Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-03

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 ©October 2012

Part Three of Four

Chapter Five: Wednesday

    Adrian woke to the sound of Tanya giggling and looked a little puzzled when he saw that Tanya was giggling at him.

     “What’s so funny?” Adrian asked sounding a little hurt as he sat up, but he suddenly remembered that it was Abigail that went to bed with Tanya last night, and he realised she must look a right mess this morning because she’d not removed any of the makeup or wig.

     “I’m sorry baby, but you do look a little bit of a dishevelled mess this morning.” Tanya said between giggles, but she did lean in and give Adrian a good morning kiss to show she still loved him, or her as he still had the bra and breast forms attached as well as the suspender belt and stockings on.

     “That’s what happens when the bread winner demands that the wife service them.” Adrian said in his feminine voice.

     “True, but you offer such a wonderful service, both in the kitchen and the bedroom.” Tanya purred as she pushed Adrian back down on the bed and slid up on top of him to carry on where they left off the night before.

    Adrian thought about warning Tanya they would be late for work, but then decided ‘what the hell’ And just let Tanya work her magic.

     “I can see why you were laughing at me now!” Adrian shouted from the bathroom when he looked in the mirror and saw the mess the wig was in, and the makeup was smeared all over his face.

    They had spent an hour that morning making love to each other, and were now running late as Adrian set to work making himself look like a man again.

     “I still think you’re beautiful though.” Tanya said as she walked into the bathroom and started running the shower as she slipped out of the dressing gown and then stepped into the shower. “I have room for one more in here.” She added with a grin as she poked her head around the shower door and smiled at him.

     “I think I might have to skip it this morning as I still need to remove this makeup and these nails.” Adrian pointed out as he held up his hands to let Tanya see the long pink nails stuck to the end of each one.

     “Work fast and then help me get clean.” Tanya said in a hurt sounding voice as she pouted at him.

    Adrian quickly removed the wig as he ran back into the bedroom and placed the wig back on its stand before grabbing the remover for the nails. He winced a bit as he pulled the nails off his own, as he hadn’t given them quite enough time to work before doing so. Once his false nails were removed he then grabbed the releasing agent for the breast forms and removed them. He felt a loss as he took the second one off and then ran his hand over his flat hairless chest.

    Not wanting to miss out on helping Tanya to get clean, he sat at his dressing table and grabbed a couple of wipes, and then he started to remove all the messed up makeup from his face. Once that was done he got up and then ran back into the bathroom to join Tanya in the shower.

     “Good morning Lover.” Tanya purred as she wrapped her wet soapy arms around him and then kissed him.

     “Good Morning.” He smiled back after the kiss. “Do you want me to wash your back for you?” He asked as he grabbed a wash cloth and set to work before waiting for an answer.

    They were both spotless when they stepped out the shower and helped each other to get dried, then Adrian led Tanya to the kitchen for some breakfast before she had to go over to her own place to get dressed for work.

     “Toast and cereal okay for breakfast?” Adrian asked. “I’m not sure we have time for anything fancy this morning.” He added after looking at the time.

     “Sounds good to me.” Tanya smiled as she put the kettle on and then got a couple of mugs out the cupboard and set to work making them a cup of coffee each. “That’s what I’d have if I was in my own place.” She added.

     “Only when you have bread and milk.” Adrian reminded her. “I bet you still haven’t got either of them?” He asked.

     “No, but I do have a loving housewife to take care of me now.” She grinned back at him. “And in my own defence, I was working late last night.” She added with a pout.

     “You need to take better care of yourself.” Adrian said sounding worried.

     “I know, but I just forget sometimes, and with living on my own, it’s hard to find things to buy that I fancy cooking from one day to the next, but thanks for worrying about me.” Tanya smiled warmly.

     “Were you being serious last night, or just joking with me?” Adrian asked looking serious himself.

     “Serious about what?” Tanya asked looking puzzled. “I said a lot of things to you last night.” She added with a grin as she thought about all the fun they got up to in the bedroom after the meal Abigail cooked for them.

     “You said you wanted me as your wife.” Adrian reminded her.

     “I don’t want you to become a woman and have a sex change or something like that.” Tanya said looking panicked now. “I just meant I didn’t want to lose you. I think you’re an amazing catch.” She added as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

     “Are you talking about us moving in together?” Adrian asked, not sure if he was getting the wrong idea about all of this.

