Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *14*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 14*

"Geez, took you long enough to notice.”
"That must have hurt,” I stated, wincing at the mere idea of my friends new facial ornamentation.
"It stung a bit,” Mist admitted, "But they're just a bit sore now.”
"Well its certainly, erm, different.”

Which I guess is probably the point. Oh I guess you want to know what she's had done, well there's a stud in that dimply bit above her top lip and two more below her lower lip, one each side. The only people i've seen with similar holes poked in them have been hardcore Goths or Punks, usually with a load of tattoos, even Fritzi, the tattooed nurse at the health centre only has her nose and ears pierced.

I have to admit that my personal taste in piercings is quite conservative, I do have two holes in each lobe, who doesn't, the one in the top of my ear has, I think, closed up and of course my nose and lots of my contemporaries have that. Of course my sister did cause some parental ire when she had her tongue pierced and you don't even realise she has that most of the time. No, Mist, my wallflower friend has crossed from my personal comfort zone to another place, a place of darkness and obsession.

You might ask why I didn't notice the new adornments earlier, well I don't make a habit of staring at people all the time, its bad manners and I was taught not to. Okay I noticed there was something different about her but I was more concerned with the laundry than anything else. And anyhow, the small silver balls don't exactly leap at you either – that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

"I'll just change back,” Mist went back into the bathroom but left the door open, "I was going to dye my hair but we've not got time, have to do it tomorrow.”
"Right, so erm, why the er, new piercings?”

There was a pause, it sounded like she was taking the dress off, "Truth?”
"Of course the truth,” I replied as I turned the laundry out onto the bed.
"Well i've always thought it was pretty cool, there's this girl i've seen at the campsite with a lip ring and like rings all up her ears, she looks really, I dunno, edgy.”
"Why now? you could've got more ear piercings anytime, I mean, you've only got one in each, even I have two.”
"And your nose,” she added.
"And my nose,” I agreed, "You have only got one in each still?”

She gave a shrug as she returned to the bedroom, untangling her new dress as she did so.

"For now,” that sounds ominous, "Well I was looking in this boutique place for something for tonight, it was a bit like that one in Mayen, you remember, all incense and stuff.”

Do I remember! I ended up with sky blue hair for a week.

"Well anyway, one of the staff had got some really far out piercings, you think these are odd, anyway I told her I liked her holes and it went from there. There's a tattoo and piercing place on the upstairs, she took me up, they could do me straight away et voila.”
"I still can't believe you had them done.”
"Well I was a bit nervous but the piercer guy was really good, I was in and out in like fifteen minutes.”
"Your mum really is gonna go mad you know.”
"Let her, if it was Claud she wouldn't say a thing.”

But Nena, Misty isn't her sister.

I had a sudden thought, "You will still be able to sing tonight?”
"Course, its not like a tongue, according to Gary who did these, they can really swell up, you can't talk properly for days.”
"Just checking.”
"I'm not daft Gab, I did check before I had them done.”

Of course, now I was aware of Mist's new piercings I couldn't stop looking, they did look sort of cute but there is no way i'd have them done. Lets face it, i've not volunteered for any of the holes I do have, Maddy, Sylvia, my sister, they're the ones responsible for my piercings. I guess i didn't have to keep them open but when all is said and done, I quite like having them.

Dad's Handy rang a couple of times before he answered.

"Hi Daddy, its Gab's,” I offered in greeting.
"And how is number two daughter?”
"I thought I was your number one.”
"Now you know that's your sister by seniority.”
"Just kidding, so you found Fulda okay?”
"Its not difficult Kiddo, so you all set for tonight? I got the message about the stage door.”
"Yeah, all ready, I, I mean we were wondering if you fancy eating with us before the gig? Its fine if you've got something else sorted but you're welcome to join us if you want, everyone that is.” I got out without drawing breath.
"Whoa, slow down! Where is this place, can they fit us all in and what's the food?”
"So its called the Pizzeria Peperoni, they do pasta and stuff and its just across the road from the gig, Marcus booked us in earlier, said there might be a few extras.”
"Well it would save looking for somewhere,” Dad admitted, "What time we talking?”

I looked over to Stefan who was sort of listening and mouthed 'time?'.

He checked his watch and scanned the venue before reaching a decision, "Tables booked for seven, we should easily be done for then.”
"Seven Dad, oh and remember its the gig straight after so no Apollinaris dresses.”

Well you have to look out for your friends right?

