Pretend Princess - Chapter 15


"Just--" I raised a finger to get her to stop talking if only for a moment. I couldn't understand what she was saying. Or maybe I didn't want to understand, "What are you telling me?" I asked plainly.

"You have been manipulated ever since you stepped foot in King Richard's court" she replied. "I had tried to warn you but I'll admit I could never have known to what extent"

"No," I frowned, "I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't manipulated or anything like that. So what, you think they're controlling me? 'Cause that's what it sounds like you're saying"

She looked at me in a way that told me that's exactly what she was saying.

"That's insane" I protested.

"You think that by design"

"Okay, um, I don't know what this is about but I'm over it. You're crazy" I crossed my arms, "Please just let me go home"

"Home? Is that what you think?" She asked me.

"Yes? So what?"

"This is what it does," Miss Penelope tilted her head back, "It makes you desperate to belong but you're not one of them. You'll never BE one of them"

"Well--" I paused to gather my thoughts. It was true that I'd started to feel at home at Eclipton, especially since Nick and I started dating for real but why was that so bad? He was my boyfriend and I missed him dearly.

"Do you really think you of all people, a foreigner, and a commoner, would be accepted into the Lenorian Royal family?"

"You don't know anything. Nick and I belong together. If he insists, they'll have to let us be"

"My goodness, you're even more foolish than I thought" She shook her head at me. "To think a stupid little girl like you has been such a wedge in our plans"

"I really wish you'd stop calling me names," I said slightly annoyed.

"All accurate, aren't they?" she asked, "I should give the King credit. He's played you masterfully"

"I wasn't played," I insisted before turning and walking away. "I'm not being manipulated. You're just a crazy, old lady"

"The compound has to be injected somehow," Miss Penelope followed behind me, "Have you really never noticed?"

I stopped. Of course, it had been in the back of my mind but I couldn't let myself give it any serious consideration for what it would mean.

"There's something," I admitted, "But it can't be."

She walked up to me once again. This time she spoke with a softer tone, "It's not a question of whether you've been manipulated. I have it on good authority. You can't trust whatever you're feeling"

I turned to look at her, "But if what you're saying is true, I would have noticed. I'm not an idiot."

"Well didn't you notice anything?" she asked me.

"I--" I froze. This wasn't possible. There was just no way.

"I hear reinforcement is a crucial part of the process," she continued speaking when it became clear I wasn't going to, "The people around you would have repeatedly steered you in the right direction. That boyfriend of yours especially"

"No," I closed my eyes and said the word quietly under my breath, and then I repeated it louder, "Nick would never do that. No!" I shook my head in frustration.

It just wasn't possible. He was my friend long before we ever came here. He would never.

"A kiss here, a gentle touch there," she continued, "Of course you fell in love with him. Most girls do even without clouded judgment"

"Stop," I shook my head again.

"And not just him either," Miss Penelope wouldn't stop, "Everyone"

Without my permission, my mind searched through everything that had happened since I arrived in this country many months ago. I scoured every interaction that came off as even a little bit odd.

It left me distraught.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, feeling overwhelmed.

"I want you to see what they do," she told me, "How they used you to retain power"

I let out a deep sigh, "I don't understand"

I must have looked visibly exhausted.

"A story for another time, perhaps," she told me. Quietly, I watched her wave one of the soldiers over. My mind raced, scouring every last memory I could think of. It hurt.

"Ma'am" the soldier spoke as soon as he arrived.

"Could you take her back to her room?" she asked him.

"Of course, ma'am" he answered.

"Go with him," Miss Penelope turned her attention back to me, "We will speak again later"


Nick and I lay naked in bed holding each other tightly. I listened to his heavy breathing and smiled. Only a few moments before, he'd been thrusting like his life depended on it. It wasn't surprising that he'd be thoroughly exhausted.

Not that he ever complained.

That time when he'd fucked me in the library had only been the beginning. We'd gone about it like rabbits in the weeks since.

I wasn't looking forward to leaving the country estate and heading back to Eclipton but I knew that time was fast approaching.

My laser sessions were through, I'd fully recovered and the King had given his order for us to return.

