A Little Bit of Change - 4 Final

A Little Bit of Change: 4 Final

by Clara
Copyright©2012, 2024 Clara Schumann


Davey adjusts to life as Kari's wife, but a social event to celebrate Kari's latest
professional achievement forces him to face the world outside of his home. With the
help of his sister-in-law and confidant, Allison, Davey has to work up the courage
to step through the door.

Author's Note: This is one of my more twisted tales that I am showing you. I do hope you both enjoy this story and that I am, in some fashion, entertaining you as well. Please, let me know what you think about my story, both good and bad.
And also, please leave me a review! ~Clara.

This version of A Little Bit of Change - 4 Final has been updated with many corrections towards spelling and grammar.~Sephrena.
Image Credit: Image created through the use of ai at https://perchance.org/beautiful-people .~Sephrena.

Chapter 12

The guests were just sitting down for the reception as they arrived. Many eyes turned to see Kari enter with Davey. They had gotten to their table and Kari was helping Davey into his seat when Davey heard a familiar voice quietly whisper, "Good, God! Is that David with Kari?"

"Shhhhh," came the response from the whisperer's neighbors.

Davey flushed with embarrassment. Kari pushed his seat in and sat down. She patted Davey's hand reassuringly and turned forward to hear the first speaker of the evening.

"Don't let it get to you, princess," whispered Allie. "I'm sure that they're just a little surprised to see you for the first time. Just do what I told you: Sit up nice and straight with your back touching, but not resting on the back of your chair. Smile a lot. Stay focused on Kari - remember, it's her day, so be her supporter. Ok? I'm here if you need me."

Davey smiled back and tried to relax a bit. Soon, things were just fine. Kari was in her environment, surrounded by fellow academics, and Davey was enjoying seeing her so happy.

After dinner was completed and awards given out, a small band started playing some ballroom dance music and James and Allie took to the dance floor. Davey looked around for Kari and saw her talking to a group of men from the history department over near the bar. Davey sat patiently for someone to return to the table. He told himself it was the polite, ladylike thing to do, but, in fact, the idea of getting up and walking around was terrifying to him. Here at the table, he felt safe.

"Hi, there, beautiful. You come here often?"

He slowly turned his head to see who had spoken to him and he saw the friendly face of Janice Chang, his family doctor and friend smiling down at him. He smiled back. "Hi, Jan. How are you doing?"

"How am I doing? Same as always, Dave, you know me! How about you? You seem pretty quiet over here. Why not say hi to everyone?"

"No. I'm ok here, really."

"David, don't be silly. You know almost everyone here, now, give me your hand," He did and she helped him to his feet, the little heels, still new to him, took just a second to balance on before he was comfortable.

Janice took in his entire appearance. The girlish shape, the firm, round breasts. The beautiful, wavy hair. The lacey bodice and form fitting skirt of the dress. The perfect makeup. She fluffed his hair just a little gave him warm, motherly smile.

"Come on, wallflower, let's go talk to some people."

At these affairs, it's usually the degree recipients chatting with each other, the academics all joining in smaller conversations more or less by their disciplines and then the wives all get together and talk, too. If there are academics with husbands, the husbands usually find a way to avoid coming - golf, fishing, basically anything they can think of to get out of a long, quiet get together. James and Allie always loved ballroom dancing, which would appear to be very out of character for James, but they do love it, so he was in his glory on the mostly-empty dance floor.

Janice led me to the area furthest away from the band where the wives had all taken up residence. Janice was, of course, a woman of notable academic achievement, but she was also married to the dean of the school of science and medicine, so she was comfortable in both worlds.

"Well, ladies, I'd like you all to meet my very good friend, David."

"Davey," Davey said almost impulsively. "It just seems more appropriate now."

"True. Ok, then, meet Davey. As you know, Davey is married to Kari and has been in the music department at the university for the last six years."

"Have a seat, Davey," Said one of the wives.

There were a few minutes of awkward silence while the wives all got used to how Davey appeared.

