Where is the love part one

Where Is The Love

Chapter One: Runaway!

Simon was getting worried, his twelve year old mind churning; the couple that had fostered him had locked him up in this bedroom three days ago. They only let him out to do chores around the house and hardly fed him. He sat on the bed in the room and he listened for the footfalls on the landing outside, this he was beginning to dread as his foster father had beaten him yesterday for dropping a plate the bruises still smarted. There came a knock on the door as Alison, the Rights youngest daughter, voice drifted through the wood.

"Simon don't say anything, but I'm unlocking the door. Mom and dad have gone out, be quick and get out of here."

As she said this the snick of the lock loud in the silence of the room and Alison stood there with a rucksack that was full. Without another word she thrust it at him and pointed to the stairs and motioned him to get the hell out of there. Without a thought Simon started rushing out of the house and as he cleared the yard he turned back and saw Alison with her older sister Karen on the step. The girls smiled and waved to hurry him on his way. He hauled the pack onto his shoulders and started to jog down the street. As he reached the corner he had to dive into a hedge to avoid being seen by Mr. and Mrs. Right. He just about avoided discovery and carried on out of the town.

He walked through the day and as the light gave way to evening he started to get hungry. He opened on of the pockets on the pack and found a stash of candy. As he walked he munched on the candy bar and looked round for a place to sleep. Even after one day of walking he looked grimy and his clothes were marked with the dust of the road. He was weary and footsore and headed over the fields till he found an empty barn. He entered and set down his pack and looked around to find a comfortable corner to sleep. He piled up a stack of old straw to make a bed and settled down for the night.

The following morning he woke and for a few seconds was confused about where he was. He felt filthy and decided to wash in the trough and this he did and then he decided to get changed. He opened the pack and almost threw it across the barn in disgust. Inside were girl's clothes, panties, padded bras, T-shirts that were cut for a girl, blouses and jeans. Also packed on the top was a pair of girl's walking boots with socks and he saw that they would fit him. He then took a deep breath and as he let it out and thanked the girls silently because he realized that this was the only way they could make sure he would not be without a change of clothing. He struggled to get into one of the bras and pulled on a T-shirt, then a pair of jeans with a small amount of lace on the pockets. He stopped and looked at the reflection in the water and decided that he looked cute as a girl, the only problem was his hair, which was short.

He packed the rucksack again leaving his boy's clothes in the barn and laced up the boots and set out again. The sun was up and warming the air as he walked and drivers were stopping but he was wary about accepting a lift from them. Some were openly looking for a bit of fun, others were openly nice and concerned what a young girl was doing walking down the highway. Through the day he saw the skyline of the city ahead and he knew that he would reach it by dusk the next day. He slowed down in his stride as he considered his options and how he would survive. He started to look round for a barn for the night and he was not lucky on that score that night.

He finally decided on sleeping the night in a wood for that night and lay down under the trees. The night was cold as he lay there and listened to the sounds of the country at night and he was relaxed. His body still ached from the beating the other day and he was having difficulty in breathing and he thought one of his ribs was broken. He was careful that night not to move around too much in the night as set himself leaning against a tree and only dozing through the night. As the sun rose the next morning he was already traveling towards the city and he walked slowly conserving his energy and he knew he would be faced with a life on the streets. This really did not faze him as his years in social care taught him to be self-reliant and to take things slowly. He found that he was considering the way he was dressed and he knew it would stop the authorities from finding him.

He reached the outer limits of the city just as the day was giving over to the night and he found himself facing a mall. What he needed to do was wash and change his clothing and he walked into the mall and headed towards the rest rooms. He considered for a few seconds and decided to use the ladies washroom because of the way he was dressed. He slowly pushed open the door and checked the room to make sure it was empty and ducked into a stall and pulled the rucksack in after him. He checked out his body as he undressed and he shook his head as he listed the bruises and marks. He knew that there was no chance now that he would graduate from high school and would have to spend his life on the streets. He used the facilities and cleaned himself up and changed into fresh clothes with another training bra and he thought to himself that he looked as though he was a twelve year old girl.

He walked into the mall proper and lost himself in the crowds and attached himself to group of young girls who were shopping. He listened to the group and mentally took notes to help him in passing off as a girl of twelve and he watched what they did and how they acted. He was a natural mimic and he copied the girls just staying slightly back from the group. It felt natural to him to be acting in this manner and he started to relax and looked around for someone to drop a dollar or two so he could eat something more substantial than a candy bar. One of the group of girls turned and noticed Simon standing there, she smiled and looked closely at the stranger. She noticed that she looked hungry and she turned to her friends and whispered the others nodded and they gathered round Simon.

"Hey! You hungry?" The girl asked.

"Yeah but mom did not give me any cash she just wanted me out of the way." Simon responded his voice like a young girl's.

"Well, girlfriend we need to do a good deed so burgers are on us okay?"

"Hmm, okay I guess, I'm Kaitlyn." Simon introduced himself to the group as they dragged him towards a burger bar.

The girls got a load of burgers and fries and also piled a tray for Simon and they pulled him towards a table. They chatted and giggled and Simon found himself being drawn into the group and relaxed again, as he relaxed he winced at the pain from his chest, he passed it off to his new friends as just a little accident. The group of girls accepted his explanation and started to talk again, they sat and talked for about an hour and the girls begged off as Jackie's mother was picking them up. Simon now calling himself Kaitlyn in his mind as he knew he would have to keep the name in his mind to keep hidden. The girls left and he gathered up the fries and full burgers that were not touched and put them in a paper sack so he could eat later.

Chapter Two: A Meeting

Angelica had woken that morning at the Haven fully rested, she wondered why Sophie, her acquired daughter, was quiet that morning and not screaming for her mommy. She dressed in a robe and walked through into the nursery and saw Celia was changing the little one and making her giggle. Celia was tickling the toddler, who was really enjoying herself and showed signs of a recent bath.

"Ewwo mama, yu sweepy stiwl?" the girl asked.

"No honey mommy is wide awake now." to prove it she went over and joined in the tickling with her mother.

Celia left the pair and looked through the stock of dresses and clothes for the toddler and picked out an outfit. It was a party dress, white with a lace hem and Peter Pan collar. She also picked out a pair of white rumba panties with little pink rose buds on the frills. Then a pair of white ankle socks and a pair of whit Mary Jane shoes and helped her daughter dress the youngster for the day. The trio went down stairs after Angelica got dressed and sat down to breakfast. The toddler was sat in a high chair a few cut up pieces of toast getting the Sophie treatment.

Sophie was getting used to her new life pretty well it had been about three months since the Haven had changed the terminally ill Richard and turned him into the cute toddler Sophie. She loved her new mother and grandma and enjoyed her days being cared for and playing. She went to day care at the mall where Mommy worked looking after other children; her best friend kitty also came along. Mommy was good with the children and Sophie enjoyed playing with others, she always had her favorite rag doll Jemima with her and Kitty always took Freddy bear with her. There was a knock on the outer door and Kitty and her Mommy walked into the kitchen. Mary settled her daughter in a chair to wait for the family to finish eating and helped herself to a cup of coffee.

Kitty was smiling at her little friend sat in her high chair and she was glad she was a big girl and sat at the table to eat. She was also a big girl and used the potty and not diapers now and wore panties, she liked her little friend and thought that she would make a cute baby sister. Mary watched the thoughts play across her daughters face and laughed to her self and then looked over at Sophie. The toddler looked over at the woman and smiled and held out her arms for a hug.

"Ewwo anti Mawee huggie?"

"Of course sweetie, auntie will always have a hug for Sophie."

The clock ticked round and Angelica got ready for work, she changed her daughter and decided to dress her again in a set of pink overalls and a pink T-shirt. She buckled the two children into their seats in the back of the station wagon and drove towards the mall. She pulled into the staff lot and got her daughter and her friend out of the car and carried Sophie on her hip. She looked around and her gaze settled on a teenaged girl sat on a bench with a rucksack.

"Must be gong to camp," she thought.

The girl waved and smiled and Angelica relaxed and looking at the clock above the doors and she noticed she had only a few minutes to get to the centers creche. She made it and set Sophie down in a play area with Kitty to set up for the day, as she got the girls some juice and put the diaper bag on its hook she looked up. The young teenager was stood by the door with her rucksack watching the children closely.

Kaitlyn sat on the bench in the staff lot as he thought it would be quiet this time of the morning, as the mall did not open for two hours. As he sat there a station wagon flew into a space on the lot next to the doors. A woman jumped out and opened the rear doors and was fiddling with something she then helped a girl of about four out of the car and then lifted a toddler onto her hip. She then lifted out a cute diaper bag then the woman looked around. As the woman's gaze swept the lot it settled on him and she smiled, Kaitlyn smiled back and waved to the woman. After letting the woman head through the staff door he followed closely, he was curious about where this woman worked to be here this early. She did not look like a cleaner in fact she looked like a babysitter. Her face was warm and open and he felt as though he could possibly get a drink instead of water from her. He followed closely until the woman opened up the front of a unit called "Play Pastures", he realized that this woman worked for the mall creche. She looked as though she possibly owned it. The two little girls looked so cute and he wondered if both were her daughters, he stood in front of the unit and looked through the door.

Angelica handed the drinks to the girls and walked towards the door, she looked closely at the girl and she could see the signs of living rough. The girl did not look as though she had been on the streets long because the clothes were still fairly fresh, she wondered what would cause a girl like that to run away and her gaze moved down one arm and she noticed bruises that were a few days old.

"Hi! Can I help, are you lost?" Angelica asked.

"No ma'am I'm wondering if I could have a drink please?" Kaitlyn replied.

"Of course a cup of tea?"

"Hmm, could I have coffee?"

"You look a little to young for that. I'm Angelica Hughes by the way."

"Kaitlyn ma'am."

"Okay Kaitlyn come in and keep an eye on those two while I sort out some tea."

"Thank you ma'am."

Kaitlyn walked in and set himself on a stool and looked over the play area, the two kids were drinking the youngest from a bottle. As they drank the older one was pointing at a set of blocks on a shelf and the younger one was nodding. The pair looked over at the newcomer and he realized they wanted him to get the blocks down for them. He obliged and then went to sit back on the stool and wait for the hot drink and he pushed his rucksack out of the way.

Angelica came back and smiled as she saw the teenager had got the blocks down for the kids, she knew that Sophie loved playing with the blocks and would usually nag to get them straight after her bottle of juice. The teenager seemed comfortable around kids but her posture was fairly butch as she sat with her legs splayed. Angelica raised an eyebrow and nodded at the position of the girl's legs. Kaitlyn realized his mistake and closed his legs and thanked the woman for the cup of tea as he sipped it. The warmth spread through him and he relaxed leaning back against the counter and let the warmth of the cup spread through his hands.

Sophie looked at the big girl as she relaxed with the tea that mommy had prepared for her and she was relaxing. The big girl looked as though she was hiding from someone and Sophie wondered who she was hiding from.

"Girwl hidin fwom bad mens?" Sophie asked.

Kaitlyn did a double take and looked down at the toddler and he smiled and considered his response. The toddler was getting insistent in her questioning and looked straight at him. Kaitlyn felt trapped and wondered if Angelica was going to call the cops, he hoped she would not do so as he did not want to return to the Rights and another beating.

Angelica heard her daughter ask the teenager if she was running away from bad men, she waited for a response from her but none was forthcoming. She considered calling mall security and getting this kid into foster care, then she though what if the kid was a run away from care sending her back would be a bad move. She argued with herself for a few seconds and as she thought she remembered what Magus said about helping others. She watched the youngster tense up and reach for her pack as she reached for the phone, she stopped and frowned. She could not think anymore on the subject as mall staff brought their preschool children in as they headed for work. Angelica did not have any staff as yet so she was fairly busy, Kaitlyn saw this and started to help out with the kids and after she was shown how helped with diaper changing.

Kaitlyn was enjoying himself as he helped look after the kids in the creche, shoppers were also bringing their kids in and soon the unit was full of children playing and having fun. In the middle of it the little one Who Kaitlyn learned was Sophie Angelica's daughter was like a queen ruling her little kingdom. If some kids were being mean she would toddle over to them and stand there with her tiny hands on her hips and scold them. He could not help but like the toddler, as she was always concerned for the other kids before herself. After lunch Sophie curled up in a corner and fell asleep and Kaitlyn picked her up and placed her in a playpen out of the way.

Angelica saw the teenager pick up her tiny daughter and place her out of harms way in a playpen and watched as she did it she checked Sophie's diaper gently so as not to wake her. She thought hard as the crowd of children thinned out as shoppers picked up their children and staff did like wise. At about three o clock there was only herself, Kaitlyn, Kitty and Sophie left. She peeled off fifty dollars and handed it to Kaitlyn, the teenager took the money and smiled.

"What's this for ma'am?"

"A days pay for a days work, you earned it."

"Thank you."

"Kaitlyn where are you living?"

"Here and there ma'am."

Sophie had woken up to hear the questions and she frowned, she liked the big girl and the way she had looked after the kids never complaining about changing or feeding the really little ones.

"Mama!" she screamed to get the adults attention.

"Yes sweetie?" Angelica walked over to the playpen thinking that her daughter was screaming because she needed changing.

"Big girwl tay wib us?"

"Honey what would grandma say if we did that and did not ask her, and what about Kaitlyn's mommy and daddy they might be waiting for her to go home."

He stood there listening and worried what was going to happen if he accepted and they found out he was a boy. He walked over to the playpen and crouched down so he could look straight into the toddler's eyes, he almost fell backwards as he seemed to fall into the eyes. It seemed as though he was falling into the gaze and the child was reading his soul.

He started to sweat and become light headed, the cuts o his arms seemed to burn and his last conscious though was, "Oh shit!"

Angelica and Sophie watched as the teenagers body started to sway and the woman saw sweat break out on the girls forehead. The girl's eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped to the floor in an untidy heap. Angelica managed to make the girls slump controlled so she would not hurt her head by it banging on any thing. Once the child was on the floor Sophie had managed to get out of the playpen and was standing next to Kitty who was watching and about to cry. The toddler hugged her friend and then after telling her it will be okay, she went over to her mother and then looked down at the unconscious form on the floor. Sophie concentrated for a second and looked at her mommy.

"Mommy why big girwl go nap?"

"I don't know Sophie, I think that she may be sick."

"Wike daddy was?"

"I don't think so I think we had better see about getting someone to care for her."

"NO mommy bad mens memba?"

Angelica considered what her daughter was saying and remembered the bruises and cuts. She checked one arm and saw a cut was an angry red and she realized that the child had cuts, which were infected. She thought for a second and got the two young girls and ran back to the station wagon and buckled them in and threw the pack and diaper bag into the boot space and sprinted back to get the teenager. By the time she had returned Mark Robson one of the security guards was stood next to the teenager.

"Miss Hughes is there a problem?"

"Oh thank God, Mark that's Kaitlyn my new summer assistant and she fainted, I was going to get her back to her parents."

"Tell you what Miss I'll carry her or get a wheelchair from the first aid station, or would you like a EMT to look at her?

"It's okay Mark, her mom is a doctor but the poor kid needed to get out of the house and she's a neighbor of ours so I said she could help out, if you could carry her to my car?"

Mark did not reply but radioed in to his control room to lock up the unit as Miss Hughes had an emergency to attend to. The control room informed that they would lock it down remotely and as he stepped away picking up the teenager and stepped out of the unit a shutter rolled down. Mark grunted at the weight of the kid and with gentle steps carried her in his arms towards the staff lot. They walked through the mall some late shoppers watched as the small group headed towards the staff exits. As they walked out into the staff lot a female security officer was leaning against Angelica's car keeping the two girls entertained. Mark nodded to the officer and she opened the passenger door and he placed his burden on the seat gently.

Angelica thanked the officers and almost ran around the car to start up the engine. Sophie and kitty from the back seat waved at the officers as the car speed away. Angelica considered as she drove, Celia used to be a nurse and could sort this kid out. They had space and could take care of her and sort out the authorities by using the gifts they had gained. She wondered what Gabriel and Magus would say. She gritted her teeth as she remembered the quick glance at the infected cut on the kids arm and how angry it seemed. She was not paying attention to the road and had to stamp on the brakes as she nearly plowed into the back of a truck. She swore and from the back seat came a giggle from the two youngsters and she looked into the rear view mirror and saw Kitty tickling Sophie hard.

"Sorry auntie Celica, Fie was cranky."

The trip to the Haven seemed to take forever but the was Angelica was driving it was minutes. As she span into the drive throwing gravel up the door to the house opened and Celia stood there looking shocked at the way her daughter was driving. The car shuddered to a halt throwing a few stones up and Angelica jumped out and dashed around to the passenger side. During the drive some of the girls clothes had become spotted with blood and Angelica panicked. In a second Celia was there looking down at the teenaged girl in the car. Without waiting for an explanation She lifted the teenager in her arms and carried her into the house.

Angelica got the girls out of the car and headed to Mary's to drop off Kitty with her mother. She considered leaving Sophie with Mary but by the look on her daughters face knew it was mistake to do so. After dropping off Kitty she headed back over the field to the Haven with her daughter in her arms. As they walked into the kitchen the saw Celia had the girl awake and was taking off the blood stained tee shirt. The girl was struggling lightly trying to keep her jeans on but Celia was winning the fight as the child was weak. As the jeans came off Celia gasped as her gaze took in the forward bulge in the panties. Sophie giggled and broke the silence as the two women got over their shock, Angelica looked up at the teenagers face and considered. It looked as though it did belong to a girl and judging by the package in the panties it could easily pass itself off as a girl.

"What's your proper name Kaitlyn?"

"Kaitlyn?" Celia was shocked.

"That's the name HE, gave me back at the mall."

"I'm sorry for telling a lie ma'am but I couldn't use my real name. I'm Simon Jacks." the teenager mumbled.

Simon went on to explain a little about himself as Celia worked on the cuts, he gasped as she touched the area where he thought the broken rib was. Her hands were sure and steady as she worked, she looked at the cuts and clucked her tongue. She went to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of iodine and washed the infected welts and cleaned them. Sophie was watching the teenager closely and listened her head tilted as though she was taking in everything. She started to chew on a strand of her hair and Simon reached forward and gently removed it.

"Sophie don't chew your hair, do you want a pacifier?" he asked the toddler.

She nodded and Simon asked Angelica where Sophie's pacifiers were. Angelica went and got one for her daughter and was surprised at how caring this young boy was he was like how Richard used to be. Simon again dressed as Kaitlyn after he had got cleaned up in a hot bath and apologized to the women. The two women told him it was not a problem and they settled down in the lounge with Sophie sat on the sofa with Simon.

The adults spent the evening talking to Simon as Sophie started to fall asleep cuddled up against him. As Sophie faked sleep she was trying to reach Gabriel with her mind. Slowly there came a gentle touch with a soft mental light as the magic user touched minds with her. In Sophie's mind she talked to the woman and explained what Simon had outlined as his past. She showed Gabriel images of Simon at the day care center helping out, Gabriel replied with a set of images of Simon's past in care and his fostering. She showed Simon in the children's home playing with a group of girls he was about five; they were having a tea party. Then it jumped and Simon was being bullied by a larger boy, no words came but Sophie could imagine what was being said. The images jumped again and Simon was cowering under blows from a man whose face was filled with hate, the man then started to use a belt on the boy. By the looks of things this was what had caused the boy to run away and Sophie tried her hardest not to let tears flow.

Sophie opened her eyes and looked up at the boy, he could see the pain in her eyes and he wondered if his lie had hurt her. He hugged the toddler and made to apologize but the child gently placed a hand on the boy's cheek. Angelica and Celia saw what Sophie was doing and they looked at each other eyebrows raised. The toddler's hand seemed to be glowing as it touched the cheek and both women heard what seemed to be a chant coming from the toddler. They watched in amazement as the boy's hair became longer until it brushed his shoulders. Then the glow from Sophie's hand seemed to spread over Simon's body and the boy stood up. The glow became stronger and a familiar laugh filled the room. And Magus stood there his beard bouncing as he laughed, it was not an evil laugh but one filled with mirth at the world.

Simon was feeling strange he had a compulsion to remove his clothes which he did till he stood there in just the panties. His skin felt warm but not the warmth of the fever but a gentle warmth like the sun on a spring day. His nose picked up the scent of spring flowers and it itched, his groin itched also and he looked down. As he looked down his chest seemed to thrust outward slightly and he appeared to starting to grow breasts. He leaned forward to stare at his panties and the bulge was shifting then suddenly he screamed. The pain was intense and his groin seemed to be like a hot fluid and the pain moved up into his hips. He felt things moving around and was beginning to feel faint again. Then the pain faded and he looked at his arms and noticed all the bruises had gone and looked as though they were never there in the first place. He put a hand down to the front of his panties and did not feel the usual bulge. He slipped the hand into the panties and found a slit there, it was smooth. He slipped a finger into it to explore it and he started to groan at the sensations coursing through his body.

"Oh my God, I've got a CUNY!"

The women watched the slow transformation then looked at the toddler sat on the sofa, She was smiling widely. Angelica was shaking and Celia was hugging the arms of her chair, both women sat their faces white. Sophie hopped off the sofa the action made clumsy by the fact was she was still in diapers, she hugged the new girl and started to giggle loudly. Simon looked at his body and he was shocked he was still shaking at his reaction to putting his finger into his new cunny.

"Yu Kaitlyn fow eba now." Sophie told him/ her.

The transformed boy stood there a look of shock on his face, he stopped and realized that it was the truth he was now a she. He considered and found himself comfortable with the thought as if finally he was complete and he stood back inside his head. He made a mental inventory f his pack and he realized that there was no dresses in it and he felt cheated. The women looked at the new girl and burst out laughing as they recognized the look.

"I've got nothing to wear!" Kaitlyn whined.

"Honey we'll take you shopping tomorrow, we promise."

Celia led the girl to a bedroom and she concentrated and the room transformed to one suitable for their new charge. Kaitlyn stood transfixed as she looked around the room was decorated as if it was for a princess. There were stuffed toys everywhere, dolls, a bookcase, a desk with a computer, a dresser and pictures of Kaitlyn sat astride a pony. The girl looked out and saw the pony grazing in the paddock outside her window, she knew the pony was called star and he was hers. There were rosettes from pony shows and awards for ballet framed on the walls. She thought and the exercises for ballet filled her mind, she was a bit annoyed that her breasts were smaller than her best friend Jackie's. She stopped for a second and stopped the flow of her thoughts.

"Hold on I'm a boy!" she exclaimed.

"I think not, Sophie has decided." Celia replied.

"What is she a damn witch?" As the words left the lips the girl found herself over the woman's knee, she squirmed as the jeans were pulled down exposing the girl's panties.

"Do not use that sort of language in this house young lady!" As Celia spoke she raised her hand and...


Kaitlyn's bottom was getting warmed by a good old fashioned spanking this continued for about two minutes. To the girl it seemed like an eternity as she bucked and writhed on the knee of the woman.

"Grandma I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kaitlyn sobbed.

"Is your baby sister a witch young lady?"

"No grandma I love Sophie, I'm sorry I was a brat coz she wanted to ride star. Don't spank me no more please she can ride star I promise."

The girl looked up at her grandmother tears rolling down her face, it seemed her mind was split. One side she was Kaitlyn and the other she was a boy called Simon who had been beaten.

Kaitlyn thought to her self that maybe she was nuts, she was Kaitlyn older sister to Sophie and Angelica's daughter from another man. She was eight but this boy Simon was twelve, she remembered Richard Sophie's dad being so ill and her helping mom to look after him and Sophie. Then Richard died and they moved in with grandma Celia and mom bought the creche at the mall from Richards's insurance pay out. She enjoyed helping there when she was not at school and also she had enjoyed helping Richard with the special kids. All through this the other persona was screaming that she was him and these things never happened. That he had been changed by Sophie's magic into her and he wanted his body back.

The screams from Simon became weaker as Kaitlyn took over completely, She was stood looking at her grandmother rubbing her bottom and sniffing. It did not really hurt it was just this was the first ever time that either grandma or mom had spanked her. She hugged her grandmother and pulling her jeans up headed down stairs back to the lounge. As she walked through the door she looked at her baby sister and crouched down. The little one had been crying and Kaitlyn thought she knew the reason why, she hugged the toddler tight.

"Sis if we stay with grandma tomorrow do you want to ride Star?"

"Peeeeeese!" Sophie jumped into Kaitlyn's arms to give the older girl a hug.

"After grandma takes both of you shopping ladies." Angelica warned the pair.

"Yes Mama!" the pair chorused smiling.

Chapter Three: Shopping, It's A Girl Thing

The following morning Angelica woke the girls with a shout and laughed as her youngest daughter stood at the bars of the crib jumping up and down. Sophie was obviously excited at the prospect of going shopping with her new older sister. Kaitlyn wondered into the nursery rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she was wearing a pink nightshirt with a kitten on the front, she joined in the laughter as she looked at her baby sister. She helped her mom dress Sophie and took the toddler down stairs for breakfast, Celia was sat in the kitchen talking with someone over the phone.

To be continued?

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