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Chapter Two – The Phoenix Rises
The Harrison farmhouse, five miles west of Balwyn Texas
“I’ve heard of you. Didn’t we use you a couple of times for wet work?” Jennifer asked the woman sitting across from her at the small four-seater pine kitchen table.
The woman was of indeterminate age but well over forty and still strikingly beautiful. She must have been a stunner when she was young. Her emerald green eyes were enhanced by heavy black eyeliner and mascara and earthy eyeshadow: her skin alabaster white, her lips full, red and pouty, her pretty face framed by a perfectly coiffed burgundy bob.
She was showing no emotion whatsoever, despite having just been punched by Jennifer Jones so violently that the inside of her cheek had been cut so badly that she repeatedly spat blood on the floor. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back but the woman kept her head up and stared back at Jennifer with neither malice nor hatred.
“Yes you contracted me for wet work a few times when you were Dmitriy Yakovich’s Girl Friday, although we have never met personally. In fact, over the years I was often contracted by Dmitriy Tanas Yakovich and Alexi Reznik to provide my special services. You kinda fucked all that up for me when you killed them both and took over Dmitriy’s Bratva but I don’t hold it against you,” the woman spoke American English with a southern lilt.
“I always admire women who take the initiative and get ahead, especially in our business. Especially transwomen,” the woman looked longingly at the pack of cigarettes that Penelope Bishop had placed on the table and then questioningly up at Jennifer.
Jennifer nodded at Penelope who moved to uncuff the woman and Jennifer picked up the silenced pistol off the table and held it loosely in her lap where she could bring it up and fire it in a millisecond.
Then it clicked and Jennifer’s face filled with recognition.
“Michelle Dupree previously known as Crystal Greystone: American citizen born of two Russian sleeper agents who returned to the USSR. Worked as a KGB operative in the US throughout the cold war until Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost brought an end to hard-line communism and doomed the KGB,” Jennifer stated.
“I moved with the times and severed ties with my handler. Like others in similar circumstances I commercialised my operation and offered my services to the Solntsevskaya Bratva but not exclusively. I’ve done work for most organised criminal organisations provided they pay well and are professional,” Michelle massaged her wrists, working circulation back into her hands.
“May I?” she nodded at the cigarettes and Penelope picked up the packet and took one out and lit it and then gave it to Michelle.
“My doctor says I should give these up, but I’m still alive and kicking and there are other things out there far more deadly than cigarette carcinogens,” Michelle looked Jennifer directly in the eyes.
“As I said, Teodora Petrović sends her best wishes but she is unable to help you directly. The High Council and the other Pakhans are watching and waiting. Most are too busy with events in Ukraine to be perturbed about your situation but they are interested in the outcome,” Michelle continued.
“The High Council has directed that the other Bratvas are to remain neutral until the war between yourself and Grigori Belinsky is settled one way or the other,” Michelle spat another gobbet of blood on the floor.
“I’m sorry but you seem to have opened a capillary. It will stop bleeding soon,” Michelle said matter-of-factly.
Penelope took a clean dish cloth from a pile on the kitchen counter, ran it under the cold water and handed it to Michelle.
“Thank you. You have a little more compassion than your cold-hearted friend here,” Michelle smiled at Penelope and glared at Jennifer.
Jennifer raised the pistol and pointed it Michelle’s forehead.
“As a transwoman myself I understand the difficulties we have breaking the chains that bind us. My rezidentura handler, one Steven Boland, refused to allow me to transition, making me change my gender from male to female to suit the situation. When the FSB took over from the KGB Steven planned to offer my services to them,” Michelle studied the end of her cigarette.
“I decided to go in different direction and live my life as a transwoman and poor Steven didn’t like it so I had to take care of him. His body was never found and because he was an illegal resident no one missed him. I transitioned into the woman I always wanted to be,” Michelle tapped ash into the small pool of blood on the kitchen table.
“So here we are. Three transwomen, all hard as nails, all with a common goal,” Michelle smiled at Jennifer and Penelope through blood-stained teeth.
Jennifer pulled the trigger and the pistol jerked in her hand and made a soft phut sound.
The bullet passed one centimetre to the left of Michelle Dupree's ear and buried itself in the wall. Penelope jumped involuntarily.
“That’s a pretty good silencer,” Jennifer said emotionlessly.
“I only use the best tools,” Michelle smiled back at her.
“Now ladies. I have introduced myself and I know who both of you are so shall we dispense with the formalities and get down to business,” Michelle took a long drag on her cigarette.
“What business would that be?” Jennifer asked.
“The business of rescuing the three women for whom you both hold affection from the clutches of Grigori Belinsky and restoring Jennifer Jones back to her rightful position as Pakhan,” Michelle replied and stubbed out her cigarette in her own blood.
Michelle stood and walked over to the kitchen sink, took a glass and filled it with water and rinsed her mouth repeatedly to wash away the blood. Jennifer put down the pistol and went to one of the kitchen cabinets and took out a first aid kit and handed it to Michelle.
Penelope, who had witnessed the exchange in stunned silence, finally spoke.
“So let me see if I’ve got this right. Three transwomen in a Texas farmhouse intend to conspire to bring down a ruthless Russian mafia thug. This could only ever happen on Netflix,” Penelope put coffee into the Bunn and switched it on.
“And forgive me for being sceptical Miz Dupree but if you’ve been sent by this Petrović woman to protect Jennifer, you really fucked when you put a gun in her side outside The Longhorn,” Penelope found three coffee mugs and put them on the counter.
“She didn’t fuck up. She wanted us to capture her. She was testing us out,” Jennifer said coolly.
“Did we pass?” Jennifer asked.
“You were very professional although I could have done without the beating,” Michelle patted her cheek.
“You’ll live. What do you propose?” Jennifer asked.
“Let’s look at what we know. Grigori has someone deep inside your organisation who has infiltrated it to the extent that it is useless to you. You are limited in what you can do. Penelope has the resources of the Balwyn City Police Department at her disposal but will have to be discreet as to how she uses them,” Michelle counted off the points on her fingers.
“Grigori missed his chance to kill you at your dacha but he has taken your woman. He has also has her mother, who is one of your best friends. He will use the hostages to lure you out of hiding. I take it the beating and raping has already begun,” Michelle said dispassionately.
Penelope looked at Jennifer meaningfully but said nothing. She poured coffee.
“That is your weakness. Grigori knows that you will come for them eventually,” Michelle reached for Penelope’s cigarettes and lit one.
“You have summarised the situation adequately but I don’t need problems; I need solutions,” Jennifer said, snatching up the cigarettes and lighting up.
