Martina's Story 5

This chapter describes how Lucinda discovers Martina's secret and how she exploits the situation.


Martina’s Story.

Chapter 5.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

Beverly. My adoptive ‘aunt’ who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend.

Chenille. My older half sister.

Jennifer. Aunt Beverly’s adopted daughter.

Beatrice. Aunt Beverly’s second adopted daughter and Jennifer’s younger sister.

Sian. My lesbian mother who is married to —

Margaret. Who is Chenille’s lesbian mother.

Sissy. My and Chenille’s transvestite shemale father.

Sandie. My doctor, psychiatrist and sexual counsellor.

Judge Elizabeth Porter. The judge who ruled that I should be allowed to live and dress as a girl.

Angela Hunt. Jennifer and Beatrice’s natural blood mother who is now married to Aunt Beverly who is a shemale.

Baroness Wemite’ Sian’s old School Chum

Peter. Baroness Wemite’s son & Melanie’s older brother

Melanie. Baroness Wemite’s daughter and my best school friend.

Rosemary & Monika. Two bullies in the junior school.

Lucinda. A previous victim of the two bullies and our fourth study mate.

Charlotte & Betty. Our other two remaining study mates.

Our return to St Angela’s School marked our ascent into the fourth form middle school. This meant we now only shared a four-bedded study.
Charlotte and Betty were reluctant to be separated from us but we all had the good fortune to be allotted to the same floor in the dormitory block. Two of our mutual classmates had joined them and it meant we remained close neighbours as they occupied the four-bed roomed study next door to us.

We were also pleased that Lucinda had chosen to stay with us. Lucinda was a popular girl and several other fourth-formers had asked her to join them to make up a foursome but she had chosen to stay with us.

She explained to us.

“I like your company. You befriended me when I was a new girl and saved me from being bullied. That proves your supportive nature. I know you’re three gay lezzies, but if you accept that I’m straight, then I’ll respect your relationships.”

“What would you do if other girls accuse you of being a lezzy because you chose to live with us?” Asked Melanie.

“Say what they like. I know what I am. I don’t have to prove anything. Besides, you know full well that your brother Peter is interested in me, ever since we met at sports day.”
Melanie nodded. During sports day, Peter had come with Countess Wemite who was to present the cups. As soon as Melanie’s brother Peter had spotted the stunningly beautiful Lucinda in her athletics strip, he had fallen for her hook line and sinker. He had pestered Melanie to get Lucinda’s mobile phone number. Lucinda was much attracted to Peter and was more than keen to let Melanie give her brother the number. During the holidays when Melanie was with us in Spain, Lucinda had several times visited the Wemite family at the Wemite house and Countess Wemite deemed her a perfect match for her son Peter.

You might laugh at this formality, but the upper classes still choose to marry amongst themselves. Lucinda came from ‘good county stock’ and the Earl of Wemite knew her family indirectly through the ‘upper class’ network.

To add jam to the top of the cake, she was a superb athlete, an excellent scholar and a stunning beauty. Lucinda had it all.

Peter for his part, stood to inherit his father’s title and the huge Wemite estate. The fact that they hit it off only reinforced the conclusion that they were a match made in Heaven. Yes, Lucinda was more than happy to share her study with her hoped for future sister in Law, Melanie, even if Melanie was gay.

So we began our time in the middle school at St Angies and it proved to be an idyllic year. It seemed to we three that life could only get better. Towards the end of that year there was a brief panic when Lucinda finally learned of my secret.

It was really my own stupid fault but Melanie and Beatrice were also partly to blame. We had become a bit too casual about hiding my secret bits inside my knickers and we three were chatting casually one evening as we discussed a history essay. I had sprouted an erection and we were laughing noisily as Melanie kept trying to tease it. The four bed roomed studies were somewhat roomier than the six roomed ones and with all our noisy fun, we failed to hear Lucinda returning unexpectedly from a hockey practice. A thunderstorm had interrupted her practice and they had finished early.

