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and gets ready to leave home,
but then Helen drops a bombshell.
by Louise Anne Smithson
Book 2 Chapter 7
She’s leaving home
‘Good afternoon Denis, I haven’t seen you around much recently, what can I do for you?’ she asked.
‘Mrs Clarke, I've been offered a new job and some new accommodation on the other side of London. How much notice will you need before I vacate my room?’
Her answer took him by surprise.
‘I see. Has this got something to do with your working as a female impersonator?’ she asked.
‘How did you know about that?’ he responded blushing.
‘I was showing some prospective tenants round the house the other day and I noticed the female clothes and makeup in your room.’
‘I'm not at all happy about you showing people my room without warning me first,’ he said angrily.
She realised that perhaps she had over-stepped the mark.
‘I'm sorry, I should have warned you first,’ she answered, ‘but you've been away for a week recently and then disappeared again for several days without warning me. I'd no idea when you were coming back.’
‘Alright, but I sill need to know how much notice is required before I leave,’ he said coolly, now determined that he would be leaving, come what may.
‘When would you like to move out?’ she asked in a conciliatory voice.
‘My employers want me to begin the new job on Monday, so ideally it would be this coming weekend,’ he answered.
‘I am holding a deposit for four weeks rent and you've already paid me your rent until this coming weekend. The notice period in your rental agreement would be four weeks. However, I've been advertising Angela’s room, and have had several enquiries so I currently have more than one potential tenant interested in letting my rooms. If you can be clear of your room by Saturday evening and you leave it in a good condition I'll return your deposit without asking for any more notice than that,’ she answered.
‘I will need to make a few arrangements, but I think I should be able to vacate my room by Saturday afternoon. I'll confirm with you later.’
As soon as he left the room he went across to Angela’s room and knocked on her door.
‘Hello Denis, how are you today?’
‘I’m alright but that nosey cow of a landlady has been showing people my room without my permission, and as a result she now knows all about Denise,’ he said.
‘I swear to you that I haven’t said anything to her, or to anyone else, for that matter,’ she said.
‘I know, but I'm certainly not going to remain living here now.’
‘So what will you do for accommodation?’ she asked.
‘I have some good news; Denise has just been offered work as a photographic model for the next three months, and so I'm going to take up your suggestion of living as a woman full-time for the duration of the summer. I'll be moving out on Saturday along with you.’
‘That's brilliant news,’ she said looking truly delighted. ‘But where will you live?’
‘I've also been offered a room with my friend Samantha — in fact she was the other bridesmaid at the wedding last month.’
‘So she already knows all about Denise?’ said Samantha.
‘Yes, of course, in fact she only knows me as Denise.’
‘You had better come in and tell me all about it.’
Denis was about to do as she said, but then Angela had a change of heart.
‘Wait a minute, if Mrs Clarke now knows all about Denise, there's no reason for you to have to dress as Denis in the house any more. Why don’t you go and get changed again?’
‘But I have only just changed back two hours ago. In fact I've been living as Denise ever since we had the meal last week.’
‘In that case it shouldn’t take you long to change back again,’ she said. ‘If you're planning to spend the summer as a girl, you might as well begin as soon as possible.’
He was about to protest, but Angela continued.
‘Please agree, this will be my last free evening in the UK, as I'll be saying farewell to my colleagues tomorrow and packing on Friday. If you were to get changed now, we could go out for a drink together to celebrate your new job.’
He sighed and then shrugged his shoulders.
‘Alright then, call round to my room in an hour. I'll become Denise again tonight for your sake, but I'll have to change back again afterwards as I have a lot to arrange and do before I move out.’’
Denis returned to his room and hurriedly took off his clothes and selected one of the dresses and some underwear given to him by Angela. He inserted Jane’s breast forms into a bra but did not seek to stick them down. He put on his wig, some makeup and inserted a pair of earrings to become Denise once again. She was just putting the finishing touches to her appearance when Angela knocked at the door.
‘Come in, I'm not quite ready yet,’ she said. ‘I've had to do everything in a hurry.’
‘No problem, I can wait.’
‘Unfortunately I'm still not very good at fixing my finger nails, and feel rather self-conscious as a woman without them.’
‘I don’t think you need worry for this evening, your hands don't strike me as being particularly manly in appearance, and we're only going out for a drink, not entering you for a beauty pageant,’ said Angela.
‘OK then but I'll be happier next week when I can have proper manicured nail extensions,’ she replied.
