Down the Rabbit Hole, part 1.5

This is a work of fiction and all characters are used without permission. All prior warnings about needing to know certain information still apply. Reading part one of the story will be very helpful in understanding it. Comments are very much appreciated.

She had seen the change in the sky from the classroom so Fey was not at all surprised by security calling upon her to enter the forest to see who had gone into it. After all, this person caused a person on security’s ‘watch list’ to run into a brick wall, something that a Brick shouldn’t be able to do.

Mrs. Hartford was surprised when her secretary called her up to say “Mrs. P has left a note for you”. So, deciding to wait to read it until after dealing with Mandark and Dexter, she said “send it up to me after the students leave my room.”

Dexter and Mandark were in her office both very scared and nervous about their future. “I take it the two of you know why you are here?” At their nodding heads she continued “According to the report from the power labs head, your device was successful, dialing another dimension. However, based on notes from the lab head, it was unstable on the opposite side, having much of the effects of a black hole. I could surmise this from the velocities everything exited the gate. You didn’t make a portal; you made a White Hole for 38 minutes.”

Continuing, she said “You two are to receive a D for power labs for the semester and be on probation for the next semester.” At the groans of both she continued “You are VERY lucky no one was hurt otherwise you two would be on the Whately Shit-list, aka expelled. For the remainder of the summer semester, you are to report to Hawthorne to do whatever the Dorm Mother asks you to do. Perhaps that will teach you to look into your projects in more detail.”

After the two chastised devisors left, Mrs. Hartford said “OK I’ll take that note from Mrs. P now.” The note itself was relatively short and enigmatic, as most future forecasts were however this one was for tomorrow. The note itself said “Expect to receive a new student assigned to Poe tomorrow. Clear your entire day. Mrs. P”

After reading the note Mrs. Hartford called her secretary to say “all right everything I have scheduled for tomorrow is either postponed or Genesis is to attend in my place.” As she left for the day she wondered what would happen. She had heard about a boy who had entered what appeared to be stage V burnout with an impossible ID but didn’t pay it much thought.

After Fey teleported the boy the nurse said “All right let’s see what we’re dealing with here.” while looking at the boy, who was getting even hotter. “This looks like it may be stage V burnout. Put him in the warded room and let’s see if we can contact his next of kin.” After looking at the driver’s license, she said “This is purely impossible. He can’t be from the future. Send this over to Security to have them determine if it’s a forgery or the real deal.”

At the Security building, Fey was busy filling out a report about what had happened after handing the license over. Thinking it was best to err on the side of caution, she left out the part about an energy beam being deflected by her shield as well as the sense that no one on campus could have killed those two things. After being chastised about taking off the mike when it would have been best for them to get as much Intel about this person as possible, she left for her dorm room.

“This is impossible!” officer Davis said “Not only does the ID pass the NJ MVC fraud tests, the identification used when applying for it either doesn’t exist or is totally wrong.” “Then are we dealing with an elaborate forgery here, Davis?” Security chief Delarose said before continuing “or is this the real deal and we have to accept that whomever the ID belonged to not only traveled from the FUTURE, but from a parallel Earth as well.”

“I was of the assumption it was a fake but a few things seem off to me.” Davis said. “The SS# belongs to a girl who was stillborn on the date and time listed on this birth certificate used for the license. No student worth their boots would forge this. In fact, I don’t think a New Jersey driver’s license has been successfully forged since they adopted the new security measures.” Delarose added “So we have to assume that the person in the Nurse’s office who owns this license is in fact who they say they are as well as potentially being someone who belongs inside Poe. Phone up the parents and ask them to come up here ASAP. They have a new child to meet and probably bury.”

