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Part 3
"What did I do?"
"You'll see. Come with me little girl!"
I started upstairs, with Halle right behind me, heading for the computer room. As we walked in, I said, "Sit down." She sat at the computer desk.
"OK.", I said, "Now clear the screen saver, and tell me what you see."
She moved the mouse, the screen saver cleared, and there was one of the two web sites in question. She slowly turned her head and looked at me a little frightened.
"Care to explain?", I asked.
She looked back at the screen, I could see her reflection on the monitor, she was crying.
"What are you thinking? Do you want to hurt yourself? Or, worse!", I asked.
She shook her head, no.
"Well, do you want to tell me?", I continued.
"I... I... I just wanted to be more of a girl for you."
"You are all the girl that I want. Don't you know that self medication can hurt, and even kill you. Were you planning on seeing a doctor, or even telling me?"
She shook her head, no.
"Are you keeping any more secrets from me."
She looked at me, tears flowing down her cheeks, and said, "No."
"I hope not. Don't you know taking hormones without a doctors help can cause all kinds of problems. After I read the two sites, that you had book marked, I looked further and found some interesting information. I printed it out for you, and you can read it later. Don't you realize that taking those drugs, will keep your male package from working, and I love the feel of that deep inside me. What were you thinking?"
Her head was hanging, and the tears were just flowing. I didn't know how much longer I could really stay mad at her. I turned the chair around, lifted her to her feet, took her chin in my hand, and made her look at me. I asked, "Please, tell me what you were thinking?"
Between sniffles, she told me, "I just wanted to be more of a woman for you. I'm tired of these breast forms, I want to have real breasts."
"When were you going to tell me?"
"I don't know. Soon, I guess."
"Soon. You guess. Your not taking hormones now, are you?"
"No. I just started looking at the sites last week."
"Please. Please. Don't keep secrets from me, it hurts. I love you."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted it to be a surprise."
"I don't need surprises like that."
I finally dried her tears, and just held her for a long time.
She looked up at me, and said, "I'm sorry. No more surprises like that. I promise."
"I do love surprises, but only nice surprises." And, I looked at my ring. We smiled at each other.
We went back down stairs, she made dinner, while I sat there, and thought about this whole thing. After dinner, I gave her the information on hormones that I had printed out. She sat quietly, and read it all. I could tell that what she was reading was having an effect on her. She finished, looked at me, and said, "I had no idea, that it could cause so many problems."
"Some of those problems are rare and don't happen to everyone. But, why take the chance."
"Your right, as usual. My heart was leading instead of my mind."
We went out on the patio, it was raining, and we like to sit there, and watch it rain. We cuddled, and eventually she put her head on my lap, and I stroked her hair. She fell asleep. I whispered, "Had a hard day little girl."
Summer was quickly coming to an end, and it was time for me to get back to my studies, and for Halle to really teach full time. We were sitting at dinner, I was playing with my ring, and I looked over at her. She said, "You know that ring looks lonesome. Think we should set a date, so that it can have some company on that finger?"
I smiled at her, and said, "I think it's past time. Did you have a date in mind?"
"Sort of. Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year, what do you think of getting married on the Saturday before? And, I have an idea for something fun on the following Saturday. Then we can go away someplace the next week."
"Been thinking about this for a little while, have we?"
"Yes. Been thinking about this for quite awhile."
"I like your idea. What's the fun thing?"
"A secret?"
"Yes. But, a fun secret."
"Are your sure?
"Yes, I promise that you'll love it."
We talked in depth about the wedding. And, finally decided that a small wedding at Halle's Mom and Dad's place with just close friends and family would be perfect. She called her Mom and talked with her about it, and her Mom was very excited. I then talked to Patty, and asked her to be my brides maid. And, Halle wanted Paul to be her best man. We decided to work out the details via email. Halle had decided to do the groom thing, and actually wear a tux for the ceremony. I called my parents and told them I was going to get married at Christmas. And, as I expected they weren't even excited, in fact they were going to be in Europe at that time. But, my Mom told me that she was going to make arraignments for buying my dress. I guess I couldn't expect more.