‘You really are taking this new role seriously’ said Angela.
‘Yes, if I'm going to do it then I'll do it properly.’
‘So you are now happy to live as Denise full-time?’
‘I think so. I've been seriously thinking about things ever since our conversation on Friday evening, and then the offer of a new room followed by another offer of a new job both came along out of the blue.
‘Will you have enough clothes to wear as Denise?’
‘I'ill probably have to buy myself one or two more summer dresses this weekend as the clothes you've given me are for winter and it'll be quite warm working in the studio.’
‘I can help you there, I've organised my packing and still have a couple of cotton summer dresses left over which simply will not fit in my case. You're welcome to have them.’
‘I can’t accept anything more from you. You've already given me masses of clothes’
‘Of course you can, since I suggested you spending some time living as Denise, the least I can do is to make sure you've enough clothes to wear. I know exactly what I'll be wearing over the next three days and I won't have time to take them to a charity shop. If you won't take them, I'll have to put them in the dustbin,’ she answered.
Denise sighed.
‘Alright then, but I insist on paying for the drinks tonight.’
‘Fine! Now take that dress off and I'll go and get you another to try on,’ she said.
She returned a few minutes later carrying two light summer dresses and a pair of open-toed sandals. Denise quickly tried them on and decided to wear a light blue cotton dress.
‘The colour suits you; now take those tights off and we'll quickly put some nail varnish on your toes, and you can wear these sandals.’
Denise did as she was told and Angela helped her to paint her toes bright red.
‘Does my hair look alright?’ asked Denise as they were waiting for her toes to dry.’
‘Yes of course and so does your makeup, now come on, let’s get going,’ said Angela.
The pair went out to a nearby public house. Denise paid for the drinks but asked Angela to go to the bar and buy them as she was still feeling a little self-conscious about her finger nails. Angela ordered them each a gin and tonic. They found a quiet corner and sat down. Denise proceeded to tell her friend all about her weekend followed by the circumstances of the photo shoot, and the subsequent offer of employment as a model.
‘That is really wonderful news Denise. Things are really working out for you now,’ said Angela.
‘It is almost as if everyone is conspiring against Denis.’
‘No, think of it rather as them conspiring to help Denise to fulfill her potential. Don’t try and pretend that you don’t like the idea of working as a model, I can see that you are delighted with the prospect.’
‘I suppose I was quite flattered by the offer of such work, but I'm also quite nervous as to how I will get on.’
‘I don't think you need to worry, they clearly approve of Denise at your office.’
‘Yes it was my colleagues who originally suggested the idea and ever since everyone seems to have been looking for excuses to help me stay as Denise rather than change back to Denis.’
‘There must be a good reason for that, something in your character or demeanour,’ commented Angela.
Denise didn't respond, but seemed lost in thought. Angela therefore decided to change the subject.
‘So when will you be moving your belongings to your friend’s house?’ she asked.
‘I should be able to move in sometime after Samantha’s sister moves out on Saturday. I've provisionally agreed with Mrs Clarke to move out of my room by Saturday afternoon. However, before I am allowed to move in, I need to leave all of Denis’s clothes in the storeroom at work and then get changed into Denise.’
‘So why is it so essential for you to change back into Denis before the coming weekend? Why don't you remain as you are now that everyone knows?’ asked Angela.
Denise thought for a few moments.
‘Now that you come to mention it, there isn't any real reason now that I no longer care what Mrs Clarke thinks about me. In fact, I can see several advantages to my going in to work tomorrow and Friday as Denise. They would then be able to sort out my hair and finger nails for me before the weekend rather than first thing on Monday morning.’
‘Good! So that is settled, you can stay as you are for the foreseeable future’ said Angela.
‘Until next September,’ answered Denise.
'Unfortunately I won't be here to check up on that,' replied Samantha.
Denise’s mobile phone rang and she excused herself for a moment. The ring tone had told her that the call was from Samantha.
‘Hi Sam, have you heard anything yet?’
‘Yes, Helen telephoned me earlier and I've just been talking to Jane and Sue. Isn’t it wonderful news! It will be the ideal summer job for both of us.’
‘So it looks like we will be living and working together for the next three months,’ said Denise.
‘Good, I think we'll have a lot of fun together,’ said Samantha, ‘but there is just one small point, Sue wants me to call in to the office tomorrow. If I do so, am I likely to run into Denis? I really would prefer not to meet him if I can avoid it.’
