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My apologies, this is the chapter three of seven I should have posted!
Jessica and Luke are siblings who have experienced a whole world of pain and hurt in their short lives. When it seems that, for once, things are finally beginning to improve, a local drug gang invades their existence, and their world threatens to crumble down around their ears. Read on to see how they and their friends fight back.
Chapter Seven.
Whilst the confrontation was occurring up on the top floor, Mike and Tina quickly ushered Carrie and Lisa from the back of the car, having given them their instructions of where to meet and how to act. Carrie headed off, dressed in a conservative two-piece maroon skirt suit with a soft pink camisole top under her jacket and three-inch black heels. In her right hand she towed a battered wheeled suitcase, while in the other hand she held onto Lisa who was skipping along beside her. They disappeared into the crowds of shoppers thronging the retail area. They slowed their walk down and window shopped as they worked their way to the central arena with its large hanging clock, there, they sat quietly waiting for phase two of Mike’s plan to kick into gear.
After allowing Carrie and Lisa about a five-minute head start, Mike and Tina set off to follow in the girls’ footsteps. Tina was carrying the present she’d already purchased from the toy store. Hand in hand they meandered through the precinct, acting like any other couple out for a casual Sunday afternoon’s shopping. Mike would keep glancing at his watch and surreptitiously glancing around. Bending down seeming to indicate to something to Tina in an ornament shops window, pointing at some Royal Doulton® figurines, he whispered in Tina’s ear.
“Okay love, time to go meet the girls, our friend has finally caught up to us, he looks like he run a marathon, so I guess he’s not having a good day! Let’s keep him confused and off balance. Time to meet up, so get your tears of happiness ready! Okay?”
“I’m more than ready Mike, the next five to ten minutes will make or break our plan, so get your emotions ready to overload too!”
“Okay boss!” said Mike kissing his wife’s cheek. With that they set of for the rendezvous.
Meanwhile, on the benches, sat waiting for Mike and Tina to appear, Carrie was still holding Lisa’s hand.
“You all ready kiddo?”
“Yes Mommy!”
“Good girl, don’t forget you haven’t seen your Grandparents in absolutely ages, so go over the top with your greetings!”
“Yes Mom, I am a bit scared though!”
“There’s nothing to be scared about sweetheart, just be yourself, let your instincts guide your actions, you’ll do fine! Now, your Grandparents should come along at any moment. In fact, I think I can see your Granddad’s head just coming into view, so get ready!”
Moments later Carrie leapt to her feet and started frantically waving. Mike smiled and pointed towards Carrie and Lisa, Tina broke out into a big smile, and Mike stooped forward with his arms outstretched wide. Lisa took off from Carries side, and with skirts flying launched herself into Mike’s arms, who enveloped her in a huge hug and lifting her clear off her feet, and spun her around and around, as Lisa squealed her greetings showering kisses onto Mike’s face. Tina and Carrie were also in a tight embrace, rocking each other from side to side. Then, moments later, they’d swapped partners, with more hugs and kisses being exchanged. The tearful group returned to the benches where Carrie had abandoned their suitcase, they all sat and caught up with each other.
Their somewhat sweaty and still out of breath, follower took advantage of an empty seat behind them and casually sat down to surreptitiously listen in to what was being said. Tina was sat in the middle with Lisa on her lap giving her a tight hug with her left arm, to her right, under her arm was Carrie with Mike to her left.
“It is so good to see you both again, you don’t know how much we’ve missed you both!” said Mike.
“We’ve really missed you both haven’t we sweetheart?” murmured Carrie.
“Uh-uh!” sniffled Lisa, “I’ve missed you guys so much!” she said as she leant back into Tina’s embrace.
“We’ve missed you too sweetheart, and here’s a present for you, as I know you lost all your toys and belongings in the fire, go on darling, open it.” Tina handed a bashful Lisa the carrier bag she’s been carrying. Lisa sat up on Tina’s lap and taking the bag from her Granny’s hands she peered into the large bag.
“Oh Granny, it’s Elsa!!” Lisa frantically tore the bag off the box, peering through the plastic panels, a huge smile almost creasing her face into two halves. “How did you know, she’s my favourite film character, and I love the song to bits!”
“You should hear sing along to it Mom.” Said Carrie to Tina.
“Can you sing it for me Lisa do you think?” asked Tina.
