Halle - Part 2 of 3

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A very special girl by the name of Halle and how we cast a spell over each other...

Part 2

by Teddie S.

I got back just before five, and set the table for dinner. I heard her key in the door, and just stood there. She walked in, and saw the flowers and the card. She looked at me, looked at the roses, picked up the card, and start to read it. She stopped reading, looked at me, and had a tear in her eye. She went back to reading it, set it down, walked over to me, threw her arms around me, and started kissing me deeply.

I had written on the card,


The past few days have been fantastic. I spent the day thinking about what
I was feeling, was it just infatuation or was it something more. I took a long
walk, ending up were we had on Saturday night, and I spent a long time there
just thinking. All of a sudden it came to me, it wasn't infatuation, it was love.

You are very special to me. Halle, I love you very much.'

I signed it as she had my note this morning, with a kiss.

We kissed for a long time. When we finally broke, she looked at me, and said, "I was so worried that you weren't going to be here when I came home. That this had been just a fling, and that I'd never see you again. And, when I saw the flowers and card, I first thought that it was your way of saying good bye. But, then you were standing there, smiling, I knew then it could only be a good thing. And, your note sealed it. I've thought of nothing but you today. Terrie, you have no idea of how I feel right now. I'm so very happy."

"I do know how you feel. It's rare when you find a life partner like this, and both of you feeling that way right away is even rarer. I wouldn't do anything to hurt this relationship. I knew you were special when I first met you, and I still feel that way."

She attacked me again. "Stop. Girl, stop! You keep this up and dinner is going to get cold.", I said trying to hold her off.

"You cooked dinner?"

"Not me. I burn water. I stopped at the little Chinese place down the block, and got take out."

"Great. There food is really good."

We finally sat down, and ate. She sat there and looked at me most of the time. As we were cleaning up, she said, "Terrie, you know a lot about me. But, I hardly know anything about you."

"I guess I need to fill you in on me."

"I would love that."

"OK. Get us a couple glasses of wine, and I'll tell you."

We walked out onto the patio, and sat at the table.

"How deep do you want me to go?"

"I want to know everything. About your schooling. Your parents. What ever you want to tell me. Even why you bi, if you want to tell me."

"You really want all the dirt.", I said with a smile. "You asked for it...

I went on to tell her that my parents were very rich, something I don't tell many people, and that I was an only child. And, felt that I was an oops baby. How that I grew up with a nanny, and really didn't see much of my parents. How, that prior to high school I had never had a boy friend or any kind of sex education. That all my schooling was at private all girls schools, and that is where I was introduced to lesbian sex in my freshman year by one of the senior girls. During a school break in my sophomore year, I went home with my roommate, and found out that she was bi. The roommate also confided in me that her brother was the one that helped introduce her to straight sex with one of his friends. And, during my stay at the roommate’s house, her brother came home from college, and the two of them seduced me into having sex with the brother. This was my first sex with a boy, and it was enjoyable. But, I also still liked girls. So, I guessed I was bi-sexual. I told her about my schooling and how I graduated Cum Laude with my Bachelors in psychology. And, had decided to go on for my Masters. And, that my parents, even though I don't see them much, are footing the whole bill. I added a few of my loves along the way, but didn't elaborate on them.

"That's the dirt. More than you want to know. Right?" I hoped I hadn't told her too much.

"No. Just what I wanted to know. I think that I understand you better now."

I again spent the night. This was getting to be a habit. In the morning, I got up with her, and we had breakfast together. I was still seeing more Halle than Mike when I looked at her. I guess there was a lot of inner beauty. As she was walking out the door, she asked, "What type of rental agreement do you have at your apartment?"

"It's month by month. Why?"

"I want you to think about something. And, I don't want an answer right now. I would like you to move in with me. There's plenty of room, and there is no need for you to waste money on an apartment." I was somewhat stunned. She kissed me, and walked out the door.

