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by Saless
Chapter 102
"Well, I think I've done enough damage for one day." Mana said, standing and smoothing out her dress. "I imagine you have plenty to think about for now, and I have a watcher to check in on. Especially now that he has two more agents working for him."
"You mean those FBI agents?" Tiffany asked.
"Yes. In fact, that's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to all of you. I'm afraid I've been trying to keep him distracted from Sarah while I figured out what kind of person she is. My latest attempt at a distraction didn't go quite as planned, however." Mana said, blushing in embarrassment.
"Wait, are you saying you summoned that fire elemental?!" Jill exclaimed.
"Yes, I did. I made sure it didn't hurt anyone, but it was a bad idea. While it did give me a chance to see what kind of person Sarah is, it got out of hand. I wanted to apologize to all of you for that, especially you, Jill." Mana replied.
So that's why the elemental's fire wasn't hitting those firemen! You were shielding them! Vash said.
Mana nodded, "Yes, I was."
"So nobody was ever in any danger?" Mike asked.
"That was the idea, at least. I'm sure you'll have more questions for me, would you like me to come back at the same time tomorrow?" Mana said.
"You could join us for dinner." Sarah offered.
"Thank you, but I've delayed your meal enough already. Besides, I don't really need to eat." Mana replied.
"But you can, right? When was the last time you ate?" Sarah asked.
Mana smiled, "Insightful, aren't you? Hm, the last time I ate..." she trailed off in thought. "The last time I ate was before I left Avalon. A week or two, I guess."
"Why don't you join us for dinner tomorrow, then?" Sarah asked.
"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." Mana said.
After a quick mental conference Sarah said, "Yes, I'm sure."
"Alright, I'll stay for dinner tomorrow, but on one condition." Mana said.
"What's that?" Tiffany asked curiously.
"I'll make desert." Mana replied.
Sarah smiled, "I think we can live with that!"
"Alright, I'll see you all tomorrow then. Goodbye." Mana said, and left.
That was...interesting. I never imagined that anyone that powerful existed! Vash sent.
"I guess I owe you my life Sarah." Mike said thoughtfully.
"What do you mean?" Sarah asked.
"Well, if Venus' curse incinerated you, then if you hadn't jumped in front of me I'd be dead right now. I couldn't have come back from that the way you did." Mike replied.
"I suppose so." Sarah said. "But you wouldn't have been in that situation anyway if it weren't for me."
Erica sighed dramatically and shook her head, "Classic Sarah, can never take credit for it when she does something good! I hope eternity is long enough to get you over that low self esteem problem you have!"
"I'm glad I didn't get a chrysalis, now." Tiffany said. "I wouldn't want to be immortal."
"Why not?" Sarah asked.
"Well, for starters, I don't have an immortal soul mate! But I wouldn't want to watch all my friends grow old and die, either." Tiffany replied. Realizing what she'd just said she hurried to apologize, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that!"
Sarah and Erica both were sobered by the thought and grew thoughtful. "Are you two okay?" Jill asked worriedly.
"We're okay. We just didn't think about that aspect of immortality. I guess everything has its downside." Erica replied.
"It's a bit late to make dinner, why don't we go out?" Mike suggested to distract them from their thoughts.
"Where shall we go?" Jill asked.
Before Sarah could reply Erica said, "We know what you want, Sarah! But what does everyone else want?"
Sarah smiled sheepishly and looked to Tiffany. "Um, Mexican is good?" Tiffany said tentatively.
Erica nodded, "Sounds good to me."
"Okay, Mexican it is." Jill said. Vash climbed up onto her shoulder as she sat up and Mike helped her up.
"What are we going to do about these chairs, we can hardly move in here with them!" Sarah said, looking at the two recliners Mana had conjured up.
Erica shrugged, "Portal them to the storefront for now." Sarah nodded and did so.
They climbed into Sarah's car and Erica drove them to Jill's favorite Mexican restaurant. As was becoming a habit for them, they talked telepathically during their meal.
So what do you think of Mana? Tiffany thought.
Well, I have a lot more questions for her, but she seems okay. Erica replied.
