A Little Bit of Change - 1

A Little Bit of Change - 1

by Clara
Copyright©2012, 2024 Clara Schumann


Kari is taking hormones to help them have a baby. Unexpectedly, she starts lactating
and when Dave gets a mouthful, things start changing at their house!

Author's Note: This is one of my more twisted tales that I am showing you. I do hope you both enjoy this story and that I am, in some fashion, entertaining you as well. Please, let me know what you think about my story, both good and bad.
And also, please leave me a review! ~Clara.

This version of A Little Bit of Change - 1 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at https://perchance.org/beautiful-people .~Sephrena.

Chapter 1

Kari and I had married for 5 years and everything was going great. She and I were both teaching at the same university - Kari teaching History and me teaching Music. We were both 32 and things were right on track for us. Good jobs, good income, good marriage and good health - mostly. I had put on a few extra pounds since we got married - nothing serious - and Kari was having a few "women's" issues. The doctor had suggested that it may be related to her extensive exercise regime - she jogged 8 to 10 miles a day. We had been trying to have kids, but it just wouldn't happen. Kari had never had a steady cycle and recently, her doctor had put her on some hormones in the hopes of having a child.

"The doctor warned me that the hormones could make me a bit more empathic than usual," Kari warned me when she first started, and she was right. She cried more at the movies and when reading books, and she seemed to need more hugs than usual too. Nothing to upset her normal life.

As spring came around, Kari's little sister, Allie, and her husband, Jim, bought the house next door to ours and moved in. Allie was 8 months pregnant and Jim had a job that involved a lot of traveling, so Kari and I had helped Allie and Jim with a down payment so that Kari could help out after the baby was born. Allie and Jim were doing ok financially, but they were only 25 and just starting out. It was really nice to have them so close.

Kari and Allie are exact opposites. Kari is tall, slender and motivated in her career while Allie is small, curvaceous and much more of a girly girl than Kari.

In late April, Allie gave birth to a beautiful little girl. Jim and Allie were walking on air. They brought the baby home and things were going great, but, of course, Allie was exhausted.

As the college year came to an end, Kari suggested that Jim and Allie take a little vacation and get some rest. We took little Susan and they went up to the mountains for a 5 day break.

Kari was in heaven taking care of little Susan. Her maternal instincts were in high gear. Then, on day 4 of babysitting Susan, Kari said, "I better give the doctor a call."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I am lactating," she said. "I don't know why, but I have started producing milk."

"Wow," was all I could say. I had, honestly, noticed that her breasts had gotten a good deal bigger in the last few days, but how on earth do you bring up a topic like that?

She made the call and the doctor said that it was not all that unusual for a woman on the hormone treatment Kari was on to be prone to start lactating when caring for a child - even someone else's child. "She said to just ignore it for now and put some milking pads in my bra to absorb the excess milk. Since Susie is going home tomorrow, things should go back to normal. If not, I may have to use a breast pump a few times to relieve the pressure, but everything will work itself out."

So, Susie went home and things went back to normal at our house. A couple of nights later, I climbed into bed beside Kari. She was wearing one of the long, silky nighties that she always wore - Kari is a beautiful woman, but she is used to presenting herself as a professional in a man's world, so she dresses a bit conservatively during the day and at most of the functions that we attend, but, at night, she loves these long, elegant gowns that make her look like a 1930s movie star. Anyway, I reached over and started rubbing her as a thigh. She turned to me and, well, one thing led to another, and I eventually rubbed her breast.

"Oww," she whispered, "not my breasts, honey. They're pretty sore."


"I'm still lactating."

"What? Kari, this should have stopped by now. Have you called the doctor or tried pumping the milk?"

"David," Kari said, "the doctor said a few days and it's only been 3 days and, I don't know if you noticed or not, but I don't own a breast pump. I was going to ask to borrow Allie's, but I couldn't find a way to bring it up."

