What am I doing?

What am I doing?
By Daring Diane

“Billy, I let you move in, because I needed someone to cover half the rent and utilities. It’s been months and I’m running out of savings.”

“I spent everything completing my degree.”

“Great. You have a college degree. It’s time to get a job.”

“I apply every day. No one is hiring.”

“You need a job. Work at Starbucks or some restaurant.”

“I’m not working fast food. I checked out 10 restaurants, but they only want waitresses and buff guys.”

“That’s certainly not you,” she said chuckling.

Shaking his head, he sunk back into the couch. A nerd most of his life, he avoided high school sports since he was the smallest boy in the school. Most of the girls were bigger. With good grades, he earned a good scholarship. School loans filled in the rest. Soon, he’d have to start paying on those loans.

Relatives said, he was a late bloomer. 4 years later, the height, body hair and muscles had not shown up. A business degree with emphasis on marketing and art should get me into sales, marketing or advertising. All evidence to the contrary.

“What happened at that sports company?”

Staring at his lap, he shook his head, trying to avoid tears. “Every other candidate looked like a football player. The interviewer appeared shaking the hand of another giant. Glancing at me and laughing, he said that secretary interviews were tomorrow and to come back. As everyone laughed, the secretary called me over. Scanning the office at other women, she quietly recommended a new hairstyle and better makeup or they wouldn’t hire me.”

Mad, Suzy declared, “They can’t do that.” With a sly grin, she added, “Although, your long hair could use a new cut.”

“Sales and marketing job interviewer are all over six feet tall and seem disappointed interviewing me.”

“You need different companies.”

As we scanned job boards, Suzy said, “What about this? Entry level marketing position. Open interviews Monday. They want marketing and art in their background. It’s three blocks away in the business park.”

“What company?”

“AA-Perfection. Let’s pull up the website.”

“Is that a bra?” he exclaimed.

Suzy said, “Interesting. They are focused on selling intimates for the less endowed market. Bras, matching panties and slips. This is a great niche.”

“Bras? You want me selling bras? And panties? They are not going to hire a guy for their marketing?”

“They are not allowed to be biased based on gender. It’s the law.”

“Yeah, just like the men’s companies aren’t allowed to only hire big guys.”

As they perused the website, Billy giggled, muttering under his breath, “They should market to all the crossdressers. Guys certainly aren’t well-endowed.”

Eyes wide, Suzy’s head turned until she was staring at him.

“What?” he asked.

“That is a great idea. It would have to be done carefully so they didn’t alienate female clients. You have to apply.”

They sat there, staring at the website.

Suzy finally said, “You’re qualified and it’s entry level so they don’t expect work experience. You already have unique ideas.”

“Suzy, they don’t have a guy fitting you for a new bra at your favorite store. I assume that if they did, you would avoid him like the plague.”

“That’s true, but historically, bra companies were owned and run by men. Therefore, marketing for bras was done my men.”

The two of them sat in silence.

“You need a job and this job is perfect. You have to distinguish yourself from other candidates.”

“How do I do that?”

“What if you showed up and said you liked their products and you were a customer?”

“I don’t use their products.”

In a drawn out response, Suzy said. “You could. You could wear them to the interview.”

“Right. I already have inferiority issues. You think the solution is for me to wear panties to interview?”


He stared at his sister.

“If you won’t work with me and apply for this job, then you can move out.”

“You’re not serious.”

“As a heart attack. I can’t be on the street because you are stupid. It’s Friday night. You can move out by Sunday. A girl at work is willing to move in.”

“Fine. I’ll interview on Monday, but they won’t hire me.”

“This is an emergency. I need you to pay part of the rent. A few weeks on the streets might motivate you. We can ensure you get this job. Man up!”

“What do I have to do?”

“Stand up.”

Suzy measured his chest, waist and hips.

“Why would you waste your time? Last week, you said it was too bad I was a boy since all my clothes fit you perfectly. We’re the same size. I told you to borrow anything you wanted.”

“Good point.” Suzy answered with a snicker. “I have to run to the store. I’ll bring back pizza.”

* * * * * * * * * *

“I thought you were only getting pizza.”

“Hardly,” Suzy responded. Besides pizza, in her other hand were bags from the department store.

As they ate, Suzy ignored Billy’s stares at the shopping bags.