Lisa sat up, and with a bit of an embarrassed expression, started to quietly sing, looking down at the floor, then with her eye’s closed, she increased in volume
“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiralling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never goin' back, the past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway ®”
When Lisa finished the song, she was stunned when she opened her eye’s to find a sizeable crowd had gathered around her and they all broke out into spontaneous applause. Lisa’s faced coloured a bright red and she buried her face in Tina’s neck.
“Come on sweetheart, stand up and take a bow!” said Carrie taking her hand. Reluctantly Lisa stood and made a half curtsey to the crowd who’d either been recording the little girl’s performance on their phones or just standing their open mouthed. Many came up to her and said how well she sang, and they hoped she would continue to sing as she had a special gift.
Even their follower had recorded part of Lisa’s performance. He’d gone off to a quieter part of the mall, and reported into his boss man.
“Hi boss, it’s me, . . . yeah, yeah I followed ‘em to the Merry Hill, . . . , yeah, yeah, they’ve met with their daughter and grandkid who’s just given a performance of that snow song. . . .no, not that one, . . . it’s called “let it go” I think, . . . yeah boss I got some of it filmed on me phone, hold on, I’ll send you the clip, half a mo’ . . . . . there, you got it? . . . . yeah, she is good in’t she? . . . . . . . . yeah, I’ll keep watching, but there’s definitely no trace of the bitch or ‘er brother, . . . nah, I’m positive, . . . . yeah I’ll keep an eye on ‘em, . . . Okay boss, speak wiv yer later!” with that he sauntered off keeping a watchful eye on the family gathering as they walked through the crowds. What he didn’t realise was that Steve and Geoff were keeping a close eye on his antics, as well as Mike being fully aware of his whereabouts.
“I’ve never heard you sing so well Lisa, why didn’t you sing like it before?” asked Carrie.
“I used to sing like that when I was on my own, I sang it once with Carole and Stacy at school in the playground, but all the boys laughed and teased me for ages!” whispered Lisa with a sorrowful downcast expression, “Then, I only sang on my own at home. But one day, HE came home and I didn’t hear him come in, HE laughed at me, and after smacking the back of my head a few times, he said he didn’t want to hear me singing like a girl ever again or he’d tell you and you’d be disgusted with me and throw me out of the house! So, I have just sung along in my head!” said Lisa now in floods of tears.
Carrie hugged Lisa tightly, “Oh Lisa sweetheart, I am so, so sorry, but promise me that you will keep singing, you have a real talent, and you know I love you more than anything or anyone else, don’t you?”
Lisa nodded, with her head downcast but peering up into Carrie’s eyes “You promise?”
“Yes Lisa, I promise, I will always, always love and protect you, cross my heart!” Lisa threw her arms around Carrie’s neck and hugged her tightly.
Mike and Tina had heard the quiet exchange.
“If that bastard wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself!” muttered Tina, tears in her eyes.
“Only after I’d smacked him around a good bit first and made him really suffer!” growled Mike.
Lisa who had overheard this exchange suddenly shot upright and looked from Mike to Tina and back again before looking into Carries eyes, then she whispered “Of course, HE’s dead?”
Carrie put her finger to Lisa’s lips, “Shhh! Yes, that’s right but we can’t talk about it here, okay?”
Lisa nodded, then putting her mouth to Carrie’s ear “I’m sorry Carrie, I know you loved him, but I am glad he’s dead! The way he was treating you was getting worse and worse, but I couldn’t stop him! But he can’t hurt you anymore now can he?”
Both of them had tears in their eyes, “No Lisa he can’t hurt either of us anymore, we just need to get away for a while and let the dust settle! Anyway, lets get you to the ladies and wash both of our faces, we have to get some photos, and we can’t have them taken with red eye’s, or me looking like a panda now can we?”
Lisa giggled, “Perhaps you should get some waterproof mascara?”
“That’s not a bad idea, come on, let’s pop into Boots’ the Chemist® and see what we can find shall we?”
“Carrie, do you, . . . err, . . do you think, . . . that, . . . I, err, . . that I could wear some make up too?” asked an embarrassed Lisa.
“Oh sweetheart, you are a bit young to be worrying about make-up yet!” replied Carrie, “We’ll have a look around and we’ll see, okay?”
Lisa nodded a bit dejectedly.
“What’s up?” asked Tina.
