Abigails Halloween Adventure 03-01

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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

 ©October 2012

    In this adventure Adrian let’s Tanya talk him into going to his works Halloween party dressed as Abigail in an angel costume, while Tanya goes with her dressed as a sexy little devil. Adrian knows he should say no to her, but he finds that he just can’t say no to her, so Abigail’s Halloween Adventure begins.

Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Tuesday 10-30-2012 at 02:47:24 pm, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena


    Authors note: This is the third adventure for Abigail and Tanya, and is a single part Halloween special, so please make sure you’ve read Abigail’s weekend and Abigail’s midweek adventures before you try reading this one.

Chapter One: You want me to dress as what?

    Adrian Was working on dinner one evening a couple of months after he and Tanya moved in together when Tanya said she wanted Abigail to dress as an angel while she dressed as a devil for the Halloween parties being held at their works the upcoming weekend.

    The parties were being held on the same night, but in different parts of the city, and Tanya wanted them to do both, even though Adrian had said he’d be fine dressing as Abigail, but only if they went to her works party and not his, but once again he’d let Tanya talk him into doing as she wanted.

     “Okay, but you better help me look totally different to how I look as me.” Adrian warned.

     “You already look totally different when you’re Abigail.” Tanya purred as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Adrian’s neck before she leaned in for a kiss.

     “I know that, but I don’t want people to see Abigail out shopping and work out that we’re one in the same person.” Adrian frowned.

     “We’ll go shopping after work tomorrow and find you a new wig in a different colour.” Tanya said as she started to form a plan to make Abigail look like a different woman to how she normally looked. “How do you feel about wearing a pair of contact lenses for the evening?” She asked. “And I’ve always wondered what you would look like as a blonde.”

     “What about wearing a mask of some sort instead?” Adrian offered as an alternative. He didn’t like the idea of putting things in his eyes.

     “That could work as well.” Tanya grinned excitedly as she went back to setting the table for dinner.

    The two of them had spent every spare minute together since they first met when Abigail had to let a scared Tanya into her flat, or Adrian’s flat as it was. Tanya had first knocked on Adrian’s door when she was having trouble with an ex who had been sleeping with her best friend at the time; a woman called Lilith who they had later found out had a crush on Tanya herself.

    Tanya had worked out Abigail’s secret and fell in love with both sides of Adrian’s personality and they had been together ever since.

    Tanya was the only one as far as Adrian knew that actually knew about him being a girl called Abigail some of the time. Adrian was a little worried that after the Halloween party this coming weekend, everyone would know about it.

    Things had been quiet on the Lilith front as well for the past couple of months, so the two of them thought she’d finally got the message that Tanya wasn’t interested in being friends with her anymore, never mind doing what Lilith wanted and become lovers, even if Tanya had fooled around in that way with Lilith in the past, but it turned out that both women wanted to be the one in control.

     Lilith had come close to splitting them up early on in the relationship, but they spoke about it, and Abigail found out that Lilith had paid a couple of guys to come on to them both and then start kissing them. Abigail had seen some guy kissing Tanya and then ran away upset and heartbroken. Tanya had managed to talk some sense into Adrian, or Abigail, as it was Abigail that Tanya found sat at a coffee shop in the city centre when they finally met up to talk.

    Adrian was waiting for Tanya outside his office block when he saw Paul walk out of the building with a grin on his face when he saw Adrian stood there.

     “Adrian my man...! Fancy grabbing a quick drink before you head home to the ball and chain?”

     “Sorry, but I can’t tonight Paul.” Adrian said. “I’m waiting for Tanya, so we can go shopping for costumes ready for Halloween this weekend.” Adrian explained.

     “So you’re coming to the party this year then?” Paul asked. “I didn’t think you liked going to parties?”

     “I didn’t, but a lot of things have changed since I met Tanya.” Adrian grinned. “The costumes are for the party at Tanya’s place of work anyway.” Adrian added.

     “So you’ll go to her works party, but not your own?” Paul asked looking a little pissed off to hear that.

     “I’m only going because Tanya has to go because she is helping to organise her works Halloween party.” Adrian lied.

     “What you thinking of going as anyway?” Paul asked.

     “Not sure yet, that’s the reason for us going around some of the shops to see what they have left.” Adrian explained.

    Adrian was grateful to see Tanya walk around the corner at that moment, so he didn’t have to say anymore as he wrapped his arms around Tanya and kissed her on the lips passionately.

     “Get a room will you...!” Paul whined. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work then Adrian, and Tanya; you have my number if you ever get bored with him and want to find out what being with a real man is like.” He added with a macho grin like he was joking, but both Adrian and Tanya knew he meant every word.

     “Yes, I’ll remember not to call you.” Tanya said heavy with sarcasm. “We better see about getting to the costume shop before it closes.” Tanya said as she looked at Adrian with a look that said she really wanted to get away from this loser.

     “Yes we better get a move on.” Adrian said looking at his watch, even though they weren’t going to the costume shop, but they were going to look in some normal shops and see if they could put a couple of costumes together themselves.

     “I still don’t understand why you hang around with him.” Tanya said as they walked away towards the city centre.

     “I don’t hang with him, he hangs with me.” Adrian pointed out. “He’s like some stray dog that adopted me as his owner.” Adrian added with a frown. “i was just stood waiting for you when he came out and asked me to go for a drink with him.”

     “Maybe we should take him to the vets and get him snipped then, just like you would a stray dog.” Tanya grinned at her evil idea.

