Hope's Light - Chapter 26: Threats


Hope's Light

Chapter 26

by Erisian

Book 6


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter Twenty-Six - Threats


Cassiel was helping Turiel to his feet when Krux’s military force finally swarmed the cavern, his soldiers bursting through the steel doors or clambering over the broken stones of the walls. Seeing three angels as the only ones moving, they didn’t know what to do. Deciding it was safer to simply leave us alone, they spread out to check the numerous cultists unconscious or dead splayed messily across the cracked tiles.

Many, however, had eyes only for Cassiel - recognizing him as the new true lord of the realm. Even while Cassiel ignored their attention, a few went to their knees and bowed heads, placing their weapons as an offering upon the broken floor. Seeing this, the others hesitated and looked to each other in nervous uncertainty.

Which is when Krux marched in, his biggest bruisers following close behind. Taking in the scene of cultists, damaged walls, shredded ritual weavings, and the reforged angel whose focused will maintained the very air the devil breathed, Krux grunted.


Realizing they’d never properly met, I took a step forward. “Prince Cassiel, who was once Shemyaza, may I present General Krux of the Citadel.”

Cassiel, still supporting his exhausted Grigori brother, looked the short devil over. “You know each other?”

“Yeah,” I said, lips pursing as if I’d just tasted an especially sour lime. “He’s a manipulative lying bastard, too clever for his own good, disrespectful, and even tried to kill me. But underneath it all, he wishes stability for himself…and for the realm. You’ll like him.”

“Really?” Cassiel raised a blond eyebrow, for while his hair now flowed to his waist, it had resumed the flaxen shading of his latest incarnation. And still it wavered before a cheek such that I wanted to brush it aside. “Why would you presume that?”

I grinned. “Because he also thinks I’m stupid and reckless.”

Krux didn’t try to deny it. Instead (after a measured evaluation of the two of us) he simply shrugged. “You are.”

Making sure Turiel was steady, Cassiel let go only to summon to his grip a blade of flowing fire matching the varied colors adorning his new feathers.

Extending outward, the sword pointed at Krux. “Tell me, General - whom do you serve?”

The devil didn’t flinch. “We’re Citadel, Lord. We serve the realm and only the realm.”

Cassiel’s eyes flared as well. “As of now, I am the realm.”

“Only if you can hold it. Sir.”

“Already my Grigori brothers are commanding the demonic dukes to bend knee or flee the domain. For the souls within those demons burn with the support of my Purpose, and even as stones they may choke those who swallowed them.”

At the mention of Grigori, Krux startled, blinking twice in surprise before beady eyes narrowed with cautious calculation. “You act fast.”

Looking past the walls, Cassiel slashed the air, and with cracked thunder those flames warped to cross the towers outside. “There, two dukes who dared defiance are now permanently deposed.”

Saying nothing, I stood still. First day in the prison yard, and all that.

I’d been there.

And as much as Krux may have wanted vengeance for his crew, he knew when he was outclassed.

Whether he liked it or not.

“Many serve various Sarim or their lieutenants,” Krux noted, as additional implications of the situation raced through his mind.

“And the Princes may retrieve those who would leave peacefully. But the war in Dis is over. Spread the word, General.”

“Yes, sir. May I also ask a question?”

“You may.”

Krux, keeping attention fixed on Cassiel, pointed to me. “Do you serve her? Did she bind you to her Name?”

My mouth opened to answer, but my friend beat me to it. “Through her has the Word above All forged mine anew.” Cassiel turned sparkling sapphires to me and, with a wry smile, added, “But her Promise grants the freedom to tell her to get stuffed if my Purpose requires it.”

The devil finally bowed his head. “Glad to hear it, Lord. She’s horribly naive.”


“Hey!” I interjected. “I’m standing right here!”

Cassiel chuckled. “Which doesn’t make it any less true.”

Scowling, I glared at him. “Krux owes me for all this. And I expect to collect that debt.”

