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A Walk in the Dark
Chapter 16 |
We made it to our chambers without any major disasters. I accidentally set fire to one little tapestry, but beat out the flames before they did much damage. Oops. Hope it wasn't something really valuable.
Once back in the familiar confines of our chambers, I stormed over to where we had a carafe of wine and goblets and poured two very generous cups then handed one to Sam. “Well that was kind of FUBARed wasn’t it?”
“Yeah.” Sam accepted the cup and took a long pull of the wine then grimaced. “That ale better get here really fast.”
“Slow down, love.” I patted his cheek and sighed. “We need to talk, and think about things. I won’t keep you from emptying that keg when it gets here, because I plan on doing the same with the wine they bring. But we need to think about things right now before we do that.”
“You really are female, ya know that?” He looked at me and shook his head. “Muh girlfriends always said that to me.”
“Just how many cups of that ale did you have back there?” I questioned.
“Who was counting?” He answered and shrugged. “We’re dead, we’re reborn, we — or you, at least — have a goddess personally interested in you, we’re supposed to save a race that no one else on this world wants to survive, and we’re dead back home.”
“You mentioned that last one already.” I nodded then sighed. “But, yeah, that just about covers things I’m worrying about at the moment.”
He nodded and reached for the cup again, but I interrupted that by gently taking his wrist. “Wait on that, come on, there’s something I really need for you to do right now.”
“What would that be?”
“What do you think?” I purred while moving my hand from his upper cheek to one of his lower ones.
“Thought you weren’t ready for all that stuff.” He told me while looking right into my eyes. “I know that first time was kind of an accident.”
“Sam.” I patiently told him. “I’m female, you’re male. I always liked you, loved you like a brother. Well now I can love you another way and I want to show you, without it just kind of accidentally happening before we hit that point where we’re too out of it to really admit what happened is real.”
“Okay.” He answered with a little smile. “You sure?”
“I was sure last time, Sam.” I grinned. “Just had trouble admitting it to myself let alone to you. Now I know what I need, what I want. Are you ready for that?”
“Are you getting to that ‘commitment’ thing, here?” He narrowed his eyes and questioned.
“You big dummy.” I laughed. “You already made that commitment. You’ve already shown me that you have done that. It’s my turn to show you I am.”
“I’ve died — literally — and gone to heaven.” He grinned. “About time, Dahlia.”
“Shut up and let’s get down to it.” I softly told him.
We did, oh we did.
Did it help with everything else? Nope. But it did help with other things.
Maybe that having little Dhro’aaa thing wouldn’t be such a bad idea, if getting them always felt this gooood…
Post coital bliss. Let me tell you, if it does what it did to me that time, I may go back to being celibate.
“Well, daughter.” The slightly chill, very feminine and amused voice was the first hint that something else had gone wonky in my weirded out life. “It is time and past time that you came to me.”
“Huh?” I answered with my usual aplomb and sat up to discover that I wasn’t in bed with Sam any longer. Or even in our bedroom. Oh, this couldn’t be good.
“Open your eyes, Dahlia.” Whoever or whatever as speaking ordered, and much to my intense discomfort, I did that.
Bad idea, really bad idea. I’m just glad that I’d never been afraid of spiders.
Oh, not her, just the décor. And her — pets.
The woman in front of me was so beautiful it actually hurt to look at her for a while. Tall, slender, but most definitely female, with a finely formed face, and large, almond shaped emerald eyes so bright they almost glowed in the dim surroundings. Almost? Who am I kidding. They did glow.
She also radiated power, and evil. The first frightened me, the second just was and I could accept that and get on with things no matter how weird that sounds. She was wearing an outfit similar to what I had when serving as Kae’song’s handmaiden but her clothing was disturbingly alive. It clung to her, caressed her and actually appeared to be trying to give her pleasure beyond what a beautiful woman normally got out of beautiful clothing.
She also wore a delicate crown, with an oval that had eight bent legs radiating from it in the center of her forehead. The decorations in the chamber all had that general theme, and I will not, absolutely will NOT describe what she was languidly petting as she watched me.
