Bebe Goes to Hollywood - 5

Bebe Goes To Hollywood: 5

by Clara
Copyright©2019, 2024 Clara Schumann


John is examined by his surgeon for the first time, Miss Stephanie is up to her old tricks,
filming for the movie is underway, John faces the horrors of swim-suit shopping, Ed is
searching for the perfect engagement ring for Rose, John has a rare day away from
adults when he and his friends travel to the beach and, through all of this, it seems as
though John's relationship with his sister has not only healed thoroughly, but they have
grown much closer. That's a lot.

Author's Note: Thank you to everyone for your very kind and constructive critiques. Please leave reviews!
*I love to know if I'm on the right path or not.
*ps: I mean anything other than my usage of the name John for now.~Clara.

This version of Bebe Goes To Hollywood: 5 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at .~Sephrena.

Chapter 5

"He's got goodness. Do you know what that is?... No, of course you don't. We've forgotten. We're too busy being smart-aleck's. Too busy in a crazy competition for nothing."
~ Jean Arthur as 'Babe' in 'Mr Deeds Goes To Town.'

"Blood work looks good, blood pressure looks excellent, your therapist says you're very well adjusted..." Dr Jorge Martinez looked through all the paperwork in front of him, then at John. "So, the big question is, Bianca... are you really ready to bury John Foley forever?"

John's eyes were watery and he didn't know why. He gripped Nancy's hand with his right hand and Joanne's with his left. He tried to speak, but nothing came out, so he nodded.

Dr Martinez was patient, but eventually he said, "I need you to actually say the words, Bianca."

John sighed. "I'm ready, Doctor. I swear that I am."

"Alright, then, let's talk about what's going to happen as we approach the day of surgery. Of course, Dr Shapiro and I will be monitoring your health and hormonal balance as the date approaches and making sure that your health remains excellent. You'll be admitted to the hospital the day before surgery so we can extract blood, both for testing and for replacement if it's required."

John was shivering a little as specifics of the actual event were discussed. Nancy and Joanne, both medical professionals who had heard these kinds of conversations many times before, both were feeling very stressed, too, though. This wasn't just another patient. This was Johnny. This was Bebe. This was scary.

"We'll be able to do the removal and reconstructive surgeries in the same day. The removal of your testes and penis is a very simple procedure, less than an hour or so. The formation of your female genitals is a longer job and we take our time doing that. We want it to not only be esthetically pleasing, but also we want to be sure that none of the nerves are damaged. This will give you a more pleasurable sex life later."

He reached into a draw and pulled out a tube, similar to tooth-brush carrying case, but a little thicker.

"For the first two to three days, depending on your healing, this kind of a dilation tool will be inside your vaginal opening. It will allow you to heal correctly. You will also need to use this, or something approximating the same size and shape of this, at least three times a day for the next year. We will give you a schedule and a chart on which to record your sessions. Do you understand?"

"Not really," John looked at the clinical looking item, his brow furrowed, confused.

Nancy sighed, "What the Doctor is saying, Johnny, is that, after your surgery, you are going to need to masturbate at least three times a day for at least a year."

"Oh!" John's eyes popped open. This was a bit unexpected.

"He's also saying," Joanne took over, "that, if you'd like to find a tool... a phallus... that was more... lifelike, you may be able to enjoy the process a bit more than you would using something as... artificially shaped as this tool."

"More lifelike?" John wanted to clarify. "You mean..." he let that hang for a moment, but Nancy finished the sentence for him.

"A dildo, Johnny. A dildo."

"Oh, Wow." John looked to his right and his left. "A little embarrassing to talk about this in front of my sister and my boyfriend's mom."

Nancy chuckled. "Well, I never thought I'd have to discuss dildos with my little brother, so I guess we're even."

Joanne was more uncomfortable with this topic than anyone else in the room, at the moment, so she changed the subject. "And what is her recovery timeline expected to be, Dr Martinez?"

"Well, barring any complications, she should be back to one hundred percent in four to six weeks."

Then he looked at John. "Of course, you'll probably feel well enough to be on set and do SOME acting before that. Nothing strenuous. No running bases and getting in fights with boys like in season one - scenes that have you seated or standing still should be comfortable very quickly, though. I want you to pace yourself, Bianca. If they ask you to over exert yourself before you're ready, the answer is..."

He waited for John to complete the sentence.

"No," John said, after a pregnant pause.

"That's right. You need to learn to say 'no' when you are healing. Remember that word and use it frequently. Understood?"

"Understood," John smiled. Don must have been talking to the Doctor about John and telling him how rambunctious he could be on a set.

"One last thing," the doctor said. "And this may be none of my business, but... could we, at this point, stop calling Bianca 'John?' I know it's just between the two of you, but it is an issue that needs to be addressed. After all we went through with that reporter last week, I think that we may have reached a point where Bianca is called Bianca and only Bianca from now on."

John smiled and looked at his sister before speaking. "That's my fault, Doctor. I said it was ok. It's just between us."

"I realize that," the doctor was closing the file-folder and preparing to end the meeting, "but today is the first time that I have spent any real time with you two - neither of you know me very well - I could even be recording this meeting - yet I have heard Nancy refer to you as 'Johnny' well over a dozen times. I realize that the existence of 'John Foley' is difficult to verify, now, but nothing disappears forever and it makes no sense at all to be offering people your old name. Start getting used to it, now. John is dead - long live Bianca. Ok?"

John looked at Nancy. "Ok," they said together.



"So, provided everything continues the way everything's been going," John's voice came through the phone's speaker as Rose and Ed listened, "I'll be having the surgery in nine weeks."

"That's great, Beebs," Rose smiled at Ed who seemed more concerned than she.

