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This is a work of fiction and all characters are used without permission. The warnings I posted in part 1 of my prior story still apply. In this story (particually this part,) the wackyness is jazzed up to eleven. Just as a caution to everyone, this has been sent to the editor and will be replaced by the version I get back from him
I woke up to the sound of a screaming boy band. This I figured was what the Brass Monkeys sounded like since it was coming from Ayla’s half of the room. Deciding I was awake enough but having to shout over the loud music, I said “CAN YOU SHUT THAT OFF, NOW?”
Ayla, after shutting it off said “so I take it you don’t like the Brass Monkeys.” Nodding my head I said “they sound like a certain artist from where I am from. Anyway, what time is it? I am getting hungry and want to head down to the Crystal Hall.
“Its 10:30 on a Friday and the Crystal Hall will open its doors for lunch in about an hour. They close at 2 PM.” Ayla told me. “I bet you are going to have to eat fast to get to Mrs. Hartford’s office in time for that meeting. You should be early for it. The only reason I am back is that I have to pick up my Accounting IV stuff. Everyone else is in class but usually gets to the hall around noon.”
At that statement, I decided that I was going to get out of my clothes from the day before which I had worn to bed, take a shower, go to the bathroom, and work on that spreadsheet for Ayla until everyone else got to the Crystal Hall. If I learned one thing from my years of being a guy, it was that I was always a loner and now that I had found people who understood me, I wanted to keep them as friends.
After doing all of the above after Ayla left for class, I proceeded to check the time before working on the spreadsheet, finding that I had about 20 minutes if I wanted to be at the Hall with the rest of my team for a short time before my meeting, I created the spreadsheet and made two tabs-one for the companies I needed to acquire and the second one containing the IP for the companies I wanted to acquire. There was just enough time to add in a few items to the second list before I had to go.
I had gotten to the Crystal Hall and noticed that they were serving Hot Dogs, so I grabbed one and a small plate of salad. I also grabbed a container of V8 before handing my student ID to the lady at the register before proceeding to put ketchup on my Hot Dog and moving to the table where everyone was going to be sitting, based on prior experiences.
I wasn’t waiting long when I heard Hank ask me “What happened to your Bluetooth thingy you made yesterday, DIVA?” Knowing exactly what he was referring to, I told him “I left it in my room. I’ll tell you the details after Nikki sits down and does her thing,” Exactly 3 minutes later, Nikki sat down and put up her privacy spell so we could talk at ease. I then decided to spill some of the details about what occurred last night at my 2nd power testing session.
“I had to use my Soul Reaper powers. It was a test regarding how much power I had obtained from the two people in the forest.” Nikki knew exactly whom I was referring to. “My special instructor was there and the test was me fighting him. I believe he said that I had a lot of strength but no speed and is going to fix that.”
“So you had to FIGHT your special instructor? That is highly unusual.” Nikki asked. “Nothing about me is usual even going by the standards of the academy. Luckily, someone healed our injuries right after the battle. As for my Bluetooth thing, it’s in my room. I literally walked into my room and went to sleep.” I said.
Not wanting to dally any longer, I said “I hate to leave before everyone else does, but I don’t want to be late for my apt with Mrs. Hartford. I have a feeling there will be problems if I don’t show up early.” Billie who had just sat down with a tray piled high with food said “I see Peeper and greasy out there coming this way. I hope you have that water gun handy.”
Muttering “Thanks for the warning” I had just manifested a small squirt gun filled with water and was walking towards the exit when I heard Peeper start to speak.
“Greetings everyone and this is WARS radio with your host Peeper and his co-host, Greasy. We have just met up with the new student from Poe that rumors have been flying around campus about. So DIVA would you care to share a few words?”
Having rehearsed what I was going to say I told him “Turn the microphone and recording stuff off.” After he did so I asked him. “Have you heard of the cursed spring of etonnichuaan, located in Jusenkyo?” I showed him the loaded water gun which was in reality loaded with only plain water before saying “if I want an interview I’ll set one up with you. Unless you want to be squirted with cursed water that is. I have a meeting with Mrs. Hartford and do not want to be late.” I said casually.
