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Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Four by: Enemyoffun
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Author's Note: Ok another rarity, three days in a chapters. No one tar and feather me please, the outcome in this one might not be to some people's liking. I'd liked to thank djkauf for the editing and DC Comics for the characters.
Chapter Four:
The only sound in the small room I could hear was the pounding of my own heart. Coupled with the overwhelming pain I was feeling and it was like a death march. I tried gripping the Styrofoam coffee cup but my hands were trembling too much to get a good grip on it. I was terrified but I was also sick to my stomach. I tried not to think about what just happened but it was hard to when I could still smell her blood all over me. I closed my eyes and all I could see was Katie’s face. Not the smiling, happy face either. I saw the cold, glassy eyed face of a numb girl as she repeatedly cut her wrist over and over again. No matter how much I tried not to think about it, I kept seeing her. It would be a vision that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I tried not to think about the words associated with it but it was not to.
Katie was dead. She was dead and the cops think I had something to do with it. OK, so I didn’t really know that for sure but why else would I be here. I sighed heavily, running my hands through my hair. At least they didn’t cuff me; I guess that’s a good sign. And I suppose they were half right about my involvement. I was responsible; at least I was pretty certain I was. We were arguing and she made that crack about killing herself and I…I shook my head, I couldn’t have done this. I picked up the cup and took my last sip, draining the coffee inside. Then I started drumming my fingers on the metal table. I’d seen this tactic used on cop shows. They brought the person of interest to an interrogation room and left him to stew for a bit. I think they were trying to see if I was going to crack under pressure or something. Because as far things looked, I did look as guilty as hell.
When I came to in the room, I was lying in her blood. It was the scream that woke me up initially. It was like a gun shot in the dark. When I snapped, covered in Katie’s blood, the screaming rang in my ears. I groggily looked around and realized it was Sarah, Katie’s roommate. I’m not sure how long I was unconscious for but not long enough for Katie’s blood to dry. It was still wet and sticky, all over me. When I got to my feet, I took a step toward Sarah but the color drained from her face. It took me a second to realize I was still holding the knife. I had a pretty could idea what she thought. I dropped the knife then and tried to explain things but Sarah wouldn’t listen. Instead, she grabbed the phone and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.
That’s when I saw Katie and broke down. I fell to my knees and stared at the lifeless body of the only woman I ever loved. I think I knew she was dead before I passed out but it just didn’t connect then. I never cried more in my entire life when I saw her lying there like that. Most people say dead people look peaceful but Katie had looked tortured. She didn’t look peaceful at all; she looked like someone had stolen something from her. I grabbed her hand and continued to hold it until the cops arrived. They didn’t arrest me; they didn’t read me my rights. Instead, one of them went to the bathroom to try to get Sarah out while another slowly helped me to my feet. The paramedics followed them in but there was nothing they could do for her. I heard one of them say she’d been dead for about thirty minutes. Had I only been unconscious for fifteen, it felt like hours?
I’m not sure if the cops thought I was guilty or not. I mean, what guilty person stays around for the police. Regardless they still asked me if I’d go to the station with them. I could only numbly nod my head. When I was escorted out of the building there was a crowd gathering. A lot of them were fellow students dressed in their pajamas. I knew a lot of them, went to class with some of them. I didn’t look at faces though as they led me to the police car. They put me in the back and I watched in horror as they wheeled Katie out of there covered in a sheet and put her in the back of the ambulance. I was taken straight to the police and put in this room. That was an hour and half ago and I was still waiting for answers.
My somber thoughts were interrupted by the click of the door. I looked up my empty cup as a man entered the room. He was dressed in a rumpled button down shirt; his tie looked to have been loosened a few times. He had a five o’clock shadow and looked like he’d seen better days. In one hand, he carried a cup of coffee and in the other was a manila folder. He set both on the table as he sat down across from me.
“Good morning, Miss Roth.”
I groaned. “Mister” I said annoyed. “It’s Mister Ryan Roth.”
The man smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, you look…”
I cut him off. “Like a girl, I know. I get it all the time.” He nodded and I launched into a question. “How’s Sarah?”