So, we continued to get romantic. We were having a great time and Kari climbed on top of me, pulled her nightie up to her waist, let it drop back over my mid-section and started riding my penis. She eventually leaned forward and, instinctively, I took a nipple into my mouth and started mindlessly suckling. "Ohhhh," She moaned and we kept going.

Suddenly, her milk started flowing. I could taste it in my mouth. I started to pull back, but Kari was enthralled and kept riding me and pushing her breast further in. The more I suckled, the faster she rode and the more milk I swallowed. When the first breast ran dry, she pulled back long enough to put the other into my mouth and we continued. It was an all-encompassing moment! We came together just as her breasts ran dry. She collapsed on top of me panting.

"That. Was. Unbelievable!" She said between breaths. "And my breasts feel so much better. Thank you."

"My pleasure!" I said, honestly and we drifted off to sleep with Kari snuggled in my arms.

The next morning, I felt Kari get out of bed early and head for the lavatory. The sun hadn't even come up yet, so I rolled over and tried to drift back to sleep. It was summer vacation now and I intended to get some rest.

I felt Kari climb back in, but instead of laying back down, she sat on the edge of the bed for a minute before touching my shoulder. "David," she whispered, "honey, I need your help."

I rolled over quickly and looked at her. "What, honey?"

"I hate to wake you, sweetheart, but... well... I kind of need some help with something."


"Well, I just went to the bathroom and... boy, this is embarrassing... Dave, my breasts are filled back up and they really hurt."

I thought I understood. "Ok, I'll get dressed and take you to the emergency room"

"What? No. Davey, no. They only hurt because the milk needs to come out. Oh, Lord, there is no easy way to ask this, but, Davey... would you mind suckling me again. Ok - that's the most embarrassing thing I have ever said."

I sat silently for a few seconds. Probably a few seconds too long.

"Never mind," she said embarrassed, "I'll go to the store in a few hours and buy a pump. It just hurt, so... You know... never mind"

"No, no," I said, "come here. Umm... how do we so this?" I said nervously, "Last night it just sort of happened"

"Here," she said, "just lay with your head in my lap," I did and she pulled her left breast out of her silky nightie and put it gently into my mouth. I started as I would if it had been foreplay and soon the milk was flowing again.

Kari started patting my head with her left hand and let out a few soft, encouraging moans. Soon, the creamy taste in my mouth was overwhelming and I was lost in the sensations. I hadn't even noticed that Kari's right hand was working its way into my pajama bottoms and she was rubbing my penis.

I switched breasts when I needed to and kept sucking until I was done. I looked up at Kari who smiled down at me and continued massaging me. "Thank you, baby. That feels so much better. How does this feel?" she whispered.

"Nice," I whispered back as I relaxed and felt the climax building in my groin. I came, but it was different, softer, more intimate than ever before. I sighed in ecstasy.

"There," she said, "that's a good boy. Let's get you cleaned up," and she led me to the lavatory where she wiped me clean with a tissue. "Come on, now, let's get some sleep" and we went back to bed again.
Chapter 2

The next morning, I slept until almost noon. I came downstairs in my shorts and a tee shirt and found Kari sitting on a chaise lounge by the pool behind our house. She was wearing a blue 2 piece suit that always looked nice, but now, with her bigger breasts, looked amazing!!

"Hey, sleepy head! How are you today?" she said.

I laughed a little and replied, "I'm... ok. Yep... I'm feeling really good. How 'bout you?"

"I am good. A little sore, but really good. I'll get you some breakfast."

"No, that's ok. I'm not hungry at all."

"Then come and join me," she said, tapping the chaise next to her. So, I did.

We laid there for a few hours chatting about the summer ahead and making some plans. Kari was a little uncomfortable from time to time, shifting her upper body and readjusting her top.

Around 3:30, I started having huge cramps in my abdomen and I knew that I had to use the bathroom in a big rush. I hustled in and peed for about 3 solid minutes before I purged my bowels of the foulest stuff ever.