     “Would you want to do that?” Tanya asked looking hopeful, as she lifted her head and looked Adrian in the eyes to see his reaction to the idea.

     “I’d love to, but don’t you think we’re rushing things?” He asked nervously. “What if we find we can’t live together or you find someone you love more than me?” He added.

     “We’ve been together since I knocked on your door Friday night, and apart for Friday night, we’ve spent every night in the same bed making love.” Tanya grinned. “Amazing love by the way.” She added with an even bigger grin, which Adrian didn’t think was possible. “I love you more and more with each day that passes, and I want to be with you forever.” She said with a sigh as she hugged him tighter to her and rested her head on his shoulder again.

     “Who moves in where?” Adrian asked making his mind up that life was too short to not take the odd chance here and there.

     “I want to move in with you!” Tanya said excitedly as she lifted her head up again and looked him in the eyes. “Your place looks much better than mine, and the kitchen is nicer.” She added with a grin.

     “We will need to do some work in the spare room, so we can get all your clothes in there.” Adrian said with a grin as he thought about having access to all those things.

     “Our clothes baby. I want Abigail to have as much fun as she can.” Tanya corrected him. “It will also stop Lilith from being able to bug me so much.” She added with a little anger in her voice.

     “I thought you’d told her to get lost the other night?” Adrian said sounding shocked.

     “She was waiting for me down stairs last night when I pulled up.” Tanya said with a roll of her eyes. “She wanted to give ‘us’ another chance to patch things up.” She added with air quotes on the ‘us’.

     “What did you say to her?” Adrian asked.

     “I told her there was no us, and I wanted nothing more to do with her, then I entered the block of flats and pulled the door shut behind me to let her know it was over and I wanted nothing more to do with her from that point.” Tanya said with a heavy sigh.

     “I’m sorry.” Adrian said as he hugged her this time. “I know it must still hurt to lose a friend like that.” He added.

     “It’s not your fault she’s a world class bitch, and she was never a true friend if she could do something like that, not that she had to because the guy was a waste of space.” Tanya said with a chuckle. “Did me a big favour though, because I found you.” She added as she cuddled into Adrian even more.

     “Well you found a girl called Abigail, I just came along later.” He reminded her.

     “Two for the price of one.” Tanya said with a grin when they broke the hug. “We better see about getting some breakfast, or we will both be late for work.” Tanya added when she saw the time.

    Adrian looked at the clock on the wall and saw she was right, so he set to work on making the toast and then getting the cereal out the cupboard and the milk out the fridge.

     “Do you still want to go out tonight?” Adrian asked as they ate breakfast.

     “I can’t go out with you tonight.” Tanya said with a pained look.

     “Oh, I though you said we were going out tonight?” Adrian asked looking a little let down by the news.

     “I’d love to go out with you, but I promised my best friend that we’d go out and do something. Sorry about that.” Tanya said with a pout.

     “Oh I see, but I thought you said that Lilith was your best friend, and you’re not friends with her anymore.” Adrian asked looking confused.

     “Abigail is my best friend now, and I promised to go out with her this evening.” Tanya said as a grin broke out across her face. “I so had you going then.” She added with a giggle.

     “I was talking about you and Abigail going out when I spoke anyway.” Adrian grumbled, but he was happy that their night out was still on, even if he would be Abigail for it.

     “I know, but I just felt like having some fun with you.” She giggled some more.

     “What do you have planned for this girl’s night out?” Adrian asked.

     “I was thinking about getting a taxi into the city and then having a nice dinner before moving onto a night club for some dancing.” Tanya explained her plan. “And it will be my treat because you cooked such a wonderful dinner last night.” She said before Adrian could argue with her about it.

     “I’m sure Abigail will be fine with that.” Adrian smiled back.

     “How long do you think Abigail will need to get ready?” Tanya asked with a grin. She found it fun talking to Adrian, knowing that he could become the beautiful creature she spent last night with, she found herself wishing that Abigail was around more often though, but without losing the part of Adrian she loved so much.

     “An hour to an hour and a half.” Adrian said after running through the process in his head roughly. “If you’re thinking of booking a table then I’d make it two hours to be on the safe side.” He added.

     “And men bitch about women taking a long time to get ready for a date.” Tanya teased.

