Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *30*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 30*
And now, the Mainz Attraction

"Seems to be going well,” Marcus opined as we headed down to the green room to grab some hydration and for me, ten minutes off my feet – I know in the past I’ve been quite blasé about wearing stilts, at my lofty height an almost essential part of my wardrobe, that said, it doesn’t mean your feet don’t get tired when you are stood, as I am on stage, for an extended time without moving.
"How’s the voice Erd?” Stefan asked.
I took a slug from my bottle of Sprite® before replying, "So far so good.”
"Well don’t strain it, we’ve still got three gigs to do.”

And there was me thinking he cared.

"Looking good guys,” Robert announced when he breezed in a moment later, "And Gaby, looking hot out there.”
"Its these trouser things, they are not the coolest of outfits.”

He looked confused for a moment, I knew what he meant but I wasn’t playing the same game. I had mostly forgotten about my apparel, my bare shoulders sort of compensated for the warmth below the waist and other than a bit sweaty, the leggings weren’t uncomfortable, not really.

"Well er, good luck for the second half,” he offered.
"Third,” I told him.
"Well technically it’ll be the third half, well third for me and the Jo’s,” okay I know its a bit pedantic but he did set himself up with the comment about my stagewear.
"Er yes well, I’ll see you all after, people to see, hands to shake.”

"You can be a proper wind up merchant sometimes Gaby Bond.”
"I don’t see anyone else by that name here.”
"Well he was sort of asking for it, looking hot indeed.”
"Hate to break it to you your Erdbeerenship, but you do, right guys.”
"Is that even a word?”
"Well erm yeah,” Animal admitted.
"Totally er hot,” Big Jo agreed.

Well that was it, I went from slightly flushed from performing to a colour not far from my stage persona in seconds flat.

"That’s done it,” Mist sighed, "We’ll see you at the stage, come on Gab, ladies.”

"I thought you were past all that,” Mist stated as she fussed with my makeup.
"I am, well sorta, its just well embarrassing.”
"Don’t think anyone’s ever told me I look hot, make the most of it girl, it won’t last forever.”
"I guess you’re right, come on, lets get this over with, I might have a drink tonight.”
Of course the second half of the BlauHase set starts with the band intro’s, corny but it fills a few minutes before we crack on with the programme. And of course I get to sing something so far away from the BlauHase set its silly. It seemed even more bizarre tonight, stood there warbling Edelweiss in a corset and painted on trousers, Maria von Trappe will be turning in her grave at a hundred rpm!
At the start of the tour it seemed never ending even if it is only about thirty five minutes to the encores, tonight the time seemed to flash by.

I addressed the audience. "So we hope you’ve enjoyed our set tonight as much as we have.”

A hearty cheer came back.

"Once again we’d like to thank the management here at the Frankfurter Hof and of course yourselves for making tonight possible despite the sad circumstances. From one band to another, BlauHase wish the members of Zipfer all the best and hope that the monies raised this evening help you all through this difficult time.

So thank you Mainz, we have been BlauHase!”

The guys struck up and we dived into a lively rendition of everyone’s favourite, Luftballons.

'Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons...’

Considering the absence of a support act, the after party, taking place up on the balcony, seemed to have a lot of bodies even before we arrived. Oh well, its free food and drink, I know it has to be paid for by someone but at least I’m not paying for it.

"I thought you were on lemonade,” Hilde opined seeing me claim what I hoped was peach schnapps with lemonade, leastways that's what I’d asked for.
"I think after today I need something a bit stronger.”
"Know what you mean, I might not know those involved but I feel that I do.”
"So how did we do with the Merch tonight?”
"So so before but it was mad in the break, one of the girls from the venue gave me a hand, the CD’s were especially flying out.”
"We got enough for the last gigs?”
"Possibly. Might be a bit short on Saturday but we probably don’t want to order more at this stage.”
"I guess.”
"Which reminds me, I need to give Robert tonight's takings.”
"Talk of the devil, he will appear.”
"Hil, Gaby,” Robert greeted.
"Just the man,” Hilde stated, "Tonight's swag,” she unclipped and handed him the bum bag that acted as mobile till for the merchandise.
"Hmm, feels like a good night.”
"I was just telling Gab, we might not have much left for Saturday, CD’s especially.”
"The price of success.”
"If you say so,” she shot back.
"Anyway, Gaby, I’ve got some local press wanting to talk to you and some chap wanting to dress you on Saturday.
"Dress me?”
"Maybe the wrong words,” Robert confessed, "Stuff for you to wear on stage.”
"You said you needed a new dress,” Hilde chuckled.
"Whatever, let me just get another one of these,” I indicated my now empty glass.