A little later I got a letter from my Mom, telling me to go to Sara's Dress Shoppe here in the city, that they would be expecting me, and that I could have any dress and accessories that I wanted. So, one day after class I headed to the dress shop, probably the fanciest one in town, and walked in. I was greeted by a very pleasant middle aged lady who, since I looked like a college student, was a little stand offish. But, when I told her that I was Terrie LaFrance, she fell all over me. I guess my Mom had talked to her. She started showing me dresses, and I didn't even look at the price tags. I spent four hours looking and trying on various dresses. I finally settled on a Vera Wang Wedding Gown, along with everything else the total came to more than $6,000. It was a shame that Halle couldn't have been here, she would have been in heaven. But, you know the old superstition about the groom seeing the bride in her dress before the ceremony.
Christmas came around quickly, and we headed to Halle's parents. On the way I tried to get out of her what she was planning for the week after, but she wouldn't tell. Patty did something really cool, on Thursday she had a bachelorette party for me, and on Friday she had a bachelorette party for Halle. Patty could be so cool, I could really see why the two of them were so close.
Saturday arrived, and I was very nervous as a bride is supposed to be. The wedding was going to be in the family room, that we had decorated on Friday. We had about twenty five people, friends and family. My parents had been sent an invitation, but as my Mom had said, they were in Europe, but they did send a present. Patty fussed over me, making sure everything was perfect. She even had her hair dresser come to the house early to do my hair and makeup. What a great sister-in-law I was getting.
The hour arrived, and the music started. As I walked into the room, everyone stood, and I saw Halle standing with the minister and Paul. Halle still looked like a girl, even though she had on a tuxedo, and her hair was in a mans style. Patty started down the aisle, and since my Dad wasn't there, Halle's Dad escorted me. I reached the minister and Halle, Dave gave my hand to Halle, and sat down. The minister went through a short service that we had written. Halle placed a wedding band on my finger. Then the minister said, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Halle took me in her arms, and kissed me very deeply, to a nice round of applause, and flash bulbs popping. The minister then had us face the guests, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen. May I present Mr. and Mrs. Graves." And, we walked together, back up the aisle, into the living room. We had a very nice reception, and received some nice gifts. Part of what my parents had sent was a week in Hawaii, including first class round trip air fare, any time we wanted to take it. After the reception, I changed, and we headed to the state capitol, which has a fantastic down town plaza, with a five star hotel. And, a honeymoon suite that can't be topped. Halle treated my just like the bride I was, and we consummated the marriage in many ways that night.
On the Wednesday after Christmas we headed home. On the way, I was telling Halle how much I felt a part of her family. How everyone was just so special. She just smiled. I then had a thought, "You know. Patty told me that your parents have never really had a vacation."
"True. What with the farm, and everything, they just never had time. And, even after Dad sold it, they just never really went away."
"Let's give them the Hawaii trip. It's the least we can do for them. They have been just so wonderful."
"Your kidding."
"No. I really want them to have it."
"Sounds great to me. Their anniversary is at the end of January. We can give it to them then."
The weekend between Christmas and New Years was here, and on Saturday we headed to our usual haunt, the 1-BY-1 Club. Halle was a little nervous, I knew she had a surprise planned, but had no idea what it was. We arrived, and Patty met me at the door, and hustled me off to a side room. There I found all my wedding clothes. "What's going on?", I asked her.
"You'll see. Let's get you dressed."
Patty fussed over me just like she had done last Saturday. When I was dressed, she said, "Wait here, I'll be right back." And, she ran out the door. She was back in a few minutes, and said, "Lets go." I followed her out the door and towards the club. We walked in and the whole place was decorated for a wedding. One of the "girls" turned on a tape recorder, and the wedding march started, I felt someone take my arm, looked, and it was Halle's Dad. We started down the aisle, I saw Paul standing there, with one of the other "girls" dressed as a minister. But, I didn't see Halle. We reached the front, the music stopped, and Dave walked back to the rear of the club. The music started again, again the wedding march. I looked, and there was Halle in a gorgeous wedding gown. Her Dad escorted her to the front of the club. I looked at her and just grinned, this kind of surprise I just loved.
