 1-8).” My dad stated. “Bring it over here. I got a birthday gift for you.” I said.

“Neither of you saw me do this.” I said to them as I made a duplicate of the box set and handed it to my dad. “Happy birthday, dad. Sorry it’s not giftwrapped and sorry I do not have anything else to give you. These are the remastered episodes in chorological order. Sony doesn’t even have a copy of the set.”
“Sweetie, you didn’t have to give me anything. You simply being alive is enough of a gift for me. I gained a daughter and a very nice gift to go along with it. Thank you for remembering my birthday however. ” My dad said to me. “Let’s get back to work.” He stated.

“Duke Nukem Forever PC copy gold disk (“I know someone whose going to lose his code name”)” Davis said. “Put it in the box with the development kits.” I said.
“FFXI test server-20120406, FFXI server-20120406, FFXI-test client 20120406, and FFXI client 20120406” my dad said to me. “They go in the box with the development kits. I don’t know but somehow I’m going to be figuring out a way to merge the two games into one. I sure hope the next item that comes up is the Crystal Tools development kit. If so they go right next to the games” I replied.
“You are in luck because that’s what these DVD’s say.” Davis said handing me a stack of 3 DVD’s. “I also got a few DVD’s here with the title Kingdom Hearts. Various subtitles but I don’t know if they are an anime or game.” “Definitely games. Also for varying systems as well. Two sets of lawyers need to see those before they are able to be sold. I sure hope we got emulators on those DVD’s for the games.” I said not wanting to elaborate on the Disney and Square-Enix mashup series of games.

As we neared the end of the pile, we found ourselves with 3 full containers and a fourth almost full. Davis had called for another person from security to come down with a hand truck so we could carry these to my new dorm room although I knew that we would be making 3 trips with my computer. It was near the end when we got to some of my childhood shows.
“The New adventures of Winnie the Pooh Blu-ray” officer Davis said and to his surprise I said “That series goes inside my backpack. It’s a series that I consider a ‘guilty pleasure’ at my age.” “I guess here’s another series that goes with that one” he said, handing me another box set. “Yup this definitely goes with the other box set.” I said packing the 9 DVD box set into my back pack.”
“Well it sure looks like you could use a hand.” I heard a female voice say from the direction of the airlock. I stood up and was able to see that it was officer Everheart and she had a second hand truck with her. Not wanting to push my luck, I said “Well we got 4 full boxes of stuff I’m going to sort through. The rest of the disks scattered about the floor are going into a fifth box for me to sort later on inside my dorm room. By the way, all I know is I am in Poe. I have not been given the room number or anything.”

“I am here to clear that up for you” Everheart said as we were gathering stuff and putting it in the fifth box. “You’ve been assigned to room 207 with Phase. From what I heard yesterday all of Poe got a redesign so instead of being 2 bathrooms a floor it is 2 rooms to a bathroom. So your suitemates are Tennyo and Generator.” She said before continuing
“After we bring this stuff to Poe you will get your room key and be given a quick tour around campus before you go off with your parents to go out to eat. I understand it’s your father’s birthday and you want to do something special for him tonight. I can carry that computer for you” She said to which I said “It’s eighty pounds. Are you sure you can carry it all the way to my dorm room? We got a mini fridge and microwave as well to get over there.”

“Have you taken a look at them?” Everheart asked me. “They are in terrible shape. That wheeled toolbox with locks is a good idea but a lot of people are going to be able to break into it. As for carrying the computer over, I can carry much heavier weights than I may appear to be able to.” I took a look at the mini fridge and microwave and indeed they were beyond saving. The front of the mini fridge was missing, shelves were bent, and it was no better than the microwave, which was in two pieces not counting the top.

“The mini fridge and toolbox were for snacks anyway. I probably can pick up another microwave and fridge at the school store unless my roommate has them.” I said. I actually had put in things like Sins of a Solar Empire-Trinity & its standalone expansion-Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion in the toolbox because I wanted to keep the containers to being anime, stuff that wasn’t released yet (of which a lot of the boxes contained), or game engine development tools (which I wanted to keep out of everyone else’s hands).