As the rain lashed the windows and the thunder crashed, I was sitting with one knee up on the chair and my other thigh spread wide as my boy-clitty tented my regulation school knickers. Mel and Bea had taken this as an invitation to start some fun. Unfortunately, Melanie and Beatrice had their backs to the door and failed to notice Lucinda’s arrival.
They were giggling precociously as I feebly resisted their efforts and they finally managed to tug down my waistband to expose my glorious erection. It was at this unfortunate moment that Lucinda entered. The crash of the thunder had drowned out the noise of our front door as Lucinda rushed in to shower and then dry off. She arrived suddenly and unexpectedly as she stepped into the study and threw her hockey equipment into the corner. I froze for a moment then struggled to remove Melanie’s busy fingers from the waistband of my knickers. She and Beatrice easily prevented my efforts and I was stuck struggling with my knickers around my bum, and my erected boy-clitty sprouting from my loins. I was totally exposed to Lucinda’s shocked stare.

It was only when Lucinda finally released a shocked squeal that Melanie and Beatrice realised we had company.

“Oh my God!” Gasped Lucinda.

Melanie and Beatrice froze for an instant with shock as I finally managed to tug my knickers back up around my waist. However, there was still no hiding my raging hard-on.

“How long have you had that?” Squawked a Stunned Lucinda.

Ever the sharp wit, Melanie laughed and replied.

“Oh she’s only been horny about ten minutes.”

“Don’t be bloody facetious!” Snapped Lucinda as she stepped forward to peer at the tent in the front of my knickers.

I was still too shocked to reply and Lucinda hesitated for a moment. She was not sure if what she had briefly glanced was real or not.

“Is it a real one, or one of Melanie’s kinky toys?” She Demanded.

Melanie still seemed not to be put out.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself!” She challenged as she simultaneously grabbed my knickers again and yanked them down. Her swift unexpected action immediately revealed my swollen boy-clitty again and Lucinda frowned, as her eyes seemed glued to my organ.

“Oh my God! It is real, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” I croaked softly as my voice cracked with fear.

“You mean, you’re a boy, a boy like, - like those she-males in Melanie’s magazines.

“Yes.” I repeated without attempting an explanation or a plea fro leniency.

Lucinda leant closer now, confident that I was the one in fear and posing no threat to her.
Lucinda had grown up since that incident long ago in the stables. Gone was the fat little ‘victim’ of the first year. Gone was the target for the bullies. As one of the fourth year’s best athletes and stunning beauties, Lucinda was confident in her status and assured of her physical safety. Despite all her advantages, she was a popular girl and certainly no bully.

“Does it work?” She asked as she studied it intently.

“Of course it works,” declared Melanie, “it’s stiff isn’t it?”

“No. I mean, does it, you know, make semen; get you pregnant and stuff.”

“Not just now,” interrupted Beatrice, “she had a vasectomy a year last Christmas.”

“What? You mean the snip?” Pressed Lucinda.

“Well not quite the snip,” I corrected, “it’s more like a little plug inside the tubes to prevent the stuff passing. And if you’re curious, yes I’m temporarily sterile but it can be reversed if I want when I’m older.”

I explained this because I sensed Lucinda was now more curious than upset. If she had been truly upset, she would probably have gone screaming down the corridor. Fortunately, Lucinda was made of sterner stuff. Having gradually recovered from the initial shock she was getting more curious. She leant even closer to inspect it and a sly smile spread across her lips as her eyes showed a licentious glint. I tensed uncertainly for I had no idea where Lucinda wanted to take things.

“Stand up a minute,” she urged with a slow smile.

I obliged and Lucinda grinned.

“Now turn around.”

I did as asked and turned slowly. Lucinda’s smile widened.

“Well you’ve certainly got the curves of a girl and a beautiful one at that. And your tits are real; I already know that for I’ve seen them often enough. They’re the only things on you that I could envy. Turn and face me again.”

I turned and her gaze fell again to my rigid boy-clitty.

“Can I touch it?”

“Why not,” interrupted Melanie, “we do.”

“I’m asking Martie not you.” Snapped Lucinda.

“OK.” I replied, quickly to prevent any argument.

Lucinda bent down and studied my boy-clitty up close.