It's hard to believe after all this time that Venus' curse wasn't what we thought it was. Jill sent.
I guess the reason Sarah couldn't change back was because she didn't want to. Mike said.
Jill and I had suspected for some time that she didn't want to, although neither of us realized how deep it went. Vash said.
How do you feel about the fire elemental thing, Jill? Sarah asked.
She's changing the subject again. Erica noted, grinning at Sarah. She rolled her eyes in return, but she was smiling, too.
I don't mind the fire elemental, really. It was my own fault that I pushed myself too far, not hers. And she was taking steps to protect people from the elemental, so I don't see anything wrong with it. What I wonder about is what her other distractions were? Jill said.
I heard that some woman was claiming to have been cured by an angel just the other day. Maybe that was Mana. Tiffany said.
Assuming she's not a crackpot, that could be. She seems to be capable of anything. Erica said.
I believe that is literally true, that Mana can do anything. Vash said. I think she's the closest to the religious ideal of an omnipotent being as you can get. Obviously, she's not omniscient, though.
She may not be omniscient, but she has the answers to a lot of questions. I'd like to know what the second reason why I won't grow old is! Erica said.
That's right, she never did say! And she said something about your Oversoul absorbing souls. What was that about?! Sarah sent.
Obviously we have many more questions for Mana, as she thought we would. Vash said.
Speaking of questions and answers, did you hear anything from your father? Jill asked Erica.
Yes. He asked around, but he hit a wall. Seems our FBI friend's activities have suddenly become classified information. He was able to find out that he's something of a rising star in the agency. The only other information he could get may or may not be connected. Apparently there are rumors going around that the FBI or some other government agency (or agencies) have formed a paranormal investigation unit. There has been a major increase in the number of reports of paranormal phenomenon lately. Dad would have dismissed that part, except for what we've told him about magic being on the rise. So there may be some truth to it. Erica replied.
It sounds like this agent has been made a part of this new unit. That would explain him suddenly having help. And why Mana would think that a paranormal event like a fire elemental would distract his attention from us. Vash said.
If that's true, then he may be open to the magical explanation of events now. If so, then he's going to be watching us more closely than ever! Tiffany said worriedly.
Not necessarily. People have an amazing ability to deny what they don't want to see. Jill said with a significant look at Sarah.
Erica nodded, Like Sarah denying who she really is, even when she unknowingly transformed herself. That's a good point. I guess we'll find out soon enough if he's opened his eyes to the world of magic yet or not. I don't think there's anything we can do about him for now, though.
There is one thing; we can talk to Mana about it. She already distracted him from us; she may be willing to do more. Jill suggested.
They had finished eating by this point. After paying the bill they got back in Sarah's car. "Looks like we'll have plenty to talk about." Erica said as she started the car.
"So, what shall we do with the rest of the night?" Erica asked once they'd returned to Sarah's apartment.
"Well, we haven't gotten any training in lately." Mike pointed out.
"Good idea!" Jill said. The others agreed, so Sarah portalled them over to train.
After some stretching to limber up they began. Before long Mike had them sparring again. Everything was going fine, until Erica landed a solid kick to Jill's midsection that sent her flying. She hit the wall some twenty feet away with enough force to crack the bamboo covered wall.
To Be Continued…
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Looks As If
Mana's presence has increased everybody's power level.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Wow, six meters!!!
And no Stanman, I don't think it is the case, really. Obviously, this is Erica's chrysalis in action, but we have to consider something else.
The One. Basically, this film has to do with multiple universes, consequences of a single being having multiple incarnations in many of them, and the results of unifying them in a single entity. Enter Dark Erika.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Good movie...
I can see someone's been paying attention! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Now the question is - assuming it is the case, will the chrysalis and its benefits be exclusive to Erica, and Dark Erika will have something else, like maybe holdouts mostly, or not? She does need some kind of means of travelling, after all.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Looking forward to finding out
what's caused Erica's sudden increase in strength....I'd speculate on what's causing it....If i had a clue...Guess i must be having another blonde day...So i'll just settle for reading my better informed fellow commentors views... Faraway's thoughts seem to be a pretty good stab at an explanation...But given our authoress's track record....would things ever be that simple
Now here's a thought ! If Sarah ever gets bored with only being an Omnisoul.... She could always help out with the TG community....A few good slaps...Problem solved !!! Daft idea i know ....But she would make a lot of people very happy.
