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role in his home and he is tutored in the fine are of femininity by his beautiful, and
now much taller, sister-in-law, Allison.
Author's Note: This is one of my more twisted tales that I am showing you. I do hope you both enjoy this story and that I am, in some fashion, entertaining you as well. Please, let me know what you think about my story, both good and bad.
And also, please leave me a review! ~Clara.
This version of A Little Bit of Change - 2 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at .~Sephrena.
Chapter 6
I could hear Kari's voice in the distance. It was soft and loving and calling gently to me. "That's my baby. That's a good, good baby."
It was like I was in a fog; I couldn't quite make things out. "Shhh, just be good, now."
I couldn't understand what was going on, though. I was trying and trying and trying to focus. I wasn't scared, bit I was just plain confused. What was going on.
Then I realized that I was suckling on Kari's breast again! No! No! I can't drink this. As comforting as it is, I can't! I can't!
I can't remember why, but I know that the breast milk can hurt me.
Then I looked up and saw Kari smiling down at me. "You make mommy very happy little-one. Just look at how nice we look together. Right over here, baby. Look at us in the mirror"
Then I could see the mirror on the back of the door, but I still didn't understand. I could see Kari. She was as beautiful as always and she was wearing one of those beautiful, silky, glamorous, long nightgowns that she always wore, but one of her breasts was exposed. In her arms and suckling on that breast was an infant with a little pink bow in her curly, dark hair; otherwise the baby was completely naked and obviously female.
I looked around to try to see myself, but I couldn't find me anywhere. Then I felt Kari kiss my head and I also saw her kiss the baby in the mirror at the same time.
"Kari! No! Help me!" I tried to yell, but Kari's nipple filled my mouth and nothing would come out. "Help me, Kari, help me!"
"Davey," I heard from somewhere. "Davey, wake up sweet pea. Come on, now. Wake up, baby."
"Huh!?" I jumped up in my bed and fell back on my pillow, confused and startled.
"What's the matter, baby? Bad dream?"
I opened and closed my eyes a few times to clear my thoughts and vision. I was safe and sound in my own room with Kari looking down at me with a sweet smile. "We have a lot to do, sweetie."
"Oh, thank God!" I whispered.
"It was a very bad dream. Wow."
I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and I was immediately struck by two things. First, my feet didn't come close to touching the floor and, second, that I was wearing one of Kari's nightgowns. I sat there stunned for a few seconds until Kari, noticed. She leaned over and gently touched my face, "Are you ok, baby?" and then she touched my hair and I could feel the braids.
Suddenly, I was wide awake and I took a quick inventory of my body: Elaborately braided hair, soft, hairless face, beautiful, silky nightgown sheathing my curvy body and luscious breasts.
"Oh, my God," I thought. "This is absolutely real. I'm not a baby, but I am tiny and female - at least in appearance."
I started to pull up the skirt of my long nightgown to check to see if I was still a man, but Kari gently grabbed my hands and pulled them to my sides, "No, no, little girl, no time for that nonsense now. You know that your pee-pee is nice and safe in your panties. Stand up and slip on this bed jacket. It's nice and silky and light. Come on, now, let's get you up and moving."
I just wished this was a dream, but it wasn't. I stood and put on the bed jacket and Kari led me to the chair at her make-up table where she started unbraiding my hair and running a soft brush softly through it.
"You know, when I was sixteen and Allie was only six, we started a tradition that we continued every morning and night until you and I got married. Every night, I would braid Allie's hair differently and every morning I would brush it out, just like this. It was such a nice way to start and end every day. Now, I can do the same for you. Isn't that nice?"
"I guess," I said.
"Guess? What do you mean, 'You guess?' Doesn't this feel wonderful, having your hair brushed for you every day?" She asked as if she were speaking to a child.
"It's wonderful, Kari, but I don't want to be your little sister. I want to be your husband."
"Davey, I thought we'd gotten past this. You will always be my husband and I will always love you as my husband, but, Davey, you have to start looking at the benefits of your new body. You have an opportunity to enjoy soft, feminine things and be pampered. Now, relax and let me baby you. Feel the brush in your long hair. The way your hair falls down your back as I brush. Feel the softness of it. You are a very lucky little lady, you know?"
"Kari..." but what was the use. She was right; I looked like a teenaged girl, now. There was absolutely no denying it. I sighed, "Alright, Kari. I'll relax and go along for the ride."