I had just met her a few days ago, we had told each other our life stories, we had great sex, and we both felt something very special for each other. And, now she had asked me to move in with her. I went back into the kitchen, and sat down with another cup of coffee. It took me about two seconds to make up my mind. I finished cleaning up the kitchen, got dressed, and headed to campus. The cost of the books for my masters program was astronomical. But, I also found the card I was looking for.

That evening when Halle walked in the door, the card was sitting there on the table. I was out of sight, but could just see her. She looked around, I think trying to see if I was there, and slowly opened the envelope. As she opened the card, I could see a big smile grow on her face. I walked into the room, and said, "Hi roommate."

"You are so bad."

"I know. And, you love it."

"And, I love you."

That week we spent moving some of her clothes from the closet in the big bedroom, to the closet in the smaller bedroom. And, moving my things from the apartment to the townhouse. I had about one tenth the clothes that she did, and we really crowded the little bit of male clothes she had. And, luckily my apartment was furnished, so we didn't have any furniture to move.

Friday evening Halle came back, and we went out on the town to celebrate my moving in. Halle is so much fun, a vibrant, fun loving girl. So much different than Mike. On Sunday, when Mike had to come back, it wasn't as bad as the first time I had witnessed it. And, I was curious.

"I noticed Mike came back easier this time."

"I know."

"How come?"

"I think it's because you're here. You interact so well with my two selves. Just you being here makes it easier."

"Mike doesn't want to come back full time. Does he?"

"Are you kidding. What your seeing is Halle masquerading as Mike, not the other way around. Halle is the one that wants to be here."

School started, and she was really great. I had more studying to do than I cared to think about. She was just amazingly supportive. She would go with me to the library, when I had research to do, and sit and read, just to keep me company. She knew when to leave me alone to study. She would do little things that made things just so much better. The weeks flew by. Halle was here on the weekends, she would help me relax, boy could she help me relax! Mid-terms came and went, I did real well and was very happy. Halle took me out on the town to celebrate. The second half of the term was just as great. The support from Halle was just the ticket. It kept me on track. My grades at the end of the term were better than I had during my undergraduate studies.

Christmas was just around the corner, and Halle asked if I would like to go to her parents for the week. I thought that it would be great, spending Christmas with a family. I was nervous as we drove up the street and into the driveway of a very nice house. We parked in back, and just walked into the kitchen. It smelled great. Of course, it was Halle that was with me and not Mike. Her Mom was in the kitchen working on pies. After their warm greetings, and her Mom calling everyone else into the kitchen. Halle introduced me.

"Everyone. I want you to meet someone very special. This is Terrie."

"Terrie. This is my Mom, my Dad, my sister Patty, and her husband Paul."

There were hugs all around. And, I was told to call her Mom, Helen, and her Dad, Dave. Patty said, with a smile, "So you're the wonderful Terrie, that I've head so much about."

I looked a Halle.

She said, "Internet. I told you Patty and I are close."

"What sort of bad things has she told you about me.", I quipped.

"Oh all kinds of dirt. No really, she has only had good things to say about you.", Patty said.

Patty and I hit it off from the start. And, the rest of the family was just great. It felt like I was home. Her Mom put me to work in the kitchen. I warned her that I couldn't cook. And, she told me, that it's never too late to learn. The days before Christmas went by very quickly. I asked Patty to take me shopping, as I hadn't brought gifts for everyone. We had a great day out, shopping together. During lunch, we had a good long talk about Halle/Mike. She told me that I had someone that was very special to her. And, I told her that I knew she was very special, and that I was very happy that she had helped bring out her feminine side. Also, that I couldn't ever think of her as Mike, it was always Halle.

Christmas morning came, and everyone was up early. It was a family tradition to open presents in the morning. Everyone received some great gifts, and I was surprised at all the nice things that I received. After everyone had opened their gifts, and we were cleaning up the mess, Dave said, "Hey, here's a gift we missed. It's for Terrie from Santa." And, he handed me a fairly large package.