Worse, she looked a lot like me. Or I looked like her, which was probably more the truth since I just knew she’d been around a whole lot longer than I had.
Oh, her pet, if you can call it that, was a spider, about the size of a German Shepherd. Black, mottled with virulent looking green spots and it was watching me with a hungry expression from all eight of its eyes. I looked, wished I hadn’t and almost begged. “Please let this just be a bad dream, please.”
“If you chose to call it that, then that is what it will be, daughter. They did well in your making, dear one.” She told me with a smile that should have sent chills of terror trampling through my nerve endings and poor overloaded brain. “You do know who I am?”
“Yes.” I managed to choke out.
“What is my name, child?” She asked and I had no choice but answer.
“Good.” The goddess that Dhro’aaa worshiped nodded then gestured for me to move forward. “Now come to me daughter. I would touch my image in the flesh of the world.”
I did. There was nothing else I could do. Come on, here. If you had some incredibly beautiful, charismatic, dangerous goddess commanding you to do that, could you resist it? Would you even try?
And she hugged me. HUGGED me. “You are a new thing in the world, my beloved daughter, and one who has a task.”
“Daughter?” I questioned and was shaking my head no at the same time. “By that you mean priestess or follower?”
“If you choose to believe that at the moment.” She answered then narrowed her eyes and tapped the side of the throne she was seated on. “My priestesses commune as they will in whatever way they are comfortable with. Now, back to where we were. You have a task set for you, is that not true?”
“To —to save the race.” I answered hesitantly.
“Yes, dear one, yes.” She didn’t move but I could feel a connection growing into me from her. “You must save my, our, people.”
“That is for you to do, daughter not me.” She softly answered but there was threat, chill, and an evil so deep I didn’t want to plumb those depths in that. “You will have to change things, Dahlia, my beloved. Many things. Our people will resist, but if they don’t follow they will die.”
“I — I’m not even one of them. Not really.” I tried to protest.
“Yes you are my daughter.” She countered. “True, you weren’t until recently, and are still having difficulties with your change. But is it so bad being female and loved by a strong male?”
“Nuh, no.”
“Your differences will be strengths to use.” She told me. “You are my chosen, my foremost priestess, Lady Dahlia Saaa Llolth. Save our people. Change what you must, even gods must adapt when circumstances dictate and I will do so when the time comes. I will abide by your choices unless they are too extreme for our people to survive.”
“Saa Llolth?” I squeaked out.
“Yes, daughter.” She answered with a rather nasty smile. “You were made in my chosen image. I gave of myself to help create you. You are of my clan, my family, my own. Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, daughter. Now go. You have much to do. I will be watching.”
“Uh, would you be offended if I turned down the help?” I’d almost said ‘Mother! I’d rather do it myself!’ Luckily I bit my tongue before that one got loose.
She was amused and gently patted my cheek. Not with the hand she’d been petting that — that whatever it was with, thank goodness. Somehow I didn’t think throwing up on her would have been at all amusing for either one of us. “Ahh, I do love an independent, unpredictable child, Dahlia. You will have my help when you need it, just ask.”
“I guess that’s a not going to happen on the refuse thing, then?” I wanted to bite my tongue once I said that one.
“Correct, daughter and do call me Mother.” The goddess moved her hand to my forehead and I felt a jolt that nearly sat me on my padded rear, and my head swam for a few moments. “There, the part of your education that has been neglected has been taken care of. Go now, beloved daughter. We will see each other again.”
Like I said before. Oh, this couldn’t be good.
Not good at all.
“Ahhh, Gah!!” I sat straight up and shook myself, dislodging Sam’s arm that had been across my stomach when I did. “Now that was a nightmare.”
“Uh, what happened to you Dahlia?” Sam questioned while giving me a looking over that had nothing at all to do what we’d been up to earlier.
“I met our goddess.” I answered weakly.
“Our goddess?”