"And you're sure this is the right thing for you to do?" He asked.

Rose slapped his arm and pointed a scolding finger at him while mouthing the words, 'Stop it!'

He whispered back, "I just want to be sure."

"I am, Uncle Ed. I'm very sure. I am Bebe forever, now, and I want to be her - completely."

"Ok," Ed still looked worried, but he nodded, "as long as it's the right thing to do, then I'll sign all the papers and send them back to you."

"Thanks, Uncle Ed," they could hear the relief in John's voice.

"We have some news, too," Rose was back to being excited.

"Oh?" John seemed happy to move on to other things. "News about the house?"

"Kinda," Rose giggled. "As of December twenty first of this year, a real family will own this house. A husband and a wife."

"You're selling it so quickly!?" John sounded confused.

Rose laughed. "Of course not, Bebe. Don't be silly."

"Then what?" John asked.

Rose smiled at Ed until he broke the news to John. "Your cousin, Rose, proposed to me."

"What!?" John's voice rose with excitement. "SHE proposed to you!? That's so cool!"

"I know, right!?" Ed laughed "She gave me an engagement ring, got down on one knee... the whole bit. I wish we'd recorded it."

Before John could react, Rose said, "And guess who my Maid-of-Honor is going to be?"

Genuinely overwhelmed by the news of an upcoming wedding, John had no idea, so he said, "Who?"

"Well, you, silly!" Rose laughed. "Who else?"

"But I'm... that's... I mean..." John could barely think in his excitement. "That's unbelievable! Congratulations! And, thank you, Rose... I'm so honored."

"Well, who else would I pick, Beebs. You're like our own little girl." Rose realized that at some point, either she had taken Ed's hand or he had taken her's, but they were holding hands and smiling big, silly, stupid smiles of joy at one and other.

God, they were cute! Just two, beautiful, young, rich kids in love!

"So..." John's voice through the phone's speaker intruded on their reverie, "since Rose proposed... who's wearing the wedding gown?"

They all laughed.

"I am, you goofball," Rose said, "although, in this family, I suppose that's a fair question."

They all laughed.

"Congratulations, you guys!" John was still giggling when he spoke. "I love you both, so much! And I miss you, too."

"We love you, too, honey," Rose was aglow with joy at the prospect of a wedding.

"Just one thing before we say goodbye, though, Bebe," Ed's voice went from smiling to serious as he spoke that sentence. "About all of this business with Crawford..."

The giggling stopped and all three became quiet.

"I want you to be careful, baby, ok?"

John was not surprised that Ed had mentioned Mr Crawford, but this was probably the first time Ed had ever called him 'baby' and his tone was warmer and more paternal than ever.

"I will. I promise."

"I mean..." Ed looked at Rose, who's smile had faded a bit. "... well, we owe everything to you, honey, but... if anything were ever to happen to you..." Ed struggled to say what he wanted to say. "... well, Bebe... I don't want you to think that this is only ever about the show... I mean.. we love you, you know..."

"I know, Uncle Ed. I love you guys, too."

"No, honey, I mean... we're not just your guardians anymore, you know... it's more... I mean... we're more than that..."

Rose was shocked to see a tear running down her lover's face. She could also hear a chocking in his voice, and she knew that the big man was about to lose it, emotionally.

"What Uncle Ed is trying to say, Bebe," Rose rescued him, "is that we're a family, now. The three of us. We have our other families, too, but the three of us... we're as real a family as any of those and if you need us, we'll be there for you."

"I know, Rose," John's tone was serious and tender, too. "I love you guys, too, and I wish I could be there with you. I'll call if there's any more trouble. I promise."

Ed cleared his throat. "Good. We love you a lot, baby. And we miss you. Call us again tomorrow."

"I will."

"Bye, Beebs," Rose said and she disconnected the call.

She reached across the table and took Ed's hand in hers. "She'll be fine, Ed. She has Don and Blaine and Joanne... everything is going to be ok."

Ed nodded. "I know. I just wish we were there... or she was here."

"I know. Have you heard from Hank?"

"No. If he doesn't call by tonight, I'll call him."



"Ok," Rob Marshall called the rehearsal to order. "Bebe, you're at the piano with Lily. Anna, you come in announce that you're all moving to Manhattan. Remember - it's 1901. Keep your speech and mannerisms as idiomatic as possible. Lily!"

"Yes, Rob?"

"Try to remember that you're American, please!" Many crew members chuckled at this.

"Of course, Rob. No problem." Lily replied, innocently.

"What was that all about?" John asked.

"We had a very long night, last night, and Rob kept having me do the same four lines, over and over and over." She looked at the director and rolled her eyes.


"He was just proving a point, just because I questioned something he wanted me to do in a scene the day before."

"What a jerk," John commiserated.

"Par for the course, little sister," Lily laughed. "He's not even as bad as most. It's no big deal. Anyway, the more he pushed, the more my American accent disappeared. Also to prove a point."

"What was your point?"

"That I understood his, but I wasn't intimidated by his tactics." She smiled. "Movie sets are the most childish places on earth, Bebe. Testosterone is flowing like crazy and making every man into a moron. You'll get used to it."

"Alright, ladies!" Rob called from 'video village,' where he could watch the scene through the cameras. "Let's go."

"April!" Anna called as she came into the sitting room set, acting agitated. "April! We've received a letter from father."

Lily turned and faced her 'sister' in the scene. "May, May, calm down. What does he say?"

"It says, 'Dear girls. I have had a stroke of luck and come into a great deal of money. Pack your bags, girls and come as soon as possible. I've bought a grand home for us all on Park Avenue in New York City. Come at once. Just shut up the old place and come I have arranged for June's education as well. Love, Your Father."