“This is most unusual, Captain Kuchki. You claim that you want to adopt a living person into your family? You adopted Rukia on account of your wife being her sister I know. But THIS is unprecedented.” Head Captain Yamamoto said. “Not only that, but I have reports that the person in question was able to use Sodenoshidayuki’s Shikai as well as Zangetsu’s Bankai on top of the report of Soul Reapers failing to report in.”
“Head Captain!” Byakuya’s lt, Renji Abari said “There’s a note addressed directly to you that just arrived. I expect it has to do with the events that took place today.” “Very well. We shall discuss this later Captain Kuchki. I would expect you to be in mourning at the loss of your sister. I have matters to attend to.” The Head Captain said right before Renji and Byakuya left his office.
Upon seeing who wrote the letter as well as its contents he sent out a message “Attention all squads. This is the Head Captain speaking. No more Soul Reapers are to go into the World of the Living until I return from there. All Soul Reapers present and able to hear this message there are to return to the Soul Society at once! Captain Kuchki and Second-Seat Renji Abari shall accompany me in finding out more information about why Soul Reapers have been disappearing on assignment.”

After the three of them exited the senkaimon and found themselves at Whatley, they were greeted by a fourth member. “Well fancy seeing you stuck-up snobs poking around in this mess. You missed the emergency meeting so I had to notify you of the events that transpired. Why an Omni-potent being like me has to abide by such silly rules like being at the beck-and-call of a mere mortal as well as having to deliver complete transcripts to another mortal is something I can’t stand doing.”

“I believe we know who you are, 17th letter of the alphabet, but could you tell us where we have to go for this meeting.” Head Captain Yamamoto said before changing his tone “We have a serious matter affecting us and I believe our meeting here will clear up a few things. Captain Kuchki, that girl you wanted to adopt is still alive. She is on campus and her spirit ribbon has changed from white to red. When we meet her, we must bring a Substuite Soul Reaper badge and Soul Pass for her. ”
“Oh the meeting is over in the building over there.” Q said gesturing to the admin building before saying “I don’t understand why this girl wanted such a huge list of items.” He said before snapping his fingers as a big portion of the list was crossed off. Continuing he said “I also don’t get why I have to set this mortal up with a trust fund of 2 billion US dollars in cash and 2 billion in rare metals It’s unfathomable.”
And so as the 4 of them walked into the admin office Q said to the secretary “Excuse us but I believe we are here to see a Mrs. Hartford about a person who is currently in what your mortals call ‘burnout’ and hand over transcripts regarding said mortal’s education. Remembering the note for Mrs. Hartford, she buzzed the office.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Hartford but I believe the reason for that note from Mrs. P is here and wants to see you. They have what look to be school transcripts.” Realizing that she was going to probably be dealing with some sponsors for a new student she buzzed back “All right send them in.” Then after the 4 of them came in, Amelia Hartford thought to herself, “This is going to be a long day.”

“We are here about a few things but I will let my fried, Q speak first. I am Senregito Genreyusai Yamamoto, Head Captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads. My Companions are Squad 6 Captain and Byakuya Kuchki and his 2nd-seat, Renji Abari. We are here regarding a person who is in burnout on campus. ”

“I cannot believe that is the all-mighty Q without some proof!” Mrs. Hartford said Then snapping his fingers Q said “Call up Poe and ask the Dorm Mother to check in one of the empty dorm rooms if you don’t believe me.” Then calling up Poe and getting the Dorm Mother she was told “all right I will take a look inside an empty dorm room and call you right back.” The reply came back about 5 minutes later.

“I don’t believe what I saw! Instead of the normal dorm rooms, they have been made into a suite with 2 rooms sharing a common bathroom! There also appears to be a common area for the two rooms I saw. Based on this, I can imagine the rest of the dorm must have gotten the same makeover. Whoever you have in there, Amelia, is truly powerful to be able to do this so quickly.” The dorm mother stated.

“All right I believe you now. What do you have to show me?” Mrs. Hartford said before receiving a bunch of documents. After her perusal of the first set, which appeared to be elementary school records she said “All right it looks like this ‘Daniel’ person, whoever he is would have attended here starting 2002 and just graduated It appears he was a straight A student up till the end of 6th grade and then his grades slipped.”