“We turn it around on him. We do the unexpected,” Michelle grinned.
“I’ve worked for Grigori before. He knows me and trusts me. He will believe me when I tell him that I have tracked you down and offer to bring you to him for a price. Of course I will negotiate a better price than what he offers me initially. He will be disappointed and probably even suspicious if I don’t,” Michelle smiled wickedly.
Jennifer raised the silenced pistol and pointed it at Michelle.
“How do we know that you aren’t going to double-cross us? How do we know that you haven’t got other operatives with you who are right now surrounding the farmhouse?” Jennifer waggled the pistol menacingly.
“Because if I was going to take you captive and sell you; you wouldn't have seen me coming. Penelope would be dead and you would be trussed up and on your way to Grigori,” Michelle replied matter-of-factly.
“But when Teodora Petrović contacted me and asked me to protect you I figured I would rather help you than hand you over to that animal. I respect you and all you have achieved. I would rather help out another transwoman who has overthrown a crazed madman like Dmitriy Yakovich and taken his Bratva for herself than his brother-in-law Grigori Belinsky who is no different to Dmitriy,” Michelle continued.
“To summarise, I respect Teodora Petrović and yourself and although I have worked for him in the past I hate Grigori Belinsky,” Michelle laid her hands flat on the table carefully; not making any sudden movements while Jennifer still held the pistol on her.
“But I am in the unique situation of being trusted by Grigori; as much as he trusts anyone,” Michelle smiled.
“I have already contacted Grigori and told him that I am looking for you,” she pointed a finger at Jennifer.
“There is nothing he wants more dearly than to actually get his hands on you. Can you imagine the things he would do to you before he killed you? If he killed you? He could keep you alive to suffer for the rest of your life,” Michelle said soberly.
“You use me as bait?” Jennifer smiled, putting the pistol back down on the table.
“I've been used as bait before. That’s how I got into this life,” Jennifer mused.
“And it can only be done by someone like Michelle Dupree. If I went to Grigori and offered to trade you for Alice he would smell a rat immediately,” Penelope said as she brought the coffee over to the table.
The three beautiful special women drank coffee, smoked cigarettes and plotted.
“How long do we have?” Michelle asked.
“Grigori can keep Katya and Katerina as long as he likes but Alice Leasingham is a law enforcement officer on furlough. She’s due back at work in eight days and she told everyone she knows in the Balwyn PD where she was going,” Penelope spoke.
“Grigori can’t just let her go but he can’t kill her either. She’s still a bargaining chip until her time runs out, then he will have to let her go or do something like stage a fatal accident; something the law enforcement agencies will buy,” Michelle continued.
“So that’s our timeline. I need to contact Grigori and set the bait. Penelope, you have contacts with the Federal and State agencies. Do you think you can rustle us up some transport and a safe house? We can’t use any of Jennifer’s resources and you guys can’t travel commercial, Jennifer’s ID will trigger an alert, even her false ones, you can count on it,” Michelle appeared to be in charge for the moment.
“I gotta get back to Balwyn and come up with some bullshit story to get me an excused absence while we deal with this. I’ll cash in a few favours and see if I can’t organise transport and accommodation. I also need to let my wife know that I’m going out of town, although she spends more time out of town than I do,” Penelope sighed.
Penelope’s common-law wife was another transwoman named Jaylene Foster. Penelope’s old partner Detective Steve Edwards had found a job for Jaylene making costumes and couture for the drag queens who worked at Ride ‘em Cowgirl, a nightclub run by Steve’s wife Felicity Benson who was known by her stage name Felicity Goodnight, a world famous drag queen. Jaylene was now famous in her own right and travelled around the country attending fashion shows and creating couture for famous drag queens and celebrities.
Steve had saved Penelope and Jaylene’s relationship by getting Jaylene the job at Ride ‘em Cowgirl but he had inadvertently created a problem for Penelope who refused to give up her job as Chief of Detectives at Balwyn PD whilst Jaylene spent most of her time in LA or New York designing fashion for celebs. Their relationship had suffered as Jaylene became more famous and more popular.
Katya Kuznetsova’s Cottage, Southold, Long Island
It had been three days since Grigori had uploaded the picture of a beaten and raped Katerina and the other two women to the chatroom and he knew that Jennifer had accessed it on numerous occasions. She must be fretting knowing that he held the love of her life and seeing what he done to her.
Stupid bitch! That was why women should never be bestowed with the privilege of being a Pakhan. They were too emotional. A man would kill his wife and family if his enemies violated them. He would never hand over what was his. Women and children were replaceable, pride, power and money were not!
Grigori had successfully attacked Jennifer’s Bratva and isolated her from using it by threatening to kill the three women he held captive. But he hadn't killed Jennifer and while she was alive she had a legitimate claim to the throne so to speak. If she went to the High Council they might take her side. Katerina had told Grigori that Jennifer had resources that she kept secret; that only Jennifer and Peter knew about, and Peter was dead.
Did Jennifer have reserves and assets that she could use to launch a counterattack?
All Grigori could do was wait for his own people to find Jennifer or for Michelle Dupree to contact him and let him know that she had successfully tracked her down. He liked the irony of a transgender assassin trying to find Jennifer. Maybe women with cocks thought the same? Maybe Michelle would find Jennifer before she inevitably came for her Girl Friday lover and her best friend and hand Jennifer to him on a platter. He was willing to pay almost anything to get his hands on Jennifer.
Grigori had given the women the freedom of the house so they could attend to their toilet and change their clothes. Each of the women was allowed a shower and permitted to change into more appropriate attire but he had stipulated no jeans or pants of any kind. The women were to wear skirts or dresses and heels and full makeup. He liked his women femme and he wanted his men to stay attentive and they were more likely to do so if the women looked attractive and sexy.
He had taken Katerina aside and told her that he still hadn't heard anything from Jennifer. Katerina still bore the marks from their vicious lovemaking and he had taken her to the upstairs bedroom twice more while Alice and Katya had to endure the sounds of what they thought was Katerina being raped but was in fact the sounds of her enjoying every minute of the brutal sex.
Grigori had posted another picture in the secure chatroom of Katerina lying on the bed looking freshly ravished.
“Jennifer will be planning and plotting as she is want to do. Has she asked the High Council or any of the other Bratvas for assistance?” Katerina asked as the she ran her fingernails down Grigori’s chest.
His shirt was open; his tattooed muscular chest on display. Katerina was rubbing up against him like a cat.
“The High Council has decreed that the other Bratvas are not to interfere but they have not taken a side,” Grigori lowered his face and kissed Katerina on the mouth, nipping her lips with his teeth.
