Pretend Princess - Chapter 11


"Amelia, come have a seat with us, dear" The queen called out to me following my curtsy, "Lovette, prepare Amelia a cup, will you?" she spoke to one of three servants that stood quietly in the corner.

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Sit, sit" Queen Arabella turned her attention back to me as I approached.

I eyed the group cautiously carefully calculating where to sit. The chairs formed an oval around a low, elegant center table with the Queen sitting on a single couch at the head.

Emily sat with her younger sister on the triple couch to the Queen's left, Lady Olivia sat alone on a double couch to the Queen's right and there remained an empty single couch at the other end of the oval.

I'd almost immediately eliminated the single couch fearing the implication of sitting on equal footing with the queen. The triple couch had more than enough room for me but it also had Emily. In the end, I made the only sensible choice, settling in beside Lady Olivia who from the looks of things, was paying me no mind.

I decided that my strategy here would be non-confrontation no matter what happened.

"I'm glad we finally have the opportunity to speak outside all the fuss" Queen Arabella started, "I hope you girls have gotten acquainted since Amelia arrived"

Oh, we sure had.

"Yes, Aunty" Emily replied innocently, "Although Charlotte hasn't had much of an opportunity"

"Oh, that simply won't do," The Queen chimed in, "Charlotte say hi to Miss Amelia. She is Prince Nicholas' close friend"

"Ugh I know she is his girlfriend," Charlotte groaned, "I'm not a baby anymore"

"Quite right" The Queen smiled at the little girl.

"Are they going to marry?" Charlotte asked, "I can't wait to get married"

"Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves," the Queen clicked her tongue. "You're still very young, and so are Nicholas and Amelia. If they do marry, it will be sometime in the future yet."

"Oh how I love weddings," Charlotte mused, "And I love 'love'. I can't wait for my prince to come and take me far away from here. Far away from Dominic"

I watched her squeeze her face in a manner that made me giggle.

"Sorry," I quickly apologized.

"No, that's alright" The Queen smiled.

"Charlotte has strong feelings about her brother" Olivia explained. It was the first thing I'd heard from her all day.

"'Cause he's annoying" Charlotte agreed.

"'Because'" the Queen quickly corrected her.

"Because he's annoying"

"But you wish he was here, don't you?" Emily chimed in.

"Yes, 'cause--" she paused after looking sheepishly at the Queen, "because he whines when he's left out and gets even more annoying. Can't we have him over, Aunty?"

One of the servants arrived and handed me a cup of tea before offering me my choice of pastries. I thanked her for the tea and gracefully declined anything else. The last thing I wanted was to look uncouth while eating a scone.

"We've talked about this, Prince Dominic is a boy and he spends too much time around women as it is," the Queen conveyed her disapproval, "That's why he's so effeminate"

"I caught him wearing one of Charlotte's dresses," Emily added making matters worse.

"Did you?" Queen Arabella asked in disbelief, "Why, I never! We must do something"

"Is it so bad?" Olivia asked in almost a hushed tone, "Why not let him if it makes him happy?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Olivia," The Queen looked disapprovingly at her, "I should ask Nicholas to spend some more time with him now that he's back home. Dominic just needs good male influence in his life. Now that I think about it, he's surrounded by ladies. His servants, and even his teachers"

Olivia had given her opinion and it seemed that was enough for her since she wasn't saying anything else.

"Lovette, have Prince Dominic brought to me later"

"Yes, Your Majesty" Lovette replied quickly.

"Amelia, how are you adjusting to life in the palace?" she turned her attention to me.

I wondered if she recognized how hypocritical it was to pay me to do this but be so against the Young Prince wearing dresses. Not that we were anything alike of course. I would never have done it willingly. Now that I had though, I could definitely see the appeal.

Dresses were a lot more comfortable and much better looking too. I couldn't fault him for preferring them to those dreary suits the men all had to wear.

"I enjoy it very much, Your Majesty" I answered.

"Much better conditions than what you're used to, I imagine," Emily said off-handedly.

"Emily, that's not very nice" Olivia surprisingly came to my defense.