"That's a good girl."
She finished brushing my hair and, I have to admit, when I looked in the mirror, it was beautiful.
"Now, I want you to go to the bathroom and take care of things, then come on down and meet me on the patio for breakfast. I left a bathing suit and a pair of cute little flip-flops on the chair in the corner for you."
It occurred to me that Kari's bathing suits would be way too big for me. "Where did you get the bathing suit?" I asked.
She giggled. "I went next door and borrowed one from Allie. She was happy to loan one to you. She had to go through everything in her draw to find just the right one for you. She never had the benefit of a little sister the way that I did. She's going to love having you to dress," and she left me sitting and looking at my reflection in the mirror.
I joined Kari on the patio where she had coffee and muffins waiting.
"Let me take a look at you, honey." Kari asked. "Slow spin for momma, please. Hmmm. Those big girls on your chest look beautiful, blue is definitely your color, sweetie, and that rump of your's, oh, my God, it is gorgeous. I only have one concern, though. I can still see your little boy, just a little bit. Come here."
She sat up and pulled me to her by my hips. Then she turned me so that I was turned away for her. "Now, spread your legs wide, baby." She instructed. When I did, she grabbed the crotch of my swim suit and pulled it down, while, at the same time, reaching in and running her hand down my soft pubic hair and cupping my penis and testicles in her hand and gently guiding them between my legs. Then, before I even had a chance to harden, she pulled the swim suit back into place and let it go, trapping me inside.
"Now, turn and face me," and she spun me, again, by my hips, and inspected the effect she'd created. "There," she smiled as she tapped my smooth lower abdomen with the tips of her fingers, "nice and girly; just the way momma likes it." Then she leaned forward and planted a soft lingering kiss where my manhood should have been. "Now, sit in this chair next to me and, while you drink your coffee, I am going to give you your first pedicure. Kick off your flip-flops and put your feet up here on my chaise and I will give you pretty, pink toe nails so they look sexy in those sandals."
Chapter 7
After breakfast, Kari brought both our lap tops out onto the patio and told me to boot mine up. "We have some shopping to do!"
"What are we shopping for?"
"You need clothes, sweetness. This is what we'll do. I will start with the undies and the like - panties, bras, camis, slips, etc. Why don't you start shopping around for dresses, skirts and blouses?"
"I wouldn't know where to start, Kari. I never shopped for women's clothes before."
"Ok, first off, you're not shopping for women's clothes. You're shopping for clothes for you. You're body isn't shaped like a man's body any more, baby girl; it's shaped like - well, a baby girl's. You wear a size two, petite. That's your size and you need clothes. Now, start on Amazon. Look at all the different styles and find the names of the manufacturers that you like. Then, go to those manufacturer's websites and see if you can find more things that you like. One thing, though - I only want you to get dresses or skirts with blouses - no pants, ok?"
"Because I said so, Davey. You have a beautiful body and I want you to learn how to enjoy it. You know about pants. Pants are rough and utilitarian. Now, learn about beautiful clothes."
"But, Kari..." I didn't know where to start. "Kari, what about going back to school in the fall. I can't go to school in a dress!"
"I thought of that, too. Listen, sweetie, I am defending my dissertation in 3 weeks and you and I both know that I will have a PhD before the fall semester, so my pay will increase by at least 60%. I think it's a great time for you to take a sabbatical and adjust to your new life at home."
"Sabbatical!? Life at home!? Kari, what are you talking about!? I love my job! I don't want to take time off! What would I do with myself?"
Kari smiled a wicked little smile. "You have been doing pretty well with your arrangements that you had published last year. Why not concentrate on writing arrangements for high school bands and choruses? You always say that's where you can make some decent money."
"Well... yes, that's true... but... but... but I'd be here all by myself. Who would I talk to? I don't know, Kari, I really, really don't know about this..."
"Now, stop this, Davey." Kari said, bending down over me, caressing my face and reminding me how much bigger she was than I. "You just went through a traumatic change. We have no idea if all these changes are over or not and even if your changes are stabilized, you look a couple of years younger than most of your students. I have thought this through and I think..."