“Yes, our patron, the patron of the entire Dhro’aaa race.” I slowly answered and shivered. “She told me, ordered me, to save ‘our’ people no matter what I had to do.”
“Well, for what it's worth, I don’t think it was a dream and she made sure you won’t forget that.” Sam answered slowly.
“What’s that mean?”
“Look.” He pointed at the floor length mirror in our bed chamber and I did. Silly me.
There were legs, not real ones, just kind of tattoos wrapped around my torso, from thighs up to my breasts. You could even see individual hairs on them, like a spider’s legs and yes, they had all the little hooks, claws and whatever. And no I am NOT going to tell you where that second lowest set of legs were.
Worse, once we got another mirror so I could see it, my back bore the rest of her mark. Once I saw that I managed to breath out a disbelieving. “Oh, crap.”
The rest of the spider filled my back from shoulder blades to the swell of my buttocks. And its red eyes, all eight of them, seemed almost alive. And it looked exactly like the thing SHE had been petting in my dream. Yeah, Dahlia, keep calling it a dream. Sometimes denial is a healthy thing.
“Oh, this sooo not a good thing.” I closed my eyes to keep from looking at the thing.
But I could feel its presence on, no — in, my flesh. I’d been personally marked by a goddess. An evil one. No, this wasn’t going to be fun at all.
“What did you say to her?” Sam questioned as we worked our way through the casks of wine and ale that had been delivered while I’d been visiting (is that the right word?) goddess.
“Mostly things like ‘Guh! Uhhh! Ack!’ and ‘I must be dreaming’ she insisted I call her Mother, too, I think though she never really said that.” I answered with a grimace. “And let’s not forget the all time favorite. ‘Oh gawd, oh gawd, oh gawd…’ while we’re at it.” I morosely told him while thinking this wine was either really weak or that I was just too messed up otherwise for it to have much effect on me.
“You called her Mother?” Sam gave me a strange look.
“Not out loud, but well, she wouldn’t let me say ‘hey you, or yes, ma’am.” I shot back. “She kind of insisted on the Mother thing and trust me you don’t want to go against what SHE wants. Though the idea of emancipation doesn’t seem like a bad idea just now even if She wouldn’t let me get away with it.”
“Point taken.” He nodded and shrugged. “So now what?”
“No idea.” I let out a long sigh. “I guess we go save the — our — people. Somehow.”
“I was afraid you were going to say that.”
“Fine, you go talk to her next time.” I grumbled.
“I already have.” He gave a little shiver and showed me his shoulder. It bore a mark identical to the one that was all over me, only smaller. “Evidently SHE has no problem at all with multitasking. She told — no commanded me to take care of you and make sure you didn’t come to harm if I could prevent it. I ended up calling her Mother too, if that helps any.”
And some guys complain about the mother-in-laws they have.” I chuckled.
“Yeah.” Sam actually managed to laugh and pulled me into a hug to his side. “But I can top them all because mine really is an evil witch, among other things.”
“You mean she told you that I am her daughter, really? Not as in figuratively as in a follower or priestess?”
“Oh, she was real clear on that one.” Sam nodded and shuddered. “She told me like this. ‘That girl is blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh that I gave when she was formed. See that no harm comes to her that you can prevent.’ The or else part was just implied but I got it loud and clear.”
“This just gets better and better, doesn’t it?” I moaned while pushing further into his side.
“You’ve been known to understate things before, love.” He told me. “But even I have to tell you that one was a whopper of epic proportions.”
“Tell me about it.” I whispered while doing my best to ignore the blood, flesh, and forming thing.
It didn’t work.
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Oh thats not good, In D&D i think she would have the Lolth Touched Template - which is only bestowed on lolth's most trusted servants
Dahlia has some interesting times ahead of her.
I absolutely hate spiders.
I absolutely hate spiders. Really, really, really hate them. I actually had to stop reading for a second when you described the tattoo 'thing' on her back. Despite all that - or probably because of all that - you did an excellent job on the creepiness aspect of the dhro'aaa goddess.
On the plus side for Sam and Dahlia, she is clearly letting them have their head within reason to save the race and seems to accept that compromises in their current way of life need to be made. It's unlikely Dahlia can make them 'good' people but maybe more 'neutral' people might be enough to save them.
uuurrgh. spiders.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I used to have a horrible case of arachnophobia, Tycho, thanks to all those nature shows that showed those extreme closeups of them... remember?
I grew up enough to the point some still creep me out, but I don't kill them because they're natural insecticide. Have a few spiders in your kitchen cabinets and I bet you won't have any roaches!
It'll be interesting to watch the reaction of Kae'song and his collegues when they get a glance at Dahlia's new decorations, let alone the dhro’aaa they meet!
Right now, Dahlia is still getting over the 'daughter thing.'
Maybe she can swing between buildings
... now also ;-).
But, no, this is not good and a spider tattoo was not be first on my shopping list this past Christmas, for sure!
OTOH her magical training was pounded into her in a thrice. And she thinks things were bad with all the scraping and bowing before. The trail of yellowed or brown stained clothing trailing in her wake on those people who merely talk to her will be a sight.
Especially if she wears one
Especially if she wears one of those 'cut to the callipygian cleft' backless dresses. Y'know, one of the ones that goes from behind the neck, down the tits (teats?) and turns into a skirt at the waist? (in the front, the back goes a bit... further down)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Sounds great
... and just like I wore to a banquet. Backless dresses are the best!
I've worn those too. Don't hide anything, do they? lol
Who said I wanted to hide anything?
Is that the one
that does that half twist thing at the belly? Sounds cute! think of all the tat that would show!
Oh yeah.
Things are going to get interesting here.
ohhh god(ess)
"Things just keep getting better and better"
Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
I'm torn-
-between making mention of "Oh My Goddess!" or "Mission Impossible." It's like trying to tell the world that the Nazi Party isn't really that bad. They don't really torture people to death, and their Goddess doesn't really have man-eating spiders. I wonder if they can drag people from our world into theirs? They need a really, really good PR firm.
And Heather claims she doesn't play nice with her character! Yikes, I think you've got her beat Maggie! I can't wait to see what comes next.
Well, yes.
What can I say? Dahlia is what she is, whether she likes it or not.
Oh yeah,
I think Heather learned to do that from me. I could be wrong, though. lol
Well, a good PR firm would
Well, a good PR firm would tell them that all it takes is to:
1. Eliminate the problem causing bad PR *entirely*.
2. Wait a generation (of the target audience i.e. the non-drow races).
3. Start marketing the new you to that target audience and hope the old generation has forgotten about you.
4. Alternatively, change identity so that the consumers no longer recognise you - and that's hard to do with a race of people, as distinct from a company that can drop the bad brands and get new names and faces out there.
Ugggg, spiders! Ick! Yes,
Ugggg, spiders! Ick! Yes, I know they are good at getting rid of insects, but they are definitely my "cup of tea".
Mmmmmm... Spiders...
I found this little lady in our bathroom a few months ago. Ain't she cute?

She has interesting markings, doesn't she? (OK... They're downright creepy. I was rather surprised when I loaded the pictures to my computer and viewed them.)
Dahlia would love her, or him, in time. Nice pics.
And spiders are about the best pest control you could ask for, really. You got them you don't have fleas, roaches...
Benefits of spiders
...Rats, wolves, hapless adventurers... *grins*
And, you got a source of really nice cloth! It's smooth and silky, it's strong and lightweight - and it comes out of the ass. ;)
And Maggie, if Heather didn't learn it from you, then you were on the same Character Torture seminars! :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
A Walk in the Dark Chapter 16
Maybe she can call on Peter Parker,or Jessica Drew from Marvel Comics. They are both associated wth spiders.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Uh Lolth Touched?
I believe She's more than Touched, Maybey Touched to the Nth degree. She's lolth's daughter, a god's DNA Was Used to Create Her I would guess she's gonna have Powers above and beyond what the Drow as we call em have and I bet the touch her mom put on her is the way she will have to act with her own people. You think that these people are afraid of her now? wait till they get a look at her now.
Yes, she is.
But fighting it all the way. Dahlia is determined to be her own person, and the goddess, or demi-goddess more correctly, stuff is just going to wait till she gets there.
wow, i'd love to see how the
wow, i'd love to see how the others would react to Llolth's markings! Does this mean Sam and Dahlia have some form of godly aura now?
On a pedantic note, I found it strange to hear Llolth describe a male as big and strong. Having read the Drizzt saga, I'm more used to the males in drow society as smaller, weaker, and with insignificant social status. Nevertheless, a smashing story and engaging charatcers. Thanks!
No godly auras around here. Dahlia is still in denial, you understand, and Sam is still bemused by the whole thing.
More later.
Spidey males
As I recall, most female spiders tend to be larger than the males... and eat them immediately after making the next generation, assuming he isn't fast enough escaping. Of course, Dhrow'aaa aren't spiders, they are much more complicated than that.
Eeew. I think the idea of having a spider tat is actually more disturbing than touching a real spider. At least a real one is gone once you've put it out the door.
...I had it until one night, whilst on a bare foot trip to the bathroom, I stepped on a large wolf spider. I didn't crush it, some primal part of my brain locked my muscles at the barest touch and my foot stopped just short.
I could feel it's size and shape with my foot, I could feel it trying to flex it's legs for freedom; and I knew that I could either push down a fraction of a centimetre and end it's life, or move my foot and let it run.
Something clicked in my brain, my phobia was pushed aside by a sliver of common sense.
I moved my foot. It didn't run.
I picked it up in my hand and dropped it out of the window.
I've never had a problem mastering my fear of spiders since that moment...but the idea of a giant living tattoo of an arachnid gripping my body from behind is pretty damned terrifying.
But still, well told Maggie, well told indeed. X
I suppose-
-since Llolth is an evil goddess we couldn't expect a nice flowery or sweet tattoo. Not even one of a cartoony Charlotte's Web. Of course now that we know who Mom is, who does that make Dad? Worse since she was formed with magic using Llolth's DNA, does that make her a 'virgin' birth?
As for Llolth's remarks about Sam being big and strong, I took it the way all Mother's mean. How long do I have to wait for grand kids? After all for spiders that's about the only use for males, besides that post coital dinner. I would carefully double check all the baby shower gifts though. Eeeek! LOL
PS: Have I said I'm enjoying the hell out of this? And I thought, no way she could out do a certain Maiden by Decree. Sigh, I should've known better!!!!!!!!!
Hmm, hadn't thought of that one. Thanks Grover! Just remember that what happens with that one is your fault! lol.
What I want to know is, does
What I want to know is, does the tattoo come to life? Will it move around her body or jump off and become a Summoned Creature. If so then EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Since I live in the country, I see them everywhere and I see some of the more exotic species as well. Then the little suckers get inside the house. (shudder)
Blog: http://lilithlangtree.tglibrary.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lilith_langtree
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Spiders in the house
I have a really cute close-up shot of a nursery web spider (often mistaken for a wolf spider.) Wanna see it? ;-)
Your imagination is running wild here, Lil.
And I like it! *evil grin*
It's always a bit of a catch 22.
The gods feed from faith energy, if this comes from a source that turns dark then...they become dark gods. Some are evil to start with but not all of them, Lloth in her early days could have been just as trapped as Dahlia is now. You think of all the gods of light are nice, likely not. Or at least not all of them, this might be the goddesses chance at a redemption she never thought she'd have? I mean she did hug her right?
Bailey Summers
So exquisitely.. interesting.
Maggie, this one just keeps getting better and better.
And this chapter with the Goddess was judiciously treated.
Just the perfect balance of evil and protectiveness.
Now we just have to find out what kind of 'evil' it is:)
Not all 'evil' is bad, as long as justice walks beside it.
I do believe compassion to be a must though.