“Lisa was asking about make-up, because we got talking about water-proof mascara and I told her she was a bit young yet!” replied Carrie.
Tina stooped down to Lisa’s level and said “Your Mommy’s right really, but we’ll have a look in Boots®’ and see what we can find! Okay?” and as she stood she gave Lisa a big wink. Then turning to Mike she said, “You might as well stay here Mike, we’re just nipping into Boots®’ then we’ll be popping in the ladies, we won’t be long!”
“Famous last words!” muttered Mike as he returned to his seat.
Chapter Eight.
Meanwhile Tina, Carrie and Lisa entered Boots®’ and made for the cosmetics counter where beautiful but heavily made up ladies were busy trying to interest passing customers in their wares. Carrie found a few age-appropriate cosmetics for herself, which she placed into the shopping basket she was carrying.
“Can I help you at all?” asked one of the white coated assistants.
“No thank you” answered Carrie.
“Lisa here is looking at all the cosmetics, desperate to be able to wear them herself!” added Tina who’d a firm hold on Lisa’s hand.
The beautician lent down to Lisa’s level, “You are already beautiful sweetheart” Your Mommy and Nanny are right, you don’t really need any artificial help yet, but, if your Mommy says it’s Okay, you can come and sit in my chair and I can make you look like you aren’t wearing any make-up, but make you look a little more beautiful, we’ve all been where you are now, desperate to be more grown up, and get our hands on cosmetics or more grown up clothes! So, what is your name beautiful?”
The woman stood up and turning her attention on Carrie she said “Well what do you think Lisa’s Mom, is it ok if I work on her for a few minutes, if you don’t like it, I will clean it all off, no worries, no inducement to purchase anything, it will give me something to do for a few minutes, and let your daughter get a glimpse into her future, even though she’s really beautiful as she is!”
Carrie looked from the woman to the bashful but hopeful expression on Lisa’s face.
“Go on then, but nothing to heavy please, she’s only twelve!”
“Don’t worry Mrs ?”
“Brown, Carrie Brown, this is my daughter Lisa and that’s her Granny, Tina.” Replied Carrie.
“Wonderful, wonderful, right Lisa you come over here and let’s get you on my stool, now, let’s get this cape over your pretty dress, my you’re stunning. You’ll have the boys all asking you for a date before you even know it. Right, my name is Diana! Am I right in thinking that was you I heard singing “Let it go” a little earlier?” Lisa nodded bashfully. “Wow, not only beautiful but exceptionally talented too!” Lisa giggled in embarrassment. Diana then shook Carrie and Tina’s hands and then went into her spiel to the slowly gathering little crowd around her workstation.
“Right Lisa, there’s not much I can do to enhance your natural beauty, but we’ll see what I can show you Okay? We’ll start with this headband to keep the rest of your hair off your face while I work, I love your ponytail like that by the way. Okay, the first thing to do is to cleanse your face, so I’ll just spread some cleanser, . . . Like that! . . . Now we wait for a moment or two” Diana then quickly spoke to several of the other beauticians working at other brands stalls before returning to Lisa’s side. ”There now, we’ll clean it all off with a cotton wool ball, . . . See, look how much dirt was trapped in your pores, . . Now just some gentle moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated. . . Excellent, . . . now Lisa, how does that feel?”
Lisa stretched her face and a beaming smile spread across her expression. “Wow, it feels wonderful!”
“That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say! Now comes the fun part!” then Diana looked at Carrie, “Is it Okay if I just neaten up her eyebrows a little bit, just to remove a few strays?”
Carrie nodded, “Not too thin though please, if Lisa want’s them done that is?”
Lisa excitedly nodded her head. Diana smiled at Lisa.
“Okay sweetheart, this will sting a little, but us girls have to suffer a little for our beauty don’t we, so, are you sure?”
“Yes please!” replied an excited Lisa.
“Okay Lisa, I am just going to tilt the chair back a little, so no worries Okay? So, close your eyes for me and keep them closed” said Diana as she tilted the chair back, then placing some carefully shaped sticky cloth strips under each of Lisa eyebrows she quickly pulled them free leaving Lisa to jump a little. “That’s the worst bit Lisa, now just one or two stragglers to pull out, . . . Okay sweetheart?” Lisa nodded even though she had tiny tears in the corners of both eyes. Moments later Diana put her tweezers down and dabbed both of Lisa’s eyes with a little cleaning pad, then she sat her up once more. Lisa looked across at both Tina and Carrie who both smiled back at her and nodded their pleasure.
