Little Pink Pills, Part 21

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-One, by Michelle Wilder

Watching through windows
You're wondering if I'm OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

(Time After Time, by Cyndi Lauper)

(Revised and reposted)


I looked at Strawberry in the dark, at her pretty petticoat with the ruffle. I was really afraid, and hugged her close.



"Am I a girl?" My voice was shaky. "Really?"

Valerie rolled over and pulled me tight and talked into my back.

"I don't know...." She took a breath and whispered.

"Can I tell you my deepest secret, about how I feel?"


"I really, truly... don't care."

"You don't care?"

She held on to me hard. When she spoke, her voice was quavery.

"Promise you won't tell Mom and Dad?"

"Val..." My voice was a scratchy whisper.

"Please? I'm not saying forever, just... just for a few days, so I can tell..."

She was just quiet, not even breathing, but she stopped shivering. I was scared, trying to think what she'd ever not want to tell them.

She took a big breath.

"I'm not a virgin...."

I stayed still.

Valerie breathed for almost a minute, really deeply, but quiet and slow.

"I've slept with three people.... And one of them was a woman."

I started to say something to make her feel better or something, that that wasn't anything bad, and she kept on.

"Because of you, because I've met the people at the university gay club, and Carson..." She pulled me even closer. "Listen."

"It doesn't matter what you are. It really, truly doesn't matter, so long as you're happy. So many... most of the men and women in that club are... happy. They're dating, or have boyfriends or girlfriends, or not seeing anyone, but they're ~living~...."

She leaned her head into my neck.

"But some of them... there's this one woman, she just talks about hating high school, how oppressive it was and how she hated being gay and how it would've made her a freak, and the other gay kids who were out and so flaunting it.... She's a senior, and that's all she ever talks about. Stuff from years and years ago." Val sounded so sad.

"And one of the guys, a really cute, nice man... all the other guys avoid him like the plague because he won't even be seen with anyone who's out, and he's ~so~ unhappy, but he's paranoid of anyone finding out he's gay because he says his parents would disown him."

She shuffled up a bit so she could talk over my shoulder.

"There's about a dozen who come to every meeting, including me, and half of them are friends, like they hang out and go clubbing, and study together...."

"And the others... some of them... it's like they're on hold, like they're not growing, or something, or a part of them isn't. They're so screwed up by hating themselves and blaming everything on being gay, or they blame school or their parents or religion... but they just don't ~live~! And some of them have been really badly hurt! One guy's parents won't even talk to him, haven't seen him in over a year and won't let him go home!" She took a breath.

"But one of the really outgoing guys had that happen, too, when he was in high school, and had to live with his friends' families for almost six months before he could move back home at all, and he still says it's strained, but he's... he says his family is getting better. And like it wasn't really them that had the problem, and he understands they need time to learn and to get used to him and... having a gay man in the family, for a son and all...." She swallowed.

"And I know everyone's different, and has different... abilities to adapt, I guess, and the same with their families and friends, but I want you to be one of the happy people!" She sniffled.


After a long time, I moved my hand on hers.

"Val?" She didn't move at all.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. After a minute, she rolled back and pulled me over so I was on my side and she could see me.

"I don't want you ~ever~ to be ashamed of who you are. No matter what any ignorant idiot ever says, I love you... boy or girl, okay?"

"Ashamed...?" I didn't understand what she meant. She took my hand in her free one.

"Like blaming yourself or listening to other people's prejudice or caring what... more about what someone else thinks you should be like than your heart says, okay?" She stared at me like it was light.

"You're not like everyone else, and some people think that's bad, and lots of... a lot of the problems gay kids have is believing they should be ashamed about being gay, that it's wrong, and they, they sinned or chose a lifestyle, or want something that they know will hurt their families?

"And that's all crap. You are who you are. We all are, and Mom and Dad and I think you're just fine and we'll ~never~ suddenly decide that you're doing anything just to hurt us, okay? And if you feel shame over something or other about who you are, well, it's from someone else, ~not~ us, or Carson or her family, or your real friends, okay? So don't."


"And if you still do anytime, then call me so I can tell you you're being stupid, okay?"

She kissed my cheek.

"Just say no to shame." She touched my cheek where she'd kissed and smiled.

"And blue eye shadow. It wouldn't be your color."



She moved a tiny bit. "Mmm?"

"How come you told me about who you slept with...that you had?"

She rolled over and settled so our foreheads touched.