Sitting across from Billy, Suzy said, “You’re applying at AA-Perfection?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Presenting a pink bottle, she said, “Put your hair in this hair net. Apply this everywhere below your neck, wait 15 minutes and shower off.”

“That’s hair remover.”

“Yes. You can’t convince someone you seriously wear panties and a bra if you have body hair.”

“It’s an interview. No one will be disrobing.”

“Get your head in the game. You don’t know what they will ask. Wearing a bra with body hair will chafe your skin and be annoying. Same thing with panties. Girls like to be smooth. Nice panties and bras feel wonderful on smooth skin. You’ll see.”

“With no late growth spurt or manly muscles, a few body hairs felt like a small step confirming that I was a man.”

“With shoulder length hair and no facial hair, I don’t think it’s that big of a step. I love you bro, but you will never be a studly man.”

* * * * * * * * * *

Standing in the dry shower, he applied the cream. With cream everywhere, he got some near his crotch. Unsure how to wipe it off, he stood there.

Suzy knocked and said, “Turn towards the wall,” before entering the bathroom.

“You didn’t do your back.” she stated.

Shaking his head, Suzy spread the cream down his back to his buttocks. “Wait 15 minutes before showering. Use my shampoo and conditioner.”

The burning was irritating as he turned the water on. What little body hair he possessed, rinsed away.

Climbing from the shower, his skin felt alive. He could feel the air brushing along his smooth skin.

From outside, Suzy said, “Use the lotion on the sink. Apply it from the neck down.”

At first, his skin seemed oily, but it was absorbed and enhanced the smooth feeling of being hairless. Considering his hairless situation, Suzy knocked, encouraging him to “hurry up.”

After a knock, the door cracked open and Suzy’s hand appeared with something white. “Put this on and come out.”

‘This’ was a white pair of panties made of cotton with something stretchy. Sliding up his legs almost tickled as his male attributes were engulfed and sucked in. The panties were surprisingly comfortable.

Unluckily, the panties highlighted his underendowed manhood. High school had been a nightmare in the locker room. Any time he played sports or worked out in college, he changed in the private.

He wouldn’t admit it to his sister, but he had never been intimate with a woman.

In the mirror of the bathroom, his skinny undeveloped body wearing panties looked more like a young girl than a boy, even without the bra which Suzy surely held outside the door.

Opening the door slowly, there it was. A white bra dangled from Suzy’s hand.

“Let me help you,” she said.

A moment later, she clasped the bra around his torso.

Glancing down, the bra hugged his body giving the impression of small perfectly formed breasts. What a nightmare? Returning to the bathroom, his worst fears were confirmed when he saw the young girl with wet hair staring back at him.

He heard Suzy say, “It fits perfectly.”

Not what he wanted to hear.

She added, “This is going to work.”

Did he want it to work? Their parents were gone and he had no friends who would put him up. Unable to live on the streets, he needed this job, but this wasn’t a guy wearing a bra and panties. He looked like a girl. How was that supposed to work? He thought they were going to suggest he was a guy who liked to wear girls’ underwear. The girl in the mirror needed this underwear. His mind was in turmoil.

Suzy pulled him away from the mirror and sat him at the vanity in her room. Running a wide-toothed comb through his hair, even she was re-evaluating their strategy. His hair was damp, full and hung to his shoulders. Long hair would be a benefit for this plan.

Using her hair dryer, she worked with his hair.

“I want to test something. Just go with me.”

He did not like the sound of that.

Exiting her closet, she held out a light blue blouse. It looked a lot like a men’s shirt with a collar, but he knew his sister did not have men’s shirts.

“Why are the buttons on the wrong side?”

“I have no idea. It’s just a thing with some girls’ shirts.

Moments later, she returned with what looked like a wad of fabric across her arm. It was a skirt. “Don’t give me that look. Just try it on.”

Stepping into the circle of fabric Suzy arranged on the floor, she pulled it up settling the stretchy waist around his torso. Hanging below the knee, material was light, flowy, and amazingly comfortable.

Pulling the closet door closed, exposed the mirror covering the entire closet door.

Bobbing his head up and noticing the reflection in the mirror, Billy’s body froze as his stare took in the girl in the mirror.