Turning on the microphone and recording equipment again, Peeper said “Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we are going to interview DIVA at another time. Unforeseen events I failed to predict have resulted in this decision.” Looking back at the rest of the team, I saw everyone holding a thumb up, probably indicating they approved of the handling of the situation.
After exiting the Crystal Hall I reached the admin building and was shown into Mrs. Hartford’s office. The time was now 12:50 PM. I politely asked her “Since Q has given me the authority to deal Mandark and Dexter additional punishments; I would like to ask to sit in your chair while I deal with them. I think it may be a bit more intimidating if I am sitting in your chair and you standing to the side.”
Mrs. Hartford, not desiring to give up her chair but realizing that further punishment was out of her hands, said “All right. You can sit in my chair but ONLY the one time and ONLY until the two devisors are dealt with.” I said a simple “Thank you very much.” And had nothing more to say before the two devisors came inside the room.
“I take it the two of you know the reason you are here?” I stated to which they said “We’re here for an additional punishment due to reckless behavior in the lab.”
“Do you two know exactly what happened on the other side of the portal?” Shaking their heads no I proceeded to tell them “You effectively glassed over a college campus that I was at, causing the deaths of over 500 people!”
At this their faces went white before I continued “Not only that, but you caused a RIP in the fabric of this universe! The opposing side automatically closed up as a result of the explosion but over here the rip still exists.”
Now they were really scared. I proceeded to speak “Part of me wants to have the two of you tried for genocide or at least expelled. However part of me wants to thank you for granting some of my fondest wishes.” At that they were deeply concerned so I reassured them saying “If it is in my power, you are not expelled from Whateley. However you will be given a severe punishment.
You two will be my underlings. Your lab is now my lab since I need to fix the mess you two made. If I need something done in the labs you do it. If I need someone’s DNA to test a batch of nanites on, I use yours. If I need someone to test a PFG, you guessed it, one of you two are going to be wearing it during the test. You will be my lackeys for the rest of your time here.”
Mrs. Hartford, figuring I was done with the punishment said “if I was the one in her shoes, you would probably be facing 500 counts of manslaughter and a trial as an adult. If I were the one punishing you additionally, you’d be on the shit-list after what I just heard her say.”
Dexter decided to see if there was any way to lessen the punishment by asking “can we do anything to help fix the mess we caused?” I replied simply “No. You got lucky by dialing to a college campus. What would have happened if you had dialed oh I don’t know a nuclear missile depot in Russia?” At that they realized the sheer luck they had with their device.
“The help I need has probably noticed the rip and is on his way here now.” Seeing a familiar box starting to appear along with a familiar noise I added “There’s my help to fix the problem. Now Mrs. Hartford I am done reading them the riot act. You can have you chair back now.” I said while standing up. I also proceeded to whisper "Thank you" into the ears of Dexter and Mandark.
Mrs. Hartford addressed the two boys saying “Go back to your classes. You are banned from power labs for the rest of the summer.” As soon as they left a familiar face popped out of the TARDIS and said “Top of the morning to you all. I saw a rip in the universe and followed it here. Oddest thing you know. It occurred on a sealed dimensional door the Time Lords created near the end of the Time War. I’m the Doctor by the way.”
“Well I’ll show you where to put the TARDIS, Doctor as well as set you up with a temporary ID and place to stay.” Mrs. Hartford said. “How do we know people won’t notice your… vehicle while we move it in transit?”
“Oh that’s rather easy. The TARDIS has a built-in disguise ability. Although it looks like a blue Police Box, in reality no one notices it unless they are really looking for it. And by really looking I mean REALLY looking.” The Doctor said.
I decided to pop in. “I think I know where he can put the TARDIS for the duration of his stay. The location is next to Poe. I believe someone from security should show him to the cottage. Also, that someone should escort the Doctor to the lab where the incident took place, after he is situated of course. In the meantime, I have an appointment to keep.”
With Mrs. Hartford saying “All right” and calling for security to come to bring a VIP to where a certain ship lay cloaked, I left for Schulscher 206. Looking at my watch, I had about 20 minutes to make it there. After I walked in and said I was here for a special apt with Louis, I was told to sit in the waiting room. It was much like any other. Checking my watch again to see if it was time for the appointment, I saw that it was exactly 3 PM and at that time, Louis decided to show himself to me.