“Without her lieutenants and her enforcers she is weak. She might attempt to hire mercenaries but we will know immediately if she does and in any event they will be no match for your men,” Katerina’s hand slid down to the bulge in Grigori's pants.
“Have you heard from the specialist who told you that she was trying to track Jennifer down?” Katerina asked.
“I have. She hasn’t found Jennifer yet but she is confident that she will find her,” Grigori replied.
“She? You sent a woman?” Katerina raised her brows inquisitively.
“Oh, this woman is unique. She used to be a KGB operative, a what do you call it… a sleeper agent back in the cold war,” Grigori smiled.
“The cold war? A sleeper agent, like in the TV show The Americans? She must be a granny by now,” Katerina was not impressed.
“You wouldn’t fuck with this granny Katerina. She’d flay you alive and sell you’re your skin to the highest bidder but I’ve instructed her to bring Jennifer to me alive if she finds her,” Grigori chuckled.
“While we wait for your granny and your other emissaries, maybe we should send Penelope another message. The angrier you make her, the more likely she is to act out of rage rather than reason,” Katerina smiled at Grigori and squeezed the thick coil in his trousers.
“You are a bitch,” Grigori whispered.
“A scorpion bitch,” Katerina bit his earlobe so hard that she drew blood.
Katerina was smiling evilly as she began to take off her jacket.
“What are you doing?” Grigori asked, his eyes narrowing.
“I thought you wanted to ravish me again and show Penelope the images. I thought this time you might get some pictures of us actually fucking. You’d be raping me of course,” Katerina sidled up to Grigori and nuzzled his bristled cheek.
“She already thinks I’m raping you. I’ve sent her pictures of you rigorously sullied already but now you have given me an idea,” Grigori smiled evilly.
“Come with me,” he grabbed Katerina's arm and dragged her out the room and downstairs to the parlour where the other two women were waiting anxiously.
Katya Kuznetsova and Alice Leasingham were dressed similarly to Katerina in skirted business suits. The mandate not to wear pants had limited their wardrobe choices.
Katya and her daughter wore business suits almost every day. Alice Leasingham had once been very bohemian, wearing casual clothing with long, flowy silhouettes such as maxi skirts and peasant dresses with oversized blouses and unstructured tunics. In her role as a CSI for the Balwyn PD she had worn faded jeans and t-shirts or long-sleeved flannel shirts in the cooler months.
All that changed when Alice met and became besotted with Katya Kuznetsova. Alice dyed her hair black and had it cut into a short bob the same as Katya’s and she started wearing suits or tailored skirts and blouses during the day and form-fitting dresses in the evening.
Katya and Katerina had scorpion tattoos on their left ankles. The tattoos indicated that the women were the property of their Pakhan; in Katya’s case it had been Dmitriy Tanas Yakovich and in Katerina’s case it was Jennifer Jones, although Jennifer had not insisted that Katerina mark herself thusly.
Alice Leasingham, who copied everything that Katya did, also got a scorpion tattoo on her left ankle and told Katya that she did it out of love and devotion. Alice was a brilliant CSI but lacked people skills and was awkward around men and women. When she fell head over heels for Katya, at first Katya was amused, then she realised that Alice had links and insight into law enforcement that would be helpful to both herself and her boss Jennifer.
After a while Katya developed genuine feelings for Alice and their long distance relationship blossomed. Alice remained devotedly faithful to Katya whilst Katya exercised her eclectic taste in sex partners when Alice was absent.
Grigori threw Katerina on the three-seater couch with Alice and Katya. Katya put her arms protectively around her daughter and Alice cuddled up to them both.
“Did he rape you again?” Katya whispered.
Katerina shook her head, feigning fear.
“You, you and you, get over here,” Grigori growled at three of his henchman.
“Ok ladies. I’d like you to sit up, close together and lean back into the sofa please,” Grigori said sweetly.
The three women remained huddled together shaking with fear.
“Olav. Separate the bitches. If any of one of them resists, you may bend her over the sofa and fuck her,” Grigori growled.
Olav hardly touched the women. They stopped hugging each other and sat side by side as Grigori had told them to do.
“Lift up your skirts and stick out your legs. Put your ankles together on the ottoman please,” Grigori said matter-of-factly.
The three women looked at each other with stunned curiosity but they complied. The alternative was unthinkable.
The women outstretched their long legs, sheathed in sheer skin-toned nylons which glistened under the harsh ceiling lights which Grigori had switched on while he fiddled with his phone.
“Get those skirts up higher, show my men some cunt,” Grigori grunted as he brought the screen of his phone up to his face.
“What hell is this?” Katya hissed but she complied as did the other two women.
Acres of firm thigh were revealed, encased in glimmering nylon, then in the case of Katya and Alice, the lacy tops of their hold up stockings. Katerina was wearing pantyhose and she revealed that she was wearing pristine white satin panties over them. Katya and Alice were wearing pink and red lace-trimmed nylon panties respectively.
The three thugs began to breathe heavily as they surveyed three pairs of stunning silken-clad legs shod in spiky high heels and three shaved pubises covered by the gussets of their pretty panties.
Alice blushed with embarrassment and fear whilst Katya and Katerina kept their heads held high and glared at Grigori’s henchmen.
“You may masturbate gentlemen. Aim your ejaculate at their ankles please,” Grigori arranged the women’s feet so that their left ankles were lined up together.
Grigori’s men took no time in freeing their cocks from their pants. They had been guarding the three attractive women for four days now, looking at their pretty faces, smelling their perfume, leering at their legs, their asses and their tits. Grigori had been taking Katerina away regularly and fucking her then bringing her back but the other two women remained unsullied and the men wanted their share.
The big tattooed brutes with shaved heads looked the women in the face and then their eyes drifted down to their breasts, pushing out against their blouses, then down to their bellies where their skirts were stretched taut across their midriffs. Then down to their groins where their skirts were hiked up exposing their pubic mounds glazed by satin and nylon panties. In the case of Katya and Alice they could see their clefts through the gauzy fabric.
They followed their long legs down to their feet and the shiny red bottoms of their Christian Louboutin high heels then back up those gorgeous gams to their cunts where their gaze remained as they tugged on their swollen penises.
The women couldn’t help but glance at the huge bulging members that looked threatening and almost lethal: pale shafts, long, thick and bulging with purple throbbing veins; the glans pink and mushroom-shaped, dribbling globules of clear, silvery pre-ejaculate.
The men closed in, aiming their cocks at the women's feet. Grigori was filming with a smirk on his face.