“Now Lisa, let’s get to the fun part, shall we?” asked Diana. Lisa beamed a huge smile and nodded excitedly.
Diana went into her presentation spiel to the small crowd that had gathered around her. She reiterated that Lisa was really a little young for make-up and needed minimal enhancement, but there were always little things that could be done here and there. She demonstrated several looks, and at the end of each one Carrie took several pictures on her phone, especially when Diana spun Lisa around in the chair to view her reflection in the mirrors. Finally, Diana used an eyebrow pencil to emphasise Lisa’s brows, a little pale brown eyeshadow in the creases of her lids, a darker shade on her lids, the merest touch of a very fine mascara, a gentle brush of blush and a pale pink lipstick that almost matched her natural lip colour. This time when Lisa saw how she looked she was speechless, then she turned in the chair and gave Diana a huge hug.
“Thank you so much Diana, I always dreamed of what I’d look like with some make-up on, now I know, thank you, thank you!” With that Lisa returned her glance to the mirror.
“Thank you, Diana.” Said Carrie, “She’s had a rough few days, but I think you have her given a real boost!” With that Carrie clasped both of Diana’s hands within her own, then headed off to remove the cape from Lisa’s shoulders and they both approached the mirror a bit more closely.
“Oh Mom, thank you for letting me try some make-up!” Lisa spoke to Carries reflection.
“You are welcome sweetheart, I thought you were pretty before, but, wow, you are a stunner!”
Lisa turned to hug Carrie, “I might be pretty but you are beautiful, and, when I grow up, I hope I can be as beautiful as you!”
Carrie returned the hug. “Thank you, Lisa, I love you!” And they gently swung from side to side.
While they were talking to each other, Tina approached Diana.
“I think you have made a little girl very happy today, can you give me one of everything you used on her please Diana, she deserves a little treat I think!”
“Of course Tina, no problems, she seems a lovely child, so pretty and polite, not like some of the would be divas that come in demanding this and that and expecting something for nothing, often their mothers are even worse!” Diana glanced over her shoulder at Lisa and Carrie still hugging each other, “They seem very close, that is beautiful in of itself!”
“Yes Diana, they are extremely close, Carrie is just escaping from an abusive relationship, and both of them are a bit traumatised by events of the recent past, that’s why today has been a real treat for both of them!” Tina picked up Carrie’s basket from where she’d left it “Can you ring me up for these while you are at it please?”
“Of course Tina.”
Carrie and Lisa dragged themselves away from the mirror and joined Tina whist Diana was working the till. Tina handed her card over, punched in her PIN number and Diana gave her the receipt and the bag containing their purchases.
“There you go Tina, if you ever need anything else just ask for me, here’s my card! You can always contact me and book an appointment in advance if needs be, you too Carrie, you have a very special daughter there!”
“Thanks Diana, you’ve been brilliant, I’m sure we’ll be back at some stage!” replied Carrie.
Diana stooped down to look at a beaming Lisa, “And as for you Lisa, the beautiful little songbird, you stand there for just a moment longer please!” Diana then grabbed a bag and going to the rear cupboards started pulling various small boxes from here and there, and after going to several of her colleagues returned to stand in front of Lisa with several bags bulging with boxes whist several of the other white coated ladies crowded in the background.
“Here you are sweetheart, in these bags you will find several different products from most of the different manufacturers we promote, we usually give out a few samples to our favourite customers, and you, young lady, are definitely one of our most favourite customers, plus there’s some items that are getting close to their sell by date, but as long as you keep them sealed and in a cool drawer they’ll be fine and be things for you to practice with, and if she’s really nice to you, you could always lend to your Mom!” She winked at Lisa who was furiously blushing and giggling. “Although strictly speaking you shouldn’t share make-up, especially eye make-up, but a mother and daughter should be ok. There is also a list of good YouTube sites that do excellent tutorials, but, please, don’t go bonkers with it if you are going outside, and promise me you will get into a good night-time beauty regimen, and cleanse, then moisturise every night before bed?”
“Yes Diana, thank you so much, you don’t know how much this means to me and how much fun this has been!” said Lisa hugging her once again as Carrie took the bags from Lisa to free off her hands.