     “You don’t have as much work to do as me to look like a beautiful woman.” Adrian smiled. “You just roll out of bed looking beautiful.” He added as he leaned over and gave her a jammy kiss.

     “You say the sweetest things, and taste of them as well.” She giggled as she licked her lips and tasted the jam from his toast on them. “I’ll book a table for eight, that way we will have plenty of time to get ready and get there without rushing.”

     “What if you end up working late again?” Adrian asked.

     “I won’t, that is why I stopped later last night, to make sure I was free this evening to spend time with my girlfriend.” Tanya said with a grin.

     “Do you think you’ll be free at lunchtime today?” Adrian asking looking hopeful.

     “That’s another reason that I was so busy yesterday, I wanted to make sure I could spend this lunch time with you.” She grinned even more. “I’ll pick you up outside your office at just after twelve like I did the other day.”

     “That’s great, I really enjoyed Monday.” Adrian was the one grinning this time.

     “Me too.” Tanya grinned back.

    They both finished their breakfast and then Tanya went over to her place to get dressed for work, while Adrian went to his bedroom and did the same. Tanya was driving Adrian to work again so he waited for her out in the hallway, then they both walked down the short hallway to the Elevator.

     “My mum called last night while I was waiting for you to get home.” Adrian started. “I told her about you, and she wants to meet you as much as you want to meet my parents. I said we’d need to sort out a day to go over and see them.” Adrian explained.

     “Where do they live?” Tanya asked.

     “Just down in Tollerton.”

     “That’s just down the A52 isn’t it?” Tanya asked to make sure she had the right place.

     “Yes, that’s the place.” Adrian said looking impressed that Tanya knew the place.

     “We could drive down Saturday or Sunday, but that would mean Abigail missing out on being around.” Tanya said.

     “I think we can cope with Abigail taking a weekend off or a day anyway. It’s been a couple of months since I got back to see them, and I really want them to meet the woman I’ve fallen in love with.” Adrian said with pride.

     “I love you too.” Tanya said as she threw her arms around him and then planted a kiss on his lips, but they had to break the kiss and the hug when a woman got on the elevator with a stroller.

    The two of them settled for holding hands and smiling at each other while stood at the back of the elevator. They all got off on the ground floor and Adrian and Tanya made their way to Tanya’s car and set off towards the centre of Nottingham and another busy day at work for the two of them.

     “I’d thought we’d go for a walk in the city this lunchtime, so I’ll meet you outside here, but I’ll be on foot this time.” Tanya explained when she pulled up outside Adrian’s place of work.

     “Okay.” Adrian grinned, just happy to be seeing Tanya at lunchtime. He’d felt lost yesterday only stopping for a quick lunch to avoid spending time with Paul and his constant stream of questions about his new girlfriend.

     “See you later then.” Tanya said leaning over and getting a kiss from Adrian just before he got out the car and waved to Tanya as she drove away.

    Adrian threw his backpack over his shoulder and made his way into the office and then made a start on his day.

    The office was busy today, so Paul couldn’t bug Adrian, which made Adrian glad to be busy for once, and he was well ahead of his work load for the day by the time the clock said it was time for lunch. Adrian logged off his computer and locked it down; before he grabbed his back pack and made his way down to meet up with Tanya.

    Adrian arrived on the ground floor and was stood outside at just after twelve, but it was now nearly quarter past, and still no Tanya. Adrian let out a groan when he saw Paul step out of the office block and make his way over.

     “Looks like you’ve been stood up mate.” Paul said sounding a little too smug about it as he patted Adrian on the back. “Join me in the pub; I’ll even treat you to a pint.” Paul added as he tried to push Adrian towards the pub he often went to at lunchtime.

     “Thanks for the offer Paul, but my girlfriend will be here any minute.” Adrian said with hope in his voice as he looked up and down the road, not knowing which direction she’d be coming from.

     “If the bitch can’t show up on time, then screw her!” Paul said sounding harsh.

    Adrian wanted to say he did screw her all the time, but thought better of saying something like that to Paul; he’d be having fantasies about Tanya, something Adrian could do without.

     “I’d rather you not talk about my girlfriend like that Paul, you don’t know her, and she must have a good reason for being late.

    As if on cue Adrian saw Tanya run around the corner, well if you could call it a run in the tight fitting pencil skirt and high heels she had chosen to wear that day.