These were the last days Nick and I would spend together cut off from the world. I would miss being here with him.

I'd stopped wearing the breast forms and the gaff almost entirely while we were here together. I could just be me when we were together like this. And as a bonus, I seemed to drive him even crazier when I was like this.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked.

"Oh um, just thinking about going back to the castle" I looked up at him. God, he was so perfect.

"I wish we could stay here forever," he said quietly.

"Me too"

"Lately I've--" he started saying something but stopped abruptly.

"What?" I rubbed my arm gently across his chest as we lay together.


"You can't just go 'nevermind' and expect me to let it go," I complained, "Tell me"

"Fine, well, I've--" he paused again, "I've been thinking a lot about our future"


"Yeah, you know"

"What about our future?" I asked after sitting up to look directly at him. He followed suit soon after.

"I mean, you know how we're just meant to be together for a year or so?"

"Yeah?" I looked attentively at him.

"What if we stayed together for longer?" he asked. I couldn't see much of him in the dark, but the little I could gave me the impression that he was serious.

"What, like 2 years?" I laughed nervously.

"More?" he spoke looking very unsure of himself. If my heart wasn't beating so quickly, I'd probably have thought it was cute.

"How long?" I asked.

"As long as you can stand me, I guess," he told me.

"Even if I wanted that, I don't think that's possible," I said.

"Do you want that?" he asked.

"I-- There's no use thinking about it" I replied, "Your parents have made it clear they intend for you to marry an actual woman eventually and despite how I look--"

"But if it was possible?" he asked again.

I opened my mouth but no sound left my lips. He looked me deep in my eyes. He wanted an answer.

"If it was possible then I guess"

"Morgan, yes or no?"

"Yes," I replied.

I woke up clutching at the sheets beneath me and sweating profusely. I looked around the room to regain my bearings and the events of that evening hit me once again. My heart broke all over when it all came rushing back.

That dream hadn't been just a dream at all. It had been a memory. The day Nick and I decided to stop pretending. And we hadn't said it in so many words but there were the undertones that neither of us would mind spending our entire lives together.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I'd been crying when I fell asleep too. At this rate, I was going to be dehydrated. But I couldn't make it stop.

Whenever I thought about him and everything I felt for him. The thought that all of it could have been fake was just too overwhelming.

I didn't want it to be true. In fact, I'd searched desperately for an answer, something that proved that Miss Penelope was mistaken but every memory supported what she'd said.

Nothing else explained why I'd so easily grown to love being Amelia Beaumont. I loved the way she looked, I loved her voice, I loved the clothes she wore.

Most of all, I loved the way she felt about her boyfriend. I loved all of it but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it couldn't have been me.

I loved her friends. Celeste and Izzy. I loved drinking wine and talking for hours, especially about my-- her boyfriend.

I felt like I was losing my mind.


Somewhere along the line, my confusion turned to anger. The isolation didn't help. It allowed my mind to wander and on its journey, it found clarity.

They all lied to me. Nick lied to me. He probably laughed at me in secret when I clung tightly to him.

That anger remained until I heard the lock on the door rattle once more. Slowly, I turned to look at my visitor.

It was the man in the mask. Not that I cared anymore. He pointed at me and then gestured me over.

"Why don't you ever say anything?" I asked him.

No response. Typical.

"Worried I'll recognize your voice?" I asked as I made my approach, "Hmm, do I know you?"

He only looked at me with those cold eyes before stepping aside for me to walk out with him.

When I didn't move, he began to reach out to grab my arm.

"Don't touch me" I stepped away and glared at him. When he retreated, I calmed down, "I'll walk"

And so I did. I stepped behind him and followed the path down the hall towards the stairs.

We made our way down like Penelope and I had done a day before. He led me through the house and through the front door. Even now, I received no shortage of stares.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked into the compound and down one of the paths. "Hey!" I raised my voice to get his attention.

When he wouldn't say anything, I stopped walking. The last thing I was going to do was walk willingly to my slaughter.

He turned and stepped quickly towards me but I didn't budge. I only stared angrily back at him.

"I'll take it from here" I heard Miss Penelope call out as she approached.