Observing the entirely female presentation, Suzy couldn’t determine Billy’s reaction. Wonder seemed to describe the facial presentation, but she wasn’t sure if there would be an explosion or breakdown. A tear escaped his left eye indicating a breakdown was imminent.

Moving to his side, she embraced him. Tears flowed as she squeezed his body tightly. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not!” Tears continued to flow. “My worst fears came to life in that mirror.”

“What do you mean?”

Shaking his head, he pushed into the crook of her neck and cried.

“Billy, tell me?”

Recovered from crying, he regained control of his breathing.

“Tell me. I love you.”

Taking a deep breath, he spoke. “I wanted so much to date in college. Sophomore year, girls laughed at me when I asked. Junior year, my chemistry teacher assigned a girl named Sherry as my lab partner. Cute, with a wonderful personality, I had a crush by the third class. She wasn’t dumb and pulled her weight. I proposed studying together for a test. We met at the library and both did well on the test. After that, we got together a couple of days a week to study science and math. We kidded casually and had fun. It was the first time I had a relationship like that with a girl. Going for ice cream after a long night studying, we each paid our way. Another night, we went for a pizza. I tried to pay, but she insisted on paying her half.

“For a campus Halloween party, she suggested we go as doctor and nurse. I was thrilled. She asked my sizes and arranged costumes. I gave her money. It thought we’d be wearing scrubs or something simple. She told me I needed white trainers.

“The night of the party, I opened my door to find Sherry wearing a white form-fitting dress that stopped at her knees with a stethoscope around her neck and a lab coat. Taller than me, she looked perfect. She seemed happy and excited as she handed me a bag.

“In my bathroom, I opened the bag. On top was a bra. I didn’t understand. White tights, white panties, a white dress, and a nurse’s hat. I couldn’t breathe. I stared for a few moments. The short-sleeved dress was stark white with buttons up the front and it wasn’t going to reach anywhere near my knees.

“Holding the dress, I walked into my room to ask about the costume. I noticed two things; her dress wasn’t white like the lab coat, it was a cream color and a name badge said, Dr. Sherry.

“I asked, her why I had a dress. She said, because that’s what nurses wore. I asked why I couldn’t be the doctor and she said the dress would be too big for me. I asked, why she wanted me to wear a dress. She said, I was her best friend and she wanted to share the evening with me like girlfriends. She insisted that with my face and hair, I’d be beautiful.

“She had destroyed all my dreams. Shoving her out, I slammed the door in her face. She was crying and kept trying to talk to me as I just cried on my bed. She left. I demanded a different lab partner and the teacher agreed. I ignored her. If I saw her coming, I ran away. She was in a class the next semester and I changed sections. I never asked another girl out. I still haven’t.”

Suzy bundled him into her arms. “I understand why you are upset.”

Taking a breath, Billy looked up. “The scary thing is, in the mirror, I realized she was right. I look pretty. I don’t want to look pretty, but I do.”

“Honey, I haven’t styled your hair or applied makeup. You will be gorgeous.”

“I don’t know how I am supposed to deal with this.”

Suzy looked him in the eye. “You need a job and this one is perfect. Do you think that if we practice all day Saturday and Sunday that you could take a chance and apply for this one job? For me, for you, for us?”

He’d leached off of her for too long. He needed to man up and do what was needed to get a job. “If you think I can pull this off, I’ll try, but you have to tell me if I’m going to fail. I’m trusting you. I don’t want to be a joke.”

“We’re going to have girl boot camp for the next two days. I’ll tell you on Sunday.”

“I’ll do it.”

After applying light makeup and styling his hair to not hang in his eyes, they looked in the mirror.

“Where is the man I want to be?”

“Billy, appearances don’t make you a man. It’s in your heart. Think of this as a costume needed to get a job.”


“We’re going for a walk in the neighborhood.”

“No, we’re not.”

“Yes, we are. If you can’t walk outside the door, we’re wasting our time. You have to be comfortable being seen by other people. Tomorrow, we’re going to the mall.”

He shook his head.

Suzy placed her hands on the sides of his face and stared into his eyes. “Everyone will think you are a beautiful girl. I won’t let you get hurt.”

Wearing trainers with no-show socks, he took a breath before Suzy opened the door.

Suzy held his hand and chatted about nonsense as they walked. Sitting on a bench in the park, Suzy reminded him to cross his legs.