“Yours is different from Peters. The knob thing on the end; Peter’s has got more skin around the base.”

She touched my sensitive glans and I gasped and twitched.

“Don’t play with that,” I croaked, “it’s sensitive and you could set it off.”

“She’s been circumcised,” declared Beatrice, “that’s why her knob end is exposed.”

Lucinda continued exploring my organ and giggled when I squirmed again as she fingered the soft sensitive tip.

“Is it that sensitive?”

“Yes!” I gasped. “Now Stoppit or I’ll come!”

“Well that’s what I want petal. I want to see you come. Melanie’s brother wouldn’t let me see his stuff. He says if any stuff went inside me I could get pregnant. Besides, he wants me to be a virgin when we marry.”

“So why experiment with Martie then?” Demanded Melanie.

“I don’t want to be a complete geek on my honeymoon.” Replied Lucinda. “I want to see what makes boys tick. What makes them horny?”

“Huh,” scoffed Beatrice, “boys are always horny, even Martie here gets horny all the time and she’s more like a girl. It’s that thing that causes all the trouble, - and the fun.” She added as an afterthought.

“Yes, she’s on call like a flippin tap. Turn her on, turn her off.” Added Melanie.

“O.K., but Martie’s not a threat, are you darling.” Finished Lucinda.

So saying she brought her lips to my boy clitty and gently brushed my knob end with her lips. I let out a low moan of fear and humped helplessly.

“If you keep that up, you’ll get a mouthful of come,” cautioned Melanie. “She can’t help but respond like that and she’ll blow off eventually.”

“Why? Can’t you control yourself darling?” Grinned Lucinda.

“No-ooh!” I wailed softly. “I’m going to come!”

“Are you saying you’re like some sort of animal, some sort of machine? Don’t you have a stop button?” Giggled Lucinda as she sensed my legs stiffening and my boy-clitty begin to twitch.

“Oh heck!” I squealed as I felt the first urgent pulse boiling up inside my loins. “Lookout!”
I squeaked but too late.

Lucinda was about to say something but my first spurt hit her in the face. She let out a squeal of surprise then reeled backwards to escape the onslaught of my juices.

“Bloody hell!! Warn me next time!”

“I tried!” I gasped as my body humped with frustration at empty air and I motioned desperately to Melanie to get some tissues.

The experienced Beatrice had already anticipated such an event and quickly reached out to smother my spurting boy-clitty with a wad of tissues. Thus she prevented any more fluids from spurting across the room but not before the wide-eyed Lucinda had watched several spurting jets of semen splatter against the back of the study door.

“Bloody hell Martie! It’s like a bloody water pistol!”

“Huh. Some water!” Countered the giggling Melanie.

Lucinda looked up from her crouching posture as she ‘tested’ some of my fluids trickling down her face. She ran her tongue along her lips and frowned curiously.

“It’s a bit, - I don’t know, - sort of salty.”

Melanie and Beatrice nodded wisely but said nothing as Lucinda finally stood up and inspected the splattered stains on the back of the door. Then she turned to Melanie.

“Can you feel it inside you when she blows off like that?”

“Yes,” chorused Bea and Mel. Who then exchanged giggles as Melanie elaborated.

“You can feel it right up by your cervix. It feels really good.”
Lucinda’s silence presaged her uncertain wavering thoughts and she turned to me.

“I don’t suppose you’re rough are you; not like a real boy, not with those soft girly curves.”

“No she’s very gentle,” interrupted Bea as she turned to Melanie for confirmation. “Isn’t she Mel?”

“Yes. She’s lovely.”

“Mmmm, perhaps some other time then.” I’d better go and shower; this stuff is beginning to dry out. I’ll clean the door after.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll do that,” offered Beatrice, “why don’t you shower with Martie?”
Lucinda turned inquisitively to me and I nodded eagerly.

“Ok, but no funny business! Keep him under control.”

“Her,” corrected Melanie, “we refer to Martie’s clitty as her.”

“Her!! You’re joking!” Lucinda cackled. “Huh! Some girl that! Come on then, join me in the shower but I warn you! No funny business!”

