Royal Performer - Chapter 02

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Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 2

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

Royal Performer

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2024 Tiffany Shar

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Posting to other websites is strictly prohibited.

Chapter 2: Governing

THE NEXT STOP on our tour was to go upstairs to what they referred to as the first floor. “Why do you call this the first floor?” I asked in confusion. “What do you call the bottom floor?”

“That one’s the dungeon,” she smiled, “But if you’re referring to the floor we were just on, it’s the ground floor.”

I shook my head, “That’s weird.”

She smiled, and I looked over the staircase banister at the grand entranceway. The staircase was a beautiful curved bit of architecture, and simply walking up it made me feel special! She directed me through a hallway and came to a set of security personnel guarding the hallway we were going to enter.

“Your Majesty, Your Highness,” one man said as they gave us a bow.

“Bonjour,” I said awkwardly and followed Grandma. I noticed signs about ‘private residence’ labeled as we passed into another more ornate castle area.

“Now, we don’t actually live in the original King and Queen’s chambers,” she said with a smile.


“No, we keep those for tourist purposes… or if we’re putting up a special visiting dignitary or something. Honestly, they’re quite staid to me and may not be altered for historical purposes.”

“Oh, so they’re probably not that comfortable?” I remembered seeing pictures of old chairs and the throne I had already seen, and they looked pretty uncomfortable.

“Other than the bed?” She smiled down at me, “Definitely not!”

I giggled nervously at that. “So, these are like other rooms?”

“Your great-grandfather had another wing turned into a set of King’s and Queen’s chambers so that the traditional one could be preserved. The best part is that we are allowed to make changes there.”

We passed through an ornate door, another security guard, and into a large open sitting room. The floor was still inlaid wood with beautiful patterns created, but the walls featured a pleasing light blue color and more modern artwork. A large TV was mounted on a wall opposite a large fireplace on the other side adjacent to our entrance. Both featured sofas and armchairs nearby where you could sit. It was a pretty inviting space, “What’s this room?”

“In the old days, it would be called a receiving room,” she told me. “We share this one with our chambers beyond.” She pointed to two doors that split off the room on the sides of the room in between the fireplace and TV. “My chambers are down that way, but let’s go check out yours,” she said with a smile.

The door opened to a hallway. To my left, as we entered, I saw a small sitting room with a dining table that could comfortably seat eight to ten people. It looked more intimate, obviously, than downstairs had been! The walls were decorated with some beautiful artwork that appeared to be impressionist artwork, and a frescoed ceiling meant it was still pretty lavish. I spotted one painting that caught my eye right then. The content made me think about a history assignment on art in middle school. I looked at the corner and asked, “This is a real Monet?”

She smiled, “It’s one of several we have throughout the castle. My husband loved his work and was excited to collect it from his Water Lilly series.”

“How…” I started to ask how much it cost, but changed to, “How many works like this are in the castle?”

“Oh, there’s probably a dozen paintings from Monet, many from Degas and van Gogh. Your grandfather was just the latest art collector in the family, though. There are plenty of paintings from Rembrandt and others, too.”

“That’s really cool,” I told her, feeling aghast at the monetary value!

“I think so too,” she smiled at me. “Now come along, plenty still to do today!”

The next room was another sitting room with a TV, couches, and chairs. It looked relatively modern and straightforward compared to the dining room. The couches looked crafted from soft leather, and large speakers were placed around the room. A plush carpet was laid down in the room, and I presumed it was probably the one ‘comfortable’ room I had seen so far, and I classified it in my mind as a Living Room.

Following her down the hallway, I noticed two small restrooms across the hall, which I assumed guests would use. Down a little further was a vast library room with a big desk. “What’s this room?”

“Well, it’s an office, a library, and I guess it was your father’s hideout.”

I walked around the room to the nice desk chair, looked at the desk, and wondered again what he was like. “I really wish I had met him,” I told Grandma sadly.

“Me too,” she said with her own regret. “I wish your grandfather and I hadn’t been fools back then…”

We stood silently for a moment before she beckoned me down the hall to the last door. Inside, I found a large bedroom that was not decorated as I expected!

“My dad didn’t have this decorated like this…?”

“No, definitely not his taste! I had it redecorated for you,” she said with a bemused laugh.

I looked around the room with walls painted in a lighter white color with just a tinge of pink in the shade. A beautiful four-poster bed in ivory white was dressed with beautiful lavender curtains pulled back to reveal a huge bed that I guessed was at least king-sized. There was a large vanity table with a mirror on one side, a large chest of drawers, and a side table beside the bed. A set of curtains was pulled back to reveal a beautiful balcony beyond some glass doors that overlooked the gardens beyond. I saw an open door into a bathroom and found myself entering a very anachronous bathroom. A large glass shower with multiple nozzles on the wall and ceiling stood a few feet from an enormous whirlpool bathtub. A long countertop and sink sat opposite the wall, with a toilet that looked to have a bidet attached to the third wall.