"It's okay, It's true," I quickly stepped in, "Everything here is so exquisite and I'm glad to be here"

"We're all happy to have you" The Queen said to my satisfaction. Non-confrontation for the win.

"Where did you live before?" Charlotte asked.

"In the United States of America," I smiled at her, "have you heard of it?"

"Yes, I'm not an idiot" she replied sharply.

"Charlotte!" The Queen reprimanded her.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized.

"It's okay. Everyone here treats me like I'm a child" she complained. "I'm not. I'm 14 years old already"

I knew that from my research but you wouldn't have known it just looking at her. She looked much younger in face and stature.

"You are a child, pipsqueak. Get used to it." Emily told her and received a nasty glare from her younger sister.

"Now, now girls, I want you all to get along" The Queen called them to order, "Remember you are the ladies of the royal family. You need to set a good example for the whole country"

"Yes, Aunty" the two girls replied in unison.

"Amelia dear, you were speaking about your home" The Queen brought the attention back to me yet again.

She would have known everything I would say was fabricated information from Amelia Beaumont's dossier. Was she testing me?

"I lived with my parents back home in America" I continued.

"With the prince?" Charlotte asked.

"No, he lived on his own but he came to visit me often" I lied.

Charlotte looked starry-eyed as she spoke, "That is so romantic. I can't wait to fall in love"

"You need to stop reading those books," Emily told her sister, "I've told you they're unrealistic. You'll only end up marrying some ugly boy because his father is Duke or something tedious like that"

"No, I want a prince. Amelia got a handsome prince, why can't I?" Charlotte complained.

"Amelia doesn't have anything yet" Emily replied but her gaze was focused on me.

"What about you, Olivia?" The Queen turned her attention to the quiet girl, "Do you have any preferences? I'm sure you know you have numerous suitors hoping for your hand"

"I don't know, I haven't thought much about it" Olivia replied.

"Well you will have to sooner or later, Huxley needs a duke as I'm sure you're aware"

"I could do it" I heard Olivia blurt out.

The Queen chuckled, "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about"

"I could be the Duke-- or Duchess" She replied, "I can do it"

"What has gotten into you today?" The Queen asked.

"I know more about the Huxley dukedom than anyone else," she argued, "My father agreed I would make an excellent ruler. He taught me everything he knew. Why do I need a man to rule people he knows nothing--"

"That's enough from you," Queen Arabella interrupted, "Now, I don't know where this is coming from but I suggest you turn your attention to choosing a husband and bearing a son that will continue your father's legacy"

"I can continue my father's legacy" Olivia spoke up again.

"That's enough!" The Queen sighed and rubbed her forehead, "Do not overstep. You are fortunate we decided to let your father's titles pass on to your child at all. You will choose a husband by your next birthday and turn your attention to producing an heir"

Olivia sat back in her chair defeated, "Yes, Your Majesty"

The Queen sighed once again, "We are spoiling Amelia's first time with us." Turning to me, she added, "We are so sorry, dear"

"It's alright, Your Majesty" I replied politely.

"How was your interview?" She asked me.

"I think it went well although I can't really say for sure," I replied, "It was my first time after all"

"And you are heading out tomorrow again, aren't you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Good, that's good"

It felt to me like the mood had soured a bit since the exchange between Olivia and the Queen so it wasn't much of a surprise when she asked to be excused.

"I wasn't able to get enough sleep last night" Olivia explained. I think it was both a way out and an apology for her outburst.

I think the Queen understood this too because she offered her leave without any trouble, "Shall I have them send up a tonic to help you sleep?"

"I would appreciate that" Olivia agreed as she rose to her feet.

"Have a good rest, my dear" The Queen said finally as Olivia made her way out of the salon.

"Bye Olivia" Charlotte called out to her.

"Bye Charlotte" Olivia flashed the younger girl a charming smile alongside her response.

I knew Olivia and I could be good friends if she would only let us, but alas, I didn't think she had any interest in being my friend.

"Aunty?" Charlotte voiced once again.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do you think we could invite Willie to the castle?"

