The Boy Who Never Was Part 2 of 3

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Following his mother's death, Robert was embracing his true feminine identity more around the house - but following his meeting with Scott en-femme could he carry that forward into the outdoor world?

Chapter 2

Robert had found a beige sweater dress in his mother’s discarded clothes and decided it would be far more casual to wear to the shops than the red silk number he loved, so he changed into it and added a pair of brown ankle boots with a 2 inch heel and a brown shoulder bag and decided he looked good enough to pass muster. He emptied his wallet into one of his mother’s old purses and popped it into his shoulder bag along with a lipstick and compact and threw in his house keys as he pulled the front door closed and walked confidently down to the bus stop.

He was still pumped full of adrenaline from his meeting with Scott and once sat on the bus and clearly not drawing any unusual attention his thoughts went back to what had happened less than an hour before. He had felt something for another man. He hadn’t “pretended” in the way he was pretending to be female at the moment. Scott’s attentions had given him tingles all over his body – a body that hadn’t reacted that way before, a body that was so lacking in hormones that it never seemed to react to the expected stimuli.

But Scott’s eyes, Scott’s smile, Scott’s body . . .Robert glanced around himself nervously. He was getting dreamy eyed over another male in public while dressed as a woman ! This was so wrong – wasn’t it? Up until a week ago he would have declared it unthinkably wrong and yet events had created this opportunity and now he was sat on public transport with handbag, makeup and heels and even the bus driver had called him “dear” when he paid for his ticket. He appeared to have switched sides remarkably easily and wasn’t convinced he was ready for the change.

His stop came all too soon and he stepped down from the bus and headed into the shopping mall where he hoped he could merge with the crowd and become invisible. Within the first 2 minutes however that was to prove impossible. First a man saw him coming and immediately opened the door open for him, saying “There you are, my dear!” and while he was saying than you to the gentleman a male in his early 20s walked by and stared at him with a look on his face that was clearly lust and not disgust. His attention was so distracted that he duly walked into the glass doors of the Mall causing some shoppers to laugh and others to shake their heads at his obvious attraction to the opposite sex.

This was crazy, Robert thought to himself. He was a 30 year old man for goodness sake, although clearly his hip sway and small steps were projecting a different persona and it was clear her was unlikely to be “unveiled” by anyone which gave him more confidence as he saw his first target shop – Claire’s®

Scott’s comment about a lack of rings reminded Robert that a girl his age would be wearing such things and the items in this shop were cheap enough for him to treat himself. He found bangles that looked cute and a couple of necklaces that would enhance his neckline. Then he chose a couple of zirconium rings that looked really classy and had the sales assistant size his fingers so they fitted perfectly. It was while she was doing so he saw the sign – ear piercing available. He knew most girls had this done when really young and it would be strange that his were not pierced at his age. For a second he swithered but then thought guys get theirs done too don’t they? A few moments later he was choosing studs to go into his newly perforated earlobes.

All the time, the shop assistant was calling Robert “miss” and “dear” and with his slender hands, varnished nails and makeup he was clearly convincing at close quarters as well as from a distance. That pleased him greatly and bolstered his confidence level so there was more of a sway in his step as he emerged back into the mall and headed for the department store that was his next target.

It felt strange walking into the women’s wear section of the shop and browsing its stock but once more, his presence was not making any waves. Nobody was pointing at him, nobody screamed “He’s not a woman!” and no mothers needed to pull their child away from the freak in the dress. Instead he was free to check out pretty blouses and skirts, admire lacy underwear and crop tops that looked fun to try but would need a little more confidence than he currently had.

His target however was soon found and he gazed at the skin tight denims – skinny jeans that enhance your legs and make you look taller and slimmer. Every girl wants to wear them and Robert knew Bobbi needed to get herself some. He picked up a few examples in his size and made his way to the changing rooms. For a second he paused at the entrance which said “Ladies Changing” but the sales assistant nearby said “Its OK, dear, there’s a cubicle free!” and he headed on in and pulled the curtain behind him.