Alice felt a dribble of precum soak into her stocking. Then she shrieked as gobbets of semen splashed on her leg, the warm slimy mucus seemed to sear her flesh as it spattered on her ankle and darkened her nylon stocking as the clear prostatic secretions steeped into her nylons and wads of white spermatozoa coagulated on her ankle.
The man spraying his issue on Alice’s legs was shaking at the knees as he furiously whipped his cock whilst staring at Alice’s cunt, veiled by her transparent pink panties; his eyes screwed up in pleasure.
Then it was Katya’s turn as the man standing next to him stifled a moan as his penis erupted. A freshet of musky ejaculate flew from his throbbing member and splashed on Katya’s ankle and high heel. The slippery white sperm ran down her shiny pump, a gobbet dangled from her heel. The man sprayed ropes of steamy milt on Katya’s ankle, so much so that her nylons darkened and pools of the glutinous secretions ran down her leg in freshets.
Then the other man spattered his seed over Katerina’s finely turned ankle and leg, bathing her pantyhose in puddles of slimy, warm sperm.
The spunk from the three men had soaked the ankles and calves of the three women in a river of musky, scalding jism. The semen glowed silvery white under the overhead lights and the semen that hadn’t been absorbed by the girls nylons ran down their ankles and pooled in their feet. The women’s legs from below the knee to their expensive high heels were coated in a morass of ejaculate. The room reeked of the piquant stench of fresh semen.
And Grigori had filmed it all. He closed in on the three scorpion tattoos drenched in glistening semen under spunk-soaked nylons. He took some close-up footage of their sperm saturated ankles and finally finished filming.
The three women were stunned. Alice and Katerina couldn’t believe the barbarity of what had just occurred. Katya, who had suffered far worse fates in her lifetime, was pragmatic. She’d rather the three henchmen’s cum on her leg than in her vagina.
The men stuffed away their penises; relieved for now but wondering when Grigori was going to give the order to ravish the three bitches.
The woman suffered the further indignity of having to take off their stockings and pantyhose in front of the men. Katya gathered up the spunk-soaked nylons and tossed them in the trash in the kitchen and the women carried their high heels as they made their way upstairs barefoot to wash their legs and feet and put on clean nylons.
Meanwhile Grigori quickly edited the video clip and uploaded it to the secure chatroom.
This is what I think of your talisman, skorpion suka. Scorpion bitch you might be, but your women are mine. Surrender before they face far worse consequences. I can barely control my men who want to tear into them. I think I’ll fuck your girlfriend again while you consider your options. was the caption that accompanied the video.
Watching his henchmen masturbate over his captives feet while their skirts were hiked up had reinvigorated Grigori’s libido. He stormed into the bedroom where the women were huddled together changing their nylons and dragged Katerina by her hair, kicking and screaming into bedroom next door.
Katya and Alice had to endure listening to Katerina’s cries and laments and the banging of the bed against the wall whilst Grigori violated her. If they could see through the wall, they would have seen that Katerina was giving as much as she got, encouraging Grigori to fuck her harder. Her howls and squeals were not cries of despair but the moans and mewls of a slattern in heat.
The Bishop Residence, Balwyn Texas
Penelope went into the bedroom to find Jaylene Foster packing a suitcase. This was not an unusual occurrence.
“Where to this time?” Penelope asked.
“Felicity Goodnight is hosting a runway show in New York as part of Fashion Week. They're using drag queens as models, mostly ‘Ru girls’ and six of them are wearing my couture. I told you about this,” Jaylene tried hard to keep the frustration out of her voice.
“Sorry Jaylene, you're away so often that it all seems to meld together,” Penelope dropped her handbag and approached Jaylene.
Jaylene was ten years younger than Penelope and her career was at its pinnacle whilst Penelope’s was nearly over. The age difference had never bothered either of them until recently. Jaylene had asked Penelope to quit Balwyn PD and move with her to LA where she spent most of her time but Penelope had refused.
Jaylene was tall and slim with long brunette hair which she kept perfectly coiffed. She had recently had her breasts redone and they swelled the cashmere sweater she was wearing atop a pleated skirt, her legs sheathed in opaque black thigh-high stockings. Her makeup was perfect as usual. Any single item of clothing that Jaylene was wearing would cost more than Penelope’s suit.
When Penelope had met Jaylene she was working the streets to pay for her tuition at Balwyn College and ostensibly to pay for bottom surgery to complete her gender reassignment. Jaylene had decided against vaginoplasty when she finally had the money to pay for it. It was part of her aesthetic that she was a proud transwoman who still had her penis. Working around drag queens gave her cred.
Penelope put her arms around Jaylene and kissed her and Jaylene kissed her back. Their tongues snaked into each other’s mouths delicately. Their breasts pushed against each other, their perfumes intermingled and Penelope found herself becoming tumescent.
Penelope’s kisses became ardent and she pulled Jaylene closer, her cock was uncomfortably erect between her legs.
“I don’t have time for this Penelope. My car will be here soon,” Jaylene put her hands on Penelope’s shoulders and pressed gently, pushing her away.
Penelope refused to move. It was the story of their lives recently. They hardly spent any time together and when they did they hardly spoke and were too busy to love each other. They were becoming ships in the night.
Penelope pushed Jaylene’s hands away and pulled her into a tight embrace and thrust her tongue into Jaylene's mouth. She squeezed Jaylene’s buttocks and then slipped her hands under Jaylene’s skirt. Jaylene wriggled, trying to break free.
“Stop it Penelope, you’ll fuck up my clothes and I don’t have time to change,” Jaylene hissed.
Penelope didn’t stop. She put her hand on Jaylene's three hundred dollar Miu Miu satin panties and found Jaylene’s penis semi-erect. She squeezed Jaylene’s erection through the slippery garment and Jaylene gasped.
“I told you that I don’t have time for this!” Jaylene tried to slap away Penelope’s hand.
Penelope kissed Jaylene even harder and clutched her tight with one arm whilst she stroked Jaylene’s cock to full tumescence through her panties.
Jaylene was eventually able to get her hands up on Penelope’s shoulders and pushed with all her might and Penelope staggered backwards.
“Alright! If that’s what you want, take it. Just don’t fuck up my clothes!” Jaylene turned her back to Penelope and bent over and put her hands on the bed.
Jaylene lifted her skirt out of the way, showing off her lovely derriere clad in the mid-rise, pink satin knickers and her long coltish legs sheathed in the expensive black opaques. Penelope was angry and normally this would have been the end of their argument: Jaylene offering a subservient sacrifice to guilt Penelope into apologising; but not this time.
Penelope hiked up her skirt and yanked down her panties and pantyhose, bunching them around her thighs. She tugged down Jaylene’s Miu Miu knickers exposing her creamy white buttocks and slammed her cock into Jaylene’s tight anus.
“Jesus! You bitch!” Jaylene yelped as Penelope’s cock violated her unlubricated anus.
It was tight and Penelope was all the way inside Jaylene, her pubis pressed into Jaylene’s soft white ass.
Penelope put her hands on Jaylene’s shoulders and held onto her while Jaylene tried to push Penelope’s cock out of her ass. The grinding and wriggling increased Penelope’s pleasure as Jaylene’s tight anus squeezed and rippled around Penelope’s throbbing cock. This induced Penelope to leak a continual stream of pre-ejaculate into Jaylene’s rectum and the precum lubricated it enough so that Penelope could begin to thrust in and out of Jaylene’s tight asshole.
“You fucking bitch; you're raping me!” Jaylene sighed but Penelope could feel Jaylene moving with her.
“You offered me your ass so I took it. No rape involved,” Penelope grunted as she moved her hands to Jaylene’s hips and began to vigorously fuck her.
Jaylene’s tight anus was spasming around Penelope’s cock; a sure sign that Penelope was banging her glans on Jaylene’s prostate which she knew sent Jaylene in paroxysms of pleasure. Jaylene felt Penelope cock driving in and out of her tight passage, the shaft eliciting ringlets of pleasure from her sphincter and the head of Penelope’s penis pressing on Jaylene’s prostate generated an orgasmic ripple deep inside her bowel.
“Fuck you Penny!” Jaylene was still furious but she couldn’t deny the wantonness that Penelope had invoked in her.
She pushed back and wriggled her ass to both increase her own pleasure and encourage Penelope to orgasm quickly.
“Do not get spunk on these clothes you bitch!” Jaylene hissed as she felt her orgasm about to erupt.
Penelope sensed it and she grabbed Jaylene’s throbbing cock and yanked it furiously, using Jaylene’s precum as lubricant. She aimed Jaylene’s cock downwards towards the bedspread as she felt it throb and judder when Jaylene suddenly ejaculated.
“Oh you fucking bitch! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Jaylene cried as a monstrous orgasm erupted.
Her anus clenched and quivered around Penelope’s cock as Penelope disgorged her hot load deep inside Jaylene's rectum. Penelope’s orgasm was staggering; her cock felt like it was being gently milked by a silken glove as Jaylene’s anus palpitated, squeezing and releasing Penelope’s shuddering organ.
Jaylene’s cock juddered and quivered as Penelope squeezed every last drop of semen from it. It felt wonderfully decadent and the circlets of pleasure joined those that radiated from her sphincter and her prostate. Jaylene would have collapsed on the bed if Penelope were not holding her by her hips as she pounded her cock in and out of her rectum.
They both peaked and came down from their orgasmic highs at the same time and were left with the reality that a town car was honking its horn outside of their bedroom window while Penelope still had Jaylene impaled on her cock.
Penelope snatched a wad of tissues off the bedside table and carefully pulled her deflating penis out of Jaylene’s anus, catching the flow of semen that dribbled from Jaylene’s sphincter. Jaylene held her skirt out of the way while she wiped the last drops of semen from her shrivelling cock and carefully put it back inside her expensive panties.
Penelope had backed away and was pulling up her panties and her nylons whilst Jaylene lowered and straightened her skirt. Jaylene quickly checked her makeup in a small handheld mirror.
“I’ll have to fix my lipstick in the car and your cum will be dribbling out of my ass all the way to New York. I’ll have to put a pad in there,” Jaylene said angrily.
This was the first time they had made love for several weeks and although it had satisfied both of their lusts it had been violent and needy and not the loving expression of affection that they shared when they had first moved in together.
“At least you’ll have some of me with you,” Penelope said snarkily, pulling the gusset of her pantyhose tight across her little pot belly.
“We’ll talk when I get back. Do I have any spunk on me?” Jaylene twirled around in front of Penelope who shook her head.
The limo driver honked his horn again and Jaylene snatched up her jacket and her Prada handbag then grabbed the handle of her wheeled suitcase and hurried away.
“You bitch,” Penelope smiled to herself wickedly as she saw the silvery semen trail on the back of Jaylene’s skirt.
When the front door slammed shut Penelope threw herself on the bed and began to sob.
When she was cried out she got up off the bed and fixed her face then she made a call to Special Agent Dan Murphy at the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Dan was a big handsome man who always wore suits and was trim and muscled with a flat-top haircut and trimmed moustache that just screamed law enforcement. He and Penelope had built a rapport during the ‘bodies in the can’ case which had seen the demise of Alexi Reznik and Dmitriy Yakovich. Dan had been at the scene, betrayed by Jennifer Jones but glad that two vicious thugs had faced rough justice.
It was during this investigation that Alice Leasingham had fallen for Katya Kuznetsova but more importantly for Penelope, Dan and Katya had had a fling and Dan liked her. Like Penelope, Dan had been promoted to a supervisory positon and had clout.
Penelope explained the situation and asked Dan if he could provide fast transport to Long Island New York and if he could do so on the QT. She pushed her luck and asked if Dan’s contacts in the FBI might have a safe house they might be able to use.
Dan still carried a flame for Katya and he and Penelope were good friends. Although he had no time for Jennifer Jones he agreed to help.
“I can get you a Lear out of Balwyn later today. I’ll text you the details when I’ve arranged a flight plan. I’ll need to pull in a favour or three with our friends in New York,” Dan said.
“Thank you so much Dan. You don’t know how much this means to me,” Penelope gave a sigh of relief.
“This is all off the record Penelope. I owe you and Katya but if that bitch Jennifer Jones accidently gets shot during the rescue mission I won’t lose any sleep,” Dan growled.
Penelope gave a wry smile.
“Thanks Dan, I owe you big time,” Penelope replied.
“You be careful Penelope and tell Katya I still think of her,” Dan closed the connection.
Penelope called Silvia Bickle and then the Chief of Police and told them that she was taking some personal days. They both knew that Penelope was having a hard time adjusting to being Chief of Detectives and that her relationship with Jaylene Foster was shaky so it came as no surprise. The Chief and Silvia wished Penelope well and the Chief of Police told Penelope to take as long as she needed.
It was Penelope’s turn to pack a bag, which she did and threw it in her car. She locked up the house and drove off towards the Harrison place.
