Hiding in Plain Sight - Part 6

Hiding in Plain Sight – Part Six of Seven.

Jessica and Luke are siblings who have experienced a whole world of pain and hurt in their short lives. When it seems that, for once, things are finally beginning to improve, a local drug gang invades their existence, and their world threatens to crumble down around their ears. Read on to see how they and their friends fight back.

A story by Iona Laing

Chapter Sixteen.

Carrie and Lisa dragged their wheeled suitcases behind them, thankful that they didn’t have to physically carry them as they had enough to cope with, what with their packs and bags, plus the new toys Lorna had given Lisa. Although they looked around, they didn’t see Lorna again that day. They trudged through the platform exit before shouts and someone was observed waving frantically. A younger, taller version of Tina rushed up to them and with squeals of delight clasped both arms around Carrie and rocked from side.

“Oh Carrie, Carrie, it’s great to see you again, it’s been too long, it really has!”

Then turning to Lisa this human dynamo, grabbed hold of her squeezing her tightly!”

“Oh Lisa, last time I saw you, you were just a tiny tot, look at you, you are so, so pretty, just like your mother! Here, give me your bags, you must both be shattered after all this travel. Come on, this way, Ruth is in the car!

Still chattering away ten to the dozen Karen led them from the station through to large shopping complex at Union Square. Karen who had a firm grip on Lisa’s hand led them to a top of the range Toyota RAV4 hybrid vehicle. As they approached the car a tall slim woman climbed out of the driver’s seat as the rear door automatically rose to allow access to the boot space.

After quick introductions, all four climbed into the vehicle and they made their way out of the city. Lisa was amazed at the size and number of ships in the harbour opposite the shopping area. Karen turned to her and explained that they were oil support vessels that were normally far out in the North Sea servicing the oil rigs, they here huge and had masses of extremely bright lights all over them.

Before Lisa knew it, they were parking up outside some really nice apartment buildings on Riverside Drive overlooking the River Dee. By this time, Lisa was that tired and being still bothered by a sore tummy she went to bed cuddling Elsa and a hot water bottle. The three adults talked way into the night, catching up on recent events and but more importantly, what to do about Lisa.

The following morning, Lisa wandered through to the kitchen, Carrie and Karen were sat at the table talking quietly.

“Morning Lisa, how are you feeling this morning? You look very pale still!” asked Carrie finding it difficult to hide her concern, “Come here Love, let me feel your forehead.” After running her hand over Lisa’s forehead, she said “You’re still running a temperature!”

“I sill have a tummy ache, and I feel a bit sick still, I thought when we got here, and we were safe from “Them!” I would be better, why I aren’t I better?”

“I don’t know Lisa, but I want you to let your Auntie Ruth check you over when she gets back from work okay sweetie!”

“But Mom!” Lisa then spoke quietly, “She’ll know all about me!” Lisa nestled into Carrie with tears forming in her eyes.

Carrie hugged Lisa to her chest and rubbed her back.

“Oh sweetheart, she already knows, Tina spoke to her and Karen all about you, remember? She wasn’t trying to embarrass you in any way, but we are all worried about you! For one, things are changing on your body that we didn’t expect, it looks like you are starting to develop breasts, doesn’t it? Secondly, certain things we would have expected to see, like hair on your legs and other things you don’t want, haven’t appeared. Plus, your tummy aches and your pale colouring worry me, I am worried, Your Grandparents are both worried, Auntie Karen is worried, Auntie Lorna is worried, and Auntie Ruth is worried too! So, your Auntie Ruth’s popping out on her lunchbreak to give you an initial look over and she’s going to take some of your blood back to the hospital with her to get tested, then tonight, she’s going to check you over a bit more closely. But I will be with you all the time, Okay?”

“Not needles!” spluttered Lisa.

“Yes love, just a very tiny one, to get some blood, it doesn’t really hurt if you don’t watch!” said Karen softly, “Then once that’s over, I’m going to take you into Aberdeen to some of the big shops and we’ll get you and Carrie, your Mom sorry, Get you both lots of nice new pretty clothes, probably some toys and things to pretty up your bedroom, because even though you are sharing with your Mom, you deserve to have lots of pretty things about you, you both do!, all pretty girls do”

Lisa looked from Carrie to Karen and back to Carrie.