"Because ~I~ felt ashamed that I'd slept with a girl... until I, until the guys in the club started educating me." She nodded against me.

"It's a bad feeling." She kissed my cheek again.

"Janice is the girl I slept with and she's a lesbian and I was dissing her to feel that way over a lovely night and one ~I~ wanted and it might not be my real preference, but she deserves better from me, and I did nothing to be ashamed about."


"Not her. Someone at the uni."





"What was it like?"

"What was what like?" She sounded more awake, and like she was smiling.

"...." It felt too embarrassing to ask.

"What?" She was definitely smiling, from her voice.

"Unh... I mean... when you were..." I swallowed. "With... that girl...?"

"Oh, Janice? Well, why didn't you just ask!" Laughing, more like. "Well, little sister o' mine, it was lovely. And fine, and special."

I didn't say anything, hoping she'd just go on. She didn't.

"Was that all?" She spoiled it with a giggle.

I huffed.

"OH! You meant what the ~sex~ was like! Is that it?!"

I didn't say anything, and wished I never had.

"Well, I'll just have to assume it was.... Well...." She sighed.

"I don't know if I can describe it. She knew what would feel good for me, but I was pretty nervous and I think that spoiled some of it, but she's really giggly and ticklish and she made me laugh...." She went from kinda fast to drifting off.

"And I could see why two girls would enjoy each other all the time."

I had to think whether what I wanted to ask was polite. Or stupid.


I finally just ~had~ to ask. Even if I had to whisper, too.

"Is... it different... than... with a man?"

Valerie moved a funny way. Then she sat up and away. I thought I must've asked something rude, or wrong...

She put her hand on my neck, touching.

"How does that feel?" She kept talking. "It's different for me and you. Everyone feels everything differently, so my words for it can't really mean the same for you either."

She laid back down and pulled me into a hug.

"It was wonderful with a man, the second time, and it was wonderful with Janice, the one time we did it." She kissed my hair.

"And if you're both respectful, and you both will be... it'll be wonderful with Carson, even if it's completely different than I felt."


I was ~still~ thinking ten minutes later.


I mmm-ed?

"When you're in love, if you sleep together a thousand times and just do what feels safe and good, every time'll still be special."

She whispered it so softly I could hardly hear.

"I promise."




"Hey! Wake up, just for a minute..." Valerie shook me a bit harder.


When I could see, she was fully dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you awake yet?"


"What's the name of the third-smallest economy in Central America?"

"Wha? What?"

"Okay, you're awake. Now stay that way for just a minute." She smiled. I rubbed my cheek, which felt itchy for some reason. And blinked.

"Two things. Let me tell Mom and Dad about what we talked about last night, please? It isn't a secret, but I'd like to tell them myself, okay? Please?"

I nodded. I remembered.

"Alright. Number two. You awake?"

I nodded. "Number two. Second item..."

"Number two. What did you think of how Dad reacted to what you told Mom and me?" She smiled.

Dad had smiled and pulled my into a harder hug. And asked if I was okay.

"I.... That he loves me? Us?"

"He does. But I meant that he didn't ask anything, and I don't think Mom called him before, but he didn't say anything or have to ask what you meant?" She smiled like she just wanted me to ask.

"Okay... what do ~you~ think?"

She smiled. Right the first try.

"I think that Mom and Dad've been learning all about you and talking to gender experts for a long time."

"What!?" My heart went from sleepy to too fast in a second.

"I said... relax, it's not bad.... ~I~ think they've talked to people about you ever since you were little, like with Cathy and even me, how you were more feminine than most boys." She grinned.

"And now you're all little-girly ~again~..."

"I'm still a boy!"

"Coulda fooled me..." She flipped one of my pigtails.

"~You~ put those in!"

"And ~you~ wanted the ribbons!" She made a shocked face.

I started to feel hot.

"And we're lucky Mom still has all her old sewing stuff." She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"And Mom and Dad love you... and you'd know, if you just think a second, that they asked anyone they did ~just~ so they could love you better. So don't panic."

She flipped my pigtail again as she stood up.

"You look like Wendy... maybe with some freckles?"

She ran out faster than I could even get my leg out of bed and laughed at me all the way downstairs.


It was almost nine o'clock before I made it down for breakfast. Mom was reading the paper at the table and smiled when I said 'morning.

"is Val still here?" I knew Dad would be gone but I couldn't remember Val's schedule this week.