Lily jumped up and took the letter. "Oh, my! May, this is the answer to our prayers! New York City! Can you imagine. So many men to chose from! How soon can we leave?"

"Well," Anna looked around, "we'll need to sell the house and ship the furniture..."

"No," Lily pointed to the letter, "Father says to just shut up the house and come."

"Then we can leave tomorrow morning!" Anna said, turning and flipping the hem of her somewhat thread-worn, turn of the twentieth century dress and looked into the mirror. "I have to admit, I would enjoy some new clothes. This dress was second hand when you wore it, April."

"And June's clothes are even more worn than yours. Oh, just imagine it, May! The men!"

"The libraries!" Anna said.

"The clothes!" Lily shouted.

"The opportunities!" Anna turned, smiling.

"The future!" They called out, together.

Then the playback started and Lilly and Anna began singing with the recording, alternating at first, then singing together. They continued acting as they mouthed the words -

" The Street Cars! The buildings! The autos! The men!
The opera!
The theater!
The excitement!
The lights!"

Finally, John, as the youngest sister, June, joined in.

"Electricity is coursing through us
Lighting up our world
The power of our future
Our lives are in a whirl!"

"And that's that," Rob Marshall called from 'video village.' "From there, we need to move to the 'packing and moving' montage. The choreographer will work with you girls, tomorrow. Do we all feel good about the scene up to this point?"

Everyone agreed that they were ready to light and record the scene.

"Alright, then," Marshall clapped his hands. "Everyone back to 'one,' please! Let's get this recorded."

They went back to the top of the scene.

"Nice, job," John said quietly to Lily. "I liked how you squealed when you said, 'the clothes.' It was really cute."

"Thanks," lily smiled. "I loved the look on your face when you jumped up to join us. You were adorable."

"Thanks," John smiled. "I didn't really have much else to do."

"Sometimes, acting is being in the background, then coming in strong when the time comes." Lily smiled. "You did great."

They ran the scene, again and recorded it. They did it once more with a few tweaks, then one last time to ensure coverage.

Then, as Rob Marshall was about to dismiss everyone for a break and to set up a new set, he stopped and looked at John.

"You have an idea that you didn't act on, don't you, Miss Foley?"

John looked at the director. "I didn't say anything, Mr Marshall."

"I know," he smiled, "but I can see it on your face. I spoke to a few of the production staff members over at 'Civil Disobedience' and they asked me if I was letting you 'riff' on the script. I said, 'No,' and they told me I was crazy. So - is it worth my while to do the scene once more?"

"I'd kinda like to try something, sir," he smiled, "but I know that we got off to a shaky start and I don't want to upset you."

"Ok." The director called out to everyone. "Once more, ladies and gentlemen, and this time, be prepared for whatever Ms Foley does. Back to 'one,' again! Let's do this, people."

John glanced off stage left to where Joanne was standing, her fingers laced together, and bouncing against her chin. She smiled at John and nodded her support and pride.

Lily sat back down next to John and whispered, "Take it easy on me, Bebe. I'm not a good improviser." She smiled and hugged him.

"All set, ladies!?" Rob called.

They each held up a thumbs up.

"Then, ACTION!" He yelled and the scene started again.

This time, when Anna said they could leave tomorrow, John stood and said, "Tomorrow!?"

"Yes, June," Anna smiled. "We can leave in the morning."

"But," John said, "what about our friends? Our animals? Our lives, here?"

"We'll have a new life in New York," Lily said, stroking his hair. "A new, beautiful life."

"I can't wait," Anna said. "We can have anything we want, June!"

"Can I bring my dog?" John asked.

"Of course, Honey," Lily smiled.

"It's going to be great, June, " Anna said, and then she returned to the script. "I have to admit, I would enjoy some new clothes. This dress was second hand when you wore it, April."

"And June's clothes are even more worn than yours." Lily followed Anna's lead and stuck with the script, "Oh, just imagine it, May! The men!"

That was all that changed, just a few lines, but the director was smart enough to know that it had made the scene better. More real. It was a big improvement. This kid... she's really something.



The door to the hotel suite closed and Hank opened his eyes. He'd been listening while Stephanie had been bustling about, trying not to wake him. He listened as the elevator outside his room opened and closed. He waited another minute before climbing out of the bed. He grabbed his locked briefcase and opened it, removing his MacBook and turning it on, to review the recording of the night before that he'd made with nine hidden cameras throughout the suite.

He rewound to the beginning of the recording and reviewed what he'd recorded. Hmm... not the best sex he'd ever had, by a long shot. She was obviously just going through the motions, but so was he, though, so...

He fast forwarded through the dirty deed, then slowed down when things calmed down. He listened to their 'pillow talk' as they each congratulated the other on the quality of the sex, then they shut off the light and the cameras switched to the odd green color of the night vision recording. He watched at 2X speed until, about forty-five minutes after the lights had been shut off, Stephanie carefully moved out from under the covers.

He watched carefully now as Stephanie tip toed around the suite and pulled 'Dave's' wallet from his pants and took it to the vanity area outside of the lavatory. She took the time to look carefully through all of the credit cards and identification that she found, all of which indicated that the owner's name was Dave Rothman, a representative of OLC - the Olson International Corporation. She saw his personal credit card and his company credit card as well. She saw a few of his business cards from business contacts and several cards from international companies.

Then she saw the four thousand one hundred and twenty dollars in cash in the wallet. Hank watched as she pulled the money out, counted it, recounted it, this time in two piles, one of three thousand dollars, one of one thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. She put the small stack back into the wallet and took the rest.

'Pretty bright,' Hank thought. Leaving a substantial amount in the wallet would probably cause the owner to not count the money immediately.