10 minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom. I was feeling very drained and more than a little weak. I looked out on the patio and Kari was gone. I looked around and found her in the kitchen making herself a salad and rubbing her shoulders.

"Something wrong, hun?" I asked

"Nothing major. I'm still lactating is all and my suit is pulling on me a bit from the swelling," She turned and showed me and, when I looked at her breasts, I was mesmerized. I walked over to her and smiled as I caressed her breasts. She closed her eyes and moaned. Within seconds, I was licking and then suckling those beautiful nipples again and, again, that unbelievable milk was flowing. I was lost in the sensations of her breasts and her milk and before I knew it, I had sucked her dry and when I opened my eyes, she had somehow gotten us onto the couch and was again massaging my penis into am earth shaking ejaculation.

At 11:00 that night, we did it all again.
Chapter 3

Like I said before, I had gained just a little weight since our wedding - well, maybe more than a little. I was about 30 pounds over my ideal. When I woke up, I went to the upstairs bathroom and, once again, purged everything in my bowels. Then I stepped onto the scale. Usually I was 215, but the scale read 180. 35 pounds! How could that be!? I stepped off, adjusted the scale, but it was right: 180.

As I walked into the kitchen, Kari was getting breakfast ready for herself and I said, "Well, one big benefit of my all-liquid diet of the last couple of days. I dropped 35 pounds! You believe that?"

"Really!? That's great, Dave! Here," she praised as she handed me a coffee. I took a sip, but almost immediately I felt nauseous and spit it into the sink. "What's the matter, Davey, is there something wrong with the coffee?"

"No. The coffee tastes good. I just don't seem to be able to swallow it, Weird."

"Hmm. Want any breakfast? I'll make you an egg or something?"

But my stomach was doing somersaults in my body at the mere thought of food, "No. I'm starving, but the thought of food is not sitting well."

Kari stepped over to me to feel my forehead and that's when we both noticed it: Kari and I were looking eye to eye. I had always been 3 inches taller. "Now, that's weird," she said, "are we the same height? Are you sure you are ok?"

"Yeah, except for the nausea, I feel fine."

"I'm calling the doctor," said Kari as she picked up the phone.

"Kari, no, please," I said, both a little embarrassed that I would have to tell the doctor I'd shrunk a little and not wanting to spend a beautiful summer day in a doctor's office. "Come on, let's have breakfast and relax. I'm sure I'm fine. If anything else happens, we can call then, ok?"

Kari seemed to understand my feelings immediately (maybe those hormones making her so empathetic) and she put down the phone and patted my face. "Ok, Davey, whatever you want."

Just then my stomach made a huge rumbling noise, "Come here, sweety," Kari said, while leading me by the hand into the living room and laying me down on the couch, "I can help you with that empty stomach," and she pulled down my shorts and boxers and her bathing suit bottom, then straddled my quickly hardening manhood. As I entered her, she purred, "Well, not everything seems to be smaller," and she leaned forward while slowly riding my shaft, she put her right breast into my mouth and I instinctively started suckling. I was quickly overwhelmed by all the sensations surrounding me and I could barely hear Kari whispering, "That's my good boy. Drink it up, baby. Oh, that tastes good, doesn't it my little sweetie. Drink. Drink. Drink, momma's milk. Ooooh, that's my sweet baby."

Once again, I fell asleep. This time for a long, long sleep. I was now and then aware of Kari's whispers and of her feeding me and her breasts in my mouth, but the rest was a haze. Then I awoke.
Chapter 4

"He should be fine, now. I think that the restructuring is finished. But, Kari, you can't breast feed him, anymore. Those hormones you were taking to make you more fertile were very potent. I never heard of this kind of side effect, but... well, what can I say... I never heard of a woman breast feeding her husband when she was on this kind of therapy before, either," I could hear this voice and I could kind of recognize it as I pulled out of my stupor. It was our doctor, Janis Chang. What did she mean, "restructuring"? Was she talking about me? I struggled to open my eyes as I heard Kari and Dr Chang leaving the room. In the distance I could hear their voices, "It will be a big adjustment, but he's strong, healthy and intelligent. You can help him through this, Kary. He's going to need all the help you can give him..." and the voices were gone.