     “Very tempting, but I refuse to pay out money on him.” Adrian grinned, but agreed that the world would be a better place if Paul wasn’t allowed to reproduce in the future and infect the planet with more like him, not that he was the only male asshole on the planet, and there were people far worse out there. “Maybe we should get him and Lilith together.” Adrian said thinking it would be poetic justice for them both to end up with each other.

     “Don’t even joke about something like that.” Tanya said looking worried. “Lilith would eat Paul alive.” She added actually feeling sorry for Paul, which she never thought she would.

     “Is Lilith really that bad?”

     “Do you really need to ask that?” Tanya said as she looked at Adrian.

     “Good point.” Adrian agreed.

    They were soon looking in the shops for a white dress for Abigail to wear, and a red one for Tanya. Adrian didn’t like being himself while looking at dresses with Tanya, he wanted to pick up the dresses himself, not have to point them out to Tanya and then wait for her to take it off the rack for him to get a proper look at.

     “I miss being Abigail; can’t we wait until Saturday so she can come out with you?” Adrian sighed.

     “I’d love to do that baby, but it took me so long talking you into going out as Abigail, that we don’t have enough time as the parties are on Saturday night.” Tanya pouted.

    They decided to keep looking and they finally found a dress that would do the job so Adrian bought it. Tanya found something that would look better for her devil costume than a red dress, so she bought them and then they went looking for a set of devil horns, tail and pitchfork for Tanya’s sexy devil, and a set of wings and a halo for Abigail’s sexy angel. They ended up in the fancy dress shop for these items, but they would just buy them rather than rent.

    Tanya spotted a couple of cute little masquerade ball masks, one in red and another in white, so she added them to the list so they would help hide their faces, and stop people being able to work out who they were at Adrian’s party.

     “Will these work?” Tanya asked as she held a mask in each hand.

     “Perfect.” Adrian grinned.

    They soon found a set of fluffy white wings for Abigail to wear, and they even found a little set of devil wings for Tanya, they also found the devil’s tail and pitchfork as well as a long curly blonde wig and halo for Abigail’s costume.

     “I’m actually getting excited about this now.” Adrian admitted as they made their way back to where Tanya’s car was parked with their bags of shopping.

     “Good, I think Abigail deserves a fun night out trick or treating.” Tanya grinned. “The trick being played on everyone at your place of work, and the treat being when we get home again after both parties.” She added with an even bigger grin.

     “Will we be bobbing for apples?” Adrian asked.

     “I plan to be bobbing for something.” Tanya purred as she stopped walking and turned to face Adrian as she placed a hand on his groin and smiled.

    Adrian was suddenly eager to get home so Tanya could start practicing her apple bobbing ready for Saturday.

    Adrian had to put up with Paul nagging him for the rest of the week as he tried to talk him into going to the party so they could cruise for one night stands. Adrian tried explaining about him going out with Tanya, so that wasn’t going to happen, not that it would if he was going out without her, not that he’d ever go any place with Paul.

     “You can’t tell me that you’d rather go to Tanya’s Works Halloween party than come to your own?” Paul asked again on the Friday morning as he pocked his head over the divider between their workstations.

     “I’m not even going to answer you this time Paul, so just let it drop and get on with your work.” Adrian said, not even bothering to look up at Paul this time. “I don’t see why you’re so eager to have me hang with you anyway.” Adrian said looking puzzled by how pushy Paul was being about it all. “You’ve never been bothered in the past about me not coming to the works Halloween party.” He added as he finally looked up at Paul to see his reaction to what he just said.

     “I just think you need to have some fun away for the ball and chain for one night.” Paul said sounding lame.

     “I don’t see Tanya as a ball and chain as you put it.” Adrian growled over the sexist term Paul liked to use in regards to all wife’s and girlfriends.

    Paul was single again at the minute again after his last girlfriend finally woke up and realised that Paul was never going to become the man she was looking for, but it still didn’t explain why Paul was so eager to drag Adrian along to the works party when Paul already knew neither of them stood a chance of pulling. All the women that will be at the party already know what Paul is like, and none of them would go with him, not unless he plied them with lots of alcohol first, and even then most wouldn’t give Paul the time of day.

     “She’s got you brainwashed if you ask me.” Paul grumbled.

     “It’s called being happily in love, you should try it sometime.” Adrian frowned. “Now get back to work and let the subject drop.” Adrian added as he carried on working and blanked Paul until he finally got the message that the conversation was over and he’d lost his last chance to talk Adrian into anything stupid, not that he’d ever managed it before now.

    Adrian was glad to finish work on the Friday lunchtime, just so he could get away from Paul until tomorrow night when Abigail and Tanya turned up at the party.

    Tanya would be working until five, so she wouldn’t be home till around five thirty, so Adrian had plenty of time to get home and let Abigail out ready for when Tanya got home.

    Adrian spent most his weekends as Abigail now, and the two of them would go out clubbing or to a movie after a nice meal together, or they would go out window shopping, which normally led to them actually going into the shops and buying something.

    The only time Abigail didn’t show up for the weekend was when they went to see Adrian’s parents. They had both fallen in love with Tanya and treated her like a daughter whenever they went to see them. Brenda, Adrian’s mother would call Tanya and talk for hours about things, which Tanya loved, and she’d even taken up calling her mum, and Adrian’s father, dad.

    Adrian had found himself wondering if Abigail could be as close to Adrian’s parents as Tanya was or if his parents would just reject Abigail if they ever found out about her. Adrian had been struggling with being Adrian through the week since him and Tanya moved in together. He found himself wanting to be Abigail more and more because of the clothes women got to wear compared to the boring suits he and other stuff he had to wear as Adrian.