It wasn’t until the four of us saw two books that we were dumbfounded about where they should go. The books weren’t released yet but were from a very popular series by a certain British author.

Everheart spoke up first “As impossible as these books lying here may be, they MUST get back to the author who wrote them at the earliest convenience.” I spoke up in rebuttal “Nope these are my copies of the books. What I will do is this: make a single copy for me of each and then send the originals off to the author.” “I don’t see a problem with that. After all didn’t you hear what the chief said about the stuff in this lab and suspending belief about time travel being impossible?” Davis said, coming to my defense.

After packing up everything we could, I shut down my computer and packed up its cables. We exited the lab with my dad pushing 1 hand truck and Officer Davis pushing the other. I was carrying the monitor with my backpack on my back as well as wheeling the toolbox. I had the locks on it and had taken the extra key from amongst the wreckage that was my old desk and put it inside my purse.
Everheart spoke up as we neared the cottage. “You will get your school ID tomorrow after your powers testing but before the special testing with your sponsor.” She said. We had just opened the doors leading into the cottage when Mrs. Horton, the Dorm Mother met up with us.

“I’ve been expecting you for some time, Danielle Smith. You really should get a code name once you go for your powers test. Anyway here’s your key. There will be time for a quick tour and then go off with your parents. Your suite mates are out currently but I bet they’ll be surprised by a new addition to their little group” She said, giving me the key to my room.
After that we set off to my room. Upon opening it I saw it was half-furnished, much like the way mine was before my roommate moved in with me. So we put the boxes underneath my bed. It was at this time I heard a female voice say “So you are the older sister I just found out about.”

I turned around and saw my mom and a young lady whom could easily pass as my sister “and who might you be? Are you going to join us in going out for dinner?” I said.
“I’m Jennifer and am much like you but we can chat afterwards. You should spend the night with our parents, as much as I would like to I want you to get to know them alone.” She said. I then decided to head off with my designated student-guide, Beltane.

“Welcome to Hog- er Whateley Academy” she said as we started the quick tour.

“I wouldn’t mistake this place for Hogwarts.” I said

“Why is that?” Beltane said.

“Simple-I don’t see the castle, or Hagrid’s hut, or the Quidditch fields, or the Womping Willow, or the lake” I proceeded to state, chapter and verse things missing from the campus that Hogwarts had.

Laughing Beltane said “Finally I meet another Poesie who knows about Hogwarts. I’ll go easy on you with jokes this school year.”

And show she showed me the quick tour of the campus, showing me where my classes would take, the Crystal Hall, showed me where Emerson, Dickenson, and Whitman cottages were, and gave me a very brief tour of the Homer gallery.

Apologizing to me after our return to Poe, she said “Sorry about the short tour. Normally you’d see the underground tunnels and the Combat arenas but we are on a tight schedule and you have parents to catch up with. Based on what background I have heard, you know the general information about the campus. Still, you’ll get a welcome packet delivered to your room tomorrow. Go and have dinner with your parents.”

After leaving Beltane, me and my parents went to a Charlie Browns that was in the area. I was surprised at how much business they got from the local community. After placing our orders with the waiter and getting our drinks (me and my dad both had a Root beer while my mom had a Gin martini on the rocks) I decided to drop some family related bombshells regarding two events that are upcoming.
“Your mom, my grandma” I said to mom “has a rare type of liver cancer and isn’t going to live to see 2007. Grandpa will precede her by 25 days in a Hospice facility located near to home. I think there’s a cure for the cancer but I doubt she’ll be willing to live without the man she was married to for fifty years.”

“Are you some kind of precog?” my parents asked me together. I replied “No. I was a pall bearer at their funerals, which occurred 25 days apart from each other. That is how I know” I said with tears starting to form in my eyes at the memories.

After I said this we got up and went to the salad bar with me grabbing a little bit of what I usually got there, desiring to eat as much of my steak as I could. I had ordered an 8 oz. steak and was wondering if my new stomach would be able to handle eating it all. The three of us talked about various topics for a while as the food was being cooked.