Robert smiled as he learned what every woman knows. Skinny jeans are the devil to get into! They demand the wearer to contort themselves and heave the material up their legs all in the name of fashion but after 5 minutes of extensive effort he had the slightly elevated waistline tied and his legs covered. Holding his sweater dress up so that he could see all the denims, he posed at the mirror and laughed. His legs looked amazing! He turned to each side and even glanced over his shoulder to check out his backside and mumbled “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my goddess I’m beautiful!! As he twerked at the mirror. He put the ankle boots back on and they only added to the effect of elevating his legs to perfection. He had to own these!

5 minutes later he was standing at the pay desk with two pairs of skinny jeans – one blue and one black - some joggers in black and dark blue plus a pink blouse he had spotted on a sale rack and was drawn to it by its half cup sleeve and the glitter name “babe” written on its chest. He felt he was a total babe in those jeans and he couldn’t wait to get home and wear them with the new top.

“Oh – My – God!!”

The voice came from behind him in the queue and he recognised it immediately.

“Excuse me?” her voice called out and Robert turned around slowly to face Angela from his office. One of the loudest and liveliest of the girls in the team who lived on gossip and rumours.

He felt like a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti plains who was spotted by a pack of lions. All he could hope for was that they had already fed for the day.

Robert didn’t know what to say. Could he pretend to be a family member who just looked like him or should he say it was a dare to go out like this. Before he could make any excuse however, Angela let rip.

“Girl, that is just the sweetest blouse ever, did you take the last one or are there still some in my size somewhere?”

Robert exhaled. “It was on the sale rack over by the leggings – I think I saw a couple more on display though” he said and pointed his colleague to the racks in the distance.

“Thanks so much! Love that sweater dress by the way - really enhances your figure! God I wish I had a bod like you!” Angela said and she turned and headed for the sales stand.

Robert turned to find he was next in line so he handed over his purchases and used the contact free debit card from his purse to make payment. Moments later he was walking out of the shop with his carrier bag of clothes and the realisation that even his co-worker hadn’t spotted him. He knew the black wig would help of course but his eyes, nose and mouth were still the same. Perhaps the fact that he never got involved with the rest of the workforce meant they didn’t really remember his face. That fact, which would have disappointed him in the past, was now his saving grace. This gazelle would live another day. Robert then made a mental note not to watch so much David Attenborough documentaries.

He walked outside of the Mall and into the streets of the old town centre where the charity stores found cheaper rates and could afford their retail shops. Robert quickly found some more tops and a pair of dungarees which had a floral embroidered breast panel as well as highlights around the pockets. He was embarrassed to pay only £10 for what would have cost ten times that in the store he had just visited but he was grateful for the saving given that he was watching the pennies these days.

He realised that he had not eaten lunch and it was now past 2,30pm. He decided to grab something in town before he headed home so entered a small café next to the Mall and sat at a table near the window.

“Yes Miss, what can we get you?” the server asked and Robert smiled and ordered a cheese toastie and black coffee. While he waited for service he relaxed and thought back on how successful his trip into town had been. He had passed the test and been accepted as a woman by everyone and had bought items to enhance his collection of Bobbi clothing.

What’s more, he had enjoyed himself. Men shopped for what they needed and left. As Bobbi though, Robert had felt comfortable browsing in the department store and had he not done so he would have missed out on that cute blouse. He also had spotted some pretty underwear that he hoped he could come back for as his confidence grew and he might even buy some more earrings now that he had pierced his ears, He slid his hand through his hair to touch the little stud and reminded himself to keep rotating the stud for the next day or two to ensure the hole sealed independent of the stud. Maybe he should wear his hair back to show off his earrings more. He quite liked his natural hair colour but it would be months before it grew our enough to be able to go wig free. Perhaps he’d buy a blonde pixie cut example to give him another look? He had so many options now!