The faux minister went through a made up wedding ceremony. Paul handed me a wedding band, and as I went to slip it on her finger, I noticed that she was wearing an engagement ring. She whispered, "It was my grandmothers." I smiled, and slipped the band on her finger. The faux minister then said, "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the brides." We lifted each others veils, and kissed. Again the applause, and flash bulbs. Then just like last Saturday, the minister had us face the guests, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen. May I present Mrs. and Mrs. Graves."
We also had a great reception here at the club, I couldn't believe everyone that was here. There were the regulars, and people that I would never figure to see in the club, Halle's parents, her sister, her husband, and a number of people from the college. We had a great party, it was fun seeing Halle in a wedding dress. She just floated around the club looking just like the blushing bride she was. We danced with everyone that was their. Halle and I were sitting at our table, enjoying some wedding cake and champagne, and she filled me in on how the surprise came about.
She told me, that shortly before we set the date, that she and Patty had hatched a plan for the second wedding. And, that on the Christmas that she had given me the ring, her Mom had offered her, her wedding dress, and grandmothers rings. This had set a plan working in the back of her mind, to have a traditional wedding, and then a fun one. After we had set the date, she had called and talked with her Mom and Patty, and set up the whole thing. When I was at my bachelorette party, her Mom had fitted the dress on her. It didn't take much in the way of alterations. And, the rings were a perfect fit. So, last night, when we went out to dinner, her Mom and sister had come to the townhouse, gotten my wedding gown, and brought it with them to the club tonight. Her Dad had been really excited about walking us both down the aisle, and it was fun watching him dance with some of the "girls".
That night we consummated this wedding, but as two girls.
Spring term started, and if everything went as planned, I would graduate. Halle had decided to start on her Masters, and had a little problem, as all her records were under Mike. But Dr. Martin, did some kind of administrative magic, and changed all the records to Halle. Halle's parents didn't want to take the Hawaiian trip, they said it was ours to take. But, we told them, that if it was ours, then we could do with it what we wanted to. And, we wanted to give it to them. They went, and had a blast.
I graduated Magna Cum Laude, and I owe most of that to Halle. She really knew how to help me, when I needed help. She even tossed in a big surprise, a good surprise. She bought me a new sports car as a graduation gift. This girl really knows how to treat people. We had a long talk, and decided that I should work on my Ph.D., after I work in the field for a year. I had been offered a research position at the college, and after our talk, decided to take it. It would let me do research, teach, and work on my doctorate.
One evening we were sitting on the patio enjoying the sun set, I looked at her, and said, "You know, I've been thinking about something."
"What's that."
"Do you remember back when you said, 'I just wanted to be more of a girl for you.'?"
"How can I forget. That wasn't a fun day."
"Tell me how you feel about it now."
"You mean the hormones? No way."
"No. You also said, 'I'm tired of these breast forms, I want to have real breasts.' How do you feel about that now?"
"I would love to have real breasts, the size I should be. It would make me happy, not having to use forms."
"I've been doing some research on the web. And, I think I've found something."
"You mean, you wouldn't mind?"
"No, I wouldn't mind at all. It would make you happy wouldn't it? And, it might be fun."
"We were going away this Summer on a honey moon, weren't we. Well, I found a plastic surgeon in Sweden that supposedly does wonderful work. And, I've made an initial contact with his office."
"Your kidding?"
"No. This is my present to you. Sort of like my sports car. Let's go to the computer, and I'll show you the web site."
We went to the computer, and I showed her the site. She sat there and read everything twice. She looked at me, and said, "This isn't cheap, not to mention the flight, and staying there. Are you really sure."