"Okay, seven for seven, we'll see you there, bye.”

"Sorted?” Stefan queried.
"Yeah, they'll see us there.”
"Should be quite a party.”
"Talking of which, is it okay if i dip out on the after, I really should get an early night as I'm racing tomorrow.”
"Its not compulsory Erd, if you want to get off just make sure we know eh.”
My mind flicked briefly to two nights ago, "I will.”

The soundcheck and set up wasn't as straightforward as usual as we didn't just need levels for the audience but for the recording gear too and of course the twain rarely meet. According to Roberts mate doing the recording, Fabien, 'call me Fab, everyone does', the fact that the Kulturzentrum Kreuz is a smaller, more intimate venue should give a better sound than if we'd done it at say, last nights concert hall. And why are we at some smaller venue tonight? Simple really, all the bigger places have stuff on on Saturdays, a little unknown band from away in the Eifel had no chance, the Kreuz on the other hand specialises in smaller acts so here we are.

It did seem a bit strange, the tiny stage, the cavern like auditorium after spending most of the week performing in much bigger venues. It must have struck something in the guys too, this was the sort of place that they usually play, my first experiences with BlauHase were in similar places. Yeah, tonight will be hot, sweaty and noisy, the Saal will hopefully be full but that's 'only' two hundred and fifty patrons.

I have to say that I quite like the place, I think its something to do with the City so the toilets are clean, there's none of the 'seediness' that these smaller places often attract. No, this is a popular and well liked venue.

"Can we do one last check on track three then we're done,” Fab's disembodied voice requested.

There was a bit of eye rolling and sighing, I hope all this effort is worth it. Big Jo counted us in and the discordant tones of Stadtmitte filled the room. Thankfully its not one that I or Mist sing on, being a shouty thing which I think is about football, well football fans at least.

"Well I'm glad that's over,” Mist allowed.
"Yeah,” I agreed, "It was starting to get a bit old.”
"I'm gonna go get changed, save time later.”
"Good idea.”

It was, I'd do the same but there is no way I'm going out to a restaurant with my Dad and cycling team mates in my stage costume. I know I wear it in front of hundreds of people but they're anonymous, I don't know them, I do know my friends and, well I'm just not comfortable with the idea okay.

"You changing too?”
"Nah, I need to see Rob.”
“'kay, see you in a bit.”

I found the backpack that I'm using as a Handtasche and with the guys still in full swing with Stadtmitte, set off for the control room at the far end of the Saal. I climbed the staircase and gently pushed the door open.

"Can I come in?”
"I'll come out,” Robert told me.

I could see Fabien was still sat with his cans on, fiddling with stuff on his mobile console, I stepped back from the door and Manager Man joined me outside on the landing.

"Fab says it shouldn't need too much playing with after.”
"Thats good yeah?”
"Very, so what can I do for our songbird?”
"I um did a bit of doodling earlier, for the sleeve.”
"Great,” he enthused.
"Don't get too excited,” I warned, its a bit rough but it shouldn't take much effort to sort it out, that's if you think its okay.”
"Well don't keep me in suspense, lets have a look.”

I dug into my bag, where does all this stuff come from?, I only put the pad in here a couple of hours ago, Handy, purse, pads, that's where that went, ah here we are.

"Like I say, its a bit rough, I'm no artist.”
He took the pad and studied my 'art', "I like it, simple but everything is on it.”
"I'm sure there'll be something i've missed but I guess they can just add anything it needs.”
"It looks fine Erd, you mind if I show a few people?”
"Go for it, its not a secret. You and Fab coming to eat with us?”
"We'll grab something later, we might have the levels but there's still more to do before the show.”
"Okay, see you later.”
"Everything okay Erd?” Stefan enquired when I rejoined the rest of BlauHase by the stage.
"Yeah fine.”
"More than fine,” Robs voice boomed behind me.
"Geez, you made me jump,” I admonished not having realised that he'd followed me down the room.
"Young Erdbeer has done us a cover for the CD.”
"Well lets see then,” Little Jo demanded.
I repeated my warning to Rob, "Its a bit rough.”

Our manager handed the sheets out to the guys and I awaited the verdict.

"You never said you were an artist Erd,” Animal mentioned.
"I'm not its just a sort of rough idea of how it might look., it needs tidying up a bit.”
"Your rough is better than my finished,” Marcus supplied
"Well I can't draw for toffee,” Anna Louise stated, "My talents are in other areas,” she concluded with a wink.

Don't need to know thank you.

"I like it,” Stefan added, "Sort of a bootleg vibe.”
"Well it will be live,” Big Jo pointed out.
"All we need to do now is play,” Little Jo offered, "So we going to eat?

"How's the mouth?” I enquired of the pierced one.
"Feels a bit weird.”
"Looks a bit swollen,” I told her.

We were following a short distance behind the others, from the front of the Kreuz you can see our destination hiding behind the umbrellas and so on of the al fresco seating.

"Gary said they should settle down after a day or so.”
"Sooner you than me, how long do you have to keep them in?”
"Six weeks or so but I should be able to change out the studs sooner.”
I shook my head, "Its your face. So what're you doing tomorrow?”
"Hadn't given it much thought.”
"You could come to the race,” I suggested.
"We'll see, what time are you leaving?”
"It'll probably be quite early.”
"Isn't it nearby? I'm sure that's what Manda said last week.”
"We have to get there, look at the course, discuss tactics, warm up, we don't just turn up and race you know.”

Sometimes I do miss the simplicity of the evening tens on Cuckney, ride out the couple of miles from home, sign on, race, have a chinwag after then stop at Hygienic Fisheries on the way home for a bag of chips. Hmm, proper chips out of the paper, salt and vinegar, greasy fingers, yum. Sometimes it really is the simple things that you miss most.

"There they are,” Dad pronounced standing to greet us on our arrival.
"Daddy,” I almost squealed, heading straight in for a hug, "Er hi guys.”
"Hi Dave,” Stefan pumped Dads hand, "glad you could join us."
"Thanks for asking us.”
"You going to introduce us Erd?” Little Jo prompted.
"Er okay, so we've got, Tali, Josh, Manda,” I pointed to each in turn, "Gret, Daz, your dad not here Gret?”
"Parking the car.”
“'kay, I guess you'll meet Dieter when he gets back, oh and you know my Dad of course.”

There, done.

"Gab?” Dad hinted, "Not everyone knows the band.”
Sugar. I started a second round of pointing, "Er right, so erm, Animal our drummer, Big Jo, Stefan, Marcus all play guitar, Little Jo does keyboards, Anna Louise is Marcus's SO and Misty does backing vocals.”
"Right, now we're all introduced, drinks?” Stefan suggested.

There was a bit of seat shuffling, I think the band were glad of some different company and my cycling chums were, I think, equally glad to have a topic of conversation that didn't involve bikes. Yeah, whilst some of us have longer standing friendships, me and Josh for example, apart from racing together, we don't really have a great deal in common. Its a bit different with the band, they do have other interests, cars, kickball and so on but even so, a week on the road and the stories and conversation has got a bit tired.

"So Misty, you been with the band long?” Gret asked.

Mand nearly had conniptions.

"What'd I say?” Gret queried.
"Nothing,” I felt compelled to explain Manda's reaction.
"You all met Mist last year at the training camp.”
Tali slapped her forehead, "Thought I recognised you but the name threw me, something with N? Nicky?”
"Nena,” Mist allowed, "I only sort of joined this week.
"You changed your hair,” Tal observed.
"And you didn't have the erm,” Gret waved at her own face.

Mist just shrugged.

"So how come you've dyed your hair Gab? Mand said you'd got a wig to wear on stage like,” Josh asked.

Yep, there's no flies on the big Toon.

"Practicalities, the wigs are a bit warm under all those lights and stuff, this should,” I glared at Misty, "Wash out by the time I restart college.”
"It said nine washes,” Mist put in.

All too soon the meal was over, well for BlauHase at least, we needed to get back into the venue and finish getting ready. I know it might seem silly but it didn't feel so weird to just have soft drinks when the rest of the bikies were there and I wasn't the only girl clearing a big plate of pasta either.

"Yeah, so if you go down the passage, there's some sort of fire escape, the stage door is just past it,” Big Jo explained to Dad.
"Got it, thanks Jo,” he turned to where I was waiting, "So daughter, have a good gig and we'll see you afterwards.”
"You have got some earplugs?”
"I'll stand at the back.”

We exchanged a hug before I set off to catch up to the others.

"You're back” Rob stated, "Good meal?”
"And good company,” Marcus opined.
"Did you know that Erd's papa is Archäologe?“ Little Jo mentioned.
"No support tonight remember.“
"We remember,“ Stefan groaned.
"Doors open in forty five, you're on stage in sixty.“
Maddy Bell © 22.02.2022

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