“Err, okay, I think, but Auntie Ruth, she won’t hurt me will she?”

“No sweetheart, besides, you are Lisa aren’t you?” asked Carrie even though she already knew the answer.

“Well, duh, of course I am, I have always been Lisa!” was the response she received, which is exactly what she expected.

“Well, Lisa, at some point we were going to have to see a Doctor, to make sure you grow up to be Lisa don’t we?” replied Carrie.

“Well, yes, . . .I know, . . . I just didn’t expect it to be now, I, . . I’m scared, . .”

“What are you scared about?”

“Telling other people about me, and them telling me I am a freak!” said Lisa, tears streaming down her face.

“They won’t tell you you’re a freak I promise! I’ve already told you; you are not a freak and not to ever call yourself that again haven’t I!” responded Carrie.

“Yes, but, . . . but, . . . “

“But what love?” asked a concerned Karen.

“What if, . . what if they say, . . . they say they won’t let me become Lisa, but that, I, . . I have, . . I have to be him?” Lisa wailed into Carrie’s shoulder.

“Hush Lisa, come on hush!” Carrie took Lisa’s face into her hands and looked intently into her eyes, “I hereby promise you, that you will grow up to become a fine young woman called Lisa, okay, cross my heart!”

Lisa’s tear laden eyes stared at Carrie.

“Well, go on then!”

“Go on what then?” asked a confused Carrie.

“Cross your heart!” smiled Lisa.

Carrie took her right hand removed it from Lisa’s cheek, extended her forefinger, licked the tip and made the crossing sign over her heart.
“I, Carrie Jenna Brown do hereby solemnly promise that Lisa Kirsty Brown will grow up to be a lovely young woman, that everyone she meets will love her to bits, I, Carrie Jenna Brown do give her my pledge that I will do all it takes to make this a reality! Now, do you believe me?”

Lisa nodded through her tears.

At the moment a tear-streaked Karen’s phone beep to signify an incoming message.

“That’s Ruth just saying she’s leaving the hospital and she’ll be here in ten minutes; can we make sure Lisa is up, and that the kettle is on for a cup of tea!”

“Are you okay Karen?” asked a concerned Carrie.

Karen nodded as she entered the open plan kitchen and set the kettle to boil.

“Yeah, I’m okay thanks, it’s just hearing your new middle names rekindled some memories for me!”

Carrie rose and crossed over to her best friend and taking her in a tight hug whispered, “It’s okay love, Mike needed to pick us new middle names at short notice, and we are both honoured to have your dear sisters names as part of our names, aren’t we Lisa?” Lisa rushed over and hugged Karen’s waist.

“Yes Auntie Karen, I never thought of a new middle name, just my first one! I feel special to share my name with your sister and I’m so sorry she didn’t get to grow up!” said Lisa looking up at Karen.

“Thanks both, that means a lot to me!” they all continued to share a hug until the kettle clicked off, “I’ll make a pot of tea, Ruth may want more than one mug, she’s a demon for her tea!”

Chapter Seventeen.

Meanwhile, some four hundred and twenty-five miles or so South, outside a certain café in Birmingham, a top of the range black Range Rover drew to a halt. The front seat passenger leapt out and rushed to open the rear door. The passenger on door duty was a stocky, well-built man, but due to his right hand forefinger being heavily strapped to adjacent fingers, he struggled to open the door smoothly.

Mike glancing up from the café counter recognised this man from the altercation in Hill Street the day before. Mike glanced across to Steve and Geoff who were in their usual spot in the back of the café to ensure they were alert, as were another two customers at an adjacent table, also ex colleagues from Mike’s from their time serving in H.M. Forces, both with Military Intelligence, which most service personnel classed as the ultimate “oxymoron”.