I interrupted, "I know that I look young, Kari, but I'm still who I am and I still have a lot to offer my students..." I stopped because Kari had risen to her full height put her hands on her hips. I had never liked conflicts with Kari, but now I felt very vulnerable - more so than ever before. Suddenly, I was very aware of how little I was. I was wearing a little, blue, one-piece bathing suit, I had on bright pink toenail polish and I was only about 5 feet tall. "Never mind, Kari. I'm sorry. You're right. I need to think things through and the next 7 weeks of summer will only be the start. I will fill out the paperwork on line, later today."
"That's more like it!" she smiled at me. "Here's what we'll do. We'll get our on-line shopping done, now, and we'll have everything sent to us 'next-day-delivery'. Then, I will run to the mall to pick up just a few things to get us through today and I will swing by the university and talk to Joanne, you're department chair, and take care of all of your paperwork. You don't need to worry that pretty, little head about anything, baby. Ok?"
I returned her sweet smile, "Ok, Kari."
By lunchtime, I had decided that my style-taste was pretty conservative. I found a company called Talbots that I kind of liked. Nothing too scary. I had 6 blouses in a fairly male-inspired style in my shopping cart and 6 longish, pleated skirts in my virtual shopping cart. I was going to go get my debit card, but Kari said she had an account with them so she took my computer and completed my transaction for me.
By 2:00, she was dressed and ready to go to the mall. She was in the downstairs bathroom doing her makeup when she called me in from the patio to listen to her plans for the day.
"I will be back around 6:00, I should think. Allie will be here before I leave to watch you. Susan just went down for a nap and Allie can bring the baby monitor over here to listen for her."
"Allie's going to 'watch' me!? Kari, I 'watched' her with you when we first started dating. I am a grown man. I certainly do not need a sitter!"
She didn't even glance at me. She just kept doing her lips and looking in the mirror. I think I saw a little smile form on those lips, too. "She'll bring something over for you to wear as well. As cute as you are in that, you should put on some clothes at some point. Remember, while I am out, Allie is in charge. What she says goes - end of story. Now, I need to get myself in gear!"
Kari came out of the bathroom and slipped some 3 inch heeled sandals onto her feet. Then she did a little turn for me, "How do I look?"
"Beautiful," I said and it was true, but it was also a little strange. Kari was usually a 'pants and nice top' kind of girl. "You are very dressed up, aren't you?"
"No. Just a summer dress. I felt a little girly today. You understand, I'm sure; you're a little 'girly' today too. And this dress really screams for nice heels, too."
She walked towards me and smiled down at me while running her fingers across my long, soft hair. I was just even with her soft, modest chest and her perfume smelled wonderful. I returned her smile.
She shook her head just a little bit. "My God, you are a beautiful little girl."
I know it shouldn't have, but the compliment melted me completely and I threw my arms around her and hugged her with all my might, just as we heard Allie come through the front door with a few items of clothing over her arms.
"Awww," She giggled, "what a pretty picture. If I didn't know it was my sister and brother-in-law, I say that it was a mother and beautiful daughter."
Kari squeezed me even tighter to her breasts. "Isn't she beautiful?" Then she spun me around like I was a dancer.
Allie half bent her knees and looked me over. "Amazing. You will break some hearts, pretty girl." She smiled at me. Then her eyes fell to the bottom of my suit where there was no hint of manhood at all. She reached down and gave the smooth bathing suit a little tap right at the point where the material disappeared between my legs. "Very pretty little girl." And she smiled at me with such warmth that, between that smile and the compliments that both Kari and Allie had given me I was blushing and didn't know where to look any more, so I just smiled and then looked down at the floor.
Allie hugged me to her soft, large breast, softly patting my hair while she and Kari discussed things. Then, Kari was gone and I had a babysitter looking after me for the first time in 20 years. A baby sitter for whom I had been the sitter many times before.
Chapter 8
The door hadn't even clicked closed behind Kari, when Allie kissed the top of my head and turned me to face her. "Are you all done in the pool, then?"
"I wasn't in the pool, Allie. I was just sitting in the sun and looking at clothes online."
"Ok. Let's get you dressed, then, what do you say?" and she sorted through the little pile of clothes she'd brought with her and pulled out a very fancy bra - little embroidered flowers and lacey edges. She showed it to me and smiled and then, without any warning, she reached over and casually slid the straps of my suit down my arms and rolled the top of my suit to my waist. I instinctively covered my new breasts, but Allie just smiled and let out a little giggle. "What are doing sweetness? I know what breasts look like, silly. I do have a pair of my own, you know. Relax. We're both girls, sweetie."