I was worried about her. She looked like she’d seen a ghost when I saw them escort her out of there. Her face was still very pale and her eyes were red and puffy. She refused to look at me as an office led her over to one of the benches. She was draped in a blanket, shaking horribly. I didn’t really get along with her much; she was kind of a bitch. But at that moment, I felt horrible for her. I could only partially imagine what she was going through.
The cop didn’t answer my question. Instead, he introduced himself. “My name is Detective Jim Corrigan, Homicide.”
That scared me a bit. “Homicide?”
He nodded. “Don’t be startled. I’m called in on cases like this when the case of a suspicious death hasn’t been discovered.”
“Suspicious death? Katie cut her wrist, she…she…killed herself.”
Corrigan sighed. “I’d like to ask you some questions about that if you don’t mind.”
I nodded numbly. “You think I did this. You think I killed her but you’re wrong. I loved her.”
He didn’t respond to my explanation. “I’m trying to help you Ryan. But I need to know exactly what happened.”
I told him everything from the moment she picked me up at the theater to the moment I woke up to Sarah screaming. I assumed the police knew the rest. I didn’t leave anything out, including the part where Katie made me dress as a girl. I had nothing to hide. I wanted to prove to them that I didn’t physically kill her. OK, so there was one little thing I kept to myself and that was the thought I had before going into the bathroom. The one where I actually wished she did kill herself. That stupid thought was torturing the hell out of me. I didn’t mean it and yet when I said it a small part of me wanted it. I couldn’t explain it; it was like someone else was making me do it.
When Corrigan spoke again I’m glad it wasn’t to ask about my cross-dressing. “So you fought and you took a shower to cool off?” I nodded. “And while you were in the shower. How long do you think that was?”
I shrugged. “About fifteen minutes.”
He jotted that down on a pad of paper. “After the shower, you tried calling to her and she didn’t answer?” I nodded. “So when you walked out of the bathroom, you found her sitting on the bed cutting her own wrist?”
I started crying. “I ran to her and pulled the knife out of her hand. As soon as I did so, she fell forward. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911 and that’s when I passed out. I can’t explain that part. I got this horrible feeling in my stomach and collapsed, blacking out. When I came too Sarah was there and she was screaming.”
Corrigan wrote that down. “Tell me about your relationship these last few days?”
I sighed, wiping the tears from my eyes. “You think I killed her?”
He shook his head. “I’m just trying to be thorough.”
“We’d been having problems,” I said with a long sigh. “The play consumed a lot of time over the last two weeks?”
“The play?”
I nodded. “Macbeth” He wrote that down. “I’m the understudy for the lead. But the director made me the script supervisor too. She also made me her official errand boy. It put a strain on our relationship because I didn’t have much time for Katie. I think she felt like I was ignoring her.”
He nodded as he wrote. I could see his vibrant color even now. It was a pale blue as if he were calm but I could feel something from him. It was the first time I’d ever felt something in someone’s presence. I’m not sure what it was exactly but it was almost as if I could feel his doubt. There was a mixture of confusion too. He wanted to trust me but the evidence was against me. Don’t ask me how I knew that but I could tell Detective Corrigan was trying his hardest to make sense of what was going on. This newfound realization of mine scared me a bit. If I wasn’t a freak already and this stuff was happening.
Corrigan changed tactics. “When did you and Katie first meet?”
I’m not sure how it was relevant but I told him anyway. I told him about how she lived next door and how we grew up together. I talked about our life as friends through grade school and middle school and then about that wonderful summer. There was this little pond behind our houses. It was the summer before ninth grade and the two of us were sitting on the end of the peer. We’d just finished swimming and were dripping wet. We were laughing and having a good time. I’d been friends with her forever and then one day I started to feel something for her. I couldn’t really describe it but it was like she was glowing. Well not really but whenever I saw her my heart thumped a bit faster. That’s when I took the plunge and leaned over and kissed her. She was so shocked she pushed me in the water. I was heartbroken until she jumped in after me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. It was the happiest moment of my life.
The two of us were inseparable. That is until now. I felt it in the pit of my stomach. She was gone. The one woman I cared more about than anything and she was never going to smile at me again. She was never going to laugh at my stupid jokes or tease me about my girlish looks. She was never going to drive real fast and annoy me or complain at how messy my dorm room was. She was gone. No more late night talks until all hours, no more cuddling in front of the TV, no more….no more anything. My soul mate was gone and I was left. I’m not sure how I was going to live with myself without her being in my life.
