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professional achievement forces him to face the world outside of his home. With the
help of his sister-in-law and confidant, Allison, Davey has to work up the courage
to step through the door.
Author's Note: This is one of my more twisted tales that I am showing you. I do hope you both enjoy this story and that I am, in some fashion, entertaining you as well. Please, let me know what you think about my story, both good and bad.
And also, please leave me a review! ~Clara.
This version of A Little Bit of Change - 3 has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at .~Sephrena.
Chapter 10
And the summer wore on...
Davey got used to his new role in the home: Not quite an equal partner anymore, but Kari was still very affectionate around the house and their sex life just got better and better. Maybe Davey was no longer the aggressor sexually, but Kari had gotten very adventurous and Davey had no complaints in bed. He also was used to the nightly regime and silky sleepwear and even enjoyed his nightly preparation time, especially having Kari braid his hair.
As for daily wear, on his first full day after his 'change' Kari had encouraged him to find a style that he would be comfortable in. He had stayed very conservative and handed Kari his computer so she could finish the transaction for him, but she didn't care for his choices, so, without any discussion, Kari had canceled his order and bought a whole new closet full of clothes from stores like Delias, Forever 21, Old Navy and other places frequented by young women.
"Davey, you have no experience with dresses and you made some very 'frumpy' choices. You have the body of a beautiful young woman - enjoy it."
The dresses all had the same style. They were all very feminine, flowery or lacey, had a very high waistline and only went down to his mid-thigh. "Kari, do these really look ok on me?"
"Sweet pea, I can't take my eyes off of you. You like them don't you?"
"I guess... They're all very pretty..."
"Are the comfortable?"
"Well, yeah. They're kind of like wearing nothing, really."
"Then just be pretty for me, baby, ok?"
On days when Kari was out, Allie was Davey's constant companion. She was Davey's hair stylist, femininity couch and big sister. Her constant attention was very encouraging and gave Davey great support.
Then, one day at the beginning of August, Kari came in. "Congratulate me, princess! I successfully defended my PhD! You can now officially call me 'Doctor'!"
I ran to her and hugged her. "Oh, I am so proud of you!"
"Guess what! There is a formal reception for all the new Phd's next Sunday evening at the university. I have an invitation for up to 5 people, so I thought that Allie, Jimmy, you and I could all go together."
Davey felt a rush of fear run through his body. "I don't know, Kari. The university? I'll know people. I'm not sure that I am ready."
Kari looked very hurt. "Well I am sorry that this doesn't fit your busy schedule, David, but I kinda thought that you would want to come and support me on this occasion. You do want to support me, don't you?"
"Yes, of course, Kari, but I'll be a freak."
"How can you be a freak? You are what you are? This is important to me and you need to get out of the house at some point, so, THAT POINT is going to be next Sunday at 6:00pm and it's formal. There will be no more discussion about this and I will look for something for you to wear."
The house was a little quiet that night. Davey felt rushed and Kari felt that Davey wasn't being the supportive "wife" she needed him to be.
Kari went out early the next morning, before Davey was up. When he did rise, he unbraided his hair and brushed it out before putting on his makeup. It was the first time since his hair had grown that he'd had to brush it out by himself.
He went down stairs and sat on the patio and thought about his argument with Kari. Before he knew it, there were tears running down his face.
Kari came back later in the morning and found Davey crying. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. Shhh, I'm sorry."
"No," said Davey, "I am. I shouldn't have been so selfish. I will go with you."
Kari smiled, "Thank s, my love. I went to Rose's house and borrowed a dress that her daughter wore for her quinceanera. I think it will be perfect for you t wear on Sunday. I have to run, but I will be back later. Try it on and see if it needs any alterations. Allie can help with that if needed."
Just at that moment, Allie came through the door with Susie on her hip. "Morning, ladies!" and she got up on her tiptoes and gave Kari a kiss on her cheek, then bent down and did the same for Davey. Then, she put her free arm around Davey and said, "What's going on?"
"Since you're here, we've all been invited to a formal reception Sunday evening to celebrate my degree. I'd love for you and Jim to join us."
"Oh. Boy!" Allie said, "Free food and we get to dress up! Count me in! Jimmy, too!"
"Great," said Kari, "Davey needs a formal dress, too, so while I am at the hairdresser's, would you please have him try on the dress in this garment bag and make any alterations that he needs?"
