Hiding in Plain Sight - Part 7

Hiding in Plain Sight – Part Seven of Seven.

Jessica and Luke are siblings who have experienced a whole world of pain and hurt in their short lives. When it seems that, for once, things are finally beginning to improve, a local drug gang invades their existence, and their world threatens to crumble down around their ears. Read on to see how they and their friends fight back.

A story by Iona Laing

Chapter Twenty.

Two hours later, a red eyed Karen was doing her best to console a sobbing Carrie as they impatiently waited in a side room.

“Oh Karen, why won’t they let me in to see her? What’s taking them so long? Oh my God Karen, I can’t lose her too, I can’t, I promised Mom I’d care for her, and I can’t even get that right! Oh my God, she looked awful! I need to be with her Karen!” with that great wracking sobs shock Carrie to her core.

“I don’t know what’s going on Carrie, but I’m sure that they’ll tell us what’s going on as soon as they can! Lisa’s in good hands; that’s the main thing!” At that very moment Ruth and a stocky man entered the waiting room along with a tall nurse, all were wearing the ubiquitous scrubs, although these were covered with various cartoon characters which were used to help soothe anxious child patients.

Ruth spoke first “Okay Carrie, this is my colleague Dr Keith Goodman, and this is one of the nurses who have been looking after Lisa, Christine Rhodes, Now, the good news is that we’ve got her stabilised, but she needs emergency surgery, and the sooner the better, but I’ll let Keith explain the details, okay?” Carrie could only nod.

“Hi Carrie, I’m the consultant urologist and plastic surgeon and I’ve been called in as Lisa is going to need some fairly extensive and invasive surgery, but I promise we’ll take really good care of her for you. Now, fortunately for us, and Lisa, Ruth started all these diagnostic tests on her this morning and since we’ve had Lisa here, we’ve given her a CT scan to see what we are dealing with. To cut to the chase because time is important here, your Lisa has, in reality, always been your Lisa, in spite of physical evidence to the contrary!”

Carrie gave him a confused look, “What do you mean?”

“Lisa is a genetic female, her chromosomes are XX, she’s unfortunately suffering from a birth defect that has masked her true sex. We don’t know the reason butwe can sort out later. She has the same internal organs as you, however, she lacks the exit point that a normal female body utilises to secrete body wastes once a month when undergoing her period!” explained Keith.

“A period, she’s been having periods!” asked a stunned Karen.

“Yes, that’s why she’s been developing all the secondary sex indicators of a female, breast development, widening of her hips, arms developing the normal bend to allow her to walk without constantly banging her hips and so on! Plus the regular bouts of tummy ache. Unfortunately, we think either her uterus or vagina has ruptured and she’s bleeding internally! We need to operate to repair the damage. The sooner we start the better. We’ve got her on Intravenous Anti-Biotics as she’s got a major infection plus, she’s lost a lot of blood so she’s also receiving a blood transfusion. I need you to sign consent forms for the surgery. We won’t know exactly what we are dealing with until we get in there, and she will probably need further surgery at a later date to give her a more normal female appearance, the main thing at the moment is to stop the bleeding, and save not only her reproductive system, but fundamentally she has a life threatening condition! So Carrie, I know this is all coming at you quickly and from so many different directions, but I need you to sign these consent forms!” Carrie stared at him slack jawed, she glanced across at Ruth who silently nodded.

Carrie suddenly seemed temporarily rejuvenated. “Okay, where do I sign? When are you going to operate? Can I see her please, I need to see her!”

Keith pushed his clipboard across to Carrie, “Just sign where the cross is, print your name and date it.”, which Carrie did before looking up at him.

“Thanks Carrie, we’ll go, and we’ll start the surgery as soon as we’ve scrubbed up! If you go now with Christine, she’ll let you see Lisa and give her a kiss, she’ll pop back from time to time to keep you updated, but I promise you we’ll do all we can for your daughter! Okay, we’ve got to dash but I’ll come and speak to you later, try not to worry, stupid advice I know, but try!”

Christine led Carrie by the hand down the corridor and into a small preparation area, where, laid on a gurney was the small, pale and ill looking body of a young child. Her hair was under a cap, both arms were extended with I.V.’s in place, one clear, the other a pack of blood, in her mouth was a plastic tube that was helping her to breath.