Then she held up an open bra and I put my arms through the straps as Allie turned me and fastened the back. Then she casually reached into the cups and adjusted my breasts. I jumped a little in surprise. "Ha, don't let that bother you, baby. Just putting the girls in order for you."
Then, without a bit of warning, she pulled down the rest of my bathing suit and had me step out of it. As she was pulling a pair of silky panties up my smooth legs, I realized that my bra and panties matched. They seemed pretty pricey; lots of flowers embroidered on both. She pulled the panties up to my hips and then looked at my bulge and smiled at me.
"Hmmm. Your little boy down there isn't nearly as big as your big girls up here." And her smile got a little bigger. She crowded in on me and measured herself against me. I was only as tall as her nose. "Look at you, little thing. I remember when you first showed up at my parent's house with Kari. You were so tall and handsome and powerful. I was the little one then. I had a such a little-girl crush on you." And she reached into my panties and gently put her fingers around my penis working it in her soft hands.
I had shivers. I was more than a little shocked and didn't really know where things were headed.
"Allie," I whispered, "I don't think this is a good idea."
She smiled as she continued to work my shaft. "Don't worry, you girly, little stud. I'm just making a point: That big, powerful man is the little thing in front of me, now, and he's looking very pretty in his dainties."
Then, she pulled my penis toward her and up so that I had to stand on my tip toes and hold on to her shoulders to keep her from hurting me. Her smile was still there, but she looked very deeply into my eyes. "I can see why Kari's getting such a power trip out of this little reversal of positions. I kinda am, too."
Then she let go of my member and, as I relaxed, she continued to hold my gaze while she very matter-of-factly pushed everything back under my crotch and correctly adjusted the panties.
Finally releasing me from her gaze, she said, "So, the reason I am here today isn't just to babysit my pretty, little brother-in-law. I am here to teach you how to be a lady - that's something that I know a lot more about than Kari. She's getting the PhD, but I know how to be a lady. And a lady always wears pretty unmentionables, like these, and a lady always wears some kind of a heel, like these." And she held up a pair of little sandals with a little one-inch heel.
As I was fastening the straps on the shoes, Allie got out my dress for the afternoon. It was a pinky-white dress with flowers everywhere. She unzipped the back and had me step into it. Then she pulled it up and I put my arms through the sleeve holes and she zipped up the back.
The top part was soft and elastic and showed a good deal of cleavage. Allie zipped up the back and I felt trapped in this feminine garment. The skirt of the dress bloused out in pleats from a few inches below my breasts and flowed down to my knees where a couple of inches of tulle petticoat peeked out from the bottom. "There," said Allie, "A beautiful dress for a beautiful summer day." It was a beautiful dress, too, but the way that it hung away from my legs the brushed my legs as I moved made me feel very vulnerable. It was like I was just wearing my panties. The dress was more like a breeze than an article of clothing.
Allie fluffed my hair, letting it flow down my back. "Now, come on into the bathroom with me, sweetheart, and we'll learn a little about how to do our hair and makeup."
She spent a good 45 minutes brushing my hair, teaching me about makeup and talking continuously. Her tone was always soft and maternal and she was trying very hard to be patient and teaching me what she felt was important. I did my best and she was encouraging.
Chapter 9
Kari came home just after 6:00 that night. Allie and I were working in the kitchen. After an hour of teaching me how to sit correctly in kitchen chairs, stuffed chair, yard chairs, desk chairs, on my piano bench, etc., Allie had taken me into the kitchen, found me a full-length pinafore-style apron and had me help her make dinner. While she supervised my work, cutting vegetables, breading chicken breasts, making rolls from scratch - all of which I was very capable of doing on my own - she frequently rubbed my back where the my skin showed and kissed my hair. I had known this woman since she was 9 years old and I don't think we had ever touched each other beyond a kiss hello of good bye. Now, it was like I was her little sister.
About 25 minutes earlier, she had run next door to get Susie and left a note for James telling him to come to our house for dinner when he got home. Susie was now in a baby carrier on the end of our counter. She was happy as a clam to just be watching Allie and me working.
Allie went into the living room to greet Kari, leaving me and Susie to take care of the food. I could hear the woman in the next room talking.
"So," Kari asked, "How's my little girl doing?"
