Pretend Princess - Chapter 12


I had woken up and found myself in a compromising position. The universe had given me a headstart, an opportunity to save myself from the compromised state I found myself in.

I had been sprawled all over him, my left arm draped the whole way across his torso and my head resting on his chest. I'd had the opportunity to withdraw and fling myself back to my side of the bed but what did I do with that chance? I stayed because God it felt nice.

It was my own fault for staying but I couldn't pull myself away from the way his chest rose and fell as he breathed. I slowly looked up at him. From my position, I could only really make out his jawline. His beard which he always diligently shaved when we lived together was now starting to come back in.

His broad frame which I'd always been jealous about still drew my attention but for altogether very different reasons.

As if to punish me for wasting my opportunity, I heard the door handle rattle followed by a crack as my lady-in-waiting pushed the door open.

My heart sank when I realized it was that time already. Celeste had arrived to begin her morning routine. She would usually begin by tidying up the room for the day and putting out clothes for me to wear even before I woke up. I'd always enjoyed this system because it offered me a few more minutes of sleep before she'd gently wake me up. Not today.

I quickly closed my eyes and lay perfectly still. The only thing worse than being caught in this position was being caught while conscious.

I heard the door close a moment later. The lack of any sounds inside the room told me she'd postponed her morning routine and stepped away, leaving me with Nick once again. I imagined this would come up eventually when Celeste and I got to talking later.

I was about to take this chance to roll away from my pretend boyfriend when I felt his hand on mine. I felt him raise my hand and move it closer to my body. I didn't fight him. I pretended to be asleep. I was so embarrassed, I wished I'd just disappear.

I felt him shuffle slightly and then I felt him gently raise my head and place it on a pillow. Have you ever pretended to be asleep when under close inspection? Much harder than you'd think.

He'd sat on the bed beside me for some time. I know because I counted the seconds in my head until I felt his weight left off the bed. There were about 40 of them. I counted the seconds until I heard the ruffle of his shirt and jacket near my vanity. There were about 23 of them.

He was really taking his sweet time.

I wondered how I looked lying there in my nightgown. I wondered whether he would tease me about it someday when this was all over.

I counted the seconds until he made his way quietly out the door. There were 80 of them. It wasn't until I heard the door close behind him that I dared open my eyes.


It had been very difficult to look Celeste in the eyes while she prepared me for the tour. I couldn't help but think of how she'd caught me in bed essentially cuddling with Nick, a man.

Although it had to have been on her mind, she didn't say anything about it so neither did I. I'd just let her dress me in silence. It seemed we were taking a small break from the dresses the royal family seemed to love so much. Today, we were settling for a soft, pastel blouse paired with a midi skirt. When Celeste helped me into a pair of flats, I knew we were in for a day of walking. Not that I minded, I much preferred exploration to being cooped up in this room all day.

Among my jewelry for the day was an elegant gold necklace.

Celeste handed me a printed itinerary as we exited the room together that detailed all the locations we'd be visiting. I thought it was strange how I always seemed to be the last to know my plans for the day but it was already more trust than they had shown me on day 1. Back then, I wouldn't even know where we were going until we arrived.

The first item on the list was the children's hospital after which, we'd be off to visit a World War memorial. After that, we would head to the Lenorian State University and then end our day with a quiet dinner in one of Lenoria's finest restaurants.

I met Nick just outside Eclipton having a conversation with Percival just as I often found them. Sometimes it seemed the older man was the only person Nick ever truly opened up to. I was jealous of that.

I eyed him thoroughly before he saw me. He was dressed about as casually as I was, wearing only navy slacks and a white button-up shirt neatly tucked in. His naturally styled hair seemed intended to make him look approachable.

"Hi, Percy," I spoke when within range, interrupting their conversation.

He sighed, "It's Percival. You've been made aware of this."

"Eh, I like Percy better" I brushed him off with a smile.