Lisa rushed from woman to woman, thanking each of them in turn, and giving them a hug.
Carrie hugged Diana, “Thank you Diana, you’ve done a wonderful job, but I think I shall have a real problem getting her to remove her make-up before bed tonight!”
Diana chuckled, “I’m sure you will Carrie, I remember my own daughter when she first started wanting to wear make-up, the excitement of growing up! I am sure you’ll cope, at least there is so much help and advice on the internet these days, not like when I started experimenting a lifetime ago! But she has a real talent with her voice, most of us rushed to the shop entrance just to see what angel was singing so clearly and beautifully. The emotion she put into the words made the hairs on my neck quiver, and it wasn’t only me she affected in such a manner either, that talent needs to be nurtured, that’s partly why so many of my colleagues wanted to provide a few samples, she made our day. Dealing with the public can really wear you down!”
“You don’t have to tell me Diana, I was a waitress until recently, you get some lovely people, and you get a lot of people who drive you up the wall!” responded Carrie with a smile.
“Exactly” laughed Diana, “Please come back, I’d love to see how she grows up in the years to come! And you look after yourself, you be happy too Okay?” she hugged Carrie tightly, who silently nodded on her shoulder.
Lisa returned to Carrie and Tina still wearing her extra-ordinary smile. “
Right sweetheart, let’s go find your grandfather, he’ll be thinking we’ve emigrated.” Said Tina, and after saying their goodbyes and waving to the other beauticians made their way back to the benches by the clock.
“Wakey wakey Mike!” said Tina kicking his leg.
“Huh!” mumbled Mike rousing himself from his nap, “Do I know you? You look vaguely familiar?” he teased his wife.
“Come on you daft sod, let’s get going before you start moaning about how long we’ve been!” teased Tina back.
Mike looked at the three of them laden down by more bags for him to carry. He then gave Lisa a very theatrical frown, “Excuse me young lady, can I help you at all, you look a little familiar, but I’m not sure I recognise you!”
Lisa, who was holding Carries hand securely then gave Mike a bashful smile, “Oh Granddad, it’s me, Lisa!” then she giggled an embarrassed giggle!
“No! Not my little girl Lisa surely, you are to grown up to be my little Lisa!”
Lisa slapped his arm, laughing loudly, “Oh Granddad, stop teasing, you know it’s me!”
Mike leant over and gave her a peck on the cheek, “Yes sweetheart, I know it’s you alright; it’s just you look even more beautiful than when I last saw you, and I didn’t think it was possible to improve on perfection, but they have! You wouldn’t believe the number of people who came up to me to say how much they enjoyed your impromptu a Capela singing, and who were you? They wanted to be able to say they’d heard you perform before you were famous!”
“Wow!” muttered Lisa, “Really?”
“Yes Lisa, really, anyway, now you are looking beyond beautiful, let’s go get your photos taken, Granddad has places to go and people to see!”
With that they retraced their steps popping into a photographers shop to get portraits of Carrie and Lisa taken, both separately and together as well as a group shot of the four of them.
As they made their way back to the car, Tina was admiring the group portrait, “I have just the frame for that, it will look lovely on the mantelpiece!”
Their tail, after carefully watching them enter their car and pull away to join the queue to leave the car park, scurried off to the stairs to rush to his own vehicle so he could tail them back to the house. As he rushed up the stairs, crashing through the stairway door and smacked right into the body builder he met earlier in the day.
“You again?” the man mountain rumbled, “I did warn you to keep out of my way and stop pissing me off did I not?”
The tail could only silently nod, he was used to being the alpha male in most situations, “S, . sorry mate, I didn’t see you there!”
“I noticed!” by now he’d got hold of the tail’s shirt in his left fist, then he pulled his right fist back and rammed it into the tail’s stomach winding him completely, “Last warning mate, do not piss me off again, or I might get really annoyed. Got it?” with that he dropped the tail to the floor and walked off. While the tail was desperately trying to suck air back into his lungs, he failed to notice the body builder and Geoff cross paths and exchange a high five, nor did he see the two hundred pounds that was passed to the man mountain in the process. By the time the tail had recovered enough to get to his car, Mike, Tina, Carrie and Lisa were three quarters of the way home.