From the rear of the Range Rover stepped a smartly dressed businessman. He was about five feet ten inches tall wore an obviously expensively tailored suit and shiny handmade shoes. He looked out of place in the district he currently found himself in and wrinkled his nose with distaste at these surroundings, however, he waited for another rear seat passenger to come round the rear of the car and open the café door before he entered the premises, making a beeline for Mike.

Tina had been about to leave the kitchen with an order before she noticed Mike’s body language and retraced her steps slightly. Placing the plates she’d been carrying down under heater lamps; she returned to enter the body of the café to stand at the end of the counter.

The smartly dressed individual approached Mike with a sickly false smile plastered to his face.

“Mr Smith? Mr Michael Smith?” and he extended his hand.

Mike stared at this individual and ignored the proffered hand.

“Mr Jessop, Mr Raymond Jessop!”

Clearly taken aback, the café visitor withdrew his hand slowly, trying to out stare Mike.

“Well, I see you have done your homework Michael, do you mind if I call you Michael or Mike?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Actually, I do object to your use of my first name, I reserve that honour for my friends and family, and I certainly don’t class you or the thugs working for you as friends or family, so, if you want to speak to me, you can call me Mr Smith, or Sir, I don’t mind which!” replied Mike with a smirk.

Raymond Jessop, looked like someone had slapped him, his face coloured and the fake smile was replaced with a sneer.

“I don’t think you know who you are dealing with MR SMITH!”

“Well Ray, you don’t mind me calling you Ray, do you Ray? Have you ever heard of Sun Tzu?”

An increasingly annoyed and confused Ray couldn’t believe someone, especially a troublesome café owner was showing him such disrespect. The thug who had opened the café door started to step towards the counter to teach some manners to this oldish man despite the damage he’d inflicted on his colleague the day before. Ray lifted his hand to stop the approaching employee.

“Well Mr Smith, in answer to your question, if I know Sun Tzu, was it you said? Unless he owns the restaurant down the road, I can’t say I am aware of the gentleman, and yes, I find your use of my name offensive!”

“Well Ray, I am glad I offend you, because I find everything about you offensive. For your information Ray, Sun Tzu was a Chinese General. He wrote the first handbook on war back in two hundred- and fifty-years B.C. The most famous part of the book has held true for all the years since and simply states “Know your enemy!” Ray. I know you as my enemy Ray, I know your address in Edgbaston Ray, I know your wife is called Suzanne and what car she drives Ray. I know your two daughters’ names are Tamsin and Trinia and where they go to school Ray. I know where your drugs business is run from, all three addresses! What else do you want me to tell you about yourself Ray? How about the dodgy nightclub near the town hall?”

Ray stood there dumbfounded with the colour draining from his face.

“Now, Ray, you threatened me, threatened my family and you threatened my staff! Now Raymond, my friends and I know you and your associates are nothing but parasitical scum! You will regret the day you were born if you are not careful. Don’t let my greying hair fool you Ray, I have had that much specialist training, as have my many friends, that not only will we ruin your day, but I can ensure that the “Old Bill” will wonder where you and your associates have disappeared to! Not only that, but they also won’t find any remains of any of you either. So, Ray, you threatened me and mine, and that was a big, big mistake, I have resources you can only dream of, don’t mistake my present occupation for someone you can just roll over or stamp on! I have many more friends in this city in both high and low places and they are primed to take your crummy operation apart bit by bit. Now Ray, a Second World War R.A.F. Air Marshall by the name of Sir Arthus “Bomber” Harris said of the Nazi’s that they’d “Sown the wind” by bombing Britain but they were going the “Reap the whirlwind!” and Germany was flattened. The same applies to you. Now, unless you are going to order a meal, and I can’t guarantee that my waitress won’t spit in your food!”

“Oh, I can guarantee with one hundred percent certainty that I WILL spit in his food!” piped up Tina as she walked up to Mike’s side.

“So Ray, there are many, many people who have the same information on you that I have just specified, anything, and I mean anything happens to one of us, then Ray, the authorities will mop up any pieces we leave behind! You have a lovely family Ray, let’s keep it that way shall we? Now Ray, our specials are on the board behind me if you are interested, if not, bog off back into the hole you crawled from, and let me get back to serving genuine customers! Oh, by the way Ray, I have no idea where Matthew Gibson is, just thought I’d mention that in case your moronic friends forgot to mention it to you!”

