Alicia's New Life Chapter -13-

Alicia’s New Life

By Christine

Chapter 13: Alicia’s Revenge

A few hours had passed since Nobori was told that his brother had been killed and that he was now Kimiko’s legal guardian. He felt anger simmer inside his chest. His brother Jae was taken to the morgue where they would prepare a funeral. A doctor told him that Kimiko was awake and he could talk to the girl now. Nobori walked in very grimly. A uniformed officer accompanied him in. He knelt beside Kimiko. “Kimiko, I need you be strong for me now. I have something very bad to tell you,” He said gravelly.

Kimiko could tell from his face and tone that it was serious, and not good. She nodded and said, “Okay, go on. I am feeling alright now.”

“This is so hard, I am so sad right now. Jae, we both loved him. Oh my god this is so hard.” He wept. “He’s been shot. He didn’t make it.”

Kimiko covered her face and cried. She cried out, “OH no, do they know who shot him?”

“Yes. Craig trapped him. He hired two professional hit men from the other family. A Sicilian named Don Falcone from Detroit. Apparently, Craig made contact with that family and hired two of their guys. “

it was the last reaction that Nobori expected. Kimiko’s eyes flared in anger now. Her entire face, usually beautiful was now cold. She spoke, “Oh my god. I knew Craig was a coward but I never thought he would try something this bold. Call General Choi. We have arrangements to make now. The time will come shortly when we will strike back hard. I guess this means that you are my guardian now. “

“Yes,” he said. “I will take care of you and Haruki. Don’t worry about vengeance against them yet. You need to recover.”

She spoke bitterly. “I will and then, I will destroy my sister and my brother. They will pay for trying to destroy me, and for killing someone I love. I wish they would leave me alone. Its clear the only option is to destroy them. I will have a long talk with Choi once I recover.

Nobori told her that he would call Choi. He left her and called one of his people to stay guard at her door to her room.

Now that Nobori was the head of Jae’s family too, he wondered how he would deal with it. He also wondered how his children would handle it too. . Kimiko did like him a lot. Haruki liked him also.

Kimiko seemed to be recovering quickly. She was sitting up in her bed when Nobori came in with another lady. She was wearing a black Asian style dress. It fit very tight around her making her look very sexy. Kimiko felt a little fear as she looked at this other woman. Her face was very soft looking and unlike her sister or Sandra, this woman in front of her was warm. Kimiko felt warmth in the woman’s eyes. The fear disappeared.

She looked at Kimiko and said, “Hello Kimiko I am Lien Giap, The granddaughter of the great General Vonguyen Giap. I work closely with the General Choi now and he will be here shortly. “

She nodded to the Lien and said, “I appreciate that. What do you do for General Choi, Lien?”

“I do jobs for him, keep track of his schedule, meet clients for him, arrange meetings and occasionally, I deal with people that betray him. What is it that you need Choi for?”

Kimiko flashed Lien an icy smile, “There are people that really need taken care of badly. My father has been murdered. I repay my family for that and for everything they have done to me over the past years. “

Lien had been in the business long enough to know what she wanted from Choi. Even though she had not been told everything that had occurred within her former family, she knew this killing needed dealt with. She replied, “The general will be here shortly. “

He walked in right after she said that. He looked as cold as usual. He walked in with a sense of command that made everyone around him respect him. Or was it fear, she couldn’t tell. It just seemed that everyone around him wanted to please him. Choi turned his cold case in Kimiko’s direction. He asked coldly, “Kimiko, My assistant Lien tells me that you needed to see me?” It was clearly a question.

Kimiko paused for a few long seconds. “I am sure that you know from your sources by now that my father Jae has been murdered.”

He nods. “Yes, indeed I do. If my information is correct, your sisters boyfriend Craig set it up and your brothers girlfriend, Sandra paid two assassins to do it. Some family you had there. “

“You are correct the police have arrested the assassins but they can’t arrest Sandra or Craig because the charges against them won’t stick. “

His mind was quick. He looked at her, his thick eyebrows rose; she could tell he knew where this was going. He said sardonically, “And you want me to deal with them, is that right, Kimiko?”

“No, not exactly. I will deal with them when the time comes, what I want from you is information. I want you to get people on them. I need to know where they are at any time, what kind of money they have and where it is. I need to know where they live, who they hang out with and where do they work. I need to know their daily routine so when the time is right, I can take them down. I want to do it so they know who it was. I want to see them die! They deserve to die. They have hurt me, General Choi. Will you help me?”

Choi smiled, “Sure, Kimiko. I am a good friend to your late father and his family. I will never let them down. And I will help you kill them when the time is right. Do you want them all to die?”