Mike pulled up in front of the house rather than going onto the driveway. After disembarking from the vehicle and extricating the suitcase and all the shopping Mike kissed his three girls Goodbye and drove off.
“Where’s Granddad going?” asked Lisa.
“I’m not sure sweetheart; he said he might be a while so not to wait up for him, but he’d be as quick as he could be!” replied Tina.
“Oh, okay!” answered a dubious Lisa.
Chapter Nine.
As the three off them slowly walked up the drive, a car drew up at the kerb in front of the house.
“Excuse me Mrs Smith!” called out the driver as he pushed the car door open, “May we have another moment of your time?”
Tina turned to the man, “Of course, Detective Sergeant Jones, isn’t it?”
“Yes Mrs Smith, and my colleague Detective Constable Wright, you may remember her from our visit yesterday?”
“Of course, won’t you please follow us in? Carrie dear, could you open up for me please?”
“Yes Mom, come on Lisa, grab those bags off your Granny while she talks to the nice Police Officers!”
“Yes Mommy!” Lisa took the bags from Tina and hurried to catch up with Carrie.
“Oh blast!” muttered Carrie, “Sorry Mom, but I’ve left my keys in my other handbag in the house, can I borrow your keys please?”
“Of course, let me dig them out of my bag! . . . Here they are!” and she handed them to Carrie having caught up with her and Lisa.
Carrie opened up and disabled the alarm, which she knew was the same code as the café. She went through into the kitchen, “I’ll put the kettle on, would either of you like a tea or a coffee?” she called out.
Tina led Lisa into the front room as the Police Officers followed them into the house closing the door behind them.
“Tea would be lovely please.” called DC Wright, “White and no sugars please, for both of us thanks.”
“Please have a seat.” Tina said pointing to the sofa as she sat in an armchair opposite pulling Lisa onto the arm of the chair, “This is my Granddaughter Lisa, we’ve just been shopping!”
“Hello Lisa, I see you’ve been to that large toy shop up in Merry Hill, have you something nice?” asked DC Wright.
“Yes, my Granny and Granddad bought me an Elsa doll and loads of things to go with her too!” replied Lisa hesitantly.
“Ooh, my niece loves Elsa too, can you show me?” asked the Policewoman.
“Okay!” replied Lisa as she struggled to get the box out of the carrier bag.
“Here, let me help you with that!” offered DC Wright as she held her arms out to Lisa and the carrier bag. “Oh, look, you haven’t had chance to even open it yet! Do you want me to help, or do you want your Mommy to do it for you?”
Lisa looked enquiringly across to Tina, and seeing her nod said, “That’s Okay, you can help me if you like!”
“Okay Lisa, why don’t you sit here in between Eddie and I, my name is Lorna by the way, so you call me that while we work out how to open this and get Elsa out of the box, there’s always that many different fixings and bits of wire it can take ages to remove everything!”
And for the next few minutes they both worked to extricate the doll and all the accessories from the box, a little banter and a few chuckles passed between them as they worked.
Just then Carrie entered the room with four mugs of tea and a glass of juice for Lisa. “The teas are all the same, so, please help yourself, there’s some chocolate digestives to if you would like one!” she said.
“Thanks!” said DS Jones, “We’ve been on the go all day, so this is really welcome! I don’t think we’ve been introduced, I’m Detective Sergeant Edward Jones, and this is Detective Constable Lorna Wright.”
“Hi, I’m Carrie Brown and this is my daughter Lisa.”
“Okay, but I thought you just had the one daughter Mrs Smith, by the name of, now let me see.” With that DS Jones pulled his notebook from his inside jacket pocket, “Let’s see, ah, here it is, that’s it, yes, isn’t your daughter’s name Karen?”
Both Tina and Carrie’s complexion flushed whilst Lisa stopped interacting with Lorna and sat rock solid with a frightened expression on her face.
Tina recovered first, “That’s correct officer, our daughter Karen lives in Aberdeen these days, Carrie was our foster child who we unofficially adopted, and we’ve always considered both her and Lisa as our own flesh and blood! They’ve been spending a few days with us, Carrie is escaping from an abusive partner, so they left with little, if anything to their name. They’ll be leaving us tomorrow for a little holiday, and then we’ll see what will happen next!”
“Okay, so you are Carrie ?” as DS Jones.
“Brown, Carrie Brown!”
“So do you know Jessica Carter, or her brother Luke?” he asked.
