Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *9*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 9*
Eis, Eis, Baby

There is no shortage of dining possibilities in Bad Nauheim, even on our short walk we must have seen at least a dozen assorted food outlets. Of course we don't have either the time or budget for anything posh and our Eisstadium gig is hardly in the town centre so, with some directions from our hosts at the Villa Maria we set off for the 'wrong' side of town. Not wrong so much as the industrial and retail zone which I rode through earlier on my way into the town – you know the sort of thing, trade outlets, car dealers, bed shops and a drive through Burger King®.

Yeah, I know, bit of a cliché but that's where Little Jo turned into, not that we were doing drive-thru, he parked the bus and our motley crew trooped inside. I like a burger as much as the next girl but, to be honest, its not my first choice of pre singing food and unlike MD's, there isn't much alternative on the menu. Eventually I decided on a Chicken Royale Menu, a bit lighter and perhaps healthier than the burger options and it comes with salad – well a slice of tomato and a scraggy bit of lettuce.

"You okay Erd?” Stefan enquired from along the table.
"Fine, why'd you ask?”
"Well your food doesn't usually stand a chance.”

I looked down at my food, most of the Pommes tipped into the lid of the card burger box, my half eaten chicken burger looking forlorn in its bed of mayo and soggy burger roll. Appetising it wasn't.

"I didn't have lunch 'till late.”
"Doesn't usually bother you,” Mist opined.
"Yeah well, we did have cake and ice cream afterwards.”

I was making excuses really, the standing joke amongst my friends is that I'm on a 'see food' diet, if I see food I'll eat it, but this evening... I picked at a few more Frites for appearance sake before pushing the remains away.

"Mind if I?” Big Jo asked.
"Be my guest.”
"Well I never thought i'd see the day,” Mist stated.
"Ha, har, I'm just not that hungry.”
"If you say so.”

Oh well, there was no turning back now, Big Jo was making short work of my burger and several hands had reduced the fries to a few scraps.

The Eisstadium reminded me of the new one they built back in Sheffield although here there is only one rink but there is a multi sport hall in the complex too. We'll be playing in there right? Oh no, when we got there, Robert took us through to the actual ice arena which had been 'converted' to a music venue.

Hockey barriers still surrounded the rink but the ice was covered with some sort of decking and where one of the goals would be was a stage built of that aluminium scaffold stuff.

"What do you think?” Robert queried as we took it in, "Bit bigger than last night eh?”
"A lot,” Marcus agreed, ”how many?”
"Well its licensed for twelve hundred, I just spoke to the office, they've sold about half that.”
"That's pretty good,” Animal chipped in.
"The manager says they expect some walk ups too,” our manager advised.
"Well I guess we'd better get the gear in,” Stefan suggested.
"Go to reception, they'll get some of their people to give you a hand.”

The guys set off to get the gear, Mist and I were about to follow, not that we have much to fetch in.

"Gaby, er Misty, a moment please?”
"Er sure, what's up?”
"How is the um, project going?”
"I think we're getting there, right Mist?”
"I guess,” she agreed.
"We went through most of it this afternoon, we're gonna try it out during the sound check tonight.”
"Okay, I look forward to seeing that.”

"What did he mean by that?” Mist worried as we headed out to get our gear.
"He said he was looking forward to it.”
I rolled my seeing gear, "He just wants to know how its going, stop over thinking things.”
"Not sure if I can do it, with the band and stuff.”
"You'll be fine, trust me.”
"Napoleon's generals told him that before Waterloo and look how that turned out.”
Napoleon? "What are you on about?”

Of course, nothing is as straightforward as you think, it took fully ten minutes just to decide where Mist would stand, we settled on a spot between Marcus and Big Jo. Actually it made a lot of sense as thats where I spend my time when Stefan takes centre stage for the shouties. With that settled we ran through a few numbers for levels and balance as usual – well I usually sit most of it out but this evening I got a bit more involved as Mist added her voice to proceedings.

"Just tell me straight Gab, I sucked didn't I?”
"We did that intro four times,” she almost wailed as we made our way to the locker room designated for the female artistes. I say artistes, our support tonight are a local all girl five piece, Badhaus, who at least don't play that electronic stuff, indeed from what I could now hear from the rink behind us, they were more thrash metal than anything else.
"Stefan always fusses on the timing of that one.”
"And I knocked the microphone over.”
"Coulda happened to anyone, you were fine, trust me.”