“No, General. I will kill Donna, Craig, Sandra, Ron, Jennifer and her family, Sandra’s friends Cecilia and Jeremy. But as for Kathy no. I want her to live. I want her to loose everything she holds dear. Have no one to turn to but me and then, “ Kimiko smiled. “I will be there with open arms to take her in. I will own her then and she will know what its like to be someone’s toy, a possession. She will work for me. Will you help me with that?”

“Sure,” Choi said. “I will do anything for you. Was there anything else you’d like to discuss, Kimiko?”

“No, that’s all right, General. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to working with you on this. I would like to get the job finished after I am well enough to be released from this place,” Kimiko told him.

He responded, “I think that will be possible. Finding them and where they keep their money will not be hard and finding ways to take their money also wont be hard. I assume your lawsuit took most of it. “

She smiled at him as he turned to leave. Lien followed him though the door. She stopped, looked back as she waited for him to leave. Then she turned around, went back into her room and shut the door. She sat down across from Kimiko.

She spoke, her voice was full of caring and concern for Kimiko’s well being. “Kimiko, you are such a sweetheart now. I hate seeing the path you are choosing now. You are beautiful, full of compassion and caring. Please don’t go down this path of killing. You are too beautiful to let this hate fill you with a need for vengeance. My boss the General has gone down that.”

She scoffed and told her, “Lien you have no clue what these…people are like. You don’t know the half of what my family inflicted on me. Don’t be standing on your soapbox by telling me not to let myself be filled with hate. “ her voice rose, “After going though what I did, I have the god giving right to be as hateful as I want to. They will die, lien.”

“You are going down a path that you cant return from. “ Lien pleaded. “Once you choose to kill, this” she thought for a second, “This bloodbath you are planning. Even if your connections are too good for the authorites to punish you, it will have an affect on your soul. Look at the General. You see in him, no compassion, no mercy. Just a cold piercing look of hate and bitterness. He cares for no one and no thing. Is that what you want to become?”

the answer was chilling. “Yes! I am already like that. If I could become heartless and cold, perhaps the pain I feel from my childhood would go away too. I don’t want to feel anymore. You are free to leave, Lien and thank you for your caring.”

Tears started streaming down her face and leaving wet trails down her cheeks. “Oh my god,” she whispered in incomprehension. “What in the name of god happened to you?”

“Lien, do you really want to know. You must be sure because it’s very bad”

Lien steeled herself, “Yes. Tell me please.”

Kimiko’s chest rose and deflated as she let out a loud breath. “Well, Lien. The story starts a few months after my parents passed away when I was twelve years old. They had just moved from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles. In their will, my father stipulated that my brother would be in charge of the family, if he accepted then he would get the new estate and his fortune. Ron is my brother and he was a selfish asshole. He didn’t give a damn about my sister or me. He just wanted the stuff and left my sister and me to our own. Well, my sister was extremely cruel and hateful. She abused me and my sister Katherine was a very strong and domineering woman. She was also 3 years older than me. My brother let her abuse and hurt me and didn’t raise a finger to stop her. In fact, he told me to let her, he placed her in charge of me and said I had to deal with it. She abused me, tortured me and even abused me sexually. She forced me to become a girl and I didn’t have the strength to stop them. But it doesn’t end there.”

Kimikos body was shaking badly as she told lien the story of her youth. “There was also Sandra, Sandra is my brothers wife. She hated me for some reason I never figured out. She taught Kathy how to be a Mistress so she could control me. She taught Kathy how to make me a girl, she purchased the medicine. Kathy thought she was a mistress instead of a child abuser. I guess that’s how women think.”

Lien started to object when Kimiko raised her hand, “Lien shut up. You wanted to hear this so shut the fuck up. Let me continue. Sandra beat me too and she humiliated me. It was mainly Kathy, though. But they both were involved. When I finely got the upper hand on Kathy, the day she told me I was to be her slave girl, her back was turned so I jumped her and beat her with the paddle she beat me with. That was when bro came in and tied me up. Then, he brought the real mistress in to deal with me, That was Donna. She had me subdued as soon as she entered my life and that is how I am a girl today. “

Kimiko told Lien the story of how she was feminized and turned into a slave girl. Her voice droned on for hours over the horror, beatings, rapes, sadistic torture. It went on for hours as Kimiko told her. Lien couldn’t understand how women could behave that way toward a innocent child. Her mother had taught her that it was their duty to take care of children. Not to hurt and abuse. Those women Kimiko was talking about made Her blood boil. Now, she could fully understand Kimiko’s twisted misogynous mindset. But now that she was a woman, she needed to relearn a few things and she needed to learn how to be compassionate and caring. Perhaps, she could teach Kimiko how to care like a woman. She also knew she needed to stop Kimiko from what she was planning before it was too late, she hoped she wasn’t fighting a loosing battle.