"Thank you gentlemen, ladies, its been a trying day for everyone, i think Erdbeeren and the guys just want to relax for a bit now.“

There were a few mumbles at Robert’s announcement but the members of the local media, (who i’m sure he’d invited along himself) wandered off leaving me and my long empty glass alone with Stefan and our manager. To be fair, Robert hadn’t thrown us to the wolves and whilst we did get asked a few questions about the band and ourselves, mostly we just recounted our involvement vis a vis the accident, our connection to some of the victims and of course the decision to play tonight as a benefit for the victims. Any press coverage is better than none so they say, at least you are being talked about, i kinda get that but it doesn’t mean i have to like doing interviews does it.

"You want something in that glass?” Stefan asked seeing me fiddling with my glass.
"Peach schnapps and lemonade please.”
"The hard stuff tonight,” he smirked.
"Yeah well.”

He took my glass and headed for the bar, no doubt he’d grab a beer for himself whilst he was there. Meanwhile Robert was waving another chap over to join us.

"Erd, this is the chap I mentioned before, the stage clothes?”
"Erm hi er?”
"Binder, Larry Binder, a pleasure to meet you, you really had them in your hand down there tonight.”
"Um thanks.”

You’d probably walk past Larry Binder on the street without a second look, I guess he’s about a metre eighty tall, shaved head, a sort of goatee beard and wearing white T, black leather trousers and black work boots. He fit right in with our usual audience, sort of Biker chic.

"So um, Robert says you’ve got a proposal, for Saturday?”
"That’s what I like, straight to business,” he grinned, "So word has it that a certain band will be playing at The Bed in Frankfurt and it’ll be broadcast live on HR3 for our Britta’s show.”
"Uh huh,” I allowed, ever the conversationist.
"Well it so happens that Frankfurt plays host to Scene this weekend, its a sort of festival for the slightly more,” he pursed his lips and bobbed his head as he considered his words, "Shall we say, alternative lifestyle and fashion world. Its a leetle bit underground I guess.”
"What’s this got to do with BlauHase?”
"The sixty four million Mark question, well I’m exhibiting at Scene, I have a clothing business in Heddernheim in the north of the city, I like your music, I thought maybe I could dress you in some of my clothes for the show.”
"What sort of outfit? just out of interest.”
"We could try a few, see which works best.”
"You do realize its only on the radio,” Robert put in.
"Of course but HR will film it too.”
"So erm, Herr Binder, Larry, I can sort of see what you get out of this but what’s in it for me and the band?”
"You did say she has a mind for business Robert. So for the band, not so much, for you, the same fee I pay my models and you get to keep the clothes, maybe wear them for future gigs?”
"Your call Erd, as long as its decent and you’re happy wearing it.”

Given I was gonna get a new frock for Saturday anyway, this looks like a win win, there has to be a catch but I can’t see one.

"So how exactly would this work?”
He gave a smile, he knew I was hooked, "We’ll get you to the show site Saturday morning, its only at the Messe, we get you sorted out and then deliver you to The Bed in good time for the gig.”
"What about Misty, can we do something for her, she’ll have to come along anyway as my minder.”
"I’m sure we can sort out something.”
"You alright with this Rob?”
"I’m sure we can cope without you for a couple of hours.”
"Okay I’m in.”
"Brilliant, I’ll make the arrangements,” Larry beamed.

I hope this doesn’t come back to bite me.

"Just how many of those have you had?” minder Misty enquired.

I looked at the tumbler, yep there was wet stuff in it, alcohol too if the swirling currents were anything to go by.

"Dunno, three, four?” Well I’ve not been counting have I?
"Think the answer is too many,” she opined.
"Definitely too many.”
"So how many of those vodka things have you had then?” I countered.
"I’ve had a couple of beers,” she admitted, "But unlike you I’m not blotto after seeing the bottle.”
"Am not blotto, am I?”
"If you need to ask, I think that answers the question. Come on, lets find Robert and get you to bed.”