“There you are pet” the server said as he presented the toastie and coffee before Robert. He was about to take a chunk out of the hot cheese sandwich when he remembered who he was at that moment and instead cut a small chunk off and chewed it gently. The seat looked out of the window and he found himself people watching, identifying which outfits he felt would suit him and which didn’t. He was drawn to the shoes that the females were wearing and chuckled to himself. Only a matter of days from his first tentative steps at cross dressing, he was already critiquing natural women on their dress sense.

Robert smiled to see the lipstick rim on his coffee cup then realised that perhaps his makeup needed a touch up and a visit to the smallest room would be prudent before the bus journey home. An older lady, probably around his mother’s age, sat at the next table and he leaned across and said “Excuse me could you possibly keep an eye on those shopping bags for me for a moment while I nip into the ladies?” She smiled broadly “Of course dear – take your time!” Robert walked confidently through the coffee shop and through the door marked 'Ladies' without a pause, displaying his new found confidence.

Of course the ladies toilets were a new experience for Robert but he knew enough to expect what he found – a row of cubicles and a large mirror with seating where one could repair their makeup. He decided to head for the cubicles first so that he was not caught short later. He slipped into the first available and hoisted up his sweater dress so that he could pull down his panties and sit down. He was aware that someone else was in the stall next to his and so he tried to mimic the sound he could hear to avoid detection once completed he automatically took some toilet paper as though to wipe since this was the accepted norm. He even wiped front to back as is the protocol before letting the paper drop into the bowl. He then got up, pulled up his panties and pulled down his dress before flushing the toilet. Phase one completed successfully.

When he emerged from the cubicle there were two females sitting at the mirror and Robert noticed that there had only been two seats so he was left to stand. “I’m almost done, dear. Won’t be a moment” the older of the pair said as she applied some fresh mascara before popping it into her handbag. “Can I just say how pretty you look in that dress, dear?” she added. “Such a timeless look and so smart!.” Robert smiled and said “Thank you! I love your jacket . . . Oh lord almighty what am I like!” The woman seemed shocked and Robert quickly apologised. “I’m sorry only I came out shopping 3 hours ago to buy myself a jacket and forgot all about it! I got some trousers, leggings, blouse and tops instead!”

The lady laughed “That’s perfectly normal for us females isn’t it? Once we get in a shop all plans go out the window and we end up buying things we never really needed just because they look lovely! At least you remembered before you got home and had to come back out again tomorrow!” The younger girl sitting next to her said “I was in McDonnell’s on the 2nd floor earlier and they had some lovely jackets with 30% discount. You might want to check them out before you start searching?” “Thank you! I will!” Robert said as he took the chair being vacated by the older lady.

Robert checked his face. To be fair, it looked fine. Nothing appeared smudged or marked so he simply added a light powdering as he had been shown on a YouTube tutorial and then reapplied his lipstick, using a tissue and a hint of powder to help make the colour set and last longer. If he was going back into the Mall shopping he may be late home.

The girl at the mirror was talking to Robert all the time he was doing his face, talking about what she had bought that afternoon and what some social media guru had said about an unknown brand of cosmetics and Robert feigned interest as he popped his lipstick back in his handbag. “Oh and you MUST get your boyfriend to take you to see the new Bond film in the cinema! I’m not usually into action movies but the baddie in the film is so hot you kind of want to cheer him on instead!” Robert laughed and was about to say he was still single but instead said “I’ll remember that! Might score some brownie points by suggesting we go to an action movie. Always good to keep them happy, especially when you’ve just been out shopping !!”

They emerged together from the toilet and returned to their respective tables. Robert thanked the lady who had been watching his shopping and asked the server for his bill. He had the cash in his purse and so paid that way, leaving a little something for the server. He liked the coffee shop and wanted to come back.