"Sure! I'll take care of everything. You go ahead and get going. Me and my two little girls here will hold down the fort here."
Kari thanked Allie, grabbed her purse and ran out the door, blowing a kiss behind her.
"Shall we?" Allie asked as she pulled the zipper down the garment bag front. She reached in and pulled out the dress. It was bright yellow with a beaded bodice and a wide skirt with several built-in petticoats and looked more like a prom dress than a formal dress for a reception. "Eww. Well, let's try it on before we make a decision."
Allie put Susie down to sit on the floor and Davey took off his little summer dress and stepped into the sea of tulle and silk that made up the dress. They pulled it up around his chest and zipped it up and took stock of it.
"Ok," Allie said, "first, the good news: Aside from being a little long, which a good, high heel would fix, it fits really well. Now, the bad news, you look like a lemon meringue in it. You're way too pale for that color and it really isn't right for the occasion," Allie let out a sign and circled Davey, taking him in and trying to figure out how she could take this dress, which Kari obviously liked, and make it work for a grown-up event at a university.
Davey was speechless while Allie spoke and inspected the options for the dress. Then there was an uncomfortable silence as they both stared into the mirror. Suddenly, Davey's knees gave out and he collapsed into the dress sobbing uncontrollably.
"Oh, no, no, no, this is so bad. This is so very, very bad, bad, bad! I can't meet former colleagues dressed like this. This 'princess' thing is fine around the house and all, and I am getting used to the little dresses and pretty underwear, but, this! No, I can't wear this out in public! I look like I need a date for junior prom. Allie, help me, please! Allie, I can't do this, please help me!"
Allie sat on floor next to Davey and pulled him to her, rocking him back and forth as if she were comforting Susie. "Shh, sweet heart, shhh. What is all this about? It's just a dress. We can find another one that you'll like better, ok? Now, let's stop the water works and talk, ok?"
"I can't stop. I love Kari and I want to make her happy, but I'm not a teenager." Davey's words were sometimes hard to understand when his sobs sounded almost like hiccups. "I can't seem to say 'no' to Kari when I look at her. Remember when she took those hormones that caused all of these changes? Well, the doctor told her that they would make her more 'sympathetic' while they were in her system. I think that they have made me this emotional wreck that I am."
"Davey. You're not an emotional wreck - your body has been bombarded with female hormones, just like a pubescent girl. You are more emotional because girls are more emotional, that's all, baby, and you want to please Kari because you love her and now you are much more dependent on her than you used to be. I understand. The more that I am at home, the more need I feel to make Jimmy happy. It's all part and parcel of being a good housewife."
Davey lifted his head and looked at Allie and tried to stop the sobs. His face was lined with mascara and his eyes were swollen and red. Allie couldn't help it, she let out a little laugh. "Oh, my baby girl. You are so sweet. We'll find a dress that you'll love, ok."
"Allie, I don't think that I can face those people, yet. Look at me. I used to be a leader in my department. I was respected and I was a big guy. Now, I'm not much more than a maid and I look like a child - a little girl. You said so yourself. You don't see Dave, anymore, you a see your 'baby girl.' I'm not strong enough for this. I just want to hide here forever," And he buried his head on Allie's lap and the sobs started all over again.
Allie sat and rubbed his back until he calmed down. "Alright, baby, do you trust me?"
"What?" Davey asked in surprise.
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you. You and Susie are my only friends these days. I trust you completely. I love you like a sister."
"Then listen. I will take this home with me. We'll tell Kari that I'm making some alterations. Then, come Sunday, I am going to get you dressed up like a goddess. You will knock everyone dead at that reception. They will not see a defeated little girl; they will see a beautiful, intelligent person who has overcome a huge physical change. Someone they will respect and admire. Do you believe me?"
Davey nodded and wiped his eyes. "I do."
"Ok, then. I have to deal with some shopping then. Will you babysit for Susie for the next couple of hours? I'll be back before Kari. Ok?"
"Ok," and he stood, got out of the dress and redressed in his comfortable little dress which he suddenly loved and wanted to wear more than anything in the world.
Allie left and Davey took Susie to couch, turned on the TV and watched a little Sesame Street with his favorite baby. He sat 'Indian style' and held Susie on his lap bouncing her up and down while Elmo sang in his high, castrati voice. Eventually, all of his worries disappeared in Susie's giggles and smiles.