"So," said the wife of a man in the history department with whom Davey had a nodding acquaintance. "Are you experimenting with an alternative life-style, or what?" prompting nervous laughter from everyone. Even Davey let out a few nervous giggles.

"You could say that, I guess. It's a little hard to explain."

"Weren't you A LOT taller before, too?" the wife persisted, but in a friendly way that didn't come off rude at all.

"Yes, I was nearly a foot taller, before."

"So, something happened to you that changed your size and gender? What could cause that?"

"Davey," whispered Janice, "would you like for me to make a simple, discreet explanation for you?"

"Yes, please!" he whispered back.

"Here's what happened, ladies. Through a series of accidental events, Davey became exposed to very highly potent female hormones and fertility medication. It caused his body to alter severely, but, although he appears to be a female, his genitalia remains very much male."

"My, God," one of them said in an excited whisper. Then bringing her voice even lower, "You mean you still have a penis down there?"

"Yes," Said Davey, becoming very self-conscious.

"And these are real, too?" she asked, casually touching Davey's breasts. "This is amazing! This is the coolest thing I have ever heard of!"

Other women agreed and started talking freely around Davey.

"I have never really had any lesbian thoughts, but the idea of doing it with a beautiful man who looks and smells nice ... well, that is a cool thought!"

"Everything still works, I mean plumbing-wise?"

"Do you like looking like this? It's kind of nice being pretty, isn't it?"

"Is the sex better, now - I mean, is it more gentle? Less manhandling involved?

"Imagine if I could get Steve to take these hormones! I would love it! Let him see the world from the 'other side'"

"Oh, wow! That would be cool! I can see Dennis little and in a dress! That would be SOOOO much fun!"

"Janice! Can you get us these hormones?" several asked, only half-joking.

Janice snickered in response. "Sorry, girls. Not possible. Technically what happened to Davey is impossible, but his particular chemistry combined with the processing system through which he received the hormones and 'voila!' A miracle of modern science that can, most likely, never be replicated."


"Davey, are you enjoying your dresses, now? You have to admit, they're a lot more fun than just wearing pants everyday."

It went on this way for the rest of the afternoon, until Kari came over and interrupted.

"Mind if I steal Davey, ladies? I thought it might be nice to have one dance before we leave."

She reached down and offered Davey a hand. Davey, stood, smoothed his dress, said his goodbyes and then Kari put her arm around his shoulder and led him to the dance floor.

When they arrived, she spun him around once and then took his left hand and put it on her shoulder and took his right hand in hers and they began to sway together to the music.

"Do you mind if I lead?" Kari smiled down at Davey.

"Not at all. I think that, maybe, I will have to get used to following a little more, now."

Kari's smile got broader and she hugged Davey in closer. He rested his head on her soft, broad shoulders, the feel of her breasts rubbing softly against his, the smell of her musky perfume and his flowery perfume blending into an intoxicating potion that was overwhelming. He closed his eyes and let Kari guide him. As the sax player finished a long, soft solo, he began to play the song's melody. Kari knew the words and sang along so sweetly and quietly that it was like a lullaby. "Someday, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight. Yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm and your cheeks so soft, there is nothing for me but to love you, and the way you look tonight."

Davey was in another world until he felt a tap on his back. He opened his eyes to see James smiling at them. "May I cut in?"

Davey, as if waking from a dream, stood aside so that Kari could dance with James. To Davey's complete astonishment, James reached down and took Davey in his arms, pulled him in close and started to dance. Davey, who was already way off balance, just followed James' lead.

After a few moments, James leaned back just a little, released Davey's left hand and swept some of Davey's hair off of his face and tucked it behind his ear. Davey, still confused, looked up and saw James smiling down at him.

"You know, Dave, I know that we were never really friends before. I don't know why, but I always felt like you were kind of stuffy when you were a man. Now... things a really different. I want you to know that I know how much courage it took for you to get all dolled up for Kari, today. If I had been in your situation, I don't think I could have done it."

