Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *10*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 10*
Fame & Fortune

I've no idea what time we got to bed, I did manage to avoid the alcohol – well mostly, so I wasn't as wasted or ill as on previous occasions. I do remember us revisiting the BK – well the others had the munchies and I couldn't let them eat alone now could I? Anyway, when I did get to bed I was away in the land of nod in very short order.

"What day is it?” I queried having returned to consciousness.
"Thursday? Yeah I'm siure it's Thursday,” Mist advised from the other bed.
"You sure?”
"Niinety nine percent.”
"Urgh, I can't keep up with the day's,” I complained.
"Well the radio thing in Frankfurt was on Monday, yep, Thursday.”

I've sometimes had this in the long holidays, without some order to the days you lose all track of the days. I hadn't thought about actual days as in Monday, Tuesday since, well Monday I guess. Anyway, if today is Thursday that means three more gigs before we get a day off – I use that term loosely as Dad's got a race lined up for yours truly, yep, no rest for the wicked.

"Best get a move on I suppose,” Mist mentioned, "If you want some breakfast.”

Well I suppose at least coffee would be good, I'll decide on food once i've got my caffeine infusion.

Whilst the Villa Maria has a breakfast room its not exactly spacious and apart from the beverages, everything else was closely rationed. That's not neccesarily a bad thing but it does feel like a school trip, two pats of butter, a slice of cheese, one of ham, a thing of jam, two rolls, a pot of joghurt – you get the idea. The only other from our party eating was Anna Louise who looked more awake than I felt which is annoying because I know she was fairly wasted last night.

"Morning girls!”

Yeah, far too chipper.

"Morning, no one else about?” I enquired.
"If they are i've not seen them, you two okay this morning?”
"Tired more than anything,” I allowed.
"I don't want to see another Jägerbombe,” Mist groaned.
"You're supposed to be the sensible one,” I pointed out.
"I am.”
"Coulda fooled us eh Anna?”
"You were drinking a fair bit,” she agreed, "Mind you, the lads were doing a good job of drinking the bar dry.”
"Hang on, how did we get back here?” I asked with a hint of panic.
"Taxi, our bus is still at the Eisstadion.”
"I hope its safe.”
"Wait,” Mist interjected, "Does that mean we've got to walk there with all our bags?”
"You can walk, i've got my bike downstairs,” I crowed.
"Good point,” Anna Louise noted, "I'll finish this then try to find the keys and go fetch it, I don't think any of the others will be fit to drive until lunchtime.”

And so it proved, the first order of business when we departed the Villa Maria was a stop, on my recommendation, at the Café am Ludwigsbrunnen for copious amounts of coffee and a variety of 'late' breakfasts. I managed to add a nice lump of Streusel to my earlier repast, there really is nothing worse than watching others eat. It was clear however that none of the men were yet fit to drive so it was Anna Louise behind the wheel when we set off for the drive to our next gig all the way up in Kassel.

Kassel, I have at least been there before, there was that race that finished by that big statue thing, remember that? Of course, we didn't exactly have time for sightseeing then and I don't suppose we will this time either. Unlike yesterday, whilst not the other end of the country, the hundred and sixty or so kilometres is a bit far for me to ride so we were all stuffed in the bus for the two hour drive north.

The news from Robert this morning was kind of exciting, last night at the Eisstadion had been almost a sell out, if we keep this up we might actually make a few euros or at least break even. We'd been under no illusions before the Tour started and our manager had told us straight, our efforts over these two weeks were all about increasing our fan base who then, so the theory goes, buy the CD's and spread the word further. So our budget is quite tight, we stay in budget accomodation, drive ourselves around and hope that the punters come to see us, our appearance with Britta Bursche on Monday hasn't done us any harm at all.

So that's all good and he's sweet talked the manager of tonights venue, the Schauspielhaus in the town centre, to let us set up and practice this afternoon before going to our accomodation. Its not that we need to practice exactly but if Mist is gonna join us tomorrow we do need more than a quick run trhrough like we had last night. The drive up the autobahn was uneventful, a few roadworks where the Düsseldorf road joined just before Kassel but nothing to delay our arrival.

The Schauspielhaus is part of a complex of dirty concrete buildings not far from the Fulda, which forms a sort of cultural quarter of museums, galleries and State Theatre. All very posh, certainly a step up from an ice rink. Of course, we ended up driving around half the city centre to get there after missing the turn but we eventually got parked in the bus park over the road from the stage door.

'Lorelei, Lo-oralei,
Dooms her lovers with an icy grip,
Lorelei, Lo-oralei,
But they keep on coming,
Lured by the voice of,
Lorelei, Lo-oraleiiiiii.'

The last chords died away and the empty auditorium fell silent, well apart from the guys unloading beer somewhere behind the stage.

"Woo, smashing it or what,” Marcus offered with an extra swipe across his instruments strings.
"Not bad at all,” Little Jo agreed.
"Rob?” Stefan queried.
"I think they'll like it,” our manager beamed as he joined us on the stage, "Great sound ladies.”

Praise indeed. I don't mean to sound like an egotistical diva but I always thought Lorelei was Stefan's best non shouty contribution to the set and my solo rendition is, well sort of haunting. The extra layer of Misty's voice on the chorus has, I dunno, made the solo bits more, I dunno, stand out I suppose.

"What do you reckon Misty, you up for it tonight?” Stefan asked.
"But I thought... we said tomorrow, Gab?” a flustered Mist appealled.
"Sounded good to me.”
"But I still don't know all the words.”
"If it was Erd it would be an issue, I doubt if anyone out there would notice,” Stefan stated.
"Stefan's right,” Robert added, "No disrespect to the rest of you, but the fans will be focused on our pink haired song bird.”
"He's right,” Animal put in, "We provide the canvas that Erd and Stef decorate.”
"Very philosophic A,” Big Jo stated, "But true.”
"So Misty, you in?” Robert queried.
She hesitated a moment, "Guess so.”
"Good, now thats settled its,” he checked his watch, "Just coming up to five, you all need to eat and I'm sure the girls need some time to get ready so I suggest you go to the hotel, back here for a soundcheck at eight?”

We had to wait for Anna Louise who'd gone into the centrum while we practised, well she still had the bus keys. I reckon we could've walked quicker than driving, the Hotel Herkules being just a short way out of the shopping zone on Wilhelmshöher Allee, the long straight boulevard that connects the city centre with the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe below the Herkules monument some four kilometres away. Not that we will be doing any sightseeing – again but maybe I can get a short ride in in the morning.

The hotel was a bit of a surprise, quite big and looked fairly modern in a sort of angular concrete way. But looks can be deceiving, inside, whilst clean and bright it was clearly past its prime, scuffed paintwork, worn carpeting, lift buttons polished from use. The plaque behind reception claimed it was three star but i'd put it at the lower end of that rating.

"There's a restaurant,” Mist observed as we waited for our room keys.
"The restaurant opens in twenty minutes, they serve food until twenty two,” the receptionist advised, "Room four fifteen.”
"Er thanks,” I took the offered key, yep an actual key on one of those big round metal and rubber fob things. The unsolicited information about the eatery did however sow a germ of an idea.
"What's up Erd,” Big Jo queried.
"What do you reckon to eating here tonight? It'd save time looking for somewhere.”
"I could do with something other than fast food,” Anna Louise stated.

There was a bit of shoulder shrugging and some non commital noises, men, they'd be happy eating burgers and pizza every meal.

I took the bull by the horns, "Thats settled then, eat here then we can go direct to the soundcheck.”
"You heard her fellas,” Stefan smirked, "Looks like we're eating here, six thirty?”

There being no dissent, we all headed to our rooms.

"What am I going to wear tonight?” a slightly panicked Misty demanded as we settled into four fifteen after lugging our bags to what felt like the furthest extremity of the hotel.
"Well I'm wearing my stage outfit.”
"Thought it was too warm?”
"It was, is, in the smaller venues, didn't you feel that cold draft across the stage earlier, I do not want to end up doing the toilet dance halfway through.”
"I can just see it now,” Mist grinned as she proceded to ape the 'wee shuffle'.
"You don't have to dress up, you could just wear like jeans and a top,” I suggested.
"As if!”
I shrugged, "Well I don't know then, I'm gonna get a quick shower.”

It was a quick shower too, virtually in and out and doing my best to keep my hair dry. When I returned to the main room my companion had the contents of her suitcase strewn across half the room and was still umming and aahing over what to wear for the gig.

"And I thought I was bad.”
"Its alright for you, you've done this before,” she snapped back.
"I think you're over thinking this.”
"You think?” was the sarcastic reply.
"Look, why don't you wear just your normal stuff, if you're thinking about what you're wearing you won't be concentrating on the singing and I no, we need you for this.”
"I can't just wear normal stuff.”
"Why not? The guys barely manage to put on a clean shirt.”
"I am not a man!” she huffed.
"Never said you were, tell you what, put this lot away, we'll sort it after dinner, I'm starving.”
"Ga-ab's,” was the whiny response, "Please?”

I guess its my turn to be dresser.

"Look, wear your shorts and,” I scooped up a random top, "This and wear your boots.”

Haute Couture its not but BlauHase is hardly a chamber orchestra either.

"What about my hair?”
"What about mine? I'm sure you'll figure something, now food?”

The Hotel Herkules' restaurant, as is often the case, had pretentions to grandeur, compared to the rest of the building the décor was in somewhat better fettle, real linen tableclothes, matching cutlery and the essential 'intimate' lighting. Of course, we were the last to arrive, the others already had drinks and were perusing the menu options.

"You two okay?” Anna Louise asked.
"Yeah, someone couldn't decide what she was wearing.”
"Sorted now?”
"Yeah,” I agreed picking up a menu.
"Drinks?” Stefan suggested already trying to get the attention of the wait staff.
"Just Sprite® for me.”
"Rum and coke,” Mist requested.
"You might want to go easy on that.”
"You're not my mother.”

Well that told me.

"I only meant you need a clear head on stage, guys?” I appealed to the rest of the band, "Support me?”
"She's right Mist, don't want to make a fool of yourself on stage,” Little Jo told her.
"But you all drink before,” she pointed out.
"Only a couple,” Animal stated, "Now after,” he finished with a wide grin.
"Not saying don't drink anything,” I put in, "Just in moderation?”
"Okay, I get it, rum & coke Stefan – without the rum.”

The menu was typical fare for a business hotel, nothing too fancy, well unless you count steak, but something for most tastes. It was of course a bit pricier than our recent evening meals but its not like its every night. Ironically it was Anna Louise who ordered pizza, personally I was tempted by the beef roulade but instead I settled on Wiener Schnitzel with boiled taters rather than Pommes.

I don't think i've ever had really bad food in a restaurant this side of the Channel, I can remember some appalling plates back in Blighty, dried up pies, lumpy gravy and egg and chips once floating in enough oil to service the car. No, if anything the quality is almost too perfectly uniform, everything is cooked fresh, you pretty much know what'll be on the plate. And then you sometimes get a bonus like tonight, the salad bar was included with everyones meal – I do like a good salad bar.

Of course, conversation, as you might expect centred around tonights gig, our newest 'member' and so on. I think everyone was trying to get Mist to relax but when we returned to our room afterwards, relaxed was the last thing she was. That started to get me worked up, what if it all goes wrong? I recommended her for the spot, will I get blamed if we bomb?

I needn't've worried, by the time we hit the stage Mist was in that calm place between hysterics and madness! Instead of the usual elaborate braids my hair was in a, for me, unusually loose, wavy do that took like five minutes, Misty on the other hand had spent most of the support acts set (a two piece with a style somewhere between Kraftwerk and Freddy Mercury) doing her own hair in an elaborate affair which I'll privately admit to making her look like a pineapple. As long as she's happy, thats all that mattered at that point.

It was a fairly lively crowd, a more cosmopolitan audience than the last few nights, probably as its a university town and they no doubt are exposed to a wider variety of musical styles. Whatever the reason, we got through the first half okay, I couldn't hear Mist that much but maybe thats the point. Anyhow, she was quite 'enthused' when we left the stage.

"Erd, a moment,” Stefan sort of whispered to me as we headed for the green room.

Instead of following the others, Stefan led the way stairwell near the stage door.

"They seem a good crowd tonight,” I opined, "Lot of students.”
"Uh huh.”
"Mist seems to be doing okay?” I posed.
"Yep,” he replied flatly.
"Is there anything wrong? What'd I do?”
He took a breath, "No and nothing but we do have a little, er issue.”
"We do?”
"Misty, she's not actually part of BlauHase but it seems a bit, well wrong not to include her when you do the introduction after the break.”
"I guess, so what were you thinking?”
"We can get the lights guy to add an extra spot after one of us.”

I had a lightbulb moment, ding!

"No do it so she's first spot, I'll tell her to do some tonal stuff through the intros, going first won't put anyones nose out of joint.”
"You really aren't just a pretty face are you?”
"Don't tell anyone,” I chuckled.
"You're secret is safe with me. Come on, I need a drink before we go back on and I need to see that lighting guy.”

The break was over too soon, once again I found myself at the front of the stage in a single spotlit pool of light.

"Welcome back Kassel, are your ready for more?”

They were still in the building so it was really a given but it's always nice to be validated with some audience cheering.

"Before we return to the music, I think I need to introduce you to the band,” a second spotlight blinked on,” on backing vocals, Misty!”

Neither Stefan or I had told her what we were doing although the guys did have a heads up. Surprised as she was, Mist did manage to give a little wave although her oohing did falter for a moment or two. Then it was back to the usual, a spotlight lighting each member of the band as I introduced them, each playing a short riff.

"And lastly, lead guitar and vocals, Stefan!”

Did he add an extra riff tonight? anyway the lighting then revealed everyone on stage. Of course now we went into the little pantomime of introducing moi.

"So now we've been properly introduced...”
"Aren't you forgetting someone,” Stefan i put in.
"Who have I missed?” I asked before making a big show of counting them off on my fingers, "Misty, Big Jo, Marcus, Little Jo, Animal and you.”
"Anyone would think she was blonde,” Stefan hammed, "You missed yourself Erd.”
"Well you'd best sing them a song to make up for it.”
Tonights sigh was a bit more heartfelt than usual, "If I must.”
"We insist,” Little Jo advised.
"Okay, but nothing too fast.”
"What do you reckon Fellas?” Stefan queried looking about at the others who grinned back, "So folks, I give you our songbird, Erdbeere!”

The lighting dimmed around me and I waited until it was almost silent before giving Big Jo the nod, he plucked the first few chords and I started my warble.

'Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever'

I don't think any night that the audience know quite what to make of it but when I went into the second verse a moment later, the rest of BlauHase struck up to join in including Stefan and Mist on vocals.

'Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white, clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Bless my homeland forever'

Maddy Bell © 11.02.2022
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