Space Queen Chapter 14

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Patience was not one of my virtues. I was getting antsy and wanted to stretch my legs on the surface, yearning to see what my home was like after all the time I'd been away. The desire to see familiar sights and perhaps even visit my parents was overwhelming. We were so close to them now.

The anticipation of my upcoming visit was palpable in my voice as I asked Minsha, "Would you like to see my home here on Terra?"

Minsha looked at me, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I would love to see it, Kara. It sounds wonderful."

I was determined to keep our visit low-key. A discreet shuttle and minimal attention were the keys to a quiet, personal visit to a place that held so many memories.

"Admiral Stook," I called over the comms, "Prepare a shuttle for a quick trip to Arizona. Minsha and I will be going down for a brief visit. I want minimal attention, so let's keep this low-key."

"Empress, is that wise? We still have not heard back from the government representatives." Stook replied, ever the professional.

"Admiral Stook, you can send some guards with us. We are not trying to attract any attention with our visit. If you see any danger, put a squadron of fighters on standby."

"Understood, Empress."

As we boarded the shuttle, a whirlwind of excitement and nervousness engulfed me. I was overwhelmed by the uncertainty of what my parents would think of the person I had become and how my hometown had changed.

The landscape of Arizona came into view, a familiar sight that tugged at my heartstrings. The warm, dry air, the scent of desert flowers, and the sight of the familiar cacti all added to the nostalgia. We landed in a secluded area away from prying eyes. I wanted to take in the moment without any distractions.

"Ready?" I asked Minsha as we stepped out of the shuttle.

"Always," she replied with a smile, taking my hand.

With our masks on, we walked to the home I grew up in. Our plan of keeping this low-key was blown once we left the ship. Minsha was wearing a traditional jade outfit, a stark contrast to her usual space uniform. It reminded me of the first day that I met her. I wore a tan-colored pantsuit, a practical choice for the journey. I didn't want to look overly fancy, just comfortable and presentable.

As we walked up, I saw my brother and sister's cars outside the house. Oh joy, I thought to myself, my parents' favorite children.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. My sister opened it, her eyes widening in shock.

"Hi, Stacy. It's me, Kevin, well now it's Kara. I had to, obviously, change my name once I was changed into a woman."

"Kara, you're rambling on," Minsha interjected, gently squeezing my hand to ground me.

Stacy blinked a few times, processing the sight before her. "Kevin? Is it really you?" she finally asked her voice a mix of confusion and recognition.

"It's me," I confirmed, feeling a flood of emotions. "And this is my wife, Minsha."

Stacy stepped aside to let us in, still looking dazed. "Mom! Dad! You need to come here!"

"Not now, child; tell them we don't want whatever they are selling. The Russians just launched a nuke at that alien ship," my dad yelled from the living room.

"Russia did what?" I exclaimed, pushing my way into the living room. The TV was on, displaying a news broadcast with urgent updates about the situation.

"Admiral Stook, are you tracking that weapon coming from the planet?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.

"Who are you, girly, and why are you in my living room?" my dad demanded, but I ignored him.

"Yes, Empress, we are tracking it and will destroy it once it breaks the atmosphere. Do you wish for us to retaliate on the landmass that fired this weapon?" Admiral Stook responded calmly through my comm.

"No. No. No. Do not retaliate; just be careful. The weapon will release a lot of radiation, so take precautions."

"Who the hell are you?" my dad yelled, growing more agitated.

"Not now, Dad. I'm trying to stop an intergalactic war," I shouted, my eyes fixed on the TV.

"Admiral, bring the destroyer Kraben into orbit with you as a show of force."

"Yes, Empress."

I watched as the missile was destroyed long before it reached the ship. I sighed in relief.

Turning to my family, I saw the fear in their eyes. Minsha stood protectively by my side, and my guards, having rushed in when they heard me yelling, were now poised for action.

"I'm sorry," I said, my voice softer now. "Guards, return outside." The guards snapped to attention and left the house.

My dad looked bewildered. "What the hell is going on?"

"Dad, it's me, Kevin. I've changed a lot, and not just physically. I'm now the Empress of the Caravelle Empire. I came back to visit, but things are growing more complicated."

"You mean to tell me you're my son Kevin and that alien leader the news has been talking about?" he asked, still processing everything.

"Yes, that's right. My name is Kara, and this is my wife, Minsha," I said, introducing her formally.

My mom, who had been silent until now, stepped forward and hugged me tightly. "Kevin, we thought you were dead. How did you end up like this?"

"I found an alien vessel that had crashed on Earth three thousand years ago while I was running," I said, holding her close. "I'm sorry I could not communicate with anyone once I was trapped on the ship. So, apparently, we are related to an ancient queen from my empire. Surprise! It's taken me quite a while to stabilize my empire so I could return here."

"What is she?" my brother asked, looking at Minsha and then back at me.

"She is a race of beings called Tragnor. Oh, and Brian, I taught her English so she can understand what you're saying."

Minsha bowed. "It is an honor to meet the family of my beloved wife."

Just then, Admiral Stook's voice came through my comm. "Empress Kara, the leaders of the country you were talking to messaged. They claimed to know nothing about the attack on our ship."