It took a few minutes, but I did get my eyes to open. I felt weak and confused and I couldn't seem to move at first. Then, as my vision and mind cleared, I realized that I was strapped into my bed. "What the Hell? Kari!" I shouted, but it wasn't my voice that I heard. It was higher and reedier. "Kari! Kari, please come help me! Kari!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and I heard her running up the stairs as quickly as she could.

"David! Oh, Davey! I'm sorry. I wanted to be here when you woke up." Then I saw Dr Chang walk to my bedroom, too.

"Janis, what's going on? Am I sick, injured? Why am I strapped down?"

Janis leaned into me and spoke calmly, "David, you ingested a lot of the hormones that Kari was taking when you drank her breast milk and you have had a very bad reaction to them. I know this is hard to understand, but please stay with me and listen to what I have to say. First, the good news: You not in danger of dying. You don't have cancer, or AIDS, and there is nothing wrong with your limbs or brain. You are 100% healthy. Do you understand me so far?"

"Yes," I said as I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ok. Now, the tougher news. The hormones in Kari's system, which you ingested when you consumed her breast milk, were designed to make a woman very fertile by bombarding her body with all kinds of female hormones - estrogen in particular, but many others as well."

"You were never meant to take those hormones, David, but they were in her milk and, from what I hear, you drank a lot of that milk."

I was embarrassed and looked at Kari. I could see she was, too.

"In short, the result of the hormones entering your body is this: Your body has changed radically. For reasons that I have yet to discover, you have diminished greatly in size. You are no longer 6'1", Dave, your size has reduced by nearly 13 inches. You are just slightly over 5' tall. That is a big change, Dave. Do you understand?"


"Ok, and there is another thing you have to understand: Dave, all of your sexual characteristics are still as manly and functional as ever. You can still do all the things that you have always done - as a man, but, and this is hard for me to tell you, Dave, but all of your secondary sexual features are now - well - they are female, Dave. Do you understand? You now have softer features, smoother skin, larger breasts and rump. You look like a young girl, Dave - like a girl in her late teens or so."

"...and you're a knock out, too. Even without trying," said Kari with a big smile on her face. "I don't mean to make light of things, Davey, but it's true; You are gorgeous!"

I was too confused to even respond.

"Come on, Dave," Janice said, "let's get you up and let you have a look at yourself. But, remember, Dave, you are healthy and completely functional. I see people every day who are not as lucky as you. You need to remember that - no matter how shocking to you system this may be, you are still healthy and have a long full life ahead of you. Ready?" she asked as she undid the last strap?

I nodded and they helped me get my legs over the side. I was immediately shocked at how big they both looked to me. When they got me standing on my weak legs, I was standing only as tall as Kari's shoulder and when I turned to Janice, who was nearly as tall as I had been, I was looking directly into her cleavage.

"See, not so bad," Janice said, "You still have a nice view of the world, right?"

That's when it hit me and I looked down at my own chest. "Whoa," I half laughed, half screamed, "Those are huge!"

Janice laughed a little, "They're not all that big, you conceited little thing. They're only 34Cs which, on your new frame, is very ample, but not exactly 'huge'"

I let out some nervous laughter and then we were in front of the full length mirror on the back of the door. Then I saw 3 beautiful women. On the left, Dr. Chang. On the right, Kari and in the middle was a beautiful, brown haired, blue eyed, little, young woman - 17 or 18 years old at the very most - with long hair, big lips, 'ample' breasts and nicely curved hips that were draped in a puffy white diaper.

"Why am I wearing a diaper?" I asked.