Fishing around in a tactical pocket, the devil pulled out yet another cigar. “Don’t blame me. You were supposed to talk to the Apostle, not almost destroy the realm.”

“I saved it!”

The devil shrugged as the cigar lit itself, and after a long puff and following exhale he said, “All points are moot: the Citadel is his, as are those prisoners. Talk to him about it. With his permission, I’ll just be working there.”

“Prisoners?” Cassiel lowered the sword.

“Yeah, long story.” A mental impulse tingled the brain, and after a quick long-distance informational interchange, I sighed. “Which we don’t have time for. Gentlemen, we need to get to the Citadel. Quickly.”

Having picked up on the contact, Cassiel’s eyes narrowed. “Danger?”

“No. Well, maybe yes. Nathanael and Tsáyidiel are on their way; the second Leviathan Child they were chasing just fled Hell entirely. But those two aren’t the only ones coming.”

“The Sarim?”

“Yeah. Quite a few.”

“That seems fast.”

Krux spoke up, smoke spilling past pointy teeth. “Many have been impatient for an inauguration.”

Cassiel shook his head, lips curling in impatience. “Ceremonies. Fine, let’s go. I’ll start the planning-”

The devil dared to interrupt. “Not yours, Lord.”

“Then whose?”

The fiery end of the cigar pointed to me. “Hers.”

I attempted to smile innocently at Cass, even batted eyelashes.

Yeah, I don’t think he bought it.




Of course organizing even an impromptu Grand Conclave of the Sarim doesn’t happen immediately. Cassiel and Krux had to first go deal with the Majordomo and begin the restructuring of the power bases across the incredibly vast city.

Due to the continual purges by the incarnate Powers on Earth, the number of Grigori who had fallen to Hell was not inconsiderable - and Shemyaza, as their former Captain, had already tracked each of them down. Most had refused to bend knee to a broken, bitter, and realm-less former leader, but that attitude swung rapidly around as the mentally-communicated word spread of Cassiel’s reforging and conquering of Dis.

Especially when it was made clear that Lucifer’s ascended daughter had his back.

Thus while Cassiel was busy dealing with a few scattered pockets of resistance hellbent (literally!) on refusing to get the memo - not to mention the logistical nightmares of all those suddenly freed souls - I found myself alone in stately quarters within the Citadel pacing luxury burgundy carpet.

All while debating whether to simply march across the place to bust Nadia and Edgar free.

After attempting a futile sip from an already empty goblet, the gold chalice was plonked onto the marble serving table beside its gilded pitcher, and I turned to the door as an orange-scaled Citadel corporal dared to step inside before bowing deeply.

“Honorable guests to see you, milady.”

“Let them in.”

“Shall I announce-”

“No. I know who they are.”

He nodded, and with the door pulled wider three visitors marched in.

Two of them instantly received rapid hugs. “Nathanael! Tsáyidiel! About time you got here.”

The third, a woman whose features matched the paintings decorating a certain ransacked embassy, had paused by the doorway. She was quite tall, yet hair of twilight fell to ankles which themselves were making tantalizing appearances between the flowing train of a dress of deep forest green. The silk cloth embraced a figure even curvier than mine, every gesture and movement embodying both sensuality and predatory danger while irises of piercing violet sliced to the quick of all she saw.

Pulling away from an embarrassed human-formed Tsáyidiel (whose attempt to kneel had been interrupted by my swift embrace), I turned to the waiting Archangel.

“Greetings, Lilith.” I inclined head politely, realizing that hanging out in this room while barefoot in jeans and t-shirt had left me rather underdressed for anything formal.

“Amariel,” she said with a wry smile. “Or do you prefer Commander Jordan?”

I shrugged. “Depends on the context. Please, come in. Can we get you anything?”

Lilith walked, or rather sashayed, further into the room - and the corporal pulled the ornate white door shut with himself still out in the hall. The guard had lingered for a moment before remembering his duty, as his view had fixated on the archangel’s amazing posterior.

Not that I could really blame him.

The archangel, however, got right to the point. “I am given to understand that my son and granddaughters are in your custody.”

“Vance and the twins, yes.”

The fierce intensity of those eyes locked onto mine. “You will release them to me.” Such was the potency of the command that Tsáyidiel actually took a step defensively between us.

I gently pushed him aside, even as power flickered below my skin. “I have yet to decide their fate. There are many questions.”

“They are mine.”

Unwavering, I gestured towards a cushion-covered couch of white and gold. “We should sit and discuss. Privately.”

Nathanael, who had walked over to pour himself some of the wine, sighed and put down the yet-to-be-tasted cup. “Guess’n that’s our cue.” With a nod first to me and then to Lilith, he put a hand on Tsáyidiel’s shoulder. “C’mon, let’s give these ladies a chance to catch up on events.”

Tsáyidiel, of course, didn’t want to go. “Milady, I-”

“It is alright, beloved hunter. Go with Nathanael.”

Reluctantly, he did so.

Moving back over to the decanter, I looked to Lilith who continued to stand there tall and imperious. “Want a drink? It’s not Asmodian, but it’s not bad.”

After a pause, the sharp aura of potential violence lessened and she took a seat on the couch, gracefully crossing a perfect leg smoothly across the other. “I suppose a beverage would be pleasant.”

Pouring for each of us, I handed one to her before settling upon an adjacent lounge chair. We both sampled our cups while eying the other. Yep, pretty decent stuff by Hell’s standards.

“Before anything else,” I said to break the silence, “please allow me to extend gratitude for your aid in cleansing that crud from my system.”

“Then allow me to extend mine for your efforts in curing my son.”

We each took another sip.

Holding the goblet in both hands, I leaned forward. “I took the three of them into custody in order to prevent their immediate execution by the Rock’s Ducal Council for crimes of which I’m sure you are aware. Prince Abagor decided not to intervene.”

She snorted. “Prince Abagor is but a caretaker, and only sails wither the winds already blow.”

“He, as well as Asmodeus and others, are already gathering here.”

“Yes, another Conclave. Rudely rushed, at that.”

“The issue regarding your family’s activities is sure to come up. Traceable to the outcome of the previous Grand Conclave.”

Lilith had the grace to frown. “We had nothing to do with Azazel’s plans.”

“That, to me at least, is not in question. But the guilt of Vance and his daughters is tied to what precisely they were doing with the Tears. He claims that for the majority of the volume they acquired, he is ignorant of their destination.” I paused. “Is this true?”

Dark violet fingernails tapped against the couch’s fabric, and she ignored the question. ”Release them to me, Amariel. The well of Beliel’s sorrows has gone dry, punish them not for a mother’s request. You owe nothing to the laws of Hell.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Is it not?”

“I’ve been asked to rule. To be Queen of Hell.”

Surprise quickly shifted to ice. “Asmodeus.”

“And apparently many others.”

Setting the cup on the available side table, her hands folded upon a lap of emerald silk. “Will you accept? Your capability has clearly and dramatically expanded from when last we met.”

“I’ve been debating.”

“I see. You’re concerned that releasing my son and granddaughters would set a precedent of ignoring long-standing law.”


“Ah. The burdens of a crown. One your father should have refused - as you should now.”

“Didn’t he take it to stop the fighting, to unite them in peace?”

“To enforce a peace. Balanced precariously between carefully crafted factions. Which, upon Samael’s resignation, collapsed immediately. Think not that Dis is the only realm in conflict - the greater threat of Leviathan imposes but a pause in this interim.”

“Nathanael said the third Child fled.”

“It did. Their direct instincts, in their own unfathomable way, are as sharp as our analysis and understanding. Either your presence and defeat of the second drove it off, or whatever it was seeking is no longer achievable.”

I swallowed, and not more wine. “Both could be the case. Whatever their initial intentions, I think they shifted to go after the Book of Raziel. Just like I did.”

She didn’t flinch, but the impact was easily measured by the sudden absolute stillness across alluring body and grace-touched face. “That volume is in Hell?”

“Tossed past the gate by a Nephelim to keep my attention elsewhere.”

“And you have it?”

“No. Beelzebub a number of hours ago grabbed it because I was otherwise occupied with the Child.”

Those fingernails dug into the couch. “Then much is now threatened.”

“The way I understand it, that book can reveal all secrets. This true?”

“In a fashion, yes.”

I considered. “You know, I’ve spent some time contemplating secrets. Things like the paintings in your hall showing two Liliths, one in Hell and one outside. Or why it took involvement of a different Lilith, obviously present elsewhere, to help heal me of the Chaos-tainted infection. And also how the structure of physical manifestation would make disposal of crud like that, without prompting backlash incursions, easier on Earth than here - if slowly leaked through the continual infinitesimal cracks.”

Lilith said nothing, yet listened with fierce focus upon every word.

I continued. “Which led to wondering how such a channel could even be forged, and how it could possibly transfer essences beyond the sealed Gate. And this, of course, triggered pondering the nature of the wading pool inscribed upon the floor of your embassy, sitting as it does rather close to the stones which held the portal to the Rock through which casks of Tears once moved.”

Instead of being upset, the violet eyes twinkled. Much like her other self’s had when advising my fortune.

Good grief, that felt like so long ago.

“Go on,” she prodded. “Put the pieces together.”

After another sip of wine, I gave it a shot. “Portals require anchors on each end. Your other self is incarnate on Earth, and either by herself, or with a human wizard, opened a wider channel between there and here. Not for granting demons playtime upon the mortal realms, but instead to shift non-aware patterns across, thereby skirting the restrictions of the Gate likely by the slimmest of fine print. Vance doesn’t know where the Tears went because he cannot see through the depths of that watery circle.”

“But you have. Because you possess the gold from your father’s eyes.”

“What exactly are you doing with all those Tears, Lilith? Are you planning to use them to assault Heaven?”

“I cannot say.”

“Cannot? Rather than will not?”

“By my Name, have I sworn.”

I rocked back in the chair. “My god. Then you aren’t alone in this.”

She said nothing while smiling at me with pride - much like I used to do towards Danielle.

Groaning, I rubbed my face. “Yet more to worry about! Wonderful!”

The smile faded into sharp cunning. “Beelzebub is the current pressing danger, and not only to Hell. He’ll use the Book to find a way to escape and spread his unitary madness across all Creation.”

“Which is why I may have to take that crown! I’ll need all the aid possible to yank that Book away from him!”

“The throne they offer would bind you to Hell in ways undesirable.”

Legs twitching with growing nervousness, I stood and walked closer to her couch. “You think I don’t know that? Michael is on the verge of rallying the Host to purge Earth of all Nephelim - no matter the cost! And if I’m tied to the Fallen, he and that Council of theirs will never listen to me - it’ll only prove myself as being an even greater threat!”

About to say something, Lilith was interrupted by the white door swinging open again. Pushing past the stunned corporal, Cassiel strode in with Nathanael and Tsáyidiel close behind.

“Amariel!” Cassiel barked, not looking happy. In fact, he was furious. “You’re needed!”

“What is it now?!”

“Beelzebubs are attacking!!”

I blinked. “The city?”

“Here and across most realms!” Forcing a strained calm, he added, “The Sarim already present have rushed to the Aerie. They insist on your answer. In truth, they’re desperate.”

Oh fuck. I looked back at Lilith, horror writ large across my face.

She who had existed since the Beginning of All Things met that panic with solid determination and smoothly rose to stilettoed feet. “Find the alternative.”


Reaching out to cup my face, Lilith’s immaculate fingernails scraped along a cheek. “Beelzebub’s victories must be prevented - you’re the only one who can accomplish this. You will find the answer.”

“What if I don’t??”

She squeezed my chin. “Be not as they desire, niece of mine. Instead, be only yourself. Now - you should go.”




Cassiel ordered the corporal to lead the way upstairs to the Aerie. The floors above within the Citadel were spacious, with decor reminiscent of both Rome and the heights of the British Empire. Immaculate marble, soft silks, gilded alcoves with brilliantly colored statues of warriors, the works.

Martial yet opulently dignified.

As we approached thick double doors which clearly had been replaced since my last visit, Nathanael tapped a shoulder. Pausing mid stride, I met his steadfast gaze.

“Before going in,” he said, “remember what they are. And what we are, and why.”

I nodded as if I understood.

With a smile, his fist gently thumped the shoulder. “Go on.”

We went.

Like the doors, the Aerie had been fully repaired from the damage of Azazel’s assault. The stadium-like chamber swept its circle with layer after rising layer of impressive tables and plush chairs, vast enough to host the delegates of all the realms of Hell. Even with only a portion of those in attendance now, stepping into that space was like walking into a steamroom - the intense and varied resonances of the gathered and fiercely arguing angels slammed the face in a slap of heat.

All that energy shared one property in common:


It was a gut punch of the deadly sins and more. Waves of lust, of rage, of spite and greed - unmuddled and pure, unlike the dirty reflections cast by demons. All those potentials wriggled like eels to prick, tug, and magnify within body and mind, searching to enhance and explore the depths of those dark ideals, to summon forth the worst parts of oneself into action.

Their leaders were endless pits anchoring each delegation, sitting as silent rotting cores for those within their domains as their lessers bickered and shouted across the aisles. Thousands had gathered, each group distinct in shining armor or fancy cloth, some wielding fiery implements of battle from across the ages, and others goblets or scrolls. Sharp colors, faded greys, gold and gems, rags and sackcloth, all present and on display.

And my heart ached to witness.

Nathanael’s message and Asmodeus’ previous words haunted thoughts, for they were angels. Broken and unbalanced, saturated past the rails of necessity and cut off from that which would mitigate and temper, free falling without end. With only the souls upon each of their realms granting any connection to the original Source from whence they came. Souls who also had fallen unto darkness, drawn to these realms due to their own shadowed natures and acts.

My god, the whole was a cyclone feeding upon itself.


Summoning wings to push a bubble of Light against that energetic maelstrom, I stepped further into the chamber, striding past Lilith and the others while the armor-styled outfit I’d originally thought to don shifted instead to a simple gown of white over bare toes. As I approached the wheelchair-bound angel at the center, all words hushed into silence.

Stopping a few feet from Asmodeus, the room’s attention then fixated on the golden crown resting upon his lap. With silver hair hiding the half ruins of his face, he lifted the crown as an offering.

I didn’t move. “Are all in agreement?”

The one available eye swept our surroundings. “Like was said before: not all, but enough. Take it, and you shall be our Queen.” Mad eagerness glinted across his following smirk. “They have no choice if they wish to survive what is to come.”

“I disagree.” Looking out to the crowd, my voice filled the space. “My spiritual sire, Helel, the Lightbringer - he forged this crown, and to gain what only he could give, you knelt before it. Not out of loyalty, nor out of love. But of fear. And now you attempt a repeat.”

A growl came from the back. “I fear not you!”

I turned towards the source. “Did I say it was me that has you trembling and ready to abase yourself to an outsider, an unknown? All while secretly plotting how best to maneuver and use whatever power I may bring? For that is your desire!” Lifting the marked palm, an orb of brilliance began to burn upon it. “Primal intent! Lucifer replenished your realms before his departure, granting what little they could hold to allow their continued existence! Knowing full well that a day would come when those reserves would fail, knowing that you could no more not burn through the supply than not hate him for standing against you in the War!”

That glow played across their faces, highlighting all their salivating need and inner despair. They were as drug addicts - desperate for that hit, despite the agonies that would follow - for that was a certainty. Their hollow spirits maintained by selfish ego alone could not stand in that Light, could not take the truths of who and what they were, or what they’d become.

