The Girl in Me -11-

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The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher

Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

Synopsis: Derek a very bright young man, is a very unique individual. Who happens to possess extraordinary abilities, from family genetics. But the most unique thing about him is that he is a transgender girl, and happens to be a Witch and a Gypsy and the first Witch and Gypsy in her family tree in several hundreds of years. As soon as one problem occurs and is nearly fixed another comes Derek's now Morwen's way.

Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.


Chapter 31

The following day, was rainy. I awoke from the smites of thunder on the ground and the heavy rain on the window of my bedroom. Having a quick shower, I powdered myself with a lilac scent. I put on a white bra and panty set that was full with lace and satin, a stretchy black off the shoulder sweater over top of my white camisole. I then got out my black jeans and put them on with a black and silver spec belt, and finished dressing with my black pumps, that went over top of my low cut white socks. All my nails were painted a sparkly purple that matched my pendant that hung at my collar bone just above my cleavage that was becoming more noticeable it seemed by the day. My ears, were imbedded with my gold hoop earrings one in each ear. My lips were a light pink gloss, and my eyes had beautiful baby blue eyeshadow, with the daily course of curling my eyelashes and placing mascara, to liven them up.

Today was a day that would nearly end the wait for Mark, I would finish the making of the potion then in a few days it would be ready for Mark to be Mark for the rest of his very days. He did everything to be patient, and I could see that he was getting tired of the wait, sure he would get it before the age I ever did, but he didn't feel spoiled, just excited. The same as any kid would be as if you left a wrapped gift under the tree a month before Christmas, the excitement and torture would grow and I could tell in the eyes Just how bad he wants it.

I left before anyone else was awake.

The wind and rain playing tricks with my hair sometimes slapping me in the face, before it was to heavy from the dampness to excel with lift. Fall was coming, the Summer was near to end, many leaves started upon the ground. I was wondering what had happened with Nathan as I haven't seen him in several days, yet again before the accident. I figured that after I finish with the ingredients of this potion I would go into town, after all it wouldn't kill me to go shopping would it.

I walked to the front of the dryad that showed a cheeky smile with its bark, that rounded around an owls den.

"Morning enchantress, password please" asked the dryad with the gentle arbor quality of her voice.

"Paisean seo-lae Solas" I stated with pride and charge.

The earth shrunk into its steps that hollowed its way to the magical door from the earth magick made by me and the dryad.

"As you wish Enchantress" replied the dryad before I began to walk to the door. Pushing it open, lighting the candles of taper that sat on long and tall candle beams with so much as a gentle wave of my arm and pointing of my fingers in rigorous enchantment. This was my place, all mine with my very essence poured in, and my spirit that guides the magick within.

I took down my Grimour and made new entries into it before witting it down on the alter in the front center just below my sword, next to my Athame and pestle on either side.

I lit the fire, with my pyro-spell under the cauldron. I added half a dozen herbs and crushed stones and crystal powders. Feathers and some blood I extracted from Mark, last night that I had put into a veil and kept magicly kept pure and driven as it had been when I extracted it. I set it to self stir, with a demanding wave of my hand in quick stare. The light of the candles flickered against the rocky earth and wood of the walls. I opened my bok that Aleeda had given me, and switched to the next page, ‘Familiars' and ‘how to find yours' the words written in Gothic alphabet. I did as it said to do.

I took my scrying bowl from the shelf, and my Athame from the alter and sat on the floor cross-legged as if about to meditate. I opened the pouch of diamond dust that lay inside the red sachet with a draw string opening, sticking my hand inside I grabbed a handful of the powders, retrieved my hand and sprinkled it into the dish. Next I took my Athame that with the glows from the candles around the room lit up my Athame with light, its symbols engraved upon the silver and steel sparkled in the ritual as I pricked the tip of my index finger, releasing several drops of blood into the bowl filled with diamond dust and scrying liquid.

The infusion began to hum, and the colors within sparkled and lit, clouded and formed into different twists and turns. Before my eyes formed out of my dish like a majestic being born out of the liquid within. The colors faded and began to have tone of true existence. The silver dove was brilliant and gleamed in its very magical essence. It had a golden beak, and golden feet and claws, but all of its feathers were a bright silver, its eyes gleamed a beautiful purple, and every time it moved it released a little bit of crystallite powders like dust off a slapped dusty couch it was wonderful.