"Because you were unconscious for 4 days, sweetheart," was the answer. I took me a minute to realize that the answer had actually come from Janice.

"Sweetheart?" I asked.

"Oops," said Janice. "Sorry. Davey, you look like a young woman and that's kind of the tone that I would use with a young woman. Sorry. You're doing very, very well, Davey. Are you ok?"

"I guess I am, yeah. It's weird and all, but, like you said, 'It ain't cancer,' so I need to focus on the positives here, right?"

"That's my girl!" said Kari. I was going to correct her, but she was looking at me with complete and total affection and trying to be supportive, so I just smiled at her and looked back at the image of the three women in the mirror.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm your girl."
Chapter 5

Janis left at about 11:00 that morning. She had me walk around a little and put on some clothes before she left. Since nothing that Kari owned would have fit me, she was suddenly a foot taller than me and I was suddenly much bustier than her, Kari called next door and had Allison bring some things over. Allie, who had come to see me while I was unconscious, was still shocked to see me. I was easily 4 inches shorter than her and, obviously a lot more feminine than the last time we saw each other.

"Oh, my goodness," Allie said, "she's so cute!"

"Isn't she, though," replied Kari, "and look at how beautiful her hair is."

"Man, I wish I had a rack like you, sweetie," Allie continued to gush, "and look at the ass on this hottie!"

"Girls, girls," said Janis as she was putting all her things into her case, "she's right here, you know... I'm sorry, Davey... 'He's' right here with you. Don't talk about him like he's a doll!" And then she left.

But a doll was exactly how Allie and Kari treated me for the next couple of hours. Dressing me in different tops and bottoms. Talking over and around me as if my opinion wasn't of any interest to them.

When they pulled out the skirts and dresses, though, I refused to try them on - at first. I thought I was trying on a simple white top at one point until Allie pulled it over my head and pulled it down revealing the fact that it was actually a tiny, little, white sundress. They cooed and ooed and ahhhed and fawned all over me while they also brushed out my hair and even put on some basic makeup.

They were kind of in "mother-buying-teenage-daughter-a-whole-new wardrobe" mode and completely lost track of the fact that I was getting pretty worn out until around 6pm when Allie picked up Susan and headed home to make dinner, while Kari ordered some pizza and salad from a place down the street and I finally got to sit down and relax on the patio in my little white sundress and a pair of panties.

That evening I was exhausted and Kari and I headed up the stairs to bed. Kari had her arm around me and was leading me up the stairs. "You must be exhausted, sweet heart. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, I guess. Really, really tired, but I'm ok."

"But how are you feeling? I mean, do you like the feel of your new clothes?"

"Kari, come on..."

"Oh, don't be that way, Davey. How do you like your clothes? Do you like the silky feel of your panties on your fanny? Do you like how I tucked your pee pee up between your legs so your panties have a nice smooth front when I rub it - like this?" And she started rubbing the panties covering my lower belly through my soft sundress. "Do you like the way that your soft, cotton dress swings and touches your thighs when you walk? Tell me, my sweet little baby, do you like being a little girl?"

I blushed a bit in embarrassment, which is exactly what Kari wanted. She was patting my hair long hair and kissing my head and hugging my head to her breasts and those breasts looked huge to me now. "Come on, sweet little girl, how does it feel?"

"Well," I sighed, "it's all a little overwhelming for me right now. I mean, the softness of the clothes, yes. They make me feel... I don't know... They make me feel... pretty. I also feel really vulnerable, too. You know, like right now, as you're rubbing my crotch... it's really different than if I was wearing boxers and pants. Then there's how big you are compared to me now."

"That's right, little one, I'm bigger. I'm stronger and I'm in charge now, sweet-ums," she whispered as she pulled the hem of my skirt up and slipped her hand into the waist-band of my panties. First she lightly played with my pubic hair and smiled down at me. "Oh, my sweet little girl. Isn't that nice? So soft and so smooth. Just a soft little bush where you used to be a man."