She reached over to the crying girl across from her and wrapped her in a tight embrace. She whispered in the girls’ ear, “Kimiko, I am sorry for what was done to you. My mother told me it was a woman’s duty to stand up for children and never to harm a kid. What those bitches did was wrong. They will pay for it, you can believe me. I will never hurt you.” They were hugging tightly.

Kimiko was shocked at this action. When the other woman wrapped her arms around her, Kimiko felt some fear at what was happing and the close intimate proximity they were in. feeling the other woman’s warmth and softness but that quickly subsided into a feeling of safety. Her mind knew that there was nothing she had to fear. This woman was genuinely caring and loving. She just laid her head down on Liens shoulder and enjoyed the comfort and safety. She knew that this woman would be disappointed because she couldn’t just lie down anymore. It was time to show Kathy that she would no longer tolerate her behavior. Kathy had to be stopped. Kimiko had to stand up to her sister and destroy her. Kathy had to know what she was made of now.

Kimiko raised her face up off Liens shoulder and told her, “I can not overlook Kathy any longer. Lien, I know I am disappointing you but I cant take this any more. I have to do this. If you don’t want to see me anymore, I will understand.”

Lien frowned at her in disappointment. “I understand, Kimiko. I hope I can convince you to reconsider this course before its too late. “ She stood up and walked out of the room.

There wasn’t any chance of reconsidering. Reconciliation was not possible. Nor was compromise possible. She would get her vengeance for the life she lost. No one could see the venomous anger that was always simmering inside her but Kimiko could always feel it. The time was nearly right for all of those that had abused her to feel her wrath

She was up and walking by the next morning and the nurse took the IV’s off of her. Nobori walked in and commented about how quick she was recovering. She smiled and Nobori said, “It is time and the doctor thinks you are healed enough that you can go to the funeral. A nurse will help you get dressed to go. “ He stepped out and waited for Kimiko to get herself dressed and ready. The nurse walked in with the clothing he had picked out for her. He brought a formal black business style dress and a black blouse for her to wear to Jae’s funeral.

She could dress herself. Nobori noticed that even dressed, as formally, she still looked sexy in her black dress, which fit her tightly, her black nylons and heels he brought for her. She held herself up proudly now. NO longer did she have that defeated depressed look on her face. He was good at reading people, what he saw in her eyes frightened him somewhat. He saw a simmering anger, it looked like a volcano smoking, ready to explode and smash anything under it. The eruption was building up pressure, meaning the preparations were being made.

The drive over to the church was uneventful and they parking was easy. Since they were prominent in the family, and she was his adopted daughter and Nobori was his brother there was a close spot reserved for them. The don demanded it. The lot was full. There were many black cars and waiting limousines. Nobori lead her in the church and they sat in the front row. It was very somber and upsetting to Kimiko. She saw the coffin with her father Jae lying silently. She couldn’t help it as she silently wept. . Nobori held her hand as he saw wet tears leaving trails down both cheeks. He felt the same way and it was just experience and a different background that gave him the control to suppress his sadness.

She noted that as people were coming in, there was a orchestra playing a familiar somber waltz. They stopped as a priest walked in and started giving his sermon, he quoted from the bible and talked about her fathers life. She found herself agreeing with him as he talked about his generosity and love for children. That made her smile. Jae must have loved children a lot because he adopted her and protected her. He did have a really big heart. She hoped that her brother was as good, he seemed to be trying. Several other famly members steped up and gave a eulogy. She felt it was inappropriate for her to give a eulogy.

His sermon ended and Nobori and Harukichi along with others gathered around the coffin and took it outside to the waiting hearse. She got in the other car and they drove off to the cemetery for the burial. It was a very emotional time for her as the man she had come to love as her father was being buried. She listened to the priest give his final words and prayed for him. Then they lowered the casket.

It was finely over thankfully. While she was healing, it wasn’t there yet. She was just healed enough to go though that but she was aching badly now and exhausted. She had to go back to the hospital. They were driving her back to her hospital room. She said, in a voice that trembled with suppressed rage, “Nobori, You are now my guardian, and you are the leader of the family. Do you support me on getting vengeance on my former family, will you allow me to do it?”

“Yes, Kimiko. As a valuable member of our family, I have appointed you as a caporegime. You have desgression to execute your revenge against your family and the Falcone family, however you see fit. I trust you,” Nobori told her.