“Did they demolish old walls to build all of this?” I asked in surprise.

Grandma nodded, “Yes, it was approved, though, so we could maintain the other quarters for the public.”

I had never imagined being in such a luxurious bathroom, let alone it being mine! I walked back out to the room and opened the final door that was closed to reveal a closet fit for a princess and made my old one look miniscule.

‘Less of a closet and more of its own room!’ I thought, noting it took up more space than my mom’s master bedroom had at home. I fought back some tears at that thought and ran my eyes around the room. Along all four walls of the room were bars to hang clothes. I already had two dresses hanging alone on a taller section, but the closet was still empty.

Grandma must have guessed my thoughts, “We’ll have more clothes arriving for you today, along with what we brought on the plane, but it might take a bit to fill this space even with help!”

“Is your closet like this?” I asked curiously.

“A little bigger, actually,” she admitted. “Kings don’t have nearly the need for clothes that Queens do,” she told me.

I giggled and walked back into the main bedroom.

“Now, I’m sure a nap would probably seem like a good idea, but from experience, we should keep you moving until bedtime tonight so you can deal with the jet lag.” A knock on the door came, “Your Majesty, Your Highness, Madame Lavigne has arrived.”

“Please send her into Her Highness’s sitting room; we’ll meet there.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the woman’s voice said.

“Come along, Alexandria. This is someone you need to meet.” She beckoned for me to follow her out the door. I looked around the room one last time and followed her out to the sitting room.

A rather severe-looking woman with her hair in a tight bun stood beside one of the uniformed castle staff members. She curtsied to us both and bowed her head, “Your Majesty, Your Highness.”

“It’s good to see you, Madame Lavigne,” Grandma said to her.

“You as well, Your Majesty. It’s been a long time. I was so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your son.”

“Thank you, and thank you for the card you sent.”

“It was but a small token.”

“Still, it was appreciated. Madame Lavigne, I would like to introduce you to my granddaughter, Princess Alexandria.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said to me in English, with the look of an older teacher on her face. It was the look of the kind of teacher you knew not to cross in school.

“Nice to meet you as well,” I replied to her in kind.

Grandma was back in French, though, as she said, “I appreciate you taking my call the other day and getting here so quickly. I figured it would be a couple of weeks at least?”

“You caught me at a good time, Your Majesty; I had just retired and sold my house. I was planning on traveling for the next few years. Still, I certainly can’t refuse the opportunity you offer.”

“Opportunity…?” I asked.

“Madame Lavigne is to be your governess.”

“Governess…?” I asked. “That’s a real thing still…?”

They both laughed. Madame looked to Grandma, and said with a smile. “Such an American question!”

After a few chuckles all around, Granma continued, “Yes, though not normally for a girl your age. We need to quickly teach you so much that I don’t think there’s any way around hiring someone. She managed to teach your father at his school to behave like a proper young man, which was no small task, mind you, and I think she’s probably the best qualified to get you ready for your role.” I squirmed awkwardly as Grandma motioned to a loveseat opposite the one we approached. “Please have a seat,” she told her as she swept her dress demurely beneath her and sat down. I awkwardly did the same next to her, still trying to get used to this stranger who was suddenly my most immediate family within nearly six thousand miles!

“Now, before I let you two talk on your own, I need to make sure you understand that absolutely no information about what we discuss here can be shared with anyone… ever.” Grandma’s icy voice made me shiver slightly.

“Your Majesty, you can be assured I have never violated the privacy of any student I have ever had.”

“I know, and that’s why I trust you enough to entrust my granddaughter to your care. She has not had anything close to a normal upbringing for a princess… she’ll have many things she needs to learn.”

“I got that impression from what you said at the press conference the other day…? Obviously, we’ll need to work with her on court etiquette, deportment, and the like…?”

“This goes a bit beyond that. Alexandria grew up as a bit of a… tomboy, you might say?”

She laughed, “That’s not the first time someone has told me that about a young girl such as Her Highness.”

I sighed, “What she is not quite able to put into words, Madame, is that I am transgendered… I spent the last fourteen years being raised as a boy.”

“Mon dieu…” she breathed out. “Your Majesty…?”

She nodded, “Yes, this is the truth.”

“You are keeping this secret…?”

“For now, at least,” she responded. “Here only you, myself, Giuseppe, Geneva, and her maids shall know the truth. I would like to keep it a secret forever, but I’m not so foolish as to believe that is likely. Right now, my biggest concern is keeping her safe and preparing her to be introduced properly to Osané.”