Eventually, she had Billy laughing and he relaxed. Some elderly ladies chatted with them and he seemed fine.

At home, he admitted, “I had fun.”

Saturday morning, Suzy knocked on his door. As he stretched to wake up, he remembered his legs sliding between the covers. It felt wonderful.

She handed him a new pair of pink panties and matching bra along with a t-shirt and a soft stretchy skirt.

The panties and bra fit perfectly, like the previous day. The soft t-shirt was pink with a V-neck and small cap sleeves. The skirt was like a soft pair of shorts that only went a few inches below his panties. In the mirror, he was disturbingly turned on by his own image.

Dressed similarly, the two added trainers because they would be walking at the mall.

Suzy hung a white purse with a long strap around Billy’s neck and left arm. It draped to rest at his hip. “You have to get used to carrying a purse if you will be in public.”

‘Do I have to?’ he thought.

“Yes. I scheduled you for a 10:30 appointment Monday and sent your resume with the name Billie with an i-e.”

At the mall, Suzy dragged him into store after store. She forced him to try things on all day, while only buying a few things. After a quick lunch in the food court, he found himself sitting in a kiosk as some young girl popped holes in his ears. Suzy insisted, “It’s necessary and free with the purchase of a pair of earrings.”

All day long, Suzy corrected him on how to sit and use his hands. Suzy forced him to use the girl’s room several times. He had settled into the young female personality as the day progressed. He was tired at the end of a long day, but Suzy thought his presentation was acceptable for the Monday interview.

Sunday was more lessons. They walked in the park and went to a fast food restaurant for lunch. He used his purse, took money from his new female wallet and they visited the girl’s room to use the facilities and freshen up.

Over Sunday dinner, Suzy assured him, “You’re perfect and no one will suspect you.”

They went to bed early.

* * * * * * * * * *

After a shower, Suzy dressed him in another white bra and panty set along with matching camisole. She instructed him in pulling on white pantyhose. A white blouse with a tie at the neck was complimented by a black above the knee pencil skirt. Suzy fashioned his hair to hang straight surrounding his face and did his makeup.

With patent leather kitten heels, he donned a jacket that matched the skirt and was ready to go.

“I’ll drop you off. Since it is only three blocks, you can walk home afterward.”

She wished him, “Good Luck. Get that job,” as she drove away.

Taking a breath, Billy entered the office building.

* * * * * * * * * *

The receptionist’s nameplate said Leslie Moore. “Hi Leslie, I’m Billy Bennet.”

“Right on time. We like that.”

“I thought there would be more people applying for this job?” he stated as a question.

“There were hundreds of applicants. I thought we’d be interviewing for the next two weeks, but the project lead rescheduled all today’s interviews until Friday.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,” Billy said as he turned to leave. Disappointment was clear in his voice. He thought, ‘All of this was a waste of time.’

“No, you don’t understand.” He turned back. “After reviewing your resume, the project lead said that if your interview went well, we wouldn’t need to interview anyone else.”

Still standing, Billy muttered, “Now, I really don’t understand.”

Leslie said, “Apparently, you were perfect and she just wanted to talk to you in person.” Stepping closer, she whispered, “I think the job is yours. Welcome aboard. I’ll alert her that you are here. Take a seat and I’m sure it will just be a minute.”


In an uncertain haze, Billy sat against the wall wondering, ‘The job was his?’

* * * * * * * * * *

Being led down a hall, Leslie knocked on a door and as she opened it, she said, “Miss Jones, I have your 10:30, Billie Bennet.”

Sucking in his breath, Billy walked into the room, smiled and stared at the beautiful blonde woman who met his gaze with a 100-watt smile.

Totally unaware, Leslie departed, closing the door as Miss Jones moved around the desk.

Not breathing, Billy could not move as his eyes tracked her movement.

In less than 5 seconds, she had wrapped him in her arms and like a dream, she was kissing him.

Billy’s legs gave way, but she held him to her. All his late night dreams were not as nice as the reality of her soft lips. He could die happy right now

Breaking the kiss, Sherry whispered in his ear, “I knew fate would bring us back together. I’ve missed you so much.”

Staring at her questioningly, she said, “I saw your resume and knew it was my Billie. You’re beautiful and you’re hired. We’re a team again and this time, you’re not getting away.”

Who wanted to get away?

The End?

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