That made her happy. But she had to recover her strength first and then she could give revenge further thought.

Nobori told her, “I will direct General Choi to follow your instructions. I pay him more than enough that he will should no problems. The general is a ruthless and greedy bastard.

Kimiko’s strength returned quickly. Nobori and his son saw her every day at the hospital and they saw that every day she was stronger than the last. She was walking on her own within a week and the week after that she was out running.

The hospital released her four weeks later. She walked out of the hospital with a terrible grim look on her face. Nobori and Choi met her at the large glass door going out to the hospitals parking lot. She looked at Choi, “The time has come, General. Its time to execute our plan. Are your people ready?”

“Yes, Kimiko,” Choi answered.

“Good. Get them into Position. I will meet you at Donna’s Place in an hour. Be there.”

He bowed and left quickly. “Nobori lets do this.”

She got her cell phone out after she was in the car and Nobori’s driver was taking them to Donnas place. She dialed Donna. She felt an excitement she had not felt in years. She was going to talk to Donna, the bitch that had almost on her own shattered apart Her life. She had destroyed Allen’s life. It was Kathy but she couldn’t have done it without Donna. It was Donna that was with him day after day, beating him, humiliating him and keeping him in a almost constant state of terror. She was about to pay.

Kimiko was about to hear her voice and she was about to talk to her victim. She dialed donnas number and waited. It rang.

After two rings someone picked up. She heard donnas chilling voice finally. It was one simple word but it bring the ghost of fear back into her. That hard boiled voice that caused her so much terror. It was like the voice of the angel of darkness.

But in her fear something else rose too. Icy cold resolve to get justice done. She answered just as hard, “Hey, Donna. I don’t know if you remember me or not. Do you?”

There was a silence on the other end but it finally answered, “Yes, sure I do. Alicia. Why are you calling me for? Arent you free now. “

“Yea but I been thinking about you, Mistress Donna. “

“I bet you were. I made quite an impression didn’t I, “ Donna answered proudly.

“Yes, you did, “ Kimiko admitted. “I was glad to be free but I miss you now. Can I go come see you?”

Kimiko knew the bitch was so cocky and confident she would actually think she made such a impression that Alicia would come back. “Why sure. I’m at my place. If you want to be with me just come on over. I can’t wait.”

“Good. I cant wait for you to take care of me. I am….coming to see you. Bye Donna. “ This was going to be fun.

They stopped on in a parking lot near Donnas place and she got out. She walked over to Nobori’s larger car and got in. “The stuff is in the back, Kimiko. Everything I was instructed to bring. I hope you know what your doing. “

She looked in the back and saw. There was a large handgun she picked up, checked to see if its loaded and tucked it in her shirt. There were several blocks of C4.

“MMMMMMMMMMMM Nobori. I cant wait to see the sadistic bitch. Her whole family is going to wiped out.”

They stopped infront of Donnas place and she got out. The house was rather unassuming just a normal two story family home that you see in subdivision. You wouldn’t think it was the house of a sadistic mistress that abuses young children. But what did she expect, a medieval castle with a torture chamber in the basement. She almost did expect a wicked looking castle.

She knocked on the simple white door and it opened fast enough. “Alicia, I see you returned. I’m so happy to see you.” The sadistic bitch was so pleased.

She smiled back at Donna as she approached the other woman. “Hello, Donna. I have been waiting to see you again. I hoped that you didn’t forget me. May we go inside and have a word?”

“Sure, Sissy but you must not forget your manners that I taught you. You need to address me as Mistress Donna, “ She chided.

‘I don’t have you address you any way you sadistic toad , ‘ She growled in her mind.

“Oh, IM sorry Mistress Donna, please forgive me,” She said out loud sweetly. She glanced back to see Nobori and his friend get out behind them. They would be waiting in case things got…out of hand.

They walked inside the house and Kimiko shut the door. She took out her gun and turned around to face Donna.

Donna stiffened when she saw the silver glint off Kimiko’s hand. It didn’t take Donna longer than a second to recognize it as a gun in her hand.

She knew what Kimiko had come for now. She wasn’t dumb by any means and she knew that the girl had come there to kill her. She was smart enough to know this was the last few minutes of her life.

“You will never get away with this, Alicia. They will find you.”

“Donna, I am not Alicia anymore. My name is Kimiko. I will kill you and I will kill your husband and daughter upstairs. None of you will live after this night.”

Kimiko enjoyed seeing the blood drain from Donnas face. She tried to plead, “Please, Al… Kimiko. Let them live.”

That only enraged her further. She stepped closer, “Don’t try to plead with me after the hell and horror you put me though. I know the sadism that runs though your family and I cant let you or any of your children do this to any other person ever. It must end tonight. I just want some information from you and then we can call it a night,” Kimiko told Donna.