I named the dove from one of my favorite Goddesses, who holds the highest point of virtue of my beliefs, Wisdom and so the dove holds the name Athena. Athena seemed to like her name as I named her she flapped her wings perched on a pedestal releasing thousands of mini purple, white, gold, and silver orbs of magic.

The potion was finished as it bubbled and simmered from the fires below its bottom. I spent the better part of the remaining 2 hours putting it all into nearly a hundred viles. Sitting them on shelves that were magically constructed upon my very wishes and imagination. I left shortly after for town, with one of my transportation potions that I had finally had made all over again, seems how that Bugger had to steal all of my other ones when I was unconscious in the hospital. Disappearing into a cloud of pink smoke and golden orbs, only to find myself within a hundred feet of town, in the woods.

I walked to the general store that had a vacant parking lot, except for 2 trucks one white the other red, both looked rusted and about ten or twenty years passed its prime. I walked inside and the chimes above the door as I entered sang there song. Nathan was stalking shelves and seemed to be down in the dumps.

"Hi hun!" I said from behind him, causing Nathan to jump at the sound of my voice.

"Morwen!" Nathan said breathless nearly stuttering, as he dropped about half a dozen boxes of kraft dinner on the floor.

"Ya, it's me who else would you think would call you hun, hun" I replied clever yet bemused.

"I haven't seen you in nearly a week, how are you, where have you been, I have been scared to death?!" replied Nathan concerned and excited.

Nathan's eyes glowed with compassion, his jeans and flannel shirt had made his appearance much elder than he was, he nearly looked eighteen.

I filled him in on getting hit by the car and being in the hospital, after our last meet when I had to rush off with Mark faster than a jaguar in a hunt.

"Why didn't you watch where you were walking, trying to kill yourself" Mark stated in worried anger.

"I was in a rush and wasn't thinking" I replied, looking sheepish as I was told I was an idiot in a sense for not watching where I was going.

"Who was the son of a @itch that run you over? I'll give him a run over" stated Nathan whose face was turning reder and redder with anger.

"Just some guy, supposedly he helped take me to the hospital" I replied "Your don't need going all untouchable on him ya know" I continued.

"Well he needs a good a$$ whooping if you ask me, even if he helped, your not invisible you know he should have been able to see you" stated Namthan again whos anger was dieing down, though he felt a huge need to rough the guy up.

Nathan's dad appeared out from the back as he was overhearing the conversation. "Nathan Graham Barton, don't use language like that infront of a lady, I didn't raise you like that, I should take you over my knee, now apologize to your girlfriend this instant" demanded Mr. Barton furiously near to the top of his voice.

Nathan was inbarresed and angry again by this time from his dad's outburst.

"Sorry, Morwen" apologized Nathan.

"Ah no worries, I have heard worse, heck I know a few honkers that would make a Newfy blush" I replied with a giggle and a smile tapping Nathan on the shoulder hoping for a kiss.

Nathan and his father stood in shock and sceptiscism. I still waited for a kiss and then decided for the hilaritary of the situation to ‘hit two birds with one stone' as they say.

"Get your a$$ over here, and give me some lovin won't ya, frenching will do ya know" I said grabbing Nathan and giving him a kiss that beat the last kiss we got, that made his dad so redfrom embaresment he had to excuse himself.

The kiss was so strong and our emotion so deep that I could feel Nathan getting aroused, and pulled back.

"Perhaps in time love, but not now handfasting before any physical love such as that ok, you can wait just as I" I stated.

"I know it's hard is all..." replied Nathan as I stopped him with yet another joke.

"Well I can feel its hard love" giving him a giggle and grin.

Nathan began to go red, his eyes glistled from the sunlight from the window, as he continued "I want you so bad, like no one else eh, like if you would let me I would take you right on this floor."

Nathan relised what he had said and tried to speak but I stopped him hushing him with my right index finger to his lips.

"Your not the only one hun, I was about to take you in the woods, where we would make love amung our spot with nature and all the animals around" I stated sweetly.