     “I’m sorry I’m late baby, but I had a hell of a time finding some place to park.” Tanya said sounding out of breath as she threw her arms around Adrian and then kissed him with real passion.

    Paul was stood with his mouth hanging open looking at the two of them when they stopped kissing. Adrian wanted to grin and punch his fist into the air, but thought it would kill the moment.

     “Paul, this is Tanya, Tanya this is Paul.” Adrian said.

     “Hi Paul, Adrian has told me so much about you.” Tanya said with a smile as she held out her hand to shake Paul’s.

     “Hi Tanya, sadly Adrian has told me very little about you, even though I’ve tried to make him spill the beans about you two love birds.” Paul said as she looked Tanya up and down like he was undressing her with his eyes.

     “We like to keep some mystery to our relationship.” Tanya said with a grin just before she kissed Adrian again. “We better get going, or we’ll never get any lunch at this rate.” Tanya added as she looked at her watch.

    Adrian could see that Paul was waiting for one of them to ask him if he wanted to join them, but Tanya knew enough about Paul from Adrian to know that was a bad idea, so she just slipped her arm through Adrian’s and let him lead the two of them away.

     “I’ll see you later back at the office.” Adrian shouted to Paul over his shoulder and he watched Paul checking out Tanya’s backside.

     “He’s looking at my ass isn’t he?” Tanya asked with some humour in her voice.

     “I don’t even have to look back to answer that question.” Adrian said with a roll of his eyes just before he started chuckling. “Paul is a pervert, but he’s normally pretty harmless.” Adrian added.

     “Normally?” Tanya asked with a raised eyebrow. “What sort of guys do you hang with most the time?” She asked with a smirk.

     “I don’t hang with him.” Adrian shot back with wide eyes. “He sort of hangs with me, or bugs me.” He grumbled. “I wish he’d leave me alone most the time.”

     “Maybe he just feels sorry for you most the time, and now you’ve found yourself a girlfriend, he may just want to stop you screwing it up.” Tanya said in Paul’s defence.

     “He told me not to call you for a couple of days to let you know who was in charge.”

     “I take it back then; he’s just your typical male asshole.” Tanya frowned.

     “Does that make me a typical male asshole as well?” Adrian asked with a hurt look.

     “You baby are not a typical male full stop.” Tanya purred as she stopped walking and turned to face Adrian. “And you are most definitely not an asshole.” She added as she grabbed his tie and pulled him closer for a kiss.

    Adrian was grinning when they broke the kiss, and he was walking on cloud 9 as they saw all the men and some of the women all looking at them as they started walking again. Adrian thought all the men were trying to work out what a beautiful creature like Tanya was doing with someone like him, and the women were trying to work out the same thing, but for a different reason. Either way it made Adrian feel special. Adrian also found himself feeling jealous of Tanya and all the other women dressed in their skirts and stockings, he just wished he was Abigail right now enjoying the breeze blowing around his stocking covered legs, something he’s loved on Saturday and Sunday when they went out.

    They called in at a sandwich shop and grabbed some lunch before going to the square in the centre of the city to enjoy the sunshine, something that was rare in the UK, even in summer.

     “You’ll be on the other side of the fence this evening baby.” Tanya said when she saw Adrian looking at a couple of women walk past in cute little outfits. Tanya could have been angry with him for checking out the other women, but she knew he was just looking at their outfits, and the look in his eyes as he looked said he wanted to be the one wearing those clothes.

     “I’m sorry.” Adrian blushed when he realised that Tanya had seen him looking.

     “I don’t mind.” She smiled. “They did look good, but you’d look cutter in both those outfits.” She added with a grin as she shuffled a little closer to Adrian and let him wrap an arm around her while he ate his sandwich with the other.

     “Do you look at girls and find them attractive?” Adrian asked.

     “Not like you’d think, but I never knew what I wanted until I saw you dressed on Friday, well Saturday when I worked out the truth, and then when I saw you as your male self, and I thought about how different you looked in each form... Well you know the rest.” She added with a sigh.

     “Best weekend of my life, and this week is shaping up to be the best week of it as well, so far.” He was grinning as he said it.

     “The first of many I hope.” Tanya replied.

     “Me too.” Adrian agreed.