She was pleaded to see Donna actually break out into tears. Wet tears were falling from the sadistic bitches eyes. “Aww you’re crying. I don’t care. It’s much like when you made me cry. You tortured me countless times, and then you punished me for crying out in pain. You humiliated me and I was only a young child. But you’re a woman; a child’s pain didn’t matter to you. I just wanted to know how much they paid you to hurt me.”

Donna gathered her wits and said, “They paid me a salary of thirty thousand a year. I was friends with Sandra and she knew how to get into contact with me. “

“Thank you, Donna. That will be all.” She raised her gun and aimed right at the other girls face and squeezed the trigger gently. She saw the shot fly out in a burst and impact the Donnas face. She flew back out of her seat and die almost instantly. Nobori and his people were in the house in an instant. He looked down at the body of the woman, and they watched the bleeding hole in her head. The back of her head was also bleeding out and pulling bright red blood on the floor. A man came running down the steps shouting but Nobori’s gun put a stop to that. He crumpled on the floor.

Nobori’s friend set the bomb in the house and they were speeding away in no time.

They heard the explosion in the distance and they both smiled. “Now, its time to meet Arcadia. Give me the shot gun, Its time for them both to pay, Arcadia and Craig. You know what to do with Craig. I will handle Arcadia.

They did know.

She knew where Arcadia lived and made it to her new place in no time. She knew arcadia wasn’t the time to feel bad for anything so she went over to her place. The intell they had received told them that she would be at the house. This part would be simple. She had the gun ready and knocked on the door.

Arcadia opened the door and knew it was a mistake. A look of horror overtook the girl as she looked at Kimiko and the large shot gun she was holding. Arcadia screamed as Kimiko took aim and fired. She wasn’t used to the power of the shot gun and it hurt her but the shot blew arcadia away. She was bleeding all over.

Kimiko walked over and show two more times at close rang. “That was for raping me and hurting me for two years you bitch.”

Two of her tormentors had been killed. It was time for the woman that caused it all to happen, and the man that sat by and let her take away Allen’s life. Sandra and Ron.

She looked back and was pleased that Nobori had been able to get her a Thomson sub machine gun but first things first. She wanted to deal with Ron first so she called rons Cell phone number and he picked up quickly.

“Hey Ron, its me Kimiko. I want to just talk with you, you know, to put the past away,” She told him.

“What, really, Kimiko. Is this for real,” He asked suspiciously.

“Yes sure. Please?”

“Yeah, Ok. “ He said finally.

“Good, I will see you in a few minutes and we can talk in person.”

Ron saw her car drive up and she was in the back front seat. She opened the passanger door and motioned for him to get in beside her. He got in.

“Ron, I know you were under pressure back then and I will forgive you on one condition. “

He looked at the girl, “You don’t know what Sandra was like with me. What is that condition?”

The door locked suddenly. “That you die, Ron. For all that happened to me. You must die and then I will forgive you after you paid the price.”

Before he could move, someone in the back had got up and pulled thick piano wire around his neck. They were struggling and he was kicking and trying to get loose but it was no use. He couldn’t get free and Kimiko just watched and smiled at him. After less than two minutes, he stopped moving and it was over. She looked at the body of Ron and said, “You are forgiven now, Ron.” She reached in the back and got the Thomson sub machine gun. She got out of the car with Nobori and headed toward Sandra’s house quietly. They got though the door and met Sandra. Her back was turned. That was when Kimiko shouted, “Sandra you bitch this is for hurting me all of those years. I killed Ron and now its your turn to join him in hell.”

She turned in fright and saw the two men holding sub machine guns aimed right at her. She knew there was no hope and just smiled and said, “It was fun, faggot and you deserved it. “

Kimiko sneered and said, “Just like a woman, No mercy, reason or compassion. You deserve it.” She let loose with the incredibly destructive power of the Tommy gun on full auto. She wasn’t prepared for how hard it was to keep aimed at her target but she did a good job. Most of the rounds went though her body and tore her up. They left behind a bloody mess. She was in the car with Nobori. Their job was done. Most of those that hurt her had paid. She had one final item on her agenda. She wanted Kathy but not dead. Then, she had to leave the country. She would leave with Kathy, or she would leave without Kathy. Either way she had to leave very quickly.

She asked Nobori, “Are we prepared to go to Japan for a few years?”

“Yes, we are. “

“Great. Call Kathy and ask her if she will go with us. I think she will because her family is dead, she has no money and because of her record, no one will hire her and she will be homeless.”

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