The sensations were killing me, but I tried to a little forceful to respond to her advances. "You know, there is more down there than just a little bush."

"Not right now, baby, girl. There's just this soft, little bush." With that, she pulled her hand out of my panties, smoothed down my skirt and told me to get ready for bed while she went into the bathroom.

I took off my dress and bra. Hung the dress in my newly emptied closet and looked for something to wear to bed. I put on an old tee shirt that now fit me like an oversized tent and crawled into bed. Kari came out of the bathroom in one of those beautiful, long, silky gowns that she always wore.

"No, no, baby girl," Kari said, waking me out of the light slumber I had already fallen into. "Men can just fall into bed, but women need to prepare."

She helped me up and had me sit in front of her make-up mirror. While she wiped the make-up off my face and braided my hair in a very involved French braid, she chastised me, "Imagine, a beautiful little thing like you not taking care of her hair and face. And that tee shirt! No, that is not nice at all. You need something soft and silky. Something that will show off you plump, beautiful girls."

I was so tired and the braiding felt so nice, that I was nearly falling asleep right there in the seat. Kari finished the braids and went over to her bureau and took out another of her beautiful night gowns. I stood and she took off my tee shirt and slipped the nightie over my head, smoothing it down around my hips, bum and breasts. Then she adjusted my breasts in the bodice of the silky, lace gown and stepped back to look me over.

"There! Now, my sweet little girl is ready for bed. Your skin is soft. Your hair is braided and you're wearing your pretty nightie - all set for your big, strong wife to take you to bed."

She took me back to bed. I laid back and she climbed up on me, rubbing and massaging my new breasts through my lacey night gown. Then she was tonguing and sucking at my nipples the way that I had done to her many times before. The sensation was wonderful. I was arching my back to force my nipples further into Kari's warm, soft, loving mouth while my penis, bent backwards under my crotch and trapped in my silk panties, struggled impotently to grow and stiffen.

Finally, just as I felt like my whole body would explode, Kari knelt back and grabbed the hem of my long nightgown and pulled it up to my waist. Then she was rubbing the smooth front of my silk panties really hard.

"I am so turned on, right now," She hissed at me in her ecstasy. She rubbed the front of my panties even harder. "I am so much bigger, stronger and more powerful than you, aren't I?"

I was lost in everything that she was doing and saying, "Yes," I replied.

"I am your man, aren't I!?"


"Yes, what?"

"You are my man!" I shrieked in a high, breathless voice. Then she lifted my butt up off the bed and pulled my panties to the side thrusting two fingers deep into my butt. Again, I arched my back high and let out a silent scream.

Finally, she threw me back down on the bed and pulled off my panties releasing my rock hard penis from its silken trap. Then she pulled up her own nightgown and climbed on top of me and mounted me. Again, she grabbed my breasts as she pumped up and down on me while squeezing my nipples.

Now, she wasn't whispering or breathless. Now she was focused and powerful as she took complete control of my body, my life, my soul. "I want to fuck you, little girl! I want to fuck you till you can't even think straight!"

I nearly blacked out as I came harder and more completely than I ever had before. I let out a scream and collapsed as Kari pumped up and down a few more times and finished her orgasm with the help of my now deflating member.

Everything was very quiet for a minute or two. Then Kari climbed off of me, grabbed some tissues off of the night stand, wiped my groin clean, then pulled my panties back up my silky-smooth legs and readjusted my exhausted penis back into its feminine disguise. She pulled my nightie back down and rolled me onto my side, then climbed in behind me and hugged me up close, her breasts pressing into the back of my neck while she kissed the braids in my hair.

"How was that, little girl?" she whispered and giggled into my ear.

"It was... amazing," I whispered in reply.

"And that was just the first time. Wait till we get good at this," And her hand crept up the silky seam of my nightie and softly cupped my breast. "Now, go to sleep, my sweet little girl. Mommy will take care of you."
To Be Continued...

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