He watched as she put the wallet back into his pants, then she took his phone from its charger and looked at his emails, forwarding several to a dummy gmail account she had created for just such an occasion..

"Gotcha," Hank laughed. He knew he had her for the theft of the money, but taking the emails, he knew, would eventually lead to him being contacted with a blackmail demand. The bait had been taken - soon, he'd be reeling in his prize.



"Try the lavender one on, again," Ella told MK. "Your boobs are going to pop out of that one."

"That's what I want," MK smiled as she checked herself out in the mirror. Ella was right, her breasts were definitely in danger of popping right out of this swimsuit, DAMN, she liked how it looked, though. Fifteen years of growth and development had been kinder to MK than most of her classmates and she was very pleased with her current physique.

"You want to get arrested for exposing your breasts at the beach?" Ella asked. "Ok, but I'm not bailing you out."

"Hmm," MK pondered her sexy, young figure in the mirror. My mom would kill me if I wore this, but admit it - I am smokin' hot."

Ella snickered. "And modest."

"Does this look ok?" John came to the mirror and looked at himself. Honest to God, was there anything more stressful than shopping for a new swimsuit? He had his own issues, of course, but he felt the stress that Ella felt, too. Her breasts were slightly bigger than John's, but he was catching up, and her best friend, MK, was built like a supermodel - plump, shapely breasts and hips, long, elegant legs - everything that bathing suits were designed to enhance. Next to MK, both John and Ella looked like they were just entering puberty.

John looked in the mirror at the simple, blue one-piece he'd chose, checked his crotch - nice and smooth - then he twisted to see his butt - it was nicely curved and round. Even his hips looked pretty good.

Unexpectedly, MK gave his rear a playful, but firm slap. "Looking good there, slugger," she teased, causing Ella to laugh out loud.

"Ow!" John was shocked and his bottom smarted. He rubbed it. "That hurt, you know."

"Oh, man-up," MK laughed, but their playful friendliness was interrupted by a man's voice behind them.

"Looking good, ladies," The voice said, causing them all to turn to face two older men. One with an expensive camera around his neck, the other with a familiar smirk on his face.

"Get out of here, you creeps," MK snapped.

"Security!" Ella yelled, but John just pushed forward and stood face to face with the smirking face.

"Mr Meadows." He shook his head. "I thought we had a deal. I give you as much access to 'Civil Disobedience' as I can and you leave my personal life alone."

Meadows took a step back and looked at the young woman in front of him. "Very pretty, Bebe. It shows off your body, very nicely. Keeps you nicely tucked, too?"

John feigned confusion. "Tucked...? You don't still think that I'm... do you!? Look, Mr Meadows, this is as close as you're ever going to come to seeing me naked. Do you see anything that makes you think I'm a boy?"

Meadows smiled. "I'm only kidding, Bebe. Honest. I'm here for something else, today. I just saw you and your friends as I passed. I just wanted to apologize for last week. I had some bad information."

John knew that the apology was insincere, but it was still an apology. "Thank you, Mr Meadows. That means a lot to me." He knew that this apology would cost him at some point.

"Well, I mean it, Bebe. We're friends and I feel bad about all that business. I should have known that the information was ridiculous."

"Well, Mr Meadows," John wanted to go back and be with his friends, "have a nice evening."

"You too, Bebe." Meadows turned to walk away, then stopped, pretending to think of something. “Oh! By the way. I hear that there’s a wedding being planned.”

There is was. It certainly didn’t take long.

Meadows continued, “I think it’s wonderful, don’t you? Young love blooming between two cast members. Pretty romantic.”

John wanted to look irritated and angry, but in the little, blue one piece, he knew he’d just look petulant. So, he smiled. “It is, Mr Meadows. I’m very happy for them.”

“Yeah,” Meadows returned the grin. “What are the chances of me being your ‘plus one’ for the event?”

“I already have a ‘plus one,’ Mr Meadows. You know that.”

“Yeah, I do. Well, maybe you might be able to arrange a few interviews with the happy couple and maybe an invite for me and my friend, here.” Meadows indicated his photographer.

John smirked at the man’s audacity. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks, Bebe,” Meadows winked. “You’re the best. Have a good time swimming.” He and the photographer walked away.

“Who was that?” Ella asked as they watched the men disappear into the store.

“A TMZ reporter,” John replied. “And a massive pain in my tush.”

“And what a cute tush it is, too,” MK teased. She was about to slap it again, but John turn himself away from her and frowned at her attempt. “Wait!” She suddenly seemed very serious. “That guy was a photographer for TMZ!?”

“Yes,” John seemed confused.

“Well,” MK smiled, “get him back here to take my picture in this suit! If they show a picture of me looking like this on TV tonight, I’ll be a superstar tomorrow.”



“You know who you look like?” The custodian asked Nancy.

“Bebe Foley?” Nancy asked with a smirk.

“If that’s that girl on ‘Civil Disobedience,’ then, yeah. You look just like her.”

“I get that a lot,” Nancy continued typing on the standing computer station that rolled from room to room. “She’s my little sister.”

“Cool!” The custodian smiled.

“Yeah, very cool. Look, I have to get a move on, here, so...”

“Oh, Yeah, of course. Sorry,” the custodian was handsome and had a lovely smile.

Nancy pushed her computer cart towards the room that housed her next patient. “Umm, hey,” the man called to her. “Maybe, sometime, we could have coffee or something?”

Nancy looked at her watch and said, “Umm, yeah, maybe sometime, but I can’t today. Sorry.”

“Oh, yeah, I know, I didn’t mean right now, but maybe another time?”

Nancy smiled. “Ok. Sure, but I gotta go.”

“Great!” The custodian looked very pleased. “By the way, I’m Jim.”