I've often thought about
I've often thought about what I'd do if I had magical powers like that. After transforming myself, that's top of my list of things I'd do! I'd have to find a way to make some extra money, though, so I could travel around to where everybody else is. I'd try to make it so I didn't get motion sick anymore, too, because otherwise all that traveling would be hell! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Mading extra money
It sounds like you wouldn't charge for the 'bitch slap,' but you could always take anonymous donations.
If I had the power to reconstruct bodies, I would start by curing everyone I know and love of all maladies -- including moving the people on this and other sites into the bodies of their dreams.
While some would have a hard time coming up with any form of payment, others could afford to be quite generous. In order to spare the feelings of those who have less resources, I would arrange for the donations to be totally anonymous. That way, nobody would have to feel bad about not being able to pay.
I would prefer to find other ways of making money, but that would allow me to start the process of fixing everyone up sooner.
Asuming, that I don´t want to have someones attention on me I would lie a little low for while, and also if I should make any distraction, wouldn´t it be better if that happend somewhere far, far away rather than in my city? Because if something happens once on spot it is probability, if it happens twice - it´s a chance, but if something like this happen third time, then there is a rule...
So I think, that Mana have not done them much good service. If they should make distraction, than in wider and wider circle from their city... just like stone that fell into still water...
A Movement
Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie (1966)
This portion concerns his Selective Service exam to determine his eligibility to be drafted during the Vietnam war.
Michelle B
How to take care of all the TGs
My first comment, as I'm catching up on the stories, which are excellent!
If I had that kind of power and wanted to make it so all TGs could be the sex they want, I wouldn't want to do it all myself. It would make me a target for resentment of the populace, veneration I don't want on the part of others, and generally take up too much of my time.
I'd make a fountain spring up somewhere. Drinking the water makes you change sex for at least 24 hours. Drink again and you change back. If you want it, come and get it. Someone would surely set up shop and mail out that water for a small fee to anywhere in the world where someone needs it.
Of course, someone would blow it up, or cap it, or cover it with a building. No problem. It dries up, and another one spring up somewhere else that gives free access.
Oh, and I would make SURE to have many many fountains spring up in a few regions. Talibans DO get so thirsty with all their work! And it's great to make tea with for your husband... did I forget to mention those particular fountains only work to make you female? My mistake...
It only works one way?
What about the F2Ms?
Anyhow, It would be even cooler (or kewler) to make a fountain or virus or something that makes your outside match your inside. Of course, that would cause lots of law firms to have to buy big aquariums for all the sharks...
I believe someone wrote a transformation story along that line. Some of the less savory people turned into rats or pigs. I believe there were some mermaids, unicorns, and kitty girls, too.
That's an interesting idea.
That's an interesting idea. I particularly like the Taliban bit! ;) Thanks Mind_Mistress, I'm glad you're enjoying it. You wouldn't happen to read the webcomic by the same name, would you?
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
I think there was a trick like that
It was in a story here, The Teg Legacy. Well minus the "thirsty Talibans" bit. ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Thanks Faraway! I've read
Thanks Faraway! I've read lots of Prudence Walker's stories, but somehow I missed that one.
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Most fountains work both ways
Ray, most of the fountains work both ways. You just become the opposite sex. The only catch is that you have to wait 24 hours before you can change again with the water. That allows for a time to learn from the change and have interesting adventures. So FtMs can get what they want too. If you're intersexed, you'll cycle through the sex most opposite to what you are, the opposite to that, and then back to how you were.
It's just the Taliban fountains that go female only. If you drink more the next day, there's no effect. Cause I'm mean that way, and I think they could use a bit more perspective. :)
Yes Saless, I've read the Mind Mistress webcomic, though not recently. The art is so so, but the stories are pretty good. I only found it because I googled my own professional name. My name's Linda, but I go by Mind Mistress on my hypnosis website.
Glad the idea amuses you :-D