He decided to check the charity shop he had visited earlier for a jacket. He had forgotten to look for one there and they seemed to have nice clothes He was rewarded when he went in and immediately found a black collared jacket that could be worn formal or casual and it was stupid cheap like the majority of items in the shop. Feeling happy with his purchase Robert decided he would walk back through the Mall to see what the jackets in McDougall’s were like and how much he had saved by not shopping there.

When he entered the shop however, he saw the styles were very different from the charity shop. These jackets were trendy and cool and his eyes were drawn to a black faux leather example with no collar, zip fastening and pockets. He knew it would look perfect with his black skinny jeans in the shopping bag. He was only 30 and no old maid. He could carry this look off. There was indeed 30% off taking the price of the jacket down to £80.99. It was more expensive than everything else he had bought combined but he knew he must have it.

As he walked back to the bus stop with all his shopping bags he realised he had bought more clothing in that one afternoon than he had done in the past 8 years or so. Somehow buying for Bobbi was way more fun than for himself. He could barely contain his excitement on the journey home and couldn’t wait to empty the bags and try on his new purchases.

It was after 7pm before he had exhausted himself on the manikin parade associated with the purchases he had made and the different looks he could create with his existing clothes and the latest additions. Eventually he slipped into a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt and padded into the kitchen to see what he could prepare for his evening meal. If he was going to wear those skinny jeans regularly he would need to ensure he didn’t put on more weight so he chose a chicken fillet with rice and a glass of water. He wanted to maintain his looks and decided that would involve taking his calorie intake seriously.

Sitting on the sofa later on while some game show played on the television, Robert’s mind went back to when he had sat there alongside Scott and he leaned into the sofa and sniffed to see if he could find any trace of his visitor’s cologne but without success. He drew his legs up onto the sofa and curled up hugging a cushion. Scott had left a real impression on him and he wondered if Scott was sitting thinking about Bobbi. He noticed the business card lying on the coffee table and picked it up. It read Scott Parker LLB (Hons) Partner, Graeme Parker & Son Solicitors with his business address and contact telephone. On the reverse it read personal e-mail [email protected] and his mobile phone number.

Robert looked at it for a few moments remembering the tall, athletic man with the boyish hair, glistening hazel eyes and the ever present smile on his lips and he wondered what it would feel like to be kissed by those lips. He drew the card to his mouth and kissed it, imagining it was Scott himself. leaving a perfect impression of his own lipstick on the card. He sighed and squeezed the cushion that little bit tighter.

Not wanting the trouble of removing the make up stains from his bedding, he washed his face thoroughly and remembered to disinfect his new piercings before going to bed. He looked at the drab décor that he had disregarded for so many years and decided that he would redecorate in the coming weeks to give the room a brighter, lighter, softer feel. Maybe even refresh some of the furnishings and certainly the bedding. It would cost a bit but it would be worth it and make things more align to Bobbi and her more positive persona. Robert was going to be restricted to working hours only. Outwith those times, there would be a girl living at this address. The thought sent him off into a comfortable night’s sleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

On Sunday morning Robert rose feeling wonderfully relaxed. Saturday had been a wonderful day with so many positives and he was going to enjoy Sunday as Bobbi. He squeezed into a pair of skinny jeans and put on a gypsy blouse he had found in the charity shop and paid £2 for. It was white with a floral display across the chest, three quarter sleeve and a slightly ribbed effect around the shoulders. It felt very feminine.

After breakfast he turned up the music on one of the pop stations and set about cleaning the house. He had to admit he hadn’t been attending to the cleaning so much in his mothers final months and when she was taken into the hospice and wasn’t around to nag him about it he had stopped altogether. Now it was time to make amends. He began by dusting all the surfaces and polishing the woodwork. Washing window blinds followed and then the vacuuming of the carpets and upholstery as well as the curtains meant that by lunchtime the lounge was looking – and smelling fresher than it had for some time.