”I promise,” I replied, “besides, I can’t force it, you’re stronger than me.”

“That’s true,” smiled Lucy, “there are some compensations for your being a she-male. Come on, let’s shower.”

I glanced at Melanie questioningly but she nodded and smiled. There were no issues of jealousy in that quarter. To reinforce her consent, she slipped a ‘tongue tickler’ discreetly into my hand and nodded towards the shower. I immediately recognised the little pink rubber device that I sometimes used when I was pleasuring Melanie or Bea. It was a clever little soft rubber dimpled sleeve that slipped over my boy clitty or my tongue and reinforced the sensations when rasped against a girl’s clitty. At the front it had tiny little ridges then a rough patch like a cat’s tongue and finally the dimpled section at the back. The three different surfaces could produce different sensations on a girl’s clitty when she was being brought to an orgasm. Melanie and Beatrice lived by it. . I slipped it secretively over my thumb then smiled at Mel and Bea before I followed Lucy into the shower.

There we happily soaped each other down before she started exploring my delightful body. She naturally paid particular attention to my newly revealed secret. As she grasped the shaft and fingered my velvety bell, she giggled.

“Is it really that sensitive?”

“Yess,” I gasped as I shuddered while my hips squirmed and humped involuntarily.

“You’d really like to put her inside me wouldn’t you?”

“Yess!” I gasped hungrily, “but only if you want her.”

“Well, that’s a no, - no. I’m determined to be a virgin when I marry Peter.”

“That, - that’s years away. D’you think you can hold out that long?” I croaked as my boy-clitty became as stiff as steel.

“I’ve got to, and now you can help me.” Giggled Lucy as she savoured my rigid frustration.

“Tongue me down there. Make me come.”

With all the soapsuds smothering us, Lucy had not noticed the rubber tickler looped around the back of my thumb. Now was my chance to really serve her needs.

I was well used to pleasing Mel and Bea with my tongue so I knelt in the shower and deftly slipped the tickler over my tongue. With this cunning little rubber device now secure, I gently ran my tongue very slowly from her navel to her clitty then buried my face into her most secret place. Lucinda let out a soft low moan and looked down into my eyes.

“Oh my God! You’ve definitely done this before, haven’t you?”

I looked up but kept my mouth buried in her soft curly thatch to hide any view of my tongue and the tickler. Then I smiled whilst my tongue diddled her button. A year of practice with Mel and Bea had made my tongue stronger than most and Lucy squirmed urgently as my educated organ rasped the tickler delicately but precisely against her trigger. Her hips started to pump and wriggle as she searched to manoeuvre her button onto exactly the right part of my tongue.

“Oh shit! That feels good!” She growled as the clitty tickler finally scored a direct hit on the most sensitive part of her clitty. “Oh yes! That’s it! Just there! Don’t stop. Your tongue feels as rough as a cat’s. How come?” She gargled as her body started its slow delicious ascent.

I said nothing. I didn’t need to answer for Lucy’s question was almost rhetorical. Instead, I grasped the beautiful rounded cheeks of her delicious bum and pressed my jaws even tighter against her mons. This drove the rough rippled dimples of the tickler hard against her button and Lucy became demented with pleasure.

It did not take long for Lucy to reach nirvarna. Her moans became cries that soon ascended into soprano wails of ecstasy as her hips humped furiously against my face, and her fists drummed furiously on my shoulders. Then, as the final seizure of delight took possession of her every being, she dug her nails deep into my shoulders and lacerated them in an unconscious frenzy of orgasmic delight.

Lucy’s lithesome athleticism had demonstrated its power and vigour in the explosive release of her fundamental needs. I had released some inner tigress that had lain lurking always deep and suppressed within her.
Her cries had frightened Melanie and Beatrice and they had poised hesitantly outside the shower door half expecting to find some awful carnage. They had been too afraid to look inside and check.
Eventually Lucy’s whimpers subsided to match mine and her eyes opened again as she returned to our mutual dimension. Her nails had dug hard into my shoulders and drawn long bleeding welts. When she finally looked down she let out a wail and called for help. She thought she had killed me.