“Oh Lisa, Lisa!” sobbed Carrie rushing to her side and repeatedly kissing her forehead. Christine gently pulled Carrie away, Karen lent over Lisa, and spoke quietly into Lisa’s ear. “You get better young lady, you hear me!” and she too kissed her. Christine gently led the two of them back to the waiting room, “Okay both, take a seat, I know you are both stressed beyond belief, but she has the best Doctor’s and Surgeons working on her, I’ll go and make you some tea, I’ll be back shortly!”

Carrie and Karen hugged each other and broke their hearts on each other’s shoulders, it was going to be a really long tense night and a fraught few days!

Chapter Twenty-one.

Heathrow airport was thronged with people as per usual. The queue of would-be passengers at the Japan Airlines check-in desks were dense but seemed to be moving fairly quickly. Only thirty minutes before his flight would be called. Plenty of time to check in his two wheeled cases, and then a quick waltz through security and he’d be in the First Class passengers executive lounge enjoying his first G&T. Yeah, not long now and he could relax, he could do with a holiday, it had been a couple of months since his last break with his wife and their two girls.

Now that’s a bit of luck, they’re opening up another check-in desk. He pushed his way in front of a half dozen other would be passengers, to bad for them, you snooze you loose! He could really murder that G&T! He handed across his ticket and passport.

“Good afternoon Mr Jessop, are you well today?”

“I’m fine thank-you!”

“Good, good, where are you flying to today?”

“I’m off to Tokyo!”

“That’s nice, are you going for long?”

“I’m not sure yet, I haven’t quite made up my mind!”

“Okay Sir, how many items of luggage do you have with you today?”

“Just these two cases and my carry-on bag with my laptop.”

“That’s fine sir, could you place the first case on my scales please, did you pack them yourself, and do they contain any of these items not allowed within the aircraft hold?!

After answering the questions, he hefted his first case on the conveyor. The check-in girl punched a few buttons and printed off a long label which she threaded through the suitcase handle. His first suitcase disappeared, and the process was repeated a second time.

“Right sir, here is your ticket, boarding pass and your passport, thank you for choosing Japan Airlines and enjoy your flight.


Within minutes he was through security unable to keep his smirk from his face. He approached the bar and after attracting the barman’s attention ordered a double G&T. Finding a seat with a view across the aircraft apron, he settled in to await his flight.

As he looked into the ice in his glass he couldn’t help his mind wandering through the thoughts crowding his brain! At least he could not be extradited back to the U.K. from Japan.

‘He was going to miss Suzanne, a little anyway, truth be told she’s been spending less and less time with him as their girls had grown.

Yes, he’d miss his daughters Tamsin and Trinia, but he doubted they’d miss him too much, they were too wrapped up with their damn ponies and all the gymkhana’s they attended nearly every week.’

‘Yes, Suzanne had a been quite the catch, he knew he was her “bit of rough!” and the pre-nuptial agreement her parents had made him sign had hacked him off at the time, but unknowingly they’d bankrolled the establishment of his import export business. Yes, the house was in her name only as her parents were determined t protect their daughters’ assets from his grubby council house hands, but he’d his own assets now.’

‘Suzanne didn’t want to know what he did, she didn’t care much either. She’d got her girls; he’d bought her nice presents. He wondered how many days it would take her to realise he wasn’t around. He was pulling away from his business empire earlier than he’d anticipated, but it couldn’t be helped!’

‘It was all the moron Gibson’s fault, he got greedy, far too greedy, and steps had to be taken. He knew that a certain amount of skimming of the profits occurred, but Matthew Gibson became far to much of a problem and an example had to be made. If only he could have liquidated that waitress, and her brother like he’d planned! How was he to know that she knew people even more devious and as despicable as himself. How the hell did that café owner know so much about him, his family and his operation?’

‘Still, what did that matter now, he’d enough cash with him to make a new start in Japan, or even to disappear from there to places far, far away. With his Swiss bank account details safely on his laptop, he was set for many, many lifetimes. Yes, let the good times start!’

‘He’d left well trained replacements behind to ensure that his operations continued to operate smoothly. They’s also ensure he’d receive his dividend from the proceeds, yes, life was good, not bad for a poorly educated kid from a run-down council estate on Pool Farm, Birmingham!’

‘I wonder if I have time for another drink?’

He ordered a second G&T from a passing attendant, a minute or two later the server was just returning with his drink on a tray when he appeared to stumble and tipped the whole lot in Jessop’s lap!