“Ryan” said the detective for I guess was the third or fourth time.
I shook my head. “Sorry”
He smiled weakly. “You don’t have to apologize” he said and then looked down at his folder.
I looked down at the folder too. I’d seen folders like that on TV. The detective would spread things out---like pictures and try to get the suspect to confess. I had a good idea what was in that folder. I just wished that he’d stop yanking my chain and tell it to me straight. I just went through the worse day of my entire life and I was tired of all this crap. I want the truth for once.
Corrigan’s face changed. I’m not really sure how to describe it actually. One minute he looked pretty calm and the next it was like someone shot his cat.
He sighed. “Usually in these situations I get my suspect and spread out the pics to scare him a bit. I was about to do the same with you until I saw you. Though things look pretty bad I don’t think you’re a murderer. I’m not really sure I know what’s going on here but I think you’re a victim of circumstance. I’d like to say that I’m going to let you go but unfortunately I’m going to put you in a holding cell for the night.”
I was surprised to say the least. “Should you be telling me this?”
He blinked. There was a dull look to his eyes for a second but it was gone as soon as I spoke. Then he rubbed his temples a bit. “Should I be telling you what?”
This time I blinked. What the hell just happened? It was like for a moment, he wasn’t in control. He told me exactly what I wanted to know as if I willed him to do so. Just like Katie. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt the bile rise up my throat but I forced it back down. Then I looked down at my hands. They were still trembling. They looked slightly different too. I know my nails were longer before but now my hands looked softer. I always had rough hands. My grandfather had a lot of land and when I wasn’t in school, I used to help him tend it. There was a lot of work to be done and you could tell all the hard work I did by looking at my hands. They were rough and scarred. But the hands I looked at now were dainty looking, smooth, like a girl’s.
I took a deep breath, closing my hands. “Detective I didn’t kill Katie.”
He didn’t respond to that. Instead, he said. “I’m not here to judge. But regardless of your guilt or innocence, I’d like to keep you here overnight just to be safe.”
“It’s Miss Rollins,” he said. “Sarah is a wreck. She’s confused and scared. The only way I could calm her down was to tell her I’d keep you overnight. She’s in the hospital right now. I could release you but I think she might feel safer if I kept you a night.”
I didn’t like it but I understood. I didn’t want to do anything to hurt Sarah. I didn’t like her but I understood. She lost as much as I did. She and Katie were real close. Like Bart and I, Sarah and Katie were good friends. Sarah went to school with us, too. She never did approve of me but we tolerated one another. I could only imagine what she thought about me now. She walked into her room and found her roommate dead and me covered in blood, holding the knife that did. She probably thought I was the most horrible monster in the world. If staying a night in the police station helped her then I was willing to do it.
I nodded to Corrigan, he smiled. I had only one request. “Can I call my Mom, I’m sure she’s worried sick about me.”
He led me out of the interrogation room and down the hall to a payphone. I called home. I looked at the clock on the wall and groaned. It was close to five in the morning, there was no way she would be up. But she answered on two rings. Apparently, I was wrong. “Ryan” she said in a worried voice. Apparently, she was waiting for my call.
“I’m OK, Mom,” I said, forcing back tears.
She sighed in relief. “When the police called, I thought the worst.”
I swallowed hard, tearing up. “Mom, Katie’s dead. She…she…killed herself.”
There was a momentary pause. Katie was like a daughter to Mom. She spent about as much time over at our house as she did at her own. As much as Katie loved her parents, she had a hard time getting along with them. Her father wasn’t the most easygoing person and her mother was smothering. They never cared much for me either. I can’t imagine what they thought about me now.
Mom finally spoke. “I’m so sorry honey. Do you want me to come and get you? I can leave right now and be there in about an hour?”
I sighed. “I’m at the police station.”
“Wait, what. Why?”
Typical Mom. I sighed. “They don’t think I did it but they want to keep me overnight. It’s something to reassure Sarah. She came in the room and freaked out. It looked bad from her point of view, Mom.”