Chapter 11
Sunday afternoon rolled around and Allie had been extremely coy about what she had planned. Kari was very stressed about the impending reception. She'd gotten herself a new cocktail dress and shoes, but, not being real comfortable in these kinds of 'formal' parties, Kari was second guessing her fashion choices and creating a lot of stress for herself. By 1:00, Kari was getting antsy and started getting herself ready.
"Davey," she called out from the bedroom, "when is Allie coming over with your dress? I don't want to be late tonight!"
"She told me that she was coming over around 3:30 to do my hair and makeup. I think she'll have the dress with her."
Kari couldn't stop moving. She looked gorgeous in her new outfit, but whenever Davey tried to compliment her, she was more and more anxious about the time. "Will you. Please, call Allie and see when she's coming over? I want everything to be perfect tonight."
"She hasn't forgotten, Kari. She has to get things ready for Susie and her sitter. Then she'll come over."
Finally, at exactly 3:30, Allie came through the door with the garment bag. "Hi, ladies! Big day, huh?"
"Thank God! I thought you weren't ever coming over!"
Allie was already in her dress. It was a simple 'little black dress' thing - a sheath - and some simple jewelry to set off her beauty. She was sleek and understated and beautiful. "Oh, stop, now. We have plenty of time, Kari. Come on, Davey! We have work to do! Up those stairs, baby!"
Kari was barred from the bedroom until Allie was done.
At 5:05 Kari was yelling up the stairs. "Allie, are you ready? It takes a half hour to get to the university and I want to be on time!" Silence. "Is she ready?" Silence and then some feet shuffling on the floor. "Allie! Davey! What's going on up there? Are you coming or not?"
"Alright, alright!" Allie called down from the bedroom. "We'll be down in 5 minutes!"
The door opened and James came. "Everyone ready to go? I took Susie to the sitter and got the car washed. It's in the driveway and we're all set," he was wearing a very handsome blue suit similar to the suits he wore every day. Kari let out a little snort at the thought of how easily James must have made his fashion choice this morning. 'Any suit, any shirt, any tie.' And it all works so easily for men. She briefly wished that Davey was still Dave and could just get ready to go without all this production and drama.
She stormed away from the bottom of the stairs and grabbed her purse and shawl. "Jimmy, they have 2 minutes to get their pretty, little asses down those stairs or you and I are leaving without them!" she said through clenched teeth.
"Here we come!" Allie announced as she bounced down the stairs with a huge grin one her face.
"Where's Davey?" Kari demanded.
Allie posed at the bottom of the stairs as if she were Vanna White indicating the solution to a Wheel Of Fortune puzzle. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, my beautiful, little brother-in-law! All grown up and ready for her first day out as a lady."
Kari and Jimmy looked from Allie to the stairs and both let out a startled breath. There, on the stairs of the house was Davey dressed in a form-fitting black dress; beautiful, black lace around the shoulders and cleavage revealing perfect, soft feminine skin underneath with a skirt that hugged every curvy part of his hips and rear end. His perfect creamy legs seemed to go on forever and his tiny feet were in delicate, little open-toed, 4 inch black pumps. All of his soft hair was piled high on his head and cascaded down in little ringlets around his face making him look like a woman of 20 years old or maybe even a little more. Perfect eyes and lips were accented by little, dangling earrings that off-set everything feminine and perfect about this 'goddess' standing on the stairway.
No one spoke of even breathed for a very long moment until Allie finally lowered her arms and looked from Davey back to Kari and James. "Well? What do you think?"
Kari walked slowly over to the stairs and up to her perfect little husband/wife. When she was on the same step as him, she put her hands lightly on both sides of his chin. "David, you are the most breathtakingly-beautiful woman that I have ever, in all of my life, seen."
Davey blushed and smiled at her. "Thank you, Kari."
"No, thank you, Davey, for being who you are. And thank you, Allie, for... well, for this. For all of this" She giggled as she stared at Davey in complete amazement.
Kari turned and offered Davey her arm. They walked down the stairs together and headed out the door. Allie handed Davey his clutch as he passed her.
"I am the luckiest woman in the world," Kari whispered into Davey's ear as she held the door to the back seat open for him. Allie slipped in beside Davey and Kari and James buckled in up front. Allie smiled at him and he took her hand and gave her a big, excited and nervous smile back.
"Thank you, so much," he whispered to her.
"Any time, baby girl. I still want my baby sister back to play with at home, but it's nice to know that I have a lady-friend to go out with, too."
To Be Continued...
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