“Oh sir, I am so, so very sorry, I don’t know what happened, please, let me dry you off!”

“Get away from me you idiot!” stormed Jessop, “I’ll get you sacked for this, you clumsy oaf!”

“Please sir, not the sack! Please sir, come with me and we can get you quickly dried up for your flight, it won’t take us but a few moments.”

“II better not miss my flight, I’ll have your guts for garters, go on, lead on!”

Jessop followed the still profusely apologising server through a door to the side of the bar and down a short corridor into a small room. As the server allowed Jessop to enter before him, a door in the opposite wall opened and in walked a man, a woman and a heavily armed Policeman. Jessop turned to try to flee only to see that the server was aiming a Tazer at him with a second armed Policeman behind him. Jessop’s shoulders sagged.

The first Policeman spoke.

Mr Jessop, I am Detective Sergeant Jones and this is Detective Constable Wright, we are with West Midlands Police. So, Raymond Jessop you are now under arrest. I am about to formally issue you your caution, Raymond Jessop, You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?”

Jessop nodded.

“Sorry sir, I need you to formally answer rather than just nodding your head, so, do you understand the caution and your rights?

“Yes, I understand.”

Moment’s later the two suitcases Jessop had recently checked-in, were wheeled into the room.

“I take it these are your cases Mr Jessop?” asked DS Jones. Jessop simply nodded.

“Okay sir, can you give me the keys and tell me the combination to the locks!”

Jessop just stared at the Policeman.

“Look Ray, you can either tell me the details and hand over the keys or I’ll get them cut open, it makes no difference to me, but who knows how a little co-operation may be viewed!”.

“I expect the combinations are things like birth dates, should I try his daughter’s birthdays?” asked DC Wright.

“Oh okay, okay, here’s the keys!” and he tossed them on the table, “And yes, the combinations are my daughter’s birthdays!”

Moments later, both suitcases were open on the table, both packed tightly with bundles of Twenty and Fifty pound notes.
“There has to be several millions of pounds in there?” asked a stunned DS Jones. Jessop nodded.

“There is almost Fifteen million in cash, plus another Two Hundred Thousand in the computer carry on!” Jessop answered hollowly.

“No doubt our analysts will find even more hidden in various offshore accounts?” stated DS Jones, Jessop ignored the question.

“Oh, by the way, Mike says “Hi”” added DS Jones with a wink. Jessop just stared at him open mouthed.

Meanwhile at a whole host of address across the Midlands, Police raids were being executed including Jessop's home address, the three distribution hubs his empire had used and at the homes of those well up in the hierarchy and even lowly pushers. It was one of the busiest and most successful days in the fight against the drug scourge.

The embarrassment of having Police Officers scouring through her home and generally upsetting her daughters drove Suzanne Jessop straight to her families solicitors where she instigated immediate divorce proceedings against Ray with the aim of preventing him from having contact with their daughters ever again!”

Chapter Twenty-two.

Almost four days later.

A strange pungent, disinfectant smell rankled in her nostrils,

“Where am I, never mind, I need, . . more, . . . sleep!”

Later muffled voices disturbed her snooze,

“Don’t they know how, . . . tired, . . . I, . . . am, . .I . need, . . . sleep . . Oi!, . . Keep . . .the . . noise . . . down!”

Twelve hours later machinery continued to keep its monotonous vigil!

“Why can’t someone stop that beeping, . . . someone, . .please, . . turn that microwave timer off, . . . . I need, . . . sleep!”

Different people rotated the wait by the patient’s bedside!

“Who is shining that bright light in my eyes, . . . . go away, . . . leave me alone, . . . sleep! . . .need . . more sleep!”

More clattering and the low murmur of voices.

“My tummy is sore, that blooming microwave beeper is still going, someone turn it off, please!”

“Lisa, come on sweetie, I need you to open your eyes for me love, come on Lisa, open those lovely eyes, look at your Auntie Ruth!”

“I can’t open . . my eye’s, . . why is my tummy . . . so sore? . . . Need more sleep! . . . . So tired!”

“Come on Lisa, please, sweetheart, open your eyes for Mommy, please Lisa, open your eyes just a little, or, can you squeeze my hand love, can you my dear sweet Lisa, come on, my lovely, you can do it, squeeze my hand!”

“Mommy? She sounds strange? . . . If I squeeze her hand, maybe she’ll shut up and let me have some more sleep, . . .so, . . . so tired, . . . why is my tummy sore? . . . . Oh yeah, . . . . squeeze her hand, . . . which hand do I squeeze? . . . .Oh bother, . . . . I’ll squeeze them both, . . . . then I need, . . . need to sleep!”

Squeeze! Squeeze!

“She did it, she squeezed my hand, she squeezed my hand!” Exclaimed Carrie almost dancing in her seat.

“She squeezed mine too! Oh thank God, thank God!” wept Karen

“Lisa, Lisa sweetie, it’s Ruthie your favourite Auntie, come on sweetie, let me see those lovely eyes of yours, come on Lisa, look at me, then you can have another wee sleep!”

“I’ve squeezed their hands, . . . now I have to open my eyes? . . . . Stroll on! . . . . Don’t they know how tired I am? . . . . Got to sleep some more! . . . Let’s see if I can open my eye’s! . . . Hmmm, . . . . This is harder than I remember” . . . Let’s see, . . . . try and open my right eye first, . . wow, . . . that’s bright!”

Oh, good girl Lisa, good girl! Do you think you can open the other eye for me too please, Come on Lisa!”

“That’s Auntie Ruth,. . . I know . . . Auntie Ruth,. . . . let’s see if I can open . . my . . . other . . . eye?”

“Oh well done Lisa, now can you open them both for me at the same time sweetheart?”

“There’s no pleasing . . some people! . . Open your eye, . . . . open the . . other! . . Squeeze a . . hand! , , , I am not going to get any . . sleep, am I? . . . I suppose I better . . . open my eyes again, . . . . and . . . . tell Auntie Ruth I’m tired, . . . I’m thirsty too, come to think of it! . . . . Oh well, let’s open . . my eyes! My tummy . . hurts . . really . . bad”

“Well hello sweetheart, good of you to join us, how are you feeling?”

“Throat . . . sore! Thirsty! Tummy . . . sore! . . . Tired! . . . Tummy!” rasped Lisa.

“Ok sweetie, here, have a suck on this ice chip!”

“OH, . . . . nice! More please!”

“You can have some more in a moment or two, do you know where you are?”

“If she doesn’t know . . where I am? . . How am I supposed to know/”

“In bed?”

Ruth laughed, “Well okay Lisa, you are in bed, do you know where this particular bed is?”

“This is like being . . on a quiz show!, . . . We’re not at the shops still . . are we? . . . No! . . wait,. . . . that beeping noise, . . . . . there’s a lot of machinery here!”

“Hospital? . . No! . . . Noooo! . . . . Not hospital!”

“Shush sweetie!” murmured Carrie, “Shush! Everything is fine, in fact everything is better than fine now you have woken up!”

Lisa frowned “Oh Mom, . . I’m sorry, . . . I’m sorry!”

Carrie quickly hugged Lisa, “Hey! Hey! None of that, you were ill and needed to come to the hospital, let Auntie Ruth tell you what’s happened, okay!”

Lisa nodded, then decided that movement hurt too much and rasped “Thirsty!”

Ruth gave her another couple of ice chips, then sat on the bed, “We had to bring you to the hospital Lisa, you were very poorly, but you’ll feel better soon, I promise! Are you in any pain anywhere?”

“Just my . . tummy! Throat’s . .sore . . . too!” Lisa answered.

Ruth fiddled about with the drip going into Lisa’s arm, “There you go sweetie, you should feel easier shortly, do you want some more ice?”

“Please, . . . Mmmm, . . .Nice, . . . . Hungry, . . . . Tired!”

“Okay Lisa, you are a very lucky girl, but you just have to rest for a wee while, would you like some ice cream!”

“Mmmmm, . . . nice . . hospital, . . . love . . . ice . . . . cream!” and with that Lisa simply went back to sleep.

The adults gathered at the foot of Lisa’s bed, Ruth spoke to the other two.

“That’s an excellent sign, all her observations point to her turning a corner, her pulse is steady, not so thready and her temperature is finally coming down at last, which is the most significant positive indicator. We’ll let her sleep for an hour more, then we’ll wake her up again and she can have that ice cream. It’ll help her thirst, her throat and give her some energy. Then, we’ll need to start getting her to eat a little and keep her awake for longer periods!” Then placing a hand on Carrie’s shoulder and the other on Karen’s she added “I think we can all relax a little now, our little girl will be home before we know it!”