Ray just didn’t know what to say or how to respond. He looked from Mike to Tina then back to Mike before spinning on his heel and storming out of the door without waiting for his henchman to open it for him. He pushed the man with the damaged hand out of his way too, and after all three men were back in the car, it made a swift get away from the kerb and headed towards the city centre.

The two thickset men who’d been sat by Geoff and Steve quickly left the café after giving Mike a wink, and climbing in their car they headed off in the same direction as Ray.

Chapter Eighteen.

Back North in Aberdeen. Karen stirred the teapot. As she placed a cosy over the pot keys were heard to engage with the front door and as it swung open a cheery voice called out “It’s only me, hope the kettle’s boiled!”

“What did I tell you!” said a smiling Karen rolling her wet eyes, “It’s boiled, so hold your horses, I’m just brewing a pot full of tea!

“Oh goody, I hope there’s some biscuits to go with it, especially chocolate covered ones!” Answered Ruth as she entered the kitchen giving Karen a kiss, and a bit of a funny look as she placed a plastic tray with various implements within its recesses on the counter. As she sterilised her hands “Oh good, my victim is awake!” she smiled at Lisa as she made her eyebrows go up and down repeatedly. Lisa just giggled at her antics.

“Sorry I haven’t much time, I had a bit of a break and I wanted to get a good look at our Lisa this morning!” said Ruth as she crouched on her heels looking Lisa in the eyes. “Come over here in the daylight Lisa, let me have a close look at you, if that’s okay?” Lisa nodded. Ruth, taking her by the hand led her in front of the sofa where a shaft of sunlight streaked across the room. Ruth sat on the sofa and placed Lisa in front of her as she began her scrutiny. Carrie followed them into the seating area placing Ruth’s tray on the coffee table before taking a seat at the other end of the sofa so she could observe Lisa’s examination and offer encouragement.

“Hmm, you are a pasty little thing, aren’t you?” Ruth stated rhetorically, Lisa’s eye’s shot across to glance at Carrie before Ruth spoke again.

“Is it ok if I take your temperature Lisa? I just have a gizmo to stick in your ear, it’ll only take a second!” Lisa nodded her acquiescence. Ruth noted the results on a scrap of paper.

“Now I have another machine that’ll take your blood pressure, it just squeezes your arm, it doesn’t hurt, and it takes a few seconds too!

Okay?” Lisa nodded again. “Brilliant, sit next to me here on the sofa, just a cuff to go on your arm!” The test ran and Ruth made more notes on her paper. “Hmmm, tell you what, let me test your other arm just to see if that has more blood in it? Okay?” The second test ran and again Ruth frowned before folding the cuff and putting the machine away and taking more notes.

“Okay Lisa, stand up for me again please!” as Lisa returned in front of Ruth, Ruth yelled “Oi, slave, where’s me tea? Honestly Lisa, you could die of thirst around here!” Lisa giggled, “Now that’s a lovely sound!

“Here mistress, here’s your tea, hot, milk, two sugars and a dose of poison, just as you like it!” said Karen winking at Lisa as she placed Ruth’s tea on the coffee table.

“Thanks love, you’re a life saver, as always!” and taking a big slurp of her tea, Ruth returned her attention to Lisa, and examining the whites of her eyes, and felt all around her neck and looked in her ears.

“I have to be nice to the domestic help around here Lisa, or I wouldn’t get any choccy biscuits, wait a minute, (Shouting) Oi, I haven’t got any choccy biscuits!!! You just can’t get reliable staff these days, you don’t fancy the job do you Lisa, or perhaps you could see about giving your Auntie Karen some training!” Ruth winked at Lisa again. Karen came back, made a pretence of slamming her plate on the table causing the biscuits to slide around and stuck her tongue out at Ruth, before she too winked at Lisa, who giggled yet again.