Davey was really moved by James' words and smiled back at him. "Thanks, Jim."

"You know," James continued, "I was glad that Allie was going to have Kari to be with when the baby came, because I work all the time, but as things have turned out, having you - well, the NEW you - has been tremendous for her. Every day, all I hear about is the baby and Davey. 'Susie did this and Davey did that.' You're like her little sister, now and I could not be happier for her. I was feeling bad for you, though. I knew you were overwhelmed with the changes, but all the dresses and stuff - well, I thought you must have hated it. Until today. When I saw you come down those stairs looking like - well, like this, I thought, 'That's not my brother-in-law. That's a beautiful young woman.'"

Davey was confused, but he knew he meant it as a compliment, so he smiled and couldn't help but blush a bit.

As the music stopped, James pulled him close for a final hug and surprised him by giving Davey a soft kiss on the top of his head. There was nothing sexual at all in it. It was more like and affectionate uncle kissing his niece. Then, while still holding him close, James whispered, "If you ever need me, I'm here for you, princess," Then he released the hug and held Davey at arms length. As tiny as Davey felt when Kari held him, he felt three times smaller looking back at James. He was so surprised by James' sudden kindness that he was completely speechless, so he just smiled back at him. He didn't even feel the tear rolling down his cheek.

James reached out and softly wiped the tear away and said, "I see Kari by the bar with the dean. You go get your purse at the table and see if you can find Allie - she may still be in the ladies' room. I will meet you guys at the bar in five minutes."

And he walked away, leaving Davey to try to organize his thoughts and feelings. Yes, this was one more emasculating experience - one of a hundred that he'd had in the last few weeks - but he felt nice, too. Warm and protected. And loved. Not like Kari's love, but as if he was more a part of his own family - the family he had, until recently, felt he was the patriarch of - than he had ever been before.

When he could think again, he realized that he was just standing there, smiling. So he did what James had told him to do and five minutes later all four of them were at the bar and ready to drive back home.
Chapter 13

When the car pulled up into Allie and James' driveway, Davey was absolutely ready for bed. He got out of the backseat and reached back in for his purse and the heels he had taken off on the way home. They said their goodbyes and Kari, still in her heels, put her arm around Davey's shoulders and they walked the couple of hundred feet back home without conversation.

They entered the house and Davey didn't even slow down, he just continued up the stairs. Kari locked up, set the alarm and climbed the stairs as Davey was turning on the light in their bedroom. Kari stopped in the doorway and watched Davey from behind as he unzipped his dress and pulled it over his head and laid it neatly on the bed. Kari saw the lacey black straps of his bra and the silky black material of his panties and half slip and she had to have him.

As Davey reached behind to unclasp his bra, Kari softly pushed his hands away and rubbed his shoulders, feeling the soft, feminine texture of his skin. Davey felt her touch and let her continue. Her caresses moved lower and found the back of his smooth half-slip and panties while she also bent down and kissed the back of his neck. The kisses burst like lightning on Davey's skin and he let out a soft moan.

Kari was getting hotter and hotter as she explored and kissed Davey. Then, so softly that Davey was surprised when he felt it, she slipped her hands into the bottoms of his bra cups and began massaging his breasts while pulling him as close to her as she could. Still wearing her dress and slip, she began to rub her crotch against Davey's back. As she continued her massage and her humping, both of them were panting and sweating.

Suddenly, Kari stopped and turned him towards her and they locked in a soft passionate kiss. Davey allowed Kari's tongue to explore as deeply as it could and he stood up on his toes to pull her rongue even deeper.

When they broke their kiss, Kari rose to her full height and smiled down at Davey who smiled back, hoping that they were not done for the evening. Kari stepped back and raised first her right foot and then her left and removed her shoes, placing them to the side. Then she reached up under her dress and pulled down her own black panties. Then she gently reached under his slip and removed his panties, finally allowing his penis to stand at attention.