Robert ate a bowl of muesli mixed in with a natural yoghurt and a piece of fresh fruit as his lunch washed down with a black coffee, The bathroom and kitchen would be next for the cleaning regime, all the time accompanied by him singing along to Shania Twain, or Ariana Grande which somehow Robert seemed to know through osmosis from background television or radio he had been exposed to. Now as Bobbi, it was the music of his life and it resonated with him.

By the time he had finished the deep cleaning of his kitchen it was time for Robert to prepare his evening meal. He had a fish fillet in the freezer that he knew he needed to eat before it went off so he took it out to defrost and prepared a baked potato and some green beans to accompany it. The idea of a smarter diet really excited him and he was now motivated towards something that he should have been doing years before.. The Bobbi effect was going to be good on so many levels.

After dinner, Robert sat down with his computer and read up on how to make a male haircut look more feminine. He had gone without a wig today, as much to allow him to admire his new ear piercing as anything, but he knew that his current hair style was not feminine enough and he wanted options. All the websites however said to simply let your existing hair grow out over 6 months to a year and so he knew he was going to have to wear a wig for a while yet.

He decided to research some low cost female clothing websites so that he could increase his options without incurring crippling bills and there seemed to be several low cost options open to him. He knew the quality would be lower as a result but he considered most would only be worn in the privacy of his home. He book marked the sites and moved on to make up. His mother’s stash was fine for the short term but he needed to know what his own skin tone was and what make up would best accentuate and enhance. There was an advert on line for free assessments sponsored by a well known make up brand, to be undertaken in the large department store in town, by appointment only. He decided he would book a time for the following weekend and attend as Bobbi and hope that they would not see through the deception.

Finally Robert checked out a shoes website and marvelled at the range of styles and colours available in all sizes. He was a ladies size 7 shoe which was considered reasonably large but still within the mainstream meaning there were thousands of styles to choose from, many with a wider fitting which would make it more comfortable for him to wear. His mind was filled with the options available to him and he wished he had more disposable income to allow him to feed on the opportunities being a woman would bring but for now he could simply imagine what could be and that was enough.

Eventually his cleaning work made him weary and ready for bed. He showered and washed his make up off, then removed his finger nail varnish before applying a little skin moisturiser and slipping into a nightdress he had acquired from his mother’s stock and slid into bed. Being Bobbi was wonderful, he thought as he switched off the bedside lamp and fell fast asleep.

Nobody likes Monday’s and Robert was particularly unhappy to see this one. He needed to go to work as Robert in his boring old grey trousers, white shirt and grey tie with matching black shoes. His life as a male was decidedly monochrome when compared to his alter ego. He wanted to be Bobbi but knew she would have to wait until he got home after 5pm. He poured himself a bowl of bran flakes and made a cup of coffee and took them through to the living room so he could watch the breakfast news before heading for the office.

That was when he spotted the lipstick stained business card on the coffee table. Damn! He had those forms to sign and return to Scott’s office today! He quickly found the paperwork and the areas where he needed to leave his signature. For a second he wanted to sign Bobbi Mitchell and replace the “o” with a heart but he reminded himself that these were legal documents and Bobbi Mitchell did not actually exist in the eyes of the law so if he wanted to see his mother’s legacy come into his bank account he needed to sign Robert Mitchell like he usually did and add today’s date – May 29th – to keep things moving in the right direction. He carefully folded the forms and placed them inside his bag he took to work each day. Who knows, maybe he’d get to see Scott in the office when he popped in. The thought sent a wave of pleasure through Robert’s body until he noted the time and realised he needed to finish breakfast and get on his way. Being late would only make his boss more aggressive towards him and make his day that little bit worse.
_ _ _ _ _ _

Robert’s morning went as boringly as it always did. Mundane workload,, lack of stimulus and minimal colleague interaction. That was until he went to the kitchen to make himself a coffee and in walked Angela, the office loudmouth. She stood for a moment and looked at him with quizzical eyes and he was certain she was connecting the dots and recognising him as the girl she had seen in the Mall on Saturday. He was about to say something in explanation when she said “You’ve pierced your ears.” “Yes” he replied “been meaning to for years so just went for it at the weekend.” She went over to the kettle and poured herself a mug of tea and said “Never thought you were the trendy type. Goes to show, its always the quiet ones” and with that she left the room. Robert smiled to himself and turned the studs as he whispered under his breath “If only you knew!”.