"Hey baby," Nick wrapped his arm around my waist, pulled me in, and kissed me. We lingered a bit in each other's arms as if to really sell the performance before we stepped away. Like me, he'd noticed the many members of aristocracy dotted around the grounds that were pretending to ignore us.

"Hey," I smiled back at him.

As far as I understood, displays like that would have been frowned upon for members of the royal family but Nick and I were operating under entirely different rules from everyone else. There were those in Lenoria who still believed what was thought to be rumors about Nick's sexuality. We were to make them look foolish.

"If I may, I watched your interview yesterday," Percival said as we began walking towards the motorcade, "I dare say you did very well"

"You're pleased," I turned to Percival although very aware that Nick and I were holding hands as we walked, and so we would be for much of today, "I never thought I'd see the day"

"I can admit when credit is due, but you mustn't lose focus," he wasn't going to allow me even a moment to bask, "This is just the beginning. There will be more cameras, and thus more opportunities to fail. And I don't need to tell you how catastrophic failure will be".

"Oh Percy, you worry too much," I said to his discomfort.

"Don't worry," Nick added, "We won't fail"

"I know you won't, sir. It's her I'm worried about"


"Ready?" Nick asked me as our motorcade drove through the gates of Lenoria Paediatric Center. As expected there were already rows of paparazzi barricaded and awaiting our arrival.

It was curious that Nick hadn't even broached the subject of our night together or the position we'd woken up in. I figured he was focusing his attention on our day ahead but I couldn't help but think that maybe he was just as embarrassed as I was.

I gave him a thumbs-up when I realized he was waiting for a response. The car slowed to a halt and I got a better look at all the cameras that were waiting for us to make our appearance.

"Now Amelia," Percival turned from his position in the passenger's seat to look at me, "Remember, lots of smiles. You absolutely adore children and you very much want to be here. Smile, and wave if it feels appropriate. Stand upright, do not curtsy to anyone"

"I know," I felt the need to say. Was it arrogant to think that I had a handle on things by this point? As far as society was concerned, the only person that stood higher than me here was my boyfriend. I only had to act accordingly.

"We'll stop for a photo with the director and some of the senior staff before we continue into the hospital. A smaller, pre-approved crew will follow us while we're taken on a tour of the facility, but expect more independent photographs from the hospital's patrons"

"I think she's got it, Percy," Nick said lightheartedly.

"I hope so, sir" Percy replied not even showing the slightest annoyance in response to the name when coming from the Prince's lips.

Percival stepped out into morning air and a moment later, one of the guards opened Nick's door. I stepped out with his help, carefully keeping my legs closed as I did.

Nick waved as we ascended the steps together but I thought it enough to just smile. When we reached the top, following protocol he offered his hand to the director who looked positively ecstatic as he took it, bowing in the process.

"Your Highness, it is a tremendous honor to have you visit our facility"

"The honor is mine," Nick replied, "Amelia and I have always been very interested in the work you do here"

I wasn't the only one of us who seemed to have gone through a jarring change. A week ago, the Nick I knew was lying in bed laughing at 'funny' videos on TikTok. Now here he was, admittedly looking very impressive.

"We work at His Majesty's behest, Your Highness," The director replied, "And Miss Beaumont, we are very pleased to make your acquaintance"

"As am I" I replied following a confident smile.

I stayed by Nick's side the whole time, our hands spending no more than a few moments apart. At least until we began making our way into the various hospital wings. To say I had a hard time in the wings would be an understatement.

We began in the Oncology wing where we had the opportunity to speak to the children. It thoroughly broke my heart to see so many children struggling with cancer.

"Are you a fan of Thor?" I asked one boy who was lying in bed clutching tightly at a God of Thunder action figure.

He nodded.

Nick and I had split our efforts here and he was having a conversation with a different child.

"Where's Mjolnir?" I asked noting the lack of a weapon in the action figure's hand.

"I lost it," he replied in a frail voice.

"You lost Mjolnir?" I asked in fake disbelief.


"How is he supposed to fight against Loki without his hammer?"