We looked into each others eyes and began to feel a connection we havent felt before this was a much deeper understanding, and more compassion. I began to feel horrible I wanted to tell him everything, maybe doing so would allow us to be with one another without the loss of my destiny, my powers, my faith and the part of me that makes me who I am. I have a legacy, to pass on these gifts, I want Nathan but law states I have to choose, maybe there will be a way around it.

I could feel tht there was something struggling inside of Nathan too, but my love for him blocked my telepathy from his mind. My empathy however told me there was sorrow, shame, and fear though I didn't know why it was those things as he usually seems so cheary.

I left Nathan with another kiss, and he looked on as I left, like usual he didn't know when I would be back. Though, he would await my return with open arms, though something dreadfull ate him up inside, or so I was beginning to think.

Chapter 32

"Damn it stinks in here" stated my mum awaking from a short slumber.

"Well it could be worse eh" replied Richard wh was already awake.

Noises were coming down the staires after loudly opening the door.

"Let me go where are you taking me" said the college age girl.

Mum was feeling achy and cranky and was getting tired of all that Derek was putting them through over the last several days. They remained in isolation except when use of facilities and meals were of need.

‘Now sit down you lousy bitch" ordered Derek to the young girl. Tieing her up with a flick of his staff onto a wooden chair with old yellow ropes.

‘Who the hell are you, people are going to wonder were I am and come looking for me, ya know" replied the girl, trying to give fear to her captor, though Derek was as hard as a stone and such fear didn't surfice.

Derek stared at the girl, with that evil grin and mischeviouse eyes. He chuckled a cackle, and spat in her face.

"I do not fear you or anything you have to offer mortal, you should fear and I think you do, you are afterall sweating like a pig. How ladylike that is eh, maybe I should tell the world about that. You love gossip right, maybe call up a tabloid reporter, or even a photographer, and have them take some pics and films and show your boyfriend perhaps how ladylike you really are!" replied Derek sarcasticly and semi seriosly.

"You wouldn't dare, what the hell you want from me, who are you" stated the girl rather demandedly.

Derek slapped the girl with his left hand across her right cheak giving her a split lip from the backhander.

"Who am I eh. Lets see, I am someone you hurt, someone you caused years of depression and turmoil, a living nightmare every damn day, which all started in this damn house" replied Derek.

"I still don't understand who are you" replied the girl.

"Oh my dear girl, I am your worst nightmare now, You don't remember well, do you GINNY!" replied Derek in anger to which he was raising his voice.

"I confided in you, you caught me all prettied up, promised to keep it a secret, blackmailed me then you told the whole goddamn school!" continued Derek raising his voice, and continuing to feel deep wrath that could end in blood shed faster than his very choosing.

Suddenly, Ginny remembered she looked at him and did something that she shouldent.

"Well sissy's have to be put in there place" said Ginny rather too brave for her own good.

"So do Bitches!" replied Derek in hastefull spite, vengefullness reining in his veins and mind.

Before she could speak she was slaped in the same manner as before, her cheak and lip burning with blood and bruises.

Tied to the chair Ginny had no way getting out or stopping anything happening to her. She was humiliated and abused she felt helpless and alone except for the watchful eye and hurtfull power that Derek showed upon her. Derek was raising his staff, when a cloud of pink smoke with magical orbs apeared before him.

Derek was distracted, and standing him staff upright on the floor again like a walking stick as usual.

I stood face to face with Derek and vice versa.

"Get away from her!" I demanded.

"Nice to see you up and around again, I was getting worried" replied Derek sarcasticly.

"Don't be a fool, you moron, you might as well give up" I replied.

"Give up! Were cut from the same cloth and you, know just as well as I do that neither of us gives up on anything" stated Derek with a devilish chuckle.

I channeled Mark who stood next to me to go and get mum and richard from the back telepathicly.

I raised my arm to Derek warning him not to cross me. Derek laughed and said "you can't beat me you are weak , I can strike you down in a single flash."