Ruth looked directly at Lisa, “Now sweetheart, I need to have a look at the rest of you so I am going to need you to take off your nighty for me, now, we can do it here or you and Carrie can come into your bedroom, it’s up to you, wherever you’ll feel most comfortable!”
Lisa looked across at Carrie who shrugged at her. “No, it’s okay, we can do it here if you like!”

“As long as you are happy, mind you, I am glad you chose here, I can have another slurp of my tea, and another biscuit, I might even be able to get me top up, with a bit of luck!” smirked Ruth.

“You hold your horses, I’ll leave the room so I am not embarrassing Lisa!” stated Karen.

“That’s okay Auntie, you can stay, you’re bound to see me undressed at some stage, I don’t mind, besides, I think Auntie Ruth is really thirsty!”

“Aww, I’ve always wanted to be an Auntie!” said Ruth hugging Lisa tightly, “I saw a photo frame once and it said “Auntie, Like a Mum, Only Cooler! Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Here, let me help you off with your nighty!” Ruth grabbed the hem and lifted the garment clear of Lisa’s body and began her visual examination. She couldn’t help the frown that crossed her face, albeit fleetingly. “Okay, turn away from me please, sweetie!” She ran her fingertips over Lisa’s hips tracing their outline.

“Okay face me again Lisa and hold your arms up high for me please. Okay, arms down please! Hmmm! Right Lisa, if I move my fat bum out of your way, do you think you can lie on your back on the sofa for me please?

“Okay Auntie, but, I don’t think you have a fat bum!”

“Aww, me and you young lady are already best friends!” said Ruth giving Lisa a one-armed hug.

“Creep!” called Karen from the kitchen. Ruth pulled her tongue out at her! Lisa giggled.

Ruth knelt alongside Lisa as she lay with her with her head pointing towards Carrie. “Okay sweetie, I am now going to press and feel different parts of your body. I won’t hurt you, but I will admit my hands may be a bit cold.” Ruth began palpating Lisa’s chests. “Okay, Lisa, has your chest always been as big as this, do your nipples itch at all?”

“My nipples itch all the time, and sometimes, when they get banged, they hurt for a little bit! But they have started getting bigger lately, I just thought it was because I really, really want to grow up as Lisa”

“I know sweetie, I know, you want to be Lisa! When did you notice them growing do you think?”

Lisa scrunched up her face in concentration. “Since before Christmas I think, but much more so recently! Some, . . some of the boys at my school, they have, . . . . they have always picked on me, . . . but, . . . but it got worse once one of them noticed I was growing, they . . . they called me even nastier names than usual, and they’d squeeze my chest and make me really hurt, until some of the other girls, they, . . they chased them off!” tears leaked from both Lisa’s eyes into her ears, Tears escaped Carrie’s and Karen’s eye too! Ruth brushed some stray hair from Lisa’s forehead.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that sweetheart, children, some of them anyway, can be positively evil little b . . . ! They can be spiteful, let’s hope you don’t have to face that sort of behaviour again eh! So you’ve noticed changes for about eight or nine months roughly? Lisa nodded.

Carrie looked horror struck. “Oh Lisa, why didn’t you tell me? I could have taken you to the doctors!” she said rubbing Lisa’s forehead.

“You were always so busy and so tired, you might have told Matt and he would have teased me even more, besides, . . . !”

“Besides? Besides what Sweetheart?”

“I liked that they were growing, and I didn’t want the doctors to give me medicine to stop them growing, I wanted them!”

“Okay sweetie, we’ll talk about this later, but I want to have a feel of your tummy, is that okay with you?” Ruth asked, Lisa nodded.

Ruth worked her way around Lisa’s abdomen, watching Lisa’s facial expression as she did so.

“So, your face tells me your tummy is still sore there, and there, yes?” Lisa nodded as she bit down on her lower lip. “Is it sore every day? Does it go away for a while, then start up again? Tell me what it’s like Lisa, the more information the better!” Lisa went on to describe how she’d have pains for a few days, then everything would be fine for a week or two, then it would start up again, when pressed she couldn’t be more specific than that.

“That’s excellent information Lisa, that’s really, really useful! Now, this might be embarrassing for you, but I do this every single day, okay! Is it okay with you if I pull down your panties a little and have a look at your front bottom?” Again, Lisa nodded.