"Loki is his brother," the boy countered, "They don't want to fight. They love each other"

"Is that so?" I asked wide-eyed.

He nodded.

"Do you have a brother?" I asked him and he shook his head in response, "A sister?"


"I bet you love her very much"

He nodded. It struck me immediately how slow he was. Nothing like how you'd expect a boy his age to be.

"And what is your name?"


"Oh, like Henry Danger?"

"Who is that?"

"Never mind," I smiled at him. It was either that or cry, "How old are you?"


He was so young.

"Me too" I shot him a playful look.

"No you're not," he smiled and I was that much closer to crying.

"I am too" I argued.

"No, you're not" he giggled.

"Fine, how old do you think I am?"


"40?" I gasped.


I flashed him a suspicious look and then conceded the battle, "I guess I'm 40"

It was more of the same as I tried to talk to as many children as I could. It was hard. There was a bit of relief when the staff announced that Nick and I had brought presents for them. It was a bit better, but not nearly enough. I wished I could heal them. That boy was so young. He should have been out in the world, not here surrounded by white walls breathing in air that smelled like disinfectant.

I braced myself before walking into the rehabilitation and physical therapy wing but that was thankfully better. These kids were excited to get back to their lives and I was just as happy for them.

In the cardiology unit, I got to speak with the mother of a girl who adored the royal family. Unfortunately, she was in surgery and would miss her chance to meet the Prince. I made a mental note to ask Nick if we could come back even though deep down I knew our time was no longer ours to do with as we wished.

There, I also met the most precious little girl who brought me a doll made of yarn. When I asked her why, she told me, "Y-you look sad"

In a brief lapse in judgment, I tossed decorum aside and knelt down to her level, pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back and I felt like I would do anything for her.

"Thank you," I told her while accepting the doll, "What's her name?"


"Oh, so pretty!" I squealed to her delight, "And what's your name, sweetie?"


"Nice to meet you Edith, I'm Amelia"

"Nice to meet y-you too"

It sounded to me like she had a bit of a problem with her Ys but no matter, she was already a lot more intelligent than I was at her age.

"I have something for you, Edith," I told her. She seemed to light up at my words.

I removed the necklace Celeste had placed on my neck and then smiled at the little girl, "Turn around" I told her.

I moved her long brown hair out of the way and clasped the necklace around her neck.

"Do you like it?" I asked when she'd turned back to me.

She nodded.

"Take care of it, okay?"

I figured the royal family wouldn't miss one lousy necklace. And as far as I was concerned, it was a fair trade for Yoko.


By the time I made it through the NICU, I was in a corner crying in Nick's arms. I had tried to keep my composure. Those babies already had enough people crying for them, but I couldn't help it.

In the end, I had to be led out of the wing and into a private area.

"I'm sorry," I told Nick when I had calmed down a bit.

"It's okay," he replied, placing his hand on mine. I'd gotten so used to the feeling of our fingers touching each other that it felt as natural as anything else.

"Did I ruin everything?" I asked him while clutching Yoko tightly.

"You have nothing to apologize for," he kept his gaze locked on mine as he spoke, "You care about people. It's one of the things I love about you"

"Oh yeah? What else?"

"How you love putting me on the spot," he chuckled.

"Oh come on, tell me" I pressed him, "Can't you see I'm in a bad mood. It's your duty as my boyfriend to cheer me up"

"Is it?"

I nodded repeatedly.

"Well, you're strong, kind, a bit annoying--"

"Oh come on, that is so generic," I complained, "Give me something specific"

"Fine, you want specific? I love how I could come to you in the middle of the night to help me make noodles and you'd never complain"

"Yes, because you were always totally useless" I replied, taking the chance to complain, "I guess it makes sense now with you being a Prince"

"No, I just really liked the way you made them" he revealed.

"So you were taking advantage of me?" I asked in disbelief.

"A bit, yeah" he laughed, "Sorry"

We heard the door to the private room open and close and turned to find Percival bowing, "Your Highness, the staff are waiting for us to continue the tour"

"I will handle the rest of it," Nick announced, "You, rest," he said to me.