    The two of them ate their lunch and then spent twenty minutes wandering around some of the shops before making their way back to their officers. Tanya worked just down the road from Adrian, so they said goodbye outside his office block, and then he waved to Tanya as she carried on walking down the road and then around the corner out of sight.

    He let out a sigh as he looked at his watch and saw that it was going to be a long afternoon until he saw her again when she picked him up after work. Making his way back into the building, he went up to his floor and got stuck in, hoping that keeping busy would help the time pass quicker.

Chapter Six: Girls night out

    The afternoon did go a little quicker, but Adrian was still glad to see the clock hit five, and then he was even happier to see Tanya waiting for him when he left the building and saw her car sat there waiting for him. He jumped in and gave her a kiss and a quick hug before letting her pull off and get them home, so he could get busy becoming Abigail.

    To speed things up, Tanya went to her own flat to get ready and let Adrian focus on bringing Abigail out. Tanya knew that if she sat and watched Adrian transform himself, they would never get out the flat, and she wanted to show off her girlfriend, and have a good time dancing and maybe tricking some guys into buying them some drinks, but Tanya was going to keep that a secret until they were in the club dancing.

    Adrian took a quick shower and shaved his legs again to make sure they were silky smooth, and then he walked back to his bedroom and started to get ready.

    The first thing he did was sit on the bed and attach the breast forms. The top he was wearing this evening had a low back to it, so he wouldn’t be able to wear a bra, so he used extra glue to make sure they wouldn’t come loose, not that they would without the releasing agent. Once the breast forms were well and truly stuck, he slipped into a pair of light support panties to help keep his manhood hidden once it was tucked between his legs and his balls had been pushed back up into the place they first came from. It took some doing, but looked good once he had it done.

    With the Panties on and his groin smooth and feminine looking, he picked up a pair of black pantyhose and sat back on the bed to slip them on. Adrian loved the feel of Stockings and Pantyhose on his legs, and he had to take some deep breaths to calm himself. It would be very painful if he got too excited with how his manhood was folded back between his legs right now.

    Once he had the pantyhose on, he got up and walked over to where the full length mirror was and smiled as he looked in it and saw a female form looking back at him. If it wasn’t for the seam around the edge of the breast forms and the short hair, you would think he was a woman.

     ‘Stop being so vain, and get back to getting ready before Tanya shows up.’ Adrian thought to himself as he spun in his stocking feet and took a seat at his dressing table and set to work on his makeup. He went for a heavy look as it was an evening meal and they were going clubbing after, so people would expect Abigail to wear more makeup. Adrian watched as he did each stage and he disappeared andand Abigail started to show.

    He was soon looking at a short haired Abigail, and he was about to fix that with the wig. He’d already put on the wig cap to cover his short hair, and also help keep the wig on once he’d pinned it in place. With the wig on and pinned in place, he brushed it out and then set to work attaching some false nails that he’d already painted.

    Adrian, now Abigail got up from the dressing table and walked over to the bed where she had a silver silk top laid out on the bed next to the leather miniskirt she’d bought on Saturday. Abigail picked up the leather miniskirt and undid the clip on the back and then pulled down the zip, which was a little tricky with the longer nails attached to her own fingernails, but she soon had it undone and then she stepped into it and pulled it up, having a little trouble getting it over her ample hips, something that looked weird when he was Adrian, but looked perfectly normal, if not a little sexy on Abigail. With the skirt closed and zipped up, Abigail took a couple of seconds to run her hands over the soft creamy feel of the leather now wrapped around her bottom and the top of her legs. Even though the skirt was short, it still covered plenty of her legs, so she wouldn’t be flashing her panties if she bent over.

    Next she picked up the Silver top and slipped it over her head, being very careful not to spoil her hair. The top was high at the front to stop people seeing her breast weren’t real, but pooled at the bottom of her back to reveal her bare back. The breast forms Abigail used had little lumps to indicate nipples, so they were just visible through the silver silk top, which to Abigail looked sexy, and she knew it would get her looked at in the club later in the evening, and she wondered what sort of effect it would have on Tanya when she saw her.

    Tanya had almost bought the leather skirt and top for Abigail when she saw her in them on Saturday, but Abigail wouldn’t let her, but she did buy them herself which left Tanya with a grin on her face as they left the shop they bought them from.