When lunchtime came he went for a walk down into the town centre and to the offices of Graeme Parker & Son Solicitors. A reception desk sat remote from the rest of the office so when he handed over the paperwork and said it was for Scott Parker the girl just said she would make sure he got it and bid him good day. Robert turned and left, disappointed he hadn’t glanced him in his workplace. The rest of his mother’s estate paperwork might be dealt with by post and they would never meet again.

He turned and walked back down the street past a coffee shop and as he did he caught a glimpse of Scott sat at a table near the window, eating alone. He stood for a second to be sure it was Scott and then realised he was conspicuous standing in the road so he walked closer to the window as though he were reading the menu and deciding whether or not to go inside. He managed a couple of quick looks and felt his body tingle with excitement. This was madness. Another man should not excite him so much. Besides which, he had lingered too long at the window already, so he walked away and headed back towards his office.

Inside the coffee shop, Scott smiled. He had noticed the man from his peripheral vision and knew he had just stepped out of his office. There was enough resemblance in the height and facial features for him to be sure that he had seen Bobbi Mitchell in her male form. He knew he wanted to get to know Bobbi better and was ready to make the next move.

The rest of the working day went by slowly for Robert but when 5pm arrived he was quick to leave his desk behind and make his way home. He rushed through the door and immediately stripped off his workwear and slipped into a floral summer dress he had found in his mother’s collection and a pair of white sandals. He placed the new blonde bob wig on his head and applied some light make up and a splash of perfume. When he examined himself in the mirror he smiled broadly. He was pretty again, a young woman without a care in the world.

He began singing “I feel pretty, oh so pretty – I feel pretty and witty and bright – and I pity any girl isn’t me tonight!” and danced out into the hall heading towards the kitchen. As he did, the telephone rang. He checked to see who was calling but the display simply red “unknown caller” so he siged. It would be another unsolicited sales call, he thought so he lifted the received and said “Hello. We are not interested in whatever you are selling so please take us off your database. Thank you.” He has about to drop the receiver when a voice said “Bobbi? Bobbi is that you? Its Scott – Scott Parker – hello?”

Robert’s heart skipped a beat and he quickly answered back. “Oh Scott – Hi - em sorry, I thought you were selling me something. How are you?” then he cringed. That sounded too friendly a question to someone you only know on business terms. Before he could correct himself though Scott replied “I’m great thanks. I was calling to thank Robert for dropping in the paperwork today, is he around?”

Robert shook his head unnecessarily as he said “Em – no, he’s not I’m afraid he’s . . . working late at the office this evening, but I’ll pass on your message when he does come in. Was there anything else?” Again he cringed. That sounded like he wanted to hang up on Scott when the truth was very much the opposite.

Scott cleared his throat. “There is actually, Bobbi, em, I’ve got a couple of tickets to a special screening of the new Bond movie at the Odeon for tomorrow night because we do a lot of their legal work and I just wondered if you would like to go see the film . . . with me .. . .assuming you’re still around of course and not heading back home before then or whatever?”

Robert stared at the wall in a state of shock. He was being asked out on a date by another man – a handsome young man who made him tingle inside and who was a successful businessman in the town. The shock and scandal that would result from his exposure as a man pretending to be a woman would rock the town at its core and make him a laughing stock!

“Hello? Hello are you still there Bobbi?” the voice on the line said.

“Em . . em sorry, yes, I’m still here” he managed to blurt out.

“if you’re free I can pick you up around 6 – its an early showing so maybe we can grab a bite to eat after the film and have you back by 10:30 - 11pm if that was alright?