I said a silent chant in my head;

Enemy in sight
Bind with defensive might
guide a rope of flame
around whom is of blame
take the will away
banish there present stay

Derek noticed my moving mouth, and tightly closed eyes. He began to raise his staff in my direction with intent to strike me down. I raised my right arm circled around bent with grand, aimed him in sight as golden red sparks flew out of my hand. Hitting Derek, rapping him with fire-rope. Derek struggled getting out of it, with every struggle it grew tighter, burning the clothes and exposed skin and flesh. Derek was engolfed in flames, and burst into ash. I conjured the ash into a conjured urn and set it back to my Falore.

Mark came running out with Mum and Richard. I untied Ginny, who was histerical and it took a moment before mark had the gull to punch her in the face causeing her to go unconciouse, I threw one of my potions at Ginny who disapeared to where we were heading the same way we were going to trnsportate.

Mark took richard and I took Mum with me in our transportation clouds from our potions, where we ended up at my secret place.

Chapter 33

We spent the night in my lair as many may call it. Mum and Richard were both very perplexed not knowing what is and was going on only knowing that there lifes may end sooner and sooner, Richard didn't talk nore stare at me at all, while mum tried to bring herself to say something but couldn't though she would stare at me sometimes for brief moments and others for as long as a staring contest. Then it finally happened, the talk of the century would go down.

"So a girl, eh?" said mum, which made me look at her.

"Yes that is what I am, as you can plainly see!" I responded slightly irritated.

Mum looked to the floor, and said "So why did you shame me like this?" continuing with "I thought I was a good mother" which was a statement of her wishfull thinking.

"A good mother is a mother that puts herself last and her children first" I stated back.

"I always put you and your sister first"replied mum hurt and irritated.

"No you damn well didn't, you put yourself first, I needed a mother and you weren't there. When I needed you most you weren't there for me only there for yourself. I raised Mary from the ground up since you started working, when you weren't working you were either hurting my very spirit, or out trying to act like a reckless teenanger drinking away her life, so don't be damn lying to me, I will not have it" I replied raising my voice so high you'd think I was a banshee out to claim the depressed fury that lay within me.

"You needed a mother, eh! I was there, you could have talked to me and told me, you could have come I would have got you the best help I could to get it out of you." yelled mum.

"Ha! Like that would have worked you know very little for a woman twice my age. You did send me to counselors remember and they decided to tell me I was going to burn in hell and to never come back, I told the teachers who told you too the teachers some stood behind me all the way while others said I was going to hell, you told them it was just a phase or something I suppose. I told you myself dozens of times coming to you and yet all you would do was put me down, tell me you aren't going to raise any weird kids, to not dream such girly things, to not be myself, and the alltime favourite, your not going weird on me are you?!" I replied yelling at the top of my voice getting hysterical and angrier.

Mum was in tears, she had no idea what she put me through but was finally getting an idea, and it was only half of the hell she bestowed on me.

"I didn't know, why didn't you tell me..." replied my mother before Mark cut her off, which in some way was cutting me off as I too was about to cut mum off.

"Like Morwen said mum, you were told but you weren't listening" stated Mark.

Mum looked at mark and then at me and then back to Mark again.

"Why did you turn out normal then if I was so bad?" asked mum.

"Well I guess in your definition, I am not normal mum, and Morwen is helping me out in that department" answered Mark.

Mum looked confused again, with her soggy eyes that the tears were beginning to subside and was beginning to dry a bit.

"What are you talking about Mary, not normal you are like me a very normal girl just tomboyish like I am eh?" replied mum.

"No, I am not a girl mum, I am a boy, and soon Morwen will make sure of it, Mary will be gone and Mark will be replaced" replied Mark a little irritated though chuckled at the sight of mums opened mouth.

"Where did I go wrong, what did I do to deserve this?" stated mum under her breath.

Mum looked back at me and asked, "So you are all girl then now, got all the female anatomy, no more of a penis then?"

I began to answer, when my pendant glowed a bright purple and red, I began to feel queezy feeling wet at my intimate area, my pendant fell off and I fell to the floor unconsciouse.

To be continued...

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Sorry for the spelling

My spell checker didnt do it all, even though it said differently lol, be fixing that in a bit perhaps tommorow. Thanks to all

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Looks As If

That Fight Has Reperzussions.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine