Hiding in Plain Sight - Part 5

Hiding in Plain Sight – Part Five of Seven.

Jessica and Luke are siblings who have experienced a whole world of pain and hurt in their short lives. When it seems that, for once, things are finally beginning to improve, a local drug gang invades their existence, and their world threatens to crumble down around their ears. Read on to see how they and their friends fight back.

A story by Iona Laing

Chapter Thirteen.

That Monday morning was all rush in the Smith household. Lis and Carrie each had a rolling suitcase with their new belongings, Lisa was also carrying her Elsa doll along with a backpack Tina had picked up for during her shopping expedition on Saturday. She was dressed in her pale blue jeans, white sneakers, her white embroidered anglaise blouse with a blue cardigan and denim jacket. Carrie was dressed almost identically only she had a sizeable black handbag draped across her chest, with all her essentials in it.

As she had been promised the day before, Lisa had been allowed to wear a little make-up, which really excited her, as did the prospect of making her very first journey by train, however, all four of them of them could not ignore the elephant in the room, their impending separation. Lisa became quieter and quieter, she spent a good chunk of her time sat on Mike’s lap and leaning into his chest as they both sat silently watching cartoons, Mikes arm clamped protectively around her, talking to her quietly from time to time.

After an early lunch of sandwiches and fruit that none of them felt much like eating, Tina said, “Come on them, everyone, none of us are looking forward to this much, but we need to get moving, trying to find a parking spot near Birmingham New Street is not easy at the best of times. I have pre-booked and pre-paid for your tickets and reserved your seats.” So saying she handed some printouts to Carrie.

“You’ll be travelling first class, that way you’ll have your cases directly behind your seats, and a bit more room to move around.”

Mike then said, “Right, here are two new Apple iPhone®, this one is yours Carrie, and this one is for you Lisa.” Carrie looked questioningly at Mike with an eyebrow cocked, whereas Lisa, who’d never had a mobile phone just wore a wide-eyed smile.

“For me? She asked looking into Mike’s face, “It’s all for me?” Mike nodded, “Look Carrie, a phone, a phone of my own!”

“Yes Lisa, I can see, a nice pretty pink cover too, here, let me put it into you backpack for you, you can have a look at it properly later and read the instructions, and keep the charger safe!”

As Carrie was loading up Lisa, Tina was placing the same things into Carries handbag. Mike looked at Carrie.

“I take it you haven’t turned on your own old mobile phone since I told you to turn it off Friday afternoon!”

“No Mike!”

“Good girl, give me your old phone please!”

Carrie took her new bag from Tina and after rummaging around in its depths, she handed him hew old, battered handset.

“Thanks love!” with surprising dexterity he soon had the unit out of its case, with its cracked screen, and popping open the back had removed the battery. “I don’t want to take the risk of some-one working out how to follow you via modern technology. You both have consecutive telephone numbers, the only contacts you have are each other obviously, Tina, Karen and myself. That’s all you should need in the short term, just be careful who you add for the time being, refuse all in-coming calls from numbers you don’t know, and to be fair, even from numbers you do recognise for the time being! No both of you have the latest bells and whistles, internet, music etc. etc. So, we expect regular WhatsApp® messages and face video calls okay!”

Both nodded, Carrie more glassy eyed than Lisa who was more excited than anything else about having her own mobile phone.

With that, they left the house for the journey into central Birmingham, Mike glanced across at Tina.

“It looks like we’re still of interest to someone, there’s a red estate, three cars back, two blokes, they’ve been following us for a while, I don’t think they’re the boys in blue, as they would be more likely to use cameras and technology, so presumably they’re our druggie friends. Anyway, just be aware of who is around you, especially once we get near the station!”

Tina nodded her acknowledgement.

They were fortunate to come across an empty parking bay at the bottom of Hill Street. All four of them exited the car and made their way through the crowds and onto the main station entranceway, the large information board constantly being upgraded with the various arrivals and departures taking place across the almost twenty platforms in use. After obtaining platform access tickets, Mike and Tina escorted Carrie and Lisa down onto platform eight just as their train drew in, it’s electric motors gently humming as it drew to a halt. By luck, the first-class carriage was positioned almost opposite where they stood. It didn’t take long to get Carrie and Lisa settled into their seats.

“Now girls, don’t forget you have to change trains in Edinburgh, and you get to ride across the Forth Rail Bridge, one of the greatest Victorian structures made anywhere in the world. You can phone us anytime you like, and Karen will be waiting for you in Aberdeen, so enjoy yourselves, and all being well, we’ll come and visit you in a few weeks’ time. Now, come here, give your Granny a big hug and a kiss and do as your Mommy tells you, okay?” said Tina to Lisa.

Mike was giving Carrie an all-encompassing hug.

“Take care of yourself, you hear me, and don’t forget everything we’ve told you, finish your education, look after our princess and stay safe, we’ll be in touch, and we’re only ever a phone call away!”

Both Lisa and Carrie were speechless with tears. Tina and Mike returned to the platform and walked with the train as it slowly gathered speed to start it’s journey to Edinburgh, Soon the dark confines of the station and its access tunnels was left behind as the train rapidly gathered speed. Once they’d dried each other’s tears, Lisa was drawn to the view from the window. As she had her face pressed to the glass, she jumped back with a squeal as an express travelling in the opposite direction thundered past, so close it seemed they were almost touching.

Carrie laughed, “That made you jump didn’t it!”

“I never realise they travelled so fast and so close!” giggled Lisa.

“If I remember correctly, we’ll be travelling at up to One Hundred and Twenty-Five mile an hour at times!”

“Wow!!” murmured a still excited Lisa as she absorbed all the sights, sounds and sensations of her very first ever train journey, Carrie smiled protectively and kissed the top of her daughter’s head as she placed her arm over her shoulder.

Chapter Fourteen.

Meanwhile, Mike and Tina had done a little shopping in “The Palisades” precinct that was part of the station complex before heading back to their car. As they got closer, they realised a large man was leaning against the wall adjacent to their vehicle casually looking up and down the street. As they got closer, he pushed himself upright and stood right in Mikes face.

“You Mike Smith?” he asked.

“Might be, who wants to know?”

“Never mind who wants to know!” the thug intoned, “We want to speak to that bitch who works for you and her brother!”

Mike stepped forward into the man’s personal space, “Funny, I don’t have a bitch working for me, so I’ll thank you to mind your language in front of the Mrs!”

“Look mate, we only want to speak to her about her poxy boyfriend Matthew!” the thug tried to intimidate Mike by stepping forward, but Mike didn’t budge. So the thug tried to make his point by jabbing his forefinger into Mike’s chest “Listen, (prod) Tosser, (prod), We, (prod) Wanna, (prod) SQUEAL!!!!!!!”

With lightening movements, before the thug even knew what was happening, Mike had a firm grip on the thugs’ finger he’d been prodding Mike with, “Now, you listen to me, mate, I don’t like being interrupted by scum like you, but especially when I am out for a nice day off with my wife!” With a loud crack and another scream the thugs’ finger was broken, but Mike continued to bend it until the thug was on his knees pleading for release.

“Now, why don’t you just fu*k off, leave me and my Mrs alone, before I get really annoyed!” hissed Mike.

The thug was trying to get Mike to release his damaged hand by using his other hand to release Mike’s grip. Mike passed the bags he’d been carrying over to Tina.

“Can you hold these for me love? I just need to have another quiet word with matey here!” After he’d passed the bags over, he grabbed the thumb of the thugs second hand, and in seconds had that bent back at almost impossible angle too!

“Now, mate, this is the last time I’m going to say this, I don’t like Matthew, I don’t know where Matthew is, I don’t care where Matthew is, I don’t know what your beef is with Matthew, nor do I care, all I care about is my wife, my family and my friends. Now, if I hear you coming anywhere near my family or my friends ever again, me and my friends will unleash a whole world of pain and trouble on Matthew, his friends, you, your friends and anyone else who we deem worthy of our actions. Now, have I made myself clear? Your lot upset my waitress who now is not involved with that low life Matthew, which I made clear to some of your colleagues. She never wants to see him again, so, when you do find him, you can tell him that if I ever see him anywhere near her, her brother, me, my wife, my premises or my friends ever again, he will be partaking of hospital food, through a straw! Understand?