"Yes, love. Remember, that my Mom and Dad were paying for all my schooling, including my apartment?"
"Well, when I moved in with you, I wasn't paying for the apartment any longer. And, I was able to put away some money, even though we were sharing expenses. And, I have more than enough for the trip and surgery."
"Your wonderful!", and she kissed me.
"Yes, I know.", I said with a grin
"What do we need to do."
"Not much. Our flight leaves next Sunday afternoon, and we arrive on Monday morning. Your surgery is scheduled for next Thursday. And, we'll still have a week to see the sights after your discharged. All you have to do is fill out the information on the secure server, and it will be all set."
She stood back, looked at me a little stern, and said, "You were sure of yourself weren't you? Making all these arrangements, without consulting me. Remember how you don't like surprises?"
I was getting worried, and answered, "Yes."
"Well, this kind of surprise . . . is just the kind that I love!", she said almost knocking me over, as she wrapped her arms around me.
She finally sat back down at the computer, I sat next to her, and she started filling out the questionnaire. There was a place for patient number, and I had gotten her one when I made the arraignments, and gave it to her to enter. It also had the usual things, name, address, age, etc. They also asked about birth gender, the current gender being presented, what procedure was going to be preformed, etc. When she got to the, "what procedure was going to be preformed" question, she said, "Let's see. Sex change."
I looked at her, and said, "Divorce."
She grinned, and typed in, breast augmentation.
When she was all done, with no hesitation, she clicked on "Submit".
The next screen, said such things as, thank you for registering, etc. But most importantly, since I had made the arrangements earlier, it confirmed the date and time of her surgery, when we were to see the doctor, when we were to be at the hospital, and a few other things. She hit print, to get a hard copy of the confirmation. She kissed me, and said, "I love you."
We called her parents, told them the news about going to Sweden for two weeks, but left out the part about the surgery. We also went and visited for a couple of days. I think that Halle may have told Patty.
We did some shopping, clothes, suit cases, etc. Halle was just plain happy, she was actually singing to herself most of the time. Our flight left early on Monday morning, Patty and her husband had come up to take us to the airport, so we didn't have to leave the car. Another surprise for her was when they called for the boarding of first class passengers, and I said, "Well, that's us."
"That's us? A little expensive, isn't it?"
"Only the best, for my best girl."
Our flight lasted a little over eight hours, and we were treated like royalty. When we arrived in Stockholm it was early on Monday morning, and we headed for our hotel. This hotel was within a short walk of both the doctors office, and the hospital, and was the best one that I could find. Halle was beginning to wonder about the costs. I told her not to worry. Our room was very nice, it had a sitting room with a balcony, a separate bedroom, and it's own bath. We unpacked, and just relaxed for a little bit. Halle's appointment with the doctor wasn't until tomorrow afternoon. We had a bite of lunch at the hotel's restaurant, and then went for a walk to see some of the city.
It was late on Tuesday when we awoke, not use to the time difference yet, we ordered breakfast from room service, and ate on the balcony. Then we took a shower together, and got ready to visit the doctor. He, as well as his staff, were very professional. He explained the procedure that he uses, a very minimal traumatic one, and the recovery. Halle would only have to remain in the hospital two nights, the one before, as she was scheduled for very early in the morning, and the night after, just as a precaution. Then she should take it easy for a few days, and come back and see him the middle of the following week for a check up. The only thing that he wondered was, what size she wanted to be. She looked at me, and said, "I would like to be a D, but I think that a C would look better on me." Both the doctor and I agreed. He then examined her, and pronounced her fit enough to have the implants.
We left the doctors office and found a place for dinner. We then spent the night exploring Stockholm's night life. Again, on Wednesday, we slept in. Halle had to be at the hospital by four in the afternoon, and we were right on time. Luckily most of the staff spoke English. They checked her into a room, brought us both dinner, and I stayed until the end of visiting hours. The next morning I was up early and at the hospital. Her surgery was scheduled for seven, and I wanted to see her before that time. I got to her room just as they were giving her some medication, she started to get very sleepy. I gave her a kiss, and told her that I loved her. She mumbled something that sounded like, "I love you, too."