“How long do we have?”

“Well, we need her to survive a banquet in her honor tomorrow night. I plan to hold a ball to formally introduce her to society soon… maybe at the end of this month. Geneva is planning a date that can tie in with some other events with Parliament.”

“So not long…”

“No, unfortunately.”

Madame Lavigne looked me up and down as if she was examining my soul. “Well, we will do what we can in that time. Hopefully, we can just brush off any idiosyncrasies from her time in America. Your Highness, I hope you are willing to work hard at this? This will not be an easy time for you.”

I gulped, “I have always worked hard at everything…”

“We shall see… You have just flown in, and I must get situated myself; we’ll begin first thing tomorrow morning. I want to understand where Princess Alexandria is with her education. American public schools are not known for their high standards compared to the schools she should attend… I want to see which areas need the most focus,” she told Grandma.

“I trust you completely,” she told her.

“Well, with that, if I may, I’ll go see about getting moved in?”

Grandma rose, and I followed suit. “Yes, by all means! Do plan to join us for dinner tonight please. I know it’s a good idea to let Her Highness rest a bit today, but it would be good to let you see what we need to work on with her for dinner etiquette first.”

“Very well, Your Majesty,” she said, and I soon watched as she curtsied to both of us with a bow and walked away.

Another knock came, and Geneva walked in just after she left, “Your Majesty,” she curtsied, “Anna and Giselle are here…?”

“Very good!” she replied, “Please send them in.”

I watched as a rather plump middle-aged woman walked in. Her once brown hair was beginning to gray in spots, but nothing seemed to take away from the happy smile she wore. “Your Majesty, Your Highness,” she curtsied to us. “You called for us, Your Majesty?”

“Yes, Anna, I require a couple of ladies to help Princess Alexandria as her ladies’ maids. I was hoping you could help and give Giselle some experience as well…?”

I noticed the seemingly shy girl in her twenties then. Both were dressed in blue dresses with white aprons that seemed to personify so many stereotypes I’d seen of servants in movies. It made me queasy to think of anyone waiting on me… much less doing everything for me like I feared they would. Giselle wore her black hair in a tight bun on her head. Whereas Anna was closer to six feet tall, Giselle was only just above five feet tall.

“Of course, Your Majesty!” Anna smiled, while Giselle looked nervous and uncomfortable.

“We very much appreciate your help,” Grandma said to them. “I need you to promise that if you see anything unusual with Her Highness, you won’t say anything to anyone else.”

“Of course not, Your Majesty,” Anna told her.

“No, Your Majesty, I would never dare…” Giselle told her.

“Very well then,” she told them.

“Alexandria, I need to attend to some details related to tomorrow night’s banquet. Your suitcases should be brought up shortly. Why don’t you settle in around here?” she said, pointing to the room. You’re also welcome to explore the castle grounds. Just be sure to have Anna alert the guards so they know where you are.”

“…Okay,” I said.

Grandma turned and disappeared down the hall quickly, leaving me alone with my two new… maids…?

They looked at me with interest, “Umm… You could say this is all really new to me… Just what… what do you do?” I finally settled on.

“Oh,” Anna laughed. We’re here to help you with whatever you need, Your Highness. Whether it be getting your closet organized, doing the laundry, cleaning, or things like that, we’ll also take care of drawing your bath at night.” She smirked at me. “We can even give you a scrub…?”

I blushed at that, “I can handle that…”

She smiled, “I guessed as much! I think I heard you’re fifteen?”

I nodded, “As of a bit over a week ago…” I turned from them and looked at the room. I sighed, “I’m sorry, I’m a bit overwhelmed. This week has alternated between amazing and the worst days of my life…”

Anna looked at me with concern, “Worried about your mum?”

I looked at her and nodded, “I figure I can call in a while. The time difference sucks, though.”

I was unprepared for the scowl, “Your Highness, you must watch your language!”

“Huh?” I was surprised.

She sighed, “You’re going to have to be a proper young lady now, Your Highness. Swearing is not allowed for a Princess!”


“I don’t recommend you argue with her, Your Highness. Madame Martin, I do not believe Her Highness understands our positions.” Giselle advised.

I looked at the two women and tried deciphering what was happening there. “No, I apparently don’t! I’m lost, and you look like you’re about to kill me over a minor word that I don’t even consider to be a swear word! Explain this to me…” The look on Anna’s face made me think of the time I had accidentally poured paint all over the carpet in my mom’s home office, “…please?” I added plaintively.

Anna took a deep breath. “Very well, I will let this occasion pass. Your Highness, in addition to taking care of your household chores, it is also our duty to make sure that you comport yourself as a young lady of your status.”