“Mel! Bea! Help!”

Our two friends whipped the door open to find me in an exhausted crouch as the blood dribbled down my shoulders whilst Lucy was frantically trying to squirm free of my terrified hug around her buttocks. The site resembled a battle scene.

“Quick!” Wailed Lucy. “She’s bleeding. I’ve hurt her!”

Melanie dived in and finally released my frightened grip as Beatrice helped Lucy wriggle free. Then Mel inspected my shoulders.

“I don’t think they’re very deep.”

“Let’s see,” urged Bea.

They gently fingered the puncture marks and I flinched as their fingers explored my shoulders. Lucy had by now recovered and leant over us to see for herself.

“Is she OK?”

“Yes. I think so,” observed Bea, “she’ll just need some dressings to stop the blood.”
Melanie studied my shoulders closely and pronounced her verdict.

“I don’t think the scratches will scar.”

“Oh thank God for that!” Sighed Lucy.

Beatrice looked up and frowned.

“We can’t be certain though. Some of theses nail punctures are deep.”

Then she smiled at me sympathetically.

“Those are some battle wounds darling! You’d better finish your shower while I get some lint and the roll of plaster.”

“Will it leave scars?” I asked.

“I don’t think the scratches will.” Mel’s right. They are mostly surface scratches. I can’t be sure about these though.”

She touched the nail puncture wounds on my slender shoulders and I winced again.

“These are a bit deeper. This is where most of the blood is coming from. Shower yourself off with a cold shower. Cold water should reduce the bleeding.

“Oh thanks a bunch,” I whimpered,” I always love a cold shower.”

“Your choice love. It’ll stop the bleeding faster.”

Reluctantly I sprayed the cold water over my shoulders and squealed like a sissy at the shock. Then Melanie produced some lint to dry me and Beatrice dressed the puncture wounds. It was simply a matter of some ointment then placing a soft lint dressing to cover the eight fingernail punctures across the tops of my scapulas. Beatrice admired her own handiwork.

“There that should do. If you sleep in your red dance leotard, that should keep the dressing in place and stop it coming off. Any blood shouldn’t show on the red Lycra. Just be careful tonight and don’t wriggle too much.”

For the rest of the evening, I sat around in my dance leggings and leotard whilst Lucy, Bea and Mel offered sympathy and discussed Lucinda’s tigerish ways.

“It’s not me,” objected Lucinda, “it’s Martie’s tongue. It’s deliciously rough and just soo-oo educated!”

I kept quiet. I had managed to hide the tongue tickler under the sponge and shampoo bottle after Lucinda had orgasmed. Then I slipped it to Beatrice as she dressed my wounds.
We three exchanged knowing glances. It had been known for virgins to become so addicted to ticklers that an ordinary penis might fail to arouse them. Then they were condemned to a life of servility to ticklers and other sex toys. I felt a little guilty, for perhaps we should not have introduced Lucinda to such an addictive device so early in her sexual development.
That night I slept alone. The girls weren’t happy, but my wounds were still sore.

In the morning, they had healed enough to simply cover each nail puncture with a plaster. The scratch marks however, were now angry red wealds that showed through my cotton blouse between my bra straps.

I would have to cover my blouse to hide the plasters and the scratches. Fortunately, it was quite cool and lots of other girls had chosen to wear jerseys so I didn’t stand out. That next evening, whilst Lucy went to another hockey practice, we discussed the tickler issue.

“But we’ll have to tell her,” I protested. “Otherwise she’ll think all boys have rough educated tongues.”

“Has she done it with Peter?” Asked Beatrice.

“How should I know? I was in Spain with you all summer.” Replied Melanie. “Besides, if she was prepared to do oral sex with Peter, she would probably have had to go the full monty with him. You know what boys are like. Give them an inch.”

“OK then.” I Sighed. “I suppose I’d better do it. After all, it was me that introduced it. I don’t want her to become a tickler junkie.”

When Lucinda returned from Hockey practice she grinned at me as she threw her muddy kit in the laundry basket.