I went to the surgery waiting area, and sat, and paced, and sat, and paced. Awhile later the doctor came in, and told me that everything had gone really well, and that I could see her once she was back in her room. I thanked him, and sat back down and finally relaxed a little. About an hour later, a nurse came in and told me that Halle was back in her room, and I could go see her. I walked in, and she was asleep. I sat next to her, and held her hand. It wasn't long before she started to fully wake up, she was in good spirts, and asked if everything went ok? I told what the doctor had said, and that it wasn't even Noon yet. She dosed off and on for the next couple of hours. I sat with her for the rest of the day, until they threw me out, and then headed back to the hotel.
On Friday morning, I got to the hospital right at breakfast, and Halle was sitting up, looking very good. They brought breakfast for both of us, and she ate better than I did. The doctor came in around ten, and examined Halle's new breasts. I saw them for the first time, they looked nice. The doctor was happy with what he saw, and said that Halle could be discharged. But, he wanted to see her in his office next Tuesday. Her discharge instructions, said that she had to wear a bra all the time, sleep on her back, and to be careful with them, until she saw the doctor. I got us a cab, even though it was only two blocks, and we headed back to the hotel.
When we got back, I ordered some lunch, and we sat on the balcony and ate. Afterwards, Halle just sat and looked at me for a long time, and finally said, "I love you so much. Thank you."
I took her hand, and looked at her, and said, “Like I've said, only the best for my little girl."
We spent a long time sitting there, and taking in the sights of the city. She wanted to go out to a restaurant for dinner, I wasn't sure if we should, but she talked me into it. We checked with the hotel desk for a nice restaurant not to far from the hotel, they recommended a couple. I helped her get dressed, she was a little sore, and we grabbed a cab to the restaurant. After dinner, she wanted to go sit somewhere, and just people watch. We found a nice park, that had a great view, and sat for an hour or so before heading back to the hotel.
The next few days were spent letting Halle rest and regain her strength, and also slowly seeing parts of the city. We spent a lot of time on the balcony. On Tuesday we went too see the doctor, he examined her carefully, removed the few stitches that he had used, and said that she is doing very well. He does want to see her again on Friday, before we headed back home. As the week went on Halle got stronger, and we did more. The night life of this city is something else. Friday came, and we visited the doctor. He was really happy with her progress, released her, and wished us a safe journey home. Saturday night was our last night in Stockholm, so we partied hard.
Our flight left around ten on Sunday morning, and we were back home around one. We slept most of the flight, trying to make up for Saturday night. Patty and Paul met us at the airport, and I could tell that Patty knew what one of the reasons we went to Stockholm was, as she was looking closely at Halle's breasts, and they were whispering like two school girls. I guess sisters are close.
I didn't push Halle for anything after her surgery. I figured that when she was ready for sex, she would let me know. A few days after arriving home I was sitting and reading, when I heard Halle come down stairs. She walked in front of me, and coughed. I looked up, and she was standing there in a silk robe. Somewhat unusual for her, as she usually doesn't undress before bed. She loosened the robe, and let it drop to the floor. Standing there completely naked, she said, "Want to play?" This was my first really good look at the new Halle, and I liked what I saw. Her new breasts were perfect, they were a very big improvement over her forms. She reached out her hand, took mine, and lead me upstairs. Once in the bedroom, she turned around, took my hands, and placed them on her breasts. I couldn't resist, I started squeezing them and playing with the nipples. I could tell by the look on her face, that she was enjoying it. "Better than silicone?", she whispered.
"Much better."