Okay, fine is perhaps stretching things but it was mostly nerves, once singing she relaxed, and seriously, that mic stand can fall over on its own which is why its a spare. It wasn't just Mist, the bigger space affects the sound too, there's a slight echo which, if you let it, could be quite distracting. Yeah, there are a few edges to work out but I think BlauHase plus one will be ready for the weekend.

Badhaus' set had gone down quite well as you might expect given they are local. I know BlauHase do some shouty numbers but I'm never quite convinced when its women doing it, not that I'm a huge fan of the style anyway. We do at least mix things up with some more Prog Punk style stuff but the girls – they must get very sore throats with all that yelling.

But now it's time for the main attraction, the pride of Bonn, BlauHase! I stood with Mist in the darkness, I'm sure I can feel the cold from the ice through the soles of my boots despite the decking, our rock baroque intro already as far through as Big Jo. According to Marcus its actually real classical music, obviously given a bit of a twist but its apparently something like the second movement of the third symphony by Bach or something like that, I wasn't really paying attention.

Animal tapped out the last couple of bars before stopping, the stage returning to full darkness, time for Erdbeer to make her entrance. I tugged at Mist's shorts, well they barely cover my knickers, checked my mic was switched on and stepped out onto the stage, when the individual spot lightss re-lit I had appeared as if by magic.

'Where the mountains meet the sea....'

And we were off.

Krieg auf Düren, Die Rhenish Mädchen, even if they were unfamiliar with the songs the audience seemed to be enjoying the set and I was as lost in the music as anyone. You get a good night if you come to one of these gigs, thirty minutes of the support then ninety minutes from us, forty five then a fifteen break before a thirty minute-ish second half, all in all about two and a half hours. Before the Tour, when i've joined the lads for a gig its been exhausting even doing a shorter set but we seem to have settled into a level of exertion that doesn't leave you at bonk level.

It felt like we'd hardly started before the lights descended for the break although I was only too grateful for the bottle of Sprite® Mist handed when I left the stage.

"Rockin' it out there tonight.”
"Maybe, its not so warm off stage.”
"It is an ice rink,” my friend observed from the comfort of her jacket.
I gave a shiver, "Hope its warmer in the changing room.”

Out on stage, i'd been plenty warm enough despite the brevity of my outfit. It wasn't the tiny shorts, I did have fishnets on under them, no it was my top half, just a BH with a cut off tee, the slash neck falling open over my left shoulder. Looks pretty hard core rock chick but warm its not.

"I need a wee!”
"I didn't need to know that,” Mist called after me.

"That's better,” I allowed a couple of minutes later, "You got any food?”
"Should've eaten your burger.”
"I wasn't hungry then,” I told her pulling my cardigan over my shoulders.
"Hang on,” my girl friend dug into her backpack, "Here.”

I took the offered food, one of those Kinder® sandwich things, I can't stand them actually but beggars can't be choosers.

"Thanks, you're a life saver.”
"The rechnung is in the post.”
"Surprised the support band aren't still here,” I mentioned between sticky mouthfuls.
"Probably in the bar, they seem like nice girls.”

Maybe a few too many tats and holes for my liking, I swear that one on keyboards has more holes in her ears than the entire Bond household!

"You're probably right.”
"Erd, time!” Little Jo called from the region of the door.
"Coming,” I called back, "Can't keep my audience waiting.”
"Proper little diva tonight aren't we,” Mist smirked.
"Less of the little!” I replied before popping the last bit of my purloined snack into my maw and heading back towards the rink and the stage.

"Hold up,” Mist demanded as I strode towards the rest of the band, already or possibly still by the stage.
I spun around, no mean feat in these boots, "What?”
"You forgetting something?”
"Don't think so.”
"Think again blondie,” she waved my microphone at me.
"Just testing,” I told her.

The house lights dimmed and the chatter and buzz from in front of the stage died down. Time for part two.

"You going out in that?” the help enquired in a whisper.
"You sound like my Dad.”
"Seriously Gab, you keeping your cardi on?”

Dur! Okay, blonde as accused. I slipped it off and handed it to her before hurrying onto the stage to take my place.
A single bright pool of light came up, i'd only just made my mark in time.