    Abigail sat on the edge of the bed and then slipped on the killer heels she’d decided to wear with the rest of her outfit. She wasn’t sure it was such a good idea, but she loved the way they made her legs look, and they were perfect with the leather mini and silver silk top. The shoes had a four inch heel, but no platform sole, so they didn’t make her look to tall. Adrian was only five feet five inches tall normally, so even in four inch heels Abigail was only five, nine. With the ankle strap done up on each shoe, Abigail rose to her feet and then walked over to the full length mirror and took a look at the finished result, and she loved what she saw.

    Gone was the plain looking man that everyone saw on a day to day basis, leaving a very attractive looking female, ready for a night out with her girlfriend in more ways than one.

    Abigail didn’t feel any of the worry she’d felt over the weekend, she was looking forward to letting the world see the woman Adrian had worked so hard to bring out and enjoy becoming. A knock at the door soon broke Abigail away from looking at herself, as she went to let Tanya in, so they could get going and begin their midweek adventure.

     “Wow, you look more beautiful every time you become her.” Tanya said when Abigail opened the front door to let her in.

     “Are you sure I don’t look to slutty?” Abigail asked in her husky female voice as she stepped back and did a quick spin.

     “You look hot and sexy, but not slutty.” Tanya purred as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around Abigail, feeling their breasts push against each other, a feeling that made them both smile just before their lips met in a silky soft touch that felt warm and sticky as their lip gloss made them not want to part when the kiss ended.

     “I’m glad you like the look, but I still look ugly next to you.” Abigail said finding it hard to maintain the female sound to her voice, due to the kiss they just shared.

     “I don’t like the way you look, I love it.” Tanya said looking serious. “And you’re far from being ugly, you were born to be Abigail, those legs of yours are wasted on a man.” She added with a jealous pout.

     “I think you have beautiful legs.” Abigail grinned as she leaned to one side and ran her hand up Tanya’s stocking covered leg from her knee up over the short purple skirt she was wearing to let it rest on Tanya’s bottom where she gave it a little squeeze, forcing Tanya to jump forward into Abigail’s embrace.

     “Bad girl!” Tanya giggled.

     “Haven’t you heard?” Abigail asked with a smirk.

     “Heard what” Tanya asked looking a little puzzled.

     “Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere.” Abigail explained as she leaned in and kissed Tanya as the last word left her lips.

     “You sound like my type of girl.” Tanya grinned just before she licked her lips and tasted the remains of Abigail’s lipstick on them. “But we better fix our makeup before we leave.” Tanya added when she saw the mess that Abigail’s was in, and knew that hers wasn’t going to look much better.

    They both fixed their makeup, and just in time as Tanya received a call to let her know their taxi was waiting for them down stairs, so they both took one final look in the mirror and made sure they had everything they would need in their purses before leaving Abigail/Adrian’s flat and making their way down in the elevator and getting in the taxi.

    The taxi driver was talkative again, just like the one they had Saturday night when they went out, but this time Abigail joined in the banter. Tanya kept smiling at her to let her know she was doing wonderful, and looked far more relaxed in the female role.

    They were soon pulling up outside the restaurant Tanya had booked a table for them at, and they got out, thanking the taxi driver and giving him a good tip before they entered the place looking like a couple of friends out for a meal. Abigail didn’t want to draw to much attention to either of them, they seemed to be doing that anyway just by the way they looked.

    Abigail had to hide a giggle when she saw a couple of the other customers get a slap upside the head by their wife’s for looking a little too much at the two of them. The waiter seated them both and then waited for a drinks order. Tanya ordered a bottle of wine and then smiled as she waited for him to return with it.

     “You weren’t joking about being a bad girl were you?” Tanya whispered as she leaned forward and giggled while hiding her head behind one of the menus. “Did you see the looks you were getting? And some of them were from the women.” Tanya added.

     “They were looking at you as well.” Abigail argued.

     “True, but I think you were getting more looks than I was, not that I can blame them with your ass swaying from side to side in that leather skirt.” Tanya growled in a low whisper. “You’re driving me wild tonight dressed like that.” She added with a wild look in her eyes that made Abigail want to ask for the check, so they could go back to the flat.