“Hello DIVA” he projected into my mind. “Would you mind coming this way and into my office? I assure you unlike other offices, in here no one can record anything. Whatever you tell me in the strictest sense of the word will remain confidential and only between us.”
“Are you 100% positive that whatever is said between us, no matter what it is, will remain strictly between us?” I asked. Louis replied “The administration will know you are seeing me for therapy but not the reason why.”
Deciding to start the session off on a light note, he said “So tell me about yourself. There was a stillborn girl that shares your birthday, birth time, and parents but that is obviously not you. Tell me about your past.”
Oh boy did that stir up a hornet’s nest. I figured whatever I was going to keep secret from him, he’d find out anyway. I also guessed the reason for the session was the emotional breakdown I had after recovering from the burnout incident, the gender switch in particular. So, after letting out a long sigh I said “I don’t actually come from this earth. I come from 6 years in the future from a earth that is parallel to this one.”
And with that statement I proceeded to tell him how I came to be at Whateley. After I finished and looking at the clock, I noticed that it was nearly 4 PM. Louis said, “Well now, you are an unusual case. I’d like to meet with you at least once a week starting in the fall. You need some time to adjust. To me it seems like you have a case of PTSD in addition to suffering from GID, although maybe not diagnosed for a very long time. The mention of your actions in the forest on the 25th, in particular hint that you were severely depressed.
That concludes our session for today. I’ll send you an e-mail after the semester start to setup a time for us to meet. It was nice to meet you, Danielle.” “Likewise, Louis. Now if you excuse me, I probably should get down to the lab where the incident I mentioned took place.” I said before heading down to the devisor lab to hopefully meet up with the Doctor.
Upon getting to the lab, I found the Doctor inside using his Sonic Screwdriver. After a few seconds he said “Amazing. Those two devisors managed to make a part of the core framework behind the Time Vortex inside my TARDIS. That framework allowed the Time Lords to hop between universes like a commuter can get to New York in under an hour.”
“Doctor, I was told that there is a universe tear that this device caused. Now I have a plan that will hopefully fix the problem. Can the machine be moved out so we can ‘renovate’ the lab?” I said to him.
“Oh yes it can be moved. I don’t know what your plan is to move that thing out of here however.” The Doctor replied. So sketching my plan to him in detail he said “well we are going to need a few things. First I scanned the power output of the reactors power the campus here and it takes 3x the output they produce to meet the demands of your proposal.”
“Then we generate power internally. That was my intention.” I said as we got to work. I contacted security and although puzzled by the request, they moved the device to the lab next door for a few hours.
After that was done, I told the doctor “Whatever tech we need to make this room bigger, we’re going to be relying on my broach to handle the violation of the 1st rule of Alchemy. You envision whatever we need to make what I described to you a reality and I’ll provide the means to get said items.”
And that is how it worked out. In the end we made the airlock a double airlock so that if I decided to change the ‘anchor’ position, the lab would move with me. The large lab room became something similar to what the SGC has for their gate room.
However, near the back of the large room there was a closet which held 100 Naquda generators, an amount of power that the Doctor assured me would be adequate for intra-universal travel. I also told the Doctor to meet me by his TARDIS at 7 PM with regards to its storage.
Seeing as how it was now almost 6PM, we finished setting up two bedrooms in order that I could go to eat. At the table everyone was asking how the meeting went. My reply was “The contents of that meeting are between me, Dexter, Mandark, and Mrs. Hartford. No one else is to know any details aside from the fact that they aren’t expelled.”
Over my plate of food, I was asked about the blue box outside Poe. I replied “That belongs to the person who is helping to fix the mess Dexter and Mandark started. It’s going to be gone tonight. The person helping me will still be here but his craft will be somewhere that no one will see it.”
At 7 PM on the dot I met the Doctor outside Poe. I told him to maneuver his TARDIS over to near where the Peacemaker was. Deciding to step inside and see if I could expand the cloak to include the TARDIS, I found out that doing that is impossible. I did find out from looking at the rooms on the ship that there was a cargo hold that could hold the TARDIS and that its door had a manual control.