‘No, there is now no danger of that at all,' replied Denise. 'Everything is now sorted and poor old Denis has been placed in cold storage for the next three months. In fact I was just about to ring you to ask if I could move in during the course of Saturday afternoon.’
‘Alright then as long as you do not mind if the room will is not perfectly clean after Jane has moved out. Jane is a neat and tidy person, but there is always some cleaning to do.’
‘Of course I won’t mind, and if necessary, I'll help you finish the cleaning on Sunday after I have moved in.’
‘In that case we can sort out all the details when we meet tomorrow. Goodbye for now. I'm looking forward to seeing you again,’ said Samantha.
Denise put away her phone and returned to her conversation with Angela. Five minutes later it rang again, this time it was Jane.
‘Denise I am so pleased about the way everything has worked out for you and Samantha, I am sure you will have a great summer living and working together.’
‘I hope so. By the way, thank you for suggesting my name to Helen, along with Samantha.’
‘Samantha’s my sister, but I had to be fair to both of my beautiful bridesmaids,’ she replied.
As Angela and Denise returned to their lodgings at the end of the evening, Mrs Clarke was standing in the corridor waiting to speak to them. She nodded to them but didn't show any signs of annoyance or disapproval.
‘Hello Mrs Clarke,’ said Denise, without a trace of embarrassment.
‘Denis, I've just been speaking to another tenant who would like to move in on Sunday. Can you confirm that you are definitely leaving on Saturday?’
‘Yes, Mrs Clarke, everything is now sorted; I've just been talking to my new landlady. I'll bring you my keys at lunchtime and will also make sure that the room is clean and undamaged,’ said Denise.
‘In that case I will give you a cheque for the return of your deposit,’ she said.
Denise smiled and was about to walk on.
‘By the way, you look very nice wearing that dress,’ said Mrs Clarke, smiling.
‘Thank you,’ said Denise, slightly surprised but pleased nevertheless.
The pair entered Angela’s room to say goodbye to one another.
‘See!, You need never have worried about what Mrs Clarke thinks in the first place,’ said Angela.
‘Yes, but I'm glad to be moving all the same, particularly as you're leaving at the same time. The place will not be the same without you popping round to moan about your fiancé,’ answered Denise laughing.
‘Thanks again for all your help in the past’, answered Angela. ‘I only wish that I'd got to know Denise a little earlier.’
Denise looked slightly awkward.
‘I wish you had as well, but thanks for all your help and encouragement recently. I'll try and pop in to wish you luck on Saturday morning.’
‘I'll be leaving for the airport very early on Saturday morning. Why not pop by on Friday evening, when I'll be doing my last-minute packing,’ said Angela.
‘Alright, I'll see you at about 8.00pm but I won't be able to stay for long as I'll have to finish my own packing.’
‘There is one thing I would ask of you though, Denise.’
‘What's that?’
‘I never did get to see you wearing your bridesmaid’s outfit, would you mind modelling it for me on Friday so that I can take away memories of you as a lovely young woman.’
Denise smiled, ‘I suppose I can’t really refuse after everything you've done for me over the last few weeks. Alright I'll put on bridesmaid’s dress and put my hair up especially for you.’
‘Thanks’, said Angela giving her a kiss on the cheek. ‘I’ll see you on Friday evening’.
Before going to bed, Denise carefully washed all of Denis’s soiled clothes in her sink, ready to pack them away as soon as they were dry. She then washed and styled her wig, leaving it on a polystyrene wig block to dry. She looked at herself in the mirror still wearing the summer dress but now without long hair. There was no doubt she looked better with the longer hair, but she still looked quite passable as a female with her own hair. In a few weeks time it would have grown long enough to be able to style and she would have no further need of artificial aids.
Finally she undressed herself, removed her makeup, showered and checked her arms and legs carefully for any signs of bodily hair before putting on a nightdress and getting into bed. She lay awake for some time thinking about the past and her future. It was only a month since she had been persuaded to put on a dress for the first time, and, here she was with a complete female wardrobe. Five weeks ago Denis thought of himself as a non-descript, non-entity. Next week, Denise would be embarking on a three month spell working as an attractive young woman modelling beautiful clothes — the centre of everyone’s attention. There were lots of attractive girls who'd love to be in her shoes. How dramatically life had changed in just a few weeks! Had she been the victim of a conspiracy by her workmates and Samantha? Yes, up to a point, but there were other women such as Alison or Angela, who had also encouraged her —so there must be some unconscious message she was conveying. Had she been forced into her present situation against her will? She knew in her heart that this was not true — in many respects she'd welcomed the encouragement, the scheming, and even the mild coercion she had received from her friends. It gave her confidence that what she was about to do was right for her.