“Nancy,” she smiled. He returned her smile, then turned and headed off in the other direction.

When she was sure that he was well around the corner, Nancy pulled out her phone and sent a text to Hank Miller. ‘I’VE BEEN APPROACHED BY CRAWFORD. WANTS TO MEET FOR COFFEE SOMETIME.”


Nancy put her phone away.



“This one. The one with the white setting and the oddly cut diamond,” Ed was beaming as he stared into the glass counter cases at Dorfman Jewelers, one of the most prestigious jewelry stores in Boston.

“An excellent choice, sir,” the lanky man with thinning hair smiled. “This was designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany, himself, for Mrs Oliver HP Belmont of New York and New Port. It’s a dazzling piece, isn’t it?”

“It is,” said Ed, who was wearing a nicely pressed, but comfortable polo shirt and a pair of beige shorts.

“Yes, Tiffany’s jewelry is often overlooked due to his glasswork, but this is a lovely piece. A platinum band and setting with a two carat, uniquely cut diamond. Just exquisite.”

“How Old is it?” Ed asked.

“It was commissioned by the second Mrs. Belmont, Elva Erskine Smith Vanderbilt Belmont, the wife of Congressman Oliver HP Belmont, who came from a very wealth New York family himself, in 1906, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their marriage. Representative Belmont’s father founded the Boston Stock Exchange and Oliver took over that enterprise. The Belmont’s always kept a home on Beacon Hill.” The salesman was a font of historic information, but Ed really liked the ring and hearing its history just made it that much more enticing to him. If he was going to give Rose a ring, it was going to be a ring with some real history and class.

“So It wasn’t an engagement ring at all?” Ed asked, encouraging the salesman to provide more background.

“Oh, no. Her engagement ring was MUCH more elaborate. This was just a bauble to be worn at their summer home in New Port, Rhode Island – Belcourt, it’s called.”

“A bauble,” Ed laughed. “A pricey little bauble, I bet.”

“Indeed, It is, sir,” The man smiled, knowingly.

“May I see it?”

The man sighed as he assessed Ed’s age and appearance, “Perhaps sir would prefer something a bit less... costly. This is a very notable piece, and as such, it is very... prized... by jewelry experts and collectors.”

Ed stood straight. His hands in his pockets. He glanced across the shop to where Rose was looking in a different case and chatting with a sales woman. “I asked to see this one, please, and I’d like to do it without any fuss so that my fiancé doesn’t see it until I decide on the perfect ring. Thank you.”

“Yes, sir, but as I said...”

“How much?” Ed cut him off.

“It is quite expensive, sir, and I have no wish to embarrass you...”

“Tell me the price.”

The man sighed, again, and leaned forward so that he could speak quietly. “One hundred and twenty two thousand dollars. So, if sir would take a look at...”

“I really like this one,” Ed smiled. “Please, may I see it?”

The man sighed, again. “I’m afraid, sir, that, since you are not a customer who is known to our establishment, if you would like to see this particular ring, then I will need to authorize your credit card for the full one hundred and twenty two thousand dollars before I open the case. No funds will be deducted unless you decide to purchase the ring, of course...”

Ed nodded and reached for his wallet.

“Or, if sir’s card cannot be authorized for that amount, I will need to call sir’s bank to confirm that the funds are available.” He was a bit dismissive in his tone, which irritated Ed, a great deal, but he did understand the concerns of allowing ‘just anyone’ to handle such an expense item.

Ed produced his MasterCard ‘Black Card,’ surprising the man.

“I’m sure there won’t be an issue with the card,” Ed smiled.

The man took the card and sputtered, “Yes, of course. Let me just have my manager run your card for you.” He gave a confused, yet slightly impressed smile, then disappeared into the back room for a moment.

Ed looked over at Rose, who held up a very conservative string of pearls. “Do you think Bebe would like these for her birthday or Christmas?” She called across the open space.

Ed smiled, “I do. They’re very pretty. Classic. Just like Bebe.”

Rose smiled and handed them back to the sales woman. “I’ll take those,” she smiled.

Then she turned back to Ed and said, “Can I come over, yet?”

“Nope,” he laughed, “but I think I found it!”

“Really?” Rose laughed. “Don’t rush, now, this is only our seventh jewelry store we’ve been to in the last two days...”

Rose had seen well over a dozen rings that she would have been very happy to wear as an engagement ring, but Ed hadn’t approved of any. He wanted to find ‘the perfect’ ring for Rose.

A moment later, the salesman returned with his manager.

“All set, Mr McNeal,” the man smiled as he unlocked the door to the case.

“Holy cow,” the manager said in a very unbusinesslike manner, which immediately clued Ed that the man had recognized him. “I know you. You’re on that show. The one on Thursday nights, right?”

Ed nodded. “I am, yeah,” he smiled at the man.

“Oh, I love that show! My girlfriend and I never miss it! You’ve seen it, haven’t you, Geoffrey?” He prodded his subordinate.

“What show is that, Mr Cramer?” The salesman stood and held the ring in his gloved hand. “I don’t see much television.”

The manager snapped his fingers. “Oh, man, I’m sorry, Mr McNeal. I’m drawing a blank on the title.”

Before Ed could answer, the salesman, Geoffrey, said, “The only show I watch religiously in that show ‘Civil Disobedience,’ and that’s only because I love that Bebe Foley. She’s so talented. The rest of the cast though... I don’t know anything about them. They’re riding her coattails, anyway. That girl is amazing.”

The manage froze and looked at Ed, embarrassed, and he searched for something to say.

“You know what’s funny,” Ed said with a chuckle, enjoying the upper hand he had in this conversation. “Bebe Foley is my niece.”