After the meal, which I ate completly, I used the restroom and we went to Cecilia’s shop in town. She greeted us saying “What can I get for you today?” I replied “I kind of need a whole new wardrobe. I don’t have any known fabric allergens or special requirements regarding fabrics and I have a rather large budget. I need enough stuff for at least two weeks.”
At the statement of two weeks she asked “Are you the recent burnout incident that is rumored to have occurred at Whateley?” I simply nodded my head “Well step into the cubicle and let me get your measurements.” I took my purse and left it with mom heading into the cubicle Cecilia had pointed out. A computer scanner came and got my measurements after I had pulled everything off.

A dummy became my likeness and Cecilia wove her magic, making multiple blouses, skirts, pants, shirts, etc. of various fabrics. She also threw in two dozen sets of panties and bras. I said to her “give my measurements to my dad-I know he knows a tailor in Thailand who he uses for his suits” as I handed her the visa. I also said “I’m going to need a gi as well.” So one was placed in the cart
My dad whistled at the total of the bill as he drove back to campus. I was a little annoyed when he parked near the security building. “Why aren’t we heading to Poe?” I said. My dad said “I was in a meeting before you arrived and was told to bring you to security at my earliest convenience so you could pick up your new ID. I didn’t want to ruin our chat and your conversation has really upset your mother. We’ll drop your new clothes off at your dorm room. We will be in town a few more days-I got the rest of the week off due to you popping up. You sister in Poe has my number if you don’t know it from that other earth.”

I walked into the security build to be told “Ah, Ms. Smith. There you are. We need you to sign a few papers and you will have your new Identification. Normally parents would do it but you aren’t a minor so you have to do it. You also need to get a picture taken as well.” She said bringing a few forms for me to sign.

I looked over them carefully as I read them. One was a document regarding a new birth certificate and name change. Another was acknowledging that I had passed the New Jersey driver’s license test in both written and driving forms. This form also stated that I had my license for the necessary upgrade from a provisional driver to a regular license. This form looked to be non-official but when I asked I was told “This is what the NJ MVC sent us when we told them about you.” The third form was simply stating that I was enrolling at the academy. I happily signed all three forms.
After I got out of there, it was about 6:30 PM. I had a security official escorting me to Poe due to the late night. As we approached the door, a ship seemed to appear off to our right, off the path and out of the way. I told the security officer “Ask for Officer Everheart to come here so I can take a look inside this ship.” I said as I saw the name on the side of the ship.

Peacemaker. That was the name of the ship I had in my daydreams. I was being encouraged to head inside the cottage while security came to deal with it but I told them “I think Q may have created this ship as an item on a list he may have had. If that is true, Officer Everheart will be of more use investigating the inside of the ship” I said while eying the airlock to the ship.
Finally Officer Everheart arrived after ten minutes. “I’ll take over from here” she said and the other officer went back to the security building. “I take it you want to go inside this thing?” she said while cautioning me “This thing could be a trap.” I dissuaded her thinking by saying “If it’s a trap, we’ll find out and with you here, we can override the controls and get ourselves back to campus quickly” referring to the fact that she was integrated with a whole lot of nanites without saying such. Slowly we opened the airlock and entered the inside of the ship.

The ship had the dim glow of red emergency lighting. The fact that the airlocks did not close automatically behind us was an indication that there was little power here. I soon spotted a cabinet labeled “ZPM’s and other power supplies” next to a door labeled ‘power room.’ Opening the cabinet, I saw that it was fully stocked with ZPM’s and other supplies I might need. “Come here, Sam and pick up a ZPM” I said and her reply astonished me.
“It seems that the main computer for this ship is offline.” Hive was able to tell Sam in under a nanosecond. She continued “How you know my first name must be related to you coming from a parallel Earth. Whatever we do, we must not move the ship. We’ll observe and try activating stuff but nothing else.”

Ignoring her warning, I put the first of the two ZPM’s into the slot inside one of the three slots in the center console in the power room. As soon as I had done that the main computer came online and said “Main power at 33%. Auxiliary power at 1%. Batteries at 15%. Please insert another ZPM at minimum.” Taking my second ZPM I inserted it into the second open slot. I gestured to Sam to put hers into the third open slot and reluctantly she did so.