He turned to her and nodded before he stepped away briskly.

"Forgive him," Miss Penelope said when she was standing in front of me, "He can be a bit rigid. Understanding given what he's been through"

Miss Penelope took more steps forward and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Come dear. How about we continue our story?"

I followed quietly without argument.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked me as we walked.

I shook my head.

"Well, it can't have been easy to digest everything I revealed to you. I can only imagine how you feel."

I said nothing still. There was something about her that made me choose to remain quiet in her presence.

We only walked a short distance before ending our journey beneath the shade of a large beech tree. The sun was too high in the sky to walk like we'd done the day before.

"King Richard had a problem," Miss Penelope began when we were settled in the shade, "There had been growing unrest for a few years. The people were growing more and more opposed to the concept of aristocracy with each passing scandal. He couldn't figure out how those he called nobility kept having their dirty secrets out for all Lenoria to see"

"Some may call us revolutionaries. The king would certainly call us traitors. Regardless of what we were called, we had one goal. To make the people see the true nature of those that ruled over us"

"It wasn't very difficult," she told me, "The dukes, the Marquesses, they all had dirty laundry to spare"

It felt like I was being told something I shouldn't know about. It all felt very dangerous.

"To make matters worse, his succession wasn't secure. Among his children, one was female, the other was a buffoon, and the last had no interest in the company of women." she laughed. "What a cruel joke-- if you were the king. If you opposed the monarchy, this was a golden opportunity"

"The people's approval for the crown plummeted as more secrets were revealed. I began to believe I could see an end to monarchy in my lifetime"

She shook her head slowly and we stood in silence for a moment. I thought it was quite a beautiful day with the light streaming through the trees.

"And then you came along" she continued after a pause, "When we spoke in the theatre, I couldn't possibly grasp what kind of impact you would have on this country. With that smile, you dismantled everything we worked for. The king suddenly had a favorable heir. Smart, decisive, favored by the people, and most importantly, he wasn't a woman which was Princess Sophia's only flaw"

"You gave the King a perfect heir by squashing all the rumors of Nicholas' sexuality. To make matters worse, the people loved you-- they loved the idea of you. They began to see themselves in you, a commoner becoming royalty before their very eyes"

Miss Penelope sighed in frustration, "The more they loved you, the more they loved Nicholas and the royal family by extension. By the time we unveiled Viscount Montague's crimes for all to see, nobody cared"

"Nobody cared" she repeated after a pause, "We'd unveiled all his dirty dealings, and still, all anyone wanted to talk about was how beautiful you looked standing next to the Prince"

"I didn't--" I tried to say but she quickly interrupted me.

"You didn't know? Of course, you didn't. How could you?" she asked, "You were only ever a pawn"

"I'm sorry" I felt compelled to say.

"That doesn't matter anymore," she told me, "All that matters is what you do now that you know everything"

"I don't know what to do" I admitted. Once again, I felt overwhelmed. I'd been oblivious to everything going on around me. Hell, I'd been preparing to spend my life here with Nick, blind to everything.

"We have some time left," She said, "Go back to your room. I'm sure you know your way back by now?"

I nodded.

"Rest now, my dear," she said finally, "And think of what you want to do. I will ask again"


Two days. That was the amount of time we had left. I'd spent the whole time in agony as I replayed every moment in my head. But now it was over. The time had come.

Miss Penelope walked into the room with the soldier by her side. There was a sense of urgency that hadn't been there before.

Miss Penelope invited me to walk with her and I did. I followed her out of that room and down the hall as usual.

"Have you given any more thought to what we discussed?" she asked me as we made our way down the stairs together.

"Yes," I replied.

As soon as we reached the main area, I immediately noticed how much of the usual weaponry was missing. The last of which was being packed away and carried out of the house.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"The King's forces will be coming to rescue you tonight," she informed me, "The RGSF no less. The King must really value you if he's sending them after you"

"RGSF?" I asked.

"Royal Guard Special Forces. A brutal bunch. We certainly do not want to be here when they arrive"

"We're leaving?" I asked again glancing around the mostly empty room.

"That is up to you," she told me. "The time has come for you to make a decision. Come with us, or stay and be rescued"

"You'll just-- let me go?" I asked, "Just like that"

"Just like that," she told me, "You've never been a prisoner here, Amelia. If you choose to stay, you will be returning to your actual prison"

I glanced over at the soldier who stood watching me with those cold eyes and then back at Miss Penelope. Sure they could have been testing me but I got the sense that wasn't what was happening here.

"Um, can I have a few minutes to think it over?" I asked.

It was crazy to go with them right? They'd violently kidnapped me and brought me here against my will. Why would I willingly stay with them?

But then, Miss Penelope had been the only one to ever tell me the truth.

"I'm afraid not," she replied, "We're leaving immediately with or without you."

I was tired of being lied to. I admired her bluntness. I had grown to really respect her despite essentially being her captive. I wanted to go with her.

But I couldn't. Not when there was still the unfinished business of Nick's deception. I needed to get to the bottom of everything. I needed to look him in the eyes and ask him if anything we shared had been real.

"I'm staying," I said finally.

She nodded, "A shame. You've spent your time in this country as the King's symbol. I had hoped you would become ours. Truly a shame. On your knees" she commanded.

Was she going to kill me now that I had given the wrong answer?

"Ma'am," The masked soldier spoke for the first time in my presence. We both turned to look at him and found him shaking his head as if telling her to reconsider.

"We will not win our country back by holding little girls against their will," she said to him, "Bind her"

He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. Instead, he walked up to me and unveiled a zip-tie, "Kneel!" he said angrily.

Slowly I dropped to my knees after which he walked behind me and bound my hands together.

"You're really letting me go?" I asked her as the soldier stepped away into another room.

"Of course. I am not your enemy, Amelia. I hope you can see that."

"Aren't you worried I'll tell them about you?"

She laughed, "Oh child, this is my home. I think that ship has long since sailed. Besides, I am done hiding. It's time to fight tyranny out in the open for all the world to see. Now the real war begins."

The soldier returned. By now, everything in the room had been cleared out. It was just the three of us left.

I looked at him and found him holding a rag. I scurried backward instinctively.

He approached and I looked to Miss Penelope for assistance. This was always the plan.

I steeled myself as he forced me to breathe the slightly sweet-smelling chemical.

"Returning to the lion's den," Miss Penelope's voice was the last thing I heard, "Is it bravery or stupidity I wonder"


A lot has happened since then. I'd awoken to the front door of the house being broken down and several men rushing in. They'd found me lying there, bound and coughing violently.

I'd groaned as one of the men lifted me effortlessly into the night sky while the others swept the rest of the house.

I remember everything being so loud. Or was that just the helicopter? I don't remember. It was all fuzzy now.

All I know is I'd been brought here, wherever here was. The room looked like a hospital room but a lot bigger.

I remember someone had tried to get me to strip. Something about an inspection but someone else had stepped in. Something about an order from the king that prevented me from being subjected to any of their usual procedure.

I don't know. I couldn't think straight. Like I'd been trying to tell the doctor in front of me asking me all sorts of questions.

I told him my head hurt but that apparently wasn't a pressing concern. I was tired. I understood the importance of this medical checkup but did we have to do it now?

"Do you have any fever, chills, or unusual symptoms?"

"Were you in contact with anyone visibly ill?"

"Did they administer any drugs or substances to you?"

Question after question. I was getting frustrated by it all.

I was saved by the door being pushed open forcefully. I turned to look at the visitor and my heart skipped a beat.

"Your Highness, it is imperative we complete our examination before you come in contact with her" the doctor warned after hurrying to his feet.

"You, out" Nick ordered.


Nick glared at him and he said no more. He only bowed before hurrying past my boyfriend and out the door.

His face softened as he turned to look at me and so did my heart. Where did all my anger go?

Nick rushed over to meet me. He sat on the bed beside me and pulled me into a tight hug. I shuddered at his touch.

My whole body still remembered the feeling of him pressed against me. Tears rolled down my eyes.

Look what he's done to me. My anger resurfaced as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer.

I was helpless against him. I swore I would make him pay for what he's done to me.


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