    Once he was back at their flat, Adrian set to work taking a shower and shaving his legs and other parts before rubbing his body with moisturiser and then he went to the spare bedroom which was now a large walk in closet for him, Abigail and Tanya. He laid out all the items he’d need to turn himself into Abigail, and then he set to work getting dressed.

    The first thing he did was glue on the breast forms so he could enjoy the weight of them tugging on his chest while he put his stocking and panties on. He finally had the panties and hold up stockings on, so he picked up the bra that matched the panties and put that on to take some of the weight off his chest before he walked over and sat at the vanity they had put in the room so he could set to work turning his face into that of his alter ego.

    The final part of turning his male face into that of Abigail was always adding the wig of long auburn hair that framed his now feminine looking face to leave a girl looking back from the mirror and Adrian now felt at home again in his natural female disguise.

    Adrian felt more like himself as Abigail than he did as Adrian, but he’d never want to lose his manhood because he loved the lovemaking him and Tanya did most nights except when it was that time of the month for Tanya, then they would just lay in bed and cuddle each other.

    With most of Adrian now gone until Sunday evening when they went to see his parents for a firework display at a local park close to his parents house, Abigail got up and walked over to one of the many rails of dresses in the room and selected a cute little red dress and slipped into it before selecting a pair of matching red heels and putting them on her feet.

    Abigail looked in the full-length mirror and smiled at the hot little creature she now was in her red dress and heels. She was soon wandering around the house doing some house work and getting things sorted out for dinner, so she could have a nice meal on the table when Tanya got home from work.

    Tanya smiled as she walked into the kitchen after getting home from work and she saw Abigail stood at the cooker stirring something in a pan. Tanya drank in the full look of the part-time woman she loved so much as she started at the come fuck me red heels that were sat at the bottom of two killer legs wrapped in barely black stockings that led up to Abigail’s round plump ass and sexy looking body all wrapped in a red dress.

     “Are you a sight for sore eyes.” Tanya said as she closed the distance between them and pulled Abigail into a hug just before they kissed each other.

     “I’ve missed you to baby.” Abigail purred between kisses. “Go and get changed, dinner will be ready in ten minutes.” She added as she turned Tanya towards the kitchen door again and sent her off to get changed out of her work clothes.

    Tanya was soon back wearing a fluffy dressing gown and wearing a pair of big bunny slippers, but the thing that made Abigail giggle was the fact Tanya had found an old man’s pipe from somewhere and she was pretending to puff on it as she stood in the doorway trying to act all macho.

     “You look so funny in them slippers and pink dressing gown while puffing on that pipe.” Abigail giggled.

     “You don’t have time to play around woman.” Tanya said in a deep manly voice. “Get my dinner on the table now.” She added as she tried not to grin.

    If Tanya was going for mean and moody, it didn’t work as all this did was force Abigail to double over in a fit of laughter that threatened to make her eyes water and her makeup to start running.

    Abigail finally got her giggling under control, and they were soon sat at the kitchen table enjoying a nice meal and a glass of red wine. The whole scene looked a little odd with Abigail looking hot and sexy in her red dress, stockings and heels, and Tanya sat on the other side of the table in her pink fluffy dressing gown and large bunny slippers, but you couldn’t miss just how much they were in love with each other as they spoke about their day at work. Abigail even told Tanya about Paul trying to talk Adrian into going to the Halloween party with him so they could get a couple of one night stands.

     “I wonder if he’s just trying to get you in trouble with me so he can take a crack at going out with me instead.” Tanya commented.

     “I wouldn’t put anything past Paul these days.” Abigail agreed.

    Tanya helped Abigail get the kitchen cleaned up once the meal was over and then they spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa in the living room watching the TV until bedtime.

Chapter Two: The Parties

    Neither of them had anything special planned for the Saturday, other than resting up ready for when it was time to start getting ready for the Halloween parties.

    Abigail took a shower just after lunch, which Tanya decided to join her for, saying it would be better for the environment if they showered together. They were both very clean by the time they got out again. Abigail checked her legs, chest and underarms for any signs of hair growth, but it was all still hair free, so she set to work turning herself into a sexy looking angel, while Tanya started work on her little devil look.

    The first thing Abigail put on were a tight pair of white panties to hide the manly budge a little more, then she slipped on a second pair of panties that were a little loser fitting to give her a more natural look. Once they were on, Abigail then sat on the edge of the bed and slipped on some white fishnet hold up stockings. Next was the white dress that reminded Abigail of the sort of thing the women in movies wore when they were trying to look like Greeks. It had a short skirt to it and the top part covered most of her chest area, but it didn’t have much of a back to it, so Abigail couldn’t wear a bra this evening. Tanya had talked Abigail into adding a white wasp style corset to the costume to pull in her tummy a little more and add to the sexy female look. She had quite the figure once she had the wasp on and all done up.

    Once Abigail was dressed in most of the costume, she added the white high heeled Go Go boots and then set to work on the makeup. She was going for a much heavier look than normal in the hope of making it so no one could work out that the sexy female angel was really a guy called Adrian that worked in their office.

    Abigail was having trouble noticing herself by the time she was done, and that got even harder once she added the long curly blonde wig and halo, and that was before she tried the sparkly white mask on to finish off the look. Tanya stopped getting ready long enough to help Abigail add the fluffy white wings to the back of her wasp corset before she went back to getting ready herself.

    Tanya was already wearing a pair of red fishnet pantyhose, a tight red pair of sparkly hot pants and a red corset which Abigail had laced her into while lacing the long red devil tail and little devil wings into at the same time. Tanya was also wearing a red pair of Go Go boots with a slightly higher heel and a one inch soul to make her as tall as Abigail was in her Go Go boots.

    Once Tanya was done with her makeup, and she’d added the fiery red wig of hair and the devil horns, Abigail didn’t recognise her anymore, so she knew that Paul never would, and they would be wearing masks as well to make it even less likely that Paul or anyone else would work out who they were, not that anyone else had met Tanya yet to work out who she was.

    They were now dressed and waiting for the taxi to arrive, and Abigail was having serious second thoughts about doing this and possibly risking exposure to the whole office.

     “I really think we should skip the party at my office and just go straight to yours.” Abigail said nervously as she held a glass of wine shakily in her left hand.

     “You look totally different dressed like that, and I really can’t see any signs that you’re really a guy pretending to be a girl.” Tanya said calmingly. “Just relax and have some fun, and if anyone does work it out, they will just think it to be a Halloween costume that I talked you into wearing.” Tanya added with a devilish smile, mostly due to her actually looking like a devil at the minute.

     “I just think that there is so much that can go wrong this evening doing this, and I can’t see anyone buying me doing this for the first time.” Abigail argued.

     “True, but don’t you feel a little bit excited about that?” Tanya asked with another devilish grin.

     “Yes I do actually.” Abigail admitted after giving it some thought. “It will be fun watching everyone try to work out who we are.” She added with a grin of her own that didn’t match the way she was dressed.

     “Maybe we should have gone as the devil twins, looking at that grin on your face right now.” Tanya giggled.

     “That’s an idea for next year.” Abigail grinned even more.

     “Not even done with this year, and already you are planning out the costumes for next year.” Tanya giggled some more. “I like your thinking girlfriend.” Tanya added as she threw her arms around Abigail and started kissing her.

     “What would the good lord say if he could see us now?” Abigail said trying to sound shocked at the fact she was an angel being hugged by a little devil.

     “Hey, he’s your boss, not mine. Mine would just cheer us on as we played around.” Tanya pointed out with that same devilish grin.

     “True; and I can see me being a fallen angel by the end of the night.” Abigail said just before she started kissing Tanya while she ran her hand all over Tanya’s hot pants encased ass. She gave it a little squeeze, which made Tanya let out a little squeal.

     “You really are wearing the wrong costume you little devil.” Tanya giggled.

     “Me...?” Abigail said looking all innocent.

     “Yes you.” Tanya said just before she leaned in for another kiss.

    Tanya was soon getting a call from the taxi driver to say that he was downstairs waiting for them, so they grabbed their purses and left the flat. Tanya had a little red coffin for a purse, and Abigail’s looked like a furry white crucifix.

    The taxi driver jumped out the car and actually opened the car door for Tanya and Abigail to get in while he tried to undress the two of them with his eyes. They did make quite the eye catching pair between them.

    Tanya said thank you to the driver, while Abigail just gave him a smile as she struggled to get into the car with the angel wings strapped to her back and not letting her skirt ride up, so the driver never got a better look of her angelic parts than she wanted him to.

    Once they were in the car, Tanya told him where they wanted to go and they were soon on their way.

    Both parties were being held at function rooms in different hotels, but Tanya’s wasn’t starting until a little later in the evening, which meant they could do both of them if they left Adrian’s a little earlier, not that Abigail wanted to spend too much time letting Adrian’s co workers work on just who the angel and devil were.

    The taxi was soon pulling up outside the hotel and a doorman opened the door for them and then stood with his mouth open as he saw an angel and a devil get out. Tanya paid the taxi driver and also gave him a nice tip for being kind enough to get the door for them when he picked them up, but Tanya thought he’d probably be happy with a picture on his phone, so this gave her an idea.

     “Do you have a camera function on your phone?” Tanya asked the taxi driver.

     “Sure, who doesn’t these days?” The driver said looking puzzled.

     “Would you like to get a couple of shots of me and my friend while we pose for you?” Tanya asked.

     “Sure...!” The taxi driver said as he was already trying to get out the car before he’d taken off his seatbelt.

    Tanya and Abigail stood and posed for the Taxi driver, and then they ended up posing for a couple more people as well, including the doorman and Paul who had arrived in another taxi while they were having their pictures taken.

    Abigail didn’t see any sign of Paul knowing that the sexy looking female angel was the guy he spent so much time hanging with at work, so that helped Abigail to relax, but she was soon looking worried again when she saw the way Paul was looking at them both with hunger in his eyes. Abigail wondered if it would be like taking a cold shower if Paul found out he was actually getting excited over a guy in a dress, all be it a very sexy looking guy in a dress, but still a guy.

    Paul was wearing a tuxedo, so Abigail guessed he had either come as a waiter or James bond. Abigail decided that it would be James Bond, given how well she knew Paul, and the fact that Paul had always thought of himself as an international man of mystery, well in his own mind maybe he was, Abigail thought with a grin.

    Abigail and Tanya finally got bored with having their picture taken, so they entered the hotel and made their way to the room where the party was being held. Abigail looked in a mirror as they were entering the room and saw Paul walking just behind them, and he was grinning when he saw where the two of them were going, just before he went back to checking out both their backsides.

    Tanya led the two of them over to the bar and ordered two glasses of white wine, but before they could pay for them, Paul stepped in and gave the bar tender some money and offered to pay for them as he ordered a pint of larger for himself. Tanya was just about to say they could buy their own drinks, but Abigail stopped her by saying how kind of him it was, as she picked up the two glasses of wine and handed one to a shocked looking Tanya.