Kari then gripped his shaft through the soft, cool silk of the slip and led him to the bed, where she sat on the edge of the bed, spread her legs and pulled him close. With Kari sitting, they were nearly the same height. Kari looked into his eyes and they could both see the other's love, lust, need. She smiled a wicked smile and said, "You are beautiful, Davey, and I love you. You know that right?"

"Yes," he whispered, although his attention was much more focused on what Kari's hands were doing to his groin than what she was saying.

"For the last few months, I know I have been treating you like a little girl - even when we've had sex. And you have to admit, the sex has been great."

It was true. Davey just nodded and closed his eyes to concentrate on other things.

"I really like you as my little girl, Davey. You are so pretty. But today you were my beautiful young woman and I love that, too. You are so gorgeous, Davey. So, so, so beautiful and I want to you to be both for me. Ok?"

"Ok," he whispered in his delirium.

"But, you know what else I want? Tonight, I want to you to be my beautiful little man. Can you do that for me? I want to spread my legs and I want my big, little man to climb up on me, let me smell your shampoo and perfume. Let me taste your lipstick. Let me feel your slip on your fanny and your bra on your breasts, but let me feel your big penis drive in and out of me. Can you do that for me, princess? Can you be my little, big man?"

"Uh huh," he responded, but knew that she would have to stop the rubbing soon if he was going to be able to be 'big' at all.

"That's my baby." And she released his shaft, pulled herself further back onto the bed, pulled her dress up to her waist and smiled invitingly back at Davey, who climbed, slowly but eagerly, onto the bed and in between Kari's legs. Even before the change, Davey had almost never taken the upper position when having sex. Kari complained that he was too big before and she felt crushed, so she was always on top. This was new and exciting.

He kissed the skin above Kari's small patch of pubic hair and then raised himself to enter Kari. He held the slip out of his way and slowly inserted his shaft into the only woman he'd ever known in this way. And it was different. Her lips gave way to his slow, gentle thrust and then enveloped him in her warm, damp embrace. He moved very slowly at first, much slower than Kari could possibly have done when riding him, and everything was silent except for the sound of Kari's stuttering breaths.

He closed his eyes and focused just on the feeling. His entire being was in his penis as he increased his speed and force.

"I am a man," he heard in his head. Then it began to chant in his head in time with his thrusts. "I am a man. I am a man. I am a man! I am a man!"

His head sagged down as he built momentum. "I am a man!" kept ringing in his head.

Then he opened his eyes and had to shake his long, wavy hair out of his way to see his own body. The first thing he saw was his breasts trapped inside his beautiful, lace bra, then the soft skin of his abdomen and the silky black slip bunched up where his body met Kari's.

He kept thrusting. "I am a man. I am a man."

Then he looked up towards Kari's face. Her head was thrust backwards in ecstasy. Her body was still clothed in her beautiful dress and made her look even bigger to him. He tried to reach for one of her breasts, but he couldn't reach that far and still keep the momentum going. He realized that his head barely cleared her stomach and he didn't stand a chance of reaching her breasts.

Kari reached down with one hand and laced her fingers with one of Davey's as she continued to writhe. Davey looked at the size of her beautiful, feminine fingers and how they made his look like a little girls' and for a moment, he lost his momentum and his erection faltered just a bit.

"I'm not a man," he thought. "What am I?"

"Don't stop, please," Whispered Kari between breaths.

"Screw it," Davey finally thought. "I am a man! I'm a man. I'm a boy. I'm a girl and I'm a woman. I am what I've become and I think I love it."

He was back to thrusting in earnest, feeling his breasts bounce up and down and the slip move like liquid across his bottom. The two of them became one in movement until they reached the most explosive orgasms of their lives. They collapsed onto each other and fell asleep in each other's arms.
Chapter 14

It was a beautiful, late summer day in September. Kari had gone back to school again and Davey was getting his daily routine under way. Last year at this time, he was having huge withdrawal issues as Kari went to work and he tried to figure out what to do with his sabbatical time. Back then, he was still finding his way in his new body, but now, a year later, he was confident and happy in his little dresses. He found that they were wonderfully comfortable for most of his activities and, what the heck, they made Kari happy. He had plenty of opportunities to get dressed up when he wanted to.