A paradox of need, a paradox of pain.

“You do fear!” I shouted at them. “You fear Beelzebub twisting the remnants of your Names into his! You fear your realms fizzling out, thus ending the collection of souls whose inner sparks reflect your tilted Words back unto you and maintain your broken shells!”

As their disagreeing cries began to rise, the orb burned brighter still - causing lesser angels to reel and hide behind their wings. The Sarim, the leaders, their expressions hardened and remained unmoved.

While some twitched with the potentials of exorbitant violence.

“And most of all,” I continued, voice rising still above the din, “you fear the opening of Elohim’s Gate and Michael’s vengeance! For you know exactly how weak you have become: Samael has abandoned you, and Beelzebub intends to absorb you all!!”

“What does it matter why?!” Asmodeus, having dropped the smirk, snarled instead. “Take it! Take up your destiny, child of Lucifer! You grasp that Creation stands not as it should - I see it! I see it written across your heart! Take the throne of Hell and use us to conquer the Seats of Heaven! For you are Conquest - seize the fate existence itself cries out for! Accomplish what must be!”

Beside me Cassiel stood within that Light, clad in armor of glittering gold and diamond. With a shout of his own, he proclaimed, “Her way is not Samael’s!”

“There is no other path!!” Asmodeus pounded the padded arm of his mobile chair. “Lucifer never rejoined Heaven - the Host too will have weakened! He left this crown for her!”

The room erupted into further cries and shouts, a horrible screech-filled racket of ancient hurt and rage. Into that deafening bedlam, I found myself whispering:

“Love unto the Defended; love unto the Destroyed. Which shall be received is not the decision of the one who loves.”

I began to understand the answer to a wise dragon’s question.

While the cacophony of voices threatened to raise even the high roof above us, I moved. Despite Cassiel’s clear protest, I grabbed hold of Lucifer’s crown, pulling it from fingers all-too-willing to let it go.

In my hands, pulsing as it did with the echoes of a shine long departed, I saw through to its hollow center, to its lie.

To his lie.

With a surge of molten fury, I spun and tossed the crown high towards the golden dome above.

And on its way down a burning Spear split the circlet precisely in half.

In the stunned and sharp silence, two pieces of metal clattered to the marble floor and faded, losing entirely their previous glow. Pointing the weapon of Light and Shadow at the angel slowly dying upon his wheelchair, I spoke with a voice measured and resolute which echoed sharply across the chamber.

“Beelzebub by his acts threatens not only you Fallen but Creation as a whole. Against this conflict would I defend you, but no more! I shall not rule!”

In shock, Asmodeus stared at the Spear and the contradicting energies coursing through its helical shaft. “You truly are of both your sisters.”

“No.” Cassiel, still wide-eyed at what I had just done, disagreed. “She exceeds them.”

Standing at the center of a crowd aghast with new and terrible fear of she who stood before them, I turned to Asmodeus. “What say you?!”

With an eye fixated still upon the implement in my hand, the broken angel gave thought before speaking. “Not queen then, but Warleader.”

“For this fight only. In exchange for the wing of blood.”

Depths of scheming glinted, and his head bowed. “I accept.”

Lifting the pulsing weapon, I turned to the crowd, and by burning gaze alone demanded their answer.

Thousands of fallen angels pushed away from tables and together bent knee, the multiplied impacts upon the floor sounding as a mighty drum. A swarm of discordant voices merged to shout as one:


A crazy thought flitted past and I choked on a wild giggle, causing Cassiel to look over in concern before I waved him off. It’s not like I could explain that, hey, at least this time I hadn’t needed to first break all my ribs in a frozen and naked mud-fight.

Though I still wanted a hot cup of tea and a silly purple hat.


End of Part Five



New chapters posted every Monday and Friday! If you've enjoyed the story so far, let me know in the comments below!

- Erisian


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