Allie giggled in reply, "She's fine. Looking, moving and smelling every bit the princess that she is. She's out in the kitchen making dinner. I brought Susie over when she woke up and Jimmy's on his way. Dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes. How did you make out?"
"Great! I got lots of pretty things at the mall and I took care of everything at the university. Take a look at these things."
I could hear bags opening and the two of them ooh-ing and ahh-ing while discussing how each piece of clothing would fit me.
As I was putting my dinner rolls into the over, I noticed Susie watching me and it looked like she was smiling. I shut the door to the oven and leaned down so that my nose touched Susie's. "Something's gone a little crazy around here, Susie," I said. "This house has done-gone crazy. Yes, it has. Yes, it has. Hasn't it, honey?"
When I stood back up, Kari and Allie were standing in the doorway, smiles beaming off their faces. Kari had her arms folded and Allie had both of her hands pressed together in front of her mouth. I looked at them, a little embarrassed, and Allie looked almost like she was going to cry. "Oh, that's so sweet."
"Hi, everyone! I'm here," said James from the front door as he entered. "Hungry man, home from the salt-mines!"
They all chatted in the living room for a few minutes, while I finished up and took care of Susie. It was just a few more minutes before I had everything on the table, ready to be served.
I put Susie and her carrier in a chair and called everyone into the dining room. I was about to sit at the end of the table where I'd always sat when Kari said, "What a beautiful job you've done, Davey. Now, I'll sit at this end, Jimmy, you can sit at that end, Allie, sit on my right and Davey, you can sit on my left, next to Susie."
We all sat and I noticed that James was in a state of shock, looking at me. We'd never been very close - I am an academic, a liberal and no interest in drinking or sports. James has some kind of a management job at a financial management company in the city. He's a bit of a blowhard, loves to talk about the NFL of MLB, goes out for drinks with his friends and brings up Rush Limbaugh a lot. Aside from Limbaugh, none of that really bothers me so we got along well enough, even though we were always somewhat distant. This was a whole new thing for him, though. Where Kari and Allie had seen me in bed while I was growing younger (as it were), James just walked into the dining room and saw me dressed up "like a princess" and looking like a teenager. Frankly, the way that Allie had done my makeup and brushed out my hair, combined with the style of my dress, I probably looked more like a 15 or 16 year old than the 18 year old look that Dr Chang had mentioned when I woke up yesterday morning.
"Dave, is that really you?" James asked, not meaning to be rude.
Before I could answer, Kari jumped in, "Yes, Jim, that is Davey. You know he's gone through some changes." It was a very awkward situation for me, but Kari put her hand on mine and smiled reassuringly at me. Then she turned back to James and continued, "He's doing very well. Here's not contagious or anything, so just relax and enjoy diner."
We dug in to the dinner. It was all very good. When we needed some more iced tea, Kari asked me to get it. When I returned and as I was pouring, Susie started to act up a little.
"Oops, someone needs her diapers changes," Allie said and started to rise.
Kari put her hand on Allie's shoulder and held her in her seat. "No, no, Allie, Davey will take care of her, won't you sweet heart?"
I stopped mid-pour and looked at Kari. She had gone on to talking about other things, though, and she had not left any room for argument. So, I unbuckled Susie and held her up to my shoulder and headed to the lavatory to take care of her.
"Davey," Allie, called out after me, "her diaper bag is by the couch and if she smells poopy, you should put your apron back on so nothing gets on your dress."
I knew the basics of changing diapers, but I had never done it before. Susie was very good, though, and I did a good job. Susie watched me the whole time and I carried on a nice conversation with her. I wasn't all that interested in the conversation at the dinner table, anyway. For the most part, Kari was asking James a lot of questions about how she could invest her money after she got her raise next semester. I kind of liked having someone else looking up to me.
When I returned to the dining room and got Susie all resituated in her carrier, I was about to take off my apron and sit back down, when Allie stood and said, "Davey, will you give me a hand clearing the table? Let's let these two 'bread winners' talk shop."
"Oh, ok," I mumbled as I retied the apron strings and started clearing.