Developing a schedule, last year, had taken some time, but, of course, Allie had guided him. He spent the first couple of hours after Kari left working musical arrangements - which he was publishing with surprising success - then, Allie would come over with Susie for coffee at 10:15 every day. Most days, they would have an hour and a half together before moving on to their housework.

As last year's fall semester ended, Davey had to make a decision about the university. In December, he resigned. He was happy with things the way they were and both he and Kari knew that there were changes on the way.

See, those fertility drugs must have helped Kari's system, because, by late September, she announced that she was expecting.

Emma was born in May, just as Kari's semester ended, so they had the whole summer together, the three of them, before Kari went back to school. Not everything had gone perfectly for Kari's postnatal time with Emma, but nature has a way of making everything work just fine.

Davey was just setting the coffee out on the patio when he heard Allie come through the front door.

"We're here!" she hollered as she let go of Susie's hand.

Susie shouted, "Auntie Deedee!" and ran to give Davey a hug. Susie's vocabulary was growing by the hour. She knew everyone's name, all of her basic crayon colors and all of the animals in her barnyard book.

Davey knelt down to receive Susie's hug. "Oh, there's my big girl! How are you today?"

"Me good! Emma?"

And just as if it was a stage cue, Emma started crying from her cradle in the living room.

"There she is, now! And I think she's saying 'Hi' to her favorite cousin!" Davey stood and got Emma from her cradle, kissed her on her head and carried her out onto the patio to join the girls.

As they chatted, Emma got more and more fidgety.

"She's hungry," said Susie in her wonderful, little-girl voice.

"I think you're right!" smiled Davey as he laid a towel over his left shoulder and lowered the top of his dress exposing the cup of his nursing bra. He released his nipple from the bra and let Emma get started on her meal.

The feeling of connection to his child never got old. He felt her suckling throughout his entire body. It was exquisite and emasculating and wonderful. He closed his eyes as the feeling of feeding his child surged through him. When he opened them again, Allie was sitting on the chaise opposite him patting Susie's head. Both were watching Davey and both were smiling.

"It really is funny, isn't it?" Allie said. "I mean, Kari took all those hormones to help her to get pregnant and, obviously, they worked, but they made her lactate when I was nursing Susie and that's what caused you to change from big strong Dave to my pretty little princess. Then, when you and Kari have this beautiful baby, no milk from Kari, but, out of the blue, you start producing. Nature does have funny ways, doesn't it?"

"I guess it does," Davey smiled back.

As Emma finished up on his left breast, he helped her to his right to continue her feeding. Susie saw an opening on Davey's left side and skittered over to cuddle up with him and Emma.

"I like your pretty dress," Davey told Susie.

"You pretty, too! Yellow!"

"That's right, baby. My dress is yellow," Davey laughed as he wrapped his arm around Susie. He adored her as much as he did Emma. He kissed Susie's head and said, "Auntie loves you, baby."

"Oh, isn't that a picture?" Allie said and smiled and giggled. "My three, beautiful, little girls."

Davey smiled and enjoyed the moment with his babies cuddled up to him.

"You know," Allie said, "I can't imagine that Dave would have been as happy today as you are."

"I guess you're right. I couldn't be any happier than I am right now."

Emma was finishing up and starting to drift off to sleep and Susie was cuddling up even tighter.

"Auntie pretty," Susie said.

"Auntie's beautiful," corrected Allie. "Auntie used to be handsome, but now, she's beautiful. Someday, when you're bigger, I will tell you the story of how Auntie went through a little bit of a change and how that made her life better."

Davey laughed a little bit, then said, "That will be a good story. A true Cinderella story. It even has a princess."

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