     “Well this bad girl came out to eat and then let her hair down and do some dancing, then, and only then will I let you have your wicked way with me.” Abigail whispered back, but looked up when she realised the waiter had returned with the bottle of wine, and was looking at the two of them with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out. His eyes looked glazed over and Abigail wondered if he was picturing the two of them in bed together. Abigail smirked when she thought about him not getting the right image in his mind, and she wondered if he’d still be thinking about it if he knew the truth about what lay inside the tight fitting panties she had on.

    The waiter finally pulled himself together when he realised that Abigail and Tanya were both looking up at him waiting for their drinks. He placed the bottle on the table and then made a quick retreat to the kitchen.

     “Do you think he’s telling everyone what he overheard?” Tanya asked with a giggle as she looked at a blushing Abigail sat facing her.

     “I hope not.” Abigail whispered back looking worried to begin with, but she couldn’t help letting out a little giggle when she saw that Tanya was giggling about it.

     “I think he’d be shocked to see what we really get up to in your bedroom.” Tanya sniggered as she had to put her hands over her mouth trying to silence the noise of it. “But then again, that might just turn him on even more.” Tanya added with a raised eyebrow.

     “It’s not a shame he’ll never find out.” Abigail warned. “I have no desire to do anything with or in front of a guy.” She added with a shudder.

     “That’s okay, because I don’t plan on sharing you with anyone.” Tanya smiled.

    The waiter finally returned to take their order and then they enjoyed a lovely meal. They shared a dish of ice cream for dessert and had two bottles of wine by the time they left the restaurant. Neither of them missed the large number of staff at the restaurant that came to serve them, so they worked out that the waiter must have gone back to the kitchen and told them all what he overheard, not that they were bothered about it.

    Both of them were a little giggly when they left the restaurant, but they flagged down a taxi and get a lift to the club Tanya wanted to go to and they were soon making their way into the club and started dancing as they weaved their way through the people to the bar where they ordered a couple of JD’s and coke.

    They found a table and sat down to enjoy the drinks and take in what was around them before they made their way onto the dance floor. It wasn’t long before some guys started hitting on them, but Tanya told them they were waiting for their boyfriends to get back from someplace.

    Tanya fended off a couple more after the first two, and then the two of them decided to go on the dance floor for a bit to get away from them. The two of them danced to several songs and then went back to the bar to get another drink, but before Tanya could pay for them, a guy paid the bill and then handed the two of them their drink with a smile.

    Abigail was waiting for Tanya to blow him off, but she took the drink and smiled at him. Abigail shot Tanya a look that asked her what she was playing at, but Tanya just rolled her eyes in a way as to say ‘Just play along.’ Abigail didn’t like this idea, but couldn’t really do anything about it without tipping off the two guys they were now stood with. Abigail followed Tanya and the guy that paid for the drinks with the guy’s friend latching on to her like they were an item.

    Tanya let the drink’s guy pull out her seat for her and then help her sit down, so Abigail did the same and smiled a thank you at the guy who thought his luck was in. Abigail was feeling really nervous about this, and she was jealous of how the guy sat with Tanya was stroking her shoulder, and she was just letting him as she sipped on her drink and laughed at whatever he was whispering in her ear.

    Abigail was distracted away from watching Tanya get hit on when the guy sat next to her asked her a question, but she didn’t catch what he asked.

     “I’m sorry?” She asked him to repeat the question.

     “I asked if you come here often?!” The man shouted to be heard above the music.

     “No!” Abigail shouted back as she shook her head from side to side.

     “You’re very beautiful!” He said with a grin as his eyes seemed to focus on her chest.

     ‘Typical male.’ Abigail thought to herself. ‘HELLO PERVERT! My head’s up here.’ Her inner bitch was screaming at him, but she just pushed her chest out a little more to let him know he’d been caught looking, not that he looked bothered by it, looking at the grin on his face.

     “Thank you.” Abigail said trying to be nice. She felt like saying ‘I know I am, shame about you though.’ But she just wanted to get this over with and leave as soon as she could get Tanya away from Mr Octopus.

    Abigail looked even more shocked when she saw Mr Octopus get up and help Tanya to her feet before Tanya leaned over and shouted she was going on the dance floor. She did ask Abigail to join them, but she didn’t want to have Mr Pervert’s hands all over her in the middle of a dance floor, so she shook her head from side to side to say she’d pass. She did give Tanya an unhappy look, but she just turned and walked away with Mr Octopus.