Mom took another pause. This one longer. “Do you need a lawyer?” she asked finally.
I loved Mom to death but she had this way about her. I knew she knew that I didn’t do anything wrong. But at the same time, Mom liked to be prepared. The two of us were real close, closer than most mothers and sons. I guess it was because of our ages. Mom was young when she had me, barely sixteen in fact. The way she tells it my father was some scumbag passing through. She thought she was in love. They spent one wild night together in a seedy motel and then she woke up and he was gone. It wasn’t the happiest story---I mean who wants to know that much about their birth---but I respected Mom for being so open about it. She told me the only thing she regretted was not cutting off my father’s penis when he was done. Suffice to say she was bitter for a bit but happy that she got me out of the deal.
Mom and I talked for a minute or two more. Detective Corrigan was standing close by the whole time so I didn’t really want to talk specifics. I did a rush job on events. Then I bit my lip and told her there was something else. I said this in a whisper. “There’s something wrong with me Mom. I don’t know to explain it but I’m different.”
Mom took a few seconds to respond. “Honey I…”
I was cut off by the phone clicking. Then there was a dial tone. I turned to Corrigan, confused. “What the hell just happened?”
“That phone is on the timer. It’s meant to give you about ten minutes or so then it cuts you off” He looked around. “I can give you more time if you want?”
I shook my head. “That’s all right, I’ll call her tomorrow.”
I hung up the handset and Corrigan led me down the hall. We went through a door or two then to a cell. It was a holding cell so there were no bars. It was more like a mesh or something. I stepped inside and he closed the door. I thought it was cool that he was doing all this for me. Usually on TV, some bored police officer did it. Then I remembered I wasn’t really under arrest. He was just putting me here to help Sarah have some peace of mind. In the morning they’d let me go and then hopefully I could get back to my life. I asked Corrigan to shut off the light and he did so with a smile. I think he knew how tired I was. I found the little cot they had in there quite comfortable. I curled up facing the wall and fell quickly asleep.
I was standing in a long hallway and everything was black around me. I’m not sure how I got here but a small part of me knew I shouldn’t be here. I should be back at the police station, sound asleep. Sleep. I groaned as I waved my hand in front of my face. I could see it move slowly in front of me as if I was underwater. I took a step forward, looking down at my leg as I did so. That was moving slowly too. It didn’t take a genius to figure things out. I was asleep and this was a dream. What did they call it? Oh yeah, lucid dreaming. I saw something about it on the Discovery Channel I think. It was when someone knew they were dreaming. According to the special, the aware dreamer could change things, too.
I thought about that for a second. It was so dark in here. I closed my eyes and tried to think up a flashlight. When I opened them again, there was nothing in my hands. Maybe I’m not good at the dream manipulation stuff yet. I sighed heavily and took another step forward. Or maybe I was supposed to be in darkness. Darkness? If it was darkness then how could I tell I was standing in a hallway? I scratched my head in confusion. I took another few steps forward. Then I started to walk normally. I followed the hall, wondering what the hell the meaning of all this was. The last two strange dreams I had led me to a horrible and grisly murder scene. I’m not sure I was up too something like that. Not tonight anyway. After seeing all that first hand you definitely don’t want to dream about it.
The hallway seemed to go on forever. No matter how far or even how fast I walked down it, it just went on and on. Time seemed to have no meaning either. I’m not sure how long I’d been walking but it felt like forever. At one point, I even started running but I got tired of that so I started walking again. It wasn’t even a normal hallway either. There were no doors and when I looked down there didn’t seem to be a floor either. There were walls though, but I couldn’t really tell what they were made out of. It looked like stone but it was black. At one point, I reached out and touched one but it didn’t feel like anything.
I tried to count my steps to see how far I walked. I got up to two hundred and something when I just couldn’t count anymore. I tried looking at my watch too but the hands of it were spinning around like crazy. It was the freakiest thing. I shouted a lot, too. My voice echoed and bounced off the walls, flying about the space with me. The echoes seemed to last forever. Finally, I just gave up trying to figure the place out and kept walking. You would think that after all this walking my feet would hurt but they didn’t. Neither did my legs. Actually, there wasn’t even a bit of strain. I felt fine, better than fine. But I was still tired of walking and going absolutely nowhere.