"Willie? Do I know this person?"

"He's some popstar she's obsessed with," Emily took it upon herself to explain, "She's boy crazy right now so just ignore her"

"I am not!"

"Why do you want this boy here?" The Queen asked.

"Well, you never let me go anywhere. I wanted to go to his concert, but I wasn't allowed" Charlotte complained, "I figured he could come here instead"

This gathering wasn't nearly as vicious as I'd been expecting. Sure, Emily might throw the occasional jab my way but she was being relatively civil with the queen present.

I turned my attention to the Queen to listen to her response, "I don't know sweetie, this may be our home but it is also the nation's seat of power. We can't invite just anyone here on a whim"

"Oh, but couldn't you try?"

"I will see what your uncle thinks about this idea"

Charlotte squealed in delight.

I wasn't sure why the King and Queen were addressed as 'Aunty' and 'Uncle'. You'd quickly realize just how inaccurate that was if you could get your hands on their family tree.

The King and Emily and Charlotte's father shared a grandfather. Basically, they were grandchildren of the King's uncle so not exactly a close relationship. If you looked hard enough, you could probably work out how they were related by blood to the Queen but it didn't concern me enough to try.

The conversations continued in a similar fashion for a while. I remained quiet until the Queen saw fit to include me in the discussions. Emily and Charlotte spoke more freely talking about everything from their studies to other royal families on the continent and what they got up to.

I will admit it was a relief when I was finally set free. I breathed a sigh of relief when the Queen thanked us for spending the afternoon with her.

Was this how they spent their days? Just hanging around, having chats, and drinking tea? It wasn't a stretch to say they lived in their own world. But now, I got to live in it too.


The next bit of excitement came much later that evening. The King had requested my presence for the second time that day and I now stood outside his drawing room, waiting to be allowed in.

The day had come and gone and it was already dark outside, but there wasn't any sign of Nick. He'd promised he'd come to see me when he got back right? So, where was he?

I'd hoped I'd get to see him when I walked through the doors of the drawing room but there was no such luck. Only their Majesties were in attendance.

"Come in" The King called out to me and I walked in sheepishly, "Have a seat"

How did I get here? A nobody like me was having a private audience with a King and Queen.

I obeyed the order and took a seat on one of the sofas, carefully tucking my skirt underneath while I sat. This was already my third outfit today. God forbid a lady wears the same dress throughout right?

To make matters worse, every dress that served its purpose and came off my body seemed to disappear forever.

I watched the King point a remote at the large television and then sat back when what looked to be a news channel appeared on the screen.

"--Evening Lenoria, tonight Capital Current brings you a very important broadcast. We all know of her, it's time we learned more about her. Join our correspondent Annie Harrington in her famous segment 'One-on-One' live from Eclipton Castle."

"Good evening Lenoria" I saw Annie on screen and I saw myself sitting beside her, "Tonight we have a very special guest with us. It is my great pleasure to present to you, Miss Amelia Beaumont"

It was surreal. Watching myself on TV. Everything about the scene was just how I remembered it. Even my makeup was the same style Izzy had done.

It may sound silly but it's the little things that really trip you.

"It is a pleasure to be here, Annie," I heard my own voice.

At that point, I realised they were broadcasting the first take. It was my preferred as well but of course it had that one problem. I turned to the King and Queen who watched intently, they seemed relaxed. Pleased even.

I listened as Annie and I talked about Nick, about me, and about our future together. I heard us talk about me taking on more responsibility, I heard us talk about the recent unrest and then I heard us talk about a potential wedding.

It was perfect, not a hiccup in sight. I might have even wondered if the thing with the teleprompter had even happened if I didn't remember it so vividly.

I watched as Annie declared her hope for future interviews and I watched the news anchor eventually retake center stage. It was perfect. I passed as a woman on high resolution cameras, and even more unbelievably, I passed as a royal.

The king got up from his seat and walked up to the television pointing repeatedly at it.

"This is it," He said to me, "This is what we want. This is what I expect from you tomorrow and every day after. Keep this up and you will gain favor"

"You have done well, my dear," The queen told me.

"Thank you, Your Majesties"

"You will be going on tour tomorrow" The Queen continued, "A children's hospital among other places. Be warm, kind, and loving just as I know you can be"

"I will, Your Majesties"

"Go and rest, prepare," The King said finally while gesturing to the door.

I stood, curtsied, and took my leave. I had survived yet another day.


It was late at night when I was roused by knocking on my door. Celeste and I had finished my night routine and I was lying in bed in my night gown trying to fall asleep when the first faint knocks came.

At first, I wondered whether Celeste had forgotten something but again, she'd have come in already.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's me" It's was Nick's voice but it sounded different, little more than a groan.

I got out of bed wondering why he'd show up at this time. He'd promised to come see me when he got back but wasn't it a bit too late for that?

I opened the door and took one look at him before asking what was wrong. He looked so distraught, even more than usual.

"Can I come in?"


How could I say anything else? I needed to get to the bottom of whatever was going on.

It was only when he stepped into the light that I realized his eyes were so very red.

"Nick," I reached over and touched his arm when he began to walk past me, "What's going on?"

"I just need a break, can I stay here for a bit?" he asked while sitting on my bed.

"Of course," I replied while taking a seat beside him, "If you tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help"

"You can't," He told me. Why did he look so broken?

"Hey--" I took his hand before thinking it through, "We're doing this together, right? I wish you'd let me in"

His hair was disheveled and his shirt was creased with a popped collar.

"You'll hate me"

"I won't," I squeezed his hand, "I could never"

"I did something--" he began but just seemed to break down in front of me. It was the first time I ever saw him cry. I just had to hug him and let him let it all out.

"I don't know how it--" he continued when he felt able but couldn't put the words together, "Everything is so messed up"

"What's messed up?"

"The whole system, everything" As Nick spoke, I realized he really wasn't doing good so I couldn't dare let him go. I hugged him tighter, "Everything I have to do--"

"It's okay" That was all I could say. My only option was to just be there for him and hope one day he will feel ready enough to tell me what was going on.

I just let him cry in my arms for as long as he wanted to. I felt as the tears got more intense but also felt when he began to calm down. Slowly but surely, his intense feelings had begun to subside. I hoped he didn't feel embarrassed.

"I'm so tired," he said.

"You should get some sleep, do you want to stay here?" I asked. I figured I didn't want to leave him on his own in this condition and imagined he wouldn't want to be on his own either anyway.

"No, I should go back to--"

"No, you're staying here tonight" I decided. It was for the best.

"I don't know, are you sure?" he asked, "I'm sorry for barging in this late. I should let you sleep"

"I already decided," I stood firm, "It's not up for discussion"

He sighed, "Fine, I guess. But the servants are going to talk. They'll think we--"

"Whatever. I'm supposed to be your girlfriend anyway right?"

"Right but--" he paused as if looking for another excuse, "I don't even have my sleepwear"

"Feel free to pick out a nightgown from my closet" I smiled and listened to him laugh for the first time that night.

"I appreciate that, but I don't think they'll fit me"

"Yeah, probably not" I replied.

"You really don't mind me staying here?" he asked me and I shook my head in response. It wasn't the first time we'd slept in the same bed. Nothing had changed.

"I'll just sleep in my trousers then" he decided.

"Yeah, go for it"

'There was no need to be weird' is what I thought until he took off his shirt. He was so chiseled I caught myself staring at his abs.

I stared at him as he walked the short distance to place his folded shirt and jacket neatly on my vanity.

"Thanks for letting me stay here," he'd said on the journey back to the bed.

"What?" I asked. I'll admit it had taken me a good while to process what he'd said. His body was just so distracting.

"You okay?" It was his turn to ask me.

"Yeah of course I am" I laughed to hide my discomfort. No wonder the girls always chased after him. Somehow it just clicked and I understood it now.

"Which side of the bed do you prefer?" he asked while standing in front of me shirtless.

"No preference" I managed.

"Okay," he smiled making things worse, "I'll take the other side then"

"Good night," he said as he settled into bed.











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