     “It’s the least I can do after the show you both put on out there, and for the wonderful photos I was able to get for myself.” Paul grinned as he tapped his chest where the girls guessed his phone was with the photos on it. “My names Bond, Paul Bond.” Paul said trying to sound like Sean Connery, but sounding more like Billy Connelly to Abigail.

     “I thought your last name was Jones?” Abigail asked with a grin.

    Paul looked shocked to find out that these girls already knew him, and he tried to work out who they were, but the masks they had covering half their faces were doing too good a job of hiding their identities.

     “Do you work in my office then?” Paul finally asked, hoping to get the two girls names.

     “Yes we do, I’m Lucy and this is Angel.” Tanya said as she pointed to herself and then Abigail.

     “Why do I get the feeling that those aren’t your real names?” Paul said with a raised eyebrow.

     “They are tonight.” Tanya grinned just before taking another sip of her wine. “Let’s go and mingle Angel.” Tanya said as she took hold of Abigail’s free hand and led her away from Paul.

    Paul watched the two of them walk away like their walk would tell him who they really were, but it just made him want to get them alone so he could shag their brains out.

     “What happened to the rule about us not letting any guys buy us drinks?” Tanya asked once they knew Paul wouldn’t overhear them speaking.

     “Paul isn’t just some random guy though Lucy.” Abigail grinned, using the made up name Tanya had given herself in front of Paul. “I just thought it could be fun seeing how far we could lead him on since he didn’t work out who I was.” She added just before taking a sip of wine from her glass.

     “I think you should cool it now though, I think you could be pushing your luck, and I can tell that Paul is a leech.” Tanya warned.

     “A leech...? What do you mean by that?” Abigail asked looking confused.

     “He’s like a dog with a bone once he finds a woman he likes. He will keep coming at us hoping one of us will cave and make out with him.” Tanya explained.

     “Well that’s never going to happen.” Abigail shot back looking disgusted with the very thought of kissing Paul, or letting Tanya kiss him.

     “Sadly you put us on his radar when you accepted his offer to buy us these drinks.” Tanya frowned as she held up her wine glass to prove her point.

     “So we’ll just avoid him for the rest of the night.” Abigail said looking smug over her idea.

     “Good luck with that.” Tanya sniggered like she already knew Paul was going to be trouble.

    Tanya was right and every now and then as the two of them wandered around chatting to different people that Adrian knew from the office, Paul would show up and join in the conversation. He was trying to find out who the two of them were, and he hoped to get more clues from the other people they spoke with, but Paul was still in the dark and beginning to think that Lucy and Angel didn’t actually work in the office and they were just a couple of women that had crashed the party to get some free food.

    The company had laid on a buffet, but they wouldn’t go as far as to provide a free bar, due to them already knowing that they had a couple of heavy drinkers working for them.

     “I don’t think you work at our office at all.” Paul said sounding a little drunk as he joined in another conversation Abigail and Tanya had started with a girl called Jane and another girl called Becky.

     “Pick out anyone here, and I will tell you their name and what they do.” Abigail said sounding annoyed with Paul now, and also seeing what Tanya meant about him being a leech.

     “Okay then.” Paul grinned as he swayed back and forth while he looked around the room for someone he knew Angel and Lucy hadn’t spoken with. He smiled when he saw one of the managers enter the room with his wife. “Who is that guy and the woman with him?” Paul asked as he pointed in the direction of the manager and his wife.

     “That’s Bob Cole and his wife Dorothy, he’s our floor manager.” Abigail smiled smugly.

    Paul just scowled at Abigail like he was getting really frustrated with not knowing who this woman was now. “Who the hell are you...?” He growled.

     “Does that really matter Paul? I’m really not into men, so why don’t you just go away and find some drunken woman to annoy instead of me and my girlfriend.” Abigail said just before she took hold of Tanya and kissed her for the longest time while being watched by Jane, Becky, Paul and a large number of other people that were stood around them.

     “I don’t buy that for a minute baby.” Paul said not being put off by the fact Abigail had just kissed another girl right in front of him. “I think you’ve just not found the right man yet.” He added as he stepped closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her stepping away from him.

     “Please take your hands off me Paul.” Abigail said in a firm tone as she tried to shake off his hands, but he wouldn’t let go.

     “Don’t fight it baby.” Paul grinned. “I thought angels were supposed to grant people’s wishes?” He added as he leaned in to kiss her.

     “You’re thinking of fairies, and I’m not that good an angel either.” Abigail said just before she brought up her knee and slammed it right into Paul’s groin forcing him to let go and step back just before he fell to his knees as he tried to grip his now aching balls.

     “You bitch...!” Paul groaned as he fell onto his side groaning in pain as he gripped his balls like he could force the pain away if he gripped them hard enough.

    The whole room had fallen quiet as Abigail attacked Paul, but now they were all laughing at the fact someone had finally taught Paul a lesson in how not to pick up girls.

     “I think it’s time to go now Angel.” Tanya said when she saw everyone looking at the two of them, or more to the point they were looking at Abigail and trying to work out who she was.

    Abigail just let out a sigh as Tanya dragged her away and pushed her into the taxi waiting outside the hotel. Abigail took another sip from the wine glass she was still holding in her hand. She actually found doing that to Paul, very therapeutic, but she didn’t think Paul would feel the same way about it though.