“Thank you Ruth.” Said Carrie putting her hand on top of Ruths’ “You’ve all been so brilliant, I can’t tell you how relieved I feel at the moment, just to see her awake and talking, I thought I was going to lose her!”

“She had us all worried Carrie, it’s been a rough few days, but she’s a fighter, she may be all sugar and spice to look at, but she’s a determined individual. Children are amazing, it’s why I specialised in Paediatric Medicine. They’ll burble along, then they’ll crash on you, but they often bounce back from situations that would knock you or I for a loop. She’s a way to go yet, but you’ll get to take her home soon.”

“Now, after she’s had her ice-cream, she’ll have a good sleep, so I want the pair of you to go home, have a shower and a sleep yourselves, you are both shattered, and you are going to need your energy. We won’t explain what has happened to her until she’s more with it and you are both here and can talk to her at length and answer her questions! Now, do I need to write you a prescription to obey Doctor’s orders, or will I need to call security later?”

Carrie and Karen exchanged nods, “Okay Doctor Ruthie, you win, when will you come home?” asked Karen. “Soon, I promise!” I’ll wait until you’re back and Keith’s on duty, I want to see her out of I.C.U. first and in a sideward.”

In the end it was almost two hours later before Lisa was woken again. Karen decided to pop to a local supermarket that stocked Rizza’s Ice Cream. This is an old established manufacturer in Huntly, a small town in deepest Aberdeenshire, which she swore made the best ice-cream anywhere. Returning with three small tubs, one of vanilla, one of chocolate and the other of chocolate mint chip, Lisa was roused.

“Lisa, sweetie, come on Lisa, wake-up, I’ve got some ice cream for you!”

“What! . . . Wake up again! . . . I have only just got to sleep! . . . Wait, Ice-cream, . . .Come on, eye’s, open!”

“Want . . ice-cream . . . please!” murmured Lisa.

“Hello sleepy head, how are you feeling? Asked Carrie smiling at her daughter.

“I’m tired, . . . my tummy is sore, . . . I’m thirsty, . . . did you say you have ice-cream?” Ruth reached across and fiddled with the I.V. again.

“We’ve got your three different flavours sweetheart! I have vanilla, Auntie Karen’s holding some chocolate and Auntie Ruth has chocolate mint chip, so which do you want to try!” she smiled at a somewhat dozy Lisa.

“Well duh! . . . All of them! . . . please!” To chuckles all around, Carrie managed to get several small spoonful’s of each flavour into Lisa before she fell asleep once more. One of the nurses wrote Lisa’s names on the tubs and said she’d place them in their small canteen freezer and get more into her next time Lisa woke.

“Right you two, home, shower, bed, sleep!” ordered Ruth. As the two women kissed her, they turned to go home and walked straight into Tina and Mike at the door to the I.C.U. “What, what are you two doing here?” spluttered Carrie. Karen smiled knoowingly.

A tearful Tina had Carrie enveloped in a bear hug, “We trained up Steve and Geoff to take care of the café, then once we got the all clear from the Police that we wouldn’t be followed, we flew up to be with our family!”

“Yes, it’s been an interesting day, we flew from Birmingham to Edinburgh under assumed names, from there to Manchester, and then up to Aberdeen, just to ensure we weren’t followed! Although, to be fair, I think the druggies have other worries from what we understand, the Police have cracked the whole lot wide open and have been making arrests left, right and centre, people at the top of the food chain too.” Said Mike.

“Oh my God, Lisa is going to be so pleased to see you, well, once she can keep her eyes open for any length of time that is. Thank you, oh, thank you Mom, and you Dad!” said Carrie throwing an arm around Mike’s neck.

“Our girls needed us, all of them needed us! So we came as soon as it was safe to do so, now, more importantly, how’s our little girl?”
After receiving the latest update, Mike looked at both Carrie and Karen,

“If you don’t mind me saying you two look like sh… er….very tired!” As he wilted under Tina’s glare.

“Actually girls, you both look shattered, go home, we’re here now and will watch our little lady for you, and as for you Ruth, you look worse than they do!” Tina stated with her hands on her hips. “We’ve booked into the local Premier Inn, and have hired a car so we’re sorted, go home, please!”

Then a male voice joined the conversation.

“Yes Ruth, give me your handover, and you go home too!” said Keith, “I’ll have things covered here.”