“Well, in the case that you choose to swear again, I will most likely be washing out your mouth with soap and warming your bottom.”

“Warming my…? Spanking me?!?” I hissed. “I’m fifteen!!!”

“And more than petite enough for me to handle giving you the spanking you would deserve in that case.”

I fumed, “That’s not right! My own mother doesn’t even spank me!”

“Don’t give me a reason to,” Anna said gently. “All you have to do is not swear and act like a lady.”

I looked at her in disbelief right then. Here I was, thousands of miles from home, my mom was in the hospital, homeless back home… right then, it was just too much. I found myself beginning to cry – quickly running from them and to the solitude of the bedroom. I flopped onto the bed and grabbed a pillow to hug since I still didn’t have my new stuffed animals.

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Maids or disciplinarians?

I do not know if this is based in fact and reality, or if it is just a convenient [and favorite] literary trope. A royal lady's maids in public are subservient servants, but behind closed doors in the privacy of the royal quarters they turn into disciplinary harridans. I have encountered this meme in several stories here on BCTS, especially when a commoner man (or boy) is suddenly turned into a young royal lady.

And does that same principle also apply to royal gentlemen? I suspect this is again a case of the infamous double standard where females are held to a stricter [moral, decency] standard than males. At least that is what what reporting on a certain brother of a certain monarch, who shall remain unnamed, seems to suggest.

That cliffhanger on how our involuntary princess will handle this latest shock to a totally over-stressed situation has me rather frustrated.

But on the other hand, “the maids know everything” is most definitely NOT a trope or meme. And it seems that former employees/servants of arrogant a-holes are more than likely to publish tell-all books and/or testify in court against their former masters.

Good question

I'm also drawing on the fact that she looks so young, too. You're completely right about the double standard that's there! Unfortunately, that is the one thing that we can know is 100% truth in our society. The rest is fictional, so who knows where it actually lies?

Sorry about the cliffhanger, but I confess I do love a good one! Thanks for taking the time to comment! :-)

What no chance to acclimate?

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Well I don't expect it, however,... when it comes to it I would hope she retaliates, and if necessary, even seriously injures the maid. But then personally I have always been rather vengeful.

muahahaha! *then giggles wildly*,


Thanks for the comment! (Notes to self: Don't get Hypatia angry...) :-)

Her circumstances

Well I certainly don't want to be in her circumstances.

The trope that Europeans are somehow superior education-wise is interesting too for as far as I know, there are lots of people who are not academic powerhouses who do trade schools and such.

Reading ahead (yes I did buy the book already) I find her education in engineering to be severely lacking in this modern internet age. I mean, where is her Python? Where is her understanding of modern electronics? I started learning electronics when I was 9 years old. I learned BASIC by the time I was her age. I mean, where is she on her understanding of nuclear physics which I learned the basics of growing up. The advanced stuff of nuclear physics has maths beyond what I can handle. I am horrible at multi-dimensional visualization.

Tisk tisk.

Point his, while I laud the arts emphasis in her education as we so do not respect the arts in the US and that is a shame. But at the same time the arbitrary line drawn in the sand by her En Loco Parentis are, that, arbitrary.

As far as languages go, I confess I don't see how one can maintain that many languages without actually using them regularly.

I grew up learning Chinese and that was hard enough despite being in a Chinese household. My mother never learned English much at all despite living in the US. Not everybody can master languages that easily. I think that has become a bit of a trope in BC stories too.

That said, the public education in the US is substandard, at least in NYC where I grew up. I would've been perfectly capable of handling my high school sophmore load by the time I was 12. Frankly elementary and middle school in NYC even back in the 60s and 70s were not up to snuff and was not a serious challenge due to having to help the less capable students learn.

Decline in a way

I think there's actually been a decline in some way of understanding electronics. My dad's generation was all about fixing the broken diodes and such when things went wrong. I remember growing up with him using a meter to trace bad pathways. I also grew up early in the personal computer era and had internet very early in the progression of it, and as such earlier had to use DOS to load software, and experimented with Basic some, later HTML, Flash, and had programming in college. You kind of needed to know some skills just to make things work.

Fast forward to today, and your phone has more power than mainframes had back then. They just work, and most kids don't even use real computers in schools, with google pushing Chrome so far and cheaply they're going for it. This is pretty typical for these kids, even as I know 'programming' classes get pushed in. They're not effective though.

It also depends on where you grow up. My personal schooling wasn't bad, but languages weren't pushed very hard. I had friends who went elsewhere in the country with better skills and schooling. (Became very apparent to me in college how much further their own schools took them)

That being said, a lot of this is actually a trope from the Princess Diaries, Selection, and other princess tales, too. It's not alone on BC.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write a comment, and a big thank you to you for supporting me with a purchase! :-)