"That tracks. The two countries are enemies of each other. Tell them I know that Russia acted alone and without the United States' knowledge."

"Understood, Empress. Relaying the message," Admiral Stook replied.

My dad, still trying to wrap his head around everything, asked, "So what happens now?"

"Now, we try to build a bridge between Earth and the Caravelle Empire. There's so much we can learn from each other. But it starts with trust and communication," I said, looking at my family with a sense of hope. "And I want to spend some time with all of you to catch up and reconnect. We've got a lot to talk about."

A sudden scream from another woman startled me. "Brian, why are there creatures in the living room?" My brother's wife clenched her baby to her chest, trying to hide behind a wall.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down from her calling us creatures. "Hannah, I am Brian's alien sister."

"Hannah, I can explain some of this, but you need not worry." Brian put his arm around his wife and pulled her from behind the wall. "You obviously remember Hannah, but this little one is your niece, Gabby. Hannah, say hello to Empress Kara, who was my brother Kevin the last time we saw him or her. Whatever."

Hannah looked at Brian as if she was not buying what I was selling. "How is that possible? Why does that one look like an animal? Why are you both wearing masks?"

My anger was starting to show. "Hannah, would you stop referring to my wife as a creature and animal? She has feelings, and you are being very rude to her. As for why we are wearing these masks, it's because we cannot breathe Earth's air. Its oxygen content is too low. I was born Kevin, but as you can see from the giant spaceships in the sky, they have far more advanced technology than Earth."

Minsha pulled me into a hug to help me calm down. "It's okay, my love. This must be very strange to them. Thank you for defending my honor, but it is unnecessary for you to do so at this time."

"What did she just say to you, Kara?" Stacy asked.

"She just reminded me to stay calm and not get upset over misunderstandings. She is very good at keeping me grounded. I developed quite a temper when I first arrived in the Caravelle Empire."

Brian tried to ease the tension. "Look, Hannah, it's a lot to take in. But Kara—Kevin—has clearly gone through a lot. We should give her a chance to explain."

Hannah still looked skeptical but seemed to soften a bit. "Okay, but this is all just... a lot."

"I understand," I said, my voice steadier now. "I know it's overwhelming. But I'm still the same person inside, even if I look different on the outside. And Minsha is my family now, too. She's my wife, and she deserves the same respect."

My mom stepped forward, placing a hand on Hannah's shoulder. "Let's all sit down and talk. There's so much we need to catch up on and understand."

As we all settled into the living room, I felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. This reunion was not going as smoothly as I had hoped, but at least it was happening. And despite the initial shock and confusion, I could see the glimmers of acceptance in my family's eyes. It was a start, and that was all I could ask for.

I sat down and explained everything to my family. It took a long while to convey what I had been up to since I disappeared. Minsha told everyone about the great hunt I did to win her people's blessing for marriage. Every other woman in the room looked in horror, which made me have her cut out some of the more gory points.

They also told what was going on in their lives. Stacy was getting over her divorce and coming to grips with having her husband cheat on her.

Minsha shared what her people did with cheating spouses. Needless to say, Stacy did not want her ex to be hung out in the middle of town with his genitals flayed.

When it came time for dinner, Minsha was super excited. She told my mom that I had made this for her once. She watched the whole preparation and cooking of beef brisket. I did have to show her how to use a fork when eating. Tragnors usually eat their food off of a skewer.

"Kara, this tastes different than what you cooked for me. I think your mother knows better how to cook," Minsha told me. I acted like I was hurt by her comment as everyone laughed at me.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to make do with alien ingredients. It's not like we have bovine in the Caravelle Empire." Everyone laughed at my excuse. "Besides, I'm the Empress. I pay others to cook for us."

Minsha gave me a wicked smile, showing off her canines. I knew then that I had walked right into her trap. "Just you wait till we get back up to the ship," I said, as she gave me an even bigger smile.

The evening progressed more smoothly than I expected. We shared stories, and gradually, the atmosphere relaxed. My parents asked about the Caravelle Empire, my responsibilities, and how I adjusted to my new life. Minsha's presence and gentle demeanor helped ease the tension.

As we finished dessert, my mom looked at me, her eyes full of warmth and curiosity. "Kara, you must have so many stories from your time in space. Will you be staying long?"

"I hope to, Mom," I replied, squeezing Minsha's hand. "There's still much to discuss with Earth's leaders, but I want to spend as much time with you as possible."

My dad, who had been quiet for most of the evening, finally spoke up. "Well, no matter what you've become or where you've been, you're still our child. And we'll support you, even if it takes a while to get used to all of this."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded. "Thank you, Dad. That means the world to me."

As the night drew to a close, we made plans to meet again soon. Leaving my childhood home was bittersweet, but I felt a sense of hope and belonging that I hadn't felt in years. Walking back to the shuttle with Minsha, I knew that despite the challenges ahead, I had the love and support of my family. And that made all the difference.

I believe that Minsha and I left a good impression on my family. It felt different from our usual family talks, but they didn't seem to want to give me a hard time anymore. Maybe it was because of my new position or perhaps because I disappeared for so long, and they finally had me back.

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good chapter

good chapter