So I followed the computer’s directions into the cargo hold and was very surprised to find that I not only could fit the TARDIS in here, but I could fit a couple cars inside and still have room to open the doors of all of them. Opening the hatch, I exited via the cargo bay and found the Doctor.
“Follow me with the TARDIS and we’ll get it out of the sight and sensors of everyone.” I said, leading him to the cargo hatch which was still open. Since it was open, a holographic projection of what was supposed to be there, which was bushes, was present. In fact, this was the only time I saw the ship as anything other than not being there. After getting the TARDIS inside and closing the door, the Doctor proceeded to speak.
“It is truly amazing that this ship seems very similar to the way my TARDIS is. May I take a look around?” At my nodding head and saying “I’ll be in the cockpit if you need me, he took off to look around, sonic screwdriver in hand.”
It didn’t take him long to find out how the coms worked inside the ship. I could soon hear him speaking as an indicator that he had somehow found out how they worked. I was able to see him based on the sensor package and bio scanning for anything with 2 hearts inside the ship.
“Did you know Danielle, that this ship has a Warp Core? Now only that, it has an Asguard hyperdrive system as well! Also, there appears to be a drive for jumping between universes. Must take a lot of power to operate the drive however. I saw a sick bay that looked exactly like it had been taken from the Enterprise-E.
Also in the ship, there’s what looks like a bathroom with a restroom next to it. No, wait make that 2 bedrooms. There’s a door here that won’t open and hang on this is funny-I’m reading a second TARDIS in here. Come down here will you, Danielle?”
Deciding there was going to be no end to him talking; I muted the internal ship comn. And went down to where the Doctor was, which according to the ship’s sensors was right next to the second chair platform. Looking inside the room, which had been passed over two days ago, I looked inside. Not only was there a computer console in there, but in the middle of the room was what was unmistakably a TARDIS.
“That is impossible. Only the Time Lords know how to make a TARDIS. Yet here this one sits, a baby when I think of other TARDIS’ but still a TARDIS.” The Doctor said. Heading inside the thing, we could see that it was small, cramped, and was drawing a small amount of energy from the ship. “I don’t know how it occurred, but you and this baby TARDIS are linked.” The doctor said.
“All right we’re linked. What does that make me, a Time Lord? My biology showed up human during powers testing. Can you make some kind of easy-to-use control panel for me? At least anything remotely easier than how your TARDIS operates. I’ll also need an instruction manual on how to fly that TARDIS.” I said.
Scanning me with his Sonic Screwdriver, the Doctor said “No you’re not a Time Lord. Luckily I happen to have a few books that may help you out.” He left and then returned with the two books, one very tiny, one very thick.
I looked over the titles of the books. One said “Understanding Galafriean.” The other said “TARDIS operations manual for idiots.” “I’m not an idiot” I said to the Doctor.
“I know you’re not an idiot to have imagined such a wonderful ship as this. However, in my eyes, you aren’t that smart. No offence” the Doctor said. “I’ll make that simple control panel for you. Mind it’ll pretty much just be like the time circuits in Back to the Future, but it’ll be something you can understand.”
“All I ask is that I be able to understand how to operate the ship. I am guessing that I am the only one who will be able to pilot it?” I said to which the Doctor replied “Yes you are the only one who can pilot it. In fact, the only way to read those 2 books is if you have a TARDIS linked to you. Yours is going to probably mature in a couple decades however.”
At that I said “All right. Now why don’t we call it a night and meet back in the lab at 9AM to continue our work.” He agreed and thus we parted ways for the evening. I was pestered by the others for comments but said “I’m still working on the problem and don’t want to reveal anything till I have it solved.” They were highly unhappy about it but nevertheless glad to know that a solution was in progress.
I had a big breakfast the next morning, hoping to keep working on through dinner. I had estimated that we’d be finished with work and ready to see if the seal worked on Monday. I also had taken a door that was linked to the Kimba Kwarters with me to connect to the lab.
There was no telling if you could link two different dimensions together via a door but it was either that or I would be consulting the Peacemaker computer for the information I needed. I assured the rest of the team that they would see the complete lab but once they see it, they’ll thank me.
After the two of us reached the lab, we asked security to wheel the device Mandark and Dexter had built back into the lab. After we set that up I told the doctor “So are you ready to get the second part of the equation setup?” his reply was enthuastic “of course I am ready. You do realize that after we merge the two, we’re going to need a dialing program?”