Suddenly, Geoffrey became much more excited. “Oh, my God!” he squealed, “you must be so proud of her.”

“Geoffrey,” the manager tried to intervene, but Ed persisted, playfully, enjoying this quite a bit.

“Oh, I am. And look over there at my fiancé. She plays Bebe’s sister on the show.”

Suddenly, the man grew nearly breathless in the presence of someone famous. “Oh, my goodness,” he whispered. “I didn’t recognize her. Oh, she’s so beautiful! You’re a very lucky...” Geoffrey turned and looked at Ed. “You’re him, aren’t you? The younger cop on that show, right?”

Ed smiled, thoroughly enjoying the man’s discomfort. “I am. Now, may I see the ring?”

“I’m so, so, so, so sorry, sir.”

Ed smiled, put on and offered, cotton glove and took the ring to examine it. “It’s beautiful,” he said. “A work of art. Just like my Rose. I’d like to buy it, but let’s talk price.”



“Argh,” MK stretched and groaned as she emerged from Blaine’s mother’s Mercedes-Benz GLE sports utility vehicle. “I thought it was only a two and a half hour ride to Coronado Beach. We were on the road FOREVER!”

“We were on the road for exactly two hours and fourth four minutes,” Ella sounded disgusted. “I timed it because I knew you’d complain about it.”

John laughed at his friends. They were like an old married couple. He looked around and realized that Blaine was still in the car texting Joanne that they’d arrived safely. He smiled. Blaine wasn’t just handsome and loving, he was a nice guy who respected his mother. He liked that.

He thought about the first time his mother let him drive from Worcester to Cape Cod without her. It was a shorter ride than today’s by about an hour and he knew the route by heart AND he was almost a year older than Blaine. John was allowed to drive down in his mother’s nine year old Ford Focus, which was technically Nancy’s car at the time. Blaine drove them all in a one year old SUV that probably cost more than ninety thousand dollars. God, he had really entered a different world when he moved out here. A world of unbelievable privilege. He was grateful to be a part of it, but he needed to remember that the rest of the world didn’t live like this. He was pretty sure that, given the chance to visit his mother’s beloved cottage on Cape Cod, his friends would recoil at the perceived poverty of the lovely little house.

When Blaine had finished, he climbed out of the car and opened the hatchback where their beach bag and small cooler of soft drinks and lunches was waiting.

Ella looked at John and smiled. “That’s a pretty coverup, Bebe.”

It was a thin, red, dress-like garment, covered in graphics of hibiscus blooms that sat low on his shoulders, revealing his pale skin and the bright blouse straps of his suit, and high on his shapely legs. Both Ella and MK were wearing running shorts and tee shirts over their suits, while Blaine just wore his swim suit as shorts with a tee shirt above that.

“Thanks,” John smiled. “I like it, too. I don’t wear much red.”

“I think you look pretty in red,” Blaine smiled as he handed John a tube of sunblock. “And remember that your agent warned you not to get sunburned today. So, put this on.”

“Yes, Father,” John joked, but he dutifully began spreading the lotion across his skin.

“Here, we’ll help,” Ella offered, as she and MK squirted some into their hands and rubbed it into the backs of John’s legs, neck and shoulders.

“Now, you,” MK said to Ella, who turned her back to her friends so they could do her back while she did her front. “You burn like toast in about an hour.”

“Now you,” John said to MK when Ella was appropriately slathered.

“Nope,” MK laughed. “My skin is darker than you two. I’m fine.”

Blaine squeezed a little into his own hands and rubbed it into his face. “It’s still skin, Mary Kate, and it will burn. Besides, you’re only like the color of a Starbucks soy latte. You need protection, too.”

“Well, well, well,” MK laughed. “Who died and put you in charge?”

Blaine smiled. “My mom put me in charge, and she insists that we ALL wear sunblock. So... if you don’t mind...?” He handed her the sunblock.

“Well, in that case... I’ll wear it for your mom – not for you.” MK smiled her goofy smile as she took the tube as if it would sting her and applied as little as she could get away with, but John and Ella, eventually had her just as slathered as they were.

“Ok,” Blaine put the sunblock back into the beach bag and smiled. “Ella and MK, why don’t you guys go to the beach and find a place to set up the chairs. I’ll bring the cooler down later. Right now, I want to bring Bebe over to the hotel. There’s something that I want to show her.”

“Alright, stud,” MK looked suspicious. “You may be in charge, but you’re not bringing that little girl anywhere near a hotel to show here ‘something’ unless I know what you’re showing her.” She said the word ‘something’ with a great deal of innuendo.

Blaine laughed. “Just the hotel. She’ll get a kick out of it.”

“Oh, really? Why’s that?” MK crossed her arms, lips pursed, and waited for an answer, which Blaine whispered to her. “Seriously? Why would that interest anyone?”

Blaine rolled his eyes. “We’ll see you on the beach in a little while.”

Everyone pulled out their individual, long, nylon bags with their collapsible chairs within. Blaine pushed the button to close the hatch and each couple went in opposite directions. John pulled on a large, floppy, straw hat to further protect his delicate skin from the sun, held Blaine’s hand and followed his lead.

As they walked along the walkway, Blaine kept John occupied by pointing out points of interest towards the beach and asking questions that required thoughtful answers to keep John from looking towards the hotel.

“So, your meeting the surgeon went well?”

“Yeah. I think so. He says I’m ready, so... I guess I’m ready.”

“Are you going to miss it?”

John smiled. If things had remained the same as they had been a year ago, he too would have been very confused by anyone who chose to have his penis removed, but if anything, this year of living in a disguise had taught him that a lot of people aren’t what they appeared to be – even to themselves.