Thirty minutes later the three young women went home, realising just how tired they were.

Two hours later the nurse brought the three ice-cream tubs to Tina to tempt Lisa awake.

“Lisa baby, come on, wake up sweetie, I’ve got some ice-cream for you!”

“Wake up! . . . I’ve only just got to sleep, . . . I wish they’d make their minds up! . . . . . . . Mmm, . . . .Ice-cream! . . . . Wait whose voice was that?”

Lisa, come on Lisa, Wakey wakey! This ice-cream will all melt if you don’t wake up, come on, open your eyes for me!”

“That’s my Nanny’s voice, . . . can’t be, . . can it?”

“Nanny! . . . . Am I . . . Am I back in Birmingham?”

“No Lisa, you are in Aberdeen still!”

“Is Granddad coming too”

“Who do you think is over here holding your ice-cream sweetheart?” asked Mike.


“We thought we would come and see you, as we missed you so much, now which ice-cream do you want sweetie?” said Tina tenderly.

“Can I have some of each one please Nanny?”

“Of course you can Lisa, let me just open them up, and keep your grandfather from eating them, you know what a greedy guts he can be?”

For the first time in many days Lisa giggled.

Chapter Twenty-three.

It took most of the summer for Lisa to recover her health and most of her stamina although that was still a work in progress when she started at a local school in August Three weeks in hospital recovering from lifesaving surgery will take it out of you.

The small conference where it was explained to Lisa that she had always really been a girl and that she’d an unfortunate birth defect that had been fairly easily rectified but she just needed another “clean-up” surgery was a double-edged sword. Whilst the thought of more surgery filled her with a certain amount of dread. The realisation that she would finally completely look just like the girl she’d always dreamed of won out hands down. The news that there was no reason she couldn’t be a mother, if that is what she wanted to do in the future left her wide eyed and open mouthed and so very, very pleased.

Both her and Carrie decided to remain in Aberdeen. They had help, to make their new identities properly official. Both retaining their new names and ages. Carrie was able to transfer her university credits to Aberdeen, where, with a certain amount of revision training she passed her final exams with flying colours and achieved her ambition of teaching mathematics at a school in Aberdeen City.

Lisa enjoyed reliving part of her childhood as the girl she’s always known herself to be. Her first sleepover as part of a group of happy young teenaged girls was a rite of passage, she’d never dreamed of being able to fulfil.

Karen and Ruth married two years later, Carrie was chief bridesmaid to them both which made for interesting dress shopping expeditions. Lisa was beyond happy to be bridesmaid to them both too. They waited the two years to enable Lisa to be fully healed from her second, cosmetic surgery, also performed by Keith and Ruth. The following year Carrie and Keith married, with Lisa as chief bridesmaid.

Mike and Tina eventually sold up, selling the café to Steve and Geoff, before then selling their home and moving up to spend a long and happy retirement being with their girls. Mike never did volunteer with the Police Special Constable, preferring the quiet life Tina was looking forward to a proper retirement, rather than the first time he’d retired after leaving the “Paras”

As for the drug syndicate, after a very long and protracted trial, various individuals were sentenced to numerous terms of anything from three to twenty-five years in prison. “Confiscation of Proceeds” orders amounting several millions of pounds have been made and are being processed. No-one was ever charged with Matthew Gibson’s murder, but Police are quietly confident that his murderer is actually behind bars.

Suzanne successfully divorced Ray, he lost all contact with his daughters.

As for Lisa, well, what is there to say, she was determined to live her life to the full, even if she did eventually become an Aunt to her Mom’s two children, almost a parody of a certain Country and Western comedy song. She was happy, she made real friends, she sang in choirs and Amateur Dramatic groups. Did she pursue singing professionally or join the Police, or become a teacher? Well, that’s for me to know, and you to imagine!!!!

The End

I forgot to add at the beginning of this story the usual disclaimers. All the individuals and events mentioned within these chapters are totally fictitious and any resemblance to any people historical or living is purely co-incidental. The places, trains etc. are all from the real world, especially Rizza’s ice-cream!

Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to follow this story, especially despite my efforts to confuse readers by posting sections out of order. The number of reads and the comments have been incredible. I am trying to learn the craft of writing tales without grammatical errors, tense errors, spelling errors and errors in general which I hope have not proved too distracting, although the proper way to post linked story segments seems beyond me. Nonetheless, on to my next idea! Thanks again. Iona x

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