When will all this end?
Then it did. Well it didn’t end but the hallway stopped. I nearly walked into it. The it I was speaking of was a door. It was large and had a circular top to it. There was a little barred opening cut into it as well. I took a step backwards, scared of it. Something moved on the other side of the door then I heard a scraping like metal on stone. I took another step back, my heart pounding in my chest. I looked the door over, noticing a giant padlock on it. I bit back my fear and took a step toward the door. I took another cautious step and looked through the opening. I know it was pretty stupid, but this was a dream after all and people didn’t get hurt in their own dreams. Did they?
Peering through the opening sent a terrifying shudder through my body. Made more so when I heard whatever it was behind the door move again. My heart was hammering loudly now, so loud I could hear it echoing about around me. Then I saw it: four red slits. They appeared right in front of me. I jumped back, nearly falling over my feet as I did so. A second or two later there was a sinister sound, at first I had no idea what it was. But as I listened, I realized it was laughter. It was sinister, blood curdling laughter.
“There you are” said a voice, it sounded like a woman.
I gulped. “You know me?”
The sinister laugh came again. “Know you? I’ve been waiting here for you for so long. I thought you’d never come.”
“Waiting for me?”
The glowering red slits bopped up and down as if they were nodding. I gasped. The slits must have been eyes and the bobbing was a head. “Are you going to let me out finally?”
“Let you out?”
It nodded again. “I’ve been locked up in here for so very long. Won’t you let me out?”
I took a cautious step backwards. “I don’t understand.”
“Of course you do. You and I are so very much alike. I’ve been trying for so long to get your attention but you’ve never heard me until now. Not until you put on that wonderful little trinket of yours.”
“Trinket?” I asked and then realized I knew what she was talking about. “The necklace you mean?”
She nodded, her eyes bobbing again. “Do you want to know what it is?”
“You know?”
She nodded again. “Let me out and I’ll tell you all about it.”
I bit my lip. I looked at the padlock. “I don’t have a key.”
“Of course you do,” said the voice on the other side of the door.
I felt something in my pocket, something that wasn’t there before. I reached inside and pulled out the key. I was shocked to say the least. Where the hell did this come from? I stared at it for the longest time. It was strange thing. The head of it was just like the necklace, a cross with double bars. I smiled at it. It looked just like the necklace, my wonderful necklace. I took a deep breath and slowly raised it, moving toward the door. I grabbed the padlock, ready to insert the key inside.
“That’s it. Put it in there and then we can punish all those bastards who locked you up.”
I hesitated. “What are you talking about?”
“The ones who put you in the cell. They were lying. They think you did it. How can they not. You did do it. That poor girl was a hindrance to you and you got rid of her. It was brilliant actually, making her kill herself like that.”
I shook my head. “There was nothing brilliant about Katie dying.”
The voice laughed. “Girls are a dime a dozen. Let me out and you and I can have hundreds of them. We can build a harem, hell we can even make them look like her if you want.”
I shook my head, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I don’t want another girl. I want her, I want my Katie.”
I took a step away from the door and dropped the key. The door shook violently, metal rattling on the other side. No not metal, a chain. I realized it now. The door wasn’t the only thing holding whatever it was back. There was a chain too. Who chains something up when they’re already locked behind a door?
“You stupid little son of a bitch” snapped the voice angrily. “You’re nothing without me. You think you’re in control but you’re not. I’m getting stronger thanks to you. It’s only a matter of time before this chain breaks. As soon as it does I’ll smash this door to pieces. As soon as I do, I’m coming for you first. Now be a good boy and pick up the fucking key. Let me out of here and lets you and I make everyone pay for the way they’ve treated us.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know what the fuck you are but I want nothing to do with you.”
The Thing laughed. “You have no choice. You are too late to stop it. Pretty soon you won’t even be yourself anymore and then it’s only one step closer to me.”
“You’re wrong.”
The Thing laughed even louder. “I’m wrong? Who do you think you are fooling? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Don’t you see it yet; you don’t even look like yourself anymore. You think that’s normal, you think you’re still in control. Didn’t you feel it, didn’t you feel me. In the bathroom when that bastard was going to pound you, didn’t you like the power? You took his anger and you gave him your fear. That’s only a small fraction of what you can do. Together with me, you and I can become unstoppable. I’m offering you the world; don’t turn your back on it.”