“I suppose it’s going to be odd not having it for a while, but... do you really understand why I’m doing it?”

“I mean... yeah... but I can’t imagine ever doing something like that, myself.”

“Of course, not, Blaine. You’re a guy. You’re happy to be a guy and someday, I hope, you’ll be happy that I’m not a guy.”

“Yeah, but you are a guy, too.”

“Hardly. I mean, I was KINDA a guy, but you know the story... my body never should have been a boy’s body. I just wish I’d been born a girl and all of this crap didn’t have to happen.”

They stopped walking and Blaine stood with his back towards the Pacific Ocean and turned the love of his life towards him. “I don’t, because if you had been born any different, then you wouldn’t be who you are and I couldn’t love anyone as much as I love you.” He kissed John softly and lovingly.

“Thank you, Blaine,” John smiled, then kissed him, again. “That’s means so much to me.”

Blaine smiled. “Are you ready for your surprise?”

John shrugged. “I guess.”

“Then close your eyes, keep them closed and turn around.”

John did as he was told.

“Are they still closed?”

John nodded.

“Ok. Open them.”

John opened his eyes, looked at the sprawling hotel and gasped in shock.

“Oh, my God! Is that really the same place?” He looked at the huge, red, rambling roofs of the hotel, the distinctive and unusual, rounded dormers in the rounded-pyramid shape on the section furthest to their right, the bright white siding and the beautiful, white rocking chairs on the expansive porch and recognized it at once.

“It is,” Blaine knew that Bebe would love this as much as he did. They both shared a love of great old movies and this had been used in one of the greatest comedies of all time. It was kind of ironic that this particular film was one of their favorites, but it was. “It’s ‘The Hotel Del Coronado. Built in 1888 and it’s still amazingly beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It is, but I thought it was in Florida. In the movie, they’re supposed to be in Miami.”

Blaine laughed. “There’s a smaller replica of it at Disney World, but this is the original and this is where they filmed the movie. They used it because it looked exotic enough to be a Florida resort in 1929. “He pointed to the porch. That’s where Joe E Brown sat as Jack Lemon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe passed him...”

“Zowwie!” John laughed as he quoted Joe E Brown’s lecherous old character in the movie.

“That’s the balcony that Tony Curtis climbed to get back into his room, aaaaand....” He turned John around to face the beach and pointed to the cabana chairs, “that’s where Marilyn said that she played ‘jazz... real hot.’ Remember?”

“Of course I do!” John loved all of this. This was a part of movie history. He could not be happier to see it all. “Tony Curtis told her that he owned Shell Oil...”

“He implied it.”

“And when she said that she played jazz ‘real hot,’ he said...”

They recited the titular line of the film together.

“Well, I suppose ‘SOME LIKE IT HOT.’ I personally prefer classical music.”

They both laughed.

“Come on,” Blaine smiled. “I want to take your picture on the porch.”

They held hands and hurried to the hotel, quoting the scene that leads to one of the greatest last-lines in movie history.

“Osgood, I’m going to level with you,” John quoted, “We can’t get married at all.”

“Why not?” Ed played along.

“Well, for one thing, I’m not a natural blonde.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Well, I smoke. I smoke all the time.”

“I don’t care.”

“Well, I have a terrible past. For three years now, I’ve been living with a saxophone player.”

“I forgive you.”

“I can never have children.”

“We can adopt some.”

“Oh! You don’t understand, Osgood... argh... I’m a man.”

“Well, nobody’s perfect.”

They both laughed out loud, both at the brilliance of the film, as well as the ironic nature of the juxtaposition between the film and their lives.

When they reached the porch, still laughing, John ran up the stairs, turned and smiled a huge, sincere smile, while Blaine took his picture. Then they switched places and John took pictures of Blaine. They asked a kindly looking couple to take pictures of them together and the couple happily complied.

As they were thanking the couple, John heard the distinctive shutter sound of someone else taking a picture. He glanced to the side and saw a man with a familiar face taking pictures of John and Blaine with a very expensive camera. The face was familiar because the man bearing the camera had been at Bloomingdale's yesterday with Austen Meadows.

This couldn’t be a coincidence. They had traveled too far to just accidentally run into this man.

“Now, what?” John muttered as they headed for the beach.



It had been a very long shift, but Nancy really felt the need to stop and pick up a present for Johnny – no – Bebe. She had to get used to that. She walked into the shop, embarrassed, but confident that no one would know her here, anyway.

“Can I help you?” The girl behind the counter asked. She had more piercings than anyone Nancy had ever encountered before, a lot more, in fact, as well as tattoos crawling up her neck and onto her cheeks. Her arms were complete sleeves of color and design, most of which were quite lovely flowers. Nancy appreciated those, but the ones that imposed on the woman’s face gave her the creeps. She seemed friendly, though, and to each her own, right?

Nancy held her phone forward, the screen facing the clerk. “Hi. I did a little research online and I want to buy one of these.”

The woman nodded. “I have those. I have others that have more options if you’re interested.”

Nancy smiled and blushed a bit. “No thanks. It’s for my younger sister. Her first, you know? I don’t want to overwhelm her.”

The woman’s smile spread. “Aww, how nice. I’m sure she’ll love it. How old is she?”

“Fifteen,”Nancy smiled, relaxing a bit.

“Wow!” The woman giggled, but was impressed. “I wish I’d had a sister like you when I was fifteen!” She reached down and grabbed an item, then stood again and said. “Gift wrapped?”

A little surprised, Nancy said, “Oh, well, yeah. That would be great!”

The two chatted as the woman wrapped the box. Nancy was a bit surprised that she had become so comfortable in this strange surrounding. The woman behind the counter had a very friendly persona and Nancy enjoyed talking dealing with her.