“Hmmm, okay Lisa, almost finished! I want you to lie on your side, facing me and then if I help you off with your panties, I want you to pull your top leg up to your chest and place both hands around it and hold it there, I won’t touch you, I just want a look at things, okay?” asked Ruth tenderly. Again, Lisa nodded.

After seeing what she could see, a frown again crossed Ruth’s face.

“That’s brilliant sweetie, one last thing to do and then that’s us done. Then you can get ready to go shopping! Come on, sit-up and let me help you get dressed. She slid Lisa’s panties back up her legs and dropped her nighty back over her head.

“Right young lady, I am afraid I am going to have to take some blood, I promise it sounds worse than it actually is, after all, I sent my fangs out to get them extra sharpened!” she said with a mock horror tune on her lips. Lisa just frowned at her. “Honestly, It will be over and done with before you know it!”

“Do I have to?” asked a more than pensive Lisa.

“I’m sorry Lisa, but yes, I need just a bit of your blood, let me show you what’s involved, shall I?” Lisa nodded and Ruth showed her the paraphernalia, the butterfly needle, the fine tubing and different coloured test-tubes. “I want you to sit on your Mom’s lap, then I want you to talk to her and Auntie Karen, then, before you know it, it all be done with and then, look out shops, Lisa’s coming!” Ruth was washing her hands with sterilising solution again before grabbing a pair of sterile gloves.

Lisa climbed onto Carrie’s lap and Karen knelt alongside her, but the opposite side to Ruth. The tourniquet was tightened around Lisa’s upper arm and with a nod from Ruth the process of distracting Lisa began. Carrie held Lisa’s hand tightly and Karen spoke.

“Your Granny was saying that when you went to Merry Hill, you sang the “Frozen” theme tune, and loads of people stopped their shopping to listen to you and gave you a big round of applause! Do you think you could sing some of that for me and Ruthie?”

“Ruthie?” asked Lisa.

“Yes, Ruthie, I know most nick-names shorten people’s names, but this one makes her name a bit longer, I use it when her head is getting bigger, I had a friend at school who was called Ian as his parents didn’t want a name that could be shortened, but everyone just called him E!, anyway, could you sing “Let it go!” for us!”

Lisa closed her eyes and started quietly singing, slowly increasing in volume.

“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore!”

“There we are Lisa, all done! You know I was almost tempted to keep taking more blood just to keep listening to your sweet voice, you’re beautiful and talented!” said Ruth kissing Lisa on the forehead as she pressed a ball of cotton wool into the crook of Lisa’s arm.

“How many of those tubes did you fill?” asked a stunned Lisa.

“Just six!” replied Ruth.

“Six?” asked a stunned Lisa.

Yes sweetie, I need to run a few unusual tests, so I needed to take a little more than I planned. Now, I want your Auntie Karen to pour you a nice big mug of her lovely tea, with two sugars and at least two of my favourite chocolate biscuits before you get up and move around. But while you are sat here, I want you to go on YouTube® and watch “The Blood Donor sketch by a man called Tony Hancock!®” it is brilliant! Mind you, I shall be asking you questions tonight, okay little lady?”

“Yes Auntie Ruthie!”

“Now, I know this is a daft question, but would you like a plain old boring sticking plaster on your arm or one with the “Frozen®” characters on it?”

Lisa rested her head on her fist and just looked at Ruth.

“Plain it is then, . . . not!” just before Lisa protested.

Chapter Nineteen.

The three adults entered the kitchen where Karen was sorting Lisa’s mug of tea, Ruth noted Carrie’s concerned expression as she filled in name details on the test-tube labels. What’s her date of birth, and her real one in case I need it? Somethings going on with our young lady, I have my suspicions, which is why I have taken extra samples, and I hate to do the whole Doctor keeping secrets from patients bit, but, I want to be sure of certain things before I say anything, If I race back to the hospital now I can get a rush on these tests and possibly get some results back today. Make sure she’s taken on plenty of fluids and get some Calpol® from any chemists, that’ll help her pain. Anyway, must dash, see you both later! Enjoy the shopping, Lisa!” and with that Ruth swept out of the flat.