As she lay in bed thinking it occurred to her that she had probably just passed a milestone without even realising it. She would not now be spending any more time as Denis for the whole summer. It was both a frightening prospect but also quite an exciting one. She had a new job, new accommodation and a number of new friends since she became Denise. The only cloud on the horizon was that some time she would have to explain her present situation to her sister and her mother.
Thursday morning was warm and sunny once again as Denise woke up early feeling pleased with herself, and with the world. She put on the blue cotton dress that she had worn the night before, and her wig and makeup. As it was so warm and her legs still felt smooth after having defuzzed them at the weekend, she decided to go without tights or stockings. She also wore the open-toed sandals rather than her usual high heeled shoes, since these would show off her newly painted toenails. For the journey into work she also wore a pink lightweight linen jacket and a white shoulder bag.
‘Good morning Denise you look very summery in that outfit,’ said Sarah cheerfully as she arrived at work a little earlier than normal.
‘Thank you,’ Denise answered smiling. ‘You always look good when you come to work.’
Sarah smiled in return, and Denise reflected that Denis would have been too awkward to exchange such compliments, even in the unlikely event that someone might comment on his appearance. She also recalled that the bus driver had been equally cheerful and friendly to her that morning. Was it due to the weather, or what she'd chosen to wear that day, or were people just more friendly with young women than they were with men?
‘Nobody told me that we were expecting to see you in work again today — does that mean you received some good news yesterday?’ asked Sarah. ‘I had to leave before there was any announcement.’
‘Yes, Helen has asked me and Jane’s sister, Samantha, to be the models for the new Internet version of the catalogue. The job is not just for a few days, as I first thought, but for three months. I'm afraid you will be seeing quite a bit more of Denise over the next few weeks,’ she answered both smiling and blushing at the same time.
Sarah did not seem at all surprised by the news, in fact no secrets ever lasted more than a few minutes in Helen’s office.
‘Well done!’ she said looking genuinely pleased, and giving her colleague a hug. ‘I'm sure we'll all enjoy working with you both. By the way, does the fact that you have come in to work dressed as Denise this morning mean that you've sorted out things with your landlady?’
‘Yes, in a way it does. My landlady has now seen me dressed as Denise, but I've also been offered Jane’s old room in Samantha’s flat. I'll be moving in this weekend, so I shall be living entirely as Denise for the next three months,’ she answered, still blushing a little.
‘Oh that is good news! Mary and I had a £10 bet with one another just before Jane’s wedding about how long it would take for Jane and Sue to persuade you to dress as a woman full-time. I guessed that you would be living as Denise, full-time, in less than six weeks. Mary said it would be between six weeks and three months before they persuaded you,’ said Sarah triumphantly.
‘So I have been the victim of a been a conspiracy.’
‘Perhaps, but only a gentle one, to help you find happiness.’
Denise was not sure what to make of Sarah’s comment, and so she returned the conversation to their bet.
‘Supposing neither of you had been right?’
‘In that case we agreed to give our stake money to charity, but between us we thought we were on to a sure thing — you always seem to be so much more relaxed and cheerful whenever you are Denise.’
‘Exactly how did you define “living full-time?”’ asked Denise, ‘I've only been contracted to work for three months until the new catalogue is finished. Maybe you should wait for a while before collecting your winnings.’
‘Alright then, but if you're still dressed as Denise one day after those three months are up, I will be claiming my money!’ said Sarah, ‘and I'm still very confident of winning.’
‘If I am still working as Denise after 21st September, I'll pay both of you £10,’ she said laughing.
Helen and Sue arrived at that point and both seemed surprised to see Denise rather than Denis. Sue, in particular, seemed delighted to see her.
‘All the arrangements are now sorted out at home. I've spoken to my landlady and shall be moving to my new accommodation on Saturday. I can start modelling for you on Monday and you won’t be seeing Denis again at work for some time to come,’ she said.
‘That’s good news’ said Sue. Turning to Helen she asked ‘How about Samantha?’
‘I spoke to her last night. She's very pleased with the offer and can also start on Monday. She'll be coming in later this morning to discuss the arrangements. Would you be free at about 11.30 to speak to her?’ answered Helen.
‘Yes by all means,’ she replied.