“Ready for another session tiger? I need a shower before dinner.”
I smiled nervously as I plucked up the courage.

“Are you sure? Promise you won’t hurt me again. My shoulders are still sore.”

She leant forward and kissed me tenderly on the lips as Melanie and Beatrice watched and smiled.

“I promise to be gentle with you.”

“Well. I, - I’ve got a bit of a confession to make.”

Lucinda’s brow furrowed suspiciously.


“Well. Well I haven’t been entirely fair with you.”

“Go on. Are you saying you haven’t had a vasectomy?”

“Oh no! No! It’s nothing like that. No, there’s no risk of babies. It’s, - it’s this.”

So saying, I revealed the tongue tickler and Lucinda’s eyes narrowed curiously.

“What’s that?”

“It. It’s what I used last night.”

“Go on,” pressed Lucinda as understanding slowly glimmered in her eyes.

“I used it to pleasure you last night. It. It’s a clitty tickler that fits over the tongue.”

“Let me see.”

She held out her hand and I gave it to her like some naughty child delivering up forbidden chewing gum. The shape and mechanics were obvious and she smiled softly.

“So this fits over your tongue and these bits tickled my clitty last night.”

I nodded guiltily as Mel and Bea crimsoned. Lucy turned to them.

“Did you know about this?”

“Uh. Yes,” confessed Mel, “it’s my tickler.

Lucinda fell silent for a few seconds as she fingered the tickler and ran it across her own tongue.

“It feels rougher than my tongue.”

“It’s meant to be.” Confessed Melanie. “It’s to give you better orgasms.”

“Hmmmm,” pondered Lucy.

“Can Martie use it again in the shower?”

We three exchanged concerned glances.

“D’you think you should,” cautioned Bea, “what happens if you get to like it too much?”

Lucinda smiled as she continued fingering the tickler.

“I presume there are plenty more where this came from.”

Mel crimsoned slightly and nodded as Lucinda’s gaze fell directly on her.

“Yes I thought so. Can I keep this one?”

“It’s the only one I’ve got.” Protested Mel. “I’ll buy you one in the next holidays. I can’t go into the adult shop in my school uniform.”

Lucinda saw the problem and nodded with disappointment.

“OK then, you keep it for now. But I’ll expect our little tongue maiden to serve me when needs must.”

“And that means now I suppose.” I observed.

“You bet darling, come on I’ve got a shower to take.”

I stripped eagerly and followed Lucinda’s delightful teardrop shaped butt-cheeks into the shower. Neither of us heard Bea turn to Mel.

“Have you noticed how Lucy is usually horny after physical exercise?”

“Yeah.” Replied Mel. “Strange that. I’m usually too bushed.”

“Yeah,” agreed Bea, “I prefer it in bed as well.”

“Well, each to their own. Come on let’s finish our essays.”

So saying, Mel and Bea went to the library to make some notes.

In the shower, Lucy turned to me and proffered the tickler. I deferred at first.

“I think you should just go with my bare tongue. You could get addicted to that, like a drug addict.”

“D’you think so?” Sighed Lucy as disappointment registered in her eager eyes.

“Well I don’t know for sure,” I replied, “Mel seems to think so.”

“Bugger Mel!” Scorned Lucy. “I’ll be the arbiter of my needs. Put it on.”

“OK. I’ll tell you what. You put it on my tongue like putting on a horse’s halter. But you just watch those nails.”

So saying I opened my mouth and rasped my tongue forwards as Lucy tenderly slid it up my tongue. She had a bit of trouble and hesitated.

“Is it supposed to be this tight?”

“Yeth.” I lisped. “Otherwithe ith’ll fall off.”

“Good point,” she grinned and pushed it firmly up to the base of my tongue.

I intended to start gently by caressing her nipples and slowly working down to Lucy’s love lips but she was having none of it. She gently pressed my head straight down to her sex and spread her legs submissively. Fortunately our shower was big enough to allow us to settle on the floor and despite being slightly cramped, it was possible for Lucy to lie on her back and for me to burrow eagerly into her sex. As my tongue found her magic button she gasped urgently and brought up her legs to wrap around my back. Within minutes, she had another massive orgasm then lay whimpering with satiation as I removed the tickler from my tongue.