“Main power restored. Power for stealth systems is available but requires manual input from the cockpit. Batteries are charging. Auxiliary generators should be replaced at the earliest possible convience.” The computer said. Deciding against replacing the burnt-out generators as well as my desire to see the cockpit, the two of us went up to it.
The cockpit was not too small but it wasn’t that large either. There was room for three people to sit and move around. Sam tried some of the controls at a console and said “I can’t do anything. The computer is mentioning something about a genetic lock on most systems. I can access life support and other basic functions along with access to a database called “Ancient Database”. Access to that database required me to give my military information.”

At this I smirked. I knew now what the control system of the ship was but not how to fly it. That would have to be done in a simulator or with the help of someone experienced in flying Ancient spacecraft. Looking at the center chair, my thoughts immediately went back to the pilot episode for Stargate: Atlantis where John Shephard sits down in the chair and everything lights up…

“You mean the drone?” Doctor Bekket said to a puzzled Major Shephard. “It’s the weapon the Ancients used to defend this outpost from their enemies. You do have security clearance to be down here, don’t you?”
“Yes I was just given clearance by General O’Neil. Anyway what harm can there be sitting in an old chair…” he said as he sat in it. At once the chair platform powered up and everything came to life. Doctor Bekkit said “Quite a lot actually. Can you focus on where we are in the solar system?” at once information regarding Earth came up in the air. “Dr. Wier…”

…Then my thoughts came back to the present. “Let me try sitting in the center seat” I said. To my expectations, the consoles in front of me started to light up. A startled Samantha said to me “can you get a comn line to security so I can report that we are friendly? I sure as heck hope you aren’t going to take off without any flight experience in this ship.” She said as I tried to open the comn line. “I think I have it. Try the radio.”

“Security this is Officer Everheart. Against our better judgments, me and Ms. Smith have restore power to a ship we found here that was low on power and restored its primary power supply. I am seeing here that it has an extremely advanced sensor system that we can use to monitor the campus better. I suggest this info be shared with only the Chief and myself due to information I found inside.”

“Security to Officer Everheart, we didn’t even see such a craft on our monitoring until it appeared for you. I suggest you talk to its pilot after you put it back in stealth mode about us utilizing its sensors to monitor the campus.” “Acknowledged. Everheart out” she said as she hit the close communication button.
She queried me about how I was able to get the ship functioning and asked me to put it back in stealth mode. I replied “Simple, really. I got the ATA gene. It’s a very recessive gene so few people will have it in the world.” I said before thinking ‘invisible’ and as I thought it, the display indicated that the cloak was now active.
As I got up from the center chair, most of the status displays that had been lit up went dark but the cloak indicator was still on. “I think we can wait on seeing how the sensors work. Let’s see what the part of the ship we traveled through looks like when it has power.” I said to Sam as the power to the displays went out.

She raised no objection to this since we would have to travel back that way anyway to exit. I asked her “Why didn’t you reveal the information about the database you found?”
Her reply was simple. “It said ‘Top Secret or Prime Directive clearance required to access database’ but opened up for me when I input my security credentials. I only had read-only access but whatever is stored inside that database is huge in terms of sheer information.” She said as we made our way back to the airlock.
Under normal lightning, I was able to see a kitchen-like setup in one corner of the main room. In another corner of the room there was a chair platform similar to the one I just got up out of. I was also able to see a hallway with more doors. Not wanting to waste time looking inside the rooms, we headed outside the ship which was now invisible again. Parting ways, I enter Poe and went up to my room to meet my new roommate.

“Hello. I’m Phase, also known as Ayla Goodkind.” She said to me while hold out her hand. “I’m Danielle Smith. No codename as of yet due to no powers testing. It’s nice to meet you” I said. Ayla was surprised at my calm reaction to her “I take it you don’t know of my family?” At my nodding head she said “Good. That makes one person on campus who won’t judge me based on my last name. Your sponsor must have had to convince someone of who they were based on the renovations to the cottage that occurred in under 24 hours.”

