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Chapter 3 - Contact
by Saless
The more Marvin dug into Sarah's background, the stranger her sudden transformation seemed. Many people seemed to think she'd always been a girl, while others seemed oblivious to how much she'd changed, even though they knew she had been a man! Between that and the strange death of John Green, Marvin decided that she was going to be the focus of his investigation for the time being. He rented an apartment on the top floor of the building across from hers and set up his equipment to record everything that happened there. Once it was set up he started it up and went out to find out more about Sarah Kinsley.
He also got information on her three friends. Michael Levins was a martial arts instructor at his mother's gym. He had gone to school with Sarah, then Sean, and been friends ever since. Jill Robertson was Michael's girlfriend. They'd met in college and had been living together for two years. She was an artist and lived off of the sales of her paintings, which were becoming quite popular. And Erica Keller was Sarah's girlfriend, who was about to begin her last semester at Harvard Law. None of them had any criminal record or any other questionable affiliations.
There was some suspicion that one of Sarah's coworkers had killed Mr. Green, so Marvin got pictures of all of them. There were too many to get in-depth information on quickly, but he could at least recognize them if they made contact with Sarah or her friends.
The most interesting information was from the lab. John Green's ashes weren't ashes at all! In fact, there was no trace of human DNA in it. The lab had been unable to identify the material so far, but were very interested. Marvin had to wonder what could have killed Mr. Green and reduced him to a pile of unidentifiable dust. He'd certainly never heard of anything that could do that!
He returned to his temporary home and went through the recordings he'd gotten so far. He was interested to see that the same shadowy figure he'd noticed before was hanging around again. In fact, it looked like they were inside the apartment at that very moment! He grabbed his laptop and headed downstairs. He found a bench and sat down to watch the feed from his laptop. Before long the door opened again and that same shadowy figure came out. Once out of sight of the apartment the shadows seemed to melt away, revealing one of Sarah's coworkers! This could be the person who killed Mr. Green! he thought as he dropped his computer off in his car and hurried over to intercept her.
He managed to get to her car before she could and 'invited' her to get a drink at the Starbucks around the corner. She was very reluctant to cooperate, so he had to resort to threats. He was sure she was holding back, but she did mention something that he'd noticed himself; the fact that everyone seemed to accept Sarah's transformation remarkably easily. He didn't ask her about Mr. Green just yet, since he could use her to get more information on Sarah. Besides, other than the strange way he died, he didn't really have any cause to arrest her for that. It was clearly a case of her defending Sarah and no jury in the world would convict her.
She did drop one bit of information, probably without realizing its importance. Sarah had missed a day at work right before her sudden transformation! He already knew that she went to school as a girl the following day, so whatever happened had to have happened after work that Thursday, or sometime during the Friday that she didn't go to work. He still couldn't see how she could have changed so much in such a short time, and was beginning to think she wasn't really Sean Kinsley at all, but had somehow taken his place.
Marvin sent Tiffany back to spy on Sarah, knowing full well she'd resist him every step of the way. Still, she might give something away, and he would be recording everything he could. He retrieved his laptop and returned it to his room. The recordings showed Tiffany, little more than a shadow as usual, going into Sarah's apartment. A little while later Sarah and Erica left with Tiffany close behind. She ended up stuck outside the apartment of Michael and Jill, but managed to get inside somehow. He wondered if she'd try to talk to them, but he was able to get a fairly good look inside the window from where he was. He could only see two of the people inside, but there was no indication that they knew Tiffany had entered, so he relaxed.
He went over all the information he'd gathered so far while occasionally glancing at his laptop screen. There was no evidence of any kind of explosives used at the site outside of town. The area was so rocky that they couldn't get any good tire tracks or foot prints, either. That place was a complete dead end. Still, John Green's death was very strange, and happening when it did, and where it did, he couldn't ignore it.
He glanced back at the screen again and saw that Tiffany was going back to Michael and Jill's apartment. He went back to his reading for a moment and then swung back around. Wasn't she just in Michael and Jill's apartment?! What's going on here? he thought. He opened a second video window and went back over the recording, but there was no sign of Tiffany ever leaving their apartment. Yet here she was, going back to it from Sarah's!
To Be Continued…
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Wish i had read
this before i made a comment on Sarah's shadow ,Then i would have known just what the Watcher knew, which at the moment is not a lot ....But give him time!!!!
Marvin's certainly got an unenviable job trying to untangle what he's seeing...
A 48 hr sex change
Bodies reduced to dust
A co-worker who 'melts' into the shadows...
...and then instantly and invisibly moves between flats...
Never mind the fact that in a few days time Erica is going to be spending her daytimes at Harvard and evenings with the gang! If travelling a few yards instantaneously gets Marvin scratching his head, what about that much greater distance?!
Evidently this "Watcher" series will continue a while, so I can't imagine the gang all turning up at once, demonstrating magic to Marvin, and then he goes away fully contented.
On the other hand, things could get very tricky and dangerous if Tiffany is encouraged to become a double agent.
Still, especially if they can sense that Marvin is watching them, they can start to take precautions to make life tougher for him - such as erecting net curtains at the windows, ensuring dark curtains are closed at night time, and ensuring Tiffany only enters / leaves Sarah's apartment.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Yeah, I wouldn't want his
Yeah, I wouldn't want his job. But then, if I did have it, I'd be more open to the magical possibilities, so I'd have an easier time with it, I think. Still, he's got a lot on his plate!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Open vs admissable
Isn't that the problem wassisname on X Files had? Believe what you want, but you gotta be able to prove it. I can just imagine asking a judge to subpoena somebody to perform magic, then hold them in contempt for failing to do so. :-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Yeah, that would be something, wouldn't it?! Proving magical abilities is rough unless they're triggered by outside stimuli. Even then it could be tough, if the stimuli is pain or injury. I don't think a judge would go for that! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Sarah Can Also
Turn the cop into aa girl if he becomes a problem, or port him to another Earth. or even to Siberia.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Siberia might be a bit
Siberia might be a bit tough, as either she or Erica would probably have to go there first so Sarah could know where to open the portal to! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Portal requirement
Sarah has been opening portals to fictional worlds based on their descriptions in books. Surely there is a good description of Siberia in a book somewhere.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Well, yeah, but
who says it would be their Siberia? ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Does it really matter? You're trying to banish the guy, sending him to the wrong Siberia would certainly eliminate any unfortunate phone calls home!
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Meanie! ;P
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
A Gilded Cage
Unless you were angry with him, you could simply banish him to a fictional tropical paradise.
Michelle B
They Could Send Him... that mythical South Seas island in Kaleigh Way's Marcie and the Amazons. Hard to imagine how he'd get out of that one, or where he'd end up if he did...
Considered That Option
I actually did consider that as one of the possiblities. Another though was the island in the 1960 "Swiss Family Robinson" film.
Michelle B
Besides, I'm sure
There are hundreds of sites with photoes of different places and environments. You could go all Stargate SG-1 and open a portal to the bottom of the sea, or to open a portal leading to an active volcano, or to a tropical island, as someone suggested. Sheesh, Sarah would be able to make a Round-The-World Sightseeing Tour easily enough!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
There are lots of lovely pictures of fantasy worlds on the web. Sarah could always send him to one of those.
Could always turn this guy into a dust bunny. No one would ever find him. He'd just disappear and never be seen again.
The trouble with
The trouble with investigators is that if they suddenly disappear while working a case, their employers tend to get mighty curious... ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
But Mike can shapeshift & with Jill and Vash's mental powers ...
Could Mike copy the detective and his manner of speaking, basic knowledge of coworkers and fake him saying the investigation was a false lead or set him up as a nut case? Them later when a young woman with no ID shows up at police HQ and tries to claim she's a missing male detective ...
Or maybe he/she will join voluntarily? Just because he uses *threats* as a tactic to get info doesn't mean he really would hurt anyone. He might just be a good guy, just a bit jaded and overly world wise. A Sarah *makeover* into a woman might do him/her a lot of good.
The chrysalis worries me, Erica is a fine woman and it could turn her into a male and though that would solve some of the societal problems of their love, I don't think Sarah and Erica want that outcome. Occasional sex changing to have each other's child they might want but for Erica to be stuck as a man? Or worse, it could make her a twisted monster or kill her.
John in Wauwatosa
Still waiting for Sarah to confront mom and dad. Was mom a victim of dad or a co-creep?
The eagerness with which the deadly knives appear worries me as does Tiffany becoming harder for Vash to hear or does shadowkind power extend to mental powers as well?
John in Wauwatosa
Shadowkin are stealthy, even
Shadowkin are stealthy, even their minds! So it's hard to make mental contact with a mature Shadowkin, as Tiffany is becoming. There's nothing to indicate a chrysalis could change someone's gender. In fact, Dr. Kerr (In Oni) assures the main character that the chrysalis can't change who she is, only make her a stronger more resilient version of herself. I suppose if it were used on a transgendered person it could have that affect, though... ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America