     “I’m glad you decided not to go dance, I can’t dance to save my life.” Mr Pervert informed her.

     ‘Wonderful, I wish I’d gone with them now, but if I suddenly got up and went to dance with Tanya, he would think I don’t like him.’ Abigail thought to herself. ‘Wait a minute, I don’t give a fuck if I hurt his feelings, but my feet are killing me, and I’m not sure I could cope with dancing until he gets bored and goes in search of easier pray.’ She didn’t have time to think about it anymore because she felt his breath on her neck, and when she turned to see what he was doing, he kissed her and tried to stick his tongue down her throat while placing a hand on the back of her head and trying to force the other one up between her legs.

    Abigail just reacted and dug her nails into his cheek and left four deep scratches down one side of his face and then she pushed him away before she slapped him with her other hand and got up from the table to go find Tanya and tell her it was time to leave.

    She ran down onto the dance floor as fast as she could in the four inch heels and came to a dead stop when she saw that Tanya’s lip were locked onto Mr Octopus as they kissed each other in the middle of the dance floor, and it looked like Tanya was enjoying every minute of it as she had her hands gripping Mr Octopus’s hair.

    Abigail felt the bottom fall out her world as she stood there for what felt like an eternity before they stopped and Tanya looked around and saw Abigail looking at her with tears running down her cheeks. Abigail just turned and walked away, left the club and jumped in the first taxi that came along. She choked out her address to the driver and then sat back and sobbed.

     “Are you alright darling?” The driver asked.

     “No, I’ve been an idiot.” Abigail snuffled, but didn’t say anymore, and the drive must have realised that it would be best to leave her to deal with whatever the problem was and just get her to the address she gave as quick as he could.

    She paid the fare and told him to keep the change when he pulled up outside the block of flats, and then she ran in and took the elevator up to her floor and got in the flat as fast as she could. She went to her bedroom and started to remove all the clothes.

    It took less than ten minutes for Abigail to vanish and leave Adrian sat at the dressing table looking at Abigail scattered around the room. The breast forms thrown on the bed where he dropped them after removing them, the clothes all over the floor, leaving him sat at the dressing table naked. For the first time since he could remember, he hated the fact he was a cross-dresser, and he got up and grabbed all the things up off the floor and the bed before throwing it all in the wardrobe and slamming the door shut on it.

     “I knew it was too good to be true, I was such a fool to think anyone could love me in either form.” He said as he fell on the bed heartbroken.

    There was a knocking at the front door, but all Adrian did was crawl under the covers and press a pillow over his head to block out the sound. He knew it was going to be Tanya, and he didn’t have anything to say to her, not after what he saw on the dance floor at the club.


To Be ConcludedNext Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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The Way Tanya's Behaving...

...she and Lilith may deserve each other.

It had me wondering about Tanya's excuse for being late at lunch -- was she setting up something for the evening? Adrian never did see whether Tanya was actually parked around the corner, as opposed to having someone dropping her off and picking her up there, but that's probably stretching suspicion into paranoia. At least we know it isn't Paul...


Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-03

Abigail and Tanya need to talk

May Your Light Forever Shine

Tanya Hide

Am lovin this story Ms UK Tanya's my kind o girl but this is over the knee behaviour hope they can resolve n move on coz she's definitely good for Abigail k-jo

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me


What a twist!! Myself and I would asume many others did not see this happen. Yes I thought it would be Lilith or Paul to upset our 2 lovebirds, but Tanya making out on the dance floor for all to see. "shock / horror ".
But thinking aback is our Tanya a female version of Paul; I mean so far thiers Lilith,+ the ex boyfriend (who Lilith cheated with) + Adrian/Abigail and now it would appear anyone who'ed buy drinks in a club.
And poor Adrian is Tanya his first or second and Abigail was Virgo Intacto before Tanya .
Well hurry up Tuesday can't wait to find the conclusion

Oh dear, god I felt my tummy

Oh dear, god I felt my tummy churn when Abby saw Tanya with that guy, I know the feeling of that discovery and it's a horrible feeling.

I hope Adrian/Abby gets through this and doesn't end up purging

Big hugs

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

Abigails Midweek Adventure

It wasn't so good for poor Abigail, was Tanya a little too quick with that guy? or is it a plot?
I'm waiting for the next chapter