“Only vaguely, why?”
“Do you know a Mr Matthew Gibson?” at this Carrie went as pale as a ghost, and Lisa started to tremble.
“It’s ok sweetheart!” said Lorna putting her arm around Lisa’s shoulder, “He can’t hurt you anymore!” with that Lisa wailed and throwing off Lorna’s arm threw herself across the room into Carrie’s arms, “I’m sorry Mommy, I’m so, so sorry, please, please, don’t let them take me away!” she wept uncontrollably into Carrie’s shoulder oblivious to movement around her.
“Shhh, sweetheart, we aren’t here to take you away, we just want to speak to you both, that’s all, come sit over by me and we can finish unpacking Elsa and all her bits and bobs, Okay?” with that Lorna led a still sobbing and tearful Lisa back to the sofa.
“Right, so I take it I am really speaking to Jessica and Luke Carter?” asked DS Jones, Carie could only nod.
Tina spoke up, “They have both been through hell and back, particularly over the last few days, Luke has always been transgendered and both of them have been threatened and terrorised by Matthew and his contacts. They’ve had cars parked outside of their flat and now this house is being watched by those thugs! We were even followed to the Merry Hill, so they needed disguises and to disappear for a while! Knowing them both as well as I do, I came up with the idea of changing them from sister and her brother to a mother and her daughter. They needed to be kept safe from those mongrels of Matthew’s, plus Social Services, as we felt sure they’d want to take Luke into care, and none of us were having that, so Carrie and Lisa were born, and they’re going away for a while until this blows over and we can work out what to do next!”
“I can fully understand your concerns over Matthew’s contacts, they’re not pleasant individuals, although we have two of them in custody at the moment, they claim to have fallen down the stairs, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you Miss Carter?”
Carrie shook her head, “No, but when I last left the flat there were two men being attended to by paramedics, but I don’t know who they were or what happened to them!”
DS Jones smiled, “Well, whoever phoned for the ambulance did us a real favour, as perhaps that individual “helped” them before, during or after their little accident, and may also have been responsible for the thugs’ getaway vehicle suffering four flat tyres! That car has been a veritable goldmine of evidence, and our two friends are singing like canaries’!”
“Now, can I ask where Mr Smith is at the moment?”
Tina answered, “I’m not exactly sure where, but he often goes to play cards and swap stories with a few of his old army friends, he said he may be a while and not to wait up for him!”
“No worries, I don’t need to speak with him just at the moment, so if you prefer, I will use your new names of Carrie and Lisa, but don’t worry, I shan’t be writing down your names, I’m just interested in what you can tell me, about Matthew, his habits, his friends and acquaintances and what has happened to the two of you these last few days, the more information you can provide, anonymously, the stronger our case!”
Lorna who’d had her arm around Lisa as she’d slowly regained control of her emotions lifted Lisa’s face with her finger, “I think you are a very brave young lady, with a wonderful voice, and looked even more stunning after your make over!”
“You, you were there?” asked an amazed Lisa.
“That’s right, we knew those gentlemen were watching this house for some reason, so we were watching them, you have been under covert surveillance the whole time you were out shopping, although you did confuse us a little with your sudden appearance in the shopping precinct!” she smiled at Lisa, then looking across at Tina she added, “Your husband has obviously had excellent training, and you have equally good protective instincts!”
Tina smiled, “These two girls may not be of my own flesh and blood, but they are my babies, and God help anyone who threatens them! I will drop on them like a ton of bricks with all my teeth and claws bared, whoever they may be! No-one, and I mean no-one hurts them while I am around, then, my husband will have something to say in the matter too!”
“Anyway, back to basics, can you start at the beginning Carrie, and tell me how you met Matthew, everything that happened up until his disappearance, then, what has happened between them and now. If you don’t mind, can I use an old-fashioned Dictaphone® to record what you are saying, we shall transcribe the relevant sections and then we both give you our solemn word the recording will be wiped clear and the tape itself destroyed.” Asked DS Jones.
Over the next three hours and two further cuppa’s both Carrie and Lisa described in great detail everything they could remember, descriptions, the few names they knew, the addresses Luke had been sent to, the frequency of the visits and Matthew’s hurrying from the flat, the suspected hidey hole by the bed, Tina added a few bit of information relating to dubious café customers, before the events of the last few days were described.