"No, your big sister is off to a grueling ~three~ class workday." She did a quick grin, but I knew Mom and Dad both thought Val was doing great at school.

"How come they won't let us do that in high school!? Maybe we could just have classes in the mornings!"

Mom snorted. "And spend eight years? And then you'd still have college... and I suppose you'd want to take eight years there, too?"

"Yeah! And then I could retire!"

"Then why go to school at all?"

"Well... if you think so...." I smiled my best 'I win' grin and plomped into a chair. Mom snorted.

"Keep dreaming, honey... keep dreaming."




I had to wait until she turned to look at me. It almost felt like I was saying I didn't trust them or something....

"What is it?" Mom sounded like I wasn't. Did.

"Mom.... Did you and Dad talk with doctors and stuff about me, before... before I was in the hospital?"

Before I could say about what, Mom wiped her hands and sat down.

"Yes, we did." She smiled like it was okay too, whatever it was about, or who. Then she didn't say what, or who.

I had to start over. After I figured it out again, I still had to look down.

"Was it about... me being... girly?"

She was quiet for so long that I knew it was, that


I looked up and she was smiling, sort of.

"It was about you being ~you~. We talked to several specialists about you because we wanted to be sure we didn't hurt you."

I didn't know what to ask. It didn't make any sense.


"Honey, what if none of us had understood what depression looked like, or what it might mean? Or anything else you needed to be healthy and happy?" She reached across the table and I did too and she held my hand.

"We talked to Dr. Wilkinson after you were first released because we were worried about you, and because we wanted to ask for advice. Before you saw him."

"Dr. Wilkinson?" I'd thought he was... that he was like an emergency doctor, at the hospital....

"Yes, he is, but he was also recommended to us by Dr. Lebel. He's an expert in how people see themselves, in body image."

I must've looked a bit confused. Or at least I was trying to think if that meant what I thought it might, like if that meant...

"He treats a lot of kids with anorexia, and has counseled a few transsexuals as well." Mom still sounded like she thought it was a normal thing.

"But I wasn't..." I didn't want to say it. But I had to. "I wasn't being that way, then?"

Mom smiled and squeezed.

"Dear..." She smiled more. "We didn't see him because you were sick, or acting any way, in any way different than you ever have. We started to look for advice because you... Dr. Wilkinson called it a life-changing injury."

I was trying to put things in order, what happened when, and Carson telling me, and when I saw Dr. Wilkinson the first time....

"But why did Dr. Lebel tell you to see... someone for eating, and... transsexuals... then?"

"Because you lost a lot of weight in the hospital, and because he thought Dr. Wilkinson would be a good match for you." She kept talking all normal, but sounded quieter.

"And because you've had problems before. He thought you might need help with both your weight ~and~ your gender."

I looked up at her, and I guess I looked scared.

"Do you remember about love?"

I nodded. It wasn't about doctors, though... or their thinking....

"Did you see doctors, before, too?"

"When you were eight years old your father and I went to see a specialist, about making sure you were safe and happy." She sounded... bad.

"She told us you might be mentally ill and she could treat you."

I know I went pale. She looked almost angry.

"We told her if she thought being happier than most little boys was a sickness, she was a quack." Her eyes were still mad, but she smiled.

"Then we interviewed almost a dozen counselors and professors and doctors before we found ~just two~ who knew what they were talking about. And they told us you might grow up to be gay, and you might be transgendered, and you might be both, or neither."

"Why..." I didn't want to ask. That Mom thought I was sick...

"Did we go to specialists? Because you were having trouble in school, and your friends were being bullied too, and your teachers were concerned."

I tried to remember being eight. Grade three? I couldn't remember anything bad happening, really....

"I wasn't bullied. I think?" Billy. Was my friend a bully?

Mom knew what I meant, I guess. "I know. You were happy, but a lot of the children called you names."

"But they always did...."

"And they were wrong." She wasn't happy.

"Little children say words without knowing what they even mean, but they still want them to hurt. Sticks and stones, but they try to make names hurt worse, and you cried at what they called you."

She put both her hands around mine.


I had the strongest memory. Valerie and Diane were watching a movie, and Cathy and me... and... Crystal and Bev were there and we were making noise or something, playing house and laughing....

And Valerie got mad and called us... pests... and I remembered how I cried. That for some reason, it really hurt.

And Daddy came and told them to behave...

We were just little.

He smiled at me and said was I being his little girl today?


End of Part 21

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