At this point Jade jumped her head in the door that I guessed was the common area between our rooms. “Hello. You must be Phase’s new roommate. There’s a karaoke going on downstairs that the rest of the team is attending.” She said to us. “I wouldn’t go down there. I heard some of them singing coming up. It sounded awful” Ayla said.

“I’m going down there to preform 3 songs and I bet I can do them better than any of you can. I suggest you two join me down there” I said while grabbing my iPod touch and checking its music contents. Satisfied that the songs were intact on the device, I headed down to the area where the songs were taking place. Sighing, the two of them decided to follow me down to the room.
Ayla was right about one thing. Some of the people singing were awful. I recognized the music of one song and was able to tell he was VERY off-key just by his singing. At the request for other people to come up I raised my hand and came up to the front and looked at the device. It seemed you were scored on how well you were able to match up to the vocals. Selecting one of the full-length intro songs to the anime Gundam Seed, I flipped the karaoke line to off before I started to sing the English lyrics.
[Note that line breaks during a song indicate a pause of about 5 seconds unless indicated. Longer times will be in brackets]

Song name: Invoke

[18 second pause]
When we pass each other in haste,
We collide and hurt each other.
We feel the pain beneath each other’s wings.
I held you in my arms, so full of loneliness.
But that was because I didn’t know about anything else
I long for the moment when we connect,
And awaken eternity.
Having been exposed to
the twinkling of time’s rapid flow
I can’t reach it alone
With fragile words such as “wish”
[short pause]
They won’t get us anywhere.
[10 second pause]
Even though I’ve kept my eyes on them,
I’ve lost sight of the stars.
But their light remains, and no one can steal it.
The light of our existence is confirmed by our hearts.
It’s blazing up from our emotions that are bottled up inside
Is it love that lies ahead, or will everything break apart, it bewilders me…
Having been exposed to
The twinkling of time’s rapid flow
I can’t reach it alone
With fragile words such as “wish”
[3 second pause]
They are still there.
[40 second pause]
Having been exposed to
The twinkling of time’s rapid flow
I can’t reach it alone
With fragile words such as “wish”
The honest truth of
The entangled fever I want to impart
Who am I protecting it from?
Because the feelings you always wanted me to have…
[10 second pause]
It lies in you

I heard clapping from the audience as I looked at my score for the first song. Apparently a devisor had made it so that it was able to distinguish when lyrics in another language were used. My score for sticking to the beat was a 99 but my score for the lyrics was a zero however there was another line underneath that said ‘foreign lyrics used’ and next to that was a 100. Underneath that there was another line saying the same thing but with a x2 multiplier next to it. Underneath that was my total which was 398.
Fey came up, looked at the score and said “you HAVE to do at least one more song.” I told her quietly “I have three planned in total, one just like this and another in the original language because it would sound butchered if I sang it in English.” Resetting the machine for another song, I picked another song that I hope most people with knowledge of anime would recognize-the full opening theme to Outlaw Star.

Song Name: Through the night

Don’t make fun of it! Don’t cheapen it! Don’t destroy it!
That one special thing that everyone has
My love! My dreams! And you!
Those are the only things I won’t ever let go.
[6 second pause]
On nights when I can't settle down no matter what,
I just want to throw it all away.
Don't say a word, just open up the door,
I don't have time to quibble with you.
I wanna fly all over the place.
I want to throw caution to the wind.
It isn't because I've lost anything
I ain’t even started yet.
Don't make fun of it! Don't destroy it! Don't cheapen it!
That one thing everyone has that they won't give up.
My love! My dreams! And you!
Those are the only things I won't ever let go.
What do you want? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go?
Cut through the darkness and run to grab what you want (all) through the night
Sometimes I'll let my guard down to your kindness,
but sometimes I worry.
I've been doing whatever I want as much as I wanted to,
But to tell the truth, being with you is the best.
Believing, I want us to believe in each other.
I want it to be as plain as black and white.
Because it's not just intensity
Because it ain’t just gentless...
Don't make fun of it! Don't destroy it! Don't cheapen it!
Who do I want to hold? I should know.
Only love! Only dreams! Only you!
I can't protect even those unless I get moving.
Even if I get hurt, or I hurt someone, or I have to take the long way,
With my heart as it is, tumbling as I am, I'll pierce (all) through the night
[25 second pause]
Don't make fun of it! Don't destroy it! Don't cheapen it!
That one special thing that everyone has.
My love! My dreams! And you!
Those are the only things I won't ever let go.
Holding each other, getting hurt, then loss...
Everyone hurts the one they hold most dear.
Anyway, I just can't understand
being shackled with a promise... I can't put my finger
What do you want? What do you wanna do? Where do you wanna go?
Cut through the dark and run to grab what you want (all) through the night!