I shook my head, taking another step away. “I want nothing to do with you.”
“You will. Very soon, they will find you and when they do, you’re going to beg me to help you. They’re getting closer you know. You know who I’m talking about and when they get you, you’re going to need me to stop them.”
I shook my head and ran. She screamed. Her shrill voice echoed down the hall. I ran as hard and as fast as I could. Tears streamed down my face as she ran. Who was she? What was she? How did she get there? I tried hard not to think about that thing but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get it out of my head. It was dangerous and dark and it scared the hell out of me. But it was right too. There was something wrong with me, something horribly wrong with me. I was avoiding it but she was right. When I look in the mirror, I have a hard time seeing myself. It’s subtle but over the last two weeks, my face was changing. It was getting softer, rounded even. My hair was down my back and silky smooth. My hips were flaring and my butt was swollen. Even my skin was getting softer. My chest was puffy too, my nipples huge. I was finding it hard to wear normal shirts without itching like crazy.
I had a pretty good idea what all that meant but I just couldn’t accept it. Even now as I ran as hard as I could I couldn’t accept it. There was just no way that it was even possible. Then I looked like a girl in that dress, so much so that I fooled people at the nightclub. As scary as it was, a small part of me liked that. I was repulsed and lost in the moment but it was invigorating too. And Katie? My Katie, the love of my life. The thing had been right about that. I killed her. I didn’t mean to do it but I killed her. She was dead because I got angry and she died because I couldn’t control what I was becoming. I wanted to run away from it, I had to run away from it. I have to get out, run as hard and as fast as I can.
I felt a tingling course through my body. I looked at my hands as I ran, watching in awe as a black light formed around them. It still tingled until it burned. It burned so bad that I thought my entire body was on fire. I screamed at the top of my lungs and the hallway exploded around me in a bright brilliant light.
Author’s note: As I’m sure all of you know, comments are life blood to an author. I’m not begging or demanding, but I certainly would appreciate anything you have to say (or ask). It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just give me your reaction to the story. Thanks in advance...EOF
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But, Now We See Into a Mirror Darkly
Freaky thing in the back of his mind, at least I think it's his mind. I'm thinking that's his evil half or something like that, given the things it was saying.
Also, what a curveball you threw here. I wonder what others are going to be thinking...
In His Mind
Its amazing what people keep locked away in the backs of their minds isn't it :)
All I said was that I wanted
All I said was that I wanted more Ryan Roth and poof there he was.
I want a million dollars.
Dammit. Maybe it's a once a day thing.
I'm really really disappointed that Katie bit the big chocolate covered donut of death. I really liked her. C'est la vie.
I have a feeling that the jailhouse might not survive too many nightmares of Ryan's, or even one for that matter. The big question is how are you going to spin the monster in her head. I'm pretty familiar with canon Raven's story so I have a good guess (99.99%)as to who it is. I'm just wondering how different it's going to be.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
I'm sure you're not going to be the first to be disappointed by her untimely demise. I wanted to do something that I knew would really hurt Ryan in the long run and killing her was my solution. I liked her too but that happens sometimes.
I am somewhat disappointed
I am somewhat disappointed that she died, although she was a bit of a manipulative person. I will be highly disappointed if she comes back to life!
Lilith you now have a candidate for a Black Lantern Ring. :)
There will be no resurrection of Katie and definitely no Black Lantern rings in any of my stories.
Sulks about the not tar an feathering you part.
Damnit you thwarted me again on the tar an feathering part EOF,I was gonna tar an feather ya for katie dying cause she was cool. but you had your reasons. The big question now is WTF am I gonna do with all this tar an feathers? Wait N/m I know what to do with them disappears to go tar an feather a annoying troll on a different wedsite.
No Tar Please :)
Like I said to Lilith above, there are probably a lot people who aren't going to be happy with that decision.
