Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *13*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 13*
The Fuldaness of Time

Of course, there had to be an after party, its like compulsory, but that doesn't mean you have to get drunk. I do like a drink but being all of a metre fifty eight and forty eight kilos on a bad day, my alcohol tolerance is quite low, I know that so I drink accordingly. Mist is taller than me and probably a couple of kilos heavier but in reality she doesn't do alcohol much better even if she thinks she can.

Last night in Kassel, well this morning really was a bit of a wakeup call, no one wants to be in that state, well I don't think they do. Anyhow, Fraulein Fischer was certainly taking things a bit steadier tonight, beer instead of shorts. Okay, I had a beer too, just to be sociable but it was a bottle which meant that I had more control of my intake.

"Erd, here,” Stefan beckoned me over to where he and Robert had been in deep conversation.
I made my way over, "What's up?”
"We're gonna record a CD,” Stefan advised.
"We are?”
"Yup, Rob reckons we can make a few extra euros.”
"Doesn't all that stuff cost a lot though?”
"I know someone who owes me a favour,” our manager put in, we just pay for materials, sort of like an official bootleg.”
"We can do that?”
"Its a bit of a grey area,” Herr Silsman admitted.
"So when does this happen?”
"Tomorrow night, in Fulda, it'll be a live recording, Fabien has all the gear, there's an Indie label in Frankfurt who've agreed to press it up for us, we should have copies ready for Hanau on Monday.”
"Thats fast.”
"There won't be any fancy cards or anything, we don't have time for fancy artwork.”
"Who needs all that stuff anyway,” Stefan opined.
"It would be more professional,” I pointed out, "When would we need artwork Rob?”

I had an idea but it'd need some time.

"Same time as the music files, they do everything in house.”
"So if we have artwork...”
Rob shrugged, "It would be better, I take it you have an idea?”
"Maybe more than one.”
"Not just a pretty face our Erdbeer,” Stefan told anyone within a five metre radius.
"Leave it with me Robert, I'll see what I can do.”
"I look forward to it, oh, whilst I remember, I've put your papa and your friends on tomorrows guest list, they'll need to go to the stage door.”
"Thanks, sorry to impose.”
"Its no problem, as well people who want to see you as some hack from the local free paper.”
"All the same, I appreciate it, I should go back to Mist before she looks like she needs rescuing from that chap.”

"What was that about?” Mist asked when I sat down with her a few minutes later, having chased off the chinless wonder who'd been trying to chat her up.
"If I tell you I'll have to kill you.”
"Well alright, Rob's arranged for some friend of his to record tomorrows gig so we can put out a CD.”
"Like a proper thing in Saturn?”
"More like a home recording that the fans can buy,” I suggested.
"I'll have to get something else to wear.”
"Erm, Mist, no one's gonna see you.”
"But I'll know,” she stated.
"Whatever,” I allowed with a sigh, there was logic there somewhere, I'm just not sure where.

We got back to the Gambrinus Dutenhofen before one, the party having fizzled out a bit sooner than usual. Not only that but the guys had, at some point, loaded the gear up so when it was time to leave, we could. Not only that but I'd showered at the Schilde Halle before going in to the party so once in our room I was away with the fairies in minutes.

Its about an hour and a half from Gießen to Fulda, around a hundred kilometres give or take. Whilst most of our party didn't surface much before nine, there was an air of expectancy if not urgency over the breakfast table, a meagre affair of little more than meat and cheese to go with the slightly bitter coffee. By ten o'clock our bags were on the bus and us with them as we set off across Hessen for our last gig of the week.

Of course, midday is too early to check into our accommodation and we can't get into the venue until late afternoon either. You might ask therefore, what all the rush was for and why we were in the B&B Hotel's car park?

"We can leave the bus here,” Stefan advised, having returned from a trip into reception.
"Did you ask about laundry,” Anna Louise asked.
"Yes Anna, I did, they don't have anything here but the chap on reception said that there's a laundromat place on the street behind.”
"What're we doing about lunch?” I queried – well that Frühstuck was a bit underwhelming this morning.
"There was an Imbiss sign pointing down that last street,” Little Jo told us.
"We can get a proper meal later right?”
"I don't know where you put it Erd,” Animal grinned.
"I've got a fast metabolism.”
"And hollow legs,” Mist added.
"So what're we doing?” Anna Louise pressed.
"Lunch first then the laundry?” Stefan suggested.
"Take me to the Pommes,” I cackled.