Robert’s mind was in turmoil, He would need to leave work early in order to be ready for his date at 6 – wait, was he even thinking about accepting?!!

“Bobbi? Can you hear me?”

“Em . . yes, sorry Scott I was not expecting this offer, its very kind of you but . . “

“Bobbi, when I met you on Saturday I found you a very interesting and attractive young lady and I would love to spend a little more time with you to get to know you better. I’m told this is one of the best Bond films to date and I know the other performances are sold out this week. I’d hate to sit alone in the theatre. You’d do me a great favour by accompanying me, what do you say?”

Robert could almost hear Scott’s smile down the phone. His body was trembling with excitement and every nerve in his body was screaming yes to his brain. His brain wanted to say no but the rest of his being overrided it. “I’d love that Scott, thank you so much” he heard himself say and then Scott reply “Marvellous! I’ll pick you up at 6pm then!”

Robert interrupted his date “Wait! What should I wear?” he almost shouted and then regretted it immediately.

Scott gave a little chuckle as he responded “It’s not a formal event, Bobbi, I’ll probably be in denims if that helps, but you do look cute in that red dress you wore on Saturday! OK, take care and I’ll see you 6pm tomorrow night.”

Robert responded “OK, Thanks again, Scott, goodnight!” and heard Scott say “goodnight” back before the line went dead.

( concludes in Chapter 3 . . . coming shortly ! )

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Not to watch so many nature documentaries..

Lucy Perkins's picture

That line had me laughing out loud!
A lovely continuation of the story. I love the little hint that Scott knows exactly who Bobbi is, and is absolutely fine with it. I am really enjoying this and do hope that you have a happy ending planned for the two of them.
Lucy xx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."

David Attenborough has a lot to answer for

SuziAuchentiber's picture

Thanks Lucy! - I tend to type as though I am talking half the time and little phrases appear that my friends would recognise !! Glad you're enjoying it so far. Conclusion should follow in a couple of days !


Suzi's Boy Who Never was

Suzi, I like the story's premise and how you carry it out—2/3 of the way there. Like Bobbi, I never was so interested in guys until my femme identity kicked in.

Hug, Jessie C

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

Thanks Jessica - yea, its all

SuziAuchentiber's picture

Thanks Jessica - yea, its all about a mindset. People need to remove pre-programmed opinions from their parents or family peers and come at things with a blank sheet. I worked with a gay lad who was the sweetest of humans and a lesbian girl who was a total b'tch and it taught me that sexuality should not define you. People are people and you should love people who are lovely whatever their orientation. The world needs more love - male, female, straight, transgender, bi-sexaul, non-binary . . . Fewer people die from love than hate !!!



Robertlouis's picture

Things are happening very quickly for our heroine. Let’s hope that nothing topples off the rails in Part 3. Nice writing as always, Suzi.


Thanks Robert - sometimes

SuziAuchentiber's picture

Thanks Robert - sometimes fate decides what path you are taking . . . we will see !!!


Scott Knows

joannebarbarella's picture

Exactly who Bobbi is. He sussed Robert out from the coffee shop. I'm assuming that he's not a troll and is genuinely interested in knowing her.

I could only wish that I could make the transition so easily.

Sometimes somebody knows you

SuziAuchentiber's picture

Sometimes somebody knows you better than you know yourself . . . . Transitions can be slow burners but the journey is usually what makes you stronger and makes you the person you always were meant to be. Trust fate to take you where you belong. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings!!


Following the her steps

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

It's nice, following Bobbi's steps into her new world. My heart did stop for a moment when Angela spoke to her in the mall... fearing of course that all would come unraveled.

Nicely done. I'm looking forward to the rest of her transformation.


- iolanthe

Aw thanks !!!

SuziAuchentiber's picture

Just because I read your wonderful stories doesn't mean you have to endure my ramblings !! But thanks for taking the time ( won't take you too long - I haven't the craft for intregue or deception just yet but maybe in time . . . !! )
