Mike versus Michelle 20: Baltimore Blues- Final Chapter

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The story of Mike versus Michelle concludes with this chapter. It takes place about a year and a half after the last chapter and picks up after Michelle's SRS.
Mike versus Michelle:
Part 20

Baltimore Blues:The Final Chapter
By Sharon Parsons


I was three months shy of my 20th birthday the first time Dave and I made love with my new vagina. For him it was wonderful, or so he said. For me it was a milestone.

I had made the decision to have SRS with little or no debate. Of course I pretended to debate it, but my mind had been made up. I didn't take any shortcuts though when it came to the surgery. I had it done in Baltimore. Mom and Dave went with me. We did it while Cam was on break from college so that he could watch Gary.

Cam and Gary both knew why I was going to Baltimore and they supported my decision to do it. Gary was 12 when I had it done. He made sure I knew he loved me no matter what kind of surgery I got or didn't get. He was and is my son and I am his mother.

I had said all the right things and told everyone what they wanted to hear in the months leading up to the surgery. I could have backed out and people would have understood. They would have loved me anyway.

I did what I did because I wanted to do it. Of course I did get a lot of encouragement from my mother, but in the end, it was my decision. I don't blame anyone for my life, but I do give credit where credit is due. She was proud of me and I thrived on her pride.

Being Bipolar played a big part in how I felt about my life. My feelings about it would change on a monthly basis. Sometimes my emotions would cycle faster than that and I would experience mood swings on a weekly basis. It wasn't unusual for me to cycle on a daily basis either. Even though I was taking my medication regularly, I couldn't forecast my emotions with any degree of accuracy. That's how I got the nick name- Dr. Jeckyll and Mrs. Holsteader.


Dr. Martha was wrong about SRS not being a cure. Losing my testicles cured me of all my sex addictions. The thrill I got from wearing pretty clothes and smoking like a woman went right out the door with the doctor who gave me a vagina.

SRS had freed me from the bonds of my sexual addiction! You'd think I'd be happy about it, but I wasn't. I felt as if I'd lost something as integral as my sense of smell or taste. Talk about anti-climatic and unrewarding.

SRS hadn't relieved me of my addiction to cigarettes. I was smoking more than ever and I was getting nothing in return for the damage I was inflicting on my body.

SRS didn't change my wardrobe. I was still wearing women's clothes, but the thrill I got from wearing them was moot.

SRS didn't make conventional intercourse pleasurable for me. It just gave Dave an extra place to put his penis.

I was disappointed in the end result of my SRS, but I didn't tell that to my mother or Dave. I put on my best happy face for them and saved my sad face for Dr. Martha.

Dr. Martha could have said, "I told you so," but she didn't. As a matter of fact, I think she was as surprised as I was over the loss of my sexual addictions.

She understood the ramifications of what had happened and she was sympathetic, but she couldn't give me the thrill back.

SRS was a death sentence for the boy named Mike who used to reside within me. I mourned his loss every time I saw Cam with his girlfriend. I was jealous of him, but oddly enough, I still loved him as my son.

SRS brought my mother and I closer to each other. She was so happy for me, because I'd finally gotten my wish to be just like her. I was just like her! Oh my God. I was just like my mother.

"Isn't it wonderful Michelle?"

"Yes Mom. It is," I said as I lit a cigarette.

The End

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An end to a good story. Will you post a second story about Michelle?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

A Great Story!

There is a lesson for all TS M to F folk! Read this chapter several times! I don't regret my SRS for a second, but I (and many others) have the same feelings! David is dead... just as sure as Mike is dead.

I'm not like Michelle in that I do love to get dressed to the nines when I go out. Regular every day dressing doesn't excite me as it did many years ago.

While this story is probably mostly fiction, it has a great deal of reality in it and between the lines. Thank you Sharon for it!


Author's Note:

Writing this story was an incredible journey for me. It took 30 days and 154 pages to tell it. That's a lot of thoughts, feelings and descriptions to come off the top of a head without an outline. Its very draining. I didn't know what was going to happen until now either.

The story is finished, but I didn't leave Michelle on a dead end street. She still has places to go and has a life to live. She has the option to be happy. Mike, however, didn't fare so well. I know we've seen the last of him. He exists only as a memory.

Thanks to those who stuck around to see how it turned out.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing this story with us! It was often bittersweet; but it never really disappointed. I'm glad I managed to read it all!



Thanks Sharon

I really enjoyed this story. Unlike many others I've read on this site, there was a "grittiness of reality" that came through your writing. Things didn't necessarily end sweetly for our hero(ine). I for one will be looking out for your work in the future. Thanks heaps.

Positively Supportive

An interesting story that

An interesting story that shows in the end that all is not sweetness and light when it comes to having SRS. You are still you, with the same problems, issues and such; just with a different looking body. Would really like to see a follow up story of Michelle at around 10-15 years later to she how she fared. J-Lynn

Sorry I didn't chime in

Sorry I didn't chime in until now, but I was waiting to see how the story turned out. I think I'll remember reading it for the rest of my life. Both your style and your message made a big impact on me. I really liked it that the story was plausible. It was way out there, but I found myself believing it. I like Michelle and I hope I'll see her again the next time you write.

I've only just picked this up

but wamt to let you know, having now read it from the beginning, that I have enjoyed reading it very much.

I liked the way you managed to tease out all the little nuances of Michelle's character; I also liked how you set out all her fears and insecurities.

I agree with many of the comments; SRS is not for everyone and many psychiatrists will identify other conditions that may influence a wish on the part of the client.

For me, SRS was the only way, but I do know people who can't undergo the surgery for medical reasons or don't want or need it.

I understand the need for the emphasis on smoking, it being a significant part of Michelle's wish to be like Mother.

I was impressed with the way that you finished the story, leaving us with the feeling that Michelle believes that she may have lost more than she had gained.

Very well done.


Thank you

I really enjoyed your story. I'm not sure if the further adventures of Michelle would be a good idea or not; after all, she transitioned and isn't happy. Any further stories for her would; in my opinion, be morbid.





Not necessarily morbid

Awe gee Winnie, have a little faith. Michelle is a worthy character. It wouldn't be difficult to give her a good life. She's only 20 after all. She just needs a little time to settle into her life. And I need a small vacation from her, but believe me, I'll be thinking of her this weekend.


She's nibbling at the bait...





This was a very thoughtful

nikkiparksy's picture

This was a very thoughtful story with the warning be carefull what you wish for as it may not be what you actually want.
Well written and thought out it has been a intriging storyline that has been grat too read.
I loved it thank you :).