“Thank you so much for that, this is going to enable us to get somewhat further up the gangs’ hierarchy than just taking a few foot soldiers off the streets. It will take us a while to get our case laid out and arrests made. I take it you two still intend to disappear tomorrow?” asked the Policeman of Carrie.
“Yes, I want to get Lisa well away from here, not only from the gang and it’s henchmen, but I am terrified that Social Services will say I’m not a fit parent and take her into care, it would be a disaster for her, and I would never forgive myself for breaking my promise to her and our mother not to look after her. I gave up my degree course to become Lisa’s guardian, I was in my last year of studies with just my final exams to take when our mother died, if I lost her now, then all these years of struggle and the sacrifice I made would have been in vain. I had a tremendous battle to become Lisa’s carer and I will not be beaten now, plus, I had no idea if you thought I was involved in whatever Matthew was up to. It is so obvious now, but at the time I loved him and didn’t realise what he was doing, I feel so stupid, Mum and Dad didn’t like him from the outset but said nothing out of concern for myself and Lisa, they were afraid I’d get all bratty and fall out with them!” with that she put her face in her hands and quietly wept.
They were all interrupted by a quiet snore from Lisa. She’s been sat next to Lorna but had slumped back on the sofa and gently fallen asleep, her head slumped on her chest, obviously shattered by the questions but also from the emotional distress she’s been under. All four adults smiled in her direction.
“I think on that note we shall call a halt to today.” Said DS Jones, “If you could tell me how you intend to leave the area, I’d like to make sure you are not followed by any of our “Friends”, then, if we need to speak to you again, we’ll contact you via your Mom and Dad!”
Carrie and Tina shared enquiring glances of each other, and shrugging Carrie said “Before I tell you, do you promise none of this information will be shared with Social Services, if they try to come after Lisa it will destroy her, and I’m not risking that for you or anyone else for that matter.
“I promise you Carrie, that neither I, nor Lorna, I mean DC Wright will breathe a word about you, your whereabouts, or anything else to do with you to anyone, not our superiors, the barristers, and definitely not Social Services. You are right, some of their actions are debatable, as equally can be some of their inactions, which have caused us both sleepless nights in the past. It is obvious that the two of you, no, make that, the four of you share a really special bond, she’s safe, she’s loved, well cared for, so I have no hesitation in keeping quiet. Both of you, get away, relax and enjoy life for a while free of all the stresses of here! No doubt your parents will keep you aware of developments, but if I can give you one piece of advice Carrie, investigate finishing your degree, if you were that close to qualifying, then a few months of extra study before taking your exams will be worth it for the two of you, tell me, what were you studying?”
“I was going to be a Math’s teacher and was on course for a first class degree, I’d even got my first years probationary teaching post lined up when mom died and everything skidded to a halt.”
“Well Carrie, definitely investigate retaking part of your course, the Government are offering Golden handshakes for teachers in certain subjects, one of which is for Mathematics, so look into it, wherever you are in the short term, Okay?”
“Yes, I will, I need to be able to provide a steady environment for Lisa, she’s going to have a lot to deal with as it is, so I will look into it, I promise!” Then she told the officers where and when they’d be leaving Birmingham, and loosely where they were going.
“Thanks Carrie for trusting us. Tomorrow, should you see any familiar faces, just ignore them okay, at least until we are sure you are safe!”
Both officers stood to leave, Lisa murmured something in her sleep, Lorna kissed her own fingertips and lightly touched them to Lisa’s forehead who murmured again. “She’s adorable!” and they all left the front room.
At the front door both officers shook hands with Tina and Carrie, then Lorna and Carrie hugged. “We’ll be in touch!”
Back in the front room, Lisa slumped sideways and curling herself into a ball, continued to dream.
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Police latitude
So, I am wondering how those officers will be able to keep them out of legal crosshairs when prosecution time comes for the gang.
Lisa as a minor is a no brainer so they can't drag her into the legal framework.
Carrie though is old enough so the gang really needs to be taken out before any kind of trial situation should pop up.
Hi, I did debate how to treat
Hi, I did debate how to treat the Police Officers, especially know two star witnesses are about to disappear, I thought to show them as compassionate individuals, as most of the Police Officers I have known over the years are decent folk, like everything else, bad apples taint the rest. Anyway, many thanks for your comment, Iona x