I’d lost track of time, of people even after my chat with Larry, I do remember Stefan handing me a fresh drink and I think I had a conversation with Hilde about, well about something at any rate. Its a bit blurry from then on, well until Mist…

"Mist?” I called out.
"Right here, taxi’ll be about five minutes.”
"We don’ need a taxi, send it away!”
"Yes we do, I’ve no idea where this hotel is and you can barely stand let alone walk.”
"Who made you mother?” I demanded.
"Your Dad.”
"An, an, ‘nother thing,” I rambled.

I’m assuming the taxi did arrive and transport us to the B&B, if it didn’t I’ve no idea how we made the journey. I think the taxi is a safe bet.

"Lay still,” Mist instructed.
"Lift your bum, one, two, three and…”

The leggings, jeans whatever made a sucking sound as Mist pulled them inside out down my legs, having adhered themselves to me last night and as I apparently slept.

"Why didn’t you take them off last night?”
"Because someone collapsed onto the bed snoring before I got the door closed.”
"You took the corset thingy off,” I accused.
"That was just a zip, these,” she held up the trews, "Required at least some co-operation on your part.”
"Need a shower.”
"Not arguing.”

"So what was all that business with that bald bloke last night?” my guardian enquired as we made our way to the lift.

Look we’re on the eighth floor and I’m feeling a bit delicate so we're using the lift.

I had to think for a minute, bald guy? "Oh, Larry.”
There was something but my head is still not firing on all cylinders, "Erm, that's it, we don’t need to shop for a dress for Saturday.”
"I didn’t know we were.”
"Well we don’t need to as, as Larry is giving me one on Saturday.”
"We are still talking about a frock?”

Told you I was slow this morning.

"Never mind, we don’t need to buy a dress because baldy has got one for you to wear.”
"An’ you,” I remembered.
"Thank you I’m sure, just why do we need these ‘dresses’, its radio not TV.”
“’swhat I said.”


"Geez, I hope they’ve got plenty of coffee down there.”

They had, for a chain hotel it wasn’t dire, I drank two cups before I could face the breakfast buffet.

"Better?” Mist enquired after a third trip for supplies, think she lost her appetite and found a horse.
"A bit, remind me, how much did I drink?”
"The last guess was six schnapps with lemonade.”
"That's hardly any al, alc, stuff, its mostly lemonade.”
"I somehow think you weren’t getting restaurant measures.”

I really did need to eat this morning, we’re in Aschaffenburg tonight, yeah I know its in Bavaria but not by much, at about sixty K its ripe for a bike ride. According to the RTL forecast this morning, its gonna be a bright sunny day, not only that, the events of yesterday are still weighing on me, a good ride will help me get my head squared away.

By the time I’d worked through another coffee, fruit with yoghurt, a plate of warm stuff, you know those mini frikadel, crozzled bacon and scrambled egg with some token salad and a round of toast, the other members of BlauHase had joined the breakfasting guests.

"You look a bit perkier this morning,” Little Jo opined as he joined us.
"That bad?”
"Probably worse,” his wife stated with a smirk.
"Schnapps and schnapps and rock and roll,” Mist sang out.
"You don’t need to rub it in,” I pointed out.
"So how did you get on with the dress man?” Hilde queried.
"All set, he’s got a stand at some show thing at the Messe, See or some such, so he’s taking us there Saturday morning to tog us out, Rob was sorting the details.”
"What exactly have you signed us up for Bond?” Mist demanded.
"Just some stuff to wear on stage Saturday night.”
"What’s the catch?”
"There’s always a catch,” LJ and Hilde chorused.
"Oh ye of little faith.”
"Seriously Gab, no one is that generous without some sort of angle,” Little Jo stated.
"Especially as its on the radio,” Mist put in.
"Honestly guys, I asked the questions, he seems genuine, he’s even a BlauHase fan.”
"Well just you be careful,” Hilde ordered.
"Mist’ll be with me,” I pointed out.

I’m not sure that reassured anyone.
Maddy Bell © 08.08.2022

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