Just as Nancy was about to leave, the woman said, “You know who you remind me of?”

Assuming that it would be better to not admit to being Bebe’s sister at the moment, in this particular environment, Nancy said, “No. who?”

“Zooey Deschanel,” The woman smiled. “The dark hair, the bangs, the apple-cheeks... you really have a ‘New Girl’ vibe.”

Nancy laughed. “Wow! No one ever said that to me before. Thanks!”

“Sure,” The woman smiled. “Come back soon!”

“I definitely will,” Nancy said as she slipped out the door. Wow! Zooey Deschanel! She loved Zooey Deschanel. That was pretty cool.



“Congressman Crawford will see you, now,” The well dressed woman said with a businesslike smile. “Come this way.”

Hank walked behind the woman and straightened his tie as he gauged the words he’d use to convey the importance of what he needed to say.

“Mr Miller,” the Congressman stood and offered his hand.

Hank took the hand and smiled. “Thank you for seeing me, Congressman.”

“Not at all, Mr Miller. Always happy to meet a constituent.”

“Yes, well, you see, Congressman, I’m not exactly a constituent. I’m not from your district. I live down in Los Angeles. I’m afraid I’m here on some very serious business, though.”

The Congressman’s expression became more concerned. Whether spontaneous or rehearsed, the politician’s face was very engaging. “Well, please, Mr Miller, have a seat. How can I help you?”

“Actually, sir,” Hank opened his briefcase, removed a large Manila envelope and passed it to the politician, “after I explain the contents of this envelope to you, I think we’re going to need to discuss how ‘I’ can help ‘you.’”



John was asleep on the couch when Nancy came in. The trip to the beach the day before had tired him out more than he would have expected. Nancy sat on the couch, just above his head, and ran her fingers through his soft hair, removing it from his pretty face.

John’s eyes flickered open. “Hey,” he whispered in a tired voice.

“Hey,” Nancy replied in a childishly maternal manner. “Sleepy?”

“Yeah,” he smiled and sat up. “I don’t know why, though. I mean, I slept late, went to a voice lesson, had dinner and fell back to sleep before the second rerun of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ was half over.”

Nancy smiled. “Yesterday was a big day for you. A day off ... going away with your friends...”

John smiled. “Come on, Nan. You know I’ve had plenty of beach days with friends, before.”

“Not like yesterday, though, I’ll bet. Rather than throwing a Frisbee around and eating fried food from the snack shack, I bet you did a lot more talking, and laughing, and talking, and laughing, and talking, and laughing... didn’t you?”

John smiled. “I did. We had a great time. I doubt poor Blaine has even woken up, yet, though. Between the girl talk and the driving, I think we wore him out completely.”

Nancy smiled. She remembered being with her friends as a teenager. It was always exciting and exhilarating to be free and young. Johnny - no Bebe - was lucky to have this opportunity to relive his teen years. Other than Ed, he really never had any close friends at all the first time around. Now, he was part of a really lovely group of friends. They were all really good kids who cared a lot about each other.

She put her arm around his shoulders and laid her head on his. “I’m so glad you had a good day off, Bebe. You deserve it.” She pulled the beautifully wrapped present from her purse and held it out in front of John.

“What’s this?”

“A gift,” Nancy smiled.

John looked at his sister with playful suspicion. “What’s the occasion? It’s not my birthday or anything.”

Nancy kissed his forehead. “I owe you everything, honey. You believed in me when not even I believed in me. You gave me my life back, Beebs, and I just wanted to say a little ‘thank you.’ It’s just a little something from a big sister to welcome her little sister to womanhood. I know I’m a little late to the party, but... Open it.”

Now interested in what was in the present, John took the box and looked at it. He shook it, but couldn’t figure out what was in it. He gave her a mischievous smile, then tore apart the paper revealing the name of the shop. “Romantix?” John asked. “Interesting name for a store...”

“Keep going,” Nancy prodded. She was enjoying this.

John pulled the top off, revealing tissue paper. When he spread the tissue paper, his eyes opened as wide as they possibly could and his hand shot to his mouth as he exploded into uncontrollable laughter. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God, Nancy!!” He squealed. “I can’t believe you got me this!” He laughed more powerfully as he looked at the gift.

Nancy laughed as well. “Well, you’re going to need one. This is just a basic one, but I guarantee you’ll enjoy it!”

John reached in the box and retrieved the lifelike phallus from the box. “It’s kinda big, isn’t it?” His laughter continued.

“No,” now Nancy was laughing hard at her little brother’s naïveté. “No, sweetie, it’s pretty much average sized.”

John shook his head at the very thought of using it. “This is going to... fit... in me?” He marveled at the very thought.

“It is, baby,” she giggled. “And, trust me... it’s going to feel WONDERFUL. I promise.” She kissed his forehead, again. “I figured that, if someone was going to give you a dildo, it should come from your big sister.”

John bit his lip, then laughed some more. Obviously, something had tickled his sense of humor again.

“What’s so funny?” Nancy laughed.

“It’s just...” he blushed as he tried to speak through the giggles. “... it’s got... veins! Why would a nylon dildo need to have veins.”

Nancy’s eyebrows raised as she spoke in her best Red-Riding hood Grandmother ’s voice. “All the better to feel it with, my dear!”

John’s jaw dropped in shock! His sister! His up-tight, professional sister had actually just said THAT! He couldn’t believe it! Then, as his face contorted into joyful laughter, he looked at Nancy and shouted, “Nancy Foley!!! I can’t believe it! You’re a slut!!!”

They threw their arms around each other and hugged each other tightly as they fell back onto the couch, laughing and content. Sisters. Really sisters. For the first time, ever.
To Be Continued...

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