‘In that case may I also see her briefly after she has spoken to you to discuss arrangements for moving in to Jane’s room?’
‘Alright but before we go any further, may I have a word with you in private Denise?’
‘Yes of course,’ she replied, and followed her into the office.
‘I have been thinking about things last night, and although I still want to go ahead with your idea for the web catalogue, I am not sure that employing you as a model is such a good idea.’
(Next time Denise makes the last few arrangements to begin her new life.)
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I have a feeling that Denise will be much more empowered than she thought.
A Summer of Changes - Book 2 Chapter 7
Perhaps Denise should teach them all a lesson about manipulating Denis. If Denis wants to BE Denise, she should get the winnings to help her in her transition.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
So now that they have Denise
So now that they have Denise rather than Denis, what is Helen up to? All of a sudden she doesn't seem to think Denise would make a good model? I had thought she had left that decision up to the photographer and a few others, with her decision included? What has changed since less than two days ago to change her mind, or is this a ploy to place Denise into another full time female job? If Denise doesn't get the modeling job, then Samantha should refuse it also, so she stays in solidarity with Denise. Jan
Hopefully It's Resolveable
Louise Anne is likely just getting our attention. I personally think the cliff hangers are cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on us poor innocent readers by sadistic authors. :)
...Helen's concerned that she's 'forced' Denis to become Denise, or that there's a possibility of 'Denise' being the model, but 'Denis' receiving the money; which could create problems when it comes to financial audits etc. I suppose what might need to happen is to give Denise her own legal identity - whether by a formal name change or registering it as a legal alias.
The situation with Mrs. Clarke is also odd - although landlords have the right to enter tenants' flats (usually to check they're being maintained OK), it's rather unusual to show prospective new tenants around the flat of an existing tenant whose flat is not currently approaching the end of the tenancy agreement. Still, even though Mrs. Clarke knows of Denise's dual identity, understandably Denise isn't happy with staying there, so is pretty much committed to moving in with Samantha and staying as Denise for the foreseeable future.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
A Summer of Change
I am hooked on this story. It has developed characters that I have become
interested in. No matter how simple the acts of the characters their is
an expectation that it is the follow-up to something important. My personal
opinion is that Denis has made and important contribution to the company by
his suggestions to expand sales thru the internet. But it is Denise that the
company needs now. Helen realizes this and she must take steps to keep Denise
from returning to being Denis, and then to keep her from moving to a competitor.
This being accomplished thru incentives. I believe a promotion is coming.
Kaptin Nibbles
Here It Comes...
I'm betting that Helen has decided that it'd be dangerous to the business to let a crossdresser model, but if Denise will commit to transitioning permanently...
At the rate they're taking things, they'll be sending her to Thailand in September.
Denis, Don't Pack Your Running Shoes Just Yet!
I don't think all is as it appears.
First, Samantha's antipathy towards Denis seems pathological. Why was she afraid of any chance where she might even encounter him? This androphobic behavior may yield negative consequences for one or both of them in the future.
Second, lying & manipulation are never good practices, even when intended to "benefit" the recipient. How much more deceit is there around this office?
Third, if a crossdressing boy, no matter how pretty or photogenic, gets the nod for a modeling assignment over all the other young women in an office, then I don't want to be anywhere in the same building when whichever one who lost out gets angry!
The Rev. Anam Chara+
Anam Chara
It seems...
... the author is imperitive to justify the means by the results of denis's attitude. It does NOT matter that he is ok with what is going on. Their actions are (were) still improper.
Goodness Gracious Dearest Guest Reader
every time I come across one of your posts it's always phrased in the negative. I have yet to see you offer praise to the hard work of the author. You are like an annoying uninvited little Jiminy Cricket character. The problem is that this is a fantasy show and not a morality play. I completely fail to understand why you even bother to read the stories on this website and in particular why you choose to comment on the ones that you don't like instead of moving on to something that you do like and offering something constructive or positive. This isn't an Ann Landers advice column or Miss Manners. If you need to be this critical of the authors hard work why not show us some of your own work so that we can return the favor? This is a sweet and supportive story of one persons self discovery. The fact that you find it unbelievable and coercive suggests to me that you don't share the collective world view of us girls. Dude, get real. Act like a guest, Reader.
P.S. It's also a bit early in the story to be so judgmental Reverend Anam Chara, none of us are perfect. Give the girl a chance.
Oh ho , sounds like a Hanger of cliffs
What is wrong, hopefully it's a better situation.
Denise probably should not worry.