"Very well, sir" Percival agreed.

Nick turned to look at me one last time before making it out the door. There were no cameras, no audience, and no need for any show of affection. How unfortunate.

Celeste stepped into the room a brief moment later, revealing that Nick had asked her to attend to me and make sure I was comfortable.

I don't know why he was making such a fuss. I'd just been a bit overwhelmed. He was acting like I was suddenly an invalid.

"My mother made me one of those," Celeste said gesturing to the doll in my hand.


"Lenorian mothers make them for their children," she explained, "They are meant to bring good luck"

After I learned that, I realized I probably shouldn't have taken this even though Edith had offered it. I was wrong, the gold necklace wasn't a suitable trade. It was nowhere near as valuable.


It was a day of learning. At the World War Memorial, I pieced together more of Lenoria's history.

Under the rule of King Emeric, Lenoria had sided with England and France against Germany. Though the campaign to rid the world of fascism was successful, the victory served as a double-edged sword for the monarchy. The country’s alliance with England and France introduced democratic ideals and a shift in national thinking, planting seeds of change.

In the late 1940s, inspired by these democratic principles and the post-war restructuring seen in other nations, the people began to demand democratic reforms. This surge for change would ultimately escalate into an eight-year civil war throughout the 1950s.

Emerging victorious from this conflict, King Emeric solidified Lenoria’s status as an absolute monarchy. The memory of this devastating war, combined with Lenoria’s relative economic stability, has since kept the monarchy unshaken to this day.


The learning continued at the Lenorian State University where none other than my boyfriend would address the students.

I watched him on stage speak with such fervor I almost didn't recognize him. He spoke to the students and faculty about the Lenorian scholars that came before, most of whom walked those very halls and stood on the same ground we stood. He made the auditorium we stood in sound like a hallowed site and the crowd listened intently to him.

He spoke about how they were the hope for the future and how the monarchy believed in them. This point led to the introduction of grants for exceptional students sponsored by the Royal family.

By the time he finished, every last student there believed themselves to have the ability to bring Lenoria into the future. He walked off that stage to a roar of applause. They loved him, and I was proud of him as we walked towards the exit together.


We ended our day on a much more relaxed note, sitting in a booth in a beautiful restaurant next to other lucky patrons.

The paparazzi as they had throughout today waited outside hoping to take pictures of our exit as though they didn't have enough already. They had no view of us from our place on the second floor so for once, we had a semblance of privacy. Just Nick and I sat together waiting for our food which was explained to be traditional Lenorian dishes.

I'd tried to ignore it but I couldn't anymore. As we'd passed the lounge on our way upstairs, I'd gotten glimpses of today's headlines on the television. It was of me crying at the hospital. That's all anyone would talk about for the next few days. There would be pictures of my most vulnerable moments plastered across the front page of every magazine. There would be more angles of Nick holding me while I cried than I ever thought possible because, at every moment in public, there would be cameras on me.

"Do you think we should have left?" I asked Nick, "Back when we had that conversation?"

"Maybe," he replied, "But it's too late to think about that now. We have to see this through. You're not having second thoughts, are you?"

I was.

"No" I replied still clutching onto Yoko.


When all was considered, the day was a great success. Despite being embarrassing, the public had taken very well to what happened at the hospital choosing not to see it as unprofessional like I feared but seeing it as endearing and human.

Unfortunately, the people of Lenoria grew to love us together and couldn't get enough. This emboldened the King to have us more in the public eye moving forward, spawning what I like to call 'The Socialite Arc of my life'.

Very soon, the pre-qualification rounds for the Ice Hockey competition at the Winter Olympics would begin with one of the groups being hosted in Lenoria. It went without saying that Nick and I would be there, holding hands, cheering our country on. I would be dressed in whatever finery the stylists saw fit for such an event and I would sink deeper into femininity.

It would be the first of many more events together as a couple.













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