Continuing onto the High School records she proceeded to state “He also appears to have been an average student, save for the French classes. Probably had something major troubling him. Based on these records, he graduated a month ago with a C average.”

Continuing onto the college transcripts which while official-looking were dated into the future “These are purely impossible but since I have an omnipotent being in the room I have to accept that they are true. It appears whatever was affecting ‘Daniel’ proceeded to cause him to plunge into a depression. The transcripts from the first school indicate that much.” Continuing onto the second set of college transcripts she said “It looks like he improved his GPA at this school but some of these classes we cannot accept credit for. I think we will have to take the Associates degree in Business Administration and give it to him, if only changing the name of the college. There will definitely be an aptitude test to determine what classes he needs to take here as well as a test on his knowledge of French.”

Still continuing to talk, Mrs. Hartford said “Judging from the lack of mutant-related courses in high-school and the fact that it was catholic, I am guessing he was a baseline before coming here.” “That is correct, Amelia. However SHE is more baseline than a baseline from this primitive Earth is. She came from a universe where the only mutants are in DNA, not people with superpowers running around.” Q said in response.

“There is another matter I am here to discuss with you. It involves setting up a trust for the person we are talking about. Currently she is in burnout on the opposite side of campus and for reasons I cannot tell you I have been told to setup a trust for her. Particularly a trust totaling 4 billion USD, 2 billion in cash and 2 billion in rare metals for her to use for whatever she needs to. Her tuition will be taken out of the money for all 4 years she will be here. She is also going to be able to draw upon it for other needs like buying up companies and rights. I believe you know of someone here, someone who is a student who can manage such a large sum.” Q stated factly.

“Indeed I do know of such a student but I am uncertain is said student will WILLINGLY manage the cash. Snap your fingers and I’ll setup the trust for her. Due to her being over 18 and legally an adult if we go by the birthdate on the records you gave me, it seems inappropriate for Whatley to request a 1% stake in whatever companies she acquires. However, we may still get that 1% stake in companies she founds here.” Mrs. Hartford said before asking the other 3 people in her office “What brings you here with Q? It can’t have been mere coincidence. You too must have a matter to discuss with me

“Indeed I do know of such a student but I am uncertain is said student will WILLINGLY manage the cash. Snap your fingers and I’ll setup the trust for her. Due to her being over 18 and legally an adult if we go by the birthdate on the records you gave me, it seems inappropriate for Whatley to request a 1% stake in whatever companies she acquires. However, we may still get that 1% stake in companies she founds here.” Mrs. Hartford said before asking the other 3 people in her office “What brings you here with Q? It can’t have been mere coincidence. You too must have a matter to discuss with me”

“Indeed we do, Mrs. Hartford. Byakuya wishes to ‘adopt’ the person we are talking about. However, such matter will have to wait till she is awake to discuss them. You were not made aware of this but many Soul Reapers around the world have simply vanished. My sources have no explanation for this. Also, I noticed that three of my people are around the room where the girl lies in burnout but that is another matter. Can you elaborate on the disappearances?” Yamamoto said raising an eyebrow.

“I can only give you guesses at this point.” Mrs. Hartford said before continuing “From what you tell me, they were probably seen as unregistered mutants and as such were handed over to the MCO. From there, I have to guess they ‘disappeared’ like so many others have that fall into their hands. I highly doubt you’ll be able to get your people back and for that I apologize. Best we can do is having you make a generic MID for each of your people using our system. That may prevent future kidnappings.” Mrs. Hartford stated. Before proceeding to say “So which of you am I to put as the sponsors of this new student?”