I unwrapped it, opened the box, and there was another gift wrapped box inside. I unwrapped, and open this box. And, there was another one inside. I unwrapped that one, and inside was a small black velvet box. I opened it, and inside that was a large engagement ring. I looked at Halle.

She said, "Will you marry me?"

I wrapped my arms around her neck, gave her a big kiss, and said, "Yes!"

She took the ring, and slipped it on my finger. It was a perfect fit. There was a major family hug, and kisses all around.

That evening at dinner, Dave, sitting next to me, took my hand, and said, "You know, back when Mike told us that he preferred to look like a girl. I was worried about him. But, he has proven that he can handle anything thrown at him. I know he was given a hard time in school, because he was small. But, he stood up to them, and proved that he was a bigger person than they were. Now, he has brought a wonderful new member to the family. Patty told us that he felt that there was something special about you, and after meeting you, I agree. Terrie, welcome to the family." He squeezed my hand, and kissed me on the cheek.

He then turned to Halle, and said, with a grin, "Now, girls, are we going to have two brides, or what?"


"I know. But, do I get to walk two girls down the isle at the same time?" Everyone laughed.


Our visit ended much too quickly. I felt like this was the family that I had never had, and I told Halle so. It embarrassed her a little, but she said that they were really something special.

There was going to be a New Years Eve party at the 1-BY-1, and it was going to be a drag party, everyone had to dress as the opposite sex. Go figure. Halle's costume wasn't a problem, she would go as Halle. Me, I had to go as a boy. We both loved swing music, and we decided to go as a couple from the swing era. So, Halle went out and found us costumes. I ended up with loose gray pants, a white long sleeve shirt, red suspenders, saddle shoes, red pok-a-dot tie, and a hat. She had a very cute, red satin, low cut, sleeveless, swing dress, and saddle shoes. She helped dress me, the biggest problem was hiding my 38D's. Halle solved it with a few wide roles of Ace bandages. When she was done, it looked like I had a nice set of pecks. I was going to wear a pair of my panties, but she wouldn't let me. She gave me one of the last pairs of jockey shorts that she had. It felt funny. She also packed a sock with some nylons, and stuck it in the front of the jockey shorts. Stood back, and said, "That's better, now you look like you have a package." I was also going to put on some makeup, and she wouldn't let me. In fact, I had to be sure that I didn't have any makeup on. She came up with a way for me look like I had a five o'clock shadow, and made my eyebrows look heavy. She also managed to get all my hair under the hat. I looked in the mirror, and I didn't look too bad.

Halle of course, had no problem looking like a cute girl. Here outfit made her a real Fly Chick, and she was really my Main Squeeze.

The party was The Bomb. They even played a couple of swing numbers, and Halle and I even tried to dance to them. It was funny, trying to dance as a guy, Halle didn't have a problem with the girls part. The only thing that I wouldn't take off was the ring. Halle tried to get me to, but there was no way that ring was going to come off, it was there to stay. It didn't take away from my costume, but did bring a lot of great comments from our friends. Neither of us had to buy a drink that night. Midnight came, and everyone was kissing everyone else. This party was solid Murder. We drug ourselves home about two in the morning, tired and happy.

(Authors note. For those of you not "hip" to swing talk here's a little translation:
Fly Chick - Attractive female, Main Squeeze - Favorite girl friend,
The Bomb - "Real Cool", Murder - Superdooper, Excellent.)

Spring semester started a couple of weeks later, went almost as quickly as Fall had, and my grades were just as good. Halle, as usual, was a great help. About two weeks before the end of the term, Halle received a call from Dr. Martin, her department head, to come in and see her. She was a nervous wreck the day of the meeting, not knowing what was up. But, when she came home, she almost floated in the door, and had a very broad smile on her face.

"Ok! What was the meeting all about?", I asked.

"There is a full time teaching position available in the computer department. And, they offered it to me."