The thug frantically nods his head.

“Speak up, I can’t hear you!”

“Yes, I’ll pass your message on! Now lemme go!”

Mike released the thugs’ hands, who struggling to his feet, nursing his hands tries to stagger away, issuing a stream of vile invective as he did so, he banged his elbow against the window of a car parked a little further down Hill Street. The door was pushed open and the thug collapsed into the passenger seat and after whoever was inside had slammed the door shut, the car roared away down the road.

From a recess between two buildings DS Jones, appeared and walked up to Mike and Tina.

“That was well done Mike, we know both those two idiots and will keep an eye on them. Nice the way you repeatedly said that you didn’t know Mr Gibson was dead, so we’ll have to see if they take the hint or not! We will be keeping you, your wife and your premises under covert observation until we know whether or not they had lost interest in Jessica and Luke. It does appear that the disguises have worked a treat, DC Wright is on the train keeping an eye on Carrie and Lisa to ensure they are not being followed. Anyway, thanks again, and I’ll be in touch in due course.” After shaking both their hands he sauntered off.

Mike and Tina got settled into the car.

“Are you okay Mike, and do you think Carrie and Lisa are safe?”

Mike leaned over and gave his wife a quick kiss.

“I am fine Tina, honestly, although these idiots are beginning to seriously piss me off, but yes, I do think Carrie and Lisa are safe, let’s go home I could murder a brew!”

Chapter Fifteen.

With that they drove home to a quiet and desolate house, neither of them realised just how much Carrie and Lisa had filled their lives over the last few days, they would both miss the youngsters more than they knew.

Sometime later, on a speeding northbound train Lisa awoke from a snooze rubbing her chest and moaning as she rubbed her stomach too. Carrie sat her up and looked at her daughter closely, before putting the back of her hand on Lisa’s forehead.

“Mmm, you feel a bit warm; you look a bit pale too, are you alright love?”

“Yes Mom, I’m okay, just my chest is really itching, and my tummy is a bit sore and I feel a bit sick! I must be tired, and worried about you!”

“Oh Lisa, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m here with you aren’t I, let’s sit you up and get you distracted! Do you want me to get Elsa’s extra bits and pieces from your backpack for you to play with, it’ll pass the time!”

“Okay Mommy, sounds like a good idea!”

So, the two of them spent some quality time together, playing with Elsa and admiring the spectacular countryside and cities they passed through. Around an hour before they were due to arrive at Edinburgh Waverly Railway Station, a tall woman with long blond hair and clear spectacles stopped alongside the end of their table and spoke to Carrie.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here for a while, only there aren’t too many free seats available, and I couldn’t help but notice you and your daughter playing together so nicely whilst you pass the time.

“No of course not, please, make yourself comfy! I’m Carrie and this is my daughter Lisa!” the stranger placed her handbag, a small attaché case and a large carrier from a well-known toy store on the seat before sliding in after her luggage. The two women shook hands while Lisa looked coyly on, trying to work something out that was gnawing away at the back of her mind.

The stranger looked across at Lisa.

“I see another young lady with a love of Frozen®. I have a niece who has all the dolls, and her bedroom walls are covered in posters or Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf! I think I like Olaf the best. I met a girl yesterday who loves Elsa! And this young lady had the most tremendous voice when she sang the “let it go!” song!”

Carrie had already worked out who this stranger was, Lisa looked closely at the stranger, then at Carries smiling face, then back at the stranger! She knew the voice, but from where?

“As I say I think I like Olaf’s the best, he’s so funny!”

Lisa leant forward and peered at the woman, before realisation hit her as to who it was. The stranger put her fingers to her lips to signify silence.

“Yes Lisa, it’s me, your fiend Lorna, fancy us bumping into each other on the train!”

“Hello Lorna!” whispered Lisa.