“I already realized that. That is why I brought that door with me-so I can access the Ancient Database I guess is in the hard drives of the HQ for my team. I still need a laptop though.”
And so I took the door and put it up along the wall, away from the area that would be the simulator for weapons but near the hangar for any big projects I might undertake. After I setup the door, I exited into the HQ, much to the surprise of everyone.
“Don’t panic, I’m just here for a few things. Namely, my laptop that came through the portal, a copy of a dialing computer, and 1 address.” I said. Ayla asked me “What kind of address do you need? Why not program your own Dialing Computer?”
My reply bas blunt: “the kind of address I need is stored in the computer’s memory here. Or so I hope it is. As for the dialing computer, why program what has already been created for you.”
Addressing the computer I said “Computer, I need a copy of the Stargate Dialing program, the Gate address for Earth, and the two of them on one flash drive with the dialing computer’s source code.”
The computer replied “what you asked for is on a flash drive you’ll find in the 3rd door down the hall on your right. It’s all on a 4 GB thumb drive but you will need more space for the addresses for the entire gate network.” I said “I just need the 1 address. All 7 parts, including the 1 used to dial other worlds.”
I got exactly what I said. Leaving the HQ for my old laptop, which was good for very little but being what it was, it was the exact item needed for a dialing computer. I returned to the HQ, grabbed the thumb drive, and with both in hand walked back into the lab.
“I’m back. I got the dialing program, a gate address to test, and source code so we can recompile to add in the additional, optional chevrons on the device. Also, can we take a lunch break? I’m getting hungry.” I said all this while also looking at my watch.
The time it said was 12:30. I had a nice sub I manifested as did the Doctor. Then, after we both went to the bathroom, I prepared to manifest the gate. After the gate was up and the device that brought me here adjusted to include chevrons, I told the Doctor “I think you’ll be better off using my laptop to code in the option for the extra three chevrons for dialing between universes.”
“Remind me again why we need to dial between universes, Danielle.” He said. I stated “I have to assume that the only way to stabilize the universe rip is to be able to pass information in and out. In other words, place a large batch of concrete around a circular hole to keep it from spreading. Am I correct?”
“Well you got the principals down and we got most of what we need here. All we need to do is hook up power cables that can handle the strain, initialize the gate, and attempt to send something through.” “We’ll need a power supply for the lab that is not hooked up to the main campus reactors because then I’ll draw too much. They’ll be the emergency, last resort power supply.” I added.
The idea came to me like a punch to the face of course! Power the lab via a few ZPM’s. They can serve as power for the gate if generators fail, keep me off the grid, and provide plenty of power for other stuff, like a Time Dilalation Device. “Doctor, is it possible to slow time down in a small area like oh say this lab to be like 1 hour in here is equal to 60 seconds outside. I’d like to setup something that maximizes time in here for working on projects.”
“You could do that but such a difference would be very bad on the human biology. Not only does the power required for such a device rise in proportion to the desired time dilalation, but it can affect biological beings in unexpected ways if you suddenly switch the flow of time. I would say a maximum of 6 hours for every hour outside would be sufficient, provided you gradually adjusted to the time inside and gradually adjusted back. Of course, if you were going to use the gate, said device would have to be shut off.”
“Good” I said while making the enclosure I had envisioned hooking the rest of the lab up to the ZPM’s. I designed it so that you could fit 3 ZPM’s inside and hook up power cables to run underneath the floor to the various rooms. I also manifested power cables for the Naquda generators to hookup to the gate. I then proceeded to start setting up a quarantine area for visitors coming from the gate for their protection and to prevent a disease outbreak.
Needless to say while I was doing this, the Doctor was typing away on the computer, writing lines of code to make the current dialing program that accepts 7 (or 8 if dialing another galaxy) chevrons accept 3 more. I had also asked him if he could come up with a program that could determine the 3 universe coordinates based upon a scan of someone in the sick bay.
I also proceeded to furnish 3 of the rooms with amenities you’d find in a hotel room-bed, drawers for clothes, and a clock to tell the time as well as a restroom Do not ask how I got that hooked up to the campus system-it just is.