Our motley crew set off in search of succour, it wasn't far back along the road we came in on to the turning where it turns out there was a sort of mini shopping centre, I think the 'mericans would call it a strip mall. The Imbiss turned out to be a trailer in the car park doing hot dogs and burgers.

I sighed, "Better than nothing.”
"Thought you liked fast food,” Marcus mentioned.
"Occasionally, I've had my fill this week,” I admitted.
"There's a bakery,” Mist told us.
"Where?” Little Jo queried.
"In the corner behind that campervan,” she pointed across the car park, busy with Saturday shoppers.

Camper? Nah it couldn't be, could it? Well no it couldn't, this particular home on wheels was more like our old Volkswagen LT, think big caravan strapped onto a van chassis rather than the custom built body of the Hymer. I wonder where Dad and the guys are?

"I'm sure they'll have something a bit healthier than Würst,” Anna Louise suggested, dragging Marcus across the asphalt veldt.

Looks and shrugs were exchanged by the other band members who followed me and Mist in their wake. The bakery, when we reached it, was fairly busy but mostly with out sales, so finding seats wasn't too difficult even if the tables weren't next to each other. Of course its not table service so we still needed to order and being lunch we're responsible for our own.

Mist and I were on a table with Animal and Little Jo who both departed to the counter to order.

"You coming?” Mist queried, digging out her purse.
"Someone should stay at the table,” I pointed out.
"Okay, I'll go fetch if you like, what do you want?”
What indeed? "Some sort of sandwich and maybe a pastry?”
“'kay, I take it you want coffee?”

Well they are not best known for their tea so a fairly safe assumption.

I'd been digging in my own wallet, "Please, here,” I pushed a twenty across the table, "I'll get them.”
"You don't have to Gab.”
"Take it, I owe you from the other day.”
She gave a shrug, "If you say so.”

Left on table guarding duty, I pulled out my Handy and started typing an SMS to Mand.

Hi, we r @ fulda, ? R u

I pressed send, she'll get back to me at some point. However the phone buzzed with a reply almost immediately, I quickly opened it.

U r early! w r on ab nr ff ur D says b w u 16?

Cool, I know its only been a week and I've talked to Dad and Max a few times but I'm really looking forward to seeing Manda and the guys this weekend. Hmm, maybe we can all eat together tonight? I'm sure Dad'll be up for that.

"You okay Erd?” Little Jo asked, sliding his tray onto the table.
"Yeah, just checking in with Dad, ooh that looks good, what is it?”
"Minestrone I think,” he offered sitting himself down, "Folks okay?”
"Thinks so, they should be here about four.”
"Who's here at four?” Animal enquired arriving with his own repast.
"Erd's papa.”
"Bet you'll be glad to see him eh Erd?”
"Its not like I miss him or anything, but yeah it'll be good to see him and the others.”
"Your cycling friends? Stef said they were coming tonight,” Animal advised.
"Apparently they all demanded to come to the gig.”
"Best put on a good show then,” Little Jo smirked.

"Here you go,” Mist stated, "Coffee, cake and sandwich.”

She plonked each each item on the table in front of me. The sandwich was Frikadel and tomato, the cake was actually a custard filled Danish and the coffee was a big bowl of Cappucino.

"That all your having,” I asked as she sat down with just a slice of pizza and a black coffee.
"We don't all have your constitution, here,” she put a pile of coins by my cup, "Change.”

"I know its my job,” Mist started as we gathered our stuff having finished eating and drinking, "But could you do the laundry Gab? Unless there's stuff you need to do that is.”

To be honest, I hadn't really thought what I'd be doing for the afternoon.

"Er sure, I guess, you got a hot date or something?”
She coloured up a little, "I need to get something to wear tonight, I did say.”

Indeed she did but I'm not sure what difference it'll make for a sound recording, still, if it makes her happy. Recording, recording, there was something I was gonna do, oh right the sleeve, guess I can do that in the launderette as easy as sat in the bus.

"So what're you looking for?”
"Not sure exactly, I've got some ideas, I'll know when I see it.”
"I've heard that before.”

An hour later I was sat in the 'Washmatic', a modern-ish coin op laundrette, well the machines were quite new even if the building was a bit past its prime. In the end i've ended up overseeing everyones laundry wash, all the guys stuff in one machine, my, Misty and Anna Louise' stuff in a second. I suppose I could've found somewhere else to wait out the washing and drying but I found a perch in the window, settled my earphones in place, turned on my CD player and started thinking about the CD sleeve.

Let me just say, I know I did well in most subjects at school, okay I was embarrassingly bad at English, but art, well I'm mediocre. Its not that I can't do it, more that I'm not good at it, the ideas are good in my head but translating them to paper, never great. I'm a bit better with more hands on stuff but that doesn't really help with this 'project' does it?

Lets see then, what needs to be on it?

Misty and Anna Louise returned to the 'Washmatic' just as I finished unloading the big drier, the stuff might've been washed separately but why waste euros on two driers? The downside was having to separate everything afterwards but its not like there was a ton of stuff.

"Get your shopping done?” I enquired spotting their arrival.
"There are some nice little stores in the centre,” Anna Louise told me.
"So what've you been up to?” Mist asked.
"Listening to some music, bit of doodling.”
"Didn't know you drew,” Anna Louise mentioned.
"I don't really but sometimes I have a bit of a scribble.”
"Well lets get this lot back to the hotel, we can get checked in now.”
"I think this lots sorted.”
"Well its not like anyone's going anywhere, I'm sure the lads'll be able to tell whose is whose.”

I pulled a pair of huge stripey boxers from the top of the bag and held them out.

"Big Jo!” we all stated in unison before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"So you get a frock then?” I enquired of Mist as we made our way around the block to the B&B Hotel.
"Uh huh and some boots.”
"Not like yours, I'll show you when we get to our room.”

The B&B Hotel, yep that's what its actually called, is a pretty new cube of concrete and glass – which doesn't sound very appealing but its functional if not exactly pretty. Stefan and Marcus were waiting in reception when we got there.

"The guys have put your bags outside of your room,” Stefan advised handing me a key card.
"Well thats saved one job,” Mist noted.
"Thanks for the laundry Erd,” Stefan told me.
"Well I don't just wash anyones underwear,” I joked.
"Better not tell Max,” Mist put in.
"Lets not go there,” I shot back.
"Back down here at four,” Stefan stated, "Bring your stage gear, I'm not sure if we'll be coming back before the gig.”
"Four o'clock, stage gear,” I repeated back, "Got it.”

Six eighteen is on the top floor and was easy enough to find as there was a pile of cases by the door. Whilst not luxurious, the room was quite spacious, plenty of space around the beds, a couple of 'easy' chairs, desk, TV, wardrobe and the ensuite bigger than most hotels i've stayed in. Not bad, not bad at all.

Bags were dragged in, beds claimed, footwear removed.

"So lets see this frock then and the boots,” I demanded.
"I need a wee first,” my roomie replied.

She disappeared into the bathroom and I pulled the notebook i'd been scribbling in earlier to survey my work. Well okay, it was pretty rough but Rob said they have inhouse people sorting this stuff, I bet it'll only take a few minutes with one of those fancy computer programmes. Not being sure what they'd actually do i'd sketched out a front and rear, using one of my Sheryl Crow CD's as a sort of guide I think I got all the essentials.

On the front was 'BlauHase' and along the bottom 'Live in Hesse', then on the back, down the left was a track listing and opposite was a list of the band members. I'm sure there would be some other stuff like copyright and the record label, there would be room for that stuff under the name check. It was nothing fancy but it would be better than nothing.

"What're you doing in there?” I called toward the facilities.
"Coming,” Mist replied opening the door.
"Thought you'd died in there.”
Ignoring my comment she came out and gave a twirl, "So, what do you reckon?”

Well it was certainly a step up from the shorts and vests. I'd been expecting something, I dunno, more punky but this was a sort of posh Goth look. The dress was in crushed velvet, not black but a vibrant red, net sleeves, a laced bodice and a flared skirt that reached about mid thigh. On her feet, the boots were knock off Doc Martens in red patent that pretty well matched the dress, it all looked great.

"Of course I'll have nets on and i've got some fingerless gloves and I'll put my hair up,” she babbled on.

I couldn't help thinking i'd missed something, I looked a bit more closely, there it was staring me in the face so to speak.

"Oh mein Gott, you're parents will go ballistic!”

I know mine would.
Maddy Bell © 19.02.2022

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