“It’s nice to see you again Lorna.” Said Carrie quietly, “I didn’t expect to see you for a while, and I like the new look!”

Lorna pulled at her long blond hair that was so different to the short dark brown bob she’s worn yesterday.

“It’s useful to have few different looks in my line of work, makes it easier to merge in the background! How are you both doing?”

“We’re fine thanks Lorna, relieved to be on our way, although Lisa here is feeling a bit under the weather!”

“I’m not surprised you’re feeling a bit out of sorts Lisa, stress does funny things to different people, and that’s amongst us adults, to such a youngster as yourself it must be even more disturbing. But I’m sure once things settle down, you’ll be as right as rain!”

“Thank you Lorna, I hope so!” whispered Lisa.

“Anyway young lady, You remember Eddie from yesterday?” Lisa nodded. “Well, we both thought you had been incredibly brave, so we wanted to buy you something nice as a present for all the help you have been to us, so before I got on the train, I picked you out a few more toys from us to help start your collection. Here you go sweetheart, accept these from Eddie and I with all our love and think of us when you play with them!”

As Lorna said this, she handed the carrier across to Lisa.

“Thank you, Lorna, thank you, can I look in at what’s in the bag?”

Lorna laughed, “Of course darling, they’re yours!”

Lisa opened the bag and looking in, her eye’s got as big as saucers,

“Oh wow, look Mom, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf! Wow, thank you, thank you so much! I don’t know what to say!”

Lisa clambered across the table and threw her arms around Lorna’s neck and rocked her from side to side in a tight hug!

“Aren’t you a lucky girl Lisa!” added an equally dumbstruck Carrie.

“Well, we knew she had little to her name given the way events unfolded, and we thought she deserved something nice and special, to try and make up for some of the trouble that’s come her way of late, well, both of you really.”

“Thanks Lorna! You’ve no idea what a boost it’ll give her!”

As the two women spoke quietly about events, Lisa, after looking at the bag with her new character dolls within it started digging through her backpack before kneeling on the seat and tugging at Carrie’s sleeve.

“What’s up sweetheart?”

Lisa held her new phone out in front of her, Carrie looked at her at little confused.

“Would it be ok if I asked Lorna to put her details in my new phone, just so I have another number in my contacts, then I could message her from time to time, because I really, . . . I really, . . . I really think I’d like to be a police lady just like her when I grow up, so, . . . so I could help others like she has helped us, unless I become a singer, or a teacher like you are going to be!”

Carrie explained to Lorna that this was Lisa’s first phone and how Mike had bought the two of them new phones just in case someone tried to trace Carrie via her old handset. Carrie was torn about what to do for the best and glanced across at Lorna.

“I tell you what, Lisa, if it’s okay with your Mommy, I will give you my personal mobile phone number rather than my official one, that way we can swap WhatsApp messages, or even video Chat from time to time. I would be honoured if you chose to become a Police Officer like me in the future, I think you would make a very good one too!” Carrie nodded her agreement, and Lorna quickly entered her details.

“Just remember Lisa, I might be busy and won’t always be able to answer, straightaway, but I promise I will reply at some stage, okay?”

“I understand, thankyou Lorna, I promise not to be a nuisance!” replied a very pleased Lisa.

“Right ladies, I am going to disappear now. I will be on your next train, but you may not recognise me but don’t worry, I’ll be keeping an eye on you, but I am almost certain your disguises are perfect, enjoy your stay but we will meet up again at some point, your information has been crucial to our investigations. And don’t forget to message me Lisa, okay?”

Lisa nodded and after quick hugs all around, Lorna disappeared down the carriage. It was soon time to gather their belongings together and work out which platform they needed for their next train onto Aberdeen. They had almost an hour to waste, sat on a platform bench before a train from Aberdeen drew into Edinburgh, ready to retrace its journey North back to the Granite City. The thrill of travelling slowly across the Forth Bridge was something that would stay with them both for quite some time.

After almost eight hours since they had left Birmingham, the two exhausted travellers climbed from the train in Aberdeen, stretching their legs and stopping to find the platform exit, so they could meet up with Karen and her partner Ruth.

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