Finally she recovered and smiled at me.

“Do you want one?” She whispered as she fingered my raging stiffy.

“It’s OK. I’ll be doing it tonight with Mel and Bea.

“Oh.” She sighed. “You’re weird, despite it being rock hard; you don’t seem to be as desperate as other boys.”

“I’m not like other boys,” I replied.

“Well that’s for sure,” sighed Lucinda as she fingered my turgid nipples.

“You sound disappointed.” I observed.

“Oh No! You’re the best thing to happen for me. You’re a lovely girly friend who can help me solve my needs without risk.”

“So what’s with wanting to please me then? You seem almost disappointed that I am prepared to wait for Mel and Bea tonight.”

“Well I, - I’ve never seen a boy’s thing do the whole thing. That stuff last night caught me unexpectedly. I was hoping you could show me the full thing, properly.”

“What!” I gasped. “But what about you and Mel’s brother Peter?”

“He wants me to be pure for him. Well I want to be pure for him as well; a virgin bride.”

My heart softened for Lucinda. I suppose it was every girl’s dream to be a virgin on her honeymoon night. Despite that dream, it would be useful for the girl to have sufficient carnal knowledge to enjoy that very special event, namely losing her virginity on her wedding night. Lucinda seemed to read my thoughts.

“I’m glad I’ve met you.” She sighed.

“Oh; go on,” I pressed. “Why’s that?”

“Well you can teach me stuff. Stuff like what boys like.”

“That’s a no brainer!” I giggled. “Boys just like to shag girls. It’s in their genes, especially teenaged boys. They’re just glands looking for somewhere to ejaculate.”

“I know that,” giggled Lucy, “Peter’s already shown that.”

“So why d’you need to see mine working?” I asked.

“I want to learn how a boy ticks but not expose myself to their demands. With boys, it’s not what you give them, it’s what they think they’re going to get.”

It was my turn to giggle. Lucinda was dead right there. She continued talking.

“I want to be a virgin for him, but I want to know how we can both enjoy it. I want it to be very special.”

“So you’ll use me like a male version of a teaser horse. Is that it?”

Lucy frowned nervously.

“You’re not angry are you?”

“Oh heck no! I’ve got Mel and Bea and we serve each other perfectly.”

“Are you going to live with them forever?”

“I hope so.” I replied.

“Which one will you marry?”

I hesitated thoughtfully. In truth I just didn’t know. I would have liked to marry both of them but that was impossible. The law could be so unfair! Why couldn’t three people get married provided they were all agreed and were equally free to do so? I admitted my concerns and Lucy frowned.

“You mean you want a harem like a sultan or a sheik.”

“Oh no. I just want Mel and Bea.”

“And what are their feelings?”

“About marriage you mean? I don’t know. I’ve never asked them”

“You don’t seem to know much about their feelings do you?”

“I’d be afraid to ask them in case I hurt one or the others feelings.”

“That figures. You’re too kind. That’s what makes you so special.”

So saying she hugged me again and kissed me passionately.

After finally releasing her embrace Lucy asked me softly.

“D’you want me to find out how Mel and Bea feel about the future?”

“Could you do that?” I pleaded. “I mean without giving my feelings away.”

“Trust me. It’ll seem like casual conversation.”

“Thanks,” I sighed gratefully.

“So now, are you going to make that thing do what it’s supposed to?” Giggled Lucy.

“OK then. The problem is I’ve got girly feelings just like you. I’ve got very sensitive nipples and they always gets me going.”

“Oh. I don’t think Peter’s nipples are sensitive. He just likes me to play with his cock.”

“Yeah. That figures. Do you ever kiss it or suck it?”

“Ugh no. It’s all hairy and it smells a bit.”

“So the best way around that is to join him in the shower and get him clean.”

“I’d like to but that’s a big no-no! If we’re naked together, he’ll only want to shag me. It’s the same when we lie on the bed together. He says he wants me to be a virgin but his body belies his words.”