She started to moan with pleasure. I took one of her nipples in my mouth, bit it a little, sucked it a little, played with it using my tongue. She started to undress me, but she was moving too slow. So, I helped her and it didn't take long. We were standing there face to face, naked. We hugged tightly, and feeling her breasts against my body was heaven. Her hands went to my breasts, and my mouth on one of hers. I felt her cock starting to get hard against my belly. I stood up, and we kissed. We kissed very deeply. I led her to the bed, laid her down, and sat next to her. I bent down kissed her, and started kissing her all over working down to those new breasts. Her nipples had become hard and erect. I spent a long time going back and forth between them. Her one hand was on my right breast, playing with the nipple. I started to gently massage her breasts, she took a deep breath, and whispered, "That feels so good."
I spent a good long time on her breasts, before I worked my way down. Her cock was hard, just from playing with her tits. I took it in my mouth, it tasted so good. I used my tongue all over it, but especially on the tip. I moved around, so that she could have access to my pussy. It wasn't long before we were in a good old fashioned 69. She had a way with her tongue, that just drove me wild, and I came. She said, "Mmmmm.", as I flooded her mouth. I kept working on her cock, I could tell she was close to coming, so I stopped. She complained, by biting my clit. I rolled off of her, pulled her over to me, she deep kissed me, and I got a good taste of my own juices. She went to work on my nipples, she knows just how to make them feels so good. A few minutes later, I whispered, "Do me." She looked at me, smiled, and mounted me. She moved slow, but hard. I just loved looking at her pretty face, and feeling her deep inside me. And, now there was a pair of real 38C breasts swinging with each thrust, I reached up, and started playing with the nipples. She moaned with pleasure. It wasn't long after, that she tensed up, and came deep inside me. She looked at me, and said, "I love you so much."
"And, I love you."
We kissed. And, fell asleep in each other arms.
Over the next couple of years, I finished my doctorate, and Halle received her masters. She went on to be the computer science department's assistant head at the college, and started on her doctorate. I started a small private practice, basically with the transgendered, and still taught at the college. There were two additions to the family, Patricia Terrie, three years old, who we call P.T., and Michael, who we call Mike, one and a half years old. Halle's Mom and Dad are great as grandparents. Patty and Paul make fantastic godparents. My parents have been stand off grandparents, the usual birthday card and present, a nice Christmas present, they have only seen the children once, and that was for only an hour. This was also the first time that they met Halle, and were very stand offish towards her. Oh well, I guess one can't choose one's parents. But, one can choose their life partner, I did, and I feel that I did it well.
That's the story of my Halle. Hope you enjoyed it.
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Another wonderful, happy story.
And again, thank you so very much. I just wish I could have stayed small like that, if I had know about anti-androgens in 10th grade, before testosterone reared its ugly head, maybe my family would have met Holly.
A wonderful story, I am glad
A wonderful story, I am glad that Terrie actually got a real family in Halle's family and it is a real loss for Terrie's parents as they seem to not be able to see beyond their noses what good things their Daughter is giving them. Janice Lynn
Thank you, Holly Snow.
Thank you, Holly Snow.
Wonderful, simply wonderful!
Teddie, your stories are heartwarming and great! I was a little concerned at the end of Part 2, but everything has come out even better than hoped. Thank you for making this contribution to great TG fiction's rolls.
Karen J.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Happy endings
Let's hear it for happy endings! Very good and the ending was great!
This isn't the one
And I'm so glad of it. But then as I said I probably never will see that story, right? A lovely tale of love and true caring.
Would that all stories played out this way.
Thank you for another winner.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
re: Halle
This was written in 2003. And, I just have this thing, for the most part, for a sweet story with a happy ending. I'm glad everone enjoyed it.
Wonderful Story Teddie
.. Your ability to consistently produce the kind of stories I love reading is uncanny. The depth of emotion you reach out into us readers, the caring and love you show the main characters having, and the tenderness and growing in toward one another that is displayed, all combine to make your stories a quality higher than the classic examples of the sweet/sentimental genre.
Halle was just such a character I could identify with, enjoy being while I read this story, and feeling every little action. It was simply a delight to live in.
Please never stop writing. I love your talent! *hug*