I had just inserted the ZPM’s and checked the time. Our work had been going on for over three hours. I decided that it was now time to maximize our time in here before dinner. “Doctor, I think it’s time we created that device. I have an area where we can make it that is out of the way.” I said.
“Allonz-e. Let’s go get that device setup. I finished the coding and have an alarm setup to give you an early warning of what might be entering the universe. I used songs from your iPod touch. Those songs will give you a major clue as to what universe they are coming from.” The Doctor said.
I led him down and through a locked door into an area that had a bunch of ZPM’s whose purpose were to ONLY power the time dilation device. Clasping my hands like I was going to be doing alchemy, the Doctor understood what I was trying to do and put his hands next to mine. We then created the device with the Doctor providing the image. He then proceeded to explain how to work the device.
“The device will respond to any set of time given but has a hard ratio of 12:1 which should not be used too often. There is a soft limit of half that but I recommend you only use a ratio of 3:1 while in here. The device is currently set at 3:1 so we have about 6 hours to work and finish furnishing the lab.”
We did exactly that-I manifested a control-like board which would only activate when a laptop was connected that was running the dialing program. I also proceeded to set up sensors in the Stargate power closet as well as run cabling from the main power supply for the lab to the gate as a means of backup power. The control panel had displays that were always active but a radio and camera setup that was focused on the control panel.
We also setup a gravity controller inside the large room for working on big projects because you could work on a spaceship in here. I setup warning signs that would light up if the room was in face devoid of gravity. I also setup a holodeck that I knew I would be doing some programming for eventually.
After we finished setting up the lab I told the Doctor “I think this is as setup as it needs to be for now. I hope you have 3 digits for the device from Dexter and Mandark already picked out. I have the dialing address for Earth picked out. I think that due to the fact we are dialing Earth, we should to the other 3 chevrons first and THEN the address.”
“That sounds good although there might be a power spike. Although I don’t think dialing six chevrons on the main gate, dialing the three on the other, and then dialing the last one would make a difference power wise.” The Doctor said. “Good. We’ll meet here after lunch to test our creation. We’ll also have the lab head here to see what happens. If we need security, they are just a call away.
After telling the computer to shut the time dilation device down, we exited the lab. The Doctor went one way I went back to Poe. I finally told everyone over dinner that the device was ready although it was still unknown if it would actually work-the power requirements may have been severely underestimated or there may be a repeat of what brought me here on the other side-a wide area of land looking like it had been nuked without the radiation.
Ayla decided to take my mind off it by saying “you got a letter addressed to you that I opened because you were so busy. It seems like you need to head to Security tomorrow to get your school laptop. I would suggest you purchase a second laptop for whatever it is you are doing and maybe a third for gaming”
I replied simply “you don’t use a laptop for gaming. As to your advice about a second laptop for the lab, it’s a great suggestion. However, I am going to need to go to bed very soon because I am tired. Yes it is early but the Doctor and I installed something that speeds time up inside the lab safely and I spent an extra three hours in there.”
“I agree. You look exhausted. Tell you what. You setup the music for tomorrow. Since it’s a Sunday, you can sleep in as much as you like.” Ayla told me.
After that, I left the table, and headed off to Poe to get some sleep. After I entered my room, I turned off Ayla’s alarm clock so I wouldn’t hear music that I loathed and instead set my clock radio so it would play songs from my iPod touch when the alarm went off. I set the second alarm for eleven AM, put on my second nightie after taking my clothes off, and went to sleep.
Notes: This is the second arc of the story, where the punishment of the two devisors is handed out. I rushed a couple days because I wanted to focus on getting the lab setup and built. As to the quarantine area, well I’ll reveal that in the next installment as well as the coordinates for the Earth the Doctor put in the program. Except for emergencies and some phone calls directed to him, after the Doctor leaves campus, he is currently intended to never show up again. The Soul Society will show up in a future part of this story. Currently, I am planning on having the summer semester end on August fifth. I hope you enjoyed the story. As for the baby TARDIS, it’s at a stage where it just needs energy to grow and feeds off of the Peacemaker’s supply at a tiny but constant drain. I have a certain captain from squad 11 showing up to make a offer to a certain changeling that is not the main character.
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