Karen took a small tray over to Lisa, who was engrossed in the video clip.

“Right Lisa, pause that for a moment, drink loads of this tea, it’s got extra milk in it, then I want you to have three of Auntie Ruth’s biscuits, then finish the tea off and watch the end of the video. We’ll go shopping soon, okay?”

“Okay Auntie Karen!”

As Karen stood, she noticed Carrie had gone into the bedroom she shared with Lisa and was sat slumped on the bed, with her shoulders shaking with silent sobs escaping her body.

“Hey, hey, we’ll have none of that here Carrie! This is so strange, it is really tempting to call you Jess, but oddly I can only think of Lisa as Lisa! Now, tell me, what’s got you so upset, other than a scumbag boyfriend, drugs gangs and being uprooted in such drastic fashion!”

“Oh Karen, what an awful, awful big sister, legal guardian, whatever you want to call me, I am! I have failed Lisa big time!” Carrie glanced back over her shoulder at Lisa chuckling away at Tony Hancock’s antics. “She deserves someone better than me to look after her, I have done a really shitty job so far, everything I have tried to do has just fallen apart big time, look at her, a little soul that has already undergone so much crap, what with our Mom dying, abuse from Matt, threats from drug lords for crying out loud! Then, oh Karen, you should have heard the abuse she took on the last day of school from some of the boys, although some of the girls were supportive, but your Mom had a better idea of what was going on with her than I did, I had no idea of the physical changes she’s faced, until Saturday anyway, two bloody days ago! Some Mother I am to that child, I am a pathetic parent!”

Karen stood then quietly closed the bedroom door before returning to sit on the bed facing Carrie.

“Right Jessica, pin your ears back, because I think Lisa will be joining us any time now. You, Jess, have been the one constant in that child’s life. Who gave up her dreams of a teaching career to care for her sibling when, sadly, their mother died? Who has worked her fingers to the bone to provide a roof over her siblings’ head? Who took on Social Services when they tried to take her sibling from her? Who fought them tooth and nail and won the right to adopt her sibling? A sibling who has clung to her like a limpet, not because she was the only constant in that child’s life, but because that child felt the love of their older sister! Who has earned the undying admiration of their sibling? You Jess, you have so far exceeded that child’s dreams, it is untrue how much she looks up to you! Mom told me that, that child was prepared to do anything to keep you safe from those evil bastards who Matt dragged you towards! Have you sunk down to their level? No! You, Jess, you don’t see how much you have achieved in spite of everything life has thrown at you! That child thinks you walk on water and that the sun shines out of your backside! And it’s not blind adoration, Lisa loves you with every fibre of her being. You are her ideal role model! You are her rock! You are all that, that child needs Jess, yes you have to be Carrie, but you are you, pure and simple, and it is the inner core of your being that Lisa loves, isn’t that so love?”

Carrie spun on the bed to face the door which had been quietly opened, to see a tear-streaked Lisa staring at her.

“Mom, and I know you are really my sister! But you have been like my Mom for a long, long time, even before our actual Mom died, she was too unwell to care for me properly, and that wasn’t her fault, she was too ill. But you Jessie, Carrie, Mom, you have always been there for me, and I will never, ever forget that! You are such a special person, everyone else sees it, so it’s about time you did too! I could never get a better Mom ever. I am so sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt, or what was happening to me, both at school or with my body, but I may only be twelve, or ten perhaps at the moment! But I could see what Matt was doing to you, he was abusing you, perhaps not hitting you as such, but he was in your head, controlling you, trying to make you do things that weren’t really you! But he couldn’t really make you be what he wanted you to be, a slave to him, and I worked out why that was, it’s because you loved me, even more than him, and that’s why he was trying to get me more and more involved in his so called business deals, he wanted to use me to control you, he wasn’t a nice person and I am glad he can’t get to you anymore!”

“Come here you!” said Carrie with her arms open wide before scooping Lisa into a tight hug. “When did you get to be so smart, eh?”