Lol I'm sure there are as
Lol I'm sure there are as for the tar an feathering thing I wouldn't actually do that to you. I like you EOF,besides I think ifya was tared an feathered it might be a little hard to write xD. Besides the tar an feathers are gonna goto very good use I have a annoying little trogalbite to take down a few pegs( not that it really registers in his speck size brain) over on a online game forum so wish me luck as I'm gonna have fun.
interesting to read right after reading Lilith's story
Both about young men struggling with a dark side as they also struggle with changing gender. We kinda know how Lilith's story is going to turn out, I wonder how if Ryan will end up the same as Josh.....
The thing about Raven is her control over the dark impulses that fuel her. That's what I love the most about her...she struggles everyday to keep them in check. I guess we'll have to wait and see if you overcomes it or not :)
So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good... is dumb. —Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Dark Helmet
Didn't Lone Starr beat him with a mirror, causing him to be knocked back and hitting the self-destruct button?
That's like my favorite movie!
May the Schwartz be with you you you
Trivial Comment
I wonder what's going on with the police. They must be under someone else's control. This whole incarceration, at least in our universe is so illegal: wrongful imprisonment, not provided with a lawyer, etc. I 'm sure the evil presence is directing things.
The Police
They didn't really arrest him...they brought him in to ask some questions.
Just for you....
Never mind...I'll send you a pm instead. Sorry!
Love, Andrea Lena
And in many juristictions, the police can hold you for 48 to 72 hours before even charging you with a crime.
I knew Katie was...
Dead in the last chapter. Did Ryan cause it, or was that shadowy thing he just met? Or both? Or neither?
This one is good for a lot of reasons. Some have been mentioned, but the one thing that hasn't is that Ryan is torturing himself (soon to be herself from the sound of things) over all this and is very determined to fight the darkness.
Very Raven on that point.
Good stuff.
Katie's Death
I think it was a combination of both. Though I haven't really said it but there have been subtle nudges from the thing inside of him. So he might have thought that in the split second before she actually did it but its very possible that the "thing" inside of him had something to do with it as well.
Benefit of a doubt
Until and unless we're given proof by someone omniscient and neutral that the Prisoner had nothing at all to do with it, we have to assume that it is the one to blame. Before Katie, any active manipulation of power was on its will, and only right now did Ryan exert his power actively to learn something from Detective - something that person was very inclined to tell him anyway so it's not saying much. So thinking that the Prisoner is the one who made a flash thought a very real nightmare is the way of the day.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
I liked
Katie and will miss her. I feel sorry for Ryan, but I'm sure the pain that he's going through will make him a stronger person.
The Pain
He will use that pain and become a stronger person...eventually.
Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-4
Meeting Jim Corrigan: the original host of the Spectre has me wondering if the retcon Spectre wil arrive?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The Spectre
I don't have any plans to put the Spectre into this of right now only one other established Retcon hero will appear.
OK, so it looks as though you've gender flipped Trigon... which will make it interesting to see how you treat the relationship between Ryan and the demon...
It certainly looks as though Ryan's starting to recognise that in high stress situations he can give mental 'suggestions', which may be advantagous (Craig, Corrigan) or harmful / destructive (Katie). It's not hard to imagine that once Ryan fully realises this, he could quite easily become a chronic introvert, possibly tipping into something that could be mistaken for Anthropophobia (fear of people / society) - although in Ryan's case, it would be more fear of what he could do to them.
Since someone brought up the subject of Josh (Lilith's character from "Bound"), while both Ryan and Josh face internal battles between the forces of good and evil, since the original Raven was on the heroic side (and indeed had a few relationships with others) I'm guessing that unlike Josh, he'll successfully take the hard path of avoiding the temptor (unlike Josh, who increasingly takes the easy path towards death and destruction).
Now as for what's happening at the very end, perhaps Ryan will wake up to discover he's had several anatomical changes (just to screw him up even more)?
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
That wasn't Trigon in the back of her head but there is some connection to him. I'll get into that much later and I think its kinda cool.
Love it,
Though I am so confused, I thought it was some other character at first, do not know why, guess it could be my only exposure to Raven is the Teen Titans on cartoon network and that is so very vanilla.
Great story, rough that Katie was victim to the darkness( The Darkness created by Marc Silvestri, Garth Ennis, and David Wohl, that is the creation of my confusion)
3 out of 5 boxes of tissue(avg for the 4 chapters) and 8 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree