Jolly Hockey Sticks

by Charlotte Dickles

The problem was there weren't enough girls prepared to play the so-called friendly hockey match against the brutes at Seacombe School. So what could Fiona, the captain of the team, possibly do?

AUTHORS NOTE: Like many of my stories, this is a light-hearted romp which I hope you will enjoy. But it does contain adult themes such as crossdressing. So if reading such material is either illegal or not to your taste, then please do not do it - or at least, don't moan about it afterwards. Otherwise, sit back and ENJOY.


"Girls, I don't have to tell you that yesterday was the last day of exams," announced headmistress, Miss Harper, to the assembly of SIGHS (Seacombe Independent Girls High School), and the girls roared approval, exchanging high fives with their mates.

"And," she continued, waiting for the assembly to quieten down, which it rapidly did, "we have two and a half weeks left to the end of term. We're not going to idle away that time, are we?"

"No, Miss Harper," the girls over-enthusiastically responded, suggesting that was exactly what they had in mind.

"So we have several new items on the curricular." A groan from the girls. "Miss Walker will be again running her very popular Beauty and Make-Up sessions." A flicker of interest from the girls. "Miss Jones will run a Dress to Impress course. She told me it was about impressing interview panels, but I secretly suspect that it's just as much about impressing those young men from SPS."

The girls "Wooed".

SPS (pronounced Spus) stands for Seacombe Public School. For the information of those who don't live in the UK, the term Public School means that it's not a school for the public. Public Schools are actually very expensive private schools with histories dating back hundreds of years. Until recently, almost all were boys' schools; in the last few years, many (but not SPS) have turned co-ed.

"Miss White," Miss Harper continued, "who produces computer games in her spare time under the title WhiteWitch Games, will be running a course continuing right through the holidays on Writing Games Software." As Miss Harper expected, that did not draw any response from the girls.

"Now girls," she continued, "as you all know on Saturday in two weeks time we have our annual friendly hockey match with the SS." (Sorry about all the acronyms but you've probably guessed that she was referring not to the Nazi Schutzstaffel, but to Seacombe School. However, since SS was the local co-ed, state, comprehensive school, many at SIGHS considered the two were synonymous.)

"Mrs West tells me that we only have eight girls down to play," she continued. "Now I know that a number of girls were injured in last year's so-called friendly, and I have spoken about this with the headmaster, Mr Bates," (Head Master Bates, the kids there called him, but not normally to his face), "and he assures me this will not be repeated this year.

"It has also been pointed out to me several times that, given the academic capabilities of many of the girls at SS, they have to retake their exams so many times that all the hockey team are not just adults, they are several years older than our girls." She paused. "I'm afraid I've rechecked the terms of our friendly matches and there is nothing to prevent that so I'm afraid we're just going to have to live with it. I've always made it quite clear that at SIGHS we live by the rules, rather than spending our time moaning about them. Obviously, there's no compulsion on anyone to play, but I shall be very displeased if we have to pull out.

"Now. Let's move onto Junior School activities..."


"Good day, Fiona. How did your law exams go?"

Fiona Jolly had knocked on Miss Harper's door during the lunch break. She was hoping to get to Cambridge to study law, and had taken some additional law exams.

"They were tough," Fiona said, "but I think I did all right. It's difficult to know afterwards."

Miss Harper smile. "It is indeed. You've done your best; it's better now to put it completely out of your mind until the results. Now, what did you want to see me about?"

"It's about the hockey match, miss, with the SS."

Miss Harper stared at her, suddenly alert. "You are still intending to play, aren't you, Fiona? You are captain, and you need to show leadership to the other girls. They do play it at Cambridge, you know."

"Oh yes, I'm still playing, Miss Harper, and I'm trying to get a full team together, with at least one substitute, as well. I was reading the terms of our friendlies with SS and I think I can see an opportunity."

"Excellent! You're putting your legal mind to work. Well?"

"It says in the agreement that SS have to field a girls-only team to play against SIGHS. But it doesn't actually say that SIGHS also has to field a girls-only team."

"Because we are a girls-only school. Neither of us are allowed to bring in players who are not pupils at our respective schools."

"Precisely." Fiona looked very pleased with herself, which in turn pleased Miss Harper thinking that Fiona really did have the makings of a good legal brain.

"But," Fiona continued, "our school constitution does allow male pupils onto extra-curricular activities, does it not?"

"Ah-ha," Miss Harper nodded in satisfaction. "No doubt you are not thinking of Beauty and Make-Up or Dressing to Impress."

"No, Miss Harper."

"And I believe you're younger brother is rather a fine hockey player at SPS."

"As are several of his friends."

"Hmm," Miss Harper again nodded. "Legally, of course you are absolutely right, but it's not really in the spirit of the game, is it? Fair play is as important to SIGHS as the rules."

"I completely agree," Fiona said. "But since all the SS team are adults, I thought it was only fair to pit them against a mixed team of children."

Miss Harper grinned. "You're right, Fiona. That is only being fair. Of course, SS would claim foul play, but since it's within the rules, we'd get away with it this year. I'm not certain we'll continue it next year anyway - I only agreed this year's match because Mr Bates begged me the opportunity to show his girls could play fairly. I hope they're turned out a lot better this time; they looked so scruffy last year in their... Oh, Fishhooks!"

"No doubt you have seen the potential difficulty," Fiona said. "The agreement stipulates the teams shall play in the uniform of the school they're representing. However, I suggest there are ways around that."

"I'm not going to ask the Governors to authorise a boys' gym uniform. They have steadfastly refused any change in uniform for fifty years."

Fiona's white blouse with school tie, black, pleated skirt, and black Mary Jane shoes were testament to that. The athletic kit was even worse, with white tee shirt and gymslip, for heaven's sake. Miss Harper was convinced that several of the Board of Governors had a fetish about gymslips - too much St Trinians when they were teenagers, she suspected.

"I thought that route would be too complicated and time consuming," Fiona said, interrupting Miss Harper's train of thoughts.

"Well, what then?" Miss Harper asked.

"Miss Harper, will you accept the principle that the extra-curricular courses are open to pupils outside the school, which includes boys as well as girls?"

"Yes, but..."

"Miss Harper, might I suggest there are some things it's better for a headmistress not to know?"

Miss Harper paused, taken aback. Fiona really was coming on well, she thought. "Can I have your assurance that you are intending to abide by the school constitution and the terms of the friendly?"

"Absolutely, Miss Harper."

Fiona went away from the meeting delighted. She had handled that well. But the next bit was going to be much more tricky. Her younger brother, Nick, would be meeting up with his hockey-playing chums that evening in the cyber-cafe. He was always telling her that the other guys would love her to come along.


"You sneaky cow!" As usual, Nick's praise was backhanded.

She smiled back at him. Cow she could put up with, and sneaky was a fine attribute for someone aspiring to the legal profession.

"Don't say it too loudly," she quietly admonished. There were no other customers in the cafe, but the waitress, who was in the kitchen at the moment, would almost certainly have been to SS, and probably still had mates there. "The point is there's nothing in the rules to prevent SIGHS from fielding a mixed team."

"Whereas the SS have to field an all-female team," whispered Nick's mate, Sam, who also played hockey for SPS. She quite fancied Sam.

"So are you guys up for it?" she asked.

"You mean," Sam quietly paraphrased, "do we want to play a game of hockey and knock the shit out of those slags from the SS, the very same ones who slaughtered our girls from SIGHS last year?" There was always a close relationship between the two independent schools, with SS regarded as the enemy.

"Have you seen them?" asked Steve, another of Nick's friends, holding out his hands as though cupping huge breasts. "I'd be happy to play any game with those tarts."

There was general agreement from them all.

"There's only one thing," Fiona added. "You have to attend an extra-curricular course in order to qualify as a pupil. I'm afraid the only one suitable sounds pretty boring - Writing Games Software by Miss White, who runs WhiteWitch Games."

There was a deadly hush for a moment, then a buzz of excitement.

"Miss White runs WhiteWitch Games?" repeated Dan, the fourth member of the group, his mouth agog.

"Yes," Fiona said. "Do you know it?"

"Know it?" Steve incredulously said. "They only make the best RPG in the world."

"Oh that's nice," Fiona said. "I haven't heard of it before."

"You're always complaining about the noise coming from my room," Nick said. "I can tell you you've heard plenty from WhiteWitch Games."

"So does that mean you wouldn't mind too much if I put you on the course? Only I'm not certain there are enough places for you all."

"I'm your brother. You have to put me on," Nick said.

"Why don't you and I go out for a meal tomorrow evening and discuss it?" Sam said.

There was a clamour from Steve and Dan that they, too, needed to go on the course and would do anything to win favour, and Fiona was happy she had them exactly where she wanted. Yes, she thought to herself, she certainly was a sneaky cow.


"The good news," Fiona said to them on Monday evening, "is that only one girl from SIGHS has put her name down for the course, so I've enrolled you all onto it. We can all play hockey against the SS."

"Brilliant!" "Fantastic!" "Super!" "So what's the bad news?"

Trust Nick to know me too well, she thought, but instead said, "The bad news would be a lot worse if I hadn't spotted the problem in time. I realised they posted up the team list in each school a week before the match - this coming Friday. They'd have realised you were all guys and immediately put a spoke in it."

"But we'd still have been on the course."

"But the entire object of the exercise is to make certain we win the hockey match."

"Sure. Sure," they were all saying, apart from Nick, who said, "So how did you get around the problem?"

"I had to change some of the first names on the list I gave Mrs White." She looked down at her list and read them out. "I changed Dan to Danny, Steve turned into Stevie, Nick became Nicky, and Sam stayed the same."

"But she'll think we're all birds!" Nick moaned.

"Maybe, but it's not as though any of those names couldn't belong to a guy. They're all nicknames, after all."

They agreed they were all nicknames.


"Hi guys," Fiona said, in the café the following evening . "Miss White has arranged the time of the course to suit you - five-thirty pm, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - with the first one tomorrow afternoon. She also says that when the school holidays start, she'll let you work longer hours if you want - she's thinking of getting you to help design her next game, as a project to work on."

"Fantastic, Fiona," Sam said, and the others all added similar comments, except for Nick.

"But?" he said, and then added, "There's always a but with you."

Fiona shrugged. "It seems that Miss White gave the list of names to the office and when they entered them into their database, they input what they assumed were your given names, rather than the nicknames I wrote down."

"Oh shit!" "Bollocks!" "Piss!" etc, etc.

"So Miss White is expecting Danielle, Stephanie, Nicola, and Samantha to arrive tomorrow afternoon," Fiona said.

"Well you can simply tell them," Nick said, "to change them back to our correct names."

"But then SS would realise that we're playing a mixed team," Fiona said. "Sorry guys, but that's just not on."

"But that means we can't go on the course." Nick said. He was almost crying with frustration.

"Of course you can all go on the course," Fiona said. "Miss White doesn't know you, and she's got terrible eyesight anyway. Your hair is all fairly unisex; you'll all wear jeans, tee shirt and track shoes - the same as most girls from SS."

"But we don't have tits," Steve said.

Fiona looked at him. "To be honest, neither do most of the girls Miss White teaches, but it would be easy for us to rectify that."

"You mean wear a bra?" Nick said, with disgust in his voice.

"It's up to you," Fiona said. "Look everybody; I'll buy cheap bras for everyone. Nick and I live right behind SIGHS, so why don't we all meet at our house directly after school tomorrow? I'll see what I can do about your hair, and you can try on the bras and see what difference they make. If someone feels they look better without one, they're welcome to leave it off. And of course, if you really want to chicken out from playing the part of a girl, you needn't go to the class at all. But if you do go, you're committing to play the hockey match, OK? That's the condition."


She knew they would all turn up. As soon as Miss Harper mentioned WhiteWitch Games, she'd realised it was bait that none of them would refuse - it was simply a matter of using the right hook, a fine line and reeling it in, little by little.

She'd ordered the bras on the internet the day she met Miss Harper, and she'd deliberately gone into the school office to make certain they had the "correct" given names for the "girls". It was all working perfectly. She even got Jessica Davis around, the one girl who had enrolled for Miss White's course who fortunately was also a hockey player, and she'd let in on the secret. Jessica was doing the Beauty and Make-Up course, and she knew quite a lot about doing hair, which Fiona thought could be useful. She also had a valuable connection, which would be even more useful.

It was all a bit hectic , especially brushing out their hair properly, and she'd never have managed without Jessica, but in the end, the "girls" all went off to Miss White's lesson in the IT lab, wearing their bras under their tee shirts, and all looked passably female. Afterwards, they all came back to the house talking energetically about the course, and the plans Miss White had for them.

It was at least ten minutes before she was able to put the question. "Was there any issue raised about your sex?"

There was a brief pause as they all looked around, wondering what to say, and then Sam said, "No, there was no problem at all. It was a bit strange wearing a bra at first, but then I forgot I was wearing it. After all, it's hardly as though you gave us very big tits, is it?"

Fiona smiled. That was exactly the answer she had expected. They all had A-cups, with cotton wool filling - just large enough to make slight bulges under their tee shirts.

"That's great then. Could you all take off your bras and leave them here, and I'll wash them. We can meet up same time, same place on Friday if that's alright?"


Sam had summed up the position of all the boys about going to the class en femme. They had all been pretty embarrassed to start with, but Fiona and Nick's house was virtually next door to the rear entrance to the school. After Fiona had checked there was no one in the street, they had slipped out of the house feeling incredibly self conscious, walked quickly to the school gate and through.

At that time in the late afternoon, it was deserted at the rear of the school. The IT lab was only a few yards walk from the gate and within seconds they were in the confines of the building.

"Ah Jessica. I see you've already met the new girls."

The boys had turned as one to look with awe up the stairs at the White Witch of the games legend - the woman more admired by teenage boys than Lara Croft. She was a rather elderly, thin woman, dressed in a shapeless dress, grey hair cropped in a definite man's style (but then, who were they to judge), and a twinkle in her eye that caught their attention.

"Come in, come in." She ushered them into the computer suite. "Fiona tells me you were really excited about coming on my course."

"That's right, Miss White," Sam said in as soft a voice as he could manage. "We've all played your games and found them so exciting."

"I'm really pleased when I hear that girls enjoy them," she said. "Mostly it seems to be boys. I put in lots of shoot-em-ups to keep them happy, but plenty of more thoughtful things as well. Now, before we start, I want to go round you all and you can give me your names, and tell me which part of the game you most enjoy.

"So..." she pointed at Dan, "what's your name?"

After their initial fear about being found out, they realised she was a fascinating teacher, who got through to them as few other teachers had. The lesson went so quickly, and then they were out the door and counting down the hours until Friday afternoon when they could continue.

Friday's lesson was even more interesting, as Miss White started telling them about the way she had set out to design her latest game, and how she had planned each section.

Once again, the lesson finished all too rapidly, and before they knew it, they were walking down the corridor towards the building exit.

"Oh look," Steve said, "there's the notice about the hockey match next Saturday."

They all gathered around it. "Oh hell!" Dan said, starting to read, "They've used our full names. We're going to have to play the game as girls!"

All their names were there, interspersed amongst the girls from SIGHS, but each of them had an asterisk against their name:

Saturday 27 March

Michelle Adams
Danielle Barnard*
Christine Campbell
Victoria Clements
Jessica Davis
Anna Evans
Jennifer Field
Stephanie Hall*
Fiona Jolly
Nicola Jolly*
Jessica Keates
Samantha Lambert*
Tracy Stevens
Alexis Thomas

SS Team

Julie Dale

They eagerly skipped to the bottom to see what the asterisk indicated: "*Girls on extra-curricular courses who do not possess SIGHS gym uniform can loan it free of charge from Mrs West. Please make contact with her to give her your size."

"Holy shit!" It was only Dan who spoke that time - the others were in total shock.

"Alright girls?" It was Miss White, who had followed them out of the IT suite. She came up and stood next to them, reading the same notice. "I say, you're all playing for SIGHS," she said. "That's wonderful. You're all from SS, aren't you? I imagined you'd be playing for them."

Nick opened his mouth to say that actually they were from SPS, and then remembered that was for boys only, so he closed it again.

"That's right, Miss White," Steve said. "We're all from SS."

"Well they must be quite cross with you, for playing against them. I hope you'll be alright. They almost killed some of our girls last year." She gave them a pleasant smile as she walked off.

"Getting killed on the hockey field seems easy compared to going to see Mrs West to get measured for SIGHS uniform," Dan said.

"It's a gymslip," Sam said, but he was only stating the obvious. There wasn't one of them who hadn't watched the girls on the hockey field, and then gone home and wanked over the memory.

"Shall we all go and kill Fiona?" Nick said.


"But I told you on Tuesday the names that had been entered into the database," Fiona said. "You all chose to turn up on Wednesday. Did you imagine they would have one set of names in the database for Miss White's course and another set of names for the hockey list? Even I know that's crap, and you guys are pretending you know something about computing."

"But why can't we simply turn up in our SPS kit?" Nick said.

"Isn't it obvious?" Fiona exasperatedly asked. (At least, she pretended to be exasperated - this was exactly what she'd been expecting.) "Your real names aren't on the list of players so you can't play as boys."

"You could pretend there'd been a tummy bug and many of the original girls had been taken ill," Steve said. "We could be pulled in as substitutes."

"But you're not pupils of the school," Fiona said. "You wouldn't be acceptable.

"I'm sorry," she continued, "but I told you on Tuesday that it was a condition of going on the course that you had to play hockey as girls." That wasn't quite how she'd phrased it, but it was close enough.

"OK," Sam said, "perhaps we were a bit stupid. The question is what are we going to do now?"

"You simply have to pluck up courage and go ahead."

"It won't work," Nick said. "The cotton wool would come out and our bras would shift in the general melee. We'd all be outed."

"Added to that," Dan added, "we could get kneed in the goolies by the tarts from SS. Girls might find that a bit of a pain - for blokes it would be excruciating."

"So at last you guys are talking sense," Fiona said, taking them all by surprise. "Those are practical problems and we need a practical solution. Fortunately, I had already predicted this and I have the solution in hand. Jessica Davis's mother works at a place in town which has the answer to your problems."

She looked around and was delighted to see they were all intrigued. "They produce a one piece garment called a Torsolet, which is used to give males the shape of a female. But it looks and behaves like your own body, and it will protect your goolies from attack. Janet has arranged for her mother to "borrow" some from the shop."

"Are you sure it will work?" Steve asked.

"We have a chance to trial it," Fiona said. "I've already given Mrs West your measurements, and she's supplied me with your kit. She also suggested our team has a practice session tomorrow afternoon at two. Our parents are out shopping all-day so come round here for twelve. Bring sandwiches and you can change into your Torsolets and your kit, and then nip through the back gate to the sports field." She looked around again. "Any problems?"

They all looked at each other, but no one said anything.


"Coming ," Fiona shouted, "ready or not," and she secretly rather hoped it was a not, in Sam's case, at least.

But when she and Jessica stepped back inside Fiona's lounge after leaving the boys to change, they might well have walked into her school changing room. For there were four naked girls prancing about before them.

"Just look at these," Nick shouted, shaking his body from side to side and watching his boobs following.

"I've got TITS!" Dan said, viciously kneading them.

"I've got a pussy," Steve said, running his fingers along his slit.

"THAT WILL DO!" Fiona bellowed, bringing immediate silence to the room. "The object of this exercise is not to spend all afternoon playing with yourselves. You were supposed to be not only putting on your Torsolets, but also getting dressed."

But privately, she had to admit the Torsolets had totally converted four boys into four girls. Even Jessica looked impressed - Fiona guessed it was the first time she had seen the things in action. The Torsolet itself was a flesh-coloured, leotard-like garment, with a high neck which finished right under the jaw line, and a crutch which, when fastened, safely concealed the boys bits and displayed what looked incredibly like a girl's vagina.

Fiona had inspected the things when Jessica had brought them around that morning, and been sceptical they would achieve very much. The breasts could be adjusted in size by inflating them with water, and she and Jessica had spent a long time filling them with a measured quantity to give them A-cup tits. The buttocks and hips were padded, and the boys now had lovely rounded bums and hips wide enough to clearly state: Female.

"Come on, you lot," Fiona shouted again, as the boys - make that, girls - showed every inclination to start playing with themselves again. "Put on your frilly panties and bras."

Fortunately, the Governors had never specified the underwear that went with the gymslips, so most girls went for the kind of frilly panties worn by tennis players. The boys were used to the bras, by now, and the tee shirts were obviously no problem, but they all looked a little flummoxed when it came to putting on the gymslips.

"The shoulder straps are Velcroed to the rear bodice," Fiona advised, "Once you've undone that, you can either slip it over your head, or step into it. Stepping into it may work better for those with wider shoulders.

"Get used to putting it on by yourselves now," she added, as one or two went to lend a friendly hand, "as you may have to do it on your own at some time."

They all twisted and turned, and eventually they all managed dress themselves.

"Brilliant," she said when they were all done, and she meant it. "Socks and shoes, before we do a final inspection."

They had their own hockey shoes so they'd be no problem, but the thigh length socks that most girls wore caused some ribald comments.

"Let's get out there now," Fiona said, five minutes later.

"We're a bit early," Nick said, and she could see the others squirm at the sudden thought of going out in public dressed like that.

"Face up to your fear," she said, "and it will go away. The sooner we get out there, the sooner you can get used to playing in your kit. By the time Mrs West arrives, I want you to have forgotten you're wearing something different to normal. So let's GO."

Jessica led the way out of the room, and they all obediently followed her out of the front door and towards the school.


"Well I didn't realise that wearing gymslips would sap your strength like that," Fiona said two hours later as they returned to her house. "You boys were pathetic. We girls ran rings around you." They had too; the other six girls from the SIGHS team had turned up and the girls had totally outperformed the boys.

"It was the heat, Fiona," Sam moaned. "As soon as we started to run, we began to burn up. We're drenched with sweat beneath these Torsolets, but there was nowhere for it to go."

The boys were rapidly tearing off their clothes. It was noticeable that all the arms of their tee shirts were sodden with sweat, as were their socks, whilst the rest of their clothes were dry.

"We've promised we'll go through with the game next week," Sam continued, "but wearing these Torsolets, there's no way we're going to outperform the SS."

They were all naked girls now, and most were feverishly trying to unclip the gusset, to allow them to pull the Torsolets over their heads.

"OK," Fiona said. "Jessica, could you ask your mother whether there's a way around this problem? In the meantime, can you all remove your Torsolets and your uniforms and leave them in the basket in the corner. I'll make certain they're all clean and ready for you next Saturday. Can you please be down here by nine - and Nick, I really don't want to see your genitals, if you don't mind."


"I'm afraid the only solution," Jessica told Fiona on Monday , "is to use a red gel in place of the green anti-perspirant gel they were using on Saturday. The basic problem is that with their level of exertion, the green gel wasn't powerful enough and they were still sweating. The sweat builds into a thin film of water which creates an insulating layer between skin and Torsolet, in exactly the same way as in a wet suit, and they simply get hotter and hotter, and sweat more and more.

"The red gel bonds the Torsolet to the skin," she continued, "sealing off the sweat glands, so there's no build up of water between the two, and it will conduct heat away from the skin very quickly."

"That's great," Fiona said. "Can you get some of that for us by Saturday?"

Jessica shook her head. "No, you don't understand. The red gel bonds the Torsolet to the skin and it will stayed bonded until the outer layer of skin is shed, typically in about two weeks' time. Use the red gel and they'll all be stuck in their Torsolets for two weeks."

"Hmm," Fiona mused, and then she came to a decision. "The honour of our school is at stake, Jessica. Get a large pot of the red gel."

"But will the boys agree..."

"They're not going to object," Fiona declared, "because I'm not going to tell them about it until afterwards."