“Yeah. As you say, they’re just a gland. They're like a firework looking for somewhere to go off. But on your honeymoon night, you can make him share a shower with you then you can get him clean and then suck him off first to take away his desperation. Once he’s blown off once, he’ll be easier to manage in bed.”

“That’s a good idea darling.” Grinned Lucy. “You see, we’re already sorting out a strategy. So how about you? Apart from your tits, and I must say, they’re very nice tits; what else gets you horny?”

“The same thing as with Peter, playing with my cock and kissing it. If you suck Peter’s cock, you can swallow his juices and then he won’t be able to shag you immediately after he’s spent.”

“Yeah, I suppose that’s an option. So come on, let me practice on you to develop my technique.”

At this instruction, I lay back in the shower and Lucy bent down to address my aching boy-clitty.

As she cautiously enveloped my raging erection, I explained how and where it felt nice and she was soon sucking greedily until I exploded in a paroxysm of delight. She smiled as she rose from her duties with droplets of my juices on her lips.

“It’s still salty.”

“That’s what Mel and Bea tell me. I suppose all boys’ stuff tastes much the same. D’you like it?”

“Mmmm. It’s OK I suppose but I still prefer a nice cup of sweet tea.”

At this Lucy gave her lips one final lick and we showered quickly before Melanie and Beatrice returned.

As we were dressing they returned from the library and smiled knowingly at Lucinda.

“Somebody looks like the cat that got the cream,” grinned Beatrice.

Lucinda crimsoned slightly then giggled contentedly.

“You’re only jealous in case I stole some of your pleasure.”

“Oh there’s plenty more where that came from,” declared Mel as she gently massaged the bulge in my knickers.

I jerked nervously but Mel’s caress was no more than that, simply a caress to declare her entitlement to first use of my services. Lucy and I finished dressing then we all four went down to supper.

That night, we made sure our study door was locked and placed some mattresses on the study floor. This made masses of space for all four of us to indulge our pleasures and we each savoured our particular delights as Lucinda joined our group and continued her education without risk to her virginity. We fell asleep early and woke feeling particularly satiated as we showered and dressed communally. For me, that first morning was particularly enjoyable for it was the first time I could shower and dress without having to worry about being discovered. The additional pleasure was having Lucinda taking a particularly prurient interest in my inevitable ‘morning glory’.

“I should have thought she was too tired to stand erect like that after last night’s games,” giggled Lucinda.

“Oh! Don’t you believe it,” chuckled Melanie. “All boys of her age have a boundless capacity for fun. That’s the nice thing about her. Her boy-clitty is always on call.”

“Yeah. Like a fire extinguisher,” added Beatrice as she gently dried her hair.

The towel made her blind as she draped it over her head and patted the excess moisture so I chose my moment.

For an answer, I silently crept up behind Beatrice and cheekily nudged her naked sex as she bent over the washbasin.

I expected Beatrice to squeal her protest and take a swipe at me but instead she giggled then wiggled her bum to cause my rigid organ to slip partway into her cleft. Before I had realised it she had thrust her bum backwards and my boy-clitty was fully engaged. I grunted with surprise and stood still for I had not expected such licentiousness of my oldest friend. Beatrice gave a frustrated sigh then protested.

“You see. She-males and boys are not the only ones who get horny first thing in the morning. Now come on darling. Finish what you’ve started.”

Lucinda and Melanie let out squeaks of surprised delight as they savoured my surprised expression.

“Go on Martie, put her fire out.” Ordered Lucinda with a newfound authority and confidence.

I needed no more encouragement, and greedily took Beatrice, doggie style, over the sink. Fortunately, we were both well up for it and we came quickly. Then we showered below our waists again and resumed drying as Lucinda and Melanie replaced the mattresses and tidied the study.

“Well that was a nice little quickie,” giggled Beatrice as we gently patted each other down.

As time was now pressing, we hurriedly dressed and joined Lucinda and Mel prior to filing down to breakfast.

Yes, I have to confess, that fourth year at St Angela’s was perhaps one of the happiest times of our lives.

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