The Harrison farmhouse, five miles west of Balwyn Texas
After Penelope left for Balwyn, Jennifer went out to her BMW and collected her things and brought them inside. Michelle was fiddling on her phone when Jennifer lugged her suitcase upstairs. Michelle found cleaning products in the kitchen closet and after wiping her blood off the table she began to mop the kitchen floor just as Jennifer came back downstairs with her laptop.
“You don’t have to do that,” Jennifer said.
“Really? Who else is going to do it?” Michelle replied caustically.
“Look I’m sorry I slapped you,” Jennifer said without any inkling of genuine regret in her tone.
“You hit like a girl,” Michelle snickered as she replaced the mop and bucket in the closet.
“Well I was hitting a granny,” Jennifer quipped.
“A granny who could take you in the blink of an eye if she so desired,” Michelle countered.
“Seriously; let me look at your face,” Jennifer said, this time with some expression of remorse.
Michelle stood still while Jennifer examined her face. Because of the height difference Michelle had to bend her knees slightly and Jennifer had to stand on her tippytoes.
There was a bruise forming under Michelle’s left eye. It was nothing a little foundation and powder couldn’t hide but it was there none the less.
Up this close Jennifer could see the fine wrinkles in Michelle’s almost perfect skin. It was then she realised that Michelle had to be in her fifties but was still strikingly beautiful. She had aged gracefully and her comparison to Joanna Lumley with red hair returned.
“Open your mouth and let me see,” Jennifer said after lightly touching the bruise on Michelle’s cheek.
“Just because we are on a farm doesn’t mean you have to treat me like a horse,” Michelle quipped but she opened her mouth anyway.
Her breath smelled of cigarettes and coffee but not unpleasantly so. Up this close Jennifer recognised that Michelle was wearing Dior Poison. It was uncanny because it was also Jennifer and Penelope’s favourite perfume.
“Stop whining, or is that whinnying?” Jennifer laughed at her own joke and Michelle uttered a chortle which was difficult with her mouth open wide.
“Like you said, there are a couple of broken capillaries and they always bleed a lot. The bleeding has stopped but you are not going to be eating chilli for a while,” Jennifer inspected the inside of Michelle’s mouth.
Jennifer was surprised that she felt attracted to this woman. She and Penelope had fooled around a little and Penelope was at least ten years older than Jennifer but Michelle had to be fifty-something. Then again she and Katya used to fuck before Katerina came on the scene. Maybe Jennifer was attracted to older women despite her love for Katerina.
She felt guilty knowing that Grigori was putting Katerina through hell but she knew that it beat the alternative. By staying alive herself, it guaranteed that Katerina would be kept alive as a bargaining chip as would Katya and Alice. Jennifer knew from experience that when there was no possibility of escape, compliance was the best defence against men like Grigori. Katerina was with Katya who had been held captive and defiled before and knew how to survive it and she would ensure her daughter did too.
But none of this eased the guilt that Jennifer felt as she stood breast to breast with a woman she was feeling an uncanny attraction towards.
The break in concentration caused Jennifer to stumble on her tiptoes and she fell into the arms of Michelle Dupree who caught her and prevented her from falling. Michelle looked down at Jennifer; their bodies pressed together and the two women locked their emerald-green eyes and stared at each other knowingly for a brief moment. Michelle could tell that Jennifer was attracted to her and she was attracted to Jennifer.
Michelle held Jennifer a little closer and a little longer than was necessary before easing her back onto her feet and releasing her.
“I told you I could take you in a fair fight. You’re clumsy,” Michelle said in her throaty southern drawl, the resonance of which for some reason pushed Jennifer’s buttons.
“Once again I’m sorry about punching you,” Jennifer craned upward and kissed Michelle on her cheek.
Both women were flushed and the tension in the room was palpable.
“Do you want to hear the rest of my plan?” Michelle said, clearing her throat.
“Yes. Yes, of course,” Jennifer made a fuss smoothing out her blazer which didn’t need it and sat down behind her laptop at the kitchen table.
“Do you have anything to drink besides coffee?” Michelle asked.
“There is a wet bar in the lounge room and mixers in the mini-fridge under it. I’ll have a gin and tonic; there are limes in the fridge too,” Jennifer replied.
Jennifer booted up her laptop. The house was serviced by an encrypted wifi routed through a VPN which had further encryption algorithms applied and Jennifer was confident that Grigori's online spies would not be able to find her.
Michelle returned with drinks just as Jennifer entered the chatroom and opened the video file.
Both women watched Grigori's thugs spray their semen over the three shapely, nylon-shrouded calves. Jennifer showed no emotion but inside she was fuming as she read Grigori's message.
“Scorpion bitch eh? Cute name,” Michelle teased as she leaned over Jennifer’s shoulder to read the message.
Jennifer felt the soft tickle of Michelle’s breath on her ear and her guilt returned; especially after what she had just witnessed on the screen. Michelle put down Jennifer’s drink and took a step back. Jennifer turned to Michelle and lifted her leg and slid her legging up her calf a little to expose her ankle and the scorpion tattoo.
“Pantyhose under leggings; a girl after my own heart,” Michelle raised her glass and then took a seat beside Jennifer.
“The pantyhose make it easier to slip into my leggings and help keep me warm,” Jennifer said and then realised that she didn’t have to explain herself to this woman.
Jennifer would have felt more comfortable with Jennifer sitting across from her but she said nothing. She told Michelle the meaning of the tattoo and how she had come to get it.
“Quite a tale,” Michelle examined her crystal glass and then she told Jennifer her own life story.
“We both have ties to Matushka Rossiya even though neither of us were born there,” Michelle smiled.
“I’m no longer their favourite daughter of course. After Stephan Boriliski went missing, the FSB sent someone after me. It was, shall we say, messy. I had to send a message back. The FSB got the message and they leave me alone and I don’t disclose any of their secrets. Do you have any cigarettes?” Michelle smiled offhandedly.
“Yes I do but where are yours? I presume you didn’t come to Balwyn without any personal possessions,” Jennifer fished cigarettes and a lighter out of her purse.
She’d bought the cigarettes on the road even though she had been trying repeatedly to give up. It was something else that she and Penelope had in common.
“I have a car parked in the parking lot behind the Longhorn. We can go get it once we have concluded our business here,” Michelle said as she lit up.
“So… the rest of your plan?” Jennifer brought the conversation back on track.
Michelle put an arm around Jennifer and stroked her shoulder.
“Speaking of torture it must be hell knowing that Grigori has your lover and best friend in his clutches and imagining what he is doing to them,” Michelle nodded at the computer screen.
“The women can endure it and Grigori won’t resort to torture once you make contact with him and begin to make the trade. He knows that he can only trade the three women for me if they remain unharmed physically. He will save the torture for when he has me,” Jennifer touched Michelle’s hand affectionately.