“That’s easy Mom, I tried to copy you! I love you Jess, I love you Carrie, and I love you Mom, and I always will!”

Karen hugged the two of them, “So now that’s all sorted, let’s get ourselves ready to hit the shops, shall we girls?”

Carrie lifted Lisa to her feet and said, “Okay, madam, before you can go shopping, someone needs a shower, so scoot!” With a chuckle Lisa rushed into the ensuite and started to get ready for the day’s adventures.

Three quarters of an hour later they were all aboard Karen’s four by four as they headed to the big shopping complex in Union Square. Shops from the likes of Primark for cheap essentials, then some of the more upmarket boutiques provided more quality clothing, a visit to Pandora® started a collection of charm bracelets that jangled from their wrists, along with other jewellery items. A visit to a nail bar, where they all now sported acrylic extensions on their fingers, with their toes painted the same colour! Lisa opting for a pale frosted pink with metal flakes to which were added on image of Elsa® on her forefingers, Anna® on the index fingers then Kristoff® and finally Olaf® on her pinkie fingers. On each thumb was adorned with a giant snowflake, all the images protected with a high gloss topcoat. Lisa was also treated to a more feminine trim than Tina had been able to give her, they’d also stopped in the Marks and Spencer® café for a drink, a toasted sandwich and some cake, although Lisa still wasn’t too hungry!

After they had dumped all their bags and packages into the back of the car Karen said “Come on, one last shop, then we’ll get a fruit smoothie before heading home to get something for our tea’s, then you can give your Auntie Ruth a fashion show, okay love? We’ll go down to Hobbycraft®, get you a few toys, games and some crafty type things to do, okay?”

“Okay, Auntie Karen, but, I am really tired, I have had a great day shopping though, so thank you!” said Lisa quietly.

“I tell you what sweetie, jump in the car and we’ll skip the smoothie, nip down into Hobbycraft® then get you home for a snooze before Ruthie gets home!”

“Okay Auntie!” Within minutes they were trailing around the store picking up, paints, pencils, colouring books and a myriad of other arts and crafts materials including a large Frozen® jigsaw puzzle. Suddenly Lisa raced ahead

“Oh wow, we have to buy this please! Can we? Oh please, I must buy this!”

“What are you wittering on about Lisa?” asked a smiling Carrie.

“It’s this photo frame, look Mom, it’s exactly what Auntie Ruth was talking about this morning, look it says “Aunties, like Mom’s only cooler!” please can I get it for Auntie Karen and Auntie Ruth, please!”

Carrie laughed, pleased to see Lisa so animated about something. “Of course you can sweetheart, chuck it in the basket, I’ll go and pay for this little lot, you go with your Auntie Karen and wait for me in the car!”

“Okay, Mom!” and grabbing hold of Karen’s hand Lisa made her weary way to the car. Just as Karen had opened the rear door for Lisa to climb aboard, Karen’s phone started ringing, after she’s extricated from her handbag she said to Lisa, “Oh it’s just Ruthie, you sit there with the door open and as soon as she’s finished gabbing to me and your mom’s here, we’ll get you home! Karen walked off a little way and then turned and focused her attention on Lisa as she spoke hurriedly to Ruth on the phone.

Moments later Carrie came out of the shop laden with several bags, which she placed in the back of the car through the rear hatchway which Karen had opened for her while she continued to speak to Ruth. Just as the rear door was automatically closing, Carrie went to check that her little girl was securely fastened into her seat, when she realised that Lisa was slumped forward, completely unconscious, an ear-splitting scream rent the car park and Karen sprinted around the vehicle.

Fortunately, an ambulance and its crew were just preparing to leave the shopping precinct after answering a hoax call. After being flagged down by a passerby, they raced to the scene of the commotion. After a quick examination they quickly placed Lisa and Carrie in the rear of their vehicle before, with lights flashing and sirens blaring, they raced through the traffic to the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital. Awaiting their arrival was Ruth and her colleagues.

After being consoled by shop staff and passers-by, a distraught Karen made the lonely trip to catch up with Lisa. A quick call to Mike and Tina let them know what was happening. It was going to be a long, long night!

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