     “What the hell did you do that for?” Tanya asked as they drove away. “You could have just thrown your drink in his face like most girls do when a guy like that bugs them too much.

     “I wasn’t going to waste my wine on him.” Abigail said just before she took another sip and then offered it to Tanya.

    Tanya frowned, but she finally smiled and then took the glass off Abigail and took a sip from it. “It was funny to see him fall to his knees like that.” Tanya giggled.

     “I just got so angry over all the crap he’s done and said about me over the years that I lost my temper and before I knew it, my knee was making contact with his groin.” Abigail admitted, but she didn’t sound sorry about doing it.

     “Remind me never to upset you that much then.” Tanya said looking worried for a second or two before she started giggling again.

     “You could never upset me; I doubt any other human on the planet could upset me as much as Paul can.” Abigail said as she leaned over and started kissing Tanya. She soon stopped though when the car jerked and a car horn sounded.

     “Keep your eyes on the road driver.” Tanya warned the taxi driver who had been watching them kissing rather than the road like he should.

    The taxi pulled up outside the hotel where Tanya’s company were having their Halloween party and Abigail suddenly realised that the company Tanya worked for must have a lot more money than the one Adrian worked for as they were stood outside the best and most expensive hotel in the city.

     “I feel like a hooker walking into this place dressed like this.” Abigail whispered in Tanya’s ear as they were led into the hotel after Tanya had told the doorman which party they were with.

     “I’ll be the only one paying to use that body of yours tonight baby.” Tanya whispered back.

    Abigail looked at Tanya’s sparkly red lips and matching eye makeup now they had both removed their masks. Neither of them thought they needed them at this party, due to no one knowing who Abigail was in the first place.

     “You don’t need to pay to use my body, it’s yours when you want it Lucy.” Abigail grinned as she used Tanya’s made up name from when they first spoke to Paul back at the other party.

    Abigail had expected to be led into a room on the ground floor of the hotel, but they were walked over to an elevator and then the man that was leading them hit the button for the roof top ballroom. Abigail got more and more nervous the closer they got to the top floor, but she did relax when the elevator doors opened and she saw that the room was full of other people wearing costumes. She even saw a couple of men actually dressed as hookers, or she thought they looked like hookers.

    Tanya’s disguise didn’t work as well here as it had on Paul because she was soon being hugged by an older woman dressed as a cancan girl, or one of those women that you saw in the old western movies that worked in the saloon.

     “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” The woman said as she hugged Tanya.

     “I’m sorry we’re late Amanda, but we had to go to Abigail’s party as well.” Tanya explained as she hugged the woman back.

     “So you’re this mysteries Abigail that Tanya keeps telling me about.” The woman Tanya had just called Amanda said as she started looking Abigail up and down. “It’s nice to finally meet you Abigail, but I was hoping to finally get to meet this man you’ve shacked up with.” Amanda added with a frown as she looked at Tanya for an answer.

     “I’m sorry Amanda, but Adrian doesn’t like going to parties, so I left him back at home and came out with my best friend instead.” Tanya said as she wrapped an arm around Abigail’s waist.

     “It’s nice to meet you ma’am.” Abigail said as she held out her hand to shake Amanda’s.

     “Please call me Amanda.” She said as she threw her arms around Abigail and hugged her. “Now grab a drink and have some fun...!” Amanda added just before she wandered off to talk with another couple of guests that had just arrived.

     “Don’t worry, you soon get used to her.” Tanya grinned when she saw how freaked out Abigail looked over her first meeting with Tanya’s boss.

    Unlike Adrian’s work party, all the drinks and food were free here, so the two of them were soon wandering around with a glass of Champagne each. Tanya had women and men coming up to her and saying how devilishly cute she looked, and they all wanted to meet her little angel friend.

    Abigail had never really taken much interest in what Tanya did other than finding out she was Amanda’s personal assistant, but she could tell that Tanya was far more than just a secretary, judging by all the people eager to keep on her good side and try to pitch new ideas to her while they had a chance.

    They were soon being dragged into a conversation that Amanda was having with a couple of women from one of their departments that dealt with international fashion and they were complaining about some software they had just invested in to make the job a little easier, but it had turned out to not be as good as they had been told it was.

    Abigail knew the piece of software they were talking about because as Adrian she kept up on all the new software coming out, so Abigail was soon joining in and telling them about a better piece of software that would work better for them, and it was only a fraction of the cost, but they could make their money back by selling the other piece of software on to a third party.

     “What’s the name of this software again?” A woman called Rebecca asked as she got her blackberry out and opened her notebook app so she could make a note of it.

    Abigail spelt out the name of the software for her and the woman looked happy to finally be getting some proper advice about something that would do what they wanted. Amanda looked impressed with Abigail’s knowledge as well.

     “Can I get your details as well Abby? Just in case I have any more questions I may need to ask.” Rebecca asked as she waited for Abigail to give her a cell phone number or email address.

    Abigail didn’t know what to say, as she didn’t have a cell phone or an email address other than the ones in Adrian’s name, and she didn’t want to give them out and get Tanya in trouble.

    Tanya came to the rescue though. Abigail is a very private person, so just come to me and I’ll get in touch with her for you and then get her to call you back.” Tanya started to explain. “She works for a very strict boss that wouldn’t be happy if they found out she was moonlighting and helping other companies out.” Tanya added in a whisper like it was a big secret.

     “That works for me, just as long as we can get hold of you one way or the other.” Rebecca said excitedly just before she ran off to tell another couple of people the good news about them getting some better software.