“And it’s your job to make sure that never happens; you promised Teodora Petrović remember?” Jennifer smiled ruefully.
“If we can’t take Grigori at the handover, it’s your job to ensure that I am not taken alive if our plan goes to shit. You can you imagine what he is going do to me if he ever gets his hands on me,” Jennifer sighed.
“I promise you that if it all goes to shit you will be dead before Grigori ever gets his hands on you. I can’t guarantee what he will do with your corpse though,” Michelle added some macabre humour.
“Let me freshen your drink,” Michelle picked up their glasses and took them into the lounge to refill them.
Jennifer followed and dropped down into the sofa and sighed wearily.
“I hate waiting,” Jennifer looked up at Michelle when Michelle handed her the drink.
“There is nothing to do until Penelope returns,” Michelle added.
“We can always fuck. I’ve found that always passes the time,” Michelle sat down next Jennifer, crowding her into the corner of the large sofa.
Michelle leaned into Jennifer, her large frame towering over the diminutive Jennifer. Michelle pressed a kiss on Jennifer and for a fleeting moment Jennifer felt guilty about Katerina and her plight but Jennifer was emotionally and mentally exhausted after her ordeal and welcomed the distraction.
When Michelle placed her soft lips on Jennifer’s and kissed her, Jennifer responded. She allowed the older woman to kiss her deeply, their tongues entwining, their breathing laboured. Michelle slipped her hand inside Jennifer’s sports top and Jennifer welcomed the feel of Michelle’s fingers caressing her flesh and the light scratching of her fingernails as she popped Jennifer’s breasts out of her brassiere and fingered her nipples until they engorged.
Jennifer slipped her hand inside Michelle’s satin blouse and kissed her with more ardour. Michelle winced at the pressure because of the injury that Jennifer had inflicted on her mouth. Jennifer savoured the salty tang of Michelle’s blood in her mouth as she freed the older woman’s larger breasts from her brassiere and hefted one of them in her hand and flicked the nipple until it engorged. For some reason Jennifer felt that she was making up for injuring Michelle by kissing her bruised lips and torn cheek.
Michelle slipped her free hand inside the waistband of Jennifer’s leggings. Michelle broke the kiss briefly.
“I still remember the first time I tried on a pair of pantyhose. I was still young and unsure of why I preferred women’s clothing to men’s. I remember the sensuous silky feel of the nylons sliding up legs. My cock hardening when I pulled the gusset up around my waist. I touched myself just like this,” Michelle slid her fingers along Jennifer’s shaft encased in the flimsy hose.
The perfect Vee that Jennifer sported in her crotch was now distended by her hardening penis which became fully tumescent as Michelle stroked the throbbing organ through the sheer nylon. Jennifer was not wearing panties and Michelle traced the outline of Jennifer’s cock and then tickled her frenulum, pressing the diaphanous hosiery against the sensitive flesh, smiling as she felt Jennifer shudder in her embrace.
Jennifer’s hand continued its journey down across Michelle’s belly, continuing its journey to her legs. Jennifer started at the knee and stroked Michelle’s leg, continuing up the limb under Michelle’s skirt to her thighs, discovering that Michelle was indeed wearing Wolford hold-up stockings. She fondled Michelle’s thighs for a brief interlude, while Michelle continued to stroke Jennifer’s cock through her pantyhose.
Jennifer brushed her hand across Michelle’s pubis and found her substantial penis tenting her panties.
“We don’t have much time. Let me…” Michelle disengaged briefly and pushed Jennifer down on the couch.
She pulled off Jennifer’s spiked Louboutin heels and put her fingers in the waistband of her leggings and rolled them down Jennifer’s legs revealing her taupe sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose. Jennifer’s cock lay flat along her trim belly, a dark wet patch staining the nylon where Jennifer was leaking precum.
Jennifer unzipped the zipper in the side of Michelle’s skirt and it fell down her legs exposing a pair of white high-rise satin classic briefs. The waistband sat very high on her waist and the leg holes were small so the garment covered as much area between waist and thigh as possible.
“Granny panties,” Jennifer chuckled.
“Hey, when you get to my age you will appreciate their practicality. They hold everything in place and don’t ruin the silhouette of my skirt,” Michelle replied defensively.
“I think they are awesome and sexy as hell,” Jennifer whispered and reached out and squeezed Michelle’s distended penis through the chiffony material.
Jennifer stroked Michelle’s cock through her panties while Michelle caressed Jennifer’s penis through her pantyhose. Both women were breathing heavily delighting in the feel of long fingers fondling distended penises through diaphanous fabric, both cocks leaking pre-ejaculate, aching for release.
Jennifer pulled at the waistband of Michelle’s panties until her bloated organ popped free of the garment. She bent forward and took Michelle’s cock in her mouth and began to suckle it.
It had been some since Jennifer had played with a penis. She and Katrina sometimes invited another woman into their bed but never a man. Jennifer enjoyed sucking on Michelle’s hard phallus and she cupped Michelle’s scrotum and fondled it while she fellated her.
Michelle gripped Jennifer’s cock and rubbed it a little harder and felt it judder while she enjoyed the sensation of Jennifer’s lips sliding up and down her shaft and her tongue flittering on her glans. She felt a warm glow spreading from her belly to her genitals and sensed that she wouldn’t last long if Jennifer continued to suck her cock.
Michelle gripped Jennifer’s ankles and upended her so that she was lying prone of the sofa. She fell on Jennifer and pressed her cock against Jennifer’s, grinding it against her pantyhose-swathed organ, kissing her passionately while she did so.
Jennifer wrapped her arms and legs around Michelle. It had been some time since she had been the bottom and she was enjoying lying underneath this gorgeous older woman whose cock had lost no substantiality because of her age.
Michelle snaked a finger between their bodies and found the crease in Jennifer’s buttocks and ripped a hole in her pantyhose. She slid her cock inside the hole and pressed it against Jennifer’s sphincter.
“Are you ready? I don’t have any lube,” Michelle whispered.
She might not have had lubricant but Michelle’s cock was leaking a continual dribble of precum and Jennifer’s puckered bud was slick with it.
Jennifer nodded, looking up lovingly into Michelle’s eyes that were as icy-green as her own. She pulled Michelle’s face to hers and kissed deeply, grimacing as Michelle’s cock slid inside her.