"If you didn't say yes, I'm going to divorce you, before I marry you."

"I started to tell them that I needed to talk with you about it. But, then I thought, 'Duh, we've already talked about it many times.' So, I told them yes."

I gave her a big kiss.

"I'll start teaching some Summer classes, and I do have to take some courses myself this Summer.", she continued, "But, that's no big deal. Want to go to the Italian place for dinner?"

We headed down the street to the restaurant. And, had one of there usual great meals. The required after dinner glass of wine was on the table. And, something popped into my mind.

"Did you ask them about Halle?"

"What about her?"

"Oh, come on. What is the most important thing to you?"

"Marrying you."

"Other than that? Silly."

"Oh, that. You mean being able to be Halle full time?"


"We talked about it."


"Dr. Martin didn't see a problem with it. The course catalogue is only printed with the instructors last name. And, she will take care of everything else."

"That's fantastic. At last you can be who you want to be."

She just smiled at me.

"What about the other job?"

"I'll talk to them tomorrow. I'd be willing to stay part time, but they would have to take Halle. And, that could be interesting."

"Interesting to say the least."

That night I took charge of the love making, it was almost more than she could take. But, she didn't complain, she just enjoyed. I was just so happy for her that she got the teaching job, and I showed her just how happy I was.

I could tell when she left for work, she was a little nervous, and I told her to call me after she talked to her boss. I was a bundle of nervous energy. I didn't have any classes today, so the townhouse got a major cleaning. The phone rang at about eleven thirty, and I ran for it.

I could tell by her voice that she was a little down, She told me that she had met with her boss, Mr. Black, and her direct supervisor, Jackie Musgrave. And, that it had been a very interesting meeting. They were happy about the teaching position, but unhappy to be losing such a productive employee. She then explained to them all about Halle, and that she would be happy to work for them part time as Halle, but everyone had to know what was going on. They told her, that learning about Halle had explained some things, a number of employees had thought Mike was gay because of they way he dressed and acted. And, they went on to explain that the management committee had been working on a gender policy for the company. She told them that she was happy to see that happen, and that it had been needed for a long time. They then said they would talk over Halles' working part time for them with the management committee later in the day, and let her know the decision at the end of the day. But, she had gotten a feeling that it might not be good.

She was down, when she got home. She told me that they said, that they were sorry, but that they couldn't really couldn't see him coming back in as Halle. I just held her for awhile, she cried a little. Then ended up saying, "You know, this is for the best. I have you, someone that I thought that I would never have. I have the job, teaching, that I really want. And, now Halle can be here full time. I don't know what I'm sad about, except that I'll miss some of the people there." And, she kissed me.

At the end of the week, she cleaned out her desk, said good bye to her friends, and came home. It took her no time at all to bring Halle back, when she was done, she looked at me smiled, and said, "No more Mike!" She then went to the closet, took all the male clothes, and put them in a bag. As we were heading to dinner, we stopped by the local thrift store drop box. As a final good bye, she placed a big red good bye kiss on the bag as she dropped it in the box. After a great dinner at an up scale restaurant, it was off to the club. It was great to see her as her usual vibrant, bubbly self.

The rest of the term just flew by, and again my grades were fantastic. During the Summer, I got a job on campus working on a research project in the Psychology Department. It was only four or five hours a day, but it helped time pass, as I wasn't taking classes. Halle, was really enjoying teaching the Summer classes that she was, and even the two classes that she was taking. It was really nice to have Halle around all the time.

One afternoon I was on the computer, just surfing the web, and I happened to get into the history files. I found a couple of sites that peaked my interest. Ok, I was snooping. And, I brought them up. I spend a good hour and a half reading the two sites, and I didn't like what I was reading. Actually, I really was not at all happy with what I read! I met Halle at the door, she could tell by the look on my face that I was unhappy. She said, "What's wrong?"

"We need to talk. And, I mean a serious talk."

-End Part 2-


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To Be Continued...


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