Again there was applause as I read my score to myself. Again for sticking to the beat I got a 99 and my score for being on with the lyrics was 0. However the line indicating ‘foreign lyrics used’ was a 95 however the line underneath it was still a 2.0 meaning my total score was a 388. Apparently this was either ‘humiliate the new girl’ night or they really wanted me to go on with their chanting of “Another!”

This time Chaka came over to me and whistled while looking at my score “Dang, girl you are either a good Siren or you have those lyrics memorized! That is two songs in a row you pulled off better than anyone else here tonight. Let’s not mention the fact that you didn’t even look at the karaoke lyrics on the machine. I hope you have a third song up your sleeve.” I whispered into her ear “I do but it’s more beautiful if sung in the original Japanese. I think you’ll understand once you hear it. I also highly doubt I’m a Siren.”

So a third time I went to the karaoke machine and picked a song out. However, unlike the past two songs, I wasn’t going to flip off the karaoke indicator. I was going to need that for the song. So after setting it up for the song ‘suteki da ne’ (‘Isn’t it Wonderful?’ in English) I proceeded to sing.

Song Name: suteki da ne (‘Isn’t it Wonderful?’)
kaze ga yoseta kotoba ni oyoida kokoro
kumo ga hakobu ashita ni hazunda koe

tsuki ga yureru kagami ni furueta kokoro
hoshi ga nagare koboreta yawarakai namida
[5 second pause]
suteki da ne
futari te wo tori aruketa nara
ikitai yo
KIMI no machi ie ude no naka
sono mune
karada azuke
yoi ni magire
[43 second pause]
kaze wa tomari kotoba wa yasashii maboroshi
kumo wa yabure ashita wa tooku no koe
tsuki ga nijimu kagami wo nagareta kokoro
hoshi ga yurete koboreta kakusenai namida
[5 second pause]
suteki da ne
futari te wo tori aruketa nara
ikitai yo
KIMI no machi ie ude no naka
sono kao
sotto furete
asa ni tokeru

I was surprised to find out the effect that having the karaoke setting to on had. Not only did the syllables appear on screen for me to sing, but they were broadcast into the air from the front of the machine and as I sung, there were effects on the syllables in the air. I decided to look at my score for the song. Staying on-beat got me a perfect score as well as singing the syllables right. However, as a consequence, my ‘foreign lyrics used’ score was a zero and the multiplier was a 1 so I only got a 200. I decided at this point to give up the mike and head back to my room to continue unpacking.

Continued in part 4

Note: I decided to rush a few parts because the admin knew that it was the dad’s birthday. I pondered over the songs for the karaoke scene for a few days before settling on these three. There is another bombshell that I have yet to drop regarding the family and a family friend. The sister will appear in part four and would have appeared here if not for the fact that part 3 came out to be rather long. IRL I lost two of my grandparents in one month. I think part 4 is going to be the rest of the night and meeting the other changelings.
ZPM stands for Zero Point Module. It derives its power from a self-contained region of subspace-time. ATA is the name of the Ancient gene that unlocks most Ancient technology for usage.
I must reiterate that I really need an editor to look at this series.
Like I said at the start, I really want to hear comments on the series so far as well as on part 3 itself. I’m adding a keyword because people have been talking about ‘Mary Sues’ in the series.

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