Jennifer had not had cock inside her for a considerable period of time and Michelle sensed her trepidation and stopped with just an inch of her engorged phallus just inside Jennifer’s anus. Jennifer took a beat to get used to Michelle’s bloated appendage and after the initial pain; a surge of pleasure began to ripple through her body. She wriggled a little indicating to Michelle to continue. Their tongues explored each other’s mouths and Jennifer gasped as Michelle eased the rest of long, sleek cock inside Jennifer’s anus.
They lay like that with Michelle’s cock buried inside Jennifer, their arms wrapped around each other, slinky nyloned legs rubbing together, Michelle’s pubis pressing into Jennifer’s soft buttocks, Jennifer’s cock flat against Michelle’s belly; not moving, just kissing and caressing. Michelle could feel Jennifer's anus clenching her steely organ, her scrotum pressing against her pantyhosed buttocks.
Jennifer felt Mitchell’s penis snug inside her, quivering occasionally, her pre-ejaculate lubricating Jennifer's tight channel. When they both sensed it was right, Michelle began to fuck Jennifer with long slow strokes, extracting her penis nearly all the way and then thrusting it slowly back inside the cloying softness of Jennifer’s rectum.
They held each other tight, kissing, fucking, fondling each other, slowly building to a climax. Their fucking gradually became frenetic as Jennifer encouraged Michelle to fuck her harder, fuck her deeper as she raked her fingernails down Michelle’s back, her hands inside her blouse. She moved her hands to Michelle’s ass, still swathed in the satin granny panties and clutched at her perfect globes through the fabric, encouraging Michelle to fuck her faster.
Michelle felt Jennifer’s cock pressing on her belly, leaking precum and quivering in anticipation of release, Jennifer’s anus clutching at her hard cock as she drove it in and out of this diminutive woman. They gasped into each other’s mouths, their tongues lashing, their bodies shaking, mouthing obscenities as they used each other to unleash their passions.
Michelle drove Jennifer into the sofa and pushed her cock all the way inside her and released. Torrents of creamy ejaculate filled Jennifer’s void and she felt Michelle’s cock swell and judder as she ejaculated inside her. Michelle felt the scalding slippery fluid on her belly as Jennifer’s orgasm erupted, her cock pressed hard against Michelle’s flesh.
They clung to each other, rutting like animals as they both relished the sublime ecstasy that only simultaneous orgasm can evoke. They clung to each other, kissing and caressing each other as they came down from their orgasmic highs. They lay in each other’s arms, neither of them speaking until they both realised that they had forgotten the passage of time.
They spoke little as they disengaged and went through the practicalities of post-coital cleansing, using tissues to mop up semen and body fluids and then both retiring to different bathrooms.
In the bathroom guilt washed over Jennifer as she thought about Katerina being repeatedly abused by Grigori while she remained free. But she needed the interlude, the distraction of meaningless sex with Michelle, and she wondered if Michelle had sensed it and acted accordingly.
Ever since the attack on her dacha and every time she looked at the videos in Grigori's chatroom she felt nothing but guilt, remorse and helplessness. But now she had two strong allies and they would free the three women being held captive by Grigori Belinsky and exact their revenge.
Jennifer had the luxury of having her suitcase with her so she could change into fresh pantyhose but she put on the same leggings and sports top so as not to arouse Penelope’s suspicions when she returned.
“I needed that,” Jennifer said as she poured herself and Michelle a drink.
“So did I. It’s been a while since I have fucked another transwoman and I had forgotten what it was like to be the top,” Michelle took the proffered drink.
Jennifer sat down beside Michelle and snuggled up to her and kissed her.
“Thank you for the distraction,” Jennifer whispered.
They heard the crunch of tires on the gravel in forecourt and Jennifer disengaged and moved slightly away from Michelle on the sofa.
The front door banged open and Penelope lugged her suitcase inside the farmhouse finding Jennifer and Michelle sitting side by side looking at the screen of Jennifer’s laptop. They were sitting very close to one and other and Penelope was sure that she could smell sex. They both had the rosy glow and self-satisfied looks on their faces associated with people who had just had great sex and their makeup was a little too perfect, like it had been freshly touched up… or she could she just be full of shit and maybe a little jealous.
Penelope and Jennifer had fucked before and despite her age; Penelope would gladly slip the old broad Michelle Dupree a fuck, even if it was a grudge fuck to get back at Jaylene.
Jennifer and Michelle had fresh gin and tonics before them so Penelope went to the refrigerator and got herself a coke and sat down next to them.
“What have you two been up to while I was away actually doing something useful?” Penelope quipped pouring the coke over ice.
“Grigori posted a video in the chatroom. You probably don’t want to see it; it’s vile. He made more threats,” Jennifer said.
“Has he done anything to Alice?” Penelope asked anxiously.
“Take a look. It’s nothing violent but it’s not pleasant,” Michelle turned the screen towards where Penelope was sitting.
“Jesus that man is a freak,” Penelope screwed up her face at the video.
“I have contacted Grigori and told him that I have found Jennifer and am willing to trade. For obvious reasons I did not tell him the circumstances in which I found her or where we are,” Michelle extrapolated.
“I have secured a private plane for us and my contact is finding us a safe house. We need to get rolling,” Penelope finished her coke.
“This contact can be trusted?” Michelle raised her brows to Penelope.
“He owes me a favour and he has a vested interest in seeing that Katya Kuznetsova is kept safe. They had a fling a little while ago and he still holds a torch for her,” Penelope explained.
“You women seem to be very free with your bodies,” Michelle quipped, finishing her gin, smiling clandestinely at Jennifer who blushed.
“From what you have told us, you not averse to using your own body to get what you want,” Penelope retorted.
“Touché,” Michelle smiled at Penelope and shrugged her shoulders.
“Do you two want to pull out your Johnson’s to see whose is bigger or if the pissing contest is over maybe we should pack up and get to the airport,” Jennifer interrupted the two older women.
“Oh there is no animosity between us. I like this woman. I like women who have fat asses,” Michelle smirked at Penelope.
“Fuck you,” Penelope smiled sweetly at Michelle.
“You wish,” Michelle countered.
“Fuck this. Let’s roll,” Jennifer got up and indicated that she had enough.
“Let’s get this done. We’ll take my car to the Longhorn so Michelle can pick up her car and follow us to Balwyn airport,” Jennifer was all business.
“I need to stop briefly at Balwyn PD. There are a few things there I need to borrow,” Penelope said as they jumped into Jennifer’s BMW.
To be continued
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As Raunchy As Ever
And maybe more so in this chapter!
However, their recue operation is unfolding and preparations are underway. Grigori is going to regret his attempted coup, but I wonder what is going to happen to Katerina when Jennifer finds out the truth.
Building up the tension, Michele.