"Welcome back Nauheim, hopefully you're ready for more?”

The expected cheer came back so I guess thats a yes.

"Before we return to the music, lets introduce you to the band, on bass, Big Jo!”

We do this every night of course, a spot lighting each member of the band as I introduced them, each playing a short riff on their instruments.

"And lastly, lead guitar and vocals, Stefan!”

Stefan did his bit then the lighting came up to reveal the whole band. Now it was time for our little comedic 'sketch' – what will we do when Mist is with us?

"So now we've been properly introduced...”
"Aren't you forgetting someone,” Stefan interrupted.
"Who have I missed?” as usual I made a show of counting them off on my fingers, "Big Jo, Marcus, Little Jo, Animal and you.”
"Anyone would think she was blonde,” Stefan told our audience, "You missed yourself Erd.”

That usually gets some audience laughter and tonight was no different.

"Well you'd best sing them a song to make up for it.”
I made a theatrical sigh, "If I must.”
"We insist,” Little Jo advised from behind me.
"Okay, but nothing too fast.”
"Fellas,” Stefan looked at the others who nodded back, "So folks, I give you our songbird, Erdbeere!”

The lighting dimmed leaving just me properly lit, the crowd settled again, the guys started to play and I to sing our cheesy part two intro.

'Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever'

As you'll recall, the second half of our set is shorter, thats largely to allow for the encore which of course is scripted as much as the rest of the gig – do you really think bands spontaneously do those extras at the end? Earlier Marcus had suggested we mix the encore repertoir up a bit, not the actual songs but their order. Tonight we'd settled on basically a reversal, swapping the Bolan from last and Balloons to last. Only time and the audience would tell if it worked but it made a change at least.

Finally it was time, I raised my arms and the noise receded to an exciteable buzz, "Okay, seeing as you've as youv'e been so kind to us tonight we'll leave you with one more. We've really enjoyed being here tonight, we hope you have too so sing along if you want, thank you for having us, Luftballons!“

'Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht grad an mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt'

It might be a cover, it might even be a cliché but the fans love it and didn't need a second invite to enthusiastically join me for the second verse.

'Neunundneunzig Jahre Krieg
Ließen keinen Platz für Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine Düsenflieger
Heute zieh' ich meine Runden
Seh' die Welt in Trümmern liegen
Hab' 'n Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an dich und lass' ihn fliegen'


"Hungry,” I stated having finally left the stage, our change in order had gone down well, too well perhaps as we ended up doing Balloons twice before they'd let us go.
"You had my cake earlier,” Mist reminded me.
"But I'm still famished,” I whined.
"There's a würst stall out in the car park,” Anna Louise advised having come back stage.
"How'd you know that?”
"They were out there setting up when I went for a smoke at the break.”

I've not seen her smoke much and by the look in her eyes it wasn't exclusively tobacco tonight. Don't say anything Gab, she's a grown woman, its not your concern.

"Anyone got any money?”

I'm not sure who gave me the twenty note, my main concern was filling my stomach!

Outside the crowd had largely dissipated but there were maybe a dozen or so around the brightly lit trailer from whence enticing aromas of fast food wafted towards me.

"You not a bit cold Fraulein?” the chap serving suggested as I shivered in front of his stall.
"I'll be fine,” well okay, it was a bit parky out here but food.
"So what'll it be?”
"Erm,” I was temporarily mesmerised, the chaps very full and bushy moustache seemed to dance under his nose, itself a rather large and ruddy component of his fleshy face.

Did I want fries? Yes, no, erm.

"Can I get the XL Currywürst with Pommes, with mayo, oh and a can of Lilt® please.”

Well I'm hungry okay.

"Coming right up,” Herr Moustache stated, dropping a basket of frites into the fat before i'd finished my sentence.

"Where've you been?” Mist demanded once i'd regained entry to the Eisstadium, a feat easier said than done. Of course, no one was in the locker room, instead i'd found the after party in the stadiums bar – where else.

I sort of waved my supper at her, my hands full of Brötchen, chopped sausage and potatoe sticks – to save everyone's embarrassment I won't tell you where the can of pop was but I don't have pockets in this get up!

"Ooo, Pommes!” she made a grab for a chip.
"Hey, keep off, mine.”
Maddy Bell © 07.02.2022

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