Wild Magic 34

It’s definitely not one of my better nights for sleeping. I’m trying to sleep-really, I am. I just can’t relax, thinking about what Tim’s mother, Tina had said. She knew about the magic and she thought it was wonderful.

But just how much did she know? And how did she know? Did Tim tell her my secret? He wouldn’t do that, would he?

Why would someone take control of Mama Gwen for almost a year? Was it, as Grandma suggested, a practice run to prepare them to possess me?

Then there are the more “usual” questions. How much longer until I have my next period? Did I turn in all of my assignments? Does my truck need a new paint job? Have I paid my insurance?

It feels so strange to be engaged. Will he change his mind? What if I decided to? How would I break it to him? Did I say yes too fast? I do love him, so much it hurts. Does he really love me as much? I turned on my light and looked at the ring again. I had tried to expand it enough to slip it off, bur it seems I can’t. It’s not uncomfortable in any way, and it’s sooo beautiful! I just want to show everyone I know!

I worry that flashing it around would be like bragging, but at the same time, if I don’t, Tim might think I don’t like it, or that I’m embarrassed by our engagement. I really need to calm down and relax.

Okay, deep breath. Count to Ten. Deep breath again. The facts are that Tim loves me, and I love him. Even my visions show us together. I’m engaged to the most wonderful guy, and I’m so happy about that I can’t believe it. I picture myself, snuggling into his strong arms, inhaling the smell of his shirt, his cologne, and I feel so secure and loved...

I wake up feeling very good. I get my shower (It’s so great that Mom & Dad have their own, and Grandma has one in her wing-I never have to worry about whom else might be in there!) and then pull on all my clothes. Wow, this bra always used to feel a little big-maybe it’s just shrunk a little. At least it’s comfortable!

I check the forecast on my computer-a high of 85-I’ll go with a white cami, then the sleeveless white button up blouse, and a black denim skirt. Some ankle socks and my white boat shoes...hmm, looks nice. Just a touch of makeup, and I think I’ll just leave my hair straight, so it gets brushed and I’m ready!

I grab my favorite breakfast (two toaster pastries-I love the Cinnamon kind), my backpack and my keys, and I’m out of here! I run past Deb’s and pick her up.

“How’s Mama Gwen this morning?”

“A little strange, but I expected that. She’s very happy to be back in control, and I feel her love for me more than I have in a long time. Thank you for that,” She says happily. “Her only issue is that she’s still angry that anyone could do that to her, but she’s planning on talking to your Grams about that today.”
The mood’s feeling kinda down, so we kick on the stereo and rock! Suddenly, it’s a good day again.

Pulling into the parking lot seems a little strange, almost depressing.

“Are you feeling the same thing I do?” Debbie asks, as she holds herself as though she’s chilled.

“Yeah, like my good day just nose dived. I don’t think this is natural, Deb. We need to see if we can clear things up a bit, but carefully, all right?”

Sitting in my truck, we close our eyes and cast a spell to push out the negative vibes and depression. I can feel it working, like lifting a fog. As we continue pushing it, it becomes obvious someone is behind this. It’s another attack, probably meant to be subtle, but way too heavy handed. I get angry, and focus on the ring, willing the fog attract any negativity and send it back to where ever it came from. I hope I just seriously ruined someone’s day.

Most of the school day was uneventful after that. I did show some of the girls my ring, and by last period, the news had spread and people were congratulating me. Then it got weird. Grace was just sitting at the desk to my left, and Debbie was on my right, when Grace suddenly seems to go into a seizure. It was a bad one, and as everyone else backed away from her, I rushed over and grabbed her, getting her to the ground so she couldn’t hurt herself. As I grabbed her, I started my own treatment, but I quickly realized it wasn’t an epileptic seizure. Someone was trying to possess her, and she was doing her best to fight it. Now I was pissed.

*Debbie, it’s another attack! Can you create a big distraction? I’m going to try something.*

*Go for it! Ignore this-it’ll be loud but harmless.*

A huge boom went off in the hallway, sending everyone to the floor. At the same time, I projected a part of myself into Grace and pushed the intruder out. I forced the energy back to the one who cast the spell, and I followed it. I found 3 women holding hands and chanting. I gave the energy a tweak, and forced it into them, twisting it and molding it so that it not only knocked them cold, but they weren’t even going to be coherent for a week or so. They would need full time care to even feed themselves, but I was careful not to make it permanent.

I retreated back to my body. We’re talking mental speeds here, so I was back before anyone saw anything, and the echoes of Debbie’s boom were still ringing in the hallways. Grace started to come to herself as I rebuilt the energy she used to fight those bitches.

“What-happened?” She asked, feeling very disoriented. Before I let go completely, I cast a small spell. She wouldn’t remember anything for the last few minutes, and I gave her a little food poisoning. She won’t feel very good, but at least the doctors won’t just assume it was epilepsy. That could hurt her in the future, and I needed to protect her.

“Are you okay, Grace?” I asked, as I helped her to a sitting position.

“Urk...No, I feel kinda sick to my stomach.” Someone passed a trash can to me just before she vomited. Out in the hall, people were running everywhere, checking to see if everyone was all right, and looking for the cause of the sound.

At about the same time, an alarm went off and they evacuated the school. We didn’t even have time to go to our lockers. A couple of teachers were telling everybody that if we absolutely had to, as soon as Emergency services had checked out the building, we should be able to go in, but for safety’s sake, they were dismissing school early. Debbie and I both had stuff we needed from our lockers, but teleporting what we needed from our lockers to my truck would be fairly easy.

As the Fire trucks and Police arrived, Debbie and I helped Grace over to be checked out by the school nurse or the paramedics. Grace gave us a quick hug and thanked us for helping her.

“It’s no problem,” I told her. “I just want you to relax and feel better, okay?”

“I will, I promise. Thanks again, Emily, Debbie.” The paramedics started checking her out, and Debbie and I headed for the parking lot. On the way there, we got intercepted by Tim.

“Hi! Do you have to wait for your stuff, too?” He asked after giving me a quick hug and kiss.

“No, why?”

“I left my stuff in my locker, including my keys, so I have to wait here.”

Debbie smiled, and I looked at him innocently. “But honey, don’t you remember that your stuff is in my truck?”

“Huh? But I...oh, yeah, I just forgot!” He smiled. Anybody listening would have thought nothing of it. As we walked away from everyone, we stopped and he kissed me again.

“There are definite advantages when your fiancée is a witch!” He said. I laughed.

“Now you know that there is a delivery charge for that, don’t you?”

“What’s that gonna cost me?”
“Oh, I don’t take money. Just a thousand kisses.”

“A thousand? How about a really good one?”

“Umm...” Debbie started, but Tim interrupted.

“Hush, we’re negotiating.” He said with a smile. “Okay, How about two really good ones?”

“Throw in a date, and you got a deal!” I said, happily.”

“Ooh, you drive a tough bargain, but...Okay, you’ve got a deal.”

He bent down, and gave me a kiss that just about had my toes curling. Anything better, and we were going to need a bedroom!

“Wow.” I said in surprise as we pulled apart.

“You ain’t kidding!” He said, looking at me with a lusty, almost predatory look. “Ready for number two?”

“Down boy, I don’t think we’re ready to go there yet! I want a rain check!”

We all laughed.

“Oh, all right. Would tomorrow be soon enough, ya think?”

“Oh, definitely tomorrow- after school. I’m not doing that before school!”

Tim and Debbie laughed as I fanned myself.

“Okay,” he said, as he gave me a smaller-but still pretty good-kiss. “I have some work to do, bit I’ll see ya later, sweetheart.”

“Tonight?” I asked.

“Hmm, maybe, if Dad let’s me out in time. We’ll see. I love you!”

He pulled out of the lot, and we got in my truck. I got behind the wheel. Then fell to my right.

“Wow, that boy has some skillz!”

“I don’t think that’s it.” Debbie said. “I think you both put all of your hearts into that kiss, and it was just really good for both of you. You should have let me negotiate for you, though. I wouldn’t have settled for less than ten.”

“Ooh, you’re right. I do like the way you think!”

“I’m just used to it. You haven’t even been female for a year yet, so thinking is still new. You have to kind of ease into it.”

We laughed, but then I got serious. “I need you to get Mama Gwen and come to my house, tonight.”

“Did something happen?” She asked.

“You mean, besides my turning 3 nasty bitches temporarily into drooling, gibbering idiots?” Debbie gawked at me in surprise. “I went into their heads, and now I know what they knew. Best of all, I know who it is we’re up against.”

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