"Jessica, I'm determined we're going to win this match for the sake of SIGHS. Get the gel." She somehow forgot to mention to Jessica that her plans to become a Cambridge Hockey Blue could be ruined by failing to win a friendly match against a crappy comprehensive school, who'd sent only one student to Oxbridge in the last five years!


"Good morning girls," Mrs West said. "Good to see you're all bright and early." She smiled at the twelve girls in gymslips who were hanging around the changing room. Any sign of SS yet?"

"No, miss," Fiona replied.

"It's nine-forty-five. They should have been here ages ago. And there are hardly any parents on the field. The match wasn't cancelled whilst I've been away was it, with no one telling you and me?"

"That's the strange thing, miss," Fiona replied. "Someone went around the school on Friday morning putting up Cancelled stickers on the notices. I checked with Miss Harper, and she checked with Mr Bates and the match is definitely on. Someone must have been playing a joke, but that explains why there are few parents here."

"You girls are from SS," Mrs West accusingly turned onto the boys. "Is this your doing?"

"Miss, the girls weren't here between Wednesday evening and Friday evening," Fiona said. "It couldn't have been them."

"Very strange. Well, I'd better ring SS and see what's happening."

Fiona hadn't told the boys about her intention to stick the Cancelled signs over the notices, as she hadn't wanted them to look guilty when challenged, as they surely would be. But the signs had the desired effect - there were hardly any parents on the touchline who might recognise the boys dressed as girls and create mayhem.

Mrs West came back five minutes later. "I've spoken to Miss Sidebottom, the Games Mistress at SS," she said, "and she tells me hardly any of her girls have turned up, and the ones that have are not in top condition. Reading between the lines, I suspect those girls were on a bender last night and have hangovers this morning. Obviously, we mustn't be pleased about our opponent's ill fortune, but it won't do us any harm, if the match does take place and the sooner, the better."

She gave a conspiratorial smile. "I've therefore suggested it would speed things up if we get in the minibus and go over there. We wouldn't want them to recover too fully before the match starts. I'd better go and tell the parents outside what's happening." Mrs West disappeared through the door leading to the sports field.

"What are we going to do?" Sam whispered to Fiona, aware of the six other girls who were not in on the secret.

"It's alright," Fiona spoke loud and clearly, so everyone could hear. "We all know you're from SS and not too keen to meet up with others from the school. I'll have a word with Mrs West about it, and make certain we can keep you segregated." She went off to catch up with Mrs West.

"It's a bit of luck about the SS getting sloshed," said Alison, one of the other girls. "They might feel too poorly to kill us."

That conversation rapidly led to a busy chatter amongst the seven girls about exactly what would happen to them, whilst the four boys kept quiet with their nerves. Their instincts told them it was time to get out, but the fear that it might make matters worse and lead to exposure kept them in their seats.


When they got to SS, the pseudo girls actually got on with the opposition far better than did the SIGHS girls. They swore far worse than the boys at SPS, but the boys saw that as something to respect, rather than despise. And Steve had been absolutely right; all the SS girls seemed to have huge breasts and as girls, they could stare without risk of being called dirty little perverts.

SS only just managed to field eleven players; Mrs West had been right, they had been out on the town the evening before. Apparently, they had all started out with good intentions (as one often does), but some "little tart with enormous tits" (the boys tried to visualise the size of breasts which even the SS girls called enormous) had been trying to steal their boyfriends away, and somehow it had turned into a drinking contest.

Fiona smiled as she heard them relaying the tale. Suffice to say, she had been surprised at how large the breasts of the Torsolet could be expanded whilst still looking extremely lifelike, and her performance last night would do no harm at all to her admission into the Cambridge Footlights.

The important final score was 5 - 1: five SS girls were sent off for serious fouls, hurting their opponents, and one SIGHS girl went off injured. Fortunately, all the boys recovered remarkably quickly from their injuries which, only seconds before, had them writhing in agony on the ground. After that, it was relatively easy for the four boys and seven girls to virtually walkover the six remaining SS players and achieve a final goal score of 0 - 10.

"Well done, team," Mrs West told them as they walked off. "You all played incredibly well. It's a pity we lost Michelle, but I've checked her out and she's fine now." She hesitated for a second before saying, "Fiona, could I talk with you, please? Perhaps you can stay out here, whilst the other girls go in and shower."

"Miss, I don't think we all need a shower," Fiona promptly said.

Mrs West stared at the muddy and dishevelled girls standing in front of her. Jessica and Fiona both looked worried, whilst several of the others looked almost excited. How strange! "Don't need a shower! What on earth are you talking about Fiona? Don't be ridiculous!"

"But miss..."

"I've told you, everyone has to have a shower." She turned as the last of the SS hockey team walked by with Miss Sidebottom. "Well played SS," she encouraged, and the SIGHS girls obediently applauded, whilst the SS team looked sullen, and did not return the cheer.

"Miss Sidebottom," Mrs West continued, "Could you make certain, please, that all of my girls get into the shower. I'm going to have a word now with Fiona, but she'll be along in a minute."

Miss Sidebottom smirked. "Certainly, Mrs West," and she added, in a last minute attempt to regain esteem, "I have no problems with my girls not showering."

"Right you lot," she bellowed, "come this way."

The SIGHS girls obediently followed - many of them secretly excited, but one or two reprehensive as well.

Surprisingly, Miss Sidebottom realised, it was Jessica Davis who was most reticent about going into the showers with the other girls, and when Fiona eventually arrived, she too was a pain. She'd met both girls on previous occasions and always been nauseated about how obedient the two little tykes were. This time, they were completely the reverse and she almost had to beat each of them with a hair brush to get them to undress and go into the showers.

She really couldn't understand it as the other girls were all being incredibly pleasant to each other, offering to soap the others' backs, and she even noticed them having a little ribaldry fun in the shower - she closed her eyes to that, as she was fully in favour of a little fun now and again. It was a pity that with the current obsession with child assault, she was no longer allowed to join in!

Eventually, she had to leave the guests' changing-room - they were actually the boys' changing-room, but all the boys' teams were playing away, that day, so there were not being used - and return to her own little tramps and make certain they weren't up to their normal tricks.


It was some minutes in the shower before the SIGHS girls realised the extra-curricular girls were all raging lesbians. It was the first time any had experienced a lesbian first-hand, and they found it far more fun than they'd thought possible. After all, there was nothing really wrong in a girl complimenting another on her beautiful breasts, and then checking them for firmness, was there? The same went for grasping each other's bums. Some were a little uncomfortable when it came to having their pussies stroked, but they were all willing to give it a go.

"TEAM!" Fiona's voice reverberated through the shower, bringing them all to stop what they were doing. "Please remember your position as visitors to this school. I don't have to remind any of you how embarrassing it would be if I reported details of what had gone on here to the staff, your friends and family."

The extra-curricular girls looked far more chastened than the others, who were used to Fiona bossing them around as a prefect.

"Fiona, you wouldn't," Sam said, only now realising that Fiona was as naked as the rest to them, and finding her body incredibly beautiful.

"Well, I will if you don't start behaving properly," Fiona relented, having seen the way Sam looked at her and being extremely moved by it. "Now I suggest you all leave the shower, get dry and get dressed. Those who didn't bring their change of clothes with them will have to put back on their gymslips. And please, no more playing about."

"Yes Fiona," many of them muttered as they left the shower. However, it didn't stop several of them from quickly feeling the breasts of others in the few minutes before Fiona left the shower.

"It's taking you a long time to get dressed!" she bellowed as she came out of the shower. "I can see I'm going to have to complain to your parents."

The SIGHS girls quickly slipped into their clothes and, apart from Fiona, left, whilst the others frantically tried to dress, but were having all kinds of problems such as putting on their bras inside out, or even in one case, upside down. Within a couple of minutes, just Fiona and the extra-curricular girls remained.

"I think you were a bit unfair, Fiona," Sam said. "After what we've done to help you and SIGHS."

"Sorry, guys," she said. "It's just that Mrs West knew I was up to something with you lot, but couldn't work out quite what. She grilled me over and over, until I had to admit it had been me who'd put up the Cancelled notices, because you lot did not want to be seen by parents. But she's agreed that in view of the fact that it's all worked out for the best, she's not going to take it any further. But if she'd come into the changing room just then, she'd have immediately grasped the real situation and used your testicles for garters."

"I guess we did get a bit carried away," Sam admitted. "But everyone had fun."

"Well you've probably converted all our girls into lesbians, so they'll not be interested in boys, any more."

She paused for a little before continuing. "Which is probably not a bad thing. I'm afraid you're going to be stuck in those Torsolets for a while."

There was a deathly silence before all hell broke loose. "What do you mean?" "Why should we?" "They were alright when we used them before."

"I know. I know." Fiona held up her hands for silence. "I think you'll all agree that the red gel you used today worked like magic. None of you appeared to have any problem with overheating. True?"

A cautious, "Y-e-s."

"I'm sorry, but it is also a strong adhesive. The suits are stuck on you for the next two weeks. I'm afraid that means you're going to have to continue being girls for that time."

Another deathly silence, followed by, "You're joking." "It can't be true." "What's my mum going to say?" "What's my DAD going to say?"

"I've had a word with Miss White," Fiona said. "She would be happy to make your Games Software course into a residential one, if you wanted. You know we have a dozen rooms for weekly boarders in the school, and it's the end of term on Tuesday. We could bind up your breasts with bandage until Wednesday."

She looked around nervously. No one looked on the point of murdering her, but there was a range of expressions on their faces from anger to plain uncertainty.

"The other girls from our team did say they'd appreciate some hockey lessons from you," Fiona added, and she saw their faces soften as the realisation sank in.

"We could fit in a few training sessions for them at SIGHS over the next few weeks," Sam said. "You know, give them the benefit of our experience."

There was a general nodding of heads, then Steve started smirking. "Bloody right, we could!" he announced.

Suddenly they were all grinning and patting Fiona on the back, prior to leaving the changing rooms and returning to the minibus. "Good old Fiona." "Well done, a great idea."

Finally, it was just Nick and her left.

"I suppose it's worked out alright," he said.

"Only alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," she said, slipping her arms around her favourite brother (OK, her only brother), "that I won't have you borrowing my gymslip again, at least, not for the next two weeks."

He turned his face away from her, a blush coming to his cheeks. "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean," she repeated, "that my whole idea for beating SS came from you secretly trying on my clothes. I thought that if you did it, that probably lots of the others at SPS also did it."

"Of course they don't."

She smiled at him. "How do you know? Because they don't tell you about it at school? Maybe they haven't all done it before, but they were all intrigued enough to go through with it. So tell me, Nicky, what's it feel like to be my sister?"

Nicky smiled at her. "It feels great, sis."

They might have spent a little more time simply hugging each other and smiling, but their peace was disrupted by the door to the changing-room suddenly bursting open and fifteen, jostling, jeering, SS rugby players crowding in and forming a semi-circle around the girls in their gymslips.

"Allo, babes. Lost your way?"

"Come to look for some real men?"

"Why do they call them SIGHS?" one boy quipped.

"Because that's the sound they make when they see a SPS prick." His mate gave the standard reply.

"They'll have to call them SCREAMS after they've seen my prick."

"They'll have to call them a sandwich after we've all fucked them. Who else is game?" The boy pulled down his rugby shorts and both Fiona and Nick were shocked at the size of the monster which shot upwards to meet them.

"We all are," someone shouted. Suddenly, they were all crazily pulling down their shorts and a variety of different sized and shaped pricks leapt into view, but none of them, Nick realised, was less than twice the size of his.

In a fit of bravado, Nick pointed at the boy with the absolute monster of a prick and said, "I've seen all the SPS pricks, and there isn't one as small as yours."

The boy's face turned ugly. "Yeah! Well let's see you take it in your gob."

"No problem," Nick said reaching forward and adding, "but you go first."

His hand seemed to accelerate, change direction upwards and bunch so quickly that the boy had little time to react before his jaw exploded in pain, and he was toppling backwards, measuring his length on the ground.

"Why you little rat..." The biggest boy was stepping forward towards Nick to kill him, when Fiona's hockey stick shot out.

She had played many devastating shots in the match, and her instinct was to hit his ball at least as hard as any she had played that morning. But Dan's comment the previous week about the sensitivity of male testicles made her suddenly pull the shot, and she completely fluffed it, giving him a relatively light tap under the bollocks.

"O-o-o-o-o-o-g-h!" he whined, as he collapsed on the floor, writhing in agony.

Afterwards, they would argue over what caused the events that followed. Nick maintained it was him grabbing for his hockey stick which so frightened the boys, their precious jewels exposed, that they tried to quickly move away from the danger, whilst their shorts were still around their ankles. Fiona said it was simply that the boy she knocked down cannoned into the others and they all fell like nine pins. Whatever, as one or two started to topple, they grabbed hold of others and within seconds, all but three were cavorting on the floor in a heap of arms, legs and pricks.

Although neither of them mentioned it afterwards, they were both surprised that most of the pricks stayed fully erect as they tumbled into a pile, Fiona was convinced she could see more pricks than arms or legs; Nick, that their pricks were larger than their arms.

The three boys left standing edged nervously backwards, clearly frightened of the pair of schoolgirls in gymslips, both now wielding hockey sticks.

Fiona said, "I think it's time we little girls left the boys to play with themselves," took Nick by the hand and together they skipped towards the door, as they had done when they were five and six years old.

But the door opened before they could reach it, and Mr Payne, the sports master entered.

"What's going on here?" he bellowed, staring at the two SIGHS girls in the boys' changing-room, with three boys standing behind with their shorts around their ankles, and still with enormous erections.

"Miss Sidebottom said we should change here," Fiona said, "but the boys are too sissy for us, so we're leaving."

They stepped around him so he could see the dozen SS boys on the ground; one out cold, and another clearly still in tremendous pain as he thrashed around on the floor.

"By the way," Nick added as they left. "SIGHS beat the hell out of SS at hockey."

"Jolly Hockey Sticks," Fiona added, waving hers in the air.

So it was that in years to come, when people talked about SIGHS being all Jolly Hockey Sticks, they were definitely not comparing them to Cheltenham Ladies College; St Trinians was much closer to the truth. As for SS, they decided it was probably better not to foul SIGHS in future matches, and that perhaps their end of term, so-called "friendly" game was something best avoided.


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