    Amanda was called away again, so it was just Abigail and Tanya again. “Thanks for the save just then.” Abigail whispered in Tanya’s ear. “I had no idea what I was going to say to her.” She added with a worried look.

     “Maybe we should get you a cell phone and an email address to stop this sort of thing happening in the future.” Tanya pointed out.

     “I can’t see it happening again, so what’s the point?” Abigail asked.

     “I think you just became the go to girl for all the companies’ computer problems.” Tanya said.

     “Don’t you have an IT department for all that stuff?” Abigail asked, not understanding what Tanya was getting at.

     “I’m not talking about fixing a locked up screen or a broken monitor.” Tanya frowned. “I mean that any new software and stuff like that, Amanda will want me to call you in to help find the best way to fix the problem.”

     “Oh I see.” Abigail said with a look of understanding on her face, but it soon turned to one of worry when she realised what that meant. “Oh...! But that’s a bad thing.” She added.

     “Don’t worry about it until we have to.” Tanya shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal right this second. “I never knew you knew so much about computer software.” Tanya added as she tried to help Abigail relax again.

     “I have a lot of free time at work, so I’m always looking at the latest computer markets and which programs are getting the best reviews.” Abigail explained. “You can find out far more about a new computer program from the reviews than you ever will reading the specs on it.” She added. “A software company isn’t going to tell you their new program struggles with something are they?”

     “True, I’ve never thought of it like that before.” Tanya smiled. “You’re not just some dumb blonde are you?” Tanya giggled as she looked at Abigail with her curly blonde hair.

     “I am tonight.” Abigail grinned.

     “I think you just proved otherwise.” Tanya said as she placed her hand on Abigail’s bottom and gave it a squeeze while no one was looking at them.

    Abigail and Tanya spoke to a lot more people and Abigail had a really good time, but she was glad when Tanya said she was ready to leave and get a taxi home. She was ready to get out of the angel costume and spend some time getting intimate with Tanya after she’d pealed her out of the devil costume.

Chapter Three: The Aftermath

     “Did you enjoy yourself?” Tanya asked later as they both lay cuddled up to each other in bed after making love.

     “Yes I did, at both parties, apart from the trouble with Paul that is.” Adrian said as he thought about how he’d kneed Paul in the balls when he’d tried to kiss him, or Abigail as it was.

     “It was funny though when you dropped him to his knees.” Tanya giggled as she remembered what Abigail had done. “Do you think he’ll try to find out who you are?” Tanya asked looking more serious.

     “I’m sure he will, but no one worked out who either of us were, so I can’t see him working it out as he’s going to be looking for a woman in the office, not the guy in the next cubicle over.” Adrian said not sounding worried at all.

     “That’s a good point, and you did look different to how you look now.” Tanya grinned as she climbed up on top of Adrian and then started rubbing herself up and down his manhood until it got hard again so she could impale herself on it again.

    Adrian and Tanya didn’t do much on the Sunday other than go visit Adrian’s parents and then go to a local firework display that had been set up on the local park close to where his parents lived.

    Adrian’s parents asked if they had done anything for Halloween the night before and they both lied and said they just watched a couple of horror films while eating the candy that no one came trick or treating for. Adrian’s parents seemed happy to believe the lie and didn’t ask any more questions.

    They headed home once the display was over and they had dropped Adrian’s parents off at home again. Once they were back at the flat they both got ready for bed and had an early night because they both had work the next day.

    Adrian walked into the office and was suddenly being told about the excellent party he’d missed, and how Paul had been dropped to his knees when he tried to get a little too friendly with a woman dressed as an angel.

     “Paul got beat up by a girl?” Adrian asked trying to act surprised by the news. “Who was she? I’d like to give her a medal.” Adrian added with a grin.

     “No one knows, but Jane and Becky said she definitely works here in the building, but no one’s owned up to being her yet.” A woman called Mandy said. “Someone did get the whole thing on their phone though, and it’s already up on YouTube and it’s doing the rounds on the internal computer system if you want a personal copy to keep.” She added with a grin.

     “I’d like that.” Adrian grinned as he thought about what it would feel like to look at himself dressed as Abigail while she finally taught Paul a lesson.

     “How did Paul take being dropped to his knees then?” Adrian asked.

     “He was a little pissed off and in some pain for a short time after, but he was soon his old self again when some woman showed up dressed as Catwoman and took a shine to him.” Becky said.

     “Debbie from accounts hooked up with Paul?” Adrian asked as he remembered seeing Debbie at the party dressed as Catwoman.

     “No, this Catwoman wasn’t Debbie, no one knew who she was, but Paul seemed to take a liking to her and left early with her.

    Adrian was glad he’d found someone to get off with and Adrian hoped it would stop him trying to work out who Angel was at the party.

     “How did you know Debbie was at the party as Catwoman if you didn’t go?” Becky asked as she realised what Adrian had just said.

     “I saw it on her face book page yesterday, as well as a picture of her in the costume.” Adrian quickly lied. “She looked hot in it.” Adrian added with a grin trying to sound a little like Paul would, even though he didn’t actually act anything like Paul most the time.

     “Not half as hot as the angel and the devil that showed up.” Becky said as she fanned herself like she was feeling a little hot. “Now the two of them were really sexy looking and they both knew it.” She added with a frown.

     “You were just jealous like the rest of us.” Jane said as she walked over to join in the conversation.

     “A devil...?” Adrian asked with a puzzled look, not wanting to make another slip and let them work out he was at the party, even if they never saw him there.

     “Yes there was another woman at the party with the angel, but she was dressed as a devil in a red corset and hot pants.” Jane explained. “I’m not sure who they were, but someone around here is hiding a killer body and a mean knee kick.” She added with a giggle.

     “I’m sure they will make a slip sooner or later, and we’ll find out who she is then and we can take her out and buy her a drink for teaching that sexist pig a lesson.” Becky said sounding happy with what Abigail had done to Paul Saturday night.

     “Speaking of sexist pigs, here he comes now.” Jane said as she saw Paul walk into the office looking just like he always did.

    Adrian found himself wishing that Paul would at least be walking funny, but he didn’t even look bothered by what Abigail had done to him. His cocky stride did falter though when Adrian asked him about Saturday night.

     “I hear you got shot down in flames Saturday night?” Adrian asked with a grin.

     “Not really, I just got off to a slow start, but I ended the night with one seriously sexy looking Catwoman though.” Paul said as he made the shape of an hourglass with his hands in the air.

     “I’m surprised you were able to seal the deal with what I heard happened to you.” Adrian said loud enough for most the office to hear.

    Jane, Becky and half a dozen other women and a couple of the men had to look away as they started to snigger. Paul just turned red and stormed off to his cubicle without saying another word.

    Adrian thought he could be in for a good day if Paul wasn’t speaking to him, but it wasn’t to be that good as he found Paul stood in the open doorway to his cubicle a little later.

     “Tell me what you heard about Saturday night?” Paul said as he ducked down and started whispering. “Has anyone said who that bitch of a dark angel was, or her bitch of a devil side kick?” Paul asked with a snarl.

     “No one’s said anything to me about knowing who she is, sorry.” Adrian said as he tried not to let his temper get the better of him again as Paul called Tanya a bitch. “I doubt you’ll ever find out, and what could you do if you did? You don’t grab me as the type to go hitting girls, and by the sounds of it you did kind of ask for it trying to kiss her.” Adrian added.

     “I won’t hit her, but I do owe her for making a fool of me.” Paul growled. “Some asshole even filmed it and put it up on YouTube.” He added sounding more shocked now.

     “Has it got any good comments yet?” Adrian asked as he tried not to laugh.

     “Whose side are you on?” Paul asked sounding hurt.

     “I’m Switzerland.” Adrian said with his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. “I wasn’t there, so I can’t comment on any of it.” He added as he went back to work hoping that Paul would go and carry on as well.

    Paul was just about to say something when his cell phone pinged to let him know he had a text message, so he vanished after looking at the screen and seeing it was from Catwoman, but not before letting Adrian know who it was from.

    Adrian shook his head and found himself hoping that Paul never found out who Angel was, as that would mean lots of trouble for him.

    The story will continue in the next Abigail adventure, and we will find out if Paul ever finds out who the Angel was at the Halloween party.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this story and I hope you enjoy reading some of my other stuff while you wait for me to add more to this one.

    Hugs, Love and Happy Reading.



Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

2012-10-30 14:47:24 -0400

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Couldn't Have Happened To A Nicer Guy!

jengrl's picture

Paul getting kneed in the groin by Abigail was awesome! He has had it coming for a long time. He needs to learn some serious lessons about how he treats women. I'm wondering if Lilith wasn't the mystery Catwoman he ended up leaving with afterward. She seems like she would be a match made in Heaven for the creep! Paul is the type of guy I wouldn't feel sorry for one bit, if he met up with a Lorena Bobbitt type one of these days and suffered the same fate!


High Step

Bit surprised by Adrian turnin violent while in girl mode annoyin Paul n alcohol notwithstandin but otherwise another fun episode n those costumes sound hot lookin forward to the next adventure Ms UK x k-jo

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me

Abigails Halloween Adventure 03-01

Could Catwoman be Lilith? Wouldn't put it past to learn who Adrian is and get Paul in her corner to hurt Adrian/Abigail and Tanya.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Great opeing for a sequel

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Loved the story. I have add my vote to the "couldn't happen to a nicer guy," crowd. But I think that Adrian/Abigail's biggest problem isn't the possibility of Paul discovering who the angel was, it's Rebecca being so grateful for the software tip that she offers Abigail a job and Tanya not letting him/her turn it down.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Fun Chapter...

Like others, I'm wondering if the connection with Rebecca may prove more troublesome than the one with Paul. I suppose Catwoman may be Lilith -- it's not as though we've met any other candidates -- but if so, did she know where Adrian works, or did she follow their cab from the apartment, or what?

And for some reason -- more related, I suppose, to similar stories than to anything that I've seen in this one -- I have the feeling that Adrian's mom, at least, knows about his feminine side.

Looking forward to our next exciting episode (g).


I suspect you are right about catwoman

It is possible catwoman is Lilith and that may be how Adrian might get outed. OTOH, Adrian's talents do not seem to be appreciated at his current place of employment. Tanya's place of employment has already met Abigail and likes her though whether they will have the same reaction as Adrian is another matter. At this point I do not see how Adrian would be forced to work at Tanya's as Abigail and probably can still work as Adrian.

Figuring out what Paul's problem with Adrian will prove interesting for this series.


Abigails Halloween Adventure

It was a sweet chapter, I can just see the scene for myself,
you write pretty well about the funny scenes

Very entertaining

So cute; wished I could be there to watch Paul's discomfort. Maybe Abigail shouldn't attend any more of her work's events. TBCH, in today's world Abigail and Tanya wouldn't have even gotten in the door without Abigail having to show Adrian's ID. :( Takes some of the fun away.

>>> Kay