Allie and I took care of everything. I washed the dishes while she dried. The whole time, she was chatting about my hair and clothes and how I needed to plan my wardrobe for the next day before going to bed. She also talked about the importance of keeping a clean house. When we'd finished our chores in the kitchen, Kari called out to us that she and James were moving into the living room to continue their conversation and asked that we bring some wine in for dessert. I pulled a bottle out of the refrigerator and opened it while Allie grabbed some wine flutes out of the cabinet. We joined Kari and James. I poured. Then I realized that Allie had only brought 3 glasses. I guess I looked a little confused, because, as I handed Allie her glass, she said, "I don't think that alcohol is such a good idea for you, right now, princess. You should give yourself a little time to adjust first."
"Allie's right, Davey," Kari said, "Why don't you go get yourself another glass of iced tea and will you, please, bring Susie in, too. Take her out of her carrier, though, so that she can stretch a little" Then she smiled and giggled a little, "You can leave your pretty apron in kitchen, though, beautiful."
When I returned to the living room with Susie in one arm and a glass of iced tea in the other, I found that everyone was sitting in the stuffed chairs leaving me only the love seat. I sat down and put Susie on the love seat next to me. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my legs up under myself and smoothed my dress down to cover my knees. The conversation was going on without me and I had no idea what they were talking about, so I concentrated on my new best-friend, Susie. I rubbed her belly and chatted in baby talk and played peek-a-boo until everyone else was ready to call it an evening.
"I know that you and Susie are having a great time, princess," Kari said, "but it's time for her real mommy to take her home, now."
I put her in her carrier and kissed her head and handed her over to Allie, who, in turn, kissed my head and thanked me for all my help.
When they were gone, Kari smiled at me and gave me another big hug. I loved how she looked in her dress, how she smelled with her perfume and how soft her breasts were when she hugged me. She leaned over me and kissed my neck, slowly and passionately. Slowly, her hand crept to my breasts and I let out a soft sigh as she massaged them through my dress and bra. When she pulled her mouth up to mine, I opened wide and accepted her tongue deeply into my throat.
Eventually, she stopped and straightened up. With me in bare feet and Kari in 3 inch heels, I was dwarfed by her. She pulled me close and pulled my head to her breast as she kissed my head.
"You looked beautiful tonight, baby. Just like a little princess."
I smiled. "Thanks."
"Did you have a good day with Allie?"
"Yes. It was nice, I guess. She was very nice to me."
"She brought you a beautiful dress, didn't she? I love the petticoat peeking out at the bottom, don't you?"
I shrugged.
Kari let out a soft maternal laugh, "Well, I think it's beautiful. She really did make you look like a princess. There's a lot that she can teach you about being a girl, you know. Allie has always been a girly girl while I was too busy being an achiever - a woman in a man's world, as they say."
She lifted my chin to look up into my eyes. "Thank you for having a nice meal and everything ready for me when I came home tonight, too. It's like I have a brand new, beautiful wife at home, now. I like it. I like it a lot."
"Kari," I asked, tentatively, "Wouldn't you rather have me be your husband than your wife?"
"Davey, Davey, Davey." She sighed at me. "Remember this morning when I said that you would always be my husband? Well, I don't know if I can still think of you as my husband now that I have seen you being my wife. When you were my husband, loved you with all my heart. That's all changed now, though. There is no way that you can look like a real man anymore, so I don't want to pretend that you are one. Nature took a funny turn on us and now, except for your little pee-pee, you have become a beautiful, little, young woman and I still love you with all my heart. Let's just accept this and enjoy where it leads us, ok?"
Her smile, her comforting tone and the fact that she said that she loved me made my knees weak and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Ok, Kari. I love you, too and I love you being my wife. And if thinking of me as your wife makes you happy, that's ok with me."
She gave a very condescending little laugh and a slight shake of her head. "Davey, let's call it a day. I bought you a little something. Let me get it out of the bags I brought in earlier."
She rummaged around for a few moments and pulled out a beautiful little white nightie with matching panties. It was similar to the ones that Kari wears, but a bit shorter and it was definitely made for a younger woman.
"Here," she smiled as she showed me the nightie. "I will lock up down here. You go upstairs and start getting ready for bed the way I showed you last night. Put on your new nightie and sit at the vanity. When I come up, I will braid your hair for you so it will be pretty tomorrow. Then I am going to take you to bed and show you how being my wife may be the best thing that ever happened to you. I bought a few things at the mall today that you may REALLY like. Things that will make you feel even more like a woman than a pretty dress can. How does that sound?"
I smiled back and took the nightie from her. Then she steered me toward the stairs and gave my butt a little pat and sent me up the stairs.
To Be Continued...
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