Head Captain Yamamoto came to a decision at once “We will sponsor her if that is appropriate. Of course, due to the lack of knowledge about Soul Reapers on this world, we will be providing a special instructor for her. We will also be providing a test of our own on top of whatever powers tests you may run on her. Those results will determine the course work we will have her undertake. Also, before we do the testing, we will want to confirm what occurred prior to the burnout.” The test he was thinking of was a test similar to the Captain’s exam on account of the person being able to use Zangetsu’s Bankai form. Of course a few other captains would be present if only to confirm the results.
Mrs. Hartford, pleased that the meeting was coming to a close said “All right. You may preform your test in about 48 hours, assuming the person in burnout survives. Few people survive a level 5 burnout. We’ll meet again in about 24 hours with the new student to discuss the matter.” Now after the 4 people had left, Mrs. Hartford called up Carmilla and asked her to investigate the burnout victim at her earliest convenience. Satisfied that the matter was taken care of, at least for now, she went back to work.

Meanwhile in the warded hospital room

“It’s good to see you two, Rangiku, Momo. Isane said to them. I” take it you want to sit with her through this process as well. Seeing as there’s only room for one of us to sit next to her at a time, why don’t we take up shifts of 8 hours each. I’ll take first shift, Momo second, and Rangiku the third.” Then she noticed the two Zanpakto spirits that were sitting across from the bed, looks of intense concentration on them. Gathering the courage she decided to ask them a question.

“What are your names, if I may inquire and why are you here?” Isane asked. The female spirit spoke up first “I am Sodenoshidayuki and my companion is Zangetsu. We are here using our power to ensure something terrible does not happen. We mourn the loss of our old masters but don’t want to see our new master wind up the same way. Therefore, we are taking what steps we can to ensure that does not happen.”

“I never heard of anyone taking another’s zanpakto!” Rangiku said astonished. Nevertheless, facts spoke for themselves: Rukia was dead and Ichigo had joined her. Yet here their spirits sat. “I guess we have to take you at your word. We’ll form shifts starting in a few minutes. It appears that no one has seen us thus far so the two of us not in here will stand outside just in case we are needed.” Rangiku said as Isane proceeded to sit next to the burning skeleton.

“I want you to join me on this investigation, Fey” Carmilla said inside Fey’s dorm room. “Apparently the two of you know each other and we may get more information if you are with me. Mrs. Hartford said to investigate but she didn’t say anything about anyone tagging along.” Fey said “Sounds like a good idea. Let’s head to the nurse’s office in the morning to find out more information.”

Walking over to the nurse’s office the next morning and after notifying the nurse why they were there, Fey saw the two people standing outside the warded hospital room. Not thinking much of it she went inside where she saw a third person sitting next to Danielle whom at this point looked like she had when Fey first saw her in the black kimono. Also noticing the two other people sitting across from the bed, she thought to ask Danielle about it but brushed the people off as being there as a form of comfort, for themselves and for Danielle.

After composing themselves for a minute and Fey assuring Carmilla that the people she may have seen were benign, Carmilla dove into Danielle’s mind with Fey tagging along. Finding themselves at a door, Fey decided to use the knocker and called out “Hello anyone home?”

Continued in part two
Notes: I tried to write Q as I imagine he would act in reality at being given such as assignment. If I butchered any names, sorry. Also two rules in Bleach you find out early: Never mess with the Head Captain. If you ever decide to mess with the Head Captain, see rule #1. The amount of cash at Danielle’s disposal is going to be used up by acquisitions of various companies that own items that Q crossed off his list. The acquisitions are for the simple reason that she has products that belong to them that in this timeline, products that have not been developed, are in development, or are not even on the drawing board yet. However, you can be certain she is going to be doing a bit of shopping with her cash. I have a lot of the initial parts of Danielle’s arrival at Whatley storyboarded in my mine where they have been festering for months so that is why I have been putting up so much so quickly. This chapter takes place at the same time as much of part 2 so that is why it is 3rd person. There will be no new chapters till Monday at the earliest and if things go well, I may have a short, non-related story related to a certain April Fools joke a certain channel pulled.

I am viewing this on a 1080p monitor so sorry